HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-18-SLC-min Town of Lexington Sustainable Lexington Committee Minutes of Meeting of December 18, 2018 A meeting of the Sustainable Lexington Committee (SLC) was held at Cary Hall. A quorum of seven was present. Members Present: Cells Brisbane, Marcia Gens, Mark Sandeen, Rick Reibstein, Todd Rhodes, Dan Voss, Charlie Wyman Members Absent: None Other Attendees: Joe Pato (Board of Selectmen) Fran Ludwig Ricki Papo The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. 1. Review of proposed warrant articles 1.1. Sustainability Director Warrant Article (with option A and option B) 1.1.1. Ricki Papo presented two versions of a proposed citizen's article. A. To see if the town will vote to raise an appropriate sum of money for the purpose of hiring a Sustainability Director whose explicit responsibility will be, in partnership with Sustainable Lexington, to oversee the implementation and effective management of the recommended actions in the Sustainable Action Plan, and the Net Zero Emissions Roadmap, or to act in any other manner in furtherance thereof. B. To see if the town will vote to raise an appropriate sum of money for the purpose of funding town staff, whose explicit responsibility will be, in partnership with Sustainable Lexington, to oversee the implementation and effective management of the recommended actions in the Sustainable Action Plan, and the Net Zero Emissions Roadmap, or to act in any other manner in furtherance thereof. 1.1.2. The committee discussed whether the article should include: ■ The specific title "Sustainability Director"or something less specific; ■ The term "in partnership with" or "in collaboration with"; ■ The term "resilience", etc. or if"sustainability" covers the spirit of the request (along with the reference to the Sustainability Action Plan). 1.1.3. The committee discussed issues related to the mechanics of the article included: ■ Whether it should be presented as a citizen's article or a Selectmen's article? Pagel of 3 1.1.4. The committee voted unanimously to support the Option A as a Citizen's Article. 1.2. Revolving Fund Warrant Article 1.2.1. Ricki Papo presented a proposed article to support a revolving fund: ■ To see if the Town would endorse the establishment of a revolving fund or other similar mechanism, which would use revenue, grants, or savings generated by Sustainable Action Plan programs to fund additional programs proposed under the Sustainability Action Plan and approved by the Board of Selectmen, or any other mechanism in furtherance thereof. 1.2.2. Joe Pato identified that a revolving fund would likely still need to get approval from Town Meeting for appropriations. A budget line item that is appropriated by Town Meeting on an annual basis would allow the BOS/Town Manager to release those funds without Town Meeting approval. 1.2.3. Joe Pato recommended that other types of funds (e.g., stabilization fund) could be described to be clearer. 1.2.4. The committee discussed whether the amount of the funding should be specified, e.g., 100%, 50%, "a portion of', etc. 1.2.5. Dan Voss recommended that the motion could include a statement that existing programs are already generating significant savings (e.g., $450,000 from solar). 1.2.6. The committee agreed (6 with 1 abstention) to support this statement as a Citizen's Article. 1.3. Task Force Creation Warrant Article 1.3.1. Ricki Papo presented the following potential warrant article: ■ To see if the Town would create a Zero Waste task force to develop strategies, plans and recommendations to reduce residential, commercial and municipal waste with the goal of achieving zero waste in 25 to 30 years, and to see if the Town would create a transportation task force to develop strategies, plans and recommendations to reduce transportation related air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions to zero in 25 to 30 years. 1.3.2. Mark Sandeen identified that the Governor has identified transportation as the major source of the state's emissions and there will likely be funding to support transportation programs. 1.3.3. The committee discussed whether this article should be presented to Town Meeting as a Citizen's Article or as a Resolution. 1.3.4. The committee agreed not to support this proposal as a Citizen's Article or Resolution, but to work to move these programs forward. The committee discussed options for moving these programs forward. The committee will go to the BOS and ask them to recommend who from staff should participate on the Zero Waste task force. A Transportation Task Force needs a champion before going forward. Page 2 of 3 2. Article: Implement an Outcomes-Based Approach to Town Building Projects 2.1. Dan Voss presented a Warrant Article to adopt a high performance building policy. ■ To see if the Town will vote to request the Selectman and School Committee to adopt an outcomes-based, high performance building policy for operation of existing Town building and design of all new Town building and design and operation of all new Town building and renovation projects. 2.2. The committee unanimously agreed to support this Citizen's Article. The meeting concluded at 9:00 pm. Page 3 of 3