HomeMy WebLinkAbout1815-1835 Selectmen Records. Vol. 1 (typed transcription) (S-17)Selectmens Records 1815 - 1835 Page. 1 Contracts for the Poor. March 20th. 1815 then the Selectmen agreed with Mr. Amos Stearns to board John Smith and wife one year from the 1st. day of April 1815. for $2..11 & half cents pr. week for both persons, if either should be sick a reasonable allowance to be made said Stearns. do. with Mr. Nathan Dudley to board Stephen Hartwell one year from the 1st. of April 1815. for41..49 pr. week, if sick to be allowed as aforesaid. do. do. with 1r Nathan Munroe . t o board Asa Robinson one .year from the 19th. of April 1815, for eighty five cents pr. week if sick to be allowed extra. do. do. do. with T1s. Isaac MUzzey to board James Munroe one year from the 1st. of april 1815. for eighty three cents & a half pr. week if sick extra allowances also agreed with Mr. Samuel Stone to board David Fisk one year from. 13th. of July 1815, for eighty four cents pr. week if sick extra allowance. at the same time let Hannah Champney to said Samuel Stone to service for one year for 25 cents pr week commencing, the 29th June 1815, for twenty five cents pr. week. April lth 1816 then the Selectmen agreed with Mr Attai Estabrooke to board James Munroe one year from the 3d. day a ,pril 1816 for seventy three cents pr. week if sick a reasonable allowance. Stephen Hartwell let out to board. to Mr Thomas Lock for one year from the 2d day of April for $1..33 pr. week. if sick as aforesaid. Asa Robinson was let out to board to Mr Nathan Munroe for one year to Commence the 19th. day of April 1816. for 71 cents pr. week John Smith & wife was let out to board 'to Mr Amos Stearns for one year for 4 .140 to commence the lst. day of 4)1'11 1816. 4mAsa Adames was let out to service for one year to Mi. Enoch Dyer for Fifty dollars, the year to commence the 2d. of Aprl. 1816 2 Soldiers Orders March 20th. 1815 3 The Selectmen granted the following Orders viz from the old book No 20..n Order to pay..Mr.. William.. Reed twenty nine dollars, agreeable to a Vote of the town to detached Soldiers the year past... .. 21. An Order to .pay a' . Loa Look, twenty three dollars sixty seven cents. No No 22. An :Order_ to pay Mr: ._Amos Cutler doll. sixty seven cents. An Order to pay Mr. John Cutler dolls_ sixty seven cents. .._ . An Order to pay Mr Timothy Dean dollars sixty seven cents. An Order to pay Er _Jonas Lawrence twenty-three 23 67 dollarssixty seven cents. and ,An Order to pay Mr Nathan Aussell" twenty 23 67 three dollars sixty seven cents given out- i n two - Orders- one number, one for .$9.-.0 the other _for 14..67... - No 23 No 24. No 25. - No 2.6. Cts. 29- .0 • 23' 67 twenty -three 23_ 67 twenty three 23 67 twenty..three. .23 .67 School Orders An Order to pay Miss :Martha 1teriam thirty three33. 33 No 27. dollars thirty three cents for teaching school twelve •weeks, in the Middle district including her board. No 28. and An Order to pay Miss Eliza Meriam thirty 33 33 three dollars thirty -three ;cents for -teaching. School fourteen meek% ir,, ,the west _district including her board. poor. .An „Order to pay, Miss. Elizabeth Clark _six 6 25 dollars twenty five cents for 250 quarts of milk at • two &- a half :cents pr; . qr.. supplied the poor. School Or. An Order to pay gr. Josiah Bryant six dollars 6 33 thirty three cents_, - for wood found •the. southeast school eating of the same. _ No 29 - An Order to pay Mr John Cutler fourteen dollars for two cords of wood found the aforesaid school, - 14 00 $ 254 26 4) , An Order to pay Mr. Benjamin Lock three dolls 3 34 No.30. and thirty four cents, for carting & cutting two School Cords of wood for the North district school. - - Order Solder An Order to pay Mr Josiah Smith 2d. twenty 21 34 Orders &c one dollars 34 cents. detached Soldier. this payed the order was number 30. 3d of April 1815 No 31 An Order to pay Mr. David Tuttle twenty three dolls, 67 cents do. 23 67 Shool An •Order to pay 10ir John Underwood twelve Order dolls. for two cords of wood found the South 12 00 No 32 district school for 1814 Soldier An Order to pay Mr. Thomas Tufts Junr. twenty Orders three dollars 67 cents. 23 67 No 34 No 35 An Order to pay Mr John Mulliken Junr. twenty 23 67' three dollars 67 cents. - detached as aforesaid No 36- An Order to pay Capt. Nathaniel Barrington Nineteen dollars, went on the as Sergant in the Artillery. 19 00 No 37 An Order to pay Mr. John Gemmel twenty three 67 cents. 23 67 VO 38 An Order to pay M. Thomas Greenleaf twenty three dollars 67 cents. 23 67 No.39 An Order to pay Mr. Nehemiah Wellington eleven dollars 50 cents. — 11 50 No 40 An Order to pay -Mr. Samuel Fisk twenty three dollars 67 cents. 23 67 No 41 An Order to pay Mr Samuel P. Teel eleven dolls 50 cents. 11 50 School An Order to pay. lir Nehi.miah. Wellington two Orders dollars 50°cents, for 12 panes of Glass setting No 42the same and mending a sash, in'the South district Schoolhouse. 2 50 Soldier An Order to Mr James Brown 3d, twenty three Order dolia, 67 cents. - - 23 67 No 43 poor and An Order to pay lar- Isaac .Muzzey thirty No 44 four dollars 37, cents viz ,twenty Bine dollars 42 ,cents for yarding James Munroe from 7th of Sepr. 1814 to the lth of .April 1815 & one dollar 34 57 extra, 37 cents for a waiscoat found said James and three dollars 8 cents for half a cord ofwood delivered Widw. Lydia Harrington by the Select- men's Order. April 8th 1815 5. poor. - An Order was granted, to pay Mrs Mary Stearns No 45. thirty one dollars 25 cents for boarding John 31. 25 Smith & wife from the ith. of January 1815 to the 1 of April viz thirteen weeks at 42..40 pr. week. April 10th No 46 An Order was granted: to pay Mr. Torras Look three dollars for half a cord of wood delivered 3 00 Job Lock by the Selectmen's Order. -- lib 47 . and An. Order to pay Nair. Benjamin 0. Welling- ton eight dollars, viz six dollars for 32 yds. of 8 00 Cloth for Axaasa Adams, & tmm dollars for this book for the town n record. ° - - April 3d. 1815 then the Sell-etm.en Appointed Sealer of Mr. Amos Muzzey Junr. Sealer of weights and weights Measures for the town of Lexington. and said Muzzey was sworn to the faithful discharge measures of his duty in said Office. before' John Mulliken Just. Peace April 20th 1815 Then the Selectmen Recori.d and settled with Nathan Chandler Esq Treasurer for all the monies that he has received in and paid' out since April 18th. 1814, to the Above date and fine due on James Brown's Note dated. May 6th. 1813, as principal 150 00 due on Colo. William Munro's Note Guardian - to Ebenezer Harrington 4 14 due on Liii.Harrington's Note for taxes - - - - 17 87 due on Abram Smith's Note dated Sept. 20th 1807 10 36 due on do. Sepr. 20th 1810 - - - -- - - _ - 14 31 due on Nathl, Mulliken's Note for taxes, - - - - -4 '7 due. on do 9 28 due on Note Elias Wiles Collector for 1812-1813 8 73 due on do 5 20 due from Elias miles Collector for 1814 - - - - 2553 17 the Treasurer has received in and has paid out and we find due to the Treasurer we also find in the Treasurer's hands a two dollar bill.of the Hollowell bank 2586 63 2634 12 47 49 6 - Settlement - Cont . d We find •due to €illian Nichols and Lathan Harrington one hundred which sums the Treasurer borrowed to pay the detached soldiers agreeable to a vote of the town, we also find due to NathanChandler seventy five dollars 90 centspaid Capt. David Reed for timber Feby. 27th. 1815 towards rebuild- ing Cambridge Bridge. No 48 Nathan Chandler Treasurer 150 00 100 00 '75 90 John Malliken Charles Reed )Se3.a ctmen Benja. 0. Wellington.) At the foregoing settlement an. Order was granted to Nathan Chane er Treasurer, for monies he had paid for the poor.: -&c, gds, Amounting to $304.53 to cash paid Mrs. Hartwell from April 26th 1814 to 9th March 1815 - $ 43 00 to do. paid Mrs.. Harrington from May 2d. 1814. to April 5th. 1815. 23 00 to do. paid for "a wheel for -Mrs .Perry - - - - - 2 . 25 to do. paid Mr Nathan Dudley for provisions found Mrs Ree, (refunded back by Charlestown) 9 37 to cash paid Deborah Sauco one of the town's poor 0 25 to cash paid for Clothing for the poor from August 2d. 1814 to March 8th. 1815. - Porty four dollars, 29 cents - 44 29 to- cash paid Mr. Joseph Mason & his widow from Sepr. 24 1814 to Deer. following six dollars twenty sixcents-_- 6. 2.6 to cash paid Mr Charles Ree, for money he advanced to the detached men when on their March to Boston 1 90 to cash paid Capt. Timothy Page on account of the exempt soldiers belonging to his Company- - - - - 6 00 to cash paid the Revd Thaddeus Fisk for attending the funeral of Joseph Mason. '2 00 to cash paid Peter Tulip for cutting the brush in boring ground one dollar - - - - - 1. 00 139 32 Contd. to, clash paid in, Novr. 1814, for a cord of wood for Mrs Fessenden of Charlestowne, nine dollars. - - $ 9 00 Novr. 1814, to cash paid for exchanging 13 dollars oi'_Eastern money, bank bilis to cash paid Polly Loring for Attendance upon Mrs. Mason when sick. Jany. 10th. 1815 to cash paid Capt. David Reed of Bedford for a cord of wood found the widow Tidd 1 30 92 5 .. 00 to cash paid Mr. Elisba Stearns for boarding one of Perry's Children from the 18th. of Novr. 1814 to the 17th of March 1815, twelve. dollars 75 cents 12 75 to cash for sundry articles of provisions found Mrs. Perry from May 1814 to the 18th of Novr. following, and or a Journey to Lincoln to agree with .Elisha.Stearns to board Mrs Perry & her Child also for moving her goods to Lincoln Six dolls 20 cents 6 20 for going to Lincoln on Account of the direct tax 1 00 to provision found Mrs Reed from May to July 1814 1 60 to running 375 balls for the T'own's stock & for making blank Cartridges for Capt. John Parkers Company by agreement withe the Selectmen. - - - 2 25 '7th of Octr: 1814 to a Journey to Boston to purchase clothing for the poor one doll, 25 cents 1 25 for one days work on Disks hill in Octr 1813 3, 00 for two days to Cambridge at the supreme Court at the trial of Lucy Chester's case four dollars 4 00 td cash paid for repairing the schoolhouse in the North District three dollars 22 cents 3 22. to Preambulating on Bedford line on doll,, 1 00 for Provision found Job Lock from ,Jany 24th 1.815 to the 7th of March following 6 82 to seven times to Cambridge respecting building a new bridge. over Charles River & making the contracts to build the same -. thirteen doll 50 cents 13 50 Aprl.5th 1815 to cash paid Caleb Simond's for Saml. Biodgett's board in prison at Concord. four dolls, 50 cents 4 50 paid Capt. David Reed for timber found for Cambridge,bridge 75 90 for my services as Town Treasurer for 1814 viz for receiv- ing in $2586.63 at fifty four cents on the hundred dollars 14 00 165 21 8) No 49. May 1st. 1815. An Order was granted to payer Nathaniel Cutler six dollars for one cord of wood found the South School". 6 00 No 50 and an Order to pay Mr John Muzzy twelve dollars seventy three cents viz for repairing the west schoolhouse one dollar, for work done 1 00 on the highway over his tag seven dollars & three 7 3 -cents, for making's plough to be used on the high- way two dollars twenty five cents 2 25 for going to Cambridge about the Bridge one dollar & fifty cents. - - - - 1 50 for money paid Mr Barrington for sharping a plow share 20 cts. do paid MIr Kimbal for plow plates siventy five cents. 0 95 12 73 No 51 poor May 29th. 1815 An Order was granted to, pay John Mulliken for thirty four dollars 67 Bents for boarding asa Robinson from the 19th day of 0etr.1814 to the 19 of April 1815 at one dollar 33 cents & three mills pr. week. and one dollar for going to Lincoln about the direct tax. 34 67 1 No 52 An Order to pay Mr. Jonas Munroe of Woburn Fifty two dollars, for boarding- Stephen Munroe 52 00 from the 25 of April 1814 to the 25 of April 1815. at one dollar pr. week No 53 An Order to pay Mr.David Oomee Jun of Gardner for boarding Jona. Comee up to the loth of May poor do. 1815;Fifty four dollars 92$ cent which is ir. 54 00 full said Jonathanfs board to the 10th. of may aforesaid. in Order • to. pay Mr Amos Smith of -Boston seventy eight.. dolls, for part board of his Brother Timothy poor do. Smith from Sepr.. 1. 1814 to March r, 1815 twenty 78 00 six weeks at $3.0 pr. week July 17th. No 54 School An Qrder was granted to pay fir John Muzzey Jur. One hundred Dollars for keeping the school in the Middle District fourteen weeks, boarding himself 100 00 & finding the wood for said school. - No 55 An. Order: to- pay Elisha Stearns -one doll.. &50 poor cents it being a ballanee due. him for boarding the Ferry boy (9) .August 7th No 56.-. .: An Order Was granted to -pay Colo John Chandler seventy nine dollars 50 cents,' -for teaching the 79 50 west school from.Deer. 5th. 1814 to March 7th 1815 at twenty six dollars pr. mo. August 14th The Selectmen granted the following Orders viz) No 57 An Order to pay Mr. .Amos Lock seven dollars and 7 80 80 cents for boarding the Ferry boy from the 27th poor of April 1815, to the 27 of July thirteen weeks at, 60 ets, pr. week. .An _Order to pay Dr. - Thomas Whitcomb seventy two dollars _15 .cents 'for ` boarding StephenHartwell No 58. from the 26th. of June :1814 to April 4th 1815 viz forty weeks & a third at $1..66 seven mills pr.week including one dollar & 50 cents for a pair of pant- alons for :said Hartwell. No 59 - An Order to pay- Mr William Thorning two dollars 38 cents for making a pair of shoes for Hannah- 0hampney & mending a pair for ;dames Munroe No 60 - And an Order to pay Mr john Hastingseighty school five dollars for keeping the South district school three months & twelve days, last winter 1815. - 2 38 Septemb er4th No 61 The Selectmen granted the folloing Orders viz) An Order to pay Mr. Oharles . Reed eigty school eight dollars 67 cents, for teaching the.North 88 67 District school three months,& seven days, .viz from Deer. 5th. 1814 to.Marah 14th. 1815, at twenty seven dollars pr. month. No 62 .. An Order to pay Mil John. Cutler seven. dollars for a Cord. of Wood delivered at the East school- 7 0 house for the use of the school. No 63 An Order to pay Mr Isaac Muzzy 5.96 for boarding James Munroe from the 1st. of April 5 96 poor -- 1815 to the 21st of May viz seven weeks & one day at eighty three cents and a half pr. week. No 64 And an Order to pay Mr John Munro Jur two. dollars 54 cents for mending & stealing Trills used on the highway one dollar. 54 cents and one dollar for one Ib of powder used on said highway. the same- being pa.id by said Munroe Surveyor of highways for 1814. 2 54 10) Septr. 6th 1815. The following Orders were granted by -the -Select- men viz. An Order to pay gr. Samuel Stone twenty No 65 Nine, dollars 49 cents, fop boarding David Fisk 29 49 from the 18th of July 1814 to. the 21st. of July poor 1815, viz fifty three week at eighty three cents pr. week, one dollar Extra Allowance aded to above Order_being the ballance due said.Stone -for sd. board after deducting Fifteen dollars 50 -cents for Hannah Champney's service for said Stone from the 29th. of .June 1814 to the 1st of 8epr. 1815, viz sixty two weeks at 25 cents pr, week. - - - No 66 - -An. Order to pay Mr. John Underwood. Nine dolls, School for one. and a half Cords of wood found the south 9 0 .School at six dollars pr, cord. No 67 No 68 - An Order to pay Mr Joseph Underwood twelve dolls, 9 cents for Necessaries found the widw. Gen Adams from Aprl. 13th 1814 to June third, inelud- 12 9 ing • two dollars for two days on a Committee to pircure Ministers to supply the pulpit. - An Order to pay Mr Nathan Munroe two dolls. 37 cts. viz two dollars for diging a grave for David Fisk & 37.cts for mending the Pall. No. 69 An Order to pay Mr Nathi. Mulliken Ninety one School - dollars for teaching the East District school three & a half months at 26 Dollars pr, mo. No 70 No 71 No 72 11) No 73 2 37 91 - 0O And an Orderto pay Nathl. & John Mulliken fifteen dollars 38 cents viz four dollars for a Coffin & other services at the funeral of Mr. Joseph Mason, two dollars 38 cts. for four Bass 15 38 Viol strings 75 cts for repairing the East school- house, one dollar for cleaning the Town Clocks for six Squares of Glass for the Meeting house, one dollar 50 cents, setting the same & other labor done on the Meetinghouse two dollars, & three dolls. for a Coffin for David Fisk. Sepr. 11. An Order was granted to pay Mr Thomas Green- ief one dollar 29 cts. for blowing rocks on the highway by Order of Christopher Beed surveyor An Order to pay Mr. John Augustus one doll. for leather delivered Stephen Munroe for a pair 1 Shoes 1 29 An Order to pay Mr. Michael Crosby fourteen dollars, for house rent for Jonas Lawrence one 14 00 year ending April 9th 1815. Cond. An Order to pay Mr Enoch Dyer two dollars & 35 cts for two & a half days work on the highways 2 35 over his highway tax in,the capasity of Surveyor in 1814 No 74 An Order to pay Mr Ebenezer Simonds three dolls 75 cents viz two day labor on the highways 3 75 2 dolls for powder &,sharpning drills 75 cents & aplow one day 1 doll. used on said highways. No 75 An 'Order.to .pay Dr. Joseph Fisk Esq. thirty seven dollars 20 cents for visits & Medicine, 37 20. poor administred to the Town's poor from Sepr. 1814 to the loth. of Sepr. 1815. No 76 An Order to pay Mr Nathan Dudley three .dons 74 cents for drink found the Selectmen, melding 3 74 contracts & letting out the poor, &c - ip No 77 An: order to pay Mr Amos Stearns twenty Boor seven dollars._49 cents, for boarding John .Smith &:wife from April • 1st.. 1815.to,July 1st, viz 27 49 thirteen weeks at two dollars 11Q cents pr. week An Order to pay Mr Elias Viles One hundred No 78 ,follars. which sum he .paid Tire -;_James ._Newhafl for teaching thesingingschool, including all 100 00 other expenses for said school, expended agree- able to a Vote of the town. An Order to pay Isaac Hastings Esq. five No 79 dollars viz four dollars for two days to Cain- 5 00 bridge Court as a Witness in the Chester case, - & one dollar for ,assisting in renewing the bounds between Lexington & Lincoln, by Order of the Selectmen. 'No 80 An Order to pay Mr Abi jah Harrington one dollar, for going to Lincoln respecting the 1 00 direct tax. - No 81 An Order to .pay Lt Christopher Reed .give six `doll for planks used on the _swamp_ road &.. dollar for a plow, the dollar for the plow was a mistake having teen ,allowd to Ebenr, Simonds No 82 _ And an 0rder to pay Mr John Viles one dollar 75 cents for a pair of shoes for David 1 75 poor Fisk delivered .Ootr. 18th 1814. 12) Sept. 2Oth - An Order was granted to pay Mr John Augustus No 85 - seventy five cents for mending a pair of shoes 0 75 .mistake for Stephen Hartwell. - - - - - _- - in no, No 83 An Order to pay Mr Josiah lead forty seven dolls. 25 dents for goods delivered Abigail Munroe and the -widws Lydia Harrington by the 47 25 Selectmen's Order, from the 2d. of March 1815 to Sepr. 7th. --- - - T. An Order to pay Fla jr. David Johnson two dollars No 84 50 cents viz for mending a pair of shoes for 2 -50 Hannah Champney•one dollar, & one dollar 50 cents for one & half day tswork one the highway An Order to pay kr Sami. Stone extra allowance. No. 86 fifteen dollars in -David Fisk's last Sickness, one doll 50 ets. for a sheet & hankerchief & one doll. 50 cents for lavin& out said David. - - - - - - 18 00- No 87 No. 88 Orders on 1815 tax -- - No l • -An Order to pay Dr. Caleb Boutelle four, dollars viz two dollars for visits and Medicine to Christopher Marston, U. S. Soldier who died at 4. 00 Mr Peter !illingtons do. to Alla Foster U. S. Soldier at lchabod Fessendens 75 cents tied do.do. to Amasa Adams one dollar 25 cts. And an Order to payer Elias lTiles forty nine dollars 5 cents far Collecting $3003 dollars for the year 1814 at 52 cents on the pound. 49 5 Deer. 4th 1815. An Order was granted to pay Miss Emily Winship thirty three dollars 33 cents, for keeping the east school twelve weeks & three days at X2.75 pr week. 33 33 No 2 An Order to pay Mg Amos Smith of Boston Seventy dollars &. 50 cents, being part of his brother Timothy's board et Andover up to Sepr. 70 50 1st. 1815. - No.3 poor 13 - No 4 school No 5 School No 6 School Decr. 16th. An Order was granted to pay Mr Jonas Peiree of Westminister, thirty six dollars 83 cents for 36 83 boarding Jona. Comore from the 10th of may to the 8th of Novi'. 1815. viz 26 waeks at one dollar forty one cents pr. week. Contd. An Order to pay Miss Sarah Chandler seven dollars 75 cents for teaching the North District 7 75 school three weeks. And an Order to pay Miss Sally Lock for - teaching the,School in said North District to 25 58 the amount of twenty five dollars 58 cents Jany. 25th 1816 An Order was granted to pay Miss Betsey A. Fessenden thirty three dollars 33 cents for 33 33 teaching the Southeast District School twelve weeks, approved by. the school Committee in sd. district Feb,y 6th An Order was granted by the Selectmen to no.Number- pay Ur. 'Samuel Blodget four dollars, for his Attendance and services for Job Lock in his last poor Sickness, and after his death. 4 0- No 7 &, .4n. Order to pay Miss Patty Willington. thirty three dollars 33, 'cents for. teaching School o,rthe :South school In the .sumer of. 1815. Feby. 24th No.8 An Order was .granted to pay 1ST John Fessenden Eighty four dollars for teaching School - the Southeast school three months, at twenty eight dollars pr. month. do. 26 No 9 An Order to .pay Ur. Amos Muzzy Jur. forty four dollars 33 cts viz thirty three dollars 33 cents for his Daughter Elmira.'s teaching school twelve weeks in the Middle District. & eleven dollars said Muzzy paid the Courts Com- mittee for their service .one day in viewing the contemplated road from Daniel Child's down to Reuben Palmas house. 33. 33 84 00. No. 10 . ..n Order to pay Mr. Akos Burrett three dollars viz one dollar for a pair of •sock & a pair of Mittens for Auras Adams & two dollars 3 0 for 3 feet ofwood found the west school. 14) An Order to pay Cap. John Parker Jur. twenty four dollars 78 cents,viz fourteen dollars 15 No 11 cents ' for " entertaining the Courts• & town Com- mittee on the 27th. of Deer. 4815. • do.Eight dollars for entertaining Colo Baldwin Bea jr. Wyman and Others when surveying and taking the hights on the old road & the new road, in contem- plation for a road. - - also two dollars & 25 cents for wood found the school in the Middle District. - - - - - 24 78 And an Order to pay Mr Josiah dead. fifty No.12 three dollars 93 cents viz for goods delivered 18 00 Mrs. Lydia Harrington from Sepr. 7th 1815 to Feby. 26th 1816 75 cents pr, week. Order for do. for goods Delivered Diss 4bigail Munroe the poor from & up to the aforesaid dates that is 24 24..00 19P4a12 weeks at $1.0 pr, week do. do. to, goods. Delivered Mrs Tulip from Deer. 26th. 1815 to Feby. 20th 1816 amounting to four dollars 50 cents .. 4 50 and for necessaries deliv,d-for"Job Lock in his last sickness, to cloth for his Daughter • Elisa and also necessaries deliver,d at the funeral of Isaacs Blodgett amounting in all to 7 43 seven dollars 43 cents March 4th. 1816. No. 13 - An Order was granted by the Selectmen to pay Colo.' Joshua Russell five dollars, which sum he advancd in part pay for the Courts Committee one day- on the road No. 14 AEA an Order to pay N. & Tohn Mulliken twenty five dollars 52 cents viz 1 twenty five cents to a Bass Viol string &for a Coffin for Isaac Blod- gett Junr 44. doll. do. for Job Lock $4. dolls. for setting 39 square$ of glass in the Meeting house & other repairs, three dollars, 25 cts. mending the Bible keept in the Meeting house 13 :25 52 cents setting 6 spares of glass & repairing windows in the school house Middle District one dollar '8 cents, and for Seven yds. of ?Tooling cloth for the poor, nine dollars '69 cents, - also aded cloth for the Perry boy at Winos Locks. `3..12.. 3 12 No and an Order to pay Miss Eliza Miriam thirty three dollars 33 cents for keeping School 33' 33 thirteen weeks in the west district 1815 includ- ing her board 151 March lith An Order was granted to pay Mr Josiah Smith No 15 four dollars for four days work done on the 4 00 highways in 1815, over his highway tax. An Order to pay Colo. Benja F. Baldwin nine- teen dollars viz four dollars for his ervices 19 00 No 16 one day veiwing the Contemplated road prayed for by Joseph Bosmer & Others,and fifteen dollars for his services Surveying the old road & the new road for a road & the town Of LexingtonIs part of a plan 25th the following Orders was granted by the Select - No 17 men An Order to pay Mr Thom. Lock eighteen dollars 82 cents viz for two cords and half of wood fifteen dollars & one bushel of rye meal & two of Indian do. three dollars 82 cents delivered to the widw,-Eunice Blodgett. - 18 82 An Order to pay Mr Oliver Locke Ninety one No Number dollars for teaching the South District school 91 00 fourteen i weeks. No. 18 And an Order to pay Nis Amoss Smith of Boston Sivinty one dollars 50 cents for his Brother Timothy's board from Sept. 1st 1815 up to. March 1st. 1815, at two dolls 75 Dents pr. week. 71 50 Aprl. Est. No. 19 An Order was .,granted to pay TVFr. Amos Stearns eighty two dollars 51 cents, which is in full 82 50 for _boarding John Smith and wife to said first da of april 1816 .. . And an Order to pay Mr Charles Reed ninety No.20 two dollars 50 - viz eighty nine dollars for _. teaching the North District school three months 92 50 & eight days at_twenty seven dollars pr. month & three dolls. 50 cents his services in the capacity of Constable in LeXington in 1815 No.21 No.22 - 15th . . -. 'An Orden Was granted to pay Mr Charles. . Harrington twelve dollars for two cords of wood found the ;southeast school. 12- 00 An Order to pay Mr Tohn Augustus Sixteen dolls. 75 cents for taking care of the Meeting 16 75 house and ringing the bell &a from Feby 8th 1815 to ?eby. 8th. 1816 16. An Order to pay Mr. Nathan Munro6 Forty eight dollars 70 cents viz) forty four dollars 48 - 70 No.23 & 20 cts. for boarding Asa Robbinson from the 19th -" of April 1815 to the April 19th. 1816 at eighty five cts, pr. week two dollars_. for takingcare of the Berse for the year 1816 two dollars for diging a Grave for Isaac Blodgett Jur. & 50 cents for a pair of socks found Asa Robbinson No..24 No 25 No 26 May. 3d. 1816 An Order was granted to pay Mr.Amos Look twenty four dollars' 15 cents for barding the Perry ,boy from the 27th. of- July 1815 viz - - 24 15 thirty nine weeks_ at 60 cents pr week, to making clothing for said boy 75 cents, the whole - amount i ng to $24..15 _ An' Order: to pay Mr Jonas Mnnroe for boarding Stephen Munroe from the 25 of 4pril 1815 to - 49 42 April 25th. 1816 at 92 cts, pr, week Forty seven dollars 67 cts. & one dollar seventy five cents for a pair of shirts for sd Stephen An Order to pay Mr Nathan Russell nine dollars 50 cents viz se -Ln dollars for wood found the 9 50 East school house & other repairs two dollars 50 cents sealer of weights and measures 17 No 27 April: 25th 1816 then the Selectmen Appointed Mr Amos Muzzey Jur. Sealer of Weights & measures for the town of Lexington for the ensuing year. Said Muzzy was sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty in said Office - B:efore me John Mulliken Just. Peace the care bell was Augutis, year, to of the Meeting house, & ringing of the let to Benja. Lock 3d. living at John for thirteen dollars 75 cents for one commence Feby. 8th. 1816 May 3d. 1816 Then the Selectmen reckn,d with Nathan Chandler Esq. Treasurer for all the monies that he has received in and paid out since the twentieth day of April 1815, to the above date and finde due to the Town the follow- ing sums, vizj From James Brown Esq. as principal on his Note, 150 00 from Colo. William Munroe as Guardian for Ebnr. Harrington do. Levi Harrington fro outstanding taxes do. Abram Smith for ditto from do. - - - -fer ditto frozi Nathi. Mulliken for do. from do. for do from Elias Viles for do fron do. for do from do. for do. from do. for do. due from Elias Viles Collector for 1815_ the Treasurer has received in and has paid out we also Linde due to the Treasurer Nathan Chandler Treasurer John Malliken Charles Reed Benjn. O. Wellington Sohn Muzzey Jur. May 6th. 1816 4 17 10 14 4 9 8 5 14 4 2292 2949 2993 44 j Selectmen 14 98 36 31 7 28 73 20 86 28 16 .5 71 66 the Selectmen Granted an Order to pay Mr Nathl. Cutler nine dollars, for one and a 9 0 half cords of wood found the South school. .n Order to pay Mr. Daniel Child four dollars it being for extra allowance for .masa 4 00 Adams being sick while living at said Childs house in 1815 Said Amasa was let to said Child for $15..0 the Clothing that sd. Childe found for sd. amase was $10..65 18) At the Settlement with Nathan Chandler Treasurer Rn-Orderwas granted to pay sd. Chandler one hundred;and.eighty two dollars 37 cents .viz. 'for supplying Job Lock with sundry Articles of 15 96 1815 provisions from. May 30th. 1815 to Feby..6th 1816 to.'yoburn May 3d. 1815 to Stephen Munroes board 1 00 June -to Cambridge about the. Bride 2 00 to preambulating on Burlington line - - - - - 1 00 July to Cambridge to make a Settlement for building the 'new bridge over Charles River - - - 2 00 Sepr to _cash paid for 7 yds. of Shirting for Stephen Hartwell 2 40 to cash paid for a 'pair 'of footings for Antasa 0 50 to cash for a Book for the Perry boy - - - - - - 0 20 to paid for the postage of . a . Letter from Durham respecting Alexander Maekdonel: 0 25 to paid fora beer measure to compleet the town standard 1 30 to half a day making Cartridges for Cap Meriams 0,001pY 0 50 to paid for deb Saco 'clothing &c 1 40 Novr. to paid for peices of rope to mend the bell rope 1 12 to paid for 18Q yds. of Shirting for 'the poor 6 25 to paid Abrm. Bdglow Esq for fileing a bond respecting Lucy Chesters Childe. - 1 00 to paid for a Cord of wood for MrsFessenden at Charlestown 8 00 to paid Revd. Charles Stearns for Attending the funeral of David Fisk - _ - - -- 2 00 to cash -paid for Clothing for the poor - - - - 6 25 to paid for the postage of a letter from Danvers respecting I. Lock' - - 0 12 1816 to paid fora Cord of .wood for Mrs Fessenden at Charlestown-- - - - - - - - - - - - 9 00 to paid for a postage of a letter from. Salem respecting Peter Harrington's family - - - 7 - 0 12 do. for the postage of one to Wesminister - - - 0 12 to Cash paid Wi11m Nichols for the Intrest on his note against the town. 9 00 to Cash paid Mrs. Lydia Harrington from May 8th4 1815 to April --16th. 1816 ) 33 20 66 to Cash paid s ' Hartwell from May 23d. 1815 to 45 00 20th Ta °1816 (paid the Revd Mr risk attending 2 00 the funeral of,Job Lock to cash paid Peter Tulip in part for boarding) 16 68 Deh Sauco. ) for his services as Treasurer for 1815 - - - - - 14 00 182 37 19) An Order to pay gr James Brown 'un. four dollars '52 cent s viz for two & half days work No.28 on the highways two dollars 50 cents, to pream- 4 52 bulating on West Cambridge line one dollar, to repairing the southeast schoolhouse one dollar 2 cents. - - - - An Order to pay John..Mulliken Nineteen No.29 dollars 88 cents,for preambulatipg on Woburn 1 00 line one dolir. for going to Lincoln after Revd. Mr Stearns to attend the funeral of David Fisk 75 cts. to one day to Cambridge at the supreme) 75 Court Lucy Chester's case Nov. 1815 two dolls.) 2 00 to cutting and making a pair of pantalons for J. Munroe 60,cents, paid David Kimball for a 0- 60 hasp & two staples for the town's Magazine chest) 30 cents ) 0. 30 to Yaltham respecting Joseph Billington one doll. 1 00 to half a day making Cartridges for Capt. Munroes Campy. 0 50 to making a ,shirt for Tames Munroe 33.for a sheet) found at the fameral decease of Job Lock 40 cents)O 73 paid at Concord at the Court of Sessions April 22d for the Witnesses support, and Courts Committee 6 00 support by Invitation &c ,at Majr. Simonds five dollars & one dollar paid Esqr. Ward at Sepr. term at Concord for my services as town Clerk for 1815 seven doll.? 00 No.30 do Order do., to pay John Mulliken twenty five dollars 76 cents viz twenty four dollars for boarding fames Munroe from 24th of Nova., 25 76 1715 to the third of April 1816 viz 18 weeks & 4 days at one dollar 83cts, pr week, and one dollar for boarding D. Mason & wife 2days making in- the whole $25.76 An Order to pay Nathan Chandler Esq fifteen dolls. for his services as Assessor for 1815 15 00 No 30 No.31 No.32 No 33 An Order to pay Mr. Abijah Harrington thirteen for his. Services as aforesaid 13 00 And an Order to pay Mr. John Muzzey Jun. for the same service. 11 50 An Order to pay Mr Michael Crosby fourteen dolls. 58 cents for twelve & a half mos. house rent for Jonas Lawrence ending April 23d. 1816 and -An Order to pay Benja. O. Wellington twelve dollars, 56 viz eleven dollars 50 for 50 sqrs. of Glass for the meetinghouse & one dollar & six cents for a n'iron weight sealing the same for the town's standard. 12 56 // 20 ): May 14th. =181 An Order was granted to pay Mr. Nathan DudleySeventy eight dollars, 88 cents, viz) No.34 seventy seven dollars 48 cents for boarding 78 88 - Stephen Hartwell one year from the 1 of April 1815, at one dollar & 49- cents pr. week, one dollr.40 cents for making a pair of pantaloons, mending shoes and finding a leather apron for sd.' Hartwell. - - - - - - - An Order to pay Thompson Bacon Esq. six dollars for measuring theroad from-Childe's 6 down to Reuben Pierces, and the proposed Alteration back to said Child's and taking a plan &c including Chainmen An Order to pay Timothy Bigelow Esq. - thirty dollars for his services for the town 30 00 of- Lexington in defending the petition of Joseph Hosmer & Others, for an Alteration of the road from Child's down to Reuben PeirceU house. An Order to pay Colo Benja. 