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Housing Partnership Board
Meeting Minutes for November 7, 2018
Attendees: Harriet Cohen, Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti,Jeri Foutter, Mary Haskell, Wendy Manz, Rich
McDonough,Joe Pato, Bob Pressman, Melinda Walker, Betsey Weiss
Absent: Melanie Thompson
The Housing Partnership Board ("the Board") meeting was chaired by Ms. Foutter and minutes were
taken by Ms. Cohen.The meeting was called to order at 7:33 pm.
1. Approve Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2018
Ms. Walker moved approval of the minutes of September 11. Ms.Weiss seconded the motion.The
motion was passed unanimously.
2. Annual Report/All
At our previous meeting,the Board discussed the items to be submitted as highlights in the Town
Annual Report. Ms. Foutter passed out copies of the Board entry as submitted for the annual report.
3. Board of Selectman (BoS) Liaison Report
Mr. Pato provided the following information regarding the 55 and 56 Watertown Street(Belmont
Country Club) proposal.The Planning Board voted 3 to 2 to support the proposal.The BoS approved
a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on a vote of 4 to 0, with one Selectman having recused
themselves.The BoS indicated a disposition to approve the rezoning but said they wanted to hear
discussion from Town Meeting prior to taking a position.
4. Housing Partnership Board Charter
Ms. Walker reviewed the "Criteria for Membership" as written on the current Housing Partnership
Board. Ms. Walker had reviewed the Criteria for Membership with Mr. Pato. Mr. Pato
recommended the Board keep the current wording for the charge.The Board agreed to keep the
current charge.
Mr. Pato noted that liaisons do not vote, nor do they count for quorum. He also clarified that a
person may be both an appointed member and a liaison.
S. 40R and 40S Discussion
Ms. Foutter will follow up with William Reyelt (Principal Planner, Smart Growth Programs, DHCD)
regarding a presentation on 40R and 40S to the Planning Board and the BoS to create awareness
about the 40R and 40S legislation and potential benefits to Lexington. Given the Town Meeting
schedule and the end of year holidays, such a presentation would likely be scheduled for January.
Ms. Haskell reminded the Board that, in its early years, Ms. Foutter had provided an overview of the
legislation to the Board.
Ms. Walker asked who would have to approve 40R and 40S rezoning.Town Meeting is the body that
would approve the rezoning.The Board then discussed the mechanics of implementing an overlay
Housing Partnership Board
The Board also discussed elements of a plan to raise awareness among Town boards and
committees, as well raising public awareness.
6. Suspension of Board Meeting
Ms. Walker moved suspension of the Board meeting. Ms. Weiss seconded the motion.The motion
passed unanimously.
7. Resumption of the Board Meeting
Ms. Weiss moved that the Board resume its session. Ms. Walker seconded the motion.The motion
passed unanimously.
8. New Business
Ms. Foutter reminded us that we can only discuss meeting dates and meeting agendas. Ms. Cohen
will continue to send minutes out by email. If you have a concern about the meeting minutes, please
send the comments only to Ms. Cohen, with a copy to Ms. Foutter. Any changes will be deliberated
at the following meeting prior to approval of the minutes.
9. Set next meeting date
The next meeting will be on Nov. 13, 2018 at 6:00 pm.
The following meeting will be on Dec. 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm.
10. Adjournment
Ms. Weiss moved adjournment of the meeting. Ms. Cohen seconded the motion.The motion passed
unanimously.The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 pm.
Action Items
■ Ms. Foutter to meet with Mr. Reyalt to provide a more general overview for presentation to the
Board of Selectmen.
■ Ms. Foutter to meet with Mr. Pato to discuss the best way to move forward.
■ All Board members: review 40R and 40S presentation and send comments directly to Ms.
Foutter(and do not copy anyone on the email).
■ Ms. Foutter will seek two estimates for a consultant to assess potential 40R sites within
■ Ms. Foutter will send email with further information on permissible use of email