HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-19-TAC-min Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Minutes November 19, 2018 7:00 p.m. Lexington Community Center, Room 245 Members Present: Hank Manz, Co-Chair; Andra Bennett, Co-Chair; Sara Arnold, Sally Castleman, Elaine Dratch; Vinitha Verma Liaisons: Bob Creech, Planning Board; Sudhir Jain (COA) Staff: Susan Barrett Guest: Judy Crocker, Safe Routes to School The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:10 p.m. Safe Routes to School (SRTS): Ms. Crocker reviewed the history of her work with this national organization and how its goals were introduced and implemented in Lexington. Using a handout, she reviewed Lexington's successes and plans for the future. School bus ridership system-wide has increased from 31% of the student population to 53% of the student population between FY12, just before SRTS was initiated, and FY19. She recognized the value of the FlexPass, which allows students to use Lexpress after 3:10 p.m. as well as the school bus during its hours of operation. Students currently pay $330 for a school bus pass and $380 for the Flexpass. School bus transportation is being subsidized; the cost of a seat on the school bus is $780. Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the September 17, 2018 Minutes. VOTE: 6-0 Tri-Town (Bedford, Burlington, Lexington) Transit Study: Ms. Barrett used a PowerPoint presentation to report on survey results, how a fixed route system might look if serving the high- density areas in the three towns, and how a micro-transit system might work. There will be a demonstration of Harvard University's micro-transit system tomorrow from 6-8 p.m. in Boston. Several TAC members plan to attend. Questions should be sent to Ms. Barrett. Ms. Barrett urged everyone to encourage residents to attend one of the Transportation Forums being held on November 29. Lexington Public School Transportation Efficiency Study: Using a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Barrett reviewed options that are being considered by the School Department for changing the start times of the schools; this has been prompted by studies indicating that high school students need to sleep later. Other communities in the area have made this change. It was noted that such changes impact how late high school students get home following after- school activities. Transportation Update: Ms. Barrett reviewed her handout which included information regarding a variety of transportation services. There was discussion about the use of Transportation Demand Management funds that are in a stabilization fund. Ms. Arnold reviewed her understanding of the way these funds have been used in the past and expressed concern that an annual subsidy for the Rev is being taken from the fund in a way that will reduce the longevity of available funds from that originally recommended by this Committee. Mr. Manz agreed to follow up on this issue. Next TAC meeting is scheduled for December 10th. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55PM Respectfully Submitted, Sara Arnold Approved Materials presented at the meeting: • Agenda for meeting • TAC Meeting Schedule • Transportation Update since October 15, 2018 • Lexpress Summary Report Ridership/Revenue for September and October 2018 • Lexpress Operating Costs & Revenue, FY2019 -to-date • Lexington's Safe Routes to School, 2018-19, submitted by Ms. Crocker • PowerPoint: Tri-Town Efficiency & Regionalization Transit Study • PowerPoint: School Transportation Efficiency Study