1. Baldwin &• Josiah Crosby Esgs. ten dollars -for their time 10 00 and Attendance at Concord as Witnesses on the petition of Joseph Homer & others pending at the Court of Sessions. No.35 June 4th. An Order to pay &fr John Muzzey Jn iir. Ninety- eight dollars 35 cents, viz '• Ninety seven dollars 75 it being the ballance of a hundred dollars which said Muzzey was to have for keeping the school in the Middle District said . Muzzey kept the school from Deer. 6th 1815.to March 13th. 1816 for making a pair of pantaloons fo Amasa Adams 60 cents. An Order to pay- Royal Makepeace one hundred Bridge & lsiinety seven dollars 74 cents, being the ballance Acct. overof the Town of Lexinton's proportion for building Charles a new .Bridge. over .Charles River as' pr. Aoct. River Settled by the. Agents of the several town's this day July 19th, 1815. 197 74 An Order to pay Jonas Stetson eighty three 83 00 dollars it being Lexington's proportion of Lumber, he foundfor the Bridg building Over Charles. River. An Order to pay Samuel Child twenty two dollars 38 cents being the town of Lexington's proportion, as pr. Acct. on file. • 211 22 38 i 22) No 36 all this number No. 37 No. 38 No 39 ing No.40 No.41 No.42 No.43 July 8th. 1816 Ai Order was grantede to pay 1&r. Amos Stearns five dollars for boarding John Smith & wife 35 00 from the 1St. of April 1816 to July 1st. the. same given out in three orders on5in favor Ambrose Morell for fourteen dollars, one do. to John Milliken for sixteen dollars, & five dollars to said Stearns. July 17th'. An Order was granted to pay Mr Daniel.. Underwood of Newipswich Forty eight dollars for boardin Mrs Mason from Jany. 1st. 1815 to Jany. 1st. 1816. And an Order to pay Mr Jonas Peirce of Westminster for boarding Jona. Comma from the 9th. of November 1815 to the 1Oth.of May 1816 viz 26 weeks at $1..42 pr' week thirty six dollars 83 cents - & eight dollars for Clothing found sd. Comme &c. August 20th 48 00 44 00 An Order was granted to pay Colo. John Chandler eighty six dollars 50 cents , viz one dollar for making & filling Cartriges for 86 50 the Company under my"command in 1812. one dollar & 50 cents for one aged a half day's work on the highway over his highway Tax in 1815 and eighty four dollars for his Instruct- ing the West school from Deer.. 4th. 1815 to march 9th. 1816 inclusive, at twenty six dollars pr. Mo: An Order to pay Capt. Daniel Chandler three dollars 75 cents for glass •& setting thirty lights in the west school house in the fall of 3 75 1815 at /9 pr. light. An Order to pay Mr. William Thorning twelve dollars'50.viz`nine dollars for one & half cords of Wood, cutting & earring the same into the school shouse Vest District & three dollars for two pair of shoes for Asa Robinson & Amasa Adh ns. - An Order to pay Mr Nehemiah Wellington one dollar 67 cents for 10 panes of glass &• setting the 'same in the South schoolhouse, & other repairs And an Order to pay Mr Levi Harrington one dollar 25 cents for straping & fixing the wheel upon the Bell'on the Meeting house 12 50 1 67 1 25 23 No.44 No.45 No 46 Sepr. 2d., 1816 An..Order was granted to pay Dr. Caleb Boutelle five dollars 75 cents for Visits Medicine and Attendance to Peter Tulip in May 1816 ' An Order to pay Mr. Jona. Robinson four dolls. for earring the chin four days when Colo,' Baldwin took the heights and distance on the new Comtemplld road, .& the old road in Lexington. And ah Order to pay Capt Nathl, Barr- ington eae-4eilaP 60 cents for repairing the plastering under the Clock in the Meetinghouse, and 75 cents for repairing the chimney in the East Schoolhouse. 17th 5-75 4 00 135 No 47 The Selectmen granted the following Order viz. An Order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken ninety 93 00 three dollars for keeping the East -District school three months & a third at 28 Dollars pr. month, including his board. An Order to pay N. & John Mulliken eight dollars 73 cents their account as follows viz) No 48 two dollars 50 cents for a Chest_ to contain the Town's weight's & measure's, repairing a 8 73 chest for the Assessors 40 cents, a Coffin for Barry three dollars for one days'labor as sur- veyor in 1815 i. doll to one sett of Bass Viol Strings two dollars and. 83 cents for making _up Clothing for the poor. two dollars was deducted for an old Desk which was Mr Mason's, leaving a ballance of $8..73. No 49 An Order to pay Majr. Benja. O. Wellington Ninteen dollars 50 cents viz ten dollars -50 " cents for Clothing found for the poor, cutting & making up the same &c, six dollars paid the Apprisers 19 50 for estimating the damages to Abrm Wellington a town road being laid out aver his 'land, and three dollars for entertaining, said Appraisers & two of the Selectmen; said Appraisers were Messrs. - Solomon Flagg Amos Livermore & Tons. Russell. No.50 An Order to pay Dr. Joseph Fisk Forty two dollars 25 cents viz three dollars for half a cora of wood found Job `Lock. 3 00 24} Contd. Brought over 3 00 No. 51 No. 52 No. 53 No54 for attending the poor from Sepr. 1815 to Sepr. 14th. 1816. as follows viz) To six Visits & Medicines " 6 00 to three Visits to Jonas Lawrence's wife at Bedford to twenty five Visits do. to John Smith & wife' 9 25 to eight Visits do. to the widw. Lydia Barrington. 4 75 to two visits do. to 'the widw. Blodgett's Child 1 50 to twenty five visits do. to Job Lock 12 50 and two visits Debh. Sauco. at the poorhouse 1 50 39 25 3 00 total 42 25 An Order to pay Ir John Augustus eight dollars 52 cents for Clothing, found, Sullivan B. Perry by order of the Selectmen. An Order to pay Mt John Viles for two pair `of Shoes one do. for S. Hartwell one do. for James Munroe &, mending one pair the suns of four doll, 33 cts. 8 52 4 33 An Order to pay Mr Jona. Hunt two dolls. 50 cts. for boarding up two windows in the Meeting 2 50 house An Order to pay Mr Jonas Munroe five dolls. which sum he Advanced in part for Esq Ward ser- 5 00 vices for -the town against the new contenplated road. No.55 An Order to pay IUlajr. David Johnson one dolls 24 cents viz one dollar' for a pair of shoes for 1 24 the perry boy at Amos Lock's & mending Hartwells 24cts. No.56 An Order to pay Mr Joshua Simonds three dollars 43 cents for work done on the highway 'as Surveyor in 1815. No.57 And an Order to pay Mr Abijah Harrington two dollars advanced to Esq Ward as in the above Order of I+Tianroee And an order do. was granted to pay Capt. numbred Nathn. Harrington six dollars 75 cents viz two 30 dollars for diging a grave for Job Lock, two do. by nistakefor Barry for avowing the Brush in the busing ground 75 cts & for taking care of the hearse one year two dollars 3 43 75 25 - _ Sepr. 18th 1816 An .Order was granted to pay Mr.Nathan No 58 Reed eleven dollars 85 cents Viz 'eleven dollars 11 85 for two Cords of wood cutting up the same for the north District school; ea, `85'cents for Gass & putty to repair the North schoolhouse. An .Order to pay Capt. Daniel Chandler eight No 59 dollars 37 cents viz three dollars sixty one cents for Cloth delvd. for the Perry. boy at John 8 37 Augustus, & four dollars fOr goods delivd.76•do.. Peter Tulip by the Selectmens order. An Order to pay Mr Josiah Mead Sixty nine No 60 dollars for goods delivered Miss Abigail Munroe 29 00 from Feby 26th 1816 to Sepr. 16th viz 29 weeks at 1 dollar pr, week. do. To goods the widw. Lydia Harrington from Feb 26 1816 to Sepr. 16 viz 29 week's at 75 cts. 21 75 pr. week - o do. To goods delivered Peter Tulip from the 22d. of Feby. 1816 to June 7th. amounting to four dolls 25 cents. 4 25 do. To goods delivered Daniel Mason from May 4th. 1816 to Sepr. 16 amounting to -fourteen dollars. - - - 14 00 No.61 An Order to pay Mr Rufus Meriam five dolls which 'sum he Advanced in. part for Esc. Ward t s. . Services for the town against the new contem- plated road. An Order to pay fr. Charles Reed seven No.62 dollars viz five dollars advanced to.pay Esq. Ward in part for his services for the town against the new contemplated road, one dollar paid the Courts committe in part for their - services oneday when viewing the road &c, &. one dollar paid Daniel Child refreshment for sd. Committee 5 00 7 00 No 63 An Order to pay Mr Attai Estabrook sixteen dollars 24 cents for boarding James Munroe from 16 24 the 2d day of April 1816 to 4th'day- of August 22 weeks & one day at 73 Dents pr. week An Order to pay Mr Charles Lock two dolls No 64 ,for two days work on the highways as surveyor 2 00 over his highway Tax. No 65 An Order to pay Mr Willa.- Chandler 60 cts. 0 60 for three lb of pork delivered Peter Tulip 26) No. 66 Contd. And -an Order to pay Mr Elias wiles Collector for 1815 55...38 for collecting & paying in to 55 38 the Treasurer L 1065 ---- 3550 at five cent & 2 mills on the pound. No.67 And an Order do. to pay Mr Elias Viles four dollars which .sum he paid Ma jr. Benja. 'Nyman for 4 00 attending with Colo. Baldwin taking the hights &c, on the road's in Lexington. Oetr. 1 orders on 1816 tax An order was granted to pay Amos Stearns No. 1 thirty five dollars for boarding John Snaith & 35 00 wife from July 1st. 1816 to actr. 1st Deer. 2d 1816 No 2 An Order was granted to pay Miss Patty Wellington thirty three dollars 33 cents, for 33 33 teaching the South district school 12 week's, including her board. No 3 One do. to pay Miss Betsey .A. Fessenden thirty three dollars 33 cents, for teaching the Southeast school 12 week's, including her board, - 33 33 An Order to pay lir 3ames Bridges of Andover No 4 for boarding Timothy Smith from the 15th of June 1816 to the 15th. of Dear. viz 26 weeks at four dollars pr, week one hundred four dollars, & sixteen dollars for Clothing found said Smith, including damages done to boding &c. 120 00 Also in the aforesaid Order on the Treasurer, to pay the .town of Salem fifteen dollars 50 cents for supplies to the family of Pe -ter Barrington, who died at Salem 15 50 135 50 No 5 An Order to. pay Colo. Joshua Russell two dollars 48 cents for repairs -of the school house in the Middle division 2 48 Jany 28th 1817 An Order was granted to pay 1r Amos Stearns N 6 thirty five dollars for boarding John Smith & 35 00 wife from Octr. 1st. 1816 to Jany, 1st: 1817 No 7 An Order to pay Colo. Joshua Russell two dolls, 25 cents for going to Salem Respecting the habitacy'of Sam1. Smith, searching the records 2 25 &c. 27) should have been No 6. An Order was granted to pay the Overseers -of the town of Bedford. three ' dollars, it being 3 00 Dr. Prestons acct. for Medicine 'an Attendance to Jonas Lawrence wife in 1815 Feby. 13th 1817'. No 8 An Order was granted to pay the overseers of the poor of the town of Cambridge eight dol- 8 58 lags 68 cents for Ebenezer Whitets board while in Sail No 9 No. 10 No. 11 An order to pay Diss Emily Winship thirty three dollars 33 cents, for keeping school in the east district twelve weekts & three days in 1816 An Order to pay Mr John Augustus fourteen dolls 65 cents-, viz fouteen dollars for ringing the bell and careof the meetinghouse from Feby 8th. 1816 to Feby 17th 1817. eeaiteen-dellapa-& 14 65 25 cents & 40 cents for mending a pair of shoes for Perry boy at Amos locks - And an Order to pay Mr Amos Muzzy Junr. thirty three dollars 33 cents, for his Daughter 33 33 Elmira's teaching school twelve weeks in the Middle district. hell let The ringing -of the bell and care of the the 17th. Meeting house was let to Ir Nathan Dudley'for Feby 1817 one year from the 17th. of Feby. 1817 for $20..0 No. 12 No.13 No 14 No. 15 NO. 16 No.17 March 3d. 1813 The Selectmen granted the follo*ing Orders viz) An Order to pay Nathan Chandler Esq. twelve dollars for -his service as an Assessor for 1816 12 00 .An Order to pay the Town of Waltham Ninety three dollars 51 cents for boarding Joseph Well- ington 45 weeks and three days at two dollars pr. week $90..71. two dollars and 80 cents for mending shoes An Order to pay 1 .Willa.- Chandler three. dollars for warning six town It eetings four in 3 00 1816 two in 1817. An Order to pay Mr Abijah Harrington twelve dollars for his service as an Assessor for 1816 12 00 An Order to pay Mr John' l uzzey .Tun. Fifteen dollars for his service as an assessor for 1816 15 00 An Order to pay Yr Sohn Munroe Sur. one dollar 50 cents, which sum he e$pended for mending drills & for powder, used on the high- 1 50 ways in 1816. - p 28 No 18. Contd. An Order t� pay Ekrr Charles Reed two dollars 71 eents viz two dollars for necessaries found 2 71 the poor & sixty four cents for book's found the perry boy at Mr A Lock's No 19 An Order to pay Mr. Nathan Dudley five dolls 8 cents for liquor found the Selectmen when let- 5 ting the bell, letting out the poor, attending pauper cases gcc Aand an Order to pay Mr Thorns. Lock seven- teen dollars, 33 cents for boarding Stephen Hartwell 13 weeks from the 2d. day of April 1816 at one dollar 33 cents pr. week. March 6th..1817. No.2O An Order was granted to Nathn. Chandler Eaq - to pay hinself One hundred & Fifty one dollars 19 cents, for monies paid of the Treasurery March 7th. 1817. 151 19 Then the Selectmen reckoned and settled with Nathan Cha.i .ler Esq. Treasurer for the , town of Lexington, for all the monies that he has.reoeived in_& paid out since May the third 1816, to the above date and finde due to the town the following sums viz) from Colo. Willm. Munroe Guardian for Ebenezer Harrington - - - 4 14 from Livi Harrington for outstanding taxes 17 98 from Abram Smith for do. . 10 36 from do. do. - - - 14 31 from Nathl Milliken for do. 4 7 from ditto. 9 28 from Elias Viles for do 8 73 from do. 5 20 from do do 14 86 from do. 4 28 from do. do. 12 56 Due from Elias Viles as Collector for 1816 3623 86 The Treasurer has Recd. in 3100 86 & has paid out - - - - 3317. 46 _ballance due the Treasurer. 216 60 Nathan Chandler Treasurer Charles Reed )Selectmen Amos Muz z y Tr. i Lexington March 24th. 1817. D Cts Then the Selectmen of said town met at the House of Mr Nathan Dudley and granted the following orders Viz, No. 21) An order to pay IUJr Thomas Winship Ten - Dollars 25 Viz Six Dollars for_ Extra work done on the highways 100 in the capacity of Surveyor and Four Dollars 25 for Gutting and teaming wood far -the East District -100 School and i 0ord of -good found sd . school. No 22) An order to pay Mr Tonathan Winship Three Dollars 93 For repairing the•East District, Schoolhouse 100 10 25 3 93 29 Contracts for the Poor. IMaroh 31st 1817 At a meeting of the Selectmen at the house of Mr Nathn Dudley they then let out to the lowest bidder the following of the Poor Viz Mr Tonathan Smith bid off Stephen Hartwell at .5/6 pr wk to comrence .April 1st 1817 Mr Thomas Locke bid off James Munroe at 4/6 pr wk to commence April 1st 1817 - Mr Nathan Munroe bid off Asa Robinson at 5/6 pr Wk to commence 19th of April 1817 Major Samuel Hastings took Amasa Adams on wages for Thirty two Dollars for one year. The term of time for all the contracts is to empire on the 1st day April 1818. both for the above Poor and all those who may hereafter be let out the ensuing year at Publick Vendue The Selactmen contracted with the following Persons Vi.z., Mr -Jonas Peirce of Westminister then agreed to take Jonathan Commee one year at 8/6 pr Wk. Mr E] iab W. Metcalf agreed to keep Mrs Swaney for 5/0 pr Wk: May 19th 1817 Mr Nathan Dudley agreed to keep Stephen Munroe for -7/0 pr Wk Tune 23rd 1817 Mr "Nathan Munroe then agreed to keep Hannah Champney for 4/6 pr Wk. 30 March 31st 1817 The Selectmen then granted D Cts No 23) An order to pay Mr Thomas Locke Seventy seven Dollars 42 Viz, Fortynine Dollard for- boarding Stephen 49 00 10& Hartwell _. -of a year, and Twenty 'Hight Dollars 28 00 8/100 for House rent, -provisions and fuel found the Widow Eunice Blodgett as pr Contract of the Selectmen 77 42 No 24) An order to Day Mr Jonas Munroe Four Dollars and 87/100 Viz For Spirit and Wine Delivered to Joseph Mason when sick Two Dollars 12/100 and for refreshment found .the..Comm ttee when measuring the road Two Dollars 75/100 4 87 No 25) An order to pay Mr Nathan Dudley Four Dolls and 10/100 Viz For Provision and.fuel found Thomas J. Caldwell in the month of February 1817. 4 10 Eo 26) April .,,7th Then the Selectmen granted an Order to pay Muir Benjamin Reed Your Dollars for four Days work Extra done on the Highways in the capacity, of surveyor for 1816. 4 00 No 27) April 14th The Selectmen then granted an Order to,pay Mr. Jonas Peirce Thirty six Dollars and 92/100 for boarding Jonathan Commee Twenty six wks at one Dollar 42/100 pr Wk. . 36 92 No 28) An order to pay Mr Atai Estabrooks Twenty four Dolls 33/100 Viz Twenty one Dollars 96/100 Viz for ballance due to him for boarding James Munroe from the 4th day of August 1816 to the 3rd day orf Agril 1817 at 73 Cents pr Wk also 87/100 -for one pair of trowsers found sd James and One Dollar 50/100 for Extra nursing him when sick making in the whole Twenty four Dollars 33/100 24 33 • April 16th The Selectmen then granted an Order No 29) to pay Mr Josiah Mead Sixty nine Dollars 63/100 For goods delivered to Abigail Munroe from September 16th 1816 to the 15th day of April 1817 at One Dollar pr Wk . . Also. to goods delivered to the Widow Lydia Barrington from September 16th 1816, to the 15th day of April 1817 at 75 Cents pr Wk. Also to goods delivered to Daniel Mason from September 16th 1816 to the 15th day of April 1817 at 50/100 pr Wk. Also to goods delivered to Mr Thomas Locke for the widow Eunice Blodgett to the the amount of One Dollar March 6th 1817 to 52 yds of, C loth for John Smith Cls 30 00 22 50 1 00 1 13. 69 63. April 28th The Selectmen then granted an No 30) Order to pay Mr Nathan Munroe Thirtynine Dollars 18/100. For boarding Asa Robinson from the. 19th day of -. April 1816 to April 19th 1817 at 71/100 pr Wk 36 92 Also to Cutting and making one pr of sd Robinson .. . 0 .75._. To 1 pr of shirts for sd Robinson 0 67 To 1 pr of stockings and altering a Coat for sd Robinson 0 84 39 18 No 31) .An order .to pay Mr Amos Stearns Eighty five Dollars Viz For boarding John Snith and wife from Tanury 1st 181-7 to the 18th of March following at which time sd Smith died. Thirty one,Dollars 38/100 Also for- boarding. Mrs.. Smithfrom. the. 18th. of Marchto. the 23rd day of April following Three Dollars 62/100 Also to am allowance of Fifty Dollars Extra made to Mr Stearns for taking care of sd Smith in time of sickness. N.B. The above was given in 2 orders No.31 31 -38 3 62 50 00- 85 00 0 85-00 No 32) An order to pay Miss Eliza Meriam Thirty three Dollars 33/100 tor teaching the North District School the term of Eleven weeks in 1816 33 33 32 No 33) An order to pay Henry Bryant Dix D Cts Seventy five Dollars as for Contract of the Selectmen for boarding Joseph Wellington one year Viz from the 18th day of April 1816 to the 18th of April 1817 75 00. No 34) May 5th The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Nrr Amos Locke for boarding Naum Perry from _ Thirty one Dollars 20/100 Viz from the 27th day April 1816 to the 27th of April .1817 at 60/100 pr.Wk.In.two orders 14..2.2) 31 20 16..98) No 35) An order to pay Mr William Chandler Ninety one Dollars 75/100 For teaching the East District School Three Months and fourteen Days at Twenty six Dollars pr Month 91 • 75 No 36) May 14th The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Mr Jonas Peirce of Westminster Forty four Dollars. 91/100 Viz For boarding Jonathan Oomrnee Six Months Viz from the the 9th day of November 1816 to the 10th day of May 1817 at One Dollars 42/100 pr Wk. Thirtysix . Dollars 92/100 D 36 92 To woollen Cloth found to Mand sd Commee*s .Coat 0..33/100.. 0 3 To Cash paid for Doctoring sd. Commee when sick One 1 75 Dollar 75/100. To_nursing sd Commee Extra when sick •2 00 To Cash paid for spirit when sd 0ominee was sick 0 40 To Seven yds of Cotten Cloth for a pr of shirts for sd Commee and making the same Two Dollars 84/100 2 84 To 1 pr of Stockings D0..67/100 0 67 44 91 No 37) May 19th The Selectmen then granted an Order to peg- Muir Elias Viles Eighty Dollars for money which he paid to the following persons Viz Sixtyfive Dollars to Mr Daniel Underwood for boarding the widow of Joseph Masan one year at One Dollar 25/100 pr Wk Also , By order of Nathan Chandler Esqr Paid M'rs Hartwell the stun of Ten Dollars Also Paid Mr Amos Muzzey Jur Five. Dollars for the widow Lydia Harrington No 38.,E June 2nd The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Tiss Margarett Chandler Thirty three Dollars 33/100 For teaching the Western District School Three Months in 1816. 65 00 10 00 5 00 80 00 33 D Cts 33 33 No 39.) An order to pay M' John Hastings Ninety one Dollars for teaching the South District School Three Months and an half at Twenty six Dollars pr Month 91 00 No 40) An order to pay John Mulliken Esq Twenty four Dolls and 92/100 Viz For two Days attendance at the Court of Sessions at Concord to .oppose the Petition of Joseph Hosmer and others for a Road through Lexington 4 00 To 1 lb of salt Pork delivered to Peter Tulip 20/100 20 To 1 Pk of Meal delivered to said Tulip 31/100 31 To writing two Indentures to bind out Sullivan Perry One 1 00 Dollar. To twit Days Attendance at the Supreme Court at Cambridge on the Case of Lucy Chester in Novbr Term 1816 Four Dollars ,4 00 To One Day to consult. Timothy Bigelow Esq on the same Case Two Dollars 2 00 To four days attendance with Coln Baldwin on surveying &c on the old Road and on the new contemplated one Four Dolls 4 00 To writing Indentures for binding out the Perry Girl 50/100 0 50 To going to Burlington respecting the habitancy of Thomas Jones Caldwell One Dollar 25/100 1 25 To Making 1 pr of Shirts Do..66/100 0 66 To Services as Town Cleik Seven Dollars 7 00 24 92 No 41) June 16th The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay to -pay Mr Abram Wellington One hundred and thirty 8 Dollars for damage allowed him in consequence of a -Road laid out through his land by the Selectmen which Road was prayed for by Joel Smith and others. 138..00 No 42) June 25. 'he -Selectmen then granted an: Order to pay Mr William Smith Eifty . Dollars -92/100 For boarding Samuel Smith a Pauper -of Salem from the 4th day of :Novembr 1816 to April 7th 1817 including. clothing found sd-Smith' 50 92' 34 No 43) An Order to Jonas Bridge Esqr Ten Dollars .50/100 D Cts, For boarding.Two of_Jonatban Bridgers Children -Seven Weeks Viz From the 26th day of February 1817 to the 15th.day of April ' following at One Doll pr week 10 50 No 44) An Order to pay Mr Elias Files Fifteen: Dollars for money which he paid to Mrs Hartwell as ballance due on account of her board from the 26th day of April 1814 to the 20th of January 1816. Also Seven Dollars which he paid in part for her board in 1816. flaking Twenty two Dollars 15 00_ 7 00 22 00 No 45) An Order to pay Mr Francis Bowman dun One hundred and one Dollars 88/100 Viz To Powder and repairing drills on the Road when Surveyor of Highways One Dollar 88/100 1 88 To teaching the School in theEast District including board and finding wood for the same for three months One hundred Dollars 100 00 No 46) An order to pay Mr John Muzzey dun For teaching the Middle District School Fourteen weeks' including board and finding wood for the- same One hundred Dollars. 100 00 No 47) July 4th The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Mrs Mary Stearns Five Dollars for taking care of her Father John Smith whensick at Amos Stearns' just before he died. . 5 00 No 48) An order to pay Capt Daniel Chandler Ttenty.seven Dollars 79/100 Viz For seven Yds of Cloth and thread for to make up the same Two Dollars 35/100 2 35 To sundries delivered to'Peter Tulip Two Dollars 2 00 To mending the Bell Rope Do..60/100 0 60' To in. of Cloth. D0.. 38/100 • -.0--38 To 14 Yds of Cloth Three Dollars 92/100 3 92 Carried up 35 Brought up) D . D Cts. To 1 lei of Loaf Sugar 0..28/100 0 28 For Wine and Spirit found John Smith and Wife from the fifth day of November 1816. to the 19th of March 1817 Eighteen Dollars. 26/100 18 26 2T ,79 No 49) An order to pay Nathan Ohandler,Ja► es Brown and Amos Muzzey dun-Esgrs as Agents to lay out the One Thous and Dollars on Concord Road so called, . which was granted by the Town in 1815 Seven hundred and Eighty six Dollars and 43/100 being part of said grant. 786 43 No 50) An order to pay Mr Eliab W. Metcalf Ten Dollars and 83/100 Viz For boarding Mrs Sally Swaneyy one quarter of a year Ending July lst. 1817. at 5/0 pr ffk - 10' 83. No 51) July 21st. The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Mr Rufus Meriam Twentysix Dollars which sum be borrowed for Joseph Robinson who receiv •d it in behalf of his. Sister Lydia Robinson in full, for support for Twentysix weeks from the said 21st of July. 26 00 No 52) An order to pay Mfr. Rufus Porter Eighteen Dollars For boarding Joseph A. Wellington Eighteen weeks Viz from the 1st of March 1817 to the 5th of July following at One Dollar pr week 18 00 No 53) An order to pay Mr Jonathan Robinson Two Dollars and 62/100 To 1 pr of stockings found found Mrs Smith 0..75/100. To making a Jacket and trowsers and finding 0 75 thread for the same for Isaac Bridge D0..42/100 0 42 To the making two Shirts for sd Isaac 0..33/100 0 33 To a little schoolbook for sd Isaac- 0..12/100 0 12'- - To a Hatt found •sd Isaac One Dollar 1 00 2 62 36 September 1st No. 54) The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay mr John Muzzey Jun Two Dollars for Two Days Extra work done on the Highways in the capacity of surveyor D Cts 2 00 No.55) An Order to pay Mr Nathan Russell One Dollar 25/100 Viz To Brcks and Morter found to repair the Schoolhouse in the East District and tending on a Mason part of a day I 25 No 56) An order to Mr William Thorning a Dolls and 91/100 Viz For mending 2 prs of Shoes'for Amasa Adams 0 91 No 57) An order to pay Mr Isaac Muzzey Four Dollars for one Cord of hard pine wood delivered to Daniel Mason 4 00 No 58J An order to pay Mr James Brown Jun Two Dollars for two days Extra work done on the Highways in the capa3.etyof Surveyor 2 00 No 59. } An order to Mr Stephen Robbins . Four_ Dolls 12/100 Viz ror .2 gds. of Cloth. at 50/100 pr _Yd delivered to Nathan Chandler Esq for the poor 4 12 No 60.) An order to pay Isaac Hastings Esq rive Dollars. Viz Par going to Cambridge 1 day as a witness on the case of Lucy Chester To Dollars - For the useof a Plough three Days on the Highways at DO..50/100 pr Day- For agFor Plank to mend the new Bridge and one days work to repairthe same 2 00 1 50 1 50 5 00 September 8th. The Selectmen then granted No61 } An order to pay Mrs Sally B1ackington Twentysix Dollars, Viz for Boarding her Father - Jeremy Harrington one year Viz.. from the 1st day of July 1816 t o July 1st 1817 at 50/100 pr Wk - . 37 D Cts 26 00 No. 62) An order to pay I Isaac Reed Two 42/100 Viz For 1 Bushel of Rye meal found widow Eunice Blodgett. One Dollar 50/100 also to Q Bushel of Indian meal found for Dolls and for the 1 50 do.D0.92/100 , Q 92, No. 63.) An order to pay &dry Eliab. Metcalf Eight Dollars 62/100 for boafding" Mrs Swaney Eleven Weeks and an half Viz from the. 10th daT of Tanuary 1817 to the 1st day of April following at DO..75/100 pr week - 8 62 No. 64.1 An order to pay Charles Reed Ninety two Dolls and 32 /100 Viz For teaching the .North District School. Three Month and. Eleven days at Twentysix Dollars pr month For 6 lbs of salt pork found for Daniel Mason 20/100 pr lb . For a Busheloflye meal for sd Mason and 1Q Pks of Potatoes 90 00 1 20 . '1 12 92 ..32 No 65) An order to. pay Capt Joseph Simonds Eight Dollars 62/100 Viz For 9 feet of dry maple wood delivered at Charleston at.d0..96/100 pr -foot 8 62 No 66) An order to pay Er Tgseph Underwood Thirty nine Dollars Viz For building a Bridge on Mr Joel Smiths Road so called Twenty five Dollars. For railing the same Five Dollars For la `Cords of wood found the south School Nine Dollars 25 00 5 00 9 .00 39 00 No 67) An order -to pay Hon Artemas Ward Ten Dollars which was the ballance due to him on account of Thirty dollars for defending the Petition against Joseph Hosmer and other 10 00 10,00 38 No 68) An order to pay James Bridges Forty one. Dolls in part for Timothy 5miths Board at Andover D Cts 41 00 No 69) An order to pay Mr Amos Muzzey Jur Fourteen Dollars and 12/100 Viz For refreshment found the townTs Committee who were chosen to defend the Petition of Joseph Hosmer and others for a Road, while attending that service in Lexington Two Dollars 12/100 2 12. To a Tourney to Boston to engage an attourney to defend the sane Two Dollars ... 2. 00 To three days attendance at Concord Court whilst defend- ing the said Road Six Dollars 6 00 To two Journeys to Woburn to see Coln Baldwin Two Dollars 2 00 To a Journey to Medford and Boston to engage an Attourney to defend sd Road Two Dollars 2 00 14 1g No 70) An order to pay Mr Nathaniel Cutter Twelve Dollars Viz Five Dollars paid lVFrs Mary Stearns for Clothing for her bother the Widow of John Smith To Boarding the Widow of Benjamin Adams from the 25th day of April 1817 to the 12th day of May following Seven Dolls 5 00 7 00 12 '00 No 71) An order to pay Dr Joseph Fiske Ninety Fife Dolls and 75/100 Viz To Six visits and sundry medicines admin istred to the A. Lydia Harrington Three Dollars - 3 00 To Two visits and sundry medicines to Hannah Champney. . One Dollar 50/100 1 50 To One hundred and nineteen. Visits and sundry medicines administered to John Smith Also for dressing sd Smiths foot One hundred andnineteen times at 75/100 pr Dressing 89 25 To four visits and sundry medicines administered to Daniel Mason's Wife TWo Dollars 2 00 95 75 No 72) An order to pay Nathan Chandler, Tames Brown and Amos Muzzey Jun Esqrs as Agents for laying out the Thousand Dolls on Concord Road One hundred ninety five Dolts 43/100 being part of the residue of -sd grant 195 43 No 73) An order to pay Mfrs Lucy Locke D0..42/100 for making Clothes for Naum Perry No 74.1 An order to. pay Mr Elias Viles Thirteen Dollars Viz Five Dollars paid the a `idow Lydia Harrington July 19th 1817. Also Eight Dollars paid Mrs Hartwell 26 of August - following 39 Cts 42 5 00 8 00 15 00 No 75) An order to pay Fir Nathaniel Milliken Five Dolls 97/100 Viz For Cutting and making 1 pr. of pantaloons and finding thread for the same &c Also for altering a laist coat and Coat all for James Munroe D0..97/100 0 97 For Cleaning the Clock in the 1eetinghous D0..75/100 ' - 0 75 For Bass Viol Strings One Dollar 25/100 - 1 25 To Making a Coffin for the Body of John Smith Three Dollars 3 00 5 97 No 76) An order to pay Thom s Whitcomb Esq.. Seven Dollars and 40/100 For eapences of geting Tonatha n Bridge out of Jail on the 28th of April 1817. 40 No 77) An order to pay Capt Nathan Barrington Seven Dollars 75/100 Viz To five feet of wood found Wd Lydia Harrington Three Dollars 75/100 at 75 Cts pr foot 3 75 To diging a grave fortheBody of John Smith Two Dollars 2 00 To taking care of the Hearse for one year Two Dollars 2 00. 7 - 75 No 78.1 An, order to pay Coln Joshua Russell Eleven Dolls 15/100 Viz To house rent for Thomas Tones Caldwell from the 27th day of Janizary 1817 to the 1st day of April following Six Doll 25/100 _ ' _ 6 -.25 To a journey to Salem 20th Tune Two Dollars 2 00 To 92 Y'ds of Cloth found pr order of the Selectmen Two Dolls 90/100 2 90 N.B-1 Doll 94/100 deducted which was overcharged for 9 21 Caldwells House rent No 79 An order to pay Mr Daniel Child One Dollar 25/100 for Refreshment found Coln Baldwin and others when taking the heights of the hills on the contemplated Road in January 1816 40 No. 80) An order to pay Mr John Viles Twelve Dollars 68/1000 -Viz to 1 pr of shoes found Mr Hartwell One Dollar and 84/100 To 1 pr ditto found Tames Munroe One Dollar 84/100 To Mending shoes for Mr Hartwell 3 different times 1 Doll 54/100 To 1 pr of shoes found for for Amasa Adams One Dol 84/100 To Mending shoes for Mr. Bartwell D0..62/100 To a Coat found for Isaac Blodgett Jun Five Dollars 1 25 D 'Cts -1 84 1 84 1 54 1 84 0 62 5 00 12 68 No. 811 Septemb^er 20th The Selectmen then granted an Orderto pay Mr Jonas Munroe of Woburn Fifty Dollars 68/100 For boarding Stephen Munroe one year Viz from the 25th day of April 1816 to the 25th of April 1817 at 92 Cents pr Week Forty seven Dollars 84/100 Also for hoarding sd Stephen to the 9th of May following One Dollar 84/100 For Leather for 1 pr of shoes found the sd Stephen One Dollar 47 84 1 84 1 00 50 68 No 82) An order to pay Mr Rufus Meriam Three Dollars Viz for 6 feet of Hard pine wood which he found Widow Lydia Harrington at 50 Cts pr foot 3 00 No 83) An order to pay Maj David Johnson Ten Dollars 25/100 Viz For boarding Stephen M1u roe Eleven days. One Dollar 83/100 1 83 To 1 pr of Shoes found Daum Perry One Dollar 17/100 1 17 To 6i Days work done on the Highway at One Doll pr Day 6 50 To 1 Days work for the Boy'on the Highway 75 Gents 0 75 10 25 No 84.) An order to pay the Town of Cambridge Twenty nine Dollars It being their proportion of the Repairs made on Cambridge Bridge October 3rd 1816 29 00 No 85) An order to payrMr Elias Tiles Sixty six Dolls 84/100 It being his premium for Collecting taxes for the year 1816 Lexington November 5th 1817 The Selectmen No 1. 1 then granted an order to pay Mr Nathan Munroe Twenty three Dollars 84/100 Viz For boarding Asa Robin- son Twenty six weeks at 5/6 pr Wk N B. The above was drawn in 2 orders Viz D15. Cts 00 and D8..Cts. 84 66 84 41 D Cts 23 84 No 2) December lst The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Lr. William Reed of Burlington Thirty nine Dollars for boarding Tonathan Bridges Child 39 Weeks at One Dollar pr wk Viz from February 9th 1817 to Novembr 9th 1817 39 00 No 3) An order to pay Mr Amos Locke Fifteen Dollars for boarding Naum Perry from the 27 day of April 1817 to the 23rd of November following at 50. Cts pr Wk 15 00 No 4 ) January 5th 1818, The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Miss Betsey Abthorp Fessenden Thirty. three Dollars 33/100 for teaching the East District School twelve weeks 33 33 No .5 ) An order . to .pay Ur David Simonds .Four .Dollars 50/100 for 1 Cord of wood found the Widow Eunice Blodgett 4 50 No 6) An order to pay Mr Amos. Marrett Five Dollars. Viz For leasing the land to the Town on which the Schoolhouse in the Western District now stands for the term of five years Viz from November 1817 as by Contract with the Committee chosen by the town for that purpose 5 00 No 7) ianuary 12th The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Miss Emily. Winship Thirty three. Dollars 33/100 for teaching the School in the Eastern District twelve wks and one day at two Dollars 75/100 pr wk T 33. 