HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-02-07 Feb. 7, 1957
A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission as held
Thursday, Feb. 7, 1957 in the Selectmen's Room, Town Hall#
at approximately 8:40 P.T . Present; Messrs. Taylor, Smith,
Howard, Kettell, Davis and Mrs. Merriam.
fir. Davis said. Tyr. Clarence Talker desired to apply for a
certificate of appropriateness on a proposed dwelling, Lot It
Tavern tone and wanted to know if from a sketch showing just
the front, the Commission thought he was justified in going
ahead with the rest of the plans , etc, It was felt that
this request was reasonable as it is not the desire of the
Commission to impose hardship. From what was seen, it was
decided to tell Maim to go ahead with rest of plans.
Mr. Dexter Smith theca suggested a tentative budget and it
wet decided after some discussion to pV this in for expenses.
at 1.00 00 per month or $1200,00 a year. Mr,Qmithwas
asked to fill in budget forms and give them to Mr, Davis
for signature. Mr.Smi.th is going to have printed Certificate
of appropriateness forms. Three copies each will be used,
one for applicant, one ,for Town Clerk and one copy for the
r. Howard, will look over other forms secured from other
commissions and see how they can be adapted to our needs.
Tyr. Nattell will one the Town Engineer who is preparing 100
scale maps of three areas showing .all existing dwellingst
structures, Sot numbers and house numbers. Town Engineer
we understand is now working on these. Mr,Kottell was asked,
to find out how he Is coaxing along, as we need them.
r. Davie had asked that they orient amps so that ado^tea is up,
The next hearing$ Mr. Clarence Walkerts: will be published
Feb. 14th. Next hearing will be Tueaday, March 5th or
Wednesday March 6th, Tyr. Taylor will clear the date with
Mr.Carroll for publication, etc.
It was decided that bills would be approved by the Commission,
signed by Tyr. Taylor, then Rivera to Tire. Thomsgs for recording
and will then be given by her to Town for payment.
Meeting adjourned at 9:28 P. •
Respectfully submitted,
Wilhelmina GeThomas, Secretary
FlebrLuary 7, 1957
hearing; was held T'haredgy , Feb. 7, 1957 by the Historic
Districts Commission in the Selectmen isRoom, Town bale.,
for the Cary Venorlal Library Building Addition Committees
at 8:00 P.M, Tho*e sitting on this Conniselon, were UrNharles
Dovi.: , Chairmana Mr. Dexter Smith, Mr. Arnold Howard(alternate) ,
r. Russell Kettell and Mrs. Robert Merriam( alternate).
r. Floyd Taylor disqualified himself 'becauee of his position
to a LJbrar.7 Trustee. Mr. Philip Orsons was absent,
r. Davis opened the bearing by saying that; this was the first
bearing being held under the recently formed Commission as set
forth in Gmm ter 447, The hearing at this time is to review plans
of addition to the Cary Memorial Library and consider issuance
of certificate eaf appropriateness under this act. He Baked
that each person wishing to speak:, please speak to the point
and after they are recognized to pleases give their nano and
r, Xohn Holdings 1106 bass. Ave. , Chairman of Bul'ding Committees
shored.,, on a screen, picture of existing Library* describing it
as a, middle American type of architecture* Said the plan Is
to clean tap the building and make it brighter. Would change red
roof to a great'. They will also plaster a good deal of the stone
worst. Thin would mate it much brighter and out down the shadows.
Changes would be In character with the preee nt nuild.irng. He said
they were limited in the changes they proposed by the money
voted by the Town.
r. Davis asked what type of material would be used on the
Clarke at.wing. Mr, Belding said stucco. ter. Robert Fisher of
11 aama Hopkins eley & Brodie, architects, said some stones
would be used also and the tacit wing would be stucco- addition
on front east atone. said they also have eketches show
general treatment of stone work to show what they intend o do.
These were shown to the Commission,
r. Davis asked what color. Mr. Fisher said buff but this could
be settled by Committee--they Intend rotor to be in the tan
range. Mr. Belding said they were reducing projection of entrance,
s121 have a light bright entrance. Wi 1 have a window on eithor
aide of the dozer.
r. Howard asked regarding Tottering over entrance* Mr, Fisher
said Cary Memorial Library and a device just above door centered
on atone wont,
Mr. Fisher showed the model. Said that in the ma ].,the entrance
is more or lean rounded but later this was or is intended to be
chained a bit,
r. Kettell asked if it would be stucco an Clarke Sto Mr, Fisher
answered that it would be.
r. Davis asked regarding treatment of stone work and it will
all be tr ,stead so that it will ,be a unity--one color. The Cary
Memorial brary morning will be smaller than that as shown on
mogel and also the Childrens Library marking as well.
