HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-01-14 january 14 , 1968 A Meetlnj Of the historic Dictriats COMMISelon wag held Jan. 14P 1958 Irrediately following the Hancock Churel Naring, Present were COMMO IT MOnVS Davis# Kettello MIM, Taylor and Parsons. Yr. Wilbur Asquith, lawyer and 'he one wic no or less "fathered'' the Act was present for a short wbile to discuss the "Purpose" and urelatiQv pparts of the Act* Onthe slectiOn new Officers: kr. Parsecs was nominated as Cho' non for this year but declined and sad ear some discussion it was ducided that Mr, evis and tiro Taylor will continue as Chairman and Eecretary until tune let Monti! the Hancock Church settlement, whichever comes first. Planet It was voted unaminously that Plan #20 colonial goergivn, so designated is considered Ina ?propriato as an addition to present structuree It one voted unanimously that the additicno represented by sketch 0e call d oy tho architect a colonial georglan type of arthictune is Inappropriate* It was unanimously voted that the addition represented by Scheme #4 which repretents a VerT m1nor modification of Sebetee X arbich was disapproved previously by the Commiscion to still Inappropriate* The disousnon reaulted in a tentative decNion to discuss ttose decisions with the Town kcunsel and if e apprewee$ will issue as finil notice of disapproval and in a letter of transmittal with this noticed offer to meet with the applicant to discuss with them pc sible alternate plans. It was n4ted that In Issuing this notice of disapproval,, jaragraph 3 must deflnitely be omitted* MOM= will ask Ur.Carm"110 Towz2 Clartt to make 6 copies of the epeeohas by Mr, Williso 0. 41son and Dr. Hunt. At the moment,, Ire Tovis has these to chow to Ur. 4tevens, A disousaion wag held on an idea of 9r. Kettell'a for au7paNions for th addition, In case this becomes necessary to pr sent to the applicanto Yooting ndjourned at 11:00 P.M* Wilho3mina G.Ihamar.Clerk, -rk bearing of the Historic Districts Commirelon was held or, ' ueLs ay, Onuarr 14 , 1958 at *7:30 P.M. in Fatabrook Hall on the application of the Hancock Congregational Church for a certificate of appropriate- ness as to the proposed erection of an addl= Ion to the existing building at 1912 yasa.4ve. which is within the battle Green Dlstriet. Ci ting were Commissioners vie, Kottellt amitho Taylor and Persona, V. Davis, Chairman* read the notice. Dr, Clifford Hunt Chairman of the Building Plans Comritteev as the applicant ; Mr. Harold D. Willis, of Boston, ,Architect; and Yr. Albert C. Wilson, Jr. of the Long Range Planning Committee of the Church all spoke allongth, Copies of these speeches are enclosed. Mr. Davis asked hr. Willis, Architect if he could furnish the Cc mission witYa detaall.a of colors, materials, eta. as these were not shown on the sketches submitted, He agreed* r. Roland Greeley: Asked what Is thp capacity of the parking space and what part of 1t would be retained if building were on the back. Dre Huntj capacity is from 110-11.2 cage and that 2/3 would be taken away ,,_Or building were an the back, r. w R.G eleys Spoke on what Is appropriateness? Spoke of the atmosphere of the Common, Mentioned Salem Common where the surrounding houses are c 1oce together but built by weaalthy men of commerce d reflect that atmosphere and those times, Framingham, where the buildings are more widely scattered, similar ar to ourrs. ai esierg uilt by as moreaabo ar gel class, the farm village, where all streets come on helter-skelter and as such, drawn tourits from all over the world. It we give one owner the rigVt to Increase their building, mane rule of appropriateness would permit another owner to do the same. Any house could be increased in sine. Then they Common would not reflect character expected and Common would be rulned because of relationship of buildings to each other and to the Common itself. 7o doub2e a wrong is not tc correct it. such. sa, beautiful,-precious exhibit must not; be ruined by a "tumor" on one sidee Charles W.: it let We are not thinking of the future then in regard to children. Are looking beelmarde and not to the future. Gordon ..hasec Church as It stands now is as real monstrosity, Stucco annex made it every worse, Better to keep it as it is now or better to greet pr^oblemo not only of Church out of improving Chuxth by addition to it and to Improve it In such a way that It will be much lose conspicuous than it: to now, Need clear thi ing$ forward not backwards* Klter-EoSandsp President of Lexington historical Society; Asked if he oculd ask a licaant if a vote