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A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, was called
to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Ginna Johnson with members Richard Canale, Charles Hornig
Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti, Bob Creech and planning staff David Kucharsky and Lori Kaufman
*******************************STAFF REPORTS********************************
General Updates:
The staff interviews first round for the Planner position are done. The second round will be next
Friday. The Assistant Planning Director interviews will be next week. Mr. Canale will participate
in those interviews.
Both Neighborhood Conservation District commissions have been formed.
Comprehensive Plan Update:
The next CPAC Meeting is Tuesday, November 6, 2018 in Estabrook Hall at 7:15 p.m.
World Café- November 27, 2018, Community Center at 7:00 p.m.
**********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION***********************
6 Morris Street, Street Determination:
The applicant has requested that the Planning Board determine if Morris Street in the area of 6
Morris Street is of adequate grade and construction without any improvements needing to be
On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Canale, it was voted, 5-0, to determine that
currently the road by 6 Morris Street is currently of adequate grade and construction, with no
improvements needed. That being said, any damage caused to the roadway during construction or
cuts into Morris Street necessary for utility connections must be repaired to standards acceptable
to the Town’s Engineering Office. Engineering staff will inspect any repairs necessary before a
Certificated of Occupancy can be issued by the Building Commissioner.
Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of October 31, 2018
*********************SPECIAL TOWN MEETING (STM)***************************
Article 9, 7 Hartwell Avenue, Proposed Rezoning:
The Board discussed the Town Meeting report and Mr. Hornig’s edits that were provided to the
Board for review. The only change was to say that members of the audience included parents of
students and other minor word changes in the last paragraph.
On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Creech, it was voted, 5-0, to approve the report with
Mr. Hornig’s changes as amended.
Article 10, 55 & 56 Watertown Street (Belmont Country Club (BCC) PD3):
The Board discussed their positions on this article
Individual Board Comments:
The degree of affordability is a problem and is the reason for lack of support for this
proposal. Mr. Kucharsky said 15.5% of the independent units are being given that are
counted on the SHI. This does not meet the Lexington goals for Housing Production Plan.
We want to have 10% of affordable housing in Lexington to prevent the 40B housing.
Technically this only provides 9% affordable if including the assisted living units and
should either provide 20 units or reduce the intensity on the site.
Traffic has become bad in a short period of time. Speeding through neighborhoods needs
to be addressed. Do not believe that the Green Lane and Watertown Street neighborhoods
are being adversely affected. Light spillage will be minimal on Golden Avenue and do
not see this as an issue and this will bring predictability for the future. There will be lost
habitat and wildlife but there will be 18.68 acres of forest and wildlife habitat that will be
forever preserved. The Town will see a positive financial impact, senior houses will have
an additional 18 affordable units and senior residents over 80 will enjoy this woodland
setting. Do support this project.
This gives people better options and the design has been changed significantly to improve
the project and I support this project. The housing proposed is in short supply in
Lexington and meets community needs. The affordable units will be unique in Lexington
and meet a need not yet met. The site and building design has minimized the negative
The mitigation proposed in the MOU is adequate to address any remaining concerns and
any details can be addressed during site plan review. We have asked all other projects for
10% and can change requirements down the road. Why is 15% affordable not good
enough as opposed to getting nothing?
Minutes for the Meeting of October 31, 2018 Page 3
Without proper discussion the Board cannot make the change for the number of units.
While I commend the developer for the changes, they did not change the scale of the
project. The PowerPoint presentation by Ms. Johnson showed what can be seen from
certain distances and the larger scale of this project. I believe that this scale will impact
abutters and force a lot of building at the site’s perimeter like walls and riprap, which
goes right up to the 100 foot buffer zone and puts it in the purview of the Conservation
Commission. The loss of the tree canopy is another issue. All these negative points
without any major benefit to the Town and the impact to the abutters is why this proposal
should not be approved. The Planned Development process is flawed and the applicant
should come back to the Spring Annual Town Meeting with a smaller proposal/project.
Do not support this project.
Can a Lexington resident afford to live here? After doing the numbers a lot of Lexington
residents can afford this. There are some people that need assistance and we are
discussing the most vulnerable residents and that is why we have the housing production
plan. We need to concern ourselves with those that cannot afford, not those that can.
The public hearing is closed and we need to discuss the project as is and whether we
should recommend approval or denial of this project to Town Meeting.
On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Creech, it was voted, 3-2, (Ms. Johnson and Mr.
Canale opposed) to recommend approval of this project to Town Meeting.
The Board will meet on Monday November 5, 2018 in the Parker Room at 7:00 p.m. Board
Members will get the draft report from staff and should have their changes to staff by Monday
morning. Mr. Kucharsky will submit the changes to the Board on Monday at the meeting.
*************************BOARD ADMINISTRATION****************************
Open Meeting Law Complaint:
Mr. Hornig will not participate in the discussion since the complaint was submitted by his wife.
An open meeting complaint was submitted to the Planning Board on October 18. Per the Open
Meeting Law the Board is required to address the complaint within 14 days from the receipt date.
The Board discussed the complaint and what remedial action needs to be taken.
Ms. Johnson sent a summary of her comments to the applicant and the other Planning Board
meeting which was a clear violation and discussed on October 10. Ms. Johnson made a public
acknowledgement and apologized for that error and all future conversations will only take place
in a public meeting.
Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of October 31, 2018
Audience Comments:
There were questions if you can provide the draft with Board member comments. Mr.
Kucharsky will call the Attorney General to check.
The complainant said thanked Ms. Johnson for her apology and the acknowledgement
that there was a violation.
Mr. Kucharsky will check to see if he can share the draft report with the Board before the meeting
without creating an open meeting law violation.
Board Member Updates:
The BRSB held its open house, presented the new website which is Battleroadbyway.org, and are
looking for comments and feedback from people.
Tomorrow is the Moving Together Conference and Mr. Canale will be attending and representing
the Town.
The Community Preservation Committee will be meeting this week.
Special Permit Residential Development Committee (SPRD) applications were received and the
Board of Selectmen will be choosing the committee. They are also looking to hire a consultant for
public outreach and one to look at zoning. The RFPs will be going out.
Upcoming Meetings and Anticipated Schedule
The next meeting dates are October 31, November 5, 13, 14 & 15 tentative before Fall Special
Town Meeting and November 28, 2018.
The presentations for the STM warrant articles will be made by Mr. Hornig for Marijuana, Mr.
Creech for 55 & 56 Watertown Street (Belmont Country Club), and Mr. Canale for 7 Hartwell
November 8 will be the TMMA meeting for the Articles.
On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Canale, it was voted, 5-0, to approve the minutes of
September 12, 2018 and October 10, 2018 as amended.
On a motion, duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p.m.
The meeting was recorded by LexMedia.
The following documents used at the meeting can be found on the Planning Board website in
Planning Board packets.
7 Hartwell Avenue Draft proposed amendment (3 pages).
Minutes for the Meeting of October 31, 2018 Page 5
7 Hartwell Avenue Draft proposed amendment (Mr. Hornig’s edits) (3 pages).
6 Morris Street site construction plan (1 page).
6 Morris Street Planning Staff and summary and recommendation (1 page).
Open Meet Law Complaint submitted by Ingrid Klimoff (September 22, 2018)
Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti, Clerk