Plant were examined and Child nos entrance noted,
Upon request, gleans ;;are left with the Committees for study,
r. Riehard £oule , 1€3 Hancock St. and P candidate for Planning
Board, spoke Of two possible minor changes* He spoke of the
monitor and suggested some other lighting device as he thought
this ugly, .Also su s ested. rasing a clock Inste ;,d. of a device
over the door. Otherwize thought plan in kapping,
r. Vishor, speaking of the m6nitor, saied, it was perhaps
a little bit overplayed yed in the model. It was felt we asi =�ht
do more with it. Present plan is to lsaave skylight that,.
presently exists In the building exactly as it is and commented
It Is not visible from front, would be cleaned and repairers and
would give sa lot Of free light to lobby below. Mr. Davie ,asked
to have picture shown again to clarify this.
ro ghttell asked about the d_ep a dow under the cornice..
r, Fisher said root will have some overhang. Will be Identical
along whole perimetem
r, Belding then said the clack, I stead of a device, would be
a choice of the Committee an, tkscraaght it a goon sa ,gostion,
r, Davis asked what alternate methods had been suggested as
to the addition. Mr, Belding r plied. they thought of a Colonial
Idea on additions to th b Ming with the idea that the Town
aright tame center out° later and makes it a Colonial building.
This would look very bad for time being and they doubted Town
would spend that much no y. The present plane are what the
architects carve up with as being solution using present building,
They also considered a whole Colonial front( using brick:) but this
mould cost too much for the Town*
-. Davis asked if they worse going to carry out same surfacing on
Clarks Sto Mr.Belding said it would be surfaced the sane , that
stone would show and on Clarke St. where stone now exists and
that new wing would be stuccoed--same color ae stone work*
ro Davis asked: if they had considk red possibility of covering
stone entirely. Mr, skiing said they had considered covering it
with brick but it would oast tors much money, As far as stuccoing
it entirely and getting rid of stone, It is quite a job as a
few Stones stick out so far that cutting them off" would run
Into quite a proposition,
r, Kettell asked if they thougr t it wise to Kahle the front
entirely as the Town is quite used to it. Mro Belding replied
that quite a few wanted it changed and one of the main ideas
was for safety's snake to got the stairs inside and gets a clean,,
light front,
r. Howard asked again regarding color so roof. Mr. Belding
said it would be a medium to dark gray.
rq Davis said he would like to record those in the
race; in favor of plains as they have been presented and
those against,
Sense of meeting: In favor 9 Against Oe
Hearing adjourned. at 800 Palls ter, Davissaid they will
try to render a decision as PrOmptly as possible.
Respectfully submitted,
Wilhalmina GoTbomazo Secretary
Feb. 7, 1957
A hearing was held Thurs=day, Feb. 71 1957 by the Historic
Districts Commission,, in the, Selectmenls Room, Town Hsall, for
Abram J. Chayes for a certificate of appropriateness for a
proposed dwelling, said lot fronting on Mass. Ave. with
access from Pelham Rd, Sittin.e were Mr, Davis, Chairmano
Mr. eater Smith, Mr.Rusra ll Kettell, Mr, Arnold Howard.( alternate
and r.Fl.oyd Taylor. Mr. Philip Parsons was also prevent.
Mr, Davis read the notice.
Mr. Chayes said Mr.Richard Morehouse, 37 Moon Hill Rd.. , architect,
has a number of drawings and scale model. Mr. Morehouse said
lot is at corner of Pelham Rd. & Mass. Ave. and is one of four
lots, This lot was formerly ol,%med by MrsWardrobe. The dwelling
is to be €a one family dwelling, 4 bedrooms, study, two baths,
living room, dining room and, kitchen. They will maintain
required set backs frorn street and property lines , Building
would be of frame construction* studs, etc,. roof probably
gray, White ping: corner boards, cedar, brick either natural
or painted brick, 261 right of wag from Pelham Rd. steep
grade, fiat class driveway, no aoceas from MaFs.Ave. , clapboards, ,
natural fieldstone, retaining walls, etc. carriage l.anternss
etc. near entrance. Existing trees as -bown :till be lefts
trinmed, amplified and probably a hedge planted between hoarse,
and Mass.Ave. Construction will, be started after working plans
are obtained and work will be done or started this summr,,r.
Mr, Davis asked about a garage and Mr.Morehouse said no garage
is planned but there will be a turn 31round, which would abut
Mr. CarWyla property on Eliot Rd,
Mr.Roward asked about the roof color and Mr.Vorehouse replied
probably a light gray.
Air. Davis asked about the location and Mr.Moreh.ortse replied on
a rather level spot practically- on top of hill.
fr# Mavis asked rega -ding general color scheme. Mr.Morehouse
teplied a medium warm gray, french gray, white trim, white
around window --other col-or would be a very dark green or
black. Brick would be natural or white or whiC';e-washed brick.
Mro Davis asked if driveway of 201 would have a drop of 6' from
high point to low point. Mr. Morehouse replied, less than that,
would be out into one side and fill on the other end land-
scaped.. 'Caere are existing trees which will be left and one
161 tree would be cut down. These questions were asked by
Mr. Parsons. We other threes will be out down.
Mr. Wilbur Jaquith, 42 uomerset Rd. a member of the P7anuinq:
Board, said -m would have to have a ditional specifications.
Mr. Davis asked if colors -ere indicated on specifications.
Mr.Morehouse ,said no, except on model.
