HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-07-RESPC-min Residential Exemption Policy Study Committee (Ad hoc) Friday, December 7, 2018 Hudson Room, Cary Memorial Building Minutes Attendance: Mark Andersen (chair), Vicki Blier, Sara Bothwell Allen (acting secretary), Howard Cloth, Katie Cutler, Thomas Whelan, John Zhao, Joe Pato (Selectmen liaison) Resident observers: Robert Pressman Mr. Andersen called the meeting to order at 8:03AM. Ms. Bothwell Allen agreed to serve as acting secretary. Public Comment Period: No comments. Approval of Minutes: November 9 minutes approved with minor edits. November 16 minutes postponed to the next meeting, pending some revisions. Preparation for the upcoming Public Hearing: Lex Media will be recording the Public Hearing, as with our May Public Hearing. Mr. Andersen presented an updated version of the slide deck for the presentation to review. The Committee provided additional feedback on slide and verbal content. Mr. Andersen will follow through with additional edits to the slides. Ms. Blier presented a draft FAQ sheet to be distributed at the Hearing, which the Committee discussed. Ms. Blier will make further edits, especially to include a section on existing programs (State Circuit Breaker and Tax Deferral Program). Ms. Cutler will coordinate to make sure all roles are filled (time-keeper, etc.). Mr. Andersen will print/copy FAQs to bring to the hearing. Final Report Progress: A. Review assignments Ms. Blier distributed a proposed outline with authorship tasks assigned to Committee members, all of which were agreed to. B. Timetable to completion Mr. Andersen asked to discuss delivery dates for drafts for our respective sections, with a goal of moving quickly towards a complete draft. Process: drafted sections will be sent to Ms. Blier for editing and overall document construction. Committee members draft one section (among their multiple section assignments) and send to Ms. Blier before the next Committee meeting, and will come prepared to discuss whether they are able to move forward with drafting other sections or need additional information or other support. Next meeting Dec 14, 2018 at 8:OOAM. Possible future meeting date on Dec 21, 2018. Meeting adjourned at 9:39AM Minutes respectfully submitted by Sara Bothwell Allen, acting secretary.