HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-08-LBAC-min UNAPPROVED MEETING NOTES
Ellen Stone Room, Cary Hall
Members present: Peggy Enders (Chair), Bob Hausslein (Chair, Fol-B), Bob Dangel,
Kevin Falcone, Lou Savarino, Jennifer Melot, Omar Khudari, George Gagliardi, Richard
Canale (Planning Board Liaison), Joe Pato (Selectman Liaison)
Others present: Ross Morrow (Assistant Town Engineer)
The August and October meeting notes were approved.
Advice and Recommendations to the Board of Selectmen: Peggy reviewed the
draft document summarizing the Committee's advice and recommendations on e-bikes
and other bikeway and bicycle matters. Comments included:
Ross Morrow talked about the need for regulation on e-bikes, saying that it all comes
down to education. With respect to need for additional infrastructure beyond the
bikeway, he appreciates the need. He said that the DPW has an inventory of the
current condition of pavement markings. Mention was made of Bob Dangel's roadway
inventory and updating it.
There was some discussion about whether to try to get bike infrastructure striped before
the winter or wait until spring; the Committee agreed that spring is fine.
Omar commented that he had attended the Moving Together Conference and asked
about the current status of Town involvement with Complete Streets and whether
Lexington had a Safe Routes to School program.
Richard Canale said that Governor Baker has increased the amount of chapter 90
money available to cities and towns, with the suggestion that the amount be dedicated
to sidewalks and bike infrastructure. According to Joe Pato, it was Karen Polito's
recommendation that towns use the money this way. Richard Canale said that
Bedford has released and bike and pedestrian plan; they have identified important
corridors and the bicycle network.
Joe Pato said that the recommendations for a Lexington Bike Plan (made by the
Committee to the BoS last spring) was folded into the Selectmen's Complete Streets
and Comprehensive Plan priorities (ed note: #17 and #19 goals out of a total of 22
Omar expressed surprise that Lexington doesn't have an active plan. In Leominster, he
said, there is the attitude of "fix it first", delaying projects. The Committee talked about
the history of the 2003 Comprehensive Plan document in terms of a vision for bicycle
transportation. Jennifer opined that we can identify the few streets that really need
infrastructure, but the will might be the real problem. Joe Pato said both are issues.
Discussion of how this is an uphill battle.
Peggy said she thinks that the appointment of a Bicycle Coordinator as part of a town
staff member's responsibility should be a priority; Joe reminded the group that the BoS
can't tell Town Manager to hire such a person.
On bikeway speed limits/guidelines and posting 15 mph advisory signs:
Kevin recapped the discussion of a speed limit versus safe passing rules and the need
to coordinate with other towns. George suggested that a speed limit should be hours-
based. Both Lou and Richard said they think it will help people. Jennifer said that the
Town shouldn't introduce a speed limit until there are bike lanes on Mass Ave. The red
"Burma Shave" signs were popular and effective ways to relay important messages
about bikeway courtesy.
Bob Hausslein thinks that 15 mph speed limit is ok too. Omar says he doesn't have a
strong opinion but thinks the main issue is "slow when pedestrians are present" is a
good message. Debate over exact wording of sign.
Rails to Trails Conservancy relates there are varying practices and limits on various
national rail-trails. Lou mentions that 15 mph feels right. Kevin is ambivalent about
speed limit vs safe passing and is fine with either; he mentions that he does have an
idea about 15 mph because of his Garmin; likes the idea of having a town-wide
campaign on it. Bob Dangel said that another big problem is the errant behavior of
pedestrians; he thinks that 15 during busy hours" is a possible adaptation. Ross said
he will reach out to his colleagues in other towns to find out what is being considered
Peggy said the final design for the bike lanes on the Mass Ave corridor are not what
was discussed in the original planning — i.e., there is no buffer between the lane and
the parked car (the right side of the lane is the "T" of the parking lane) — this is less
safe for riders. Ross offered to do a postmortem on what happened with the original
plan for the bike lane on the corridor.
Liaison Reports:
Richard Canale said that the Planning Department is short on staff in planning, hiring is
underway. He attended the Moving Together Conference, saying it was great to hear
all the good bike stuff going on; seems like there is money available and that "we are
falling behind in Lexington." The mentality in Lexington, he said, is "roads are for cars."
Joe Pato mentioned that the Center Streetscape 100% design funds will be voted on
during Spring Town Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways
The Treasurer's Report was given.
Bikeway Snow Plowing: A brief history was provided new members about the role
FoLB and the Bike Committee plays in clearing the bikeway in winter. Peggy said that
Peter Kelley will stay involved. Joe Pato said that snow plowing was a big discussion
item at Moving Together.
Bikeway signage/signage boards in the Bikeway Right of Way: Two sandwich
boards — for Ma France and Great Harvest — are in the bikeway ROW. Peggy said
that she discovered that the Board of Appeals approved Great Harvest's request for the
sandwich board, but it is supposed to be located on their private property, not the ROW
(the bikeway right of way is about 60' in that stretch). The Board of Selectmen needs to
approve any signage on the bikeway and its ROW; they were not consulted. Omar
mentioned the idea of having some kind of regulated business signs on the bike path.
Peggy said that kiosks — with maps, bikeway guidelines and business information —
that were funded three years ago for the eastern and western ends of the Lexington
section, have been held up for a variety of reasons. She will ask DPW for help.
Joe Pato suggested that a message be sent to the town manager that a sign is out of
conformance. Mention was made of the inadequacy of the new bikeway signage in
terms of indicating location of food; the symbols are way too small.
Joe Pato mentions that the bike racks are in on East Mass Ave!
Kevin mentions that there is a way to report that a bike does not belong in the LimeBike
app — perhaps this information should be given to people who have a complaint.
Joe wants to know whether there is a way to "channel" the dockless bike parking in the
town center; priority/preferred areas for dockless bike parking.
Discussion of need to place more *docked* bikes, and where these should go.
Recorder: Jennifer Melot
Editor: Peggy Enders