HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-14-CONCOM-min 1 TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION/LAND STEWARDS MEETING MINUTES January 14, 2019 6:30pm Parker Room Town Office Building, 1625 Mass. Ave, Lexington, MA Commissioners Present: Phil Hamilton, Alex Dohan, Ruth Ladd, Kevin Beuttell and Dick Wolk Commissioners Absent: David Langseth, Duke Bitsko Others present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator, Jordan McCarron, Conservation Stewardship Coordinator and Katie Luczai, Conservation Department Assistant Joint Meeting: Lexington Conservation Stewards and Lexington Conservation Commission AGENDA: Monday, January 14, 2019 6:30 p.m., Parker Room, Town Office Building 6:30 pm - Bee City USA: Presentation by the Citizens for Lexington Conservation Alix Bartsch, Anastasia Bartsch, Ariana Shrivman and Emma Geranetto presented before the Commission. Ms. Bartsch stated that she is one of three master beekeepers in the state. Ms. Bartsch is looking to help make Lexington a "Bee City USA". Their overall mission is to make Lexington a more pollinator friendly place. The program is a project of the Xerxes Society, a non-profit aimed at protecting all invertebrates. Ms. Bartsch explained that the town is already making steps to help in pollinator protection efforts. Currently, volunteers from the Lexington High School Bee Club and the Field & Garden Club are cataloguing the number of pollinators. Ms. Bartsch stated that she and the Lexington High School Bee Club are before the Commission today to ask the Commission to sign a letter in support which will be sent to the Town Selectmen. The Commission voiced their concern about the amount of manpower that will be needed in order to run and continue the program throughout the coming years. Ms. Bartsch stated that she will be primarily running the program. The Bee City USA program primarily consists of public education programs. The Conservation Commission would qualify as their government sponsor while the CLC will act as the program's facilitator. Ms. Ladd asked if there was a homeowner program associated with this. 2 Ms. Bartsch stated that it is primarily a public education program for homeowners. An audience member asked if there is a consensus of opinion among beekeepers about the competition between honey bees and native bees. Ms. Bartsch stated that all pollinators are good and valuable pollinators. Mr. McCarron asked how Ms. Bartsch would see the program running. Ms. Bartsch stated that she would just coordinate the program for now with Mr. McCarron coordinating on the government end. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell the Commission voted 6-0 in favor of signing a letter in support of making Lexington a"Bee City USA". 6:45pm - Stewardship Report: Accomplishments from 2018 Mr. McCarron stated that there will be a follow-up meeting on Monday, May 20" at 6:30 pm in the Parker Room to plan and prioritize projects in need of funding for fiscal year 2021, as well to update the Commission on projects scheduled for 2019. Mr. McCarron gave an overview of the many accomplishments of the Land Stewards during the 2018 season. This included: • Hayden Woods RTP Project — approximately 50% completed with 350' of new boardwalk built. The project is funded through the state's RTP grant program and needs to be completed by December 31st, 2019. • Cotton Farm Revitalization Project—currently in the design phase. o The project will introduce a new reconfigured parking area, ADA accessible pond platform and trail system, and a re-naturalization of impervious surfaces. o Conservation staff hopes to have the consultant before the Commission for wetland permitting in February so that they can go out to bid on the construction in spring. • Stewards Photo Exhibit o This was a photo exhibit at the library and Community Center in spring 2018 featuring the photography work by Land Stewards of conservation lands in Lexington. • Joyce Miller's Meadow Preservation Completion— o The preservation of Joyce Miller's Meadow is officially complete. The Stewards will continue to work with Grassroots Wildlife Conservation and Zoo New England to establish wildflower plantings on the property. • Daisy Wilson Meadow Vista Improvements 3 o The Stewards continued their work to open up the view to Daisy Wilson Meadow from Moreland Avenue through invasive species removal. o A Girl Scout troop worked with the Stewards to complete an edible native plant restoration project on the site. • Hennessy Field Improvements o The Stewards made visual and functional improvements to the site including a split rail fence around the barn and a corral style farm gate at the end of Robinson Rd. • West