of the Individual members of the Church had even been taken? Mr. Avis asked jr.Hunt if he eared to answer this. Cr. is No, Such as vote to now in committee being -2 Hancock hu bh - -prepared far the Church, Mr, 5an 0 said he and the mr sasbers of the Zoolety stood in book of the work tl e Comniselon was doing loot, Chapin Harris: Feels need of children is of great importance, WITS. Marion Thippies Oys th no are 9 peaks and gables In book of building* Could not a second story be built on :resent aanne Could it not: be etreamilinedoe Eve Hunts Can see no benefit from that, Mrs. Whip let Feels as much open space as possible around on :ment shaould be kept and does not like to close in around It, r. Wm. R. re3eleys Wished V sincerely apologize for than word"tumor" or" as used in regard to the honday School, should never have used tie word but meant that the bulk is inappropriate, r. Edward Rawoos :«woke of the: hardship clause which had been stressed. W ndre s If It bad suffic ent importance.,bearing on the fitsl In o of the Commission. Mr. visa Commission must consider the hardship angle* r. Rowsel Could a: le ,stow be sent to the Commission? r, David. Hearing open to putl.io and any halo.~ must be conelde d Ven. Are RoNses 6poks of the hours of the Sunday School and asked why 12 o'clock cou'd not be considered instead of later In the afternoon, Asked why O .day 6chool quarters c€auld, not be considered in the now church location? Horace Conlon; 6 t of Sunday k,^drools Said Committees we.re all. appointed by members of the church, not a raw develo-ment, that the need had been there for a long time, etc. SFr, Jackson: 6u t. of Sunday Seb9ol before Mr. Conlont Wind back up Mr, Conlon, A member of the Long Rangc PlannIng Committee. 5 Hardship the ' Is rote rated In thewelfare of th:a he old A n, second CXhsuxsch would not solve the prob am. r. H rriss Nby was the first application turned own goof why "no hardship"? r. Davisi "You have a houalng problem but after ax study of the act, problem, etc. do not believe it was considered that real hardship was dealt out to you until you have done more exploring for a more appropriate answer to tile probl , V Xro Davis said that was all the statement he cared to maaf;e* Dr,Norman Baler: said as letter sent out at Christmas to Church numbers. Zald on a return of 25% of members, it showed 4af lived in Lexington and 7 lived :outside Lexington* r. Jackson asked bare BroBoyer Uved. r. ill ieaaas falls opoke of sketches #2p and 4. Asked if :ketch #4 was not scheme X with slight modifications. ai,d he thought roof°line, over the anrox about the only change. Would still set Z2 feet of annex. Hancock Shurch Mr.Rabert hexri. as Very much disturbed over plans, Feels the Church has ca dusty both to the Church and to the Town. Thinks it would be a jr sat detriment to the suAdoundings, Vid the Church had a problem of growth but so do all other churches . is a tomporarrY problem but soul S be dealtwith* Build another OhUr he Beckwith: Asked regarding voluntary "Common' agreement, r. W cis explained WAs &xxl said It: bad been drawn to attention of aps,Aean't and that woo the reason for the fira;.t change in plans and postponement of first hearings r. Beckwitht bald alternatives have not teen thoroughly investign ed. Need room but there are other salternatiwes. 0 her church could be built before too long. Mr. -bases koet of oppo ition in Qppenranoe to tourists. Peels bull+lm3 could be Improved and not hurt. Thinks most any architect vould agree. r. Roland Greeley: laid he know a number of architects and thought there would be just as many swho disagreed* r. he in Hathaawa i Feels aanything that is di ne to the Church: would make It a urnher monstrosity. Feels t rrax.nission should not a"low n thi.WA, done tc take away value of these Al atonic istriets. -Thinks a new ci urco o0uld be built quickly ace, that in tan years we would et be evolved with same problem. Peels it we do build this additiono, it will WIT be Inadequate and merely putting off bul2diig of another church. Feels If this new church is posstponedw in about five years , another oc <.mittee will say. we need it bigger and is a substantial hardship. Pear. Corlanct Hardship doe& not mean money but means bo-ya and girls, Feels people, ( tourists) will think Church has grown with the To rz.Nelph Levis: Couldn't the architect be asked to mate plans nhowinT additl on In the rear` rs. Jones Couldn9t this addition " here be put here`o,moared around,* just trove it around to back?? Hearing xQourned at 9:00 P.M* ;rilhalr£sina Whomas, Clerk