33 No 80 An order to pay Capt Daniel .Chandler One Dollar 75/100 for making Cartriges for the Militia Company to carry to Muster. By order of the Selectmen 1818 42 No 9) An order to pay Mr Rufus Meriam Twenty nine Dollars 23/100 Viz For money which he advanced to pay Daniel Underwood for boarding the Widow of Joseph Mason Twenty two weeks Viz From January 1st 1817 to the 3rd day of July following including the Doctors Bill at one Dollar 25/100 pr Wk 1 75 29 23 No 10) An order to pay Mr Joseph Underwood and lair Nathaniel Cutler who were chosen a Committee by the Town for to move the Schoolhouse in the Western District from off the land of Mr Amos Marrett out to the County Road in December 1816 Ona hundred and thirtyone Dollars 66/100 131 66 No 11) An order -to pay 1GTr Tames Bridges of Andover One hundred and seventy six Dollars 60/100 Vizfor boarding Timothy Smith from the 16th day of December 1816 to the 3rd day of December 1817 including Clothing and all the funeral expences. 176 60 The above sum is exclusive of Forty one Dollars which was paid to sd Bridges in June 1817 in part for boarding sd Smith the aforesaid time. Making with both orders the sum of Two hundred and seventeen Dollars 60/100 No 12_) An order to .pay Dr Thomas Iitredge Twenty four Dollars for Medicines and attendance on Timothy Smith to the time of his death 24 00 No.13) January 26th The Selectmen then. granted an order to pay Miss Ann F. Meriam Thirty three Dollars 33/100 For teaching the Western District School Thir- teen weeks 33 33 No 14) February 16th The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay bir Reuben Reed Four Dollars 92/100 For 2 Bushels of Meal one of Rye and one of Indian found Widow Eunice Blodgett Sept 25th .1817 Two Dollars 2 50 50/100 For 2 Bushels ditto found Fehr 16th 1818 Two Dollars 2 42 42/100 • ' °. 4 9a 1818 43 No 15) An order to pay Miss Patty Wellington Thirty D Cts three Dollars 33/100 Viz For teaching the South Dis- trict School twelve, weeks 33 33 No 16th) An order to Major Benja O. Wellington Fifteen Dollars 88/100 Viz For his services as Assessor in 1817 Fourteen Dollars To Cash paid for a piece of Rope to mend the Bell Rope 38 Cts. To aTourney to Watertown about the Perry Girl Do..75/100 To a Tourney to Cambridge about Mrs Swaney Do..75/100 14 00 0 38 0 75 0 75 15 88 No 17 ) An order to pay Capt Joseph Simonds Twelve Dollars. for his services as Assessor in 1817. 12 00 No 18) An order to pay Mr Jonathan Harrington Twenty Dollars for his services as Assessor for finding Paper and doing the writing 20 00 Bell. Lexington February 16th 1818. The Selectmen. then let out the Ringing of the Bell and the care of the Meetinghouse to Mr Nathan Dudley who was the lowest bidder for Nineteen Dollars 75/100 No 19) An. order February 23rd The Selectmen then granted to pay Mr 'Rufus Meriam Sixty-one Dollars and 50/100 Viz For Forty five Dollars ihich he paid to Mr Moses Parker who taught the Singing School in Decemberand January last Six weeks at seven Dolls 45 00 - 50/100 pr Week. Also to Two dollars which he paid to Abiel Heywood for administering the Poor man's - oath to Samuel Stone a debter in the prison at Concord. ' 2 00 Also to One Doll 50/100 Paid to sd Heywood for 2 Visits and medicine administered to sd Stone and dressing his head while in prison 1 50 Also to Thirteen Dollars which he -paid .to Willa Reed for boarding Jona Bridges Child thirteen weeks, from the 9th of Novbr 1817 to the 9 of Febr 1818. 13 00 61 50 44 No 20) An order to pay Mr Nathan Dudley D Cts Forty four Dollars 6500 Viz To 2 sheep skins found for Stephen Munroe and Stephen Hartwell One Dollar 1 00 To 34 Yds of Cloth found Hannah Champney One Doll. 88/100 1 88 To 1 handkerchief found ditto D0..25/100 0 25 To making a Jacket and finding trimmings for Stephen Munroe ..58 Cts 0 '58 To 22. Yds of Cloth for Stephen Munroe for 1 pr of 2 81 trowsers Two Dollars 81/100 To 1 pr of shoes for ditto 66/100 1 6.6 To making sd trowsers and finding trimmings DO..58/100 0 58 To 6 Yds of Cloth found Stephen Hartwell Three Dollars 3 00 To Footing 2 prs of socks d0..66 Cents 0 66 To footing 2 prs ditto and finding 1 pr for Amasa Adams One Dollar 16/100 1 16 To 7 Yds of Cloth found Asa Robinson Two Dollars 59/100 2 .59 To 7 gds ditto found Stephen Munroe Two Dollars 59/100 2 59 To making 2 prs of Shirts One Dollar 32/100 at 66/100 . pr- pair - 1 32 To 7* Yds of Cloth for Stephen Hartwell - 2 03. 'fie- ag-1-pP-a€-gh te-D9::66 8--66- To makeing a Frock and Trowsers D0..50 0 .50 To Ringing the Bell . and takeing care of the Meeting house for one year Twenty Dollars - 20 00 To 9 mugs of drink found when some of the Poor and the Bell were vendued to the lowest bidder Two Dollars 4/100 2 04 by order of the. Selectmen - - 11 6.5 No 21) An order to pay Mr Amos Muzzey Jur Six Dollars 50/100 Viz To a journey to request the Revd Mr. Fisk to attend the funeral of Johh Smith also to ..see Henry B. Dix respecting Joseph Wellington One Dollar. 1 00 To cash paid Capt Childs for refreshment found the Committee respecting the Poor house DO..50 Cents 0 50 To a Tourney to Woburn and 2 day spent in searching Records about Mr Thomas Lockets Road One Dollar 50/100 1 50 To Cash paid for the postage of four Letters D0..54 Cts 0 54 To a Pk of meal found the widow Blodget D0..40 Cts 0 40 To Cash paid for 2 Yds of Cloth for Hannah Champney D0..56 Cts 0 56 Carried up Brought up - 45 To going to Concord two journeys respecting D Cts Samuel'Stones Jur swearing out of Jail Two Dollars 2 00 6 50 No 22 ) An order to pay Mr Isaac Reed Four Dollars 85/100 To 1 pr of Shoes found Jeremy Harrington One Dollar 75/100 1 75 To 1 lb of wool found found for ditto D0..35/100 35 To 7 Yds of Cloth found Billy Blodgett at 25 Cts pr -yd One Doll '25/100 1 75 To going to Woburn to remove Stephen Munroe One Dollar 1 -00 4 85 No 23) An order to pay Mr Josiah Bryant Sixteen Dollars Viz To 1 Cord of hard pine wood found for the South East School Four Dollars 4 00 To 2 Cords and 1 foot of Maple wood found ditto Ten Dollars 62/100 10 62 To Cash paid. for Cutting sd wood One Dollar 38/100 1 38 16 -00 No 24 } An Order to pe.y Mr Isaac Milliken Forty five Dollars 28/100. Viz To a journey to ::lest Cambridge & Waltham Two Dollars 2 00 For 8 feet of Oak plank' and 42 feet of oak timber Bought of A.bijah Harrington One Dollar 70/100 1 70 To 32 feet of oak timber bought of Thorns Whitcomb Esq Two Dollars 56/100 2 56 For 2.2 feet of Oak timber bought of Nathan Dudley Two Dollars 13/100 2 13 For 12 ft of pine. Flank of Amos Muzzey Jun D0..36/100 0 36 To Cash for Paint and Oil One Dollar 52/100 1 52 Tor a Wheel -to the Bell 1Q ft of Plank of Jonan Hunt 6 Doll- ars 10/100 6 10 For Iron work done by David Kimball Ten Dollars 25/100 10 25 For Taring the Bell deck by Jonan Hunt Three Dollars 3 00 To Plaistering by Nathaniel Harrington Two Dollars 2 00 To 8 days work done myself and board Twelve Dollars 66/100 12 66 To 1 days work of Hiram and Board One Dollar 1 00 45 28 No 32) LemIng4en- Iapeh-1C th-1818 4!he-8eleetmea thee: -g +anted-aa—QFdeg-te-pay Edea-ElmlEa- sy pellape 33/100 "}s-FeP-teaeh- 1-a-8heel-twelve-weeks-/1 the Middle Districet 46 No 25) An order to pay°Mr David Tuttle Twenty three D Cts, Dollars 33/100 Viz To Eight days work for myself of re- pairing the Bell deck Twelve Dollars 12 66 To 1- Days of Larkin Smith One Dollar 45/100 1 45 To 32 Days of Isaac Cutler Three Dollars 50/100 3 50 To 1 Day of Tool Viles One Dollar 25/100 1 25 For some Toists D0..25 Cts 0 25 To Cash paid to David Tohnson for leather D0..25 Cts 0 25 To Cash paid Rufus Mariam for Joists and Boards D0..41 Cts 0 41 To Cash paid Josiah Mead for Rum /Sugar and sundries 2 Doll. 81/100 - 2 81 To Cash paid to Marshall Wellington for Horse & Waggon DO. 75/100 0 75 23- 33 No 26) An Order to pay Nathan Chandler Esqr Thirty .three Dollars 14/100 n. Far half Bushelof • Rye meat found. Widow Blodgett 87 Cents. 0 87 For * Peek of Indian ditto 22 Cts 22 To 162 feet of wood delivered at Charlestown to Mrs Fessen- 15 84 den Fifteen Dollars 84/100 To Casa paid for postageof two letters 16 Cts.. 0 16 To a journey to ,Andover respecting the settlement of Timothy Smith, his Board, Doctoring,and funeral charges &c Four Doll 75/100 4 75 To Cash paid Maim Webber David Reed and Solomon.Lane for estimitating damage on land of Thomas Locke Three -Dollars 3- 00 To Cash paid for 3 Yds of Cloth for James Munroe One Dollar 37/100 1 37 To _1 day to Boston, Respecting the U. States Makeing a Draw in Cambridge Bridge Two Dollars 2. -00 To Cash paid Saml Hoar Esq for advice requested by the Board of Selectmen Two Dollars 2 00 To a journey to Concord on sdAccount One Dollar 50/100 1 50 To a Tourney to Burlington respecting Thorns. T. Caldwell . D0..83/100 0 83 To Cash paid for footing two prs of socks for Stephen. Hartwell DO...60/100 0 60 33 .14 Bo 271 March and. Art -order to pay Mr Jonathan Smith Thirty one Dollars 17/100 Viz For boarding Stephen Hartwell thirty four Weeks Viz from April 1st 1817 to the 24th day ofNov- ember following at s5/d6 pr week 31 17 X/ 47 No 28) An order to pay Mr Nathan.iel Cutler Twelve Dollars Viz To going to Waltham to remove Joseph Wellington One Dollanl 00 To boarding sd Wellington on five Days One Dollar. 1 00 To twelve feet of wood found Mrs Adams Six Dollars 6 00 To Cash paid Levi Farwell for Clothing for Mrs Smith Four Dolls 4. 00 12. 00 No 29) An order to pay Mr Elias Viles Eight Dollars Viz For money which he advanced to Mrs Hartwell on the _17th day of January 1818 and took a receipt for the same 8 00 No 30) March 13th 1818 The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay the Inhabitants at -the town of Concord Eighteen Dollars 51/100 Viz To supporting Samuel Stone Sun'in the Prison in Concord one week and two Days Viz from D.ecbr 27th 1816 to January 4th 1817 Three Dolls 3/100 To ditto for sd Samuel. Stone Jun Sixweeks and three Days Viz from August 30th 1817 to the 13th day .of October following Fifteen Dollars 43/100 3 08 15. 43 18 51 No 31) An Order to pay Charles Reed Nine Dollars 70/100.. Viz for money which he paid for Jail Charges to Capt Abel Moore Dep sailer in consequence of Samuel Stone Ju being in Jail in Concord Viz To twos notifications for sd Saml Two Dollars To serving sd 2 notifications Four Dollars To three turn keyes One Dollar 70/100 To Cash paid the Justices for administering the Poor man*s Oath to the ad Samuel Two Dollars 2 00 4 00 1 70 2 00 9 70 Lexington March 16th 1818 No 32) The Selectmen then 'granted the following orders Viz an order to pay Miss Elmira Muzzey Thirty three Dollars 33/100 for teaching a school twelve weeks in the Middle District in the summer of 1819. 48 No 33) An order to pay Mr William Chandler Four Dollars Viz for notifying Eight Town Meetings in the Capacity of Constable of sd Town within one year prior to the 4th day of March 1818 33 33 • D 4 00 No 34) An order to pay Mr George B. Noyes Fiftyseven"Dollars Viz for teaching the South District School from the 8th day of December 1817 to the 28th of February 1817 -at nineteen Dollars pr Month 57 00 No 35) An order to pay 1f. Thomas Locke Twenty three Dollars 30/100 Viz To boarding James Munroe Twentysix weeks at ..75 Cents pr Week. Nineteen Dolls and 50/100 Viz from the 1st day of April 1817 to the 29th of Sept. To Cutting and makeing one pr of Trowsers for Stephen Hartwell 50/100 To Cutting and. makeing 2 prs of Trowsers for James Munroe One Doll To'm�keing 2 Shirts for Sanies Munroe 50 Ctes To Cutting and Makeing a Waistcoat for James Munroe and finding Trimings.for a waistcoat and trowsers 80 Cents To two prs of feetings 19 50 0 50 1 0 50 0 80 1 00 23 30 Lexington March 30th 1818. The Selectmen then granted the following Orders Viz No 36) An order to pay Mr Jonathan Smith Nine Dollars 17/100 Viz For boarding Stephen Hartwell Ten Wks Viz from the 23rd day of November 1817 to, the 1st day of February 1818 at 5/6 pr wk 17 No 37) An order to pay Charles Reed Twenty seven Dollars 2/100 Ti, For sundry Articles of Provisions furnished Daniel Mason' from the 24 day of .Sept 1817 .to. the 17th day of March 1818 Viz. To Bushel and 2 qts of Rye meal Seventy two Cts 0 72 To Q Bsh of Indian meal and s Pk ditto Seventy Eight Cts 0 78 To Cash paid 284 lbs of Lamb One Dollar 49/100 - 1 49: To 2g lbs of Salt Pork Fifty six Cents 0 56 Carried up To 32 lbs of fresh Pork fifty Cents 50 To 16 lbs ditto One Dollar 42/100 1 42 To 34 lbs of Cheese Twenty six Cents 0 26 To 2 Bushel of .Potatoes Twenty Cents 0 20 To 152 qts of Milk Seventy seven Cents 0 37 Also to Cash paid for a Testament and spelling Book) found Isaac Bridge Seventy Cents - r - - - - - ) 0 70 To Cash paid for a Blank Book for the Selectmen's Records Two Dollars 50/100 2 50 To finding four squares of Glass and setting the same and mending two others in the North Schoolhouse Fifty Cents 0 50 To writing two Indentures to bind out Isaac Blodgett Tun to Mr Sohn s't'iles Fifty Cents 0 50 To 42 Days work done Extra on the Highways in the Capacity of Surveyor in 1817 Four Dollars 50/100 4 50 To' the use of a Plough one day on the Road Fifty Cents 0 50 To 3 0&k Sleepers found to.; repair the Bridge on the swamp Road so called Seventy five Cents 0 75 To Services done in Capacity of Town Clerk for 1 year Ten Dolls 10 00 27 02 No 38) At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 6th 1818 An order was granted to pay P r Nathan Munroe Fifty three Dollars 72/100 Viz For Boarding Asa Robinson Twenty three weeks Viz from: the Nineteenth day of October 1817 to the 1st day of April 1818 at 5/6 pr wk Twentyone Dollars 8/100 To Boarding Hannah Champney Forty weeks Viz From the 25th day of June 1817 to April 1st 1818 at 4/6 pr Wk Thirty Dollars To Making 1 pr of Shirts for Asa Robinson DO..Cts 67 To Making a Pettecoat and Apron for. Hannah Champney thirty seven Cents To Cutting Seventeen feet of wood for the Middle District School One Dollar 60/100 50 No 39) An order to pay Mr William Chandler Ninety four Dollars 75/100 For teaching a School in the Eastern District Three Months and sixteen Days at twentysix Dollars pr Month 21 08 30 00 0 67 0 37 1 60 53 72 94 75 Lexington April 15th 1818 The Selectmen then granted the following Orders Viz, No 40) An. order to pay Mr Thomas Locke One hundred and six Dollars 67%100 Viz For damage awarded to him by the Town of Lexington for the Road going through his land from the Corner Mr David Simonds Woods out to the Turnpike 106 67 No 41) An order to pay Mr Amos Locke Nine Dolls and 25/100 Viz To boarding Naum Perry Eighteen Weeks and an half Viz from the 22nd day of November 1817 to the 1st day of April 1818 at 50/100, pr week 9- 25 No 42) An order to pay Mrs Lucy Locke fifty eight Cents Viz For Cutting and making Clothes for Naum Perry in the month of Decbr 1817. 0 58 No 43) An order to pay Mr Francis Bowman Jun Seven Dollars 56/100 Viz For 8-, feet of wood delivered to the Widow Fessen- de n of Charlestown By order of the Selectmen at seven dollars and 12/100 pr Cord 7 50 No 44) An order to pay Mr Rufus Meriam.Sixty four Dollars 37/100 For money which he paid out of the Town Treasury to the following Persons Viz To the Widow Lydia .Harrington Eleven Dollars 11 00 To Daniel Chandler for Towns Stock of Powder Fifteen Dollars 15 00 To Peter Tulip Four Dollars 37/100 4 37 To the Miss Hartwell since November lith 1818 Thirty four Dollars 34 00 64 37 45) An order to pay Miss Eliza Meriafn Thirth three Dollars 33/-100. Viz To teaching the North District School Twelve weeks in the summer of 1817 51 D Cts 33 33 46) An order topay It Rufus Merism Twenty five Dolls Rnd .-73/100 Viz To three Cords 44 feet of wood found widow Lydia Barrington Nineteen Dollars 48/100 19 48 Also to six feet. of .wood found Peter Tulip Three Dollars 75/100 3 75 To a Tourney to Waltham to pay an order to the Town One Dollar. 1 00 To the use of Roalers to move the Schoolhouse on in the Western District in December 1816 One Dollar 50/100 1 50 25 73 47) An order to pay Mr Eliab W. Metcalf Sixty Dollars and 29/100 For Boarding Miss Sally Swaney from April 1st to October 30th 1817 Making Thirtyweeks and. an half at 5/. pr Wk Twenty five Dollars 42/100 Inaluding'an order of Ten Dollars and 83/100 which was granted to lir Metcalf for one qrtrs Board in July last To Extra nursing during.her last sickness of- Eleven Wks at One Dollar 50/100 is Sixteen Dollars 50/100 To Cash paid Patty. Boardman for Extra Nursing Three - Dollars 12/100 Ditto for Coffin Five Dollars Ditto for Sextons Bill Five Dollars 80/100 Ditto To Llfrs Flagg for laying out the Body and attending the funeral. One Dollar Ditto For Vinegar, Brandy, and spirits & _by order _of .the . Physician and also for the use of watchers Fourteen Dollars .28/100 14 59 16 50 3 12 5 00 5 80 1 00 14 28 60 29 No 48) An Order to pay Dr Timothy L. Tennison Thirtynine Dollars 1/100 (-/Viz For Sundry Visits and. medicines. .. .. administered to ILrrs Sally Swaney a pauper of the Town of Lexington from the'31st day of August to the 27th day day of October 1817. 52. No 49) An Order to pay Dr Stillman Spalding Fifty four Dollars Viz To two visits and sundry Medicines administered to the Widow of Benjamin .Adams Two Dollars 50/100 2 50 To two visits and sundry medicines administered to Jonas Lawrences Family Two Dollars 25/100 2 25 To Fifteen visits and sundry medicines administered to Mrs Perry Fifteen Dollars 25/100 15 25 To Ten visits and sundry medicines administered to Daniel Masons family Six Dollars 25/100 6 25 To Six visits and sundy medicines administered to Mrs Eunice Blodgetts family Two Dollars 50/100 2 50 To two visits and sundry medicines administered to Abigail Farmer One Dollar 1 00 To Four visits and sundy medicines to .limas Adams when at Major Hastings Three Dollars 25/100 3 25 To Six visits and sundry_ medicines to Benjamin Hadley Six Dollars 25/100 6 2.5 To Fifteen visits and sundry medicines administered to Peter Tulip Eight Dollars 25/100 8 25 To an Extra visit and sundry medicines administered to Betsey Tulip Five Dollars 50/100 5 50 To Two visits and sundry- medicines to Mrs Lydia Harrington One Dollars 30 01 Cts 1 00 54 00 No 50) An order to pay Nathan Chandler Esq Nine Dollars 80/100 Viz For sundry articles of Clothing furnished Ames Adams while he was at Major Hastings. 9 80 N B This order was granted 23 Febr last. At a meeting of the Selectmen May 4th 1818 The following orders were granted Viz. No 51) An order to pay Mr Nathan Dudley Fifty - two Dollars 66/100 Viz For Boarding Stephen Munroe Forty- five weeks and one day Viz From the 19th day of May 1817 to the 1st of April 1818 at 7/0 pr Wk No 52) An order to pay Mr John Underwood Thirteen Dollars Viz For 17Q feet of wood found Cut and carried into the South School house at Six Dollars pr Cord 52 66 53 D Cts 13 00 No 53) An order to pay Mr Charles Smith Thirty Dollars Viz For boarding Mr George R Noyes Twelve Weeks at Two Dollars 50/100 pr 1k 30 00 No 54) An order to pay Capt Daniel Chandler Ten Dollars Viz For Two Cords of wood furnished Peter Tulip at Five Dollars pr Cord 10 00 No 55) An order to pay Mr Thorns. s Locke Nineteen Dollars 50/100 F`or boarding James Munroe Twenty six weeks Viz from the 1st day of October 1817 to the 1st day of April 1818 at Seventy five Cents pr Week 19 50 No 56) An order to pay Mr Ebenezer Simonds Seven Dollars 13/100 Viz To Extra work done on the Highways in the Capacity of Surveyor Sixty-eight Cents 0 68 To the use of a Plough on the highway Two Days Two Dolls 2 00 To 12 lbs of Powder for blowing Rocks on Highways 75 Cents 0 75 To Repairing Drills 20 Cents 0 2Q To 6 feet of wood found the widow Eunice Blodgett at 58 Cents pr foot Three Dollars 50/100 - 3 50 7, 13 No 57) An order to pay Capt Joseph Simonds Seven Dollars Viz For 122 feet of wood found for widow Eunice Blodgett at 58 Cents pr foot 00 No 58) An order to pay Capt Joseph Simonds Seventy Eight Dollars Viz For boarding two of Mr Jonathan Bridges Children one year Viz from April .,5th 1817. to. April 15th. at one Dollar 50/100 pr Wk' 78 00 54 Lexington may 19th 1818 The Selectmen No 59) then granted an Order to pay Mr Abeil Hubbard Sixty, Fight Dollars 22/100 Viz for Boardging Joseph Wellington from the 4th day of May 1817 to April 1st 1818 as pr Contract of the Selectmen of sd 'Town . . . D Cts 68 22 No 60) Lexington May 21st 1818 The Selectmen Then granted an Order to pay Mr Josiah Mead One hundred and nineteen Dollars 2/100 for sundry Goods delivered to Abigail Munroe from April 15th 1817 to April 1st 1818.. at one Dollar pr Week Fifty Dolls 50 00 Also to sundry Goods delivered to Widow Lydia Harrington from April 15th 1817 to April 1st 1818 at Seventy five Cents pr Week Thirtyseven Dolls 50/100 37 50 Aslo to sundry Goods delivered to Daniel Mason from April 15th 1817 to April 1st 1818 at Fifty Cents pr Wk Twenty five Dollars. 25 00 Also to Goods delivered Extra to sd Mason to the amount of Two Dollars when he was sick 2 OD Also to sundry Goods delivered to Mrs Tulip from June 16th 1817 to Febr 25th 1818 to the amount of Three Dollars 27/100 Also to smandry Goods delivered to Mrs Tulip for the Widow of Benjamin Adams while she was at the Poor house in June 1817 to the amount of Seventy five Cents 0 75 Also to a Bed -Cord delivered to Jonathan Munroe for a Bed for Hannah Champney to sleep on. at Fifty Cents. all the. above articles were delivered by the special order of the Selectmen 0 50 3 27 1V B. The above was drawn in two orders Viz one of Sixty 119 02 nine Dollars 2/100 and one of Fifty Dollars. . No 61) An order to pay Mr Jonas Peirce Seventy five Dollars 67/100 Viz For Boarding Jonathan Comaee one year Viz from the 10th of May 1817 to the lOth_of May 1818 at 5/6 pr Wk . . 73 67 To five Pounds of tobacco Two Dolls 2 00 7b 67 55 No 62) Lexington June 2nd 1818. The Selectmen D 'Cts then granted an order to pay Mr Jonathan Robinson Twenty five Dollars 99100 i Twenty three Dollars for Boarding Isaac Bridge from the 13th day of May 1817 to the 1st day of April 1818 at 50 Cents pr week ._ 23 Also to making 1 pr of Trowsers a .racket and waistcoat and finding trimings for the same Eighty seven Cents 0 87 To 2 pr of oc ngs Fifty Cents 0 50 To 1 pr of Shoes - Eighty eight Cents 0 88 To mending sd shoes at two several times Seventy four Cents 0 74 25 99 No 63) Lexington June 18th 1818 The Selectmen then granted an order to pay Mr. Joel Stearns Twenty one. Dollars 58/100 Viz for Boarding the Widow of John Smith Twenty Three weeks & 2/3s Viz from the 16th day Octr. 1817 to the 1st day .of April 1818 at 5/6 pr wk To an Extra allowance of Five Dollars for her being sick in sd time 21 58 5 00 26 58 No 64) An order to pay the Town of Boston Two Dolls Viz For the Widow of Benja Adams being in Bbston- Alr¢s- house one wk Viz from the 10th April 1817 to the 16th of April following at Two Dollars pr Wk 2 00 No 65 An order to pay Mr Levi Bridge Sixty-five Dollars 72/100 Viz For teaching the Eastern District School Two Months -and 1/3 of a Month at Twenty -Eight Dollars pr month 65 72. No 66) Lexington June 26th 1818 The Selectmen then granted an order to pay SvT'r Jonathan Loring Forty two Dollars 96/100 Viz Forty ---- Dollars 25/100 for Boarding Ur Mason from July- 3rd 1817 to the 1st day of April 1818 at One Dollar 25/100 pr Wk - 40 25 Carried over 56 Brought Over 40 25 To 1 pr of shoes found lvrrss Mason One Dollar 42/100 1 42 To 3 yds of Cotton cloth at 25/100 pr Yd 0 75 To i of a Yd of Muslin 54/100 54 42. 96 No 67) An order to pay Jonas Bridge Esq Seven Dollars 95/100 Viz For Cash which he paid Mr Jonathan Loring For Boarding Mrs Mason a short. time. 7 95 Mr Lorings Account was 48 Dolls 20/100 for Boarding her 38 weeks and 4 Days. Esgr Bridge advanced the sura of 7 Dolls 95/100 to Mr Loring before he could have it of the Town Treasurer. No 68) Lexington July 10th 1818. The Selectmen then granted an order to pay Mr John Muzzey Jun One Hundred and three Dollars and 20/100 for Teaching the West District School Sixteen Weeks Viz from December 18th 1817 to the 1st day of April 1818. The sun which was. -on the usual grant was Eighty six Dollars 20/100 and seventeen Dollars on the grant which was not expended the year before 103 20 No 69) Lexington August 4th 1818 The Selectmen then granted an- order to pay Mr Thomas Winship Five Dollars 75/100 Viz Five Dollars 25/100 for one Cord of wood found for the Eastern District School and Cutting and carrying the same To setting four squares of glass, and mending others in sd Schoolhouse Fifty Cents 5 25 No 70) An order to pay the Hon Timothy Bigelow Eighty three Dollars 37/100 Viz November 29th 1813 To advice to Messrs. Chandler and Milliken as to the $200 Lucy Chester money receivd of the Town of Box - borough - Five Dollars Decbr 18th To care of defence in the Case Lucy Chester vs them Three Dollars March 8th 1814 To advice to sd Milliken and preparing sd Case Five Dollars March 18th to demurring sd Case Five Dollars April 6th To Care of sd defence in the Sup. Sud. Court Five Dollars. Decemtbr 9th To Arguing sd Case to the Court & fury Twelve -Dollars April 6th 1815 To Care of sd Case Three Dollars Navbr. 24th To Careofsd Case and writing, and signing the bond for notice Five Dollars Novbr term 1816 To Arguing sd Case to the Court and Jury Twenty Dollars - To Costs of the Review Twenty Dollars 37/100 57 D Cts 5. 00 3 00 5 - 00 5. 00 5 00 12 00 - 3 00 5 -00 20 _ 00 20 37 83 37 No 71) An order to pay William. Thorning Twenty Dollars 57/100 Viz To Three Cords of wood found for the West District School from Decbr 8th 1817. to Feb. 12th 1818 at Four Dollars 60 Cts pr Cord, Thirteen Dollars 80/100 13 80 To 1 pr of Shoes found for James Munroe One Doll 67/100 1 67 To 1 pr Ditto for Asa Robinson One Dollar 67/100 - 1 - - 67 To 1 pr Ditto for Stephen Hartwell One. Dollar 67/100 1 .67 To mending 1 pr of Shoes -for sd Hartwell 10 Cents 0 10 To 1 pr of Shoes for Naum Ferry One Dollar 167,100 . 1 16 To mending 1 pr of Shoes for Stephen Hartwell 50 Cents 0 50 20 57 58 . No 72) Lexington August 18th 1818 Then the Selectmen granted an Order to pay Mr David Simonds Six Dollars 38/100 Viz To three and an half days work done in repairing the Bridge near to the House of Mr Sweethern Reed Extra of his higway-tax he being Surveror of Highways for sd year, Three Dollars 50/100.. . Also to four sticks of timber of twelve feet in length found for string pieces for sd Bridge at Six Cents pr ft Two Dollars 88/100 C 50 2 88 6 38 No 73) Lexington Sept 7th 1818 The Selectmen then granted an order to pay Mr Nathaniel Mulliken Eighty seven Dollars 37/100 Viz To teaching the Center District School Three Months. and Eight days, Eighty six Dollars To a Lock on the Desk in sd School house: 37/100 To 2 Bass Viol strings One Dollar No 74) An order to pay Mr Nathan Russell One Dollar Viz For one day Extra work on the Highway in 1817. 86 00 0 37 1 00 87 37 1 00 No 75) An order to pay Charles Reed Eighty nine Dollars and 25/100 Viz To teaching the North District School Three Months and seven days and an half at Twenty seven Dollars pr Month 89 25 No 76) An order to pay Mr Joshua Simonds Ten Dgllars 75/100 Viz To two Cords of wood found for the North District School and for Cutting and carrying the same into the School House 10 75 No 77) An order to pay Isaac Muzzey Four Dolls Viz. For one Cord of Hard pine wood found for Daniel Mason while at the Mayo House 4 00 No 78) An order to pair Mr Tohn Viles 67 Cents Viz For soaling a pr of Shoes for Amasa Adams 50/100 To a new heal on due of sd Anasa's Shoes - 17/100 59 D Ots 0 50 O 17 O 67. No 79) An order to pay Mr Oliver Locke Eighteen Dollars 75/100 Viz To nine mugs of soddy found when the. Poor House was Let out to build Two Dollar 25/100 Totwo mugs ditto found Novambr 5th 50/100 To Boarding Mr Mosses Parker who taught the Singing school Six weeks at Two Dollars 50/100 ur wk..: Fifteen Dollars May 1st 1818 To four Mugs of toddy the Committee had at a meeting at his House One Dollar 25 50 15 00 1 00 18 75 No 80) An order to pay Messrs Nathan. Chandler, David. Tuttle and Amos Muzzey. Jun who were-a•Committee.chosen to let out the Building an addition to the Poor House- Nine Dollars Viz To Nathandler Chandler Esq Four Dollars. _To Mr David Tuttle Thine e • Dollar s To Mr Amos Muzzey Jun Two Dollars 4 00 3 00 2 00 9 00 No 81) An Order to pay Mr Samuel Chandler Twentynine Dollars and 76/100 Viz To 3 *ids of Cotten Stripe for Isaac Bridge 90 Cts 0 90 To 3 yds of Shirting and thread for the ssrie 84 Cts for ditto 0 84 To 3 yds of Cotten Strip for Naum Perry 90 Cents 0 90 Sundries delivered to Nathan Blodgett. Thirteen Dollars 75/100 13 75 To Ditto delivered to Ebenr White Three Dollars 47/100 3 47 To Ditto when the west School house was moved 88 Cents 0 88 To 7 Tds of Drab Cloth and four skeins of thread Eight Dolls 56/100 8 56 To sundries delivered to Mr Amos Muzzey Tun for Peter Tulip 46 .Cents 0 46 29 76 No 82) An order to. pay Mr Nathan Dudley Two DolTwrs and 3/100 Viz For' Drink at a Meeting at his House when the Poor were vendued the 16th of Febr 1818 60 No 83) An order to pay Captn Nathan Harrington Two Dollars Viz For taking care of the Hearse for one year Viz 1817... 2 03 D Cts 2 00 No 84) An order to pay Mr .Fames Brown Jun . _Five Dollars 58/100 Viz For two days work done in repair ing .the School -house in' the 'East District Two Dollars 2 00 To ten square. of glass of 8 by 10 One Dollar 1 00 To one Do of 7.. by. 9 and .3 lbs of -Putty 38 Dents • 38 To 66 feet of Boards & nails 2 lb One Dollar 20/100 1 20 To One days Extra work bn the Highway in'the Capacity of surveyor One 'Dollar 1. 00 5 58 No 851 An Order to pay Mr Elias Viles.Fourteen Dollars 49/100 Viz For two Cords and one foot of dry maple wood found for ,the Center School. Twelve Dollars and 74/100 12. 74 To Carrying Deacon Walton to Cambridge 29th of April 1818 after he had examined the Poor House One Dollar 75/100 1 75 14 49 No 86) An order to ay Dr Thomas Whitcomb Fifteen Dollars 50/100 Viz For sundry visits and med- icines administered to the Widow of John Smith the 5th of April 1817 Five Dollars 50/100 To sundry visits and medicines administered to - Ebenezar White when he fractured his arm Ten Dolls 5 50 10 00 15 50 No 87) An order to pay Mr John Augustus one Dollar and 23400 Viz To mending shoes for James Munroe 83 Cents To mending Shoes for Naum Perry 40 Cents No.88) An order topay Mr Christopher Reed One Dollar 66/100 Viz For Eighty three feet of spruce Plank found for the Bridges on the swamp Road so called 0 83 0 40 1 23 61 D Cts 1 66 No 891 At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sept 14th 1818 The following Orders were granted Viz. To pay Mr Rufus Mariam Sixteen Dollars Viz - For services done as Town Treasurer in the year 1817, 16 00 No 90) An order to pay Mr Jonathan Lawrence Eight Dollars Viz, One Dollar for Boarding John White four Days who was a traveler take sick on the Road and stoped at Mr Lawrence Hose also For Boarding Benja Hadley Three weeks at two Dollars 33/100 pr week - seven Dollars 1 00 7 00 8 00 NO 81) An order to pay Francis Bowman Tun twenty three Dollars 50/100 Viz For money which he paid to 1vTr :John Tidd for the Schoolhouse in tthe North District standing on his land Sixteen Dollars - To One Dollar 50/100 for Money paid to Feter Tufts Esq To.Surveying 4 days in Weston School District at One Dollar 50/100 pr Day. Six Dollars 16 00 1 50 6 00 At a .Meeting of the Selectmen Sept 19th 1818. The following Orders were granted Viz, Anorder to No 92) pay Mr Joel Tiles One Dollar 33/100 Viz To setting six squares of Glass and mending others inthe Middle District School House 83 Cents To repairing sd House and finding nails for the same 50 Cents 23 50 0 83 0 50 No 93) An order pay Mr Francis Bowman Jun Sixtysix Dollars 43/100 for his fees for Collecting 2851 Dolls at 54 Cents on a 1 33 66 43 62 Lexington September 26th 1818. At a Meeting -of the Selectmen they then granted the following Orders. Viz, No 1) An order to pay Doctor.J. Newell of Stow Four Dollars 80/100 Viz For Doctoring -Prince Chester. in his last sickness Cts 80 No 2) An order to pay Mrs Sally B1ackington Thirty two Dollars 50/100 Viz For boarding her. - Father Jeremy Harrington Thirtynine weeks Viz front July 1st 1817 to April 1st 1818 at 5/ pr Wk 32 50 No 3) Lexington December 28th 18/8 The Sele ctraen then granted an order to pay - Miss Ann P Meriam Thirty. Eight Dollars 85/100 For teaching the 'West District School in the summer -of 1818 Fourteen weeks at flow Dollars 772/100 pr Wk 38 85 No 4) Lexington January 11th 1819 The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Mr Moses Harrington One Hundred Dolls Viz It being part of the sumof One hundred and fifty Dollars which was awarded to him for the damage of a Road being laid open through his land leading from the Middlsex Turnpike to Woburn line; by the sd Selectmen 100 00 •No 5) An order to pay Mr Cyrus Smith One Dollar 75/100 Tiz For making Cartriges and finding paper for the same for the Company of Militia to use at their last annual Muster At a meeting of the Selectmen February 8th 1819 The following orders were passed Viz. No 6) To pay Mr Isaac Reed Sixtysix Cents for Making• 1 pr of shirts for Billy Blodgett in 1817 75 63 -Cts 66 No 7) An order to pay .Majr Benj. 0. Wellington Ten Dollars Viz For his services as an Assessor for the year /818, 1.0 00 No 8) An order pay Mr Jonathan Harrington - Eighteen Dollars Viz for his services as an Assessor for the year 1818 . 