Mrs Charles Caroyo Za Eliot Rd. asked whet color toot would
trot it vYowod very l it on model) sand the reply was s
r. e"a111ie.r Hall of 1.357 Mass. Ave. naked, on -model, wbiob
side was the as .Avs. aide. Pilo was taown.
Ate. 'rIr r elof , 1Z87 ,%6o.4VO. Asked
regarding period of
houi:sq y. 9oreh is Laid It am a WJame stixtl ,
,aid ltt was a translation of early -rissn methods, early
l : as. 19r. Vore ouee said to hin4 the reel proble a was hat
direction realLdentlal arahitsoture should take In, New tnSlaudg
that so many excellent plooes of hand had boon push ed and
developments ents put up wh ioh hye,avv, not adddd army t hlna to the Towns
t eo,.led we hope that architects would do. Whit should they
o ast aw far aw a st7, 1e anrA a standard to be net tip. We eon
po.q ai ol.y hope to imi teto scans of the good old ho, e . Ulopa4, to
be Able to tame er present day, ocrttnterpsrt of m dcnloniaAl or
early American cu;n e.
x. ' r Lu ley WGI aab .P . asked if t-J wfte, tho general
myg of lho Lhat we si,jVu d approve An this hiwtorio spot. D1
not think it in accord with the location and the Town,
14r, Richard bcu e# 16 Hanoockt. , rant an abuttor but interested
In the Comiiosion me set up. ile spoke of what is e Colonial
?,,oues and tier the fsaatu.a s hsd changed from early, days until
now. O;anld Urkcrahouwe h~ad made s good modern interpretation
of a variety of Colonial. houseze Thought, size of windows
Xr. wSm th askod jiu t h�,t oki n be seem from VasswA n. and do
ou fixure on windows e ,texndinn all the say to the roof?
a ek,o �at°xoruu plied these oou d be out down without enuraln
r.HI trouble or lose of ll ht.
r. W1111sm Hal UEV sase.Ave. asked if side witb doruer on
it is can Used . Ave. aside and Mr. Deis asked whet land osp3ir
would be and Mr, tAtel.2 asko4 if holies In hidden. and is house
Colonial ? Xro Korebouse answered cdueati s( meetly answered
r . Poland �°srdrobs, 1314 1aea:. ve. said due to pli4ntingsp
house could not be soon from Munroe Vave:on, etc. , In a abort
time, ax; these plananaep now to be allowed o rover and not
burned over,, would form a very e feastive screen, said two
.lots between yes' proposed houee and theirs roul.d not be sold*
r. f are i am , 15 Somerset Rd, of Planning Board, asked what
about view or house from t',l.i.ot and Pelham Roads and Tavorn Lane?
Mr. Wilbur Jaquith again said Cornisalon bad to deoi.ds
re a,1AL wlii;lo of historic districts.
Use Rodgar Q legs UK Mateo Ave. said anything on top
of hill would be visible frow almost nny diractiono
r, cP.ehous<a said he wished house presented and Judged
on its merits and that houne should be acceptable from any
angle and not accepted because it would not be vielblo,
No William Hall* lA kasso Ave. sold he felt that way and
that was the point he was trying to make also,
r, C€avis said the Commission was there to keep things
appropriate within tbeee areas wherever they can be seen
from public way ,
r, Chan NGO Caa - y a 0 42iot , said that the acne question
he had as an abuttor ins the question of the color of the
roof0that be felt as white or light gray roof would cause
r, Chaayes atated they 'Ore at the nomont Interested In as
dame" reef,
r, Chaa es thew ;gave some of his bac3��rcaa and reasons for
venting to Live in Lexington and that he is anta steel in,
keeps the proposed house in keeping with, the hie tarical
€fia triet,
We Roker LungION ]da l WsOve, feels we thsuld preserve
tYPO Of Original architecture and feeling and appearance of
these historic etricats and does not believe that this
particular house in its appearance le appropriate for this
sekcti.cnr not Colonial and not modern but can the borderline.
Asked if thle as a yardstick for the newt houme, whieSs
could then be more modern? Thinks this decision should be
weighed very carefully.
r, ChaYes again emphasized the point that we have to deal
with a hours that will be visible,
Mrsodger Langley, ].a l asaa, ve. said a lot of the ho4se
can be seen and how that portion which is visible will
affect people is Imia«rptant and does not think you will get
the aPpcarianOO Of a Colonial house.
Mrs, Roland WardrotWe l laf aas.Ave, eald her understanding
cf the Act was that nothing there said "Colonial", .me l ..
sage appropriate, We Chayes said his definition of
app:% rInte is "nothing inccngrauc _ "i .
, QVIS than -eked for a. sense of the meeting;
` one in Munroe District In Fever 7 AggInst
`chose Outside district
Mr. & firs. Ghayes did not vote.
Meeting adjourned at IOV 45 P.M*
Respectfully submitted,
wilhelmina G.Tbomass6ecretar7
It was decided to have a meeting at dr. Davis' house,
at 8:00 P. S. Tuesday, Feb. 12th( later changed to Monday,,
Feb. llth) for a decision.