Farm o The Stewards completed scenic vista work to clear vegetation to allow for the public to view the property from the street. • Idylwilde Community Garden o The garden has been expanded. An additional 40 plots have been installed bringing the total number of garden plots up to 110. o The garden currently has a waiting list for incoming gardeners. o Mr. McCarron is looking at doing some advertising for the coming year to ensure the vitality of all 110 garden plots. o Mr. McCarron confirmed that all gardeners who wanted to transfer over from Dunback Meadow gardens have. Dunback Meadow is now officially retired. • Eagle Scout projects o Several eagle scouts have completed projects on conservation land. They have built benches, signs, and smaller kiosks that have been placed on traill heads. FYI & FY20 Funding Updates Mr. McCarron stated that the trail and boardwalk improvements at Hayden Woods have to be completed by the end of this year due to the nature of the funding. At Parker Meadow, conservation staff have hired GCG Associates to do a resource area delineation and existing conditions survey on the property. From there, staff intends to bring on a consultant to design accessibility improvements to the trail system and parking area utilizing existing CPA funding. Mr. McCarron explained that he is currently engaged with a contactor to complete meadow preservation work at Wright Farm per a FYI CPA request. Meadow preservation work intended for Willard's Woods using the same funding will be put on hold for now to allow for a full land management plan to be completed pending an FY20 CPA request. This funding request also includes design work for accessible trail and parking improvements at the property. Mr. McCarron took the time to thank the land stewards for all the work, time and energy they have put into maintaining and improving the conservation land in Lexington. 7:15 pm 4 2019 Project Overview (FY19/FY20) Mr. McCarron reviewed the current projects that the land stewards will continue to work on during the current fiscal year. This included: • Hayden's Woods o Hayden's Woods will require another 500 feet of boardwalk to be built and installed. • Dunback Meadow Garden o Since the garden is now retired the garden is being converted back into conservation land. This project will be prioritized. All man made materials will be removed. Any native restoration will need to be done in a future fiscal year. • Orchard Steward Program o This program will be done in three parts to help teach stewards/residents about orchard maintenance. The program will include a hand's on portion where the stewards will be able to work on a corner of Cotton Farm. • Meagherville o There are already existing funds to create and install the desired signage for the property. • Wright Farm o This large upcoming project will need to continue to be worked out. They will continue to work with Mass Audubon to develop plans for the property. o Ms. Dohan stated that they hope to hold another Arbor Day style event. • Joyce Miller Meadow o They will continue wildflower restoration efforts on the property. • Stewardship Saturdays o Stewardship Saturdays will continue as usual starting again in March and continuing until around November or December. o The project content is prescheduled by seasonality. • Adams Street Trailhead Reconfiguration o There have been many requests from residents. It will be determined whether or not they will need funding. • Daisy Wilson Meadow o They hope to open up the edges of the meadow in order to open up views of the property. This project may be put on hold. Mr. McCarron stated that overall, they will be prioritizing accessible trail projects in the coming year. Over the next few months they will be taking a closer look at projects that will be prioritized. Chairman Hamilton once again raised his concern regarding man and woman power and the ability to complete these projects given the current resources. Looking ahead: FY21 Project Overview and Budget Request Preparation 5 Ms. Mullins stated that the Board of Selectmen does their goal setting in June. Chairman Hamilton suggested that Mr. McCarron send out a survey listing all of the possible projects for the Commission to rank. Mr. Beuttell stated that there are many factors to each project that should be considered. He asked to include as many detail that would be useful in creating this survey. Ms. Dohan stated that the GCC has a list of projects that they would like done. Ms. Mullins asked Ms. Dohan is she could produce a report of these projects to share with the Conservation department. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell the Commission voted 7-0 to close the meeting. 8:21pm