18 00 Nog) An order_to pay Mr William Chandler Twelve Dollars Viz for his services as an Assessor for. 1818, 12 00 Bell Lexington February 15th 1819 The Selectmen then let out the Ringing of the Bell and of taking Dare of the Meetinghouse to Mr Nathan Dudley who was the lowest bidder for Fifteen Dollars 75/100 for the ensuing year. 15 75 No 10) Febr 15th 1819 The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Mr David Tuttle Seven Dollars 75/100 Viz To Materials and work done on the South School -house Decbr 6th 1817 Three Dollars 25/100 For four days work done on the Highways Extra in the capacity of a Surveyor in 1818 Four Dollars. For Powder and Repairing drills Fifty Cents 64 At a Meeting of the Selectmen Mlarch 1st 1819 The following orders were passed Viz,... No 11 ) An order to pay the Executors of the Estate of Capt Daniel Barrington deceased and Mr William Tidd the sum of Forty Dollars. It being for damage of a Road being opened from the County Road south of the Middlesex Turnpike to Woburn line through lands of sd Daniel Harr- ington and qm Tidd which lands have lately been occupied by Mr John - Munroe and the sd order was given in his name by consent of the Executors of the Estate of sd Daniel Harrington deceased and Mr William Tidd. 3 25 4 00 0 50 •7 75 40 No 12) An order to pay Mr Nathan Dudley Twenty Dollars 15/100 Viz Nineteen Dollars 75/100 for Ringing the Bell and taking care of the Mee.tinghouse one year Viz from Febr 16th 1818 to the -.16th Febr 1819 19 75 For two Mugs of Drink at 20/100 pr Mug when the Bell &c was vendued 40 20 15 No 13) . An order to pay Mr..Nathaniel Cutler .Two .Dollars 50/100 for Four feet of wood found Mrs Adams 2 50 No 14 ) An order to pay Mr Tonas ssell Nine Dollars 50/100 Viz For Twelve feet of wood found the'East District School at six Dollars 50/100 pr Cord 9 50 No 15 ) An order to pay Charles Reed Ten Dollars 38/100 Viz For serVices as town Clerk for 1818 10 00 To 20 ft of Rope to spline the Bell.Rope 38/100 38 10 38 No 1&) An order to pay Mr William Simonds Thirty Dollars It being the amount of consideration which the town voted conditionally to him on account of John Duran -Vs being sick at his house in the year 1816 At 'a Meeting of -the Selectmen 15th March 1819 the following Orders were passed Viz. No 171 An order__ to pay Miss Pamelia Brown Thirty three Dollars 33/100 Viz For teaching S.East District School Twelve Weeks in the summer of 1818 30 00 33 33 No 18) An order to pay Miss Martha Meriani Thirty three Dollars 33/100 Viz For teaching Middle District School Twelve weeks in the summer of 1818 33 33 No 19) An order to pay Piss Eliza Mariam Thirty three Dollars 33/100 Vlz For teaching the North District School Twelve weeks inthe summer of 1818 33 . 33 No 20) An order to pay Mr William Chandler Seven Dollars Viz To writing and posting six notifications tor warn .the Inhabitants to attend six Town meetings from 23rd March 1818 to the 2nd day of March 1819 inclusive also Verbally notifying the Inhabitants to attend a town meeting on the24th day of February 1819 Four Dollars all done in the Capacity of Constable. . 00 00 00 No 21) An order to pay Mr -Stephen Hale Fifty four Dolls - lars 09/100 -Viz For teaching the North .School Twelve weeks, and four days Viz Fran the 7th of December 1818 to the 4th o of March following 54 09 No 22) An order to pay Mr Joshua Simonds Fifty six Dolls forty one Certs Viz For Boarding Mr Stephen Hale Twelve weeks and four days at Two Dollars 79Q pr Wk - For two Cords of wood, Cut and carried into the Noth School house Ten Dollars 75/100 For ten Q days work clone extra on the Highway in 1818 in Capacity of 'survey 'of Highway Ten Dollars 50/100 35 16 10 75 10 50 56 41 66 - No 23) An order to pay Miss Sally Locke Thirty three. and 33/100 Viz For teaching the Eastdistrict(or Scotland so called) school twelve weeks in the slimmer of 1818 at Two Dollars 78/100 pr week - 33 33 No .24 . An . order to .Pay .Mr .Benjamin . Wyman . One Dollar .50/100 Viz For cutting and spliting one Cord an an half of wood for the East District school in Novbr 1818 and carving the same into the school house 1.50 No 25 ) An order to pay Miss Patty Wellington Thirty three Dollars 33/100 Viz For teaching the South District School twelve weeks 33 . 33 Lexington April 29th 1819 The Selectmen then granted the following Orders Viz, No 26) An order to pay Mr. Amos Cutler Ten Dollars Viz For two Cords of wood Viz One cord of oak and one cord of hard pine which was .cut, .split and carried into the West District Schoolhouse 10. 00 No 27) An order to pay Mr Adna Nichols 75 Cents for Repairing the North District Schoolhouse in December 1818. 75 At a Meeting of the eSelectmen- May 3rd 1819 the following orders were granted No 2.8) ..n order to pay Capt Daniel Chandler --Twenty ' seven dollars 15/100 Viz For 5 white oak sleepers found for the New. bridge_ so..called of 16- feet in length each at 8 Cents pr foot To 34.Days work of laying sd'Bridge .Three Dolls 75/100 To 100 feet of.plank at 20 dolls -pr Thousd was Two Dolls To Carting stones, -leveling gravel and laying wall Blowing Rocks &c around' the Poor House Fifteen Dollars No 29) An order to pay Mr Eli Robbins Fifty one Dollars- - 32/100 Viz For Glass and Putty to repair the South East District Schoolhouse Dec 2nd 1817- One Dollar 82/100 Tan. 28th. 1819- To. Cashadvanced to pay Vr Richard Pickering for services in the sd ,School ..Fifteen Dollars - To Boarding Mr R. Pickering Seven Weeks at Three Dollars 50/100 pr Week - Twenty four Dollars 50/100 - _ April 9th 1819 To Cash advanced to pay Mr Stephen Hale for services in. ad.school.Five-Dollars - - To 1 Cord of Hard pine wood found sd School. Five Dolls 6 40 3 75 2 '00 15 00 27.15 1 82. • 15. 00 24- 50 .-5 '00 5 00 51 32 No 30 ) An order to pay A.4r Charles 2arrington Nineteen Dollars Tit- ' T o Cash advanced to pay Mr Richard Pickering for services in school Ten Dollars April :_9th 1819 To Cash advanced to pay Er Stephen Hale for services in school Nine Dollars - 10 00 9 00 19 00 No 31) An order to pay 1[r Stephen Robbins Jur Eleven Dollars Viz For Cash advanced to pay Mr Stephen Hale for services in school Eleven dollars Aprl 20th 1819. 11 00 Jo 32 ) An order to pay Deacn. James Brown Esq Twenty one Dollars 50/100 Viz For Boarding it Stephen Hale Six weeks while teaching -a school in the South East District at s17/0 pr. week Seventeen Dollars To 6 feet of wood found sd school at 75/100 pr foot Four Dollars 50/100 17 00 4 50 21 50 No 33 ) An order to pay Viz To Cash -advanced to Dollars To Cash advanced to pay To Repairing the school 68 Er James Braurn Jun Eighteen Dolls pay UT Richard Pickering Ten Mr 8. house Hale Ditto Five Dollars one .day One Dollar Carried forward J. Brown's Jun Order Brought forward to To two days work Extra done on the Bighvoays in the Capacity of surveyor in 1818 Two Dollars 10 00 5 00 1 ..00 D 16 00 2 00 18 00 N. B. It appears that there was D81..Cts 72. expended in the South East School of the grant of the year 1817. Dolls 65..72 to Mr Levi Bridge and 16 Dolls to Mr Josiah Bryant for wood leaving Doll 18..28 unappropriated of that grant. No 34) An order to pay Mr John Hastings Ninety -four Dollars For his services as -a teacher in the South School from November 16th 1818 to the 8th day of March following 94 00 No 35) An order to pay Mr Joel Smith One Dollars for finding Post for a guide board and.puting the same up at the Corner 1 00 of the Road which leads to Waltham by his House No 36 ) Lexington June 21st 1819. The Selectmen then passd an Order for Mr William Chandler to the amount of Eighty nine Dollars Viz For teaching a School in the East District Fourteen weeks and five day at " Twenty six Dollars pr Month 89 00 At a Meeting of the Selectmen 6th of September 1819 the following orders No 37 ) were passed Viz An order to pay Mr William Thorning Eleven Dollars 87/100 For two Cords of wood and three feet ditto found for the West School in the winter of 1818 at Five Dollars pr Cord 11. 87 No 38 ) An order to pay 'Mr John Muzzey Jun One hundred and twenty one Dollars 50/100 For teaching the West School Four Months and an half Viz from November 16th 1818 to the 1st day of April 1819 at Twenty seven Dollars pr .Mo. 69 121 50 No 39 ) An order to pay Mr Nathaniel Mulliken One Hundred Dollars Viz For teaching the Middle District School Four- teen weeks Board and wood included 100 00 No 40 ) An order to pay Mr Peter Wellington Three Dollars and 50/100 Viz For three and an half days work done on the Highway Extra in the capacity of Surveyor in the year 1818. 3 50 No 41 ) An Order to pay Messrs Tames Brown Nathan Chandler and Amos Muzzey Tun Esgrs who were chosen a Committee to supply the Pulpit while the town was destitute of a Minister Thirty six Dollars Viz for supplying the Pulpit from Sept 1815 to April 18.9. 36 00 No 42 ) An order to pay Messrs Nathaniel & John Mulliken Five Dollars 73/100 Viz For 6 lights of 9 by 7 Glass found for the School house 48 Cents To Repairing sd School house in Dec 1818, 1 Doll 50/100 To 1 Set of Bass Viol strings Two Dollars Ditto for 1 Single string 75 Cents To Making a PostrqGuide One Dollar , 0 48 1 50 2 00 0. 75 1 00 5 73 70 At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sept 13 1819 the following Orders were passed Viz. No 43) An order to pay Mr Rufus Meriam Sixteen Dollars Viz For his services as Town Treasurer for the year 1818 16 00 No 44) An order to pay Capt Nathan Harrington Two Dollars Viz For taking care of the Hearse 1 year 00 No 45 } At a Meeting . of .the Selectmen September .lath .1819 . the following Orders were passed Viz An order to pay Mr Fonas Muzzey Forty-four _Dollars 27 Cents Tt . be_ ing his premium of poundage for Colleting 1106 L 14 S taxes for the year 1818 at . 4 Celt s on the Pound 27 No 461 An Order to pay Mr Asa Munroe Ten Dollars Viz For Compensation or damage for the Road leading through his .land .which .lead to .Woburn line by the House .of .Wm . . Munroe 10 00 No 47 } . An order to pay the following persons One Hundred and fifty five. Dollars and 11/100 Viz . To Mr Oliver Locke One hundred and thirty two Dollars 132 00 .For .the .Items .See .next -Page 71 Cts To 5 Suppers. 1..88 and 2 Mugs of toddy 50/100 Is two Dollars and 38/100 2 38 To .5 .Classes .of .toddy .at .6 .Cts .pr Glass 30/100 0 30 To six Suppers and Eight nights Horse keeping Four Dollars 25/100 4 25 To Six meals of victuals and ten lodgings Three Doll 25/100 3 . 25 To luncheons, liquors, and nine dinners &c found the Musick Fourteen Dollars and 4/100 D Cts 14 04 To .67. Dinners found the .Council at 1..58 pr Dinner is One hundred and five Dollars and 86/100 105 86 To 5 Suppers and two mugs of toddy One Doll 75/100 1 75 all the above account is -for the expence of the Ordination in April 1819 there was 17/100 added to the .. add 17 account by way of settlement by the Cont. 132 00 To Miss Sarah Ring for Repairing Cushion Trimings silk thread &c for the Pulpit in the Meetinghouse Two Dollars 70/100 To William Smith Brun for tacks and Cotten yarn to Repair the Pulpit 37/100 . To work done on -the Pupit One Dollars 25/100 To Majr Benj 0. Wellington for Cash advanced for Cord to trim the Pulpit 0..50/100 To Amos Muzzey sun for Cash advanced 0..92/100 To Moses Grant for 3 Yds Crimson silk Damask Fourteen Dollars 87/100 ... . Ditto for 30 Yds of Lace Two Dollars 50/100 2. 70 0 . 37 1 25 .0 50 '0 92 -14 87 2 50 155 - 11 No 48 ) An order to pay Mr Nathan Dudley Ons dollar 80/100 Viz For four mugs of toddyfound for the Committee when proping the Gallery in the eetinghouse.for.Ordination 0..80/100 To taking down the props and Cleaning the Meetinghouse One Dollar 0 80 1 00 1 80 72 No 49 ) An order to the following persons who were chosen a Committee by the town of Lexington to let out and superintend the making the swamp Road so called Viz To Thirty Dolls Messrs Isaac Hastings Nine Dollars Tonas Bridge Five Dollars 50/100 Tohn P'aker Five Dollars 50/100 Nathan Chandler Seven Dollars Abram Smith Three Dollars 9 00 5 50 5- 50 7 00 3 00 30 00 No 50) An order to pay Mr Reuben Reed Eight Dollars 56/100 Viz For working out Nonresidents Highway taxes in the Capacity of surveyor of Highways for 1819. 00 Grant of 200 Dollars to defray the damage and Eapence of a Road which leads from the Middlesex Turnpike to Woburn line by the House of William Munroe Tun To be paid in the following manner as was awarded to the following persons by the Selectmen Viz To Mr Moses Harrington 150 00 To the Heirs of Daniel Harrington & Wm: Tidd 40 00 To Er Asa Munroe 10 00 No 1 ) An order to pay Mr Mosses Harrington Fifty Dollars ) 200 00 it being the remainder of the 150 Dollars for damage as ) 50 00 above stated Ballance 150 00 Er Harrington Receivd an Order on the Town Treasurer the llth of Tanuary last for 100 Dollars The Heirs of Dani Harrington and William-Tidd receivd one of the amount of 40 Dollars for their damage on the 1st day of March last Mr Asa Munroe receivd one on the 20th of Sept last of 10 Dollars which orders drew the money from the last years tax and leaves a Ballance of 150 Dolls on the present Grant which will be unappropriated for the sd damgge but will be appropriated to Contingencies. October 18th 1819. 73 At a meeting March 2nd 1818 The town then voted that Western School District should have the privilege of expending the 100 Dollars (which was not expended the year before) in a free town school to be kept in their school -house as they might think proper. By the preceeding Records it appears that all the sd money hAs been appropriated bii 34 Dolls and 11/100 which sum is now due to the sd District October 18th 1819 Charles :Reed Town Olk School Grant for 1819 was 900 Dollars, 150 Dolls to each of the six Districts and to be expended as follows" 100 Dollars for a Mans school a 50 Dollars for a Woman's At a Meeting of the selectmen October 18th 1819 the following 0rders were passed Viz. No l ) An Order to pay Mr Joshua Swan Twenty Eight Dollars Viz For boarding Miss .Ann F. Meriam .fourteen .weeks at .two dollars pr 7k while teaching a School in the South East District. Cts. 28 . 00 No 2) .. . ) 'An Order to pay Miss Ann P..Meriam Twenty two Dollars Viz for teaching a School in the South East District fourteen weeks 22 00 No 3) ) An order to pay Miss Mary M. Smith Fifty -Dollars Viz For teaching a school in the South District twenty weeks at Two Dollars 50/100 pr week -50 00 Eb 4) .. ) An order to pay Miss Eliza Meriam Forty Eight Dollars Viz For teaching a school in the Middle District sixteen weeks at Three Dollars pr Week 48 00 74 No 5 ) ) An order to pay Miss :Mary Meriam. •- _ D Cts Twenty five Dollars Viz To teaching a School in the East District sixteen weeks and four days 25 00 No 6-14n order .to pay Mr Enoch Dyer Twenty five Dollars )Viz For boarding Miss Mary. MeriamSixteen weeks an. four days while teaching a sohool in the East District 25= 00 No 7 ) . ) At a 1eeting of. the Selectmen November 1st. 1819 the following orders were thenpassed .Viz .An.order _to pay Miss Rebecca Tufts Fifty five Dollars Viz For teaching a school in the Western District Twenty two weeks at Two Dolls 50/100 pr week. Fifty Dollars is of the grant of the present year and five dollars of the grant of 1816. 55 00 No 8 ) ) An order to pay Miss Racheal Nichols Fifty Dollars Viz For teaching a school in the North ri,District Twenty weeks at Two Dollars 50/100 pr, week. 50 00 Men's School No 9 ) An order to pay Capt Nathaniel Barrington Five Dollars Viz For One Cord of Maple Wood found for the Middle District School granted in December 4th 1819. 5 00 At a Meeting of the Selectmen Dec 27th 1819 the following orders were passed Viz: No 10 ) An order to pay Mr. Tohn Munroe Tun E3e-van Dollars Viz For two cords of maple wood found for the South East district school at Five. Dollars 50/100 pr Cord December 27th 1817 11 00 75 No 11 ) An order to pay Mr Benjamin Phinney Six Dollars. D Cts Viz For one cord of dry maple wood,• cut split and carried into the South School House at Sig Dollars 6 00 No 12 ) An order to pay Mr Toners M. Muzzey Six Dollars Viz For one cord of dry maple wood, cut split and carried into the West School House November 1819 6 00 March 6th. 1820 the Selectmen granted the following Orders Viz No 13 ) An order to pay Major David Tohnson Three Dollars 99/100)Viz To 5 feet of wood found the Middle District School for the winter of 1819 and 20. Two Dollars 87/100 2 87 To Outing and carrying sd wood into the Schoolhouse One Dollar 12/100 12 3 99 No 14) An order to pay Mr Samuel Milliken Ninety two Dollars ) Viz To teaching the Center School Three Months and 1/15 at Thirty dollars pr Month in 1819 & 20 92 00 No 15 ) Lexington March I th 1820 The Selectmen granted an order to pay Mr Alvah Winn Fifty four Dollars Viz For teaching a School in the South East District at Eighteen Dollars pr Month 54 00 No 16 ) An order to pay: Deacn Tames BrownThirty three Dollars 50/100 Viz Thirty two Dollars 50/100 for boarding the School master Mr Alvah Winh thirteen weeks at Two Dolls and 50/100 pr week and One Dollar for Cutting, split- 32 50 ing and carrying 2 Cords of wood into the Schoolhouse- 1 00 33 50 No 17) March 18th Then the Selectmen granted an Order ) to^pay Charles Reed Ninety Dollars Viz for teaching the North District School from the 6th day of December 1819 to March 13th 1820 at Twenty Eight Dolls pr Month 90 00 10 18 ) March 18th An order to pay Mi. Ebenezer Simonds Ten Dollars Viz For two cords of wood crit, split and caried into the Borth School house at Five dollars pr Cord 10 00 76 No 19 ) March 18th An order to pay Mr Nathaniel Mulliken D Cts ) Ninety Dollars Viz For teaching the East District School from December 7th 1819 to Manch 17th 1820 90 00 April 3rd Selectmen granted the following orders No 20) An order to pay lir Nathan Russell Ten Dolls For 12 feet of wood dry maple which was Cut, split and Carried into the East School house. Decem 1st 1819 10 00 r No 21 ) An order to pay Mr John .Muzzey Jun One hundred and Eleven Dollars 56/100 Viz For teaching the Gest District School from the 15th of November 1819 to March 20th 1820 at 27 dollars pr Month 111 56 • No 22) An order to pay Mr Jonas M Mu.zzey Eleven Dollars 56/100 Viz For 2.2 Cords of wood. furnished to the. West•School . at - Four dollars and sixtytwo and an half Cents pr Cord 11 56 ) N'o 23) An order to pay Mr Nathaniel Cutler Nine dollars Viz To 11 Cords of wood which was Cut split and carried into the South Schoolhouse December 1st 1819. ) Bo 24 ) An order to pay Mr John Bastings Ninety one. Dollars Viz For services in the South School Three. Months and an half in 1819 and 1820 91 00 Grant for the Assessors Service was 40 Dollars for 1819.. At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 28th 1819 The following order for the Assessors was passed Viz , Thirty five Dollars 50/100 in manner following. To Mr William Chandler Ten Dollars To Mr Nathaniel Mulliken Ten Dollars To Mr Jonathan Harrington Fifteen -Dollars 50/100 77 Cts 10 00 10 00 15 50 35 50 Grant of 15 Dollars to Mr Amos Marrett for Compensation for "a piece of Land_ .which he laid Common -near to his Lane for the.Towns use to get gravel therefrom to repair the Highways on Concord Road so called. At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 28th 1819 Then they granted an Order to pay Tim Amos Marrett Fifteen Dollars Viz For the above privilege 15 00 Grant for the Town Stock of Powder was 15 Dollars 50/100 At a Meeting of the Selectmen February 14th 1820 The following Order was passed Viz To pay Stiles Hosmer and Company Fifteen Dollars 50/100 For two quarter Casks of Powder to supply the towns stock - 15 50 Grant for Town Clerk's service as 10 Bollrs.- March 6th 1820 Then the Selectmen granted an Order to pay Charles Reed Ten Dolls for services as Town Clerk in 1819 78 10 . 00 Grant for Ringing the Bell and taking Care of the Meetinghouse for 1819 was ---15 Dollars 75/100 -At a meeting of the Selectmen February 14th 1820 An order was granted to pay Mr. Nathan Dudley. Fifteen Dollars 75/100 Viz For Ringing the Be ll'and.•taking Care of the Meetinghouse one year Vlz From February 15th, 1819; 15 75 to February 14th 1820) Bell February 14th 1820 Then the Selectmen vendued the Ringing of the Bell and taking Care of the Meetinghouse. Mr flathan Dudley bid it off for Twenty Dollars for the year en- suing ( 20 Dolls ) Grant.for,Town Treasurer and Collectors Service for 1819 was 50 Dollars. At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 20th. 1820. They granted an Order to pay Zathan Chandler Esq Fifty three Dollars 88/100 Viz For :Receiving in and paying aver- as Town Treasurer 6471 :Dollars 21/100 at 40 Cents on an hundred Dollars making Twenty five Dollars 88/100 25 88 Also for services as a Collector for 1819 Twenty Eight Dollars .28• 00 53 88 79 80 Stove. in the Meetinghouse .purchased with unappropri- ated Money which was granted for support of the Poor for the year 1819 Lexington ranuary 12th 1820 The Selectmen the then granted an .Order to pay Capt Daniel Chandler (who was appointed Chairman of a Committee to purchase a Stove to be placed in the Meetinghouse) One Hundred and Forty four Dollars 75/100 Viz for Cash and services allowed to the following persons Viz D Cts To Cash paid to E Vose Jun as pr Bill 25 00 To Cash paid to E. Hawkes. as . pr Bill • 94 56 To Cash paid to R Fuller as pr Bill _ 4 11 To Cash paid to Makepeace &,Cook as pr Bill 2 88 To. Cash paid to r Briant as pr Bill 4' 40 To Cash paid to S Locke as pr Receipt .2 00 To Cash paid to Saml Downing for Fender Frames 1 -00 To Cash paid N. Dudley 0 45 To Cash paid J. P. Meriam • 0 35 To Cash paid P. Lawrence as pr Bill 3 00 To Cash for his own services as pr Bill 7 00 144 75 Grant for Contingent Expences for 1819 was 100 Dollars. At a Meeting of the .Selectmen .October 28th 1819 The following Orders were granted Viz An Order to pay Mr Eli Robbins Six Dolls 25/100 No 1 ) Viz For 125 feet of hewed pine timber found to ) cover a Bridge on the swamp Road so called back from the Meetinghouse at 5 Cents pr foot. 81 6 25 No 2) ) An order to pay Mr Cyrus Smith One Doll,75/100 Tiz, For making Cartridges for the standing Company of Militia in $d town to go to their annual Muster 1 75 No 3 ) An order to pay Mr Nathan Fessenden Four Dollars for ) damage which the Courts Committee awarded to him for widening the County Rc.d near to his house which leads to Capt Woods Cow -yard. No 4 ) An order to pay Capt Isaac Train Two Dolls and ) 70/100 'Tiz, For serving a writ of review against Lucy Chester in favor of the town of Lexington in the year 1816 2 70 No 5) An order to pay the ' following . Persons One hundred and ) Sixty six Dollars 52/100 for work done on the highways under the direction of the Selectmen Viz One hundred and forty nine Dollars 92/100 on the Road leading from. the Meetinghouse to Bedford line and Seventeen Dollars 50/100 on the Cutlers Road so called. which leads from Concord Road to Deacon Davists at one dollar per day 82 Carried forward - Brought forward. Messrs Jonathan Lawrence $sue l F'i . k e Joshua Simonds Christopher Reed Francis Vlyma r. Ebenezer Simonds Charles Reed Nathan Chandler Esq & Jun Jonathan itobbinson Sohn Augustus. Nathan Harrington Levi Harrington Jonathan M,mroe Nathan Dudley Lewis Harrington Coln Joshua Russell Tacob Brooks Oliver Locke Rufus Merits; Abijah Harrington Jacob Smith Samuel Chandler Tosiah bead &mos Muzzy Jan John Gammell 1 00 4 00 18 00 10 50 3 00 3 00 17 00 3 00 1 00 2 83 6 00 8 00 4 83 .2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 11 50 4 50 4 . 00 1 • 00 7 96 2 57 6 83 5 00 John Cutler Leonard Cutler Mosses Felt - Jonathan Hood Ebenezar Harrington David Simonds Charles Locke Hammon Reed Nathan Reed No • 5 ) 2 50 1 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 —2 00 1 00 9 00 • - 10- 00 166 52 An order to pay Mr Jonathan Hunt two Dollars for work on the sd Road at the same time. 1VT"r Hunts Charge was overlooked until itwas to late to) enter it with the general list. At a meeting of the Selectmen Dec 27th 1819. The following orders were granted Viz , No 6 ) An order to pay Yr William Simonds One dollar and } 50/100 Viz . For .a Kettle ' found to put _ on the stove in the South'Schoolhouse - Twenty five Cents To 1 Lock found for the door of the sd schoolhouse fifty. Cts To 1 ditto found_.5th March 1819 instead of the above which got broke soon after it was put on the door, seventy five Cents 2 00 83 25 50 0 75 1 50 No 7 } An order to pay Mr Jonas M. Muzzey One Dollar } 60/100 Viz to finding 10 squares of Glass and setting the same in the West Schoolhouse One dollar and 10/100 - 1 10 To repairing the stove in the west district fifty Cents 0 50 1 60 No 8 1 An order to pay Mr Sweethern-Reed Three Dollars } 60/100 Viz To 115 feet of Plank found for the Bridges on the Roads which are within the limits assigned to him for repair as a surveyor of Highways in the year 1817 at twenty three dollars pr thousand Two dollars 60/100 -. To 1 days work extra done on --the sd highways in the capacity of surveyor in sd 1817. One dollars. 2 60 1 00 3 60 February 21st 1820 The Selectmen granted No 9 ) An order to Mr Nathaniel Cutter of One Doll 71/100 } Viz For 12 Squares of glass and 2 lbs of Putty One Dollar 1/100 To setting sd glass and other repairs made on the South School House 1 21 0 50 1 71 No 10 ) 1 An order to pay Mr Amos Muzze Jun Two Dollars 40/100 Viz.. To repairing guide boards and puting up the same 40 Cts To going to Boston and attending before the Committee on turnpikes of the Legislature one day Two Dollars 24th January 1820 O 40 2 00 84 March 6th 1820 Selectmen granted the following Orders Viz . No 11 ) An order to pay Maj David Johnson. Two Dollars ) Viz To attending at the Door of the Meetinghouse at the Ordination of the Revd Charles Briggs One Dollar To Repairing the Middle District School House One Doll in the year 1819 O Cts 1 00 1 00 2 00 No 12 ) ) An.Order to pay Capt. Nathan Harrington One Dollar 21/100 Viz For Cash paid to William Smith Jun for two - straps to put on the Hearse 75/100 To two new burial cords 21/100 To Yds of quality to bind the Burial Cloth -25/100 O 75 O 21 O 25 1 21 No 13 ) An order to pay Nathan Chandler Esq Thirteen Dollars 26/100 Viz Ten Dollars 26/100 for the use of Money which he borrowed as Town treasurer to pay sundry demands against the- town 10 26 A premium of One Dollar paid for Exchanging foreign money. 1 00 Also Two Dollars paid for a blank Book for Treasury Records 2 . 00 13 26 No 14 ) March 13th 1820, Then At a Meeting of the Selectmen the following Order was Granted to Fay Mr John Brown Eight Dolls and 77/100 Viz To four days work in Repairing the South East School -house in Decem 1819 at One Doll 25/100 pr day 5 00 To two hundred feet of Boards found for the same Three Dolls 3 00 To 3 lbs of Nails at 9 Cents pr lbs 27 Cents 0 27 To 5 Ssquares of Glass at 10 Cts pr Square 0 50 8 77 No 15 ) ) April 3rd 1820 Then at a Meeting of the Selectmen the following orders were granted Viz An Order to pay Mr Nathan Russell Two Dollars 75/100 Viz To finding aryl setting 22 squares of Glass in South Schoolhouse in the year 1819 75 No 16 I An -order to pay Capt Daniel Chandler Five Dollars 75/100 Viz For finding and putting up sig scrapers on the door steps. of the Meetinghouse in March 1820 85 D Cts 5 75 No 17 ) ) An order to pay itr Ebenezer Simonds the sum of sixty Cents Viz For finding and setting six squares of glass in the North School house in May 1819 O 60 April 10th 1820 then the Selectmen granted the following Orders Viz. No 1.8 ) To Mr William Chandler Three Dollars and 50/100 Viz ) To notifying the Inhabitants of the town of Lexington to attend four town Meetings Three Dolls 3 00 To attending on sdeeetings in Capacity of Constable 50/100 0 50 S 50 No 19 ) An order to Fay Mr Jonathan Lawrence One dollar ) Viz For Clearing out the drains on. Bedford Road in the Months of November and December 1819 By order- of the Selectmen 00 No 20 ) An order to Viz ) To going to the Committee of the Dollars To 1 Record Book for pay Charles Reed Nine dollars Boston 1 day January .24th 1820 Before General Court on Turnpikes Two the town - Cash -seven dollars • 2 00 7 00 9 00 86 88 Grant for Extra Work of the Surveyors of Highways for 1819, was 30 Dollars. 87 89 No 1 ) March 6th 1820 The Selectmen then granted the following ) Orders Viz 1 To Mr Jacob Smith of Thirteen. Dollars 91/100 Viz For twelve and 4 days work done Extra on the . Highway in the capacity of Surveyor in 1819 at One dollar pr de' 12 75 To 1 ib of Powder found on the Road. for Blowing the Rocks out at 0 Dolls 50/100 0 50 To Repairing Drills used on the Road 0.:. Doll 41/100 0 41 To Coln Joshua Russell of day of drilling onthe road Cash advanced for the same 0.. Dolls 25/100 0 25 13 91 No 2 ) ) An order to pay mr Tool Smith Ten Dollars 50/100 Viz For ten days.and an' half Extra work done on the Highways in the capacity of surveyor at One Dollar pr day in the.year 1819 10 50 No 3 } An order to pay Mr Charles Smith Three Dollars Viz ) To two days Extra -work done on the Highways i'n capacity of surveyor in the year 1819 at One dollar per day To 1 lb of Powder found on the Road to Blow Rocks and Repairing One Dollar., 2 00 1 00 3 00 No 4 ) ) An order to pay Mr Francis Wyman Two Dollars 7/100 Viz For two and 1/15 days Extra work done on the Highways in the capacity of surveyor for the year 1819 at one Dollar pr day 90 No 5March 13th 1820 The Selectmen then granted the 1 follows Orders Viz To pay Mr Isaac Reed Fourteen Dollars 41/100 For working out Residents and Non --Residents taxes.on the Highway in the Capacity of Surveyor for the year 1819, as pr Account at 1 Dollar 50/100 pr day 2 07 14 41 April 3rd The Selectmen then granted an Order . No 6 ) to pay Mr Robert Parker Four Dolls and 50/100 ) Viz for four and, an half days Extra work done on the Highways in the Capacity of surveyor in the year 1819. at. one dollar pr day 4 50 Closed the Orders -for 1819 Attest Charles Reed Town Clk 91 Lexington April 2.Ot h 1820 Then the Selectmen Regioned and Settled with Nathan Chandler Esq Town Treasurer for all the monies which he.has receiv td in aid paid out since the 29th day of March 1819 to -the above date and find due to the Town the following sums Viz In notes to the following amount Viz - Coln William Munroes Note Guardian for. Ebenezer Barrington date of April 14th. 1797 with Interest Ballance of Sweethern Reeds Note of the date of 3rd of May 1819 Francis Bowmans Tun Note of the date of September 19th 1818 Samuel Hadley's Note of the date of Tanuary 25th 1808 Amount Receiv*d. in Money is Money Paid out Ballance in favor of the Town in the � v 4 14 17 25 2 82 22 60 6493 53 6195 11 years of 1818 any; 1819 is 298 42 Charles Reed ) Nathaniel Cutler ) Selectmen Phinehas Lawrence Nathan Chandler Treasurer 92 D Cts Contingent Grant for 1820 was 100 Dollars At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 1st 1820 the following orders were granted Viz. No 1 ) An order to pay Captain Daniel Chandler Ten Dollars ) 50/100 Viz For 0 feet of wood found for the stove in the Meetinghouse Fotr Dollars 4 00 To taking care of stove and making fires in the same Four Dollars 50/100 4 50 To Repairing the Pound Two Dollars 2 00 10 50 No 2 } An order to -pay Mr Oliver Smith Two Dolls For two days work extra done on the Highways in the Capacity of Surveyor in the year 1819, which account ought to have been presented before the 20th day of April 1820. 2 00 No 3 ) At a Meeting of the Selectmen 26th of June 1820 the following orders were granted Viz An order to pay Tohn Keyes Esq, County Treasurer Thirty Dollars 24/100 Viz for Cost in favor of the Commonwealth against the Town of Lexington for a Complaint of a Road leading to Bedford Drawing a Bill One Dollar 90/100- 1 90 Entering Ditto One Dollar 93/100 1 93 ( Elijah Stearns 10 Miles & 1 Day One Dollar 40/100 1 40 Witnesses.( Abner Stearns 14 Miles 80 1 day One Dollar 56/100 1 56 ( Bradley Bowers 8 Miles 1 day One Dollar 32/100 1 32 County Attorneys travel ard andattendance Two Dolls 97/100 2 97 Continuance- Twenty Cents 0 20 Summons One Dollar 65/100 1 . 65 Sheriffs.A.ustins service Two Dollars 2 00 Carried up 93 Sept.term attorneys -.travel and.attendance Two Dolls -97/100 2 97 Continuance Twenty Cents 0 20 Dec term Attorneys travel & attendance Three Dolls 96/100 3 96 MaPeh-telim-182G Continuance Twenty Cents 0.. 20 March term 1820 Attors travel and attendance Two Dolls ) 2 97 97/100 ) Continuance Twenty Cents 0 20 June term Attorneys travel and attendance Two Dolls 31/100 2 31 his fees One Dollar 50/100 1 50 Taxing Copies One Dollar • 1 00 A Stearns County Atty 30. 24 Examined and Recorded A Biglow Clerk Copy attest John Keyes' County Treasurer No 4 ) An order to pay James Russell Esq Ten Dollars ) Viz For services in Sept 1819 in Continuing the Indictment against sd town f or the Road which leads to Bedford being out of repair and for Recognizing in behalf of sd town to the Court Three Dollars Dec term. To Continuing; do Two Dollars March term 1820 To Continuing do Two Dollars June term 182 To services in procuring- a discharge of the same Three Dollars 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 10 - 00 No 5 ) Lexington August 21st 1820. ) At a Meeting of the selectmen they granted an order to pay Mr James Brown Jun Two Dollars and 50/100 Viz For two days and an half of Extra work done on the Highway in the capacity of surveyor in the year 1819.- 94 819. 