HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-28-CEC-min �y w-AOR yrry. Minutes of the s \�� Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting November 28, 2018 � APRIL&", yI,E XI NGT.O, Location and Time: Town Office Building, Parker Room; 7:45 A.M. Members Present: Charles Lamb, Chair; David Kanter, Vice-Chair& Clerk; Sandy Beebee; Rod Cole; Frank Smith; and Wendy Manz Member Absent: None Others Present: Mark Corr, Chief, Police Department (Dept); John Wilson, Chief, Fire & Rescue Dept; Tom Case, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology (IT) Dept; Dorinda Goodman, Director, IT Dept; Julie Krakauer, Project Manager, IT Dept; Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance; Jennifer Hewitt, Budget Officer, Finance Dept. Documents Presented: • Notice of CEC Meeting, November 28, 2018 • Police, Fire and Rescue, and IT FY2020-FY2024 Capital Improvement Projects (CIPS) • Police Dept. responses to CEC Questions Provided Regarding the Police FY2020-FY2024 CIPs (Police Q&A) • Fire & Rescue Dept. responses to CEC Questions Provided Regarding the Fire & Rescue FY2020-FY2024 CIPs (Fire & Rescue Q&A) • IT Dept responses to CEC Questions Provided Regarding the IT FY2020-FY2024 CIPs (IT Q&A) • Network Security and Cyber Security Profile, 11/2018 • IT Dept, Capital 2020; breakdown of funding elements • Draft#3 Minutes for the November 14, 20187 CEC meeting Call to Order Mr. Lamb called the meeting to order at 7:45 A.M. Review of the Police FY2020-FY2024 CIP As the CEC had already reviewed the Police Dept's one CIP, Mr. Kanter used the Police Q&A to initiate a discussion regarding CIP #967, Police Outdoor/Indoor Firing Range Schematic Design—Hartwell Avenue. Chief Corr explained that the siting study is not yet complete and, although the engineers have determined that there is an appropriate location at the Hartwell Avenue site, there are still questions relating to the best project design. Additionally, Police-Department personnel "bandwidth" needed for this project is currently challenging. Although he would like to see the project move forward, Chief Corr reported that he and the Town Manager believe this project should be removed from consideration at the 2019 Annual Town Meeting as the Feasibility Study Report has not been completed and questions remain about the source of funding and the amount that is appropriate. He added that although the firing range was planned to be ready when the new Police Headquarters came on line (the Headquarters design does not include an indoor range), there is no absolute deadline for the contemplated Outdoor/Indoor Firing Range. Pagel of 3 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting November 28, 2018 Members of this Committee expressed their support for the project and are disappointed that it is not ready for the 2019 Annual Town Meeting, but defer to Chief Corr's and the Town Manager's judgment regarding the proper timing. Review of the Fire & Rescue FY2020–FY2024 CIPs As the CEC had already reviewed the Fire & Rescue Dept's CIPs, Mr. Kanter used the Fire & Rescue Q&A as a guide to lead the discussion through that set of CIPs. That discussion addressed all of this Committee's earlier questions and those raised during this meeting and provided Chief Wilson with this Committee's feedback regarding any remaining concerns and/or suggested revisions to those CIPs. The Finance Dept. attendees also participated in the discussion. Ms. Hewitt reported that there is a current effort to move purchases of the Protective Clothing (currently under CIP #1018) into the operating budget. It is still being determined whether this can be accomplished. This Committee expressed support for that change. Review of the IT FY2020–FY2024 CIPs As the CEC had already reviewed the IT Dept's CIPs, Mr. Lamb used the IT Q&A as a guide to lead the discussion through that set of CIPs. That discussion addressed all of this Committee's earlier questions and those raised during this meeting and provided IT staff with this Committee's feedback regarding any remaining concerns and/or suggested revisions to those CIPs. The Finance Dept attendees also participated in the discussion. IT staff comments included, but were not limited to, the following: • The Town is moving away from purchasing software to purchasing software services. This should decrease Capital spending, but increase operating costs. • It is challenging to project out-year needs because of the rapid changes associated with technology, but it would be useful to hire a consultant to develop a five-year plan for the Town. • With increased use of the cloud, Internet service is critical. RCN Telecom Services of Massachusetts, LLC—one of the three cable-services providers in Town—has provided reliable service, but Internet redundancy is increasingly important. • AT&T is a regulated utility and the complexities involved in it constructing a cell tower near Police Headquarters are considerable. It is not clear when that project will be completed. • Limited "bandwidth" of the IT staff can slow the implementation of projects. Based on comments by Mr. Lamb, Ms. Kosnoff agreed to consider whether expenses associated with CIP #1054, Application Implementation, should be included in the Operating Budget because the Town is purchasing a service. Mr. Lamb reviewed three items that are of particular interest to this Committee: • Moving CIP #1054 funding into the operating budget; • Adding Internet redundancy; and • Identifying IT measures that increase the Town's sustainability. Minutes Page 2 of 3 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting November 28, 2018 Mr. Kanter described the proposed amendments to the Draft#3 Minutes for the November 14, 2018, CEC meeting. A Motion was made and Seconded to approve that Draft#3 as amended. Vote: 6-0. Member Concerns • To avoid a perception of impropriety by Committee members, Mr. Kanter reviewed the Town Moderator's previous guidelines relating to finance-committee members' involvement in elections for Town positions, as follows: ➢ Members should not play a role in candidates' campaigns other than to provide requested financial information. ➢ Members should not publicly endorse a candidate. ➢ Financial contributions should be moderate. ➢ Although it is unrealistic to hold spouses/partners of Committee members to these restrictions, their involvement should be carefully considered to avoid questions of impropriety of the members. The Committee members agreed those were still appropriate guidelines and that they will be guided by them. • There was agreement that this Committee's role at the November 13, 2018, Special Town Meeting (2018-1) was appropriate and went well. Adjourn A Motion was made and seconded at 9:26 A.M. to adjourn. Vote: 6-0. These Minutes were approved by the CEC at its meeting on December 4, 2018. Page 3 of 3