HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-12-10 Dec. 100 1957 meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was hold p®ho immediately following the hearing of Godshall, 4 y Rd. Lexington, Present were Commissioners Davis, Smith, Persons, Taylor and Alternates Howard and also Mrs.Merriam' Alternate, The application for Earl N. & Florence H,Godshall, 4 Percy Rd. was approved and the certificate and notice of determination dictated. A letter was read from the Commonwealth of Pass . , Department of Commerce requesting ;hat we keep them informed of the Hancock Congregational Church application. The amendments, etc. to the Act now filed in the Legislature by Mr.Steven.s were -,read and copies will be sent to each Commissioner and alternate. A letter was dicated to Mr.Gayer, Town Engineer, asking for cooperation on signs, etc. The draft of a letter to every one living in the Districts, composed by Mr. Howard was read and Mr.Howard will see to getting, this t0printed". Paper will be given t o him at the next meeting. Inasmuch as this takes all the Long paper on hand, 500 more sheets are being ordered. Hancock Church: Mr, Stevens will appear in court neat Uonda-, and file an answer. He will urge an early date for the hearing, No one else need appear, Mr.Davis bad been asked if the Commission would sit down for an informal discussion with some one from the Hancock Church but in view of the impending court ca4,e, this was not judged to be a good idea and will not be done . After more discussicn, meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Wilhelmina G.Thomas ,Clerk Mrs.Merriam wile take pho>;o;-rpgha Ua.len by Mr.`ackson, nmdber and catalog thus. etc. Dec. 10y 1957 Ameetin� of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 7.30 P.M. on Dec. loth 1957 in the Selectmen's Room on the application of Earl N. & Florence H. Godshall for a certificate of ap ropriateness as tb ihe proposed exterior repairs and painting of the bui? 'ing at4 Fercy Rd.Lexington,Masa. which is within the Munroe Tavern ;:ristrict. Present were Commissioners Davis, Smith, Parsons , 'Taylor and Alternate Howard. Also present was Mrs.Merriam Alternate and 5 others. Mr. I)avia read the notice. ",r. Custance , Ccntractor for Mrs. Godshall said the- were submitting a sample of the shingles and sample of paint. Said rail in back is now stucco but would be replaced b.y an open rail, same as others. Two chimneys have been replaced$ same as before in red brick. Roof to be shingled on rear and the side opposite Mass.Ave. Are in bad shape. Slack as It shingles will be used as the ones now on are woody aX1K tx asphalt treated and impossible to replace. The ones now on are black. ( This work will be ap the uphill and rear sides of house . ) will probably have to replace some gutters, which are now wooden. The back porch will have to be repaired( off kitchen) . Will hcive to replace a door on second door. . On the painting. Mrs.Godshall said she wants the stucco to be the predominant color and wants Ivory. Trim would be a medium brown. .both of these as per sample . Blinds, doors, windows, etc. would be brown too. Two coats of paint on stucco. Meeting adjourned at 7:43 P.M. wilhelmina G.Thomas,Clerk