94 No 6 ) ) Lexington Sept 4th 1820 Then the Selectmen at a Llreeting at the House Mr Nathan Dudley granted an order to pay Mr Abel Morse Thirty seven Dolls for Repairing the Monument which stands on the Common in Lexington 2 50 D • Cts 37 00 No 7 ) October 16th 1820, ) Then the Selectmen Granted Orders for the following Accounts Viz. To pay Mr James Brown Tun One Dollar Viz. To assisting in Renewing the Bounds between Lexington and West Cambridge- Sept 26th 1820 by order of the Sela. ctmen 1 00 No 8 ) ) An Order to pay Mr Nathalniel Cutler Two Dollars Viz To Renewing the Bounds between the Towns of Lexington and Lindon Sept 14th 1820 One Dollar To ditto between the town of Lexington and Waltham Septr 25th 1820 One Dollar. 1 00 1 00 2 00 No 9 ) ) An Order to pay Mr Tosiah Bryant Two Dollars 76/100.. Viz To six window -springs found and put up in the South East School -house and puting a lock on the door of sd house and other Repairs One Dollar 88/100 To a Lock found for sd house 88 Cents - 1 88 0 88 2 76 No 10 ) An Order to pay Maj Benjamin 0. Wellington Pour ) Dollars Viz To four days aiad-aa-kali of Auditing the Accounts of the town as one of the Committee to attend sd Servicein the years of 1818, 1819 and 1820. 12 Day in 1818, li Days in 1819 and 1 Day in 1820. No 11 ) An Order to pay Nathan Chandler Esq Eight ) Dollars Viz To 11 days as one of the Committee to audit the towns Accounts in 1818 One Dollar 50/100 To 12 ditto in 1819 One Dollar 50/100 To 1 ditto in 1820 One Dollar To Assisting in Renewing the Bounds between the Towns of Woburn and Lexington Sept 1st 1820 by order of the Selectmen One Dollar To ditto between the Towns of Burlington and Lexington One Dollar To Making out all the Report of the Auditing Committee for Printing Two Dollars 4 00 95 D Cts 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 8 00 No 12 ) ) An Order to pay Thomas dhitcomb Esq Four Dollars Viz To 12 days as one of the Committee to Audit the towns Accounts in 1817 One Dolir 50/100 To ditto 1 days in 1819 One Dollar 50/100 To 1 ditto in 1820 One Dollar 1 50 1 50 1 00 4. 00 No 13 ) Exempt Soldiers tax . ) An Order to pay Capt Benjamin Reed - Twenty-four Dollars Viz For money which has been paid into the Treasurer by exempt Soldiers belonging to the Militia Company which money is designed to be appropriated towards procuring a Standard for sd Militia Company as stated by Capt Reed 24 00 November 2nd,.1820 The Selectmen granted the following No 14 ) An order to pay Mr Leonard Cutler Twenty three ) Dollars Viz For twenty four days work done on the Road leading to Bedford by the house of Mr Nathan Reed by order of the Selectmen at 5/9 pr day including board 23 00 No 15 ) An order to pay Isaac Hastings Esq Two Dolls Viz ) For purambulating the line between Lexington and Lincoln. To ditto between Lexington and galtham by Order of the. Selectmen. serice done Sept 14th 1820 2 00 96 No 16 ) An Order to pay Er Joshua Simonds Nine Dollars D Cts and 6.2/100) Viz For three days work done .in Repairing the Bridge on Bedford Road Near to the house Jonathan Lawrence By order of the Selectmen at One Doll pr Day 3 00 For ten sleepers found for sd Bridge at 20 Cts each .2 00 For seven sticks of timber found to cover sd Bridge consist- ing onsist-in of 154 feet at Three Cents pr foot Four Dollars and - 62/100 Service done August 1820. 4 62 9 . 62 No 17 ) An order to pay Mr Hammon Reed six Dollars Viz For 150 ) feet of hewed Pine Timber found to cover 'a New Bridge on Bedford Road on the Causway near to the House of Jonathan Lawrence in June 1820 at Four Cents pr foot, by order of the Selectmen ,. 6 00 No 18 ) An order to pay Charles Reed Five Dollars 18/100 Viz To ) lock and Key found for the Pound One Dollar 1 . 00 To Lock & Key found for North Schoolhouse 37 Cents 0 37 To 6 fathom of Rope found for the Bell 75 Cents 0 75 To Postage for a letter from the Selectmen of Cambridge 6 Cts 0 06 To Assisting in Renewing the Bounds between Lexington & ) Woburn and between Lexington & Burlington and between Lexing-) ton and Bedford Three Dollars 3 00 8 No 19 ) An order to pay Mr Nathaniel Milliken Fifteen ) Dollars Viz For Cash paid for two patent bound Books Containing 4 Quires of Demi paper each ruled to a pattern for the Assessors Records to be made in. 15 00 No 20 ) ) February 26th 1821 An order to pay Messrs N. & T Mulliken Four Dollars 42/100 To Erecting a Guide Post &c on the Road leading to Woburn near the house of Moses Harrington Tun For Repairing the Center School house in November 1820 and finding Glass and Putty &c for the same For a Bass Viol String seventeen Cts 2 50 1 75 0 17 4 42 No 21 ) An order to pay Mr Nathan Dudley Seven Dollars 97/100 Viz To) three mugs of toddy furnished by order of the Select- men when the Ringing of the Bell &c was let out in February - 1820 Sixty Cents . To 2 Cord of dry maple wood found for stove in the Meeting- house December 1820 Two Dollars 50/100 To ditto Pine One Dollar 62/100 To Outing the same and carrying in Seventyfive Cents To making fires in the stove in the Meetinghouse ten Sabbaths from the 10th day of December last Two Dollars _ To 3 mugs toddy found by order of the Selectmen when the Ringing of the Bell &c was let out February 14th 1821 Fifty Cents 2 1 0 97 60 50 62 .75 2 00 0 50 7 97 No 22 ) An order to pay Charles Reed Seven Dollars and 25/100) Viz August 29th 1820 To one attending Probate Court one day at Cambridge to get a Guardian appointed for Edmund ERrrington Two Dollars To Cash paid for Probate fees for e Citation and Copy. to Lodge with the Register of Deeds D2..50 Cents s 4-Gepy fifty Cents To serving sd Citation on sd Edmund and summoning three Evidences to prove the Complaint before the Judge of Probate One Dollar 50/100 ran 3rd 1820 To Cash paid William Billings . for Cleaning Clock in the Meetinghouse 0,.75/100 00 50 1 50 0 75 7 25 No 23 ) An order to pay Mr William Chandler Five Dollars. Viz ) For notifying nine Town Meetings in the Capacity of Constable and attending on the same Viz from April 3rd 1820 to March 5th 1821 inclusively 5 00 No 24 ) ) An Order to pay Capt Toseph Simonds One Doll Viz For Assisting in Renewing the Bounds and Perambulating the lines between Bedford & Lexington Sept 1821 by appointment of the Selectmen For the rest of Contingent Grant turn 5 leaves and see 98 School Grant for 1820 was 9001)611S The same to be equally divided between the six Districts Viz 150 Dolls to Each; and such part of the sd sum to be appropriated to a Man's or Woman's School as the majority of the sd District shallthink proper 1 00 At a. Meeting of the.Selectmen October 16th 1820 The -following Accounts were allowed and Orders granted for the same Viz, NO 1. ) An Orderto pay Miss Mary- Jennings Twenty five ) Dollars Viz, To teaching the North District School thirteen Weeks Viz from Tune 5th 1820 to the 2nd day of Septr following at pr wk 25 00 No 2 ) An Order to pay Mrs Betsey.A. Viles Forty eight ) Dollars Viz For teaching the South East School Twelve weeks at Four Dollars pr Wk in the summer of 1820.- 48.- 00 No 3 ) An order to pay Miss Phebe Reed Fifty Dollars Viz For teaching the Middle District School Twenty weeks Viz from May 15th 1820 to the 2nd day of October following at Two Dolls 50/100 pr Wk 50 00 No 4 ) An Order to pay Miss Sally Whitehed Forty-seven ) Dollars 50/100 Viz For teaching the South School Twenty one weeks and one day in the spmrrier of 1820. 47 50 No 5 ) An Order to pay Mr Josiah Bryant Eleven Dollars - ) 50/100 Viz For two Cords -of Maple wood Cut Ac Split and carried into the South East School house Summer of 1820 11 50 99 No 6 ) An Order to pay Diss Rebeca Whittemore Forty Dollars D Cts ) Viz For teaching the East District School Sixteen weeks in the summer of 1820 at Two Dollars and 50 Cents pr.wk.- 40 00 No 7 ) An to pay Mr Williams Thorning Seven Dolls and ) ninety four Cents Viz for Two Cords of Oak Wood found for Middle District School 31st October 1820 7 94 No 8 ) An order to pay Miss Ann P.- Meriam Forty Dollars Viz ) For teaching the Wiest District School sixteen weeks , at two Dollars 50/100 pr week including her -board 40 00 Febr 26th 1821 ) No 9 ) An Order to pay Mr William Farmer Fiftynine Dollars 55/100_ Viz For teaching the Middle District School twelve weeks Viz -from December 3rd 1820 to February 26th 1821 inclusively. at 12 Dollars pr Month allowing 4 wks to a Month 59 55 No 10 ) An Order to pay. Mr Nathan Dudley Two Dollars and 50/100 _ For Cutting Spliting and Carrying- Two Cords of wood into Middle District School -House in December 1820 One Doll 50/100) To Making firesinthe sd Schoolhouse during the winter - term of 1820 and 21 One U. ollar t 1 50 1 00 2 50 No 11) An Order to pay Mr William H. White Fifty-one ....._ )..Dollars Viz For teaching the South District School Three Months,Viz From November 26th 1820 to February 26 1821 Inclusively at 17 Dollars'pr Month 51 00 No .12 .) .An .Order to .pay llr -Nathaniel -Cutler Six Dollars and. 75/100 Viz For nine feet of wood Cut . split, _and carried into South School house at 75/100 pr foot -in 1820 100 March 19th A D 1821 No. 13 ) An. Orderto. pay Mr Stephen Robbins Twelve Dollars ) Viz To finding wood and a Room for Miss Pamelia Brown to teach a School in nine weeks in the winter of 1820 • and 21 by direction of the School Committee 12 00 75 No 14 ) An Order to pay Mr Josiah Briant Thirty three Dollars Viz To Boarding the School - Master Er Hezekiah Cheney fourten weeks at Two Dollars per Week For seven feet of wood found Cut, Split and carried into the South East School -house Five Dollars 28 .00 5 00 No 15 ) An Order to pay Miss Parnelia Brown Nineteen Dollars ) Viz To teaching a School nine weeks in Mr Stephen Robbins House in 1820 and 21 by order of the. School Committee 19 00 No 16 ). An Order. to pay. Mr Hezekiah Gheeney Fifty Eight Dollars Viz To teaching a School three Months and one week at Eighteen Dollars pr Month in the South East District in 1820 and 21 58 00 No 17 ) An Order to pay Mi' Oliver- Locke Jun Forty four Dollars 75/100 Twenty-six Dollars for Boarding Mr Wm: H. White 13 weeks at two. Dollars `pr Wk • To .12 Cords of wood found the South School Eight Dollars 75/104. To teaching the sd South School two aka Ten Dollars 26 00 8 75 10 00 44 75 No 18 An Orde-r to pay Mr Nathan Russell Nine Dollars 37/100 Viz For 12 Cords of dry maple wood, Cut, split and carried into the East School house in Deer 1820 9 37 No 19 An order to pay Mr William Thorning Eight Dollars 50/100 Viz For 2 Cords of wood Cut, Split & Carried into the West School -house in 1820. 8 50 No 20) An Order to pay Capt Nehemiah 1. Ingraham Thirty Dollars Viz For Boarding. Mr William Farmer twelve weeks commencing the 2nd day of December 1820 at Two Dollars and 50/100 pr week while teaching the Middle Dis- trict School 101 30 00 Bo 21 ) An order to pay Mr Tohn Muzzey Sun One hundred ) and one Dollars and 50/100 V'iz To his services in the Fest School in the winter of 182.0 - 1_ Eighteen Wks 101 50 No 22 ) An order to pay Mr William Chandler One Hundred ) and twenty five Dollars For teaching the North District School five months and an half Viz from October 1st 1820 to March 27th 1821 inclusively 125 00 No 23 ) An or to pay Mr Harrison G. 0. Munroe One Hundred ) Dollars 62/100 Viz For teaching School in the East District V'iz from November 27th 1820 to April 19th 1821 100 62 102 D Cts Grant for Assessors Services for 1820 was 40 Dollars. .At a Meeting of the Selectmen November and 1820 They then granted an Order to pay the Gentlemen Assessors for their services for 1820 the sums as -pr Bill as follows Viz To Mr Nathaniel Milliken Fifteen Dollars 66/100 15 66 To Mr Oliver Locke Tun Ten Dollars 10 00 To Captn Daniel Chandler Ten Dollars 10 00 35 66 Grant for taking Care of the Hearse for'1820 was 2 Dollars At a Meeting of the Selectmen November 2nd 1820 They then granted an Order to Capt Nathan Harrington Four Dollars Viz For taking care of the Hearse two years Viz from Sept 20th. 1818 to Sept 20th 1820 at two Dollars pr year 4 00 N.B. Capt Harrington never presented his Bill for 1819 before now Grant for Singing School for 1820 No 1 ) was 100- Dollars. At a Meeting of the Selectmen November 2nd 1820 They then granted an Order to pay Mr William Thorning Three Dollars Viz For six feet of wood found for the Singing School October 31st 1820 at four dollars pr Cord 00 No 2 ) ) Then the Selectmen granted an Order to pay Mr Moses Parker Forty one Dollars 66/100 Viz for teaching a singing school in sd town six weeks and four days at twenty five dollars pr Month . N 3 see next Page Lexington February 12th. 1821., Grant for Ringing the Bell and taking Gare of the Meetinghouse &e . for 1820 was Twenty Dollars - - ( 20 ) 41 66 103 Lexington February 26th 1821 Then the Selecttaen Granted an Order to pay NTv- Nathan Dudley Twenty Dollars Viz For Ringing the Bell and taking Gare of the Meeting- house one year Viz from February 14th 1820 to February_ 14th 1821 20 00 Singing School Grant Continued No 3 An order to pay Mr Oliver Locke Twenty one Dollars and 41/100 Viz To Boarding Mr Moses Parker, Twelve weeks and two days while teachin the Singing School in 1820 and 1821 Twelve. Dollars 42/100 12 42 For Lamp Oil furnished for the Sing School Seven Dolls. 7 17 and 17/100 To 3 ft of wood furnished for ditto One Doll 82/100 1 82 21 41 No 4 An Order to pay Joseph Underwood Jur Wm Chandler & John Mulliken Jun the Committee for the Singing School Six Dolls Viz For Cash expended in part for procuring 'a Bass Viol 6 00 TTo 5 ) An Order to pay M Benj.a iin F. Waters -Twenty seven ) Dollars 93/100 Viz far Teaching a Singing school in the winter of 1821 and 1822 - Approgd .by the Cont J Underwood Tu Wm Chandler J. Mulliken Jun Lexington January 28th 1822 - 104 Grant for Extra work of the Surveyors of Highways was 33 Dollars No 1 Lexington February 2.6th 1821 Then the Selectmen granted an Order to pay M Oliver Smith Three Dollars forthree days Extra work done on the Highways in the capacity of surveyor in the year 1820 27 93 3 00 No ) ) An order to pay Mr Thaddeus Reed Jun Four Dollars 75/100 For three days and an half Extra, work done on the Highways done in capacity of Surveyor in 1820. at One Dollar pr Day 3 50 To Repairs of Plough damaged on highway One Doll 25/100 1 25 By order of the Selectmen 4 - 75 no 3 ) An Order to pay Mr Joshua Simonds ,Six Dollars 37/100 Viz ) To 3 Days Extra work done on the Highways in the Capacity of Surveyor in October 1820 Three Dollars Cash paid Thomas Greenleaf for Blowing Rocks One Dollar 37/100 Plough on the Road two days Two Dollars 3 00 1 37 2 00 6 ..37 No 4 ) An order to pay Mr Nathan Chandler 'Jun Three ) Dollars Viz For three days Extra work done on the higway in 1820 in the capacity of surveyor 3 00 106 Contingent Grant Continued from 97th page No 25 ) An order to payllMr Joshua Simonds Six Dollars 91/100 Viz For Repairing the North Schoolhouse in November 1820. 105 To Cash paid for lime and hair DO.. 50 Cents To Cash paid T. Greenleaf for'work O.. 63.Cents To Cash paid Ad.na Nichols for work 0..50 Cents To Cash paid 1. P. Meriam for Nails, Putty and Glass One Doll 13/100 To Cash paid Capt Christr Reed for 200 ft of Boards Two Dolls 40/100 For work done by himselfon sd House One Dollar 75/100 0 50 0 63 0 .50 1 13 2 40 1 75 6 91 No 26 ) An order to pay Mr Jonas NI. Muzzey Thirty two j Dollars 69/100 For Cash which he paid for .delin- quents on settlement with the Selectmen for Collecting taxes in 1819 and which the town voted to refund back to him Viz For Bowman Bridge - - - - - - 1 94 Simeon Harrington - - - - - - .. 1 94 Peirce Smith - - - - - - . - sm. 1 94 Edward .Wood - - - - - - 1 94 Joseph Harrington - - - - - - 1 05 Amos Stearns . - - - . - - - 23 88 32 69 Grant for Town Clerk's Services for 1820 was 10 Dollars March 5th 1820 The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Charles Reed Ten Dollars for his services as Town Clerk for the year 1820 - 107 10 00 Grant for Town Treasurer's & Collectors Services for 1820 was 40 Dollars. April 20th 1821 The Selectmen then granted an Order to pay Mr John Muzzey Tun Town Treasurer and Collector for the year 1820 the sum of Forty five Dollars for his 45 00 services in sd Capacities - Orders Closed April 20th 1821. for all Grants and Services of and for the year 1820 as yet exhibited. Attest Charles Reed Town Clerk. Bell &c.. Lexington 12th February 1821. u/ Then the Selectmen let out at Vemmdue to the lowest Bidder who was Mr Nathan Dudley the Ringing of the Bell taking Care of, amsl sweeping the Meetinghouse Building fires when necessary in the Stooe in sd House on Sundays Shoveling away the snow from and around the Meetinghouse so that -- access to the doors in the several Porches may be easy and convenient for all persons the year ensuing for the sum 'of Twentyone Dollars 50/100 21.. 50. ) ( ) 108 attest Charles Reed T. Clk. Lexington April 20th 1821 ) We the subscribers hereby certify that agreeable to a standing Vote of the Town, we have this day Reckoned & Settled with Mr John Muzzey Jun Town Treasurer & Collector for all Monies which he has Receiv'd in and Paid out since the 20th day of April 1820 to this date, and find the amount for which he has given Credit by his Entries to be 3152 Dollars 77/100 which sum he has receiv'd in, and by Receipts and Vouchers which we have seen, he has paid out 2848 Dollars 62/100 Including 3152 77 the State & County taxes, which'. leaves a Ballance in favor 2848 62 of the town of 304 Dollars 15/100 now in the Treasury. 304 15 We also find the following taxes Viz of Samuel Stone 29 Dolls 27/100 of Joseph Munroe 4 Dolls 86/100 of John Smailes 2 Dolls 54/100 of Thomas Hastings 1 Dollar 92/100 2.9 27 ) of Isaac Smith 1 Doll 08/100 have not yet been Collected 4 86 ) but are now due, which together amount to 39 Dollars 2 54 ) 67/100 and which in our opinion are Extraordinary Casusll ti es 1 92 ) as is expressed in the 6th section of the present system 1 ' 08 ) by which the taxes are Collected. 39 67 We also find due to the town in Notes of the following amount Viz. Note of Coln William Munroe Guardian to Ebenezer Harrington of 4 Dollars 14/100 dated April 14th 1797 also Samuel Hadleys Note on demand with Interest of 4 14 ). 22 Dollars 60/100 dated Jan 25th 1808. also Francis Bowman .22 60 ) Jun's Note on demand with Interest dated Sept 19th 1818 2 82 ) of 2 Dolls 82/100 17 25 ) Also a Ballance on Sweethern Reeds Note on demand with 46 81 interest of 17 Dollars 25/100 dated May 3rd 1819. Charles Reed ) Nathaniel Cutler. ) Se3 :ctmen Phinehas Lawrence ) John Muzzey Jr Treasr. Money Granted for the year 1821 May 7th is as follows. Viz. School Grant 930 Dollars to be equally divided between the six Districts except the 30 Dollars which was to be expended in the South East School. .t a meeting of the Selectmen October 29th 1821 the following Accounts were exhibited and Orders granted for the same Viz. No 1 )'An 0tder to pay Miss Mary Tennings Twenty five ) Dollars Viz For teaching the North School from the 4th day of lune to the 1st day of Sept following in 1821 it being thirteen weeks 109 25 00 No 2 ) To Pay Capt Benjamin Reed Eleven Dollars. 75/100 Viz ) for Three Cords of Mood found the North -School in October 1821 11 75 No 3 ) To Pay Miss Rebecca Whittemore Forty - Dollars ) for teaching the East District School siXteen weeks at Two Dollars 50/100 pr week. 40 .00 • No 4 ) To pay Miss Sarah Tarbell Twenty six Dollars 25/100 For teaching the South District School Twenty one weeks at One Dollar 25/100 pr week 26 .25 No 5 ) To pay. Mr. Charles Smith Twenty one Dollars for Boarding Miss Sarah Tarbell Twenty one weeks when teaching the South School 1821 ' 21 00 No 6 ) To pay Mr Robert Parker Twenty six Dollars 75/100 Viz ) For Cash advanced to Miss Stone of Twenty five Dollars for teaching the West School Twenty weeks at One - Dollar 25/100 pr week . 25 00 ) Also for his own services of transporting the Mistress from ) Lincoln and back again to teach the School One Dollar 75/100 1 75 ) 26 75 110 No 7 ) An Order to pay Th' Thaddeus Reed Tun Twenty Dollars ) for Boarding Miss Stone Twenty weeks at One Dollar pr week while teaching the School in the summer of 1821. D Cts 20 00 No 8 ) To pay Mrs Betsey A. Viles Sixty five Dollars for teaching the South East School Twenty weeks at Three Dollars • 25/100 pr week in 1821 - 65 00 No 9 ) To pay Mr Stephen Robbins Nine Dollars 50/100. for: two ) Cords of Maple- wood furnished to the South East School at Four Dollars 75/100 pr Cord in October 1821: 50 No 10 ) To pay Miss Phebe Reed Fifty Dollars for teaching ) the Middle District School Twenty weeks in the summer of 1821 at Two Dollars 25/100 pr 4;►k 50 00 No 11 ) To pay Mr Phinehas Lawrence Ten Dollars 67/100 ) For Cash paid for wood for South East School 10 67 No 12 ) An order to pay Mr Calvin Heald Sixty four -Dollars ) 38/100 Viz for teaching a School three Months and twenty and an half days 64 38 No 13 ) An order to pay Mr William H White. Ninetyone Dollars ) Viz To teaching the sa nth -District School fifteen weeks and one day at six dollars pr week 91 00 No 14 ) An order to pay Mr Ambrose Morrell - Thirty Dollars 45/100) Viz For boarding the Schoolmaster in the S. East District fifteen weeks Viz Mr Calvin Heald 30 45 No 15 ) An order to pay lrir Hezekiah Cheney One Hundred ) dollars Viz For services in the Middle District School (Board included) for the term of four Months and for wood found for the sd school the sd .term April 1st 1822 Then the Selectmen granted the follow Orders to the persons hereafter naned on their - Accounts, V'iz 100 00 111 No 16 ) An order to pay Mr Robert Parker Eleven Dollars 87/100) Viz To 1 Cord of wood found for the West Dis, School for the winter term. of 1821 and 22 Six Dollars 11/100 6 11) To Repairs made on the West School house in the said Winter Five Dollars_76/100 5 -76) 11 87 No 17 ) .To pay Mr Samuel Fiske Eighty one Dollars and 99/100 ) For Services in the West School Four Months & three Days at Twenty Dollars pr Month Board included 81 99 No 18 ) To pay Capt David Wellington Eleven Dollars 75/100 Viz ) To furteen feet of wood furnished for the South School in November 1821 Nine Dollars 75/100 To Cash paid Widow Ennis Blodgett for making fires in the School -house during the winter Two Dollars 9 75) 2 00) 11 75 No 19 1 To pay Mr Nathan Russell Nine Dollars 75/100 Viz ) Tb 12 Cords of Maplewood Cut, split and carried into the East District School house December 6th 1821 75 No 20 1 To pay 1LTr .Nathaniel LLulliken One Hundred dollars Viz ) For his services in the. East District • School four Months at Twenty .five.. Dollars pr Month, Board included- 100 .00 • • No 211- ) To pay Mr William Chandler- One hundred and thirteen Dollars 25/100. Viz For services rendered. in the North School 'Fife Months and four days at Twenty two Dollars pr Month Board included 113 25 No 22 ) ) To pay lir John Mb.zzey 'fen Dollars 76/100 for 18 feet of wood cut split and carried into the West Scholl - house at 4 Dolls 78/100 pr Cord Grant for fencing the Burying Ground was 40 Dollars for 1821 10 76 113 -At a Meeting -of the Selectmen Oct 29th 1821 An Order Was -granted to pay Capt Nathan -Harrington -Forty Dollars 45/100. Viz For buildg a Stone wall on the north side of the Burial Ground of 8 Rods and 13* feet at Two - Dollars 25/100 pr Rod as pr Contract of the Selectmen which amounts. to Nineteen Dollars 83/100 - - • . . 19 .83 Also for Cash paid -for 12 locust posts at 33-1/3/100 each Four Dolls 4 00 Ditto for. Boards to fence the sd Ground Four Dolls 17/100 4 17 Ditto for Oak Joists For the same Two Dollars 12/100 . 2 12 Ditto for Rails.... 62. =Cents 0 62 Ditto for Hinges and Hooks to hang Gates One Dollar 13/100. 1 13 Ditto for Teaming up the aforesaid limber One Dollar 25/100. 1 25 Ditto for 7 Days of Carpenter's work at s8/D0 pr Day 9 33 42 45 Grant for taking Care of Hears was Two Dollars for 1821. At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octr. 29th 18.21 An order was Granted- pay Capt Nathan Harrington Two Dollars for taking care of the Hearse one year Viz from Sept 20th 1820 to Sept 2Oth"1821 • - 00 Grant for Towns* Stock -of-Powder was 15 Dollars. for 1821 . . At a Meeting of . the Selectmen Octor 29th 1821 The Selectmen granted an Order to pay Charles Reed Twelve Dollars for Cash paid to Howard & Gordon for two quarter Casks of . Warranted Gun 'Powder for the Town's Stock. 12 00 Grant for -Town Clerk's Services was 10 Dollars for 1821 March 4th 1822 Selectmen granted. to pay Charles Reed '10 Dollars for his services as T. Clerk for 1821 114 Contingent Grant -1821 and Constables Service was 154 Dollars. At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 29th 182.1 The following Orders were granted Viz. No 1 An Order was granted to pay the following persons _who assisted in moving the Middle District School House Viz. To Mr Jacob Smith Two Dollars for going to Cambridge after timber to move the House on in May 1821 To Mr Oliver Lock Two Dollars 26/10('for Spirit &c found the Committee who moved the House in May To Mr Samuel Chs ndler Five Dollars 89/100 for Spirits &c delivered to the Committee who moved the House To Hooping and Repairing Wheels which were damaged in moving the House, fixing Irons for sd House and mending Chains fixing -an Iron bar &c By Mr A. R. Richardson To Dollars 60/100 Mr John Mulliken Jun Nine Dollars for Cash paid to. Mr Samuel Estabrook as per Bill 10 00 D Cts 2 00 2 26 5 89 2 60 9 00 21 75 ) No 2 ) An Order to pay Mr John Mulliken Jun Four Dollars 88/100 For 167 feet of Boards to Repair the Middle School House 4 June 1821 Two Dollars For 6 squares of Glass and Putty & Repairing the School House and Necessary Two Dollars October 18th For 2 Bass Viol Strings ..88 Cents 2 00 2 00 0 88 4 88 No 3 ) An order to Mr Isaac Mulliken to pay him Thirteen ) Dollars 22/100 Viz For fifty feet of Pine Boards & 7 lbs of Nails 1 lb -of spikes and 2 thousand of shingles and some Faint to Repair the Meetinghouse Sept 8th 1821 Two Dollars 56/100 To ten days work Repairing the Meetinghouse at s8/0 pr day including Board Ten Dollars 66/100 _ No 4 ) An Order to pay Mr Phinehas Lawrence Seven Dollars 25./100. Viz To 1 day Renewing the Bounds between Lexington and West - Cambridge in 1828 One Dollar: To Cash paid Mr Francis Bowman_Jun'for Running the line between the sd Towns 622 • To 5 Locusts Posts'at 62/100 each Three Dollars 13/100 To 2 days work sitting sd Posts on the line between the sd Towns for Bounds Two Dollars 50/100 2 56 10 66 13 22 115 D Cts 1 00 0 62. 3_ 13 2 50 7 25 No 5 ) To pay Capt Benjamin Reed Thirteen Dollars 61/100 Viz j To -180 feet Boards Two Dollars 70/100 2 70 To * of thousand shingles 63 Cents 0 63 To 17 prs of Bults or Hinges 47 Cents 0 47 To 1 Gross of Screws 33 Cents 0 33 To 7 lbs of Nails 56 Cents 0 .56 To 1 ib of Putty and 8 lights of Glass 60 Cents 0 60 To a Padlock for the door 40 Cents 0 40 To 7 days work Repairing the Schoolhouse intheNorth District at One Dollar 9/100 pr day Seven Dolls" 92/100 7 92 13 61 No 6 ) To pay Isaac Hastings'Esq Three Dollars Viz ) TO,1 day Reviewing the Bounds between. Lexington and Lincoln in Sept 1820 as by appointment of the Selectmen Two Dollars 2 00 To 1 stick of Oak Timber found to Repair the Meetinghouse in September 1821 One Dollar;: 1 00 00 No 7 ) To pay Mrr Samuel Chandler Six Dollars and. 75/100 Viz ) To Making all the Blank Cartridges for the standing Company of Militia to go to Muster in Sept 28th 1821. One Dollar 75/100 To Making 2100 Cartridges with Balls for Town stock agree- able to Contract of the Selectmen as is provided by the United States law Five Dollars 116 . . No 8 ) To pay Mr Isaac Reed One Dollar_25/100- - ) To Repairing the East School House and finding. nine lights of Glass Putty &c and Repairing the lock on the door of sd House in 1820 One Dollar 25/100 75 00 6- 75 Cts 1 25 No 9 ) To pay Mr James Brown Jun Three Dollars for three ) days work Extra done on the. Highway. in the Capacity of Surveyor or Highways in 'the year 1820 at One Dollar pr day 3 00 No 10 ) To pay Mr John Tidd Three Dollars Viz ) For the North School -house standing on his land Three years from April 1st 1818 to April 1st 1821 agreeable to a proposal of a Committee who was chosen by sd town to agree with him on a sum for the same. being One Dollar pr year 3 00 No 11 ) To pay Charles.Reed Seven Dollars -06/100 . ) Viz _Sept 5th 1820 To attending Probate Court .to prove the Con plaint before the -Judge 1 day Two.Dollars..of Edmund Harr- ington2 00 Sept 6 Postage on a letter from Selectmen of Cambridge 0 06 March 3rd 1820. myself. One. days work. with. Man and- Oxen Repairing the -Road leading to Bedford Three Dollars 50/100 3 50 Augt 18th 1821 Cash paid Regr for Recording Deed for land on which Middle School House now stands 50 Cents 0 50 For geting the Towns Stock of Powder at Boston and deposit- ing the same in Magazine Chest and taking other powder and Balls out of it to make into Cartridges at three several times One Dollar.. 1 00 7 06 117 November 2nd 1821 Then the Selectmen granted the following orders Viz No 12 ) To Mr Nathaniel Cutler Two Dollars 29/100 for Cash p4id May 24th 1821 for a piece of Bell Rope. 2 29 Nb 13 ) To pay Messrs ",Amos Muzzy Jun Thomas Whitcomb ) Tohn Mulliken Jun William Chandler and Oliver Locke Jun Three hundred ninety seven Dollars 92/100 Viz. By Cash paid Mr George H. Holbrool for 1700 lbs. of Bell at 40 Cents pr ib 680 00 Ditto for Biging and Hanging sd Bell 28 00 708 00 Credit for 742 lbs of•01d Bell at 40 Cents pr ib 296- 80 411 20 Discount allowed on 411 Dolls 20/100 10 28 400 • 92 Discount allowd as premeum on Boston Money 3 00 Paid Ballance 397 92 No 14 ) To pay Messrs A. Muzzy Jun T. Whitcomb, John ) Mulliken Jun Wm. Chandler and 0. Locke Tun the Court appointed, by the town to purchase a New Bell -Thirty five Doll 99/100 By Cash paid Mr Oliver.Locke for Entertainment for Mr G. H. Holbrook the Committee &c Twelve Dolls 61/100 12 61 Cash paid ATT Levi Harrington for Iron work 13 Cents 0 13 Cash paid A.. P. Richardson for and Additional Wt of the tongue of the Bell Two Dollars 2 Q0 Cash paid sd Richardson for altering Ironwork for the Bell Two Dollars 50/100 2 50 Cash paid John Mulliken for ::painting the wood work 75 Cents 0 75 Cash paid for Boston money to replace the 400 Dollars which was hired by the Committee Four Dollars. 4 00 To the services of the Committee who purchsed the new bell &c Fourteen Dollars 14 00 35 99 118 Nb 15 ) An order to pay Mr David Tuttle One Dollar ) 10/100 Viz For work drone on the South School house Repairing windows seting glass &c in sd house 1 10 No 16 ) An order to pay Mr Nathan Reed Eleven Dollars 76/100.. Viz- ) For -196 feet - of • timber ' found ' for the Repair of the Bridge over the Brook near land of Ir James Wyman by order of Mr John Tidd a Surveyor- of Highways. for 1821 at -..6/100 pr foot 11 76 No 17 ) An order to pay Messrs Tonas Bridge Benjamin 0. ) Wellington Oliver Locke Jun and -David Tuttle Two Dollars 59/100 Viz For Extra work. on the Bedford One Dollar 24/100 For Interest on Money hired in June to Repair the Bedford Road One Dollar 35/10Q..... 1 24 1 35 2 59 November 19th 1821 Then the Selectmen granted an Order to pay Mr Amos Muzzey Tun Ten Dolls 71/100 No 18 ) Viz For interest paid on: money which was borrowed ) to pay for the Bell in May last. 10 71 November 26th 1821 No 19. ) Then the Selectmen granted an Order to pay MX' ) Samuel Downing Two Dollars 63/100 For Cash which he paid as Interest on money which he hired to pay Joshua Page for fencing the Common in June last. 2 63 No 20 ) ) February 11th 1822 Then the Selectmen grant an Order to pay Mr Aaron P.Richardson One Dollar 75/100 Viz for 14 lbs. of Ironwork to Repair the Meetinghouse at 12 Cents per lb in 1821. 1 75 No 21 ) An order to pay Messrs Tonas Bridge Esqr Benjamin 0. Wellington Oliver Locke Jun and David Tuttle (who were a Committee to defend a Complaint against the town for Neglect- ing to Repair the Road which leads from Ledford line to Lexing- ton. Meetinghouse by the House of Jonathan Lawrence) Thirty five Dolls and 44/100 Novbr 1821 David Tuttle two days work on sd Road 2 00 To Oliver Locke Tun for Ditto 2 00 Deem 4 To Jonas Bridge Esq a Journey to Concord 2: 00 14 To Jonas Bridge Esq attendance at Court one Day 2 00 15 To Jonas Bridge Esq Ditto 2 00 To Benja G. Wellington attendance at Court one day 2 00 To David Tuttle for Duitto 2 00 To Oliver Locke Jun for Ditto 2 00 Cash paid Joseph Locke Esq for a Witness 2 44 Cash paid Nathan Chandler Esq for Ditto . ... .. 2 00 To Cash paid Sarni Hoar Esq for Counsel &c 15 00 35 del 119 No 22) March•4th 1822 Then the Selectmen granted an order ) to pay m.Nathaniel Cutler Sig Dollars 50/100 Viz - for 9 feet of dry maple wood found for the stove in the Meetinghouse January 1822 6 50 To 23) An order -to pay Mr Thomas Winship Six 45/100 Viz ) For working out •the taxes of sundry non residents on the Highways in 1820 He being then a Surveyor. 6 45 No 24 ) March 13th 1822 an order to pay Mr William Chandler Three Dollars 50/100 Viz For notifying the Inhabitants for six town meetings and for attendance at the same in capacity of Constable for 1821. 3 50 No 25 ) An order to pay. Mr Elhanan Blanchard Two Dollars ) 75/100 Viz For repairing the Schoolhouse and lock on the same in the south East District and finding materials for the same 20 ) 26 ) An Order to pay Mr 'Nathan Dudley Twenty five Dollars Viz To Ringing the Bell and taking care of the Meetinghouse one year Commencing 12th February 1821 as contracted at Vendue with the Selectmen Ditto a private contract with Selecthen for doing the like service one Month Viz to the 13th March 1822 To sawing and carrying 9 feet of wood into the Meetinghouse and 2 mugs toddy found Selectmen when the Bell was let out 2 '75 21 50) ) 2 50) 1 17) 24 17 27) To pay Major David Johnson 62 Cents Viz ) To Cash paid for a lock on the Middle District School house door and Repairing desk lock on sd house 0 62 No 28) An order to pay Mr Nathan .Fessenden 75 Gents for 6 squares of Glass found for the East School.house and seting the same 75 No 29th ) An order to pay Capt Benjamin Reed 84 Cents_ for Cash advanced to pay for 2 Locks to fasten the Chains to the fence on the Common: 0 84 122 Grant for fencing the Common was 105 Dollars in 1821 No 1 ) ) 121 Cts At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 29th 1821 the following Order was granted to pay to Messrs Stillman Spalding, Daniel Chandler and Samuel Downing who were the Committee appointed to fence the Common the sum of One Hundred and six- teen Dollars and 73/100 Viz For Gash paid 5"oshua Page as Pr Bill One hundred and six Dollars 62/100 106 62 Cash paid as pr Bill for Iron Three Dollars 50/100 Cash Josiah Bryant for making Chains Two Dollar Cash paid Eli Robbins for 4 Posts Two Dollars Cash paid Isaac Milliken for work and stock 75 Cents Cash paid Aaron P.. Richardson for making staples Repairing Chains and puting the same up One Doll 50/100 3 50 2 00 2 00 0 75 1 50 116 37 Grant for Repairing Bedford Road May 7th 1821 was 75 Dollars. No 1 ) At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov 2nd an Order was ) Granted to pay Messrs Jonas Bridge. Benj. 0. Well- ington Oliver Locke Jun and David Tuttle Seventyfive Dollars for Cash paid in Repairing Bedford Rald 75 00 Grant for Building a Schoolhouse in 1821 was 200 Dollars. No 1 ) November 26th 1821 Then the Selectmen granted an ) order to pay Mr David Tuttle Two Hundred Dollars for Building a Schoolhouse in the South part of the town 200 00 as pr Contract of a Committee chosen by sd town. Grant for Surveyors of Highways for 1821 was 33 Dollars No 1 )" March 4th 1822 then the Selectmen granted an order to ) pay Mr John Tidd Three Dollars Viz for three days Extra work done on the Highways in the capaioty of Surveyor 3 00 in 1821. No 2 ) An order to pay Mr Benjamin ;firman Three Dollars Viz ) For three days itra work done an the Highways in the capacity of Surveyor in 1821. 3 00 No 3 ) An order to pay Mr Jonas Munroe Six Dollars 68/100 Viz ) Three Dollars for three days Extra work done on the Highways in November 1821 in Capacity of a Surveyor. 3 00 Three Dollars 68/100 for Repairing a. Plough .which was used on the Highway in sd year 3 68 No 4 ) An order to pay Mr Marshall Wellington Two Dollars ) for two "days Extra work on the Highwatiys in the Cap- acity of Surveyor for 1821 00 No 5 ) An order to pay Capt Benjamin Reed Three Dollars for three days Extra work done on the Highways in the Capacity of Surveyor of -Highways for 1821 3 00 No 6 ) An order to pay Mr John Muzzey Jun Five Dollars )V'iz Three Dollars for three days Extra work done on the highways in capacity of surveyor in 1821 3 00 For the use of a Plough two days on sd highways Two Dolls 2 00 124 Grant. for all the .Assessors services for 1821 was 140 Dollars. 5 00 Lexington March 13th 1822. Then the Selectmen granted an order to pay the following Gentlemen Assessors for their services in taking the Invoice and making the taxes for 1822 Viz. To Nathaniel Milliken ten and an half days Includ- ing Writing Twelve Dollars 50/100 12 50) To Daniel Chandler for seven & half days Nine Dollars 37/4_00 9 37) Oliver Locke Jun for seven &halfdays Nine Dollars 37;100 9 371 31 24 No 2 ) April 1st An order to pay Messrs Nathaniel Mulliken ) Daniel Chandler, Oliver Locke Jun Nathan Chandler and Abijah Harrington For their services in taking the Valuation on the Estates in town, recording and making returns thereof &c is as follows Viz To Nathaniel Mulliken for his services Forty two Days at One Dollar 25/100 pr day and Stationary One Doll 25/100 .. 53 75 To Daniel Chandler for For his services Twenty seven days at One Dollars 25/100 pr day D 33 75 To Oliver Locke Jun for ditto twentysix days at 1.. 25/100 pr day 32 50 To Nathan Chandler Esq for ditto Twenty five days 31 25 To Abijah Harrington for ditto Twenty one days 26 25 177 50 GrantforRepairs of Cambridge Bridge for 1821 was 20 Dolls 78/100 Lexington 20th April 1822 Then the Selectmen granted an order to pay Mr John Muzzey Tun Twenty Dollars 78/100 For Cash advanced to Mr Levi Farwell as the pro- portion of the part of the town of Lexington in Repairing 20 78 Cambridge Bridge 125 Bell - - - - Lexington March 13th 1822. Then the Selectmen Contracted with Mr Tames Blodgett Jun. to Ring the Bell and take .care of the Meetinghouse &c. for one year from the above date for Twenty - Eight Dollars. The service of which is to be as follows Viz - To ring the Bell on all necessary occasions both Sabbath and week days, to build a fire in the Stove at all proper times, to sweep the Meetinehouse on the lower floor six times and the Gallery floor four tines in course of the year to cut split and carry in all the wood which shall be sufficient for the Stove for the year, to shovel the snow from off the steps at the several porchf:s of the sd House and paths to the same from the Roads so that access_ to the several doors may be easy and convenient fox% all persons. Grant for the Treasurer's & Collectors Service for 1821 was 40 Dollars. Lexington April 20th 1822 Then the Selectmen granted an Order to pay Mr Tohn Muzzey Tun Fifty five Dollars 50/100 For his services as Treasurer and Collect- 55 50 or in Collecting in and paying out the sum of Orders Closed April 20th 1833 for all grants and services which have yet been exhibited. attest Charles Reed Town Clk. 126 ) Lexington April 20th 1822 ]. Then we the Subscribers Reckoned and Settled with Mr Tohn Muzzey Tun Town Treasurer & Collector for all monies which he has Receivd in and Paid out since April 20th 1821 tothis date, and find the amount for which he has given credit by his Entries to be 4477 Dollars 33/100 which sum he has Receiv'd in, and by Receipts and Touchers which we have seen he has paid out 4553 Dollars 66/100 4553 66 Including the State and County taxes which leaves a 4477 33 ballance in favor of the treasury of 76 Dollars 33/100 76 33 now in the Treasury, die also find due the following notes Viz Coln Wm Munroes note of 4 Dolls 14/100 Saml Hadleys Note of 22 Dollars 60/100 Francis Boman Jun note of 2 Dolls 82/100 Ballance on Sweethern Reeds note of 17 Dollars 25/100 We also consent that the tax of Charles Reed Guardian of Sarni Stone of 39 Dollars 15/100 also a tax of James Blod- gett of 2 Dollars 3/100 also of James Blodgett, Jun of 2 Dollars 3/100 making in all 43 Dollars 21/100 be sus- pended for present. Nathaniel Cutler ) Phinehas Lawrence ) Selectmen Benjamin Reed • John Muzzey Ju. Treasr. Lexington April 1822 - Then the Selectmen let at Publick Auction to Mr Fur.bush who was the Highest Bidder all the Grass feed on the Common at the back of the Meetinghouse untill the 20th day of Nay - ember next for the Sum of Fifteen Dollars 65/100 promt payment C. Reed T. Clk Then the Town Treasurer gave his receipt for Fifteen Dolls 65/100 which he Recd of the Selectmen for rents on the Common at the back of the. Meetinghouse_ Lexington June 3rd 1822 Then the Selectmen Licensed ivr. Tames Wyman Jun and Mr Loa Locke both of said town to keep each of them a Cow on the Publick Highway the ensu- ing season provided however that no individual shall sustain any loss or damage in c onsequence.of her mis- chievously breaking into their enclosure 128 attest Charles Reed T. 0lk Grant for taking Care of the Hearse for 1822 was Two Dollars Lexington October 15th 1822 Then the Selectmen granted an Order to pay Capt Nathan Harrington Two Dolls Viz For taking care of the Hearse one year Viz from Sept 20th 1821 to the 20th Sept 1822 15 . 65 2 00 Town Clerks Service Ten Dollars. Lexington March 3rd 1823 Then the Selectmen granted an Order to pay Charles Reed Ten Dollars for his Services in the )capacity of Town Clerk for 1822 10 00 For Assessors Service 40 Dollars No 1 Lexington 3rd March 1823 Then the Selectmen an order to pay Mr Nathaniel Milliken Twenty two Dollars 37/100 Viz For 172 Days Service of.making taxes 21 87 &c as assessor For stationary 50/100 50 22 37 No 2 ) An order to pay Capt Daniel Chandler Ten Dolls ) For 8 days service as Assessor in 1822 10 00 No 3 ) An order to pay Mr Oliver Locke Jun Ten Dollars Viz Fdr 8 days service as an Assessor in the the: year 1822.. For. Ringing the Bell and taking cane of the Meetinghouse & for Wood to burn in the same &c &c. was 34 Dollars. March 17th 1823 Then the SeJ:etmen granted an an Order to pay Mr James Blodgett Twenty Eight Dollars Viz for Ringing the Bell and taking care of the Meetinghouse one year Viz from March 17th 1822 to March 17th 1823. 10 00 129 28 00 1 F Town Treasurers Service and Collector for 1822 was 50 Dollars. Lexington Apt. 21st 1823. Then the Selectmen granted an order to pay Mr John Muzzey Jun Town Treasurer Fifty three Dolls for his services as Treasurer and Collector for the year 1822. For receiving in 3225.. Dolls. 22/100 and paying out 2.672 Dolls 38/100 53 00 130 School Grant for 1822 was 930 Dollars At aMeeting of the Selectmen October 15th 1822 the following Orders were granted .on the following• Accounts No 1 ) To pay Miss P'amelia Brown Fifty Dolls Viz ) for teaching the South East District. Twenty weeks at Two Dollars 50/100 pr week Cts. 50 00 No 2 ) To pay Miss Mary Russell Forty Dollars for teaching ) the -East District School Eighteen weeks at Two Dollars 22i/100 pr Wk. 40 00 No 3 ) An order to pair Miss. Sarah Tarbell Twenty six ) Dollars 66/100 Viz For teaching the South District School twenty weeks Viz from the 6th May 1821 to the 21st Sept following at D1..66/100 pr week 26 66 No 4 ) An order to pay- Mrs Hannah Smith Twenty Dollars Viz ) For Boarding Miss Sarah Tarbell twenty weeks while teaching the South District School in in the summer of 1822' at One Doll pr week 20 00 No 5 ) An order to pay Miss Eliza Stone Forty five Dollars ) Viz for teaching the West District School Twenty weeks Viz in the summer of 1822 Board included. 45 00 No 6 ) An order to pay Mr Nathan Reed Six Dollars 37/100 Viz F4)r one Cord and an half of wood delivered at the North School house at $4..25 pr Cord Novbr 1st 1822 6 3? No 7 ) An order to pay Capt Christopher Reed Four Dollars 5G/100 for One Cord of wood delived at the North School house the 1st Novbr 1822 4 50 No 8 ) An order to pay Miss Rebecca Tufts Thirty one Dollars 50/100 Viz For teaching the North District School twenty weeks at at one dollar fifty Gents pr week in the s 31 50 summer of 1822 131 No 9 ) An Order to pay Mr. Josiah Bryant Twenty Dollars Viz ) For 21 Cords of dry maple wood Out and Slit for use of .the South East District School, Febr 7th 1823 at Five dollars pr Cord. 2.0.. 00 No 10 )An order to pay Miss Eliza Mariam Fifty Dollars Viz )Fifty Dollars Viz For teaching the Middle District School 19 weeks Viz from May 13th to Sept 28th 1822 50 00 No 11 ) An order to pay Mr William Chandler One Hundred and ten Dollars Viz For -teaching a School four Months in the East District, wood and Board included. 110 00 No 12 ) An order to pay Mr James Brown One Hundred and ten ) Dollars Viz For Cash paid Mr David Snith for teach- ing a School four Months in the South -East District Board included 110 00 No 13 ) An.order to pay Mr George Fisk Ninety -Dollars Viz ) For:teaching the.Schoolin the South District .fifteen weeks Board included 90 00 No 14 ) An order to par Mr Samuel Fisk One hundred. Dollars )VIz.or teaching the Middle District School sixteen weeks, Wood and Board included 100 00 •No 15 ) • .An .Order .to pay Yr Calvin Heald .Fifty-seven Dollars ) 75/100 VizFor teaching a School fourteen weeks in the North District in the town of Lexington in the winter of 1822 and 3 at Sixteen Dollars pr Month 57 75 132 No 16 ) An order to pay Mr John Tidd Thirty one Dollars 38/100 Viz) For Boarding Mr Calvin Heald fourteen weeks while teaching the School in the North District.in the winter of 1822 and 3 at Two Dollars pr week. 28 00) ani for four feet of wood found sd school Two Dollars 2. 00) To Cutting & spliting sd wood One Dollar 38/100 1 38) 31 38 No 17 J. An order to pay. Capt Joseph Simonds Eighteen Dollars ) 50/100 Viz For Boarding Miss Rebecca Tufts twenty weeks while teaching the School in the North District in the slimmer of 1822 .18 50 No 18 ) An order to pay Mr Nathaniel Cutler thirteen Dollars Viz ) For two Cords of wood Gut split and Carried in to the South School house Eleven Dolls 34/100 To Cash paid. Mrs Blodgett for making a fire in sd House during the winter term Two Dollars 11 34) ) 2. 00) 1334 No 19 ) An order to pay Mr Robert Parker Ten Dollars Viz ) for Wood found for the west School 18 feet at .60 cts pr ft carried into the house Ten Dol/s30/100 10 80 No 20 ) An order to pay Mr John MUzzey Jun Ninety four ) Dollars 20/100 Viz For services in the west school • from the 10th December 1822 to the 28th March following 94 20 Contingent Expences for 1822, -anti Constables Service 154 Dollars was granted' No 1. ) At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 15th 1822 an Order Was granted to pay Messrs Be nja 0. Wellington Jonas Bridge and Nathan Chandler Esqrs Forty-four Dollars 88/100 Viz. To Nathan Chandler for services Four Dollar 4 00 Ditto to William Chandler & $enja Reed Three Dollars 12/100 3 12 Ditto to Toms Bridge Seven Dollars 7 00 Ditto Esquire Hoar Fifteen Dollars 15 00 Cash to Levi Parker & Thomas Hale TVA? Dollars 16/100 2 16 Ditto to Jos Locke & Elias Phiney Esqrs Three Dollars 12/100 3 12 Ditto to Jonas Munroe One Dollar 56/100 1 56 Bamja 0. Wellingtons Services Four Dollars 4 00 To E. Thompson for Entertainment Three Dollars 60/100 3 60 Cash paid Thomas Dean One Dollar 32/100 1 32 44. 88 Ho 2 ) To pay IiILY' Tames Brown Two Dollars 50/100 ) For extra work done on the Highway in the capacity of Surveyor for 1821. Out Standing. 50 No 3 ) November lst1822 An order to pay Er Amos Marrett Five Dollars Viz For the School -house in the West District standing on his land five years to be promt pay- ment the time expiring on October 1827. 00 7/ ,v No 4 ) An order to pa Mr Thomas Tufts Three Dollars for ) thre days Extra work on the Highways in 1821 in the capacity of surveyor. . 34 No 5 An order to pay Mr John Tidd Five Dollars Viz To three days Extra work done on the Highways in Capacity of surveyor in 182.1 three dollars To the School house in the North District Standing on his land one year prior to the 1st of April 1822 Two Dollars 3 00 3 00 2 00 5 00 No 6 ) An order to pay Messrs Benjamin Reed 9 94 ) Nathaniel Cutler 1 00 Phinehas Lawrence 1 00 Nathan Reed 3 00 Joshua Simonds .... 1 50 Samuel Fiske Junr 1 50 and Francis Wyuian. 1 00 • 18 94 for work done on. the Bedford so galled in Tune 1822 by ) direction of the Selectmen .. ) d" No 7 ) An_order to past ()apt Daniel Chandler Seven Dollars ) 75/100 Viz To taking down the stove in the Meeting- house and Cleaning the same and puting it up again Three Dolls 50/100 To Cash paid to Ezra Hawks for repairing the sd Stove Four Dollars. 25/100 3 50 4 25 7 75 No 8 ) An order to pay Mr Stephen Robbins Four Dollars ) 66/100 Viz For four Yds of Cloth delivered to 'Nathan Chandler Esq the 30th day of December 1817. for Clothing for some of the Poor„ No .9 ) November 8th 1822 An order to pay Capt Benjamin Reed Twenty seven Dollars 46/100 For four days and an half work done on the Road leading to Bedford To Cash paid for work done on sd Road by the direction of the Selectmen 4 66 4 50 22 96 27- 46 135 No 10 ) An order to pay Mr Samuel Fisk 2nd Two Dollars ) for two days work on the Bedford Rued at One _ dollar per day by direction of the Selectmen- 2 00 No 11 ) An order . to pay Mr Jonathan.. Winship Three Dollars 50/100)Viz For Repairing the Schoolhouse in East District One Dollar 32/100 ..-„1.. 32 To 1 Dozen lights of Glass and setting the same One Do11 20/100 1 20 To 60 feet of Boards & 1 lb of Nails 68 Cents 0 68 Bricks for the hearth 30 Cents. 0 30 3 56 No 12 ) An order to pay..Capt Benjamin Reed Five Dollars for 1 'o:rd wood delivered at the Meeting house the 7th december 1823 00 No 13 ) An order to pay Mr Sohn Milliken Sun Four Dollars 37/100) Viz For making and Erecting a Guide Post Three Dollars and 25/100 . For 1 light of Glass and setting the same in the Meeting- house 37. Cents - For Repairing aDoor in the Meetinghouse 75 Cts 3 25 0 37 0 75 4 37 Na 14 ) An Order to pay Mr William Chandler Three Dollars ) ) 50.. Viz For notifying six town Meetings ---and attend-) 3 50 ing at the same in -Capacity of Constable in 1822 ) No 15 - An order to pay rDavid Simonds One Dollar For Repairing the Bridge and abutments of Vine Brook 1 00 no 16 ) An .order to pay 2Er, John Muzzey Jun Two .Dollars - 801100 To Articles for Repairing the School house in the. West District and Repairing the-sme 2 80 136 No 17 ) An order to pay Mr Jonas Mt roe Three Dollars Viz For ) the use of his plough on the Highways 4 Days at 75/100 pr.Day in the slimmerof1822 3 00 NO 18 ) An order Mr John Muzzey Jun Eighty Dollars and - ) 90/100 Viz Seventy six Dollars 33/100 it being money lent or advanced fpr the town in april 1822 and found due,to him on settlement as. Town Treasurer with the . Selectmen. on the 20th April 1822 and so. recorded on settlement. Interest on the same 4 Dollars -57.100 to the 20th of April -1823. 80 90 7 / Lexington March 17th 1823. Bell. Then the Selectmen Contracted with Mr Tames Blodgett Jun to Ring the Bell and take care of the Meetinghouse for one year from the above date for the sum of thirty Dollars. The service of which is to be as follows Viz To Ring the Bell on all necessary occasions bothon Sabbath days and at other times, funerals &c. to build a fire in the stove in the Meetinghouse whenever it shall be necessary,: to sweep the lower floor in sd house six times in course of the year and the Gallery floor four times, to cut split and carry into the sd house all the wood which shall be found sufficient for the support a fire in the stove for a year to shovel the snow from off the steps of the several Porches of sd house and paths in the snow from the Roads to the same when necessary, so that access to the several doors may be easy fort all persons whatever. ° Attest Charles Reed T. Clerk For Extra work of Surveyaes . of Highways was 33 Dollars. for 1822.. No 1 At a Meeting of the Selectmen 3rd March 1823 An order was granted to pay Mr David Simonds Three Dollars for three days Extra work done on'the Highways in 1822 in the Capacity of Surveyors of Highways D Cts 3 00 No. 2 ) An order to pay Mr Phillip Russell Three Dollars )for three days Extra work done on the Highways in Capacity of Surveyor for 1822 3 00 No4 ) An order to pay Mr Tones S. Fiske the sum of three Dollars for three days Extra work done on the Highwaysin the Capacity_ _ of Survey=or 1822 3 00 Orders closed April 21st 1823. for all grants which have yet be exhibited since 1822. April 21st attest Charles Reed T. Clk. 138 Lex gton April 21st 1823 We the subscribers hereby certify that agreeable to a standing Vote of the said town, we have this day . Reckoned and settled with Mr JohnMuzzey Jun Town. Treasurer and Collector for all ninnies which he has' Receiv'd in, and paid out since the 20th clay of .4.pril 1822 to the above date; and find the amount which he has given cretit by his Entries. to be 3225..22/100 Dollars which he has Receiv'd in; a nd_by Receipts and Vouchers which he has shewn.as he.has paid out 2672..38/100 Dollars Including the state and County taxes which leaves a .Ballance in the Treasury in favor of tine 'town . of 522 Dollars 84/100 .3225 22 2672 38 552 84 We also find due on uncollected taxes of 1822 the sum ,of 45 Dollars 21/100 not in a situation to be collected immediately which we agree to suspend for the present Viz Charles Reed as Guardian to the Estate of Samuel Stone 38.. Dollars 88/100 the heirs of ,Ruth Hadley 2 Dollars 83/100 Heirs of David Fiske 1.. Doll 35/100 Estate of Reuben Locke deceased 2 Dolls 15/100 making in toto the amount D45..21.100 Nathaniel Cutler Phinehas Lawrence Benjamin Reed Sohn Muzzey Jr Treasr. Lexington May 5th 1823 ) Selectmen } 139 Dolls Cts Then the town voted to Raise the several sums 'following, to meet the demands as Estimated by the Selectmen for the year ensuing, Viz. For the Town Clerks service Ten Dollars Lexington March 8th 1824 Then the Selectmen granted an order to pay Charles Reed Ten Dollars Viz for his services in capacity of town Clerk for the year 1824 ' 10 00 Assessors Service'was 43 Dollars. March 22, 1824 the'Selectmen granted an order to pay the Assessors as follows viz. Mr. Nathaniel Milliken seven- teen dollars & thirty seven Bentsfor 13* days servic as Assessor in 1823 including Stationary 17' 37 Mr. Oliver Locke Sun. ten Dollars 75/100 10 75 vr. Benjamin Reed ten dollars 10 00 38 12 Treasurer's and Collector's service 53 Dollars. April 21. 1824. The Selectmen granted an order to Mr. John Muzzey for his services as Treasurer & Collector, in 1823, for forty-nine dollars & fifty cents 140 For Extra work of Surveyors of Highways 30 Dollars Bo. 1 ) March 15th. 1824 The Selectmen granted an order ) to pay Wr. "Hammond Locke three dollars for three days work on the Highway in 1823 No. 2 ) March 22. The Selectmen granted an order to pay ) Capt. Daniel Chandler three dollars for three days work on the highway in 1823 No 3. ) April 5. The Selectmen granted an order to pay )lr. Oliver Winship three dollars for three days work on the highway in 1823 No.4 ) An order to pay Mr. William B Smith three dollars for three days work on the highmay•in 1823 - 49 50 3 3 141 Constable's Service was 3 Dollars. March 22. 1824 The Selectmen granted an order to pay Capt. Daniel Chandler for warding three town 'meetings at seventy-five cents each two dollars & twenty five cents 2 25 for warning a meeting in November by printed. notifications 8 75 eight dollars 75/100 Ringing the Bell and_ taking Care of the Meetinghouse &c. &c. was 36 Dollars. Lexington November 3rd 1823. - Then the selectmen granted an Order to pay Mr James Blodgett Jun Fifteen Dollars -in part pay for Ringing the Bell &c to the abov, e- date 15 00 March 15th. 1824 The Selectmen granted an order to pay Er. Tames Blodgett Tun fifteendollars for ringing the Bell as pr. agreenient 17 March 1823 15 00 22. An order,to pay Capt. Daniel Chandler three dollars & 50/100 for taking care of the Stove -in the Meetinghouse . -30 ° 3' 50 Taking Care of the Hearse 2 Dollars. Lexington Novbr 3rd 1823 Then the Selectmen granted an order to pay Capt Nathan Barr- ington Two Dollars for taking care of the Hearse one year ending the 20th. September 1823 2 00 Painting Fence around the Common 30 Dollars Lexington October 24th Then the Selectmen granted an. Order to pay MI' Tohn Mu11iken Jun Forty six Dollars for painting the fence around . the . Common - 142 . To. Defray theexpence of the Rca_d through the land of Mr Benjamin Phinney 50 DlIs 1: Granted December 15th 1823 No11 } An order to pay Mr Benjamin Phinney Forty five Dollars, it being the sum which the Committee of the Court of Sessions awarded to him as damage for a Road being opened through his land. . - 46 00 45 00 No 2 ) An order to pgy Tnr- William Simonds Twelve Dollars ) it being the sum which the Committee of the Court of Sessions awarded to him as damage for a Road being opened through his land. -12 00 Decbr 15th. 1823 Granted. - Schooling Children 930 Dollars. No 1 ) September 29th. 1823. Then the Selectmen granted ) an Order to pay Miss Sarah Tarbell twenty eight Dollars 88/100 for teaching the South District School twenty_ one weeks in the summer of 1823. 28 88 e No 2 ) An Order to pay Lass Ann P. Meriam Forty Dollars 32/100 for teaching the Middle District School weeks in 1823 40 32 i No 3 ) An Order to pay Dr Stillman Spalding Twenty seven Dollars 93/100 for Boarding Miss Ann P Meriam while teaching the Middle District School in 1823 27 93 No 4 ) An order to pay Miss Mary Mussell Forty Dollars, for teaching the East District School 16 weeks at two Dollars 50/100 pr week 40 00 No 5 ) An order to pay Mr William T. Smith Twenty six ) Dollars 25/100 for Boarding the School Dam twenty 26 25 one weeks at one Doll 25/100 pr week in the South Distric:.t, 143 No 6 ) An order to pay Dir Josiah Bryant Sixty Eight ) Dollars 50/100 Viz For Bottrding Miss Sarah B. Richardson and for Cash advanced to pay her for teaching the School in the South East District fifteen weeks in 1823. 50 00 For Cash paid for three Cords of dry maple wood for sd school 15 00 For Cash paid for Cutting spliting and carrying sd wood in the schoolhouse - 3' 50 68 50 No 7 ) An order to pay Mr Thaddeus Reed Jun Thirty Dollars ): for Cash advanced to pay Miss Eliza Stone for teaching the ''est District School twenty weeks in 1825 30 00 No 8 ) ,n'order to pay Mr Thaddeus Reed Jun Fifteen ) Dollars for Boarding Miss Eliz Stone fifteen weeks while teaching the school in 1823 at*one Doll pr week 15 00 No 9 ) An order to pay Miss Rebecca'Tufts Thirty eight )'Dollars•50/100 Viz For teaching the North District School Twentytwo weeks in the summer of 1823 at One Dollar 38 50 50/100 pr week No 10 ) An. order to pay Capt Samuel Chandler Four Dollars 50/100 Viz for One Cord'of Wood delivered at the Center School - House Sept 20th 1823. 4 50 No 11 ) An order• to gay. Deacon Nathaniel Malliken• Four ) Dollars 50/100 Viz for One -Cord of flood delivered at the Center School. house. November 3rd 1823- 4 50 No 12 ) AnnOrder to pay Capt Joseph Simonds Twenty four ) Dollars Viz For boarding Miss Rebecca Tufts Twenty three weeks while teaching the North District School in the summer of 1823 at one Dollar pr week 2.3 00 also for- wood- to the amount of one dollar for sd school 1 00 24 OQ No 13 ) An .order to pay Lr George Fiske Ninety Dollars Viz .;for teaching the South School fourteen weeks in the wints.r of 1823 and 1824 ..... . 144 No 14. ) March 15th 1824. The Selectmen granted an ) order to pay Mr. William Chandler one hundred & ten dollars for four months service in the East District school..board & wood included. ; No. 15 ) March 22. , The Selectmen granted the following ) ordersviz. An order to pay Mr. Hammond Reed -six dollars & seventy-five cents for twelve feet of `Wood for the North School. No 16. April 5. The Selectmen granted an order to pay Mr. Marshal 7ellington four dollars & eighty-eight cents for four feet of Wood for the South School &. building the fire in said School 90 00 110 No. 17. ) An order to pay Mr. Josiah Bryant for Cash ) paid Mr. Charles Kitson for his services in the Southeast district .School four months at 18 pr. mo. 72 for cash paid Mr. •Samuel Jewett for boarding Mr. C. Stetson 16 weeks at $2.25 pr. week & for wood 75 88 39 50 No. 18 ) April 5-. The Selectmen granted an order to pay ) Mr. •Samuel Fiske :71.75for his services in the Centre District School 22 months & ten days at $25. pr. mo. 71 .75 No 19.) An order to pay Capt, Nathaniel Harrington one dollar for sawing wood for the aforesaid School 1 Contingent Grant 150 Dollars. No 1 ) Lexington Nay 26th 1823. Then the Selectmen granted an order to pay Captain William Smith Twelve Dollars Viz For a Harness made to the Hearse by direction of the Selectmen • •- 145 12 00 No 2. ) August 14th 1823. An order to pay Mr Nathaniel Cutler One Dollar and 50/100 Viz for Cash advanced to pay Mr Aaron A. Ayers for. Cleaning the Clock in the Meetinghouse in Tune 1823 -- 50 No 3 ) An order to pay gr Elias Smith Three Dollars Viz' ) for three days Extra work done on the Highways in 1822 in the capacity of Surveyor. 3 00 No 4 ) An order to pay Mr John Mulliken Jun Four Dollars ) 95/100 Viz for six Bass Viol strings and a New Bow for the Bass Viol. - 4 95 No 5 ) Sept 29 An Order to pay Capt William Smith Twenty ) Dollars 53/100 Viz berg the proportion of the Money paid by exempt Soldiers into the Treasury as the law directs, which falls to his Company by a late law. 20 53 No 6 ) An Order to pay Capt Samuel Chandler Ten Dollars ) 81/100 It being the proportion which falls to his Company of the money paid by the exempt Soldiers. 10 81 No 7 ) An order to pay Capt Nathan Harrington Jun Eight ) Dollars 65/100 It being the proportion which falls to his Company of the money paid by the exempt Soldiers. 146 No 7 ) An order to pay I John Muzzey Three Dollars Viz ) For three days Extra work on the Highways in the Capacity of Survey in 1822 at one DolLpr day 65 00 No 8 ) An'order to pay. Mr James Brown One Dollar 25/100 ) for one days work of repairing the Schoolhouse in the South East District and for 2 lbs of Putty for the 1 25 same No 9 ) An order to pay Mr Josiah Bryant Nine Dollars 93/100 ) Viz To Cash paid for Eleven squares of Glass for the schoolhouse in the South E District 0 69 To Mr Jona Harrington for repairing sd house and seting Glass -0 88 To a Padlock and staples for sd house . 0 75 Cash paid Mr John Colby Repairing sd houseand finding Boards and nails for the same 5 88 For 18 pairs of Hinges for sd house 0 90 To Jonathan Harrington for mending windows &c 0 83 9 93 No 10. ) An ,to pay.11r John Mulliken Jun .Four Dolls 75/100 Viz Making and painting four Post Guides - For new setting 8 posts'in the fence around the:common 4 00 0 75 4 .75 No 11 ) An order to pay Amos Muzzey Esq Four Dollars 25/100 ) For moving 11 Rods of wall at. 25/100 pr Rod For moving 5 Rods do. at 30/100 pr Rod 2 75 1 50 4 _25 f v No 12 ) An order to pay Capt Isaac Mulliken Three Dollars 08/100) Viz For two days work an Irons to .repair the wheel on the Bell. No 13 ) An order to pay Mr Nathaniel Cutler Eighteen Dollars 40/100 Cash paid Deacn Levi Farwell it being the proportion of the Town of Lexington for the Repairs made on Cambridge Bridge in years 1821 and 1822 18 40 88 147 No 14 ) An order to pay Mr Nathaniel Mulliken Two Dollars 25/100) Viz .To - Card of Wood furnished the Singing School November 3rd 1823 25 No. 15 ) April 5. 1824 The Selectmen granted an order to pay Mr. Robert Barker one dollar & fifty. -cents for repairing the Schoolhouse in the west School district. 1 50 No 16. ) An order to pay Mr. Joel Viles eight dollars for ) repairing the highways in 1823 by order of the Selectmen No 17. ) An order to pay Mr.. Nathan Dudley one dollars & ) thirty-eight cents viz. for. drink found when letting the Bell in 1822. 22/100. Do. when letting the Oommon.:.in 1823 - 33/100. for dring when letting the Bell in 1824 33 cents and for drink.found when letting the Common in 1824 39 cents. total 148 ( No 19. Of the School Grant ) ( ) ...... At a meeting of the Sete: ctmen April 21. 1824 an order was granted to pay Mr. Thaddeus Reed foftysix dollars & twenty-five cents for' cash paid Mr. Alvan Grimes for teaching the West District School in the winter of 1823-4 & - airty-four dollars for boarding said Master 17 weeks while keeping said school Also eleven dollars for 2 Cords of Wood 00 1 38 101 25 No 20 ) An order to pay Mr. John Muzzey seventy seven ) dollars .& forty two cents for' his services in the North School three months -& three days at t_ wenty, - five dollars -pr'. month, including board 77 42 March 15th. 1824. Then the Selectmen contracted with Mr. James Blodgett Jun to ring -the Bell one year from the above date & perform such other services at the Meeting- house as by his agreement in 1823 he was to perform, & in addition thereto. he- is to take down & put up the Stove for thirty dollars - And, if the town vote to have the 30 bell rung daily at Noon, he agrees to perform said service for twenty dollars 20 150 Attest Nathaniel Milliken. Town Clerk Lexington April 21. 1824 149 The subscribers this day recon d. & settled with"Hr.' John Muzzey Town Treasurer & Collector for all lmonies" which he has received in & paid out since the 21. day of April 1823 & find the amount Received to be 2169 59 we also find the amount°paid out, including the State. & County tax, to be 2286 59 Also paid the Selectmen for money advanced Francis Bowman for damages assessed.to him for a road over his land . 200 00 Also paid Capt. Bemjaamin Reed for money advanced the Singing School Committee . 73 00 Ne Also find a ballanoe:.due from the Treasurer on •settle- went with him in 1823 of .552 84 Recapitulation of Receipts 2169.59 Ballance on'settlement in 1823 - 552.84 Total of receipts 2722 43 Total amount of money paid`out 2559 59 which leaves a ballance in the treasury of 162 84 Also James Blodgett .Junt.s.tax suspended,by the Selectmen in 1822 2 03 Total Amount in the treasur 164 87 We also find due the following uncollected taxes suspended by the Selectmen at their settlement in 1822. viz Charles Reed Guardian to the estate of Samuel Stone At theirsettlers nt in. 1823 Charles Reed Guardian to the estate of 'Samuel Stone The estate of Reuben Locke 39 15 38 88 2 15 - 7 - Continued Also on Sweether-n Reed's Note -- Also - .Also Col. William. Mm roe: s as Guardian for Ebenezer Harrington a. Note of four dollars & fourteen cents with interest 151 18 53 Benjamin Reed ) Selectmen Nathaniel Mulliken ) of Tiexington William Chandler John Muzzey Treasr. 152 Lexington May 3. 1824 The town then voted to assess themselves as follows viz. For ringing the Bell &' other 'services at the Meeting house $50. Wood for the Stove $5 Octr. 25. 1824 -The Selectmen granted an order to pay. Mr. Tames Blodgett Jun twenty five dollars in part for the above service 25 14 March .7. 1825 An order to pay Mr. Rufus Meriam five Dollars & fifty cents for a Cord ar Maple Wood for the Meetinghouse - 5 50 March 14. An order. to pay Mr. Tames Blodgett Jun twenty. five Doliaars it being the ballance due him for ringing. the Bell and taking care of the Meetinghoise one year 25 50 from March15. 1824 For takingcare of the Hearse $ 2 Nov`. 1. 1824 The . Selectmen granted an order to pay Capt. Nathan Barrington $2 for taking care of the Hearse- one year ending 20 Sepr. 1824 & $1 for Oiling the Harness 3 00 Town Clerk's services for 1824 . $10 April 4. 1825 The Selectmen granted an order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken.Ten dollars for his services as town Clerk in 1524 10 153 Forr extra work of Surveyors of Highways 33 No 1 ) Feby. 28. 1825 The Selectmengranted an order to pay Vr. William Chander one Dollar 50/100 for one & a half days work as Surveyor of Highways in 1824 1 50 No 2. ) March 7. 1825 An order to pay Mr. Sweethan ) - Reed One Dollar for one day t s work on the Highway over his tax, &. seventy, -five cents for two String pieces, & one Dollar & twenty-five. cents . for Five Flank to repair a Bridge near Attai Estabrooks 3 00 No 3. ) March 14 1825 An order to pay Mr. John Munroe ) Tun. two Dollars & fifty cents for two & an half days work in the capacity -of Surveyor of Highways in 1824 2 50 No 4 ) An order to pay Mr. Francis Wyman two Dollars, ) for two day's work over his Highway tax in 1824. & two Dollars & fifty cents for two & an half day's work on Bedford Road by direction of the Selectmen. No. 5 ) April 4. 1825. An order to pay Mr. William. ) Simonds three dollars & fifty cents for extra work in the capacity of Surveyor of highwayson a new - pice of Road in 1824. 154 4 50 3 50 155 Treasurer & Collecto's services $ 50 April 2.0. 1825 The selectmen granted an order to. pay_ Mr. Charles Reed fifty two dollars & fifty cents for his services as Treasurer & Collector for the past - 52 50 year. Assessors' services $ 40 Feby. 28.. 1825. The Selectmen granted an order to -pay- the Board of Assessors for their services in 1824 as. follows viz. to Nathaniel Mullfken for fifteen days at one Dollar & twenty-five cents pr. day, eighteen Dollars & seventy five cents, to Mr. Oliver .Locke Jun for eight days. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to Mr. Nathan Chandler Jun for eight days Constable 's - Services 18 75 10 -- 10 -- -total, 38 75 March 7. 1825 The Selectmen granted- an order to pay Capt, Daniel Chandler five Dollars & twenty-five Cents for warning seven Town Meetings at 75 cents each 156 To defray the expence of making a..Road over land of Francis Bowman & others175 5 25 Octr.:11.-1824 The Selectmen granted the following orders -Viz. An. Order to pay -Maj. Benjamin O. Wellington for making a Road over land of Francis Boman & others 175,, to premium paid for Specie to pay said Bowman 2. For Railing causeway on said Road 0 7. 35.total 184 35 To defray the 'expence occasioned by the Small Pox No 1 ) Octr. 11. 1824. An order to pay Mr. Nathaniel ) Cutler for thirty days services at the Small Poxt Hospital $12? 59 30 00 No 2 } An -order to pay Mr. Phinehas Lawrence for ten ) days service in the Small Pox Hospital 10 tt No 3-) An order to pay Capt. Benjamin Reed for two ) journeys to Boston on the occasion above named 03.50. Cash for Signals 33/100 83 No 4 ) An order to pay Dr. Isaac Hurd for seventeen ) visits & Medicine administered .to Small pox patients at the Hospital , 89 70 157 No 5 ) An order to pay Isaac Hastings Esq. for his ) House for a Hospital 00. Balance of other charges not paid by the patients 025.89. total 75 89 No 6-) An order .to pay Mr. Thadeus Reed $13.76 for a ) Feather Bed which was destroyed when the Small Pox prevaild in this" place No 7 ) An order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken three ) dollars for cash paid Dr. Isaac Hurd in addition- to the sun specified in his order Nov. 13. 1824 13 76 3 d0 Feb. 28. 1825. The Selectmen granted an order No. 8 ) to tayr: Dr. Joseph Fiske seventy five cents , for a Visit to the -Small Pox hospital to see if Patients might be discharged with safety 0 75 158 For -the support of publick Schools 930 Dols. Octr. 25. 1824 The. Selectmen granted an. Order !No 1 ) to pay Mr.. Ambrose. Morell $50 for caps paid ) Miss Eliza Ann Mingus for teaching the .South- eastern District School Sixteen Weeks & four days at $3 pr. Week. And $18.50 for. three Cords of Wood for said School & cutting & splitting the same total No 2 ) An order to pay Miss Frances C. Stearns $55 ) for teaching the South School twenty -weeks .& three & a hRlf. days at $2.33. pr Week. No 3 ) ) No.4 ) ) _ No 5 ) No 6 ) ) An order to pay Miss Mary Russell $40 dollars for teaching. the East District School 16 weeks at $2.50 pr. week An order to pay Miss Rebecca Tufts fifty Dollars for instructing the School in the North District 18 week's at $2.75 pr week No. 182.4, An order to pay Miss Eliza Stone '$55 for instruotin the West District School 22 Weeks at $2.50 pr. week . An order to pay Maj. Sanuel Chandler five dollars for 1 Cord of Maple Wood delivd. - at the Centre School House No.7 ) Nov. 13. 1824. An order to pay Miss An L. Meriam ) eighty-four dollars for teaching, the school in Middle District twenty-four weeks in 1834 at $3.50 Dols. Cts. pr. week - board. included, 84 00 Tan. 4. 1825. An order to pay Mr. Hammond Reed nine dollars for 2 Cords of Wood for the North School, & one dollar far .cutting, the same; total ten dolls. No 8 ) ) 68 50 55 40 50, 55, 159 No. 9 ) Feb. 2S. 1825. The Selectmen granted a order to ) pay Mr. Thompson Bacon Tun. fifty-six dollars & fifty cents for keeping the School in the Centre District fifty- six & an half days at one dollar pr. day No 10 ) March 7. 1825., The .Selectmen _.granted an orderto pay Mr. George Fiske eighty five dollars for keeping the South School 13 Weeks © $6,53.8 per week 10 .00 56 50 85 00 No 11. ) An order to pay Er. Ambrose Morell one hundred & ) eleven Dollars & fifty cents for cash paid Mr. Charles Stetson for teaching the South-eastern District School sixte en we eks, including Board. No. 12 ) April 4, 1825.. The Selectmen,granted an order ) to pay. Mr. Samuel Fiske Ninety Dollars_: for.. . instructing the North- School three Months & Nineteen days, a twenty-five Dollars pr, Mo.,including - Board. No 13 ) An order to. -pay Er.,Tonas Russell six dollars.& ) twenty-five cents, for a Cord of Maple mood, for the Northeast District School. Said wood .being cut & - carried into the Schoolhouse. 111 50 90 00 6 25 160 No.14) An order to par Mr William Chandler one hundred ) & three dollars & seventy five cants for teach- ing the Northeast - School four months & four days, ((I) twenty-five dollars pr. mo. including Board. 103, 75 No. 15 ) An order to pay Mr. Tohn Underwood eight dollars ) for eleven feet of wood for the South -School, And two dollars for building Fires in ,the Schoolhouse, .10 -- No. 16 ) An order to pay Mr. Tohn'Tiles four dollars & fifty cents for 5 feet of wood for the Centre School house, - Sawing, Splitting & piling 13 feet of wood & cleaning said house 4 50 . No 17. ) April 11. 1825 An order to pay Capt. Daniel ) Chandler eighty-six dollars & fifty cents for cash paid Mr. John,Bastings for services in the West School as -pr. agreement with the Committee, And nine 86 se dollars 76/100 for 2 Cords of Wood for said school. 9 76 &`two dollars for repairing said _Schoolhouse 2 total 9$ EU - 161 Contingent expences. $ 155 00 Sept. 3. 1824 the Selectmen granted the following orders viz. • No. 1) An order to pay Mr. Natham Russell one dollars & twenty cents for repairing the windows of the East District Schoolhouse 1 20 No 2 ) An'order to pay Mr. Ebenezer Simonds four dollars & ) eleven cents, Viz. two dollars.& twelve cents fort Gond of Wood for the North ; Schoolhouse - & sixty six cents for repairing said house & 4 11 one dollar & thirty-three cents for cutting 2 Cords of Wood for said house Outstanding acct. of 1823 No 3 ) - 10 ) Orders to pay the following persons who supplied ;the Comm.itte of Arrangements for the reception of Gent. La Fayette into Lexington Sepr 2nsi. 1824 viz. fur Eli Robbins for 3 7/8 Gal. St. Croix Rum Sugar included $1.50 12 do. Cog. Brandy ,T tT 2.50 2 5/8 do. Madeira Wine it n 4.00 4 Gal. Lemonade n IT 0.75 3 lb. Wrought Nails 0.15 5 81 3 75 10 50 .3 -- 0 45 23 51 No 4 ) An order to pay ) for Musick for laying the table & refreshments furnished Capt. Oliver Lock for cash paid furnishing attendants the committee & others 17 50 10 00 5 74 33 24 No 5 ) An order to pay Mr. Francis Bowman to cash' ) paid for 1 bu. Pears tT cash paid for 6 Melons 162 No 5 ) An order to pay Mr. E. Smith, ) For cloth for Triumphal Arch n painting do. do. 2 00 2 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 No 7 ) An order to pay Mr. Samuel Tewett for ) for Artillerists refreshments 3 00 2 28 No 8 ) An order to pay N. & S. Barrington ) for cash paid for Mushick i7 cash paid for Melons 1 lb. Nails 7 cts. Rum 16. Cord. 50 11• 00 3 .00 73 No 9 ) An order to pay Capt. Christopher Reed ) For two journeys to procure the Marque & Colours Cash paid for the White Flag 14 73 2 00 1 No 10 ) An order to pay Mr William Ohandler ) for cash paid for Flannel cash paid for refreshments & Nails 3 0.0 1 50 1 14 Octr. llth 1824 The Selectmen granted the following Orders for extra repairs on the Road leading to Bedford by William Thornings 2 64 No 11 ) To -pay Capt. Benjamin Reed for two days labour ) To pay, Ifr Joseph Harrington Jun. oned Day To pay Mr. Joel Prentiss . for one day To pay Mr. Zabdiel Adams for three & a half days To pay Mr. William Chandler for one day for Spirit & Drills used on the occasion To pay Mr. Nathan Chandler Jun one day - Francis Oyman for one day 01 0ctr. 25. 1824 The Selectmen granted an order to No 12 ) pay Mr Jonathan Robinson $3 for three day's ) labour as Surveyor ' of Highways. in 1823. No 13 No.14 ) ) ) ) No 14 ) No 15 No16 No.:l7 ) ) ) ) } An order to pay Col. John P. Meriam $3 for extra labour as Surveyor of Highways in 1823.•For lb Powder for Blowing Rocks 50/100 total. . 2 00 11 3 50 1 0 68 1 3 163 56 An order to pay Mr. John Tidd $4. for a Schoolhouse standing on his land two years prior, to April 1. 1824 4 00 An order -to fbr' 42 days of Highways Nov. 1. 1824 pay Mr. Jonathan Harrington Ju $3,00 labour, more than his tax, as Surveyor in 1823 An order to pay Mr. Aaron P.Richardson $2. for repairing the Stove in Centre District Schoolhouse. And 37/100 for repairs of the Bell irons An order to pay Capt Christopher Reed 41.75 for 1 days labour as Surveyor of highways in 1823 3 00 2 37 1 75 Feb. 28. 1825 The Selectmen granted an order to pay Mr, Charles Reed one dollar for carrying the Town Standard of Weights &Measures to Boston to have them sealed, & three Dollars & forty-four cents paid Sarni Beal for sealing the same - total--- 4 44 164 Continued ' No 18 ) Feb. 28. 1825 An order to pay Mr. William Chandler forty cents for repairing the North Schoolhouse & six cents for Nails for Guide Boards - - - - total No 19 ) An order to pay Mr. Humphrey Simonds one Dollar & ) twenty-five cents for making Cartridges for Soldiers on Muster day No 20 ) March. 7. 1825. The Selectmen granted an order to pay ) Capt. Daniel Chandler seven Dollars & fifty Cents for 50 lb of_.Stove funnel for the Meetinghouse Stove, at 15 cents pr ib. 46 1 25 7 50 No 21 ) March 14. 1825 An orer to pay Mr. JosiRh Bryant for ) 13 window Lights for the Southeast Schoolhouse 91 cents. Cash paid Ilir. Jonathan Harrington for setting the same 52 cents: Cash paid Mr William L. Smith for 8 Window : Lights 49 cents.. Cash paid Mr. "Barrington for Setting the same 40 cents, Cash paid Mr. Elhanan Blanchard for repairing Boxes in said House 1 dollar - No 22.) April 11. 1824 An order to pay Capt.. Benjamin Reed ) twenty Dollars & sixty-five cents, it being for money he paid towards the repairs on the Bridgeleading from Cambridge to Brighton, said sum was this townis proportion of the expense of repairing said Bridge for two years. March 14. 1825. Then the Selectmen let at auction the ringing of the Bell, & the performance of such -other services at the Meetinghouse (except that of putting up the Stove) as was contracted to be performed in March 1824, to Mr. James Blod- gett Ju upon the following terms - all the above specified services If the town determine to have the Bell rung at Noon this service is to be perforiued for 166 Lexington April 20. 1825 32 20 65 165 27 75 19 50 47 25 The subscribers this day reconed & settled with Mr. Charles Reed Town Treasurer & Collector, for all the monies he has received in & paid out since April 21, 1824, and find the amount received to be two thousand nine hundred & eighty dollars & nine cents, - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 2980 09 .Amount ]aid out two thousand seven hundred & sixty three dollars & thirty - one cents - 2763 31 leaving a baJlance in the treasury of - - - - - - - - 216 78 We also find due on Sweethan Reed's Note 22 31 Benjamin Reed ) Selectmen of Nathaniel Milliken ) Lexington 'Miliaria Chandler ) Charles Reed Town Treasurer The following several sums were by the inhabitants of the town of Lexington voted to be assessed for the current year, viz. 167 For the, support of publiek free Schools to be equally divided.bet*een the six Districts ) For the support of.a Singing School Ringing the'Bell&. as.pr. agreement Wood for the Meetinghouse Stove .Town Clerk's. services Treasurer & Collector's services Surveyors of Highways' Bills for extra work Board of Assessors seri ces Constables services Estimated expense of.repairing the Meeting house For repairs on.Cambridge Bridge in 1823-4 Discount on taxes promptly paid Taking care of the Hearse Expense,of publishing the History of Lex. Battle Overseers of the poor's Estimate Estimated expense of.Building Workhouse Barn Contingent expenses - - Lexington May 1825 168 Amount voted to be assessed 900 100 -- 47 50 5 00 '10 .00 50 00 33 00 38 00 5 00 545 00 20 65 200 00 2 00 58 87 600 00 450 00 200 00 3265 02 Orders issued on the School Grant for 1825. Dols. Cts. At a meeting of the Selectmen Octr 24. 1825 the follow- ing orders were granted. viz. No. 1 ) An order to pay , Miss Eveline Tufts for instructing ) the South School twenty weeks at 42.75 pr. week - - 55 00 No 2. ) An order to pay Miss Warriet Brown for instructing ) the Southeast School fourteen weeks at 42.50 pr.wk. 35 00 No 3 ) An order -to pay M±. Henry Simonds for two & an half Cords of tiood for the North School ten Dollars & twenty-five cents - Cutting & Splitting same 1.75 12 00 No 4 ) An order to pay Miss Mary Russell for instructing the ) Northeast School twenty weeks at 42.50 pr. week - 50 00 No 5 ) An order to pay Miss Elizabeth Simonds for instructing ) the North School twenty-two weeks at 42.25 per. wk' 449.50. fuel ,50 total 50 00 No. 6 ) To_pay Mr. Tosiah Bryant for threeCords of Maple Wood ) for the Southeast School 15 00 'No 7 ) To pay TvMrs. Betsey A. Viles for instructing the West ) School -eighteen weeks $2.75 pr. wk. -including board - - - - - - - - - - 49 50 No 8 ) To pay Miss Elizabeth Tenney for instructing the- ) Middle School fourteen & an half weeks at three dollars pr. wk. 43 50 169 No. 9 ) An order to pay ]Vr. Hammond Locke for One & an half Dols. cts. ) Cords 5f Wood for the Northeast School $7..00 Cutting the same $1.1.2 8- 12 No. 10 ) Feby. 14. 1825 the Selectmen grantedan order. ) to .pay Mr.. John Mulliken Jun One Hundred & Six Dollars & fifty Cents for cash advanced to Mr. William P. Huntington for services in the Centre School 3 mo. & for fuel for said school 106 5Q: No 11 ) March 14. 1826 the Selectmen granted an order to pay Lieut William Chandler ninety one dollars & eighty-eight cents for teaching the Northeast' School three & three fourths. mo. 91 88 No 12 ) An order to pay Mr. Tobn Muzzey ten dollars for two ) cords of wood delivered at the West Schoolhouse, cut & carried in -10 No 13 ) An order to pay Mlr. Joel Wiles eighty-six dollars ) & twenty five bents for cash paid Mr. Gardner for instructing the school in the West district fifteen weeks 86- 25 No 14 ) An order to .pay Mr. Samuel Fiske One hundred dollars ) for instructing the School in the southeast district three mo. & twelve days 0 S29 pr. mo. including board. 100 170 No 154 April 3. 1826 An order to pay Mr. Oliver Locke fifty'one dollars -for cash paid Mr. Elisha Hagar for teaching the South School thirteen weeks, ,end forty- four dollars for boarding said Master & for feel for said school. _. 95 00 No. 16 ) An order to pay Mr. Thompson Bacon eighty eight dollars for teaching the.North School ninety -one -days 88 00 No. 17 ) An order to pay Mr. Zabdiel Adams three dollars for ) Wood -delivered the west district School by orderofsaid district comtee. - 3 00 / Contingent Expenses in 1825 No. 1. ) May 2. An order to pay IUtr. Toel Viles one dollar & fifty .cents -for one & an half days work in the capacity of Surveyor of Highways in 1823 171 Do1s.Cts. &t a meeting of the Selectmen Octr 24. 1825 the following orders were granted viz. No 2 ) To pay Nathaniel Mulliken for a journey to Concord ) to collect the Bill against the estate of ivrr.Prescott & to pay Dr. Hurd for attendance upon patients in the Sma1r 1 pox hospital 1.50 Cash advanced to Nurses at said hospital 1.66 Cash paid for repairs on Middle Schoolhouse 0.70 Tourney to Cambridge respecting the Bridge 1.50 For perambulatingthe lines between the town of West Cannbridge & Lex`. & the town of Wattham & Lexington - 2.00 No 3 ) To pay Mr. Tames Locke for repairing, the' North ) Schoolhouse 1.10 Padlock ,25 No 4 ) To pay Mr. Thomas Winship for repairing the Northeast schoolhouse No 5 ) To pay Hon, Nathan Chandler. for assisting in renew- ) ing the bounds between Bedford 8e7 Lex. & between Burlington & Lexington No 6 ) To pay Mr. William Chandler for perambulating the ) line between the town of Lex. & Lincoln • 172 No 7.) An order to pay Capt Benjamin Reedforperanbu- ) lating, the -line between Bedford & Lex. & between Burlington &°Lexington 50 36 1 35 20 00 00 No 8. ) To pay Tohn Mulliken Esq. for assisting in perambulat- ) ing the line between West . Cambridge- & Lexington 1 00 No 9.) To pay Mr. Hammond Reed for 124 ft. of pine timber for ) a Bridge at 5 cents pr. ft. 6 20 No 10 ) To pay Cola Toxin P. Meriam for `1 Cask ) of Powder for Muster day 1 Patent pad. Lock 3.50 0.63 4 13 No 11 0 To pay Mr. Joshua Simonds Jun for making 1 Cartridges for Militia on Muster day 1 25 No 12 To pay Mr. John Tiddfor Schoolhouse standing on his land one year ending April 1. 1825 2 00 No 13. To pay Capt. Nathan Harrington Tun. for three days work on highways. in 1824 3 00 3 00 No 14. To pay Hr. Peter Wellington for extra work on the highway in the capacity of Surveyor in 1824.' No 15. To pay Mr. Nathan Dudley for two Mugs of toddy furnished at the letting of the ringing of the Bell ,33 Refreshments furnished by order of the Committee for repair- ing the Meetinghouse ,89 - - - 1 22 No 16. To pay Mtr. Nathaniel Cutler for assisting in renewing the bounds .between the town of Waltham. & Lexington & between the town of Lincoln & Lex. No 17. To pay Mr. Thadeus Reed for three day's work on the highway in 1824 in the capacity of Sur. 18 Tan. 23rd. 1826 the Selectmen granted an order to pay Mr. William Chandler six Dollars & seventeen cents • f or repairing the Schoolhouse in the East District. & One Dollar & twenty five cents for a day's attendance with the Court's Comtee. on the Phir'ney Road No 19. An order to pay -Mr. Reuben Reed Eight Dollars it being the amount of nonresident highway taxes which he worked out in the capacity of Surveyor, in 1824. No 20. An order to pay Mr. Josiah Bryant Four Dollars & Seventy-five cents for cash advanced to John Colby & Jonathan Harrington for repairing the Southeast School- house. 173 2 00 3 00 42 8 00 4 , 75 No 21. An order to pay Nathaniel MUlliken Three Dollars & sixty-two cents for materials for a guide post & board near the Meetinghouse 3.52 For erecting said Post - > - - - - - -. - - - - - - 5.25 Gash paid for painting said Post & Board 3.00 Taakag-&-pai t iag-guide-beard-dpeetIng e- Tabus;-&elae-te-Bedfei'd - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -:80 To one day attending Court's Committee on the Phinne.y Road For putting up -Meeting house Stove •- - - Cash paid for iron work for said Stove Tourney to West Cambridge to borrow Paul 174 -1.25 - -2.00 3.25 0.50 No 22. An order to pay Lieut William Chn ndler Three Dollars for cash paid for Dyeing, thePaul Cash paid Capt Tenney, for lining border. & sewing'Silk for said Paul - - - - --- - - - - - - -- - - -• -- - 9.21 Cash paid Upholsterer for new towels for Do. 3.50 Cash paid for labour in lining, & trimming anew said Paul 0.75 18 87 16 45 No 23. An order to pay Nathaniel Milliken for labour & materials repairing Centre Schoolhouse - as pr. bills exhibited 17.27 For mating & painting.a guide board directing, to Woburn & one directing to Bedford - 2.00 For new painting two boards near A. Piero's 0.75 No 24. An order to pay Capt, Benjamin Reed for tiro & :an half day's work on Concord Road by direction of the Selectmen.. $2250- _ . . Cash paid Josiah Parker for two days 2,00 Cash paid Leonard Thorning for one day's work 1.00 Do. Cyrus Reed for 2 day's work .50 - One day. attending Court's Committee . laying out the Phinney Road 1.25 No 25 ) An order to pay Capt Benjamin Reed for cash paid Capt Daniel Chandler for labour on said Road four dollars fifty cents ' Cash paid Mr.- Zabdiel Adams for la.ioout on said Road three dollars .April 3. 1826 the Selectmen granted an order No 26 ) to pay LTr. Sohn Beal one .dollar & sixteen cents for putting an axle in the °fiearse 20. -02 .No. 27 ) April 3. An order to pay Mr. David Tuttle ) eight dollars &.fifty cents for building a Necessary for the South Schoolhouse & twenty five .cents for repairing the windows_ of said Schoolhouse . 176 At a meeting of the Selectmen Oct 24.- 1825 the following. orders were granted for repairing Meetinghouse 25 50 16 175 75 No 1. To pay Mr. Thomas Greenleaf for for Meetinghouse Stove For repairing the Underpinning & Door Meetinghouse No 2. To pay Capt. Isaac Mullike n for building two Steps around Chimneys 16 the $ 35 ascertaining probable expense of huilding a Cupola 1.50 July 11. For laying 232 Shingles on the Meetinghouse 1.50 pr. m. materials for Stageing included 35.25 August 13 For 7i days labour .& board repairing the for 40 Clapboards & 75 ft,! Boards '51 00 tower 10.50 1.93 49 18 No 3. To pay Capt. Benjamin Reed for cash advanced to pay for Shingles for Meetinghouse 141 14 No 4. To pay Mr. Daniel Harrington for laying 232 m. Shingles on the Meetinghouse 1.50 Pr. m. thirty-five dollars & twenty five cents. for placing timbers under the Chimneys .50 - - 35 75 No 5. To pay Amos Muzzey Esq. for Glass for Meetinghouse 3.08 38 ft. large'tumber under Chimneys 2.16 to a days work of a Man & team to maul timber, plank & gravel 2.00 cash paid for plating points of Lightning Rods 1.50 No. 6. To pay Nathaniel Milliken for a Journey to Boston to -purchase Shingles, Nails & Lead 2.00 August 1. Cash paid IV1r. Gammel for hauling 46. m. Shingles for Meetinghouse 7.67 Cash paid Er. Eli Robbins for shingle Nails 0.80 Cash paid for plank used to raise the tower 1.40 Cash paid Mr. Humphrey Simonds for Spikes 1.01 22 ft. 10 inch timber for Ballustrade ` 1.32 25 ft. pine Boards for Do. 0.50 42 days work repairing Do. & Splicing the post of the Steeple 6.39 52 days raising the tower & new silling same 7.50 8 '74 177 28 51 No 7. To pay Mr. John Tidd for a Sill for the tower & hauling two Sills ' 1 85 No 8. To pay Deacon Amos Muzzey Esq for cash advanced to Messrs. Smith & Black for painting the Meetinghouse, gilding same &c, as pr. contract. 120 88 No 9. To pay Mr. Aaron P. Richardson for putting two feathers in the tail of the Weather" Cock & mending the Letters $ 2.25 25 lb Sheet Iron Funnel 2.50 Making piece of Lightning Rod 3.25 Increasing the weight of the tongue of the Bell 6.50 14 00 No 10. To pay Capt. Nathaniel Harrington for White- washing -the plaistering &c. in the Meetinghouse No. 11. To pay Capt. Benjamin Reed for cash paid for paints & Oil for the MIeetinghouse $181.50. Cash paid for Single Nails. & Sheet Lead for Do. $25.19 178 No 12: To pay Capt. Benjamin Reed for te.ming 386 lbs. of Shingle Nails & Lead for the Meetinghouse ,50 1 Cask Linseed 0'1,37. paid Capt Nathan Harrington Tun' for bringing up paint & Oil ,37 1.25 paid Mr. John Augustus for purchasing & bringing paid & Glass ,63 Cash paid Capt. William Smith for Tappan 250 for time in purchasing paints & Oil 1.14 No 13 To pay Mr. Ebenezer Simonds Jun. for turning posts for the Ballustrade --on the Tower No 14 ) An order to pay Mr. Charles. Reed Three Dollars & ninety six cents for 66 ft. of Oak timber used to raise -the tower of the Meetinghouse 3.96 & One Dollar & thirty five cents for 15 ft. of White Oak for a Sill for said Tower 1.35 '23 .00 206 69 April 3. 1825 The Selectmen granted an Order to pay Capt Daniel Chandler three dollars for.his services as CONSTABLE in warning four town Meetings preceding the above date An order to pay Mr. David Tuttle one hundred dollars for cash paid Mr. Sewall Short for instructing the Singing School in 1825 - 6. April 20.. 1826. kr order to pay Mr. Charles Reed for his services as TREASURER and COTTR 0TOR' in collecting $3443.24 - it being the amount of the list committed. to him for 1826 4 39 5 31 100 60 43 179 Octr. 24. 1825 No. 1. To pay Maj. Benjamin O. Wellington for Cash paid Phelps & Farnham in part pay for printing the History of the Battle of Lexington - '30 100 No.2 ) An order to pay Elias Phi ney Esq. Pwenty eight Dollal's & eighty-seven cents for cash paid Phelps. & Farnham for -printing as above. 28 87 An order to pay Capt Nathan Harrington for taking care of the Hearse the past year 2 00 No 1. An order to pay Mr. James Blodgett Tun. S20. in part for ringing the Bell &c. No 2. An order to pay Nor. Tames Blodgett Jun. twenty-seven dollars & twenty five cents in full for ringing the Bell & other services at the Meetinghouse No 1. An order to pay Mr. Jacob Robinson Jun. for ?2 ,days service as assessor at $1.25 pr. day 20 ,00 2? 25 8 75 No. 2. Feby. 14. An order to pay Mr. Jpsiah Smith Jun Eight Dollars & seventy-five cents for seven days service in the capacity of ASSESSOR in 1825 No. 3 ) An`order to pay Lieut William Chandler seventeen ) dollars for his services as ASSESSOR in 1825 the above order granted March 14, 1826 8 75 r1? 00 Feby. 14. 1826. An order to pay Mr. John Mulliken Jun. five. Dollars for a Cord of Maple Wood for the Meetinghouse Stove 5 00 March 14. 1826. An order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken ten dollars for his services as TOWN CLERK in 1825 10 00 180 At a meeting of the Selectmen Oct 24. 1825 No. 1. an order was granted to pay Maj. Benjamin 0. Well- ington for 3 days work on the highway as SURVEYOR in 1825 No 2. ( Feby. 14. 1826. An order to pay Capt. Benjamin ( Reed for three day(s work on the highway in the capacity of SURVEYOR in 1825 No 3 ) An order to pay Mr. Oliver Locke three dollars for ) three days work on the highway in the capacity of SURVEYOR in 1825. No. 4 ) April 3. An Order. to pay Mr. Zabdiel Adams three ) dollars for three days, work on the highway in the capacity of Surveyor, & two dollars for Ox help by order of the Selectmen. No. 5 ) April 11. An order to pay Mr. Jonas Munroe three dollars for the use of a Flow on the.Highways & two dollars -for two days work in the capacity. of SURVEYOR in 1825. 00 3 00 3 =MI OM 5 00 5 00 March 18. .1826 The Selectmen let at auction the ringing of the BELL one year from the above date to Mr. James Blodgett Tun. the same to be rung not. less than. five minutes at noon of every day (Sabbaths egcep ted) and on every other occasion as formerly - the STOVE, in the Meetinghouse to be taken down during the warm season and°put up and fires built therein during the cold season of the year. - the house to be swept four times :`nthe Gallery part and six times below all the seats properly dusted after each sweeping and the Canopy, and mouldings. of. Gallery fronts. to. be. dusted. once at least at the commencement of the year. for the sum of sixty three dollars.. 182 Lexington April 20th. 1826 The subscribers this day reckoned and settled with Mr. Charles Reed, town Treasurer and Collector, for all the monies he has received in and paid out since April 21st. 1825, and find the amount received in to be and the amount paid out between the above dates leaving a ballance in the treasury of Of the above balance - the following sums havebeen appropriated by vote of the town viz For the Overseers department For building Workhouse Barn Appropriated and not paid Balance in the treasury unappropriated Also find due on Sweethen Reed's Note April 21. 1825 181 '63 00 3670 20 3011 80 658-40 - 1'14 44 450 564.-44 83: 96 22 31 Benjamin Reed Nathamniel Mulliken ) Selectmen of Lexington William Chandler } •Charles Reed T. Treasr At a. meeting of the Selectmen 29 May 1826 the improvement of the COMMON was rented to Mr. Tonas ] Muzzey for ten dollars 10 The following sevaral sums were by the inhabitants of the town of Lexington voted to be assessed to defray the expenses of the current year, viz. ( For the support of public free Schools, to be equally (divided between the six School - Districts 900 (under the direction of the general school Committee " Singing School 100° Expense of a Road over land of Nathaniel Cutler 750 Fence around' the Meetinghouse 180 183 184 Deficiency of grant to build a Barn 50 Right of Joel Smith Bridge 10 Ringing the Bell and care of the Meetinghouse 63 Wood for Do. 5 Town Clerk's services 10 Treasurer and Collector's services 50 Board of Assessors services 38 Constables Do. 5 Surveyors of highways Do. 33 Care of the Heart® 2 Discount on taxes promptly paid 250 Contingent expenses 175 Overseers of the Poor's estimate 600 Amount voted $3.221 .00 Lexington Tune 20th. 1826 Orders issued on the SCHOOL grant for 1826 At a meeting of the Selectmen Octr 20. 1826 the following orders were granted viz. No 1 ) To pay Mrs. Betsey A. Viles for teaching the lest . ) School seventeen weeks & four days at 17/ pr week.. No 2 ) To pay Miss. Mary Russell for teaching the East ) District School twenty weeks at $2.50 50 50 No 3 1 To pay Miss Elizabeth Simonds for teaching the ) North School nineteen weeks at two dollars & fifty cents pr. week No 4 3 To pay Miss Lusanna T. Bryant for teachin east School sixteen weeks & four days at the South - 4 7 50 3 pr. week 50 No 5 ) To pay Miss Emily Muzzey for teaching the Centre ) School sixteen weeks at 17/ pr.,week including board 45 33 No. 6. ) To pay Miss Eveline Tufts for instructing theSouth ) School sixteen weeks and two thirds at $3 dollars pr. week - No. 7 ) To pay Mr. John Mulliken Jun. for Wood for centre ) schools sawing & Splitting same, building fires & Broom f 50 9 67 No. 8 ) To pay Mr. Nathan. Chandler Tun. for two cords of ) wood, cut- & split for the North Schoolhouse 11 13 No.9 ) March 5. An order to.pay Mr. Curtis Cutler 'Ninety ) five Dollars for instructing the Centre School fourteen weeks No 10 ) To pay Mr. Bowem a Tufts for - teaching the South school three months & ten days at twenty-six dollars pr. month No 11 ) To pay I\rr. Phinehas Lawrence for two & ahalf cords ) of wood for the Southeast School 13.00 Sawing said wood 1.50 for building fires in said house 1.50 cash paid Mr. Isaac Goward for his services in said school from Deer. 3. 1826 to March 15. 1827 - 14 weeks & 4 days at 25 pr. mo 84.00 100.00 185 95 00 87 75 100 00 No. 12.) To pay Mr. Miles r T. Gardner for instructing the - West school three and a half months 88 ,00 No.13.) To pay Mr. Lewis Smith for his services in the ) North school in the winter of 1826-7 - 91 No.14 ) To pay Mr. Hirma Wellington for teaching the school in the Northeast District 3 months & 3 weeks at 4.5 pr. mo. 92 50 Singing School ( An order to pay Capt. Daniel Chandler for cash advanced ( to Mr. Sewall Short anothers in the execution of -his- duty ( of committee of the Singing School grant -• one hundred dollars 100 No.15 to.pay Mr. Samuel Downing for wood for. the North East School . 7 50 for Books furnished poor Schollars in said school four dollars 39 cts. 186 Orders. issued on -the grant to build a ROAD over land of NATHANIEL CUTTER & others At a meeting of the Selectmen-Novbr 30. 1826 the followfng..arders were granted viz. 4 39 187 No. 1 ) To pay -Jonas Bridge Esq. forty-three dollars ) for damage awarded him for a Road laid out over his land 43 -- No. 2 ) To pay -Mr. Nehemiah Wellington for building ) 1072 Rods of Wall at 75 cents pr. Rod 82 62 for building 53i rods of Road at X1.87 pr. R. 100 50 for building 922 rods of Road at $1.50 pr. R. 138 75 for building two Sluice ways 2 00 323. 87 No. 3 ) To pay Mr. Nathaniel Cutler for damage awarded ) him for a Road laid out over his land 90 For building thirty one Rods of said Road 31 121 No. 4 ) To pay Mr. William Simonds Jun for building 822 ) Rods of Road over land of Nathaniel Cutler at $2.35 pr. Rod No.5.) To pay Mfr. Nehemiah Wellington for building fifty ) six rods of wall on each side of the Road over land of the heirs of late Joseph Chandler in lieu of damage ewarded said heirs No. 6 ) To pay Mr. William Chandler for cash paid John Keyes Esq. for his services in preparing petition' for William Bridge to obtain a jury to assess damages for the aforesaid road going over land of the aforesaid heirs, ten dollars fifty five cents 188 193 87 84 10 55 776 29 At a meeting of the Selectmen Octr 30. 1826 the following orders were granted to build the fence around the Meetinghouse viz. No. 1 ) To pay Capt. Benjamin Reed for cash advanced to pay Gardner Fletcher for 32 Stone posts for the Meetinghouse Fence & for his labour setting the same 136.30 Cash advanced to Mr. Josiah Bryant for Chains for said fence 47.38 183 68 No. 2. ) To pay Mal, Samuel Chandler for boarding . ) Fletcher when setting the posts for the Meeting- house fence & for Man & team 90 No. 3.) To pay Nathaniel Milliken for cash paid Mr. Jonathan ) Munroe for labour in setting posts of Meetinghouse fence 2.75. my labour as above 3..00 5 75 197 33 An order to pay far. Phinehas Lawrence for 52 days work rebuilding the Dry Bridge near Mr. Joel Smith's 5.50 Cash paid Newell Bent for plank 4.09 do. Do. for timber 3.00 teaming said lumber,1.50 Cash paid .3.braham ,delington for labouring 7, days on said Bridge 7.00 Cash paid Isaac Sanderson for - 42 days labour 4.50 Cash paid Toel Smith for 4 days work - 4.00 An Order to pay liar. Tames Blodgett for ringing the Bell and taking care of the Meetinghouse to the 30. of Octr 1826 as pr. agreement 30 for the like service to 18 March 1827 33 —67 29 59 226 92 189 63 -- An Order to pay Capt, Nathan Harrington for taking care of the F:ARSE one year 2 .00 F`eb. 20. 1827 the Selectmen granted an order to pay. Nathaniel Mulliken ten dollars for his services as TOM CLERK the past year. - 10 ,00 An order to pay Mr. Nathan Chandler Jun for a cord of «ood for the Meethinghouse 5 50 March 5. An order to pay the board of ASSESSORS for their services the'past year as follows viz. William Chandler eighteen dollars 18 Tacob Robinson Tun eight dollars seventy five cts 8 75 Tos iah Smith eight dollars seventy-five cts 8. 75 April 2nd. An order to pay William Chandler Administrator on the estate of Daniel Barrington, late of Lexington, deceased, for building a BARN as pr, contract made by the committee with said Harrington - four hundred eighty five dollar8 485 April 20: 1827. An order to pay Mr. Charles Reed COLLECTOR and TREASURER for recieveing in and paying out 3423.66 at l ppr. cent 59 89 May 7. 1827 An Order to pay of the town of Lexington for attending town Meetings from inclusive Capt Daniel Chandler..CONSTABTE his services ih warning.and April 1826 to May 1827 both 50 190 No 1. An Order -to pay Mr. Levi Locke for 2 days work in the capacity of SURVEYOR of, t Gi WAYS in 1825 2 50 No. 2 )Feb. 19. 1827 the Selectmen granted an order to pay Mr. -Sohn Muzzey for powder & drills necessarily foun for' blowing 1.50 32 days extra work in the capacity of SURVEYOR 3.50 5 00 No 3 ) ) No 4 ) ) March 5. An order to pay MLr. Jonas Munroe three dollars for three day's labour in the capacity of Surveyor of Highways in 1826 3 00 To pay Mr. Sweethen Reed for two day's work in the capacity of surveyor of hifhways in 1826 two dollars $ 2.00 for the use of a plow .50 for 135 feet of plank for Bridges 3.53 for a String piece .50 teaming plank from Bedford .75 one. day's work on the bridge 1.50 8.78 8 78 No. 5 )March 19th. an order to pay Mr. Tames Locke )for 3 days' work in the capacity of surveyor of highways for 1826 three' dollars No. 6 )to pay Mr. Ebenezer Simonds Jun. for 2z days )labour in the capacity of surveyor of, highways in 1825 two dollars & fifty cents No 7 ) to pay Ivir. Oliver Locke for three days work as ) Surveyor of highways for 1826 three dollars At a meeting of the Selectmen 30. Octr 1826 the following orders were issued in the CONTINGENT grant viz. No. 1 ) to pay Mr. Charles Reed Guardian to the estate ) of Samuel Stone for cash paid sundry persons while he was executing said trust 42 61 To pay Amos Muzzey Esq. for . cash paid Elijah Smith for extra repairs of the Meetinghouse to time & expenses contracting and attending the repairs of the Meetinghouse & towns Barn 1 25 No. 3 ) An order to pay Col. John F. Meriam for a° Cask of ) Powder for the Militia on muster day 3.50 Making Cartridges ° 1.25 4 75 No. 4 ) An, order to pay Mr. William Chandler for powder ) furnished the Rifle Company 1 61 No 2. ) ) 3 NIB ;NM 2 50 3 00 27 78 191 No. 5) An order to pay Er. John Tidd for the rent of ) grou`nd on which the Schoolhouse stands 2 00 No 6 ) An order • to • pay Mr. Joel miles for repairing, the. ) West Schoolhouse Nov. 1825 1.58 do. May 1826 1.45 3 03 No. 7 )8n order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken for 1 m Shingles )for the Meetinghouse 192 2.50 Cash paid for stopping leak on M. H. Roof 1.00 Copy of Record of Road over land of N. Cutler 1.00 3Matts for Meetinghouse, repairing windows & Lock 2.25 Cash -paid Kr. Jewett or Powder 5.38 Tourney to Cambridge respecting the Bridge 2.00 Journey to Concord & East Sudbury to settle with William Bridge for damages awarded heirs - of Joseph Chandler 2.00 lriting Deed of Schoolhouse lot & recording same 1.25 No 8 Feb. 1827 the Selectmen granted John Mulliken Tun. for repairing windows in May last Nov. 4 squares of Glass ',Sc. Putty other repair on said housa For five Bass Vial strings No -9 ) an order to pay Mr. centre schoolhouse To pay Capt Benjamin Reed for his services superintending the building of a Road over of Nathaniel Cutler & others for like services in West School District No.10) To pay Lieut. William Chandler for services like the above specified 17 38 .33 . .25 .75 1.38 2 72. in land 1.00 1.00 2 00 No.11) March 5. An order to pay Mr.,Nathan Dudley one ) dollar & sixty five cents for refreshments furnished when letting the Bell, Schoolhouse in the West district and Road in said district No 12 )to; pay Mr. Samuel Fiske for 18 .b Stove funnel )for the West Schoolhouse paid°Mr. Bryant for repairing Stove rods paid` Mr. Richardson for building fires to dry the .s.aid house . 2.70 .75 1.55 2 00 1 65 5.00 5 00 No.13 ) to pay Mr. John Colby for repairing the ) in the Southeast district' to a pad lock for said house Do. for Centre Schoolhouse Schoolhouse 5.10 0-.75 0.25 6.10 6 10 No.14.) To pay Mr. Charles Reed for Stove funnel ) Mr. Wait for Repairs on the Stove, 2 Locks - for North Schollhouse & Seat in the Desk & for his service procuring said repairs At a meeting of the Selectmen March 19. 1827 the ringing of the BELL and such other services as Mr. James Blodgett Sun. performed at the Meetinghouse last year (the ringing at noon excepted,)was let to said Blodgett for one year from the above date for thirty three dollars The ringing at Noon was let to Mr. Joseph Johnson for one year from said date for At a meeting of the Selectmen April 2nd. 1827 Capt. Daniel Chandler was appointed SEATER of WEIGH''S and MEASURES and sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of said office 194 Lexington April 20. 1827' The subscribers this day reconed and settled with Mr. Charles Reed Treasurer for the town of Lexington for all the monies he has recieved in and paid out since April 20. 1826 And find the. amount of monies recieved to be 3423 66 And the amount paid out since April 1826 to be 3696 21 Making a. ballance due the treasurer of 273 55 Amountin the treasury at last settlement 658` 40 Amount of 3 poll taxes added after the list was 4 65 cast 663 05 Ballance due the treasurer as above 272 55 Balance in the treasury this day 390' 50 0f the above balance thirty two dollars & 12 cents is appropriated for Schools 32 12 Also for the Overseers department 69 00 Also..:for the Parker Road 84 00 Amount paid by Exempt Soldiers 34 00 Amount appropriated for Surveyors extra service 12 00 231 12 Balance unappropriated 159' 38 Also due on Sweethen Reed's Note this day 21 60 8 43 193 33 25 dols. Benjamin Reed - Nathaniel Mulliken) Selectmen of Lexington William Chandler ) Charles Reed Treasurer 180' 98 195 The following several sums have been granted to aefray the expenses oT the current year viz. For the support of free Schools • 900 For 'the establishment of a Juvenile Library 60 Expense of building two Schoolhouses in 1826 835 Do.. of West School District Road 123 Repairs on the great road in 1826 ,90. Do. Do. "Great Bridge" from Sepr. 1825 to March 1827 ` 58 Ringing the Bell & care of the Meetinghouse 58 Wood for Meetinghouse Stove 5 Town Clerk's services 10 Treasurer and Collector's services 60 Surveyors of Highways extra services 33 Board:of Assessors services 35 Constables services 8 Care 'of the Hearse 2 Discount on taxes promptly paid 250 Contingent expenses 175 Overseers of the Poor - estimate 600 .Amount of grants - - - - $ 3302 Attest - Nathaniel- Mulliken Town Clk. Lexington May 182.7 196 At a meeting of the Selectmen May 7. 1827 the Common was rented to Jonas M. Muzzey from the present day to the last day of November next for 10 Dols. An order was granted to pay Mr. Phinehas S. Hastings out of the unappropriated funds in the treasury. for building 2-4 rods of Wall in the West School District c 83 cents pr. rod. 169 32 No. 8 of 1826 grant. An order to pay Mr. Zabdiel Adams for twci days labour in the capacity of Surveyor of highways in 1826 No. 9 of 1826 grant. An order to pay Capt. Daniel Chandler for three days labour in the capacity of SURVEYOR of highways in 1826 School grant of 1826. Nov. 5. 1827 An order to pay Maj. Benjamin 0.. Wellington for Wood for the South School in 1826 .7.50 Cash paid for building fires 2.00 do. for a Bottle of Ink 0.25 de-fela-a-Gh.a fep-the-Desk 6IsZW do. Broom Pail & Mug 0 49 107E-4-10 24 2 00 00 School grant.of 1826 Nov. 5. 1827 An order- to pay Mr. Leonard Cutler for Wood for • the West School in 1826 12 00 Orders issued on the SCHOOL grant for 1827' No 1 ) ) At a meeting of the Selectmen Sepr. 8. 1827 An order to pay Capt. William L. Smith for cash Miss Rebeckah Brooks for teaching the Southeast' 16 weeks , 3 dolls. pr. week For 1 broom cleaning Schoolhouse 197 paid school '448 .88 48.88 48 88 No 2.) Nov.' 5. 1827. An order to pay Miss Mary Russe.1.1 ) for teaching the East District School fourteen weeks and two days at 3/50 pr. week No 3 ) to pay Mr. Josiah Smith for Boarding Miss 'Emily ) TMeriam 16 weeks while teaching the South School No. 4) to pay Miss Eveline Tufts for instructing the ) Vest^School 21 weeks at 2/50 pr. week No 5 ) to pay Mr. Josiah Bryant for 2 Cords of dry Maple Wood for the Southeast District School No.6.) to pay Miss Lusanna T, Bryant for teaching the ) Centre district school 20 weeks and 4 days at 3 dollars pr. week No. 7 )to pay Miss Elizabeth Simonds fifty dollars for )teaching the North District school twenty weeks at $2.50 per week No. 8 )to pay Mr. Henry Simonds for two cords of 'rood )delivered at the North Schoolhouse 9.25 Cutting splitting & piling the same 1.75 11.00 11 50 00 23r 45 52 50 10' 00 62. 00 '50 198 Feb. 29. 1828. An order to pay Capt. William L. Smith No. 9) the'.amt of Thompson Bawn Jurs B111 for teaching ) school in the Southeast District 87.20 Amt paid David Penny for Sawing & splitting wood 1.67 Fora Chair 50c. 1 Broom 25 0.75 't 'making fires during the term 1.50 No.10 ) Centre tiP 91.12 91 12 March 3. 1828 An order to pay Col.. Samuel Chandler for'cash advanced to N.C. Meriam for teaching the School 11 weeks 3 7.25 pr.wk. 79 75 No. 11 ) to pay Ivr.. Francis Wyman for cash paid Samuel K. Townsend for teaching the North School 13 :;leeks Q 25 Dolls. pr Mo. 75 paid for building fires said term 1.25 76 25 No. 12 } to pay Mr.. David Tuttle for cash paid. Mr ) Curtis Cutler for teaching the three months and 6 days 0 D.28 pr, mo cash paid for building fires during the cash paid fbr fuel for said school South School 90 term 2 7.13 99.13 99 _ 13 27 42 No 13 ) to pay Miss 'Emily Meriam for teaching the South ) School 16 weeks (3 pr. week No. 14 ) March 17. An order ) sawing & splitting school for making fires during the to pay Col.Josliia Russell for 2 cords of wood for the centre 1.33 winter term 1.50 2.83 2 83 No.15) April 7. jn order to pay Mr. Joel Viles for cash ) paid Isaac B. Smith for teaching the West School 15 weeks for fuel & building fires No.16) to pay Mr. Hiram Wellington for teaching the East ) School four and 1/3 months at 27 pr: mo No 17.) April 21. An order to pay Nathaniel M'¢lliken' for ) one cord of wood delivered by agreement of the committee at the centre schoolhouse 200 Nov. 5."1827 An order was granted Assessors as follows viz. to Mr. William Chandler for his services Mr. Josiah Smith for his services Mr. Samuel Fiske for his services to pay the board of 97 50 199 90- 62 and stationary 24.37 6.25 4.38 35.00 35' An order to pay Capt. Nathan Harrington for care of the TTFARSE one year cash paid for a Cord An order to pay Mr. Joseph Johnson for ringing the BELL 6 mo. at noon of each day 2.00 0.30 50 2.30 2 30 12.50 12 50 An order to pay Mr. James Blodgett Jun for ringing the bell and care"of the ]Lteetinghouse 6 mo. as pr agreement 16 00 An order to pay Mr. James Blodgett Jun. the balance due him for his services as specified in the preceding order, 29 50 Dated March 17. 182 March 31. An brder to pay Nathaniel Mulliken for his service as TOWIT CLERK the past year April 21. An order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken for one cord of Wood for the Meetinghouse April 28. 1828. An order to pay Mr. Charles Reed TREASURER and COLTFCTOR for collecting and paying out 3752.57 at 111 pr cent Orders issued' on the No. 1) Nov. 5. 1827. ) cash paid for house Bass Viol CONTINGENT grant for 1827 To pay Mr. John Mulliken Jun: for. a sett of strings for the Meeting - No 2. )to pay 14Tr'j. Benjamin 0. Wellington for for rel)airing the South Schoolhouse do. for a Chair for the teacher's desk cash paid 2.25 ° .37 2.62 No 3) to pay Mr. Thomas Tufts for moving fifteen rods ) of wall as pr. agreement No 4 ) to pay` Capt. Isaac Mulliken for stock and labour ) repairing the POUND 4.70 cash paid for Latches and fastenings for the Meetinghouse Boors and putting on the same 3.00 7.70 No 5 ) to pay°Lieut. William Chandler for selling schoolhouse in the West district do. do. in the southeast district'including duties postage of .a letter from Cambridge the .50 1.50 ' 6 2.06 No 6 ) to pay' Mr. Nathan Dudley for liquor furnished ) when letting the Common ringing the Bell &c. No 7) to pay Nathaniel Mulliken for cash paid for' ) Bell Rope Repairing Meetinghouse windows 2 day oh'Buck's hill road and S. E. school- house ` 1.56 2.45 .62 10 65 66 201 50 2 62 00 7' 70 06 1 69 searching and copying records in said case .50 j day settling with treasurer .50 2 day measuring wall on a. Schoolhouse road ash. sitilliam Simonds road .50 time in contracting to build S. E. schoolhouse &c. 2.12 Journey to Concord 1.50. time in widening Buck's 1.50 hill road and assessing damages .25 10.00 202 December 4. 1827 No. 8) An order to pay Mr. Francis iyyman for Underpin.ing the North Schollhouse $1.58 repairing windows of said house 20/100 No. 9) to pay Capt. Nathaniel Harrington for labour' ) an materials altering the chimney of the Schoolhouse for labour and materials repairing the Centre Schoolhouse No .10) to pay Mr. Nathan Russell for labour and ) materials'repairing the East°Schoolhouse West 2.25 1.98 4.23 No 11) to pay Mr. John Tidd for the Schoolhouse ) standing on his land one year prior to Ap1.1827. Franklin Stove for 16 .75 cents . 6.13 in putting :ap No.12) to pa4r Ur. Joel Miles for a the •Vast School District 1 Blower or' f or said S'bove 43 ib, of pipe for the same e 16 cash paid Josiah parker for labour said Stove. 1 Grate 1 dol. less by the; old Stove 1.75 24.63 5.38 19.25 No. 13) March -3. 1828. An order to pay Col. Samuel Chandler for materials to repair Centre Schoolhouse .2.06 paid Capt Isaac Milliken for repng. 1.00 " Thom..=Grbenleaf for Do. 0.42 st N. Skeltbn for_:repairs on sd. House 4.501 "for 1L panes of glass, 55 cts. '2"Brooms 40 0.95 Refreshments furnished Selectmen 0.42 p 9.35 No.14) to pay Mr. William Chandler for time in ) viewing Buck's Hill road and 'Southeast S. house 2 day widening Tufts Road " Do. laying out a road o0rer` Bride's land Making lists of Voters .75 ..50 .50 .75 10 70. 4 23 '1' 80 2 00 19 25 9 35 203 $ 2.50 2 50 / v / No. 15.) to pay Capt. Benjamin Reed for extra repairs ) on the -Bedford road by order of the Selectmen 1.33 2 day widening Tufts Road '.50 " Do. Do. Buck's Hill Road 50 1 day selling Schoolhouse in the Southeast district - and contracting for a new one 1.00 Unpaid at the settlement in 3.33 1828 No. 16) March 17. 1828. An order to pay Col. John P. ) Meriam for 16 lb. of PowderQdone up in cartridges by agreement 204 No 1 ) Nov. 5. 1827 An order to pay' Mr. Joel Smith for three days work as SURVEYOR of HIGHULAYS over his tax in 1827 ONO 33 17 3- 00 No 2 ) to pay Mr. Thomas Tufts for three days extra work ) as SURVEYOR of HIGUWAYS in 1827. 5 cash paid for plank for a Bridge 1.45 4.45 4 45 No. 3 ) to pay Capt Benjamin Reed for 42 days extra ) work as SURVEYOR of highways in 1827 over his tax cash paid for mending a plow 4.50 1.00 5.50 5 50 No.4 ) March 3. 1828 An Order to pay Col Samuel Chandler ) for two & 4 days work as SURVEYORS of highways in 1827 over his tax No. 5.) March 17. An order to pay Mr. Nehemiah Wellington ) for the use of a plow & work over his tax on the highways as SURVEYOR in 1827 No. 6) to pay Mr. John Munroe 2nd. for tree days work ) as SURVEYOR of highways over his tax in 1827. No. 7) to pay Mr. Philip Russell for 10i days work on the. ) highways over his tax in 1827 the same includes 7 Dolls. 50 cts. assessed upon Nonresidents & committed to him 2 25 2 66 3 00 10 50 No. 8) to pay Mr. Jonathan Harrington Jun. for five days ) work over his tax when SUhvEYOR of highways in 1828. 5 00 205 No 9 ) April 7. An order to pay Mr. Sweethan Reed for one ) day's labor as SURVEYOR of highways in 1827 1 for the use of a plow 1 2 00 / ` U At a meeting -of the Selectmen March 19 - 1828: The ringing of the BELL and care of the Meetinghouse was let to Nfr. Tames Blodgett Inn. for sixty dollars -. May 28. 1828 The COMMON was rented to Mr. Humphrey Simonds from said day to the last day of November next to be improved as a pasture - (preserving to the use of the town the -improvement of said common on all publick occasions during sd...term such as trainings musters &c.) for seven dollars fifty cts. $7.54 206 Lexington April 21. 1828. The Selectmen this day recond and settled with Mr. Charles Reed Town Treasurer for all the monies he has received in -and paid out since April 20 - 1827 . Balance in the treasury at the settlement in April 1827 Amount of the list for said year Do. received of exempt soldiers Rent of the Common for 1826 Recd. for (fest Schoolhouse Do. Amount of Sweethan Reed's Note Do.. Do. Borrowed Amount of receipts • paid Overseers of the poor " To Selectmen's orders Discount on taxes Abatements Amount of Notes cancelled & accts Amount paid Leaving a balance in the Of the above balance the have been made, viz. for For Juvenile library n Constable's services building committee's treasury of following appropriations Schools for 1827 de also find a Note against Eli Robbins of Nathaniel Liulliken ) Francis Bowman ) Selectmen Francis 4yma2r Charles Reed T. Treasurer 60 390 50 ,3683 47 12 10 25 50 21 60 1070 am. MID `5213 •07 " 637 184A 251 4W 45 03 11 85 2268 73 5041 17 171 90 12 75 60 8 -- 80 75 96 Outstanding accounts allowed by the Selectmen - -May 5. 1828 the order to pay Capt Daniel Chandler for his services asCONSTABLE the past year - viz. for warning four town meetings including May 1828 and attending same • four dollars $ 4 1. Also an order to pay Capt Daniel Chandler for removing 7 rods of wail on Tufts road as pr. agreement with the selectmen 0.00 To 22 days repairing the road near the house of Charles Gove by direction of the selectmen 2.50 2. An order to pay Mr. Reuben Reed as follows viz. To setting 12 panes of glass in the East school- house 1.20 new seat in the Outhouse 0.75 - Cutting wood for the winter school 1.12 1 Dictionary for Lydia Locke 0.67 Do. Do. Susan 4. Johnson 0.67 Spelling Book for John Johnson's Child 0.17 Books furnished children of Cliakim Estabrook 2, Cummings Geographies 0.75 1 Testament ` 0.25 1 Spellingbook 0.17 hinge for schoolhouse door 0.20 207 5 50 6.05 6 05 No.3 - Uovr. 3 -.1828 An order to pay Joseph Rugg three dollars for extra labour on the highways as SURVEYOR in 1827 208 John Beals, Surveyor of Lumber Wm groger & Joseph Eaton Surveyor of highways John Milliken Jr ) Fire Samuel Cha4dler ) Wards Wm. Chandler Trees & Collector Capt. Jon Davis was appointed Sealer of weights & Measures qualified The following several sums were granted to defray the expenses of the current year viz. 1828 3 00 For the support of free schools 900 For encouraging sacred musick 50 Cost of Southeast Schoolhouse 450 Cost of South Schoolhouse lot 35 Repairs of Highways 459 'Court fees &cfines on two indictments for neglecting to repair certain roads 405 To purchase Oxen and tools for highways 150 Building a Stone Bridge near Tufts' 24 209 / Eli 0 Damage awarded Jonas Bridge for a road 75 Do to Lydia Locke for widening road against her -land 7 50 Do. to Benjamin Locke for do. ° 3 -- Ringing the Bell acid care -of the Meetinghouse 60 Fuel for Meetinghouse Stove 5 Treasurer and Collector's fees 60 Assessors' services 35 Constable's services 7 Town Clerk's services- 10 Care of the Hearse 2 Discount on taxes 250 Contingencies r 175 Overseers of the poor estimate 600 Lexington Nay 1828 November 3 - 1828 the following orders were issued on the CONTINGENT.GRAI`T viz. 210 No. 1 ) To pay,Mr. David Tuttle for repairs on the South ) Schoolhouse in 1827 one dollars 25/100 No. 2 ) to pay'Mr. Tohn Tidd two dollars for the Schoolhouse standing on his land one year prior to April 1828 ° No.3) to jay°Capt. Philip Russell six dollars and fifty cents in part of his proportion of money paid by conditional exempt Soldiers and appropriated_to Purchase _Aprons for the Artillery company under his command. • No. 4 ) to pay Capt. Loammi Knight six dollars in part ) of his company's proportion of money paid by conditional exempt soldiers and appropriated for the repair of Mtsical instruments belonging to the company under his command. 3753 50 No.5.) to pay Capt William Chandler for powder furnished ) for his company at the regimental muster in 1828 1.50 No. 6 ) to pay Iv2r. Eli Robbins for 16 ib. of powder made ) up in cartridges for the Militia at the Regimental Muster in 1828 No. 7 ) 00 50 00 1' 50 3 51 211 to pay Mr. Francis ;yman for repairing the bridge between Jona. Lawrence's & Christopher Reed's 0.75 * day viewing the East Schoolhouse & in ascertaining where a new Schoolhouse ought to be placed 50 2 day laying out a Road for Mr. Tuttle 50 For Perambulating the 1ine.between Woburn & Lex 1.00 2.. 75 No. 7 ) An order to pay Mr. Phineas S. ,Hastings for bui .ding -a Stone Bridge - by contract N.B. this order being issued under a wrong number is likewise so reconed No. 8 ) to pay Nathaniel IVtulliken for time spent in ) laying out a Road for Mr. David Tuttle .50 For writing 3 lists of voters & furnishing blank books for said lists 1.00 2 day viewing the East schoolhouse & inquiring where a new house ought to be placed 0.50 cash paid when the Common was rented 0.20 cash paid on the Bond given In Bridge 2.00 For perambulating the Woburn & Lex. line 1.00 Cash paid Capt Cutler of Burlington for Stone bounds erected between Woburn & Lexington 3.00 One day in assisting to erect said bounds 1.25 For repairing the Meetinghouse Windows 1.00 Cash paid for six Guide boards (painted and lettered) Cash paid for four posts for said boards Do. for Dognails - For preparing & erecting said posts No. 9) Deer, 1 - 1828. Milliken for cash paid yds. of binding for the Cash paid for covering An order to pay Nathaniel for 4 yds of Damask and 10 pulpit the sane 24 00 4.50 1.00 0.25 2.00 18 20 5.00 3.00 8 00 212 1829. Feby. 18 No. 10 COiTINGENT GRANT An order to pay John Mulliken Tunr. for six panes of Glass & putty & repairs on the Centre School- house May 1828 '1.20 Nov. six panes of Glass, putty, & Mails & labour. on said house 1.25 2 45 No. 11) ) An order to. pay William Chandler for repairs on the North Schoolhouse in Deer. 1828 0.50 For procuring and, erecting a guide post near the house of Jonas S. Fiske deceased 1.00 1. 50 No. 12 ) March 2nd. An order to pay Col. Samuel Chandler ) for refreshments furnished the Selectmen since March 1828 . No. 13 ) An, order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken for time ) spent to purchase the S. E. Schoolhouse lot taking a Deed of=the same for a journey to Concord & Cambridge to attend the Commissioners on the turnpike cash paid for recording S. E..Schoolhouse Deed For writing lists of Voters Feb. 1829 1 12 1.50 0.75 0.75 3 50 No. 14 ) An order to pay .Mr. °Francis _Wyman for Journey ) to Concord & Cambridge to attend Commissioners-. on the turnpike Roam , 00 No. 15 ) March 30. An order to pay John Colby for Materials & labour in repairs on the East Schoolhouse Nov. 1828 by direction of the Committeeman 15 50 No. 16 to,pay Mr. Albemarle Barker for sharping Drills, ) Barrs and repairing Sledge for the Surveyors of highways in, 1828 No. 17 ) to pay Mr. Jonas Munroe for 5 days extra labour ) on, the Bedford road in 1828 April 16 -- 1829 An order to pay Mr. John Tiles for 1 Cord of dry Wood for the Meetinghouse 214 213 1 43 5 00 5 .50 Orders issued on the HIGHWAY grant for 1828. Nov. 3 - 1828 An order to pay Messrs, Daniel Chandler, Nehemiah Wellington &Jonas Munroe as follows, viz., to, Daniel Chandler for 21Q days in hiring men, purchasing tool, examining goads & labouring on the same 21 50 To Nehemie,h, Wellington for 33 days labour on the Road as Surveyor ' 33 00 To Jonas Munroe for 17* days labour as Surveyor of highways - Order No. 1 17 25 No. 4' ) to pay Daniel Chandler for moving wall against ) N. p'ierce's land 9.50 for building a Stone Bridge,in the,Swamp Road against J. Augustus land 16.00 for building a Stone Bridge near C. Reed's (including covering stones) 17.25 for new .plank for Dry Bridge against F. Bowi an's land 3.50 Balance due on general accompt•..exclusive of monies recd. of the treasurer. which. he borrowed 129.40 No. 2 ) ) NO. 3 ) 175, 65 N.B. for particulars see general acct. filed with "papers relating to Roads." Cost of tools as pr. Bill filed as above 138.86 An order to pay Jonas Bridge Esq. seventy 75 five dollars it being the damage awarded him for land taken for a Road An order to pay Miss' Lydia Locke seven dollars and fifty cents for her land taken to widen therroad against David Simonds. 7 50 215 Novr. 3 - 1828 An order to pay Mr. James Blodgett Jur. for ringing the BELL and taking care pf the Meetinghouse six mo. as pr.. agreement 30 March 19 Do. Do. Do. Do. 30 An order to pay Capt Nathan Harrington for taking care, of the TTRARSE one yeai% 2 No. 1 ) to pay Mr. Samuel Fiske for services as ) Assessor for 1828 5' 50 No. 2 ) to pay Capt. William Chandler for services as ) Assessor for 1828 (including stationary) 25 00 No. 3 ) to pay Capt Philip Russell for his services ) as Assessor for 1828, six dollars 25 cents 6' 25 An order to pay Rev. Charles Briggs John Mulliken Ju & Ambrose Morell sixty dollars, it being the sum assessed and appropriated by 'the town to purchase a Juvenile LIBRARY by said Committee 60 00 Decr. 1 - 1828 An order to pay Messrs. John Mulliken Jun Benjamin 0. Wellington & Joel Viles (as committee to expend fifty dollars for the encouragement of Sacred MUSICK) cash paid for 2 doz. of Singing Books 20.00 Cash paid Messrs Josiah ,Smith & Joseph Meriam for instructing musick including Room rent & sundry other expenses 30.00 50 00 March 2 - 182.9 An order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken for his services as town CLERK the past year 10 00 April 14. An order to 'pay Capt: Daniel Chandler for his services as CONSTABLE in warning & attending town Meetings to the above date 3.00 12 day repairing Parkhurst Hill - 1.50 1 day repairing the Bell 1.00 5 50 216 Orders issued on the SCHOOL grant_for 1828 November 3rd. the following orders were granted No. 1 ) An order to pay Miss Elizabeth Simonds for instructing the North School during the summer term of said year ._ 62 No. 2 ) to pay Mr. Charles Robinson ten dollars for two ) cords of wood furnished for the North School1;ouse 10, No. 3 ) to pay -Miss Lusanna T. Bryant sixty two dollars ) 50 cents for instructing the Centre district School 17 2/6 weeks at :3.50 pr. wk. 60 50 No. 4 ) ) No. 5 ) ) to pay Miss Eveline Tufts for her services in the West -School in the summer term of 1828 seventeen - weeks at 3 dollars pr. w. 50 00 to pay Mr. Nathaniel Cutler forty nine dollars° and fifty cents advanced to Miss Harriet Child for teach- ing the South School 18 weeks at 432,75 pr. week 49 50 No. 6 ) to pay Mr. Zabdiel Adams for cash paid ) Mead for teaching the Southeast School $3.50 w. board included paid for cleaning schoolhouse Do. for a pail & sawing wood No. 7 ) ) Miss Sarah 14 'weeks at 49.00 0.75 1.72 51 47 to pay Miss Mary Russell fifty dollars for instructing the East District School 15 1/3 weeks at } 3.25 pr. w. No. 8 ) to pay Nathaniel Mulliken for a cord of dry Maple Wood delivered at the Centre Schoolhouse in the winter term of 1827 - 8 50 00 217 5 50 No. 9 ) to pay Mr. Tasiah Bryant for two cords .of dry Maple Wood for the Southeast schoolhouse 10 00 No. 10) to pay Mr. Hammond Locke for 12 Cords of mod for the East D. School at $5.50 pr. C. 8 . 25 furnished for the winter of 1827 - 8 Outstanding acct. No. 14 No. 15 ) ) ) to pay John Mulliken Tun. eighty four cash paid Rufus King for his services school and for fuel for said school. to pay Mr. Thompson Bacon sixty dollars for sepvices in the West school the winter term 1828- 9 dollars for in the centre An order to pay Capt William Chandler for instructing the North School 144 weeks in the winter of 1828-9 at $6.25 pr. w. cash paid for building fires sd. tm. to pay Zabdiel Adams for cash paid George W. Boughton for his services in the S. E. School the winter term of 1828-9 cash paid for fuel & Broom his of 84 00 60 00 88.68 1.32 90 00 • 87.28 1.25 88 53 Feby. 23 An order to pay Mr. Nathan Russell for 12 ft. of Maple Wood for the East School including sawing & Splitting the same 9" 37 No. 16 ) Feby. 24. an order to pay Mr. Nathaniel. Cutler for ) cash paid Mr. Curtis Cutler for his services in the South School the winter term of 1828-9 three mo. 1 w.>> -$28 pr. mo 91.00- -For-fuel 1.00."For fuel for said school & huild fires . 9.00 100 00 ^218 No. 17 ) March 7. An order to pay M±. Theodore Parker ) for keeping school 16 W., in the East District --at a54 pr. mo 90 00 No. 18 ) March 31. An order to pay Mr. Joseph Rugg for ) boarding Thompson Bacon Jun.. 14 weeks when treeing school in the West District the winter perm of 1828-9 &-for a pail & broom for said school 27.63 -Repairs on said house *0.87 22 feet of Wood &, cutting same • .. 11.50 40 00 219 --At a.meeting of the Selectmen March 19 - 182.9 .The ringing of BELL and care of the MEETINGHOUSE was let to Tames Blodgett Jun. for the sum of sixty Dollars - same services to be performed as on former years At a meeting of the Selectmen May 25 - 1829 the COMMON was rented to Mr. °Humphrey Simonds for 8.50 the town reserving the use of the same on all public occasions and training days. Recd payt. Nathaniel Milliken Chairman Selectmen 220 60 0 Lexington April 20 - 1829 The Selectmen this day reconed & settled with Mr. Charles Reed Treasurer " of the town of Lexington for all the monies he has received in and paid out since April 21 - 1828. Balance in the treasury at the settlement in 171 90 April 1828 Amount4of the List committed by the Assessors 4135 19 Amount received of conditional exempt Soldiers 12 00 Rent of the Common for 1827 - . 10 00 Recd. of Mr. John'Muzzey former Treasurer 3 34 Amount Borrowed since the last settlement . 870 00 Amount of receipts & balance of last settlement 5202 43 Paid Hon. John Keyes County Treasurer Amount paid Overseers of the Poor Amount of Orders drawn on the Treasurer by the Selectmen Amount of discount allowed on taxes Amount of Abatements Amount of Notes cancelled Collector's & Treasurer's fees Total amount paid out Leaving a balance in the treasury of also a Note due from Eli Robbins - principal Nathaniel Milliken ) Benja. 0. Wellington ) Selectmen Charles Reed Town Treasurer . 308 06 600 00 1607 86 302 91 43 35 2205 77 72 37 5140 32 6.2 11 96 00 ' /•I 221 The following several sums have been granted in town meeting to defray the expenses of the town for 182.9 Ringing the Bell & care of the Meetinghouse 60 Fuel for Meetinghouse Stove • 5 Treasuter & Collector's services 70 Assessors' services 35 Constables' n 5 Clerk's services 12 Care ' of- the Hearse 2 Discount on taxes 300 Expense,of two Schoolhouses.& land. 900, To increase the Juvenile Library 30 For contingencies 250 Overseers of the . Poor's estimate & grant 800 -- To repair the Highways 550 For the.support of free Schools 1000 To build Engine Houses &c. 190 To build Necessaries & fence Schoolhouse lots 50 To encourage Sacred Musick 100 Lexington May 1829 222 4359 The following several Orders have been issued on the SCHOOL grant for 1829 viz. November 2nd. .- No. 1 ) to pay Miss Mary Russell for instructing the East School 15 weeks & 2 days at $.25 pr. week 50 00 No. 2 ) to pay Miss Sally Locke for instructing the North ) School 20 weeks at $2.50 pr. week 50 00 No. 3.) to pay ilathaniel Mulliken for cash paid Miss ) Abby Ann Muzzey for instructing the Centre School -24 weeks at $3.00 pr. week 72.00 cash paid 'Mrs. Cutler for Room rent 9 weeks 5.62 paid for Pail, Cup & Broam 0:77 fixing said Room & fuel 4.94 83. 33 No. 4) to pay Mr. Zabdiel Adams for 10 ft. of .wood for the S. East School at $5 pr. cord . 6. 25 No. 5) An order to pay Miss Eveline Tufts for . instructing ) the West -School 17 weeks at $ 3 pr. w 50 00 No. 6 ) An order to pay Miss Lydia Page for instructing the South School- 22 weeks 68 33 No. 7 ) An order to pay Miss Lusanna T. Bryant for instructing the Southeast School 22 w. at 3.50 pr. w. 77 00 No. 8 ) An order to pay Capt. Solomon Harrington for a ) Settee for S. E. Schoolhouse 0.75 1 Cord of wood for same 5.00 ' Sawing, aplitt.ing, piling same 1.59 7 34 No. 9 ) Jan. 5 - 1830 An order to pay Nathaniel ) Mulliken for one cord of Maple'Wood for the Centre School 5 00 No. 10') No. 11 ) ) No. 12 ) ) No. 13 ) 1 No. 14 ) 223 San. 11 - 1830 .gin order to pay Mr. Charles Robinson for 12 ft. of wood for the North School 7.87. Sawing & carrying in same 1.50 9 37 Feby. 20. An order to pay Mr. Samuel M.-7)mery for instructing the Western district School fro& Nov. 1829 to Feby. 1830 twelve weeks, ' @ 28 dols. pr. mo. An order to pay Mr. John H. Morison for keeping the Centre district School from Novr. 1829 to Feby. 1830 twelve weeks f1 $30 pr: mo. . March 1. An order to pay Richard P. Jenks for teaching the Southeast School from Nov. 30- 1829 to Feby 20-1830, twelve -weeks c $30 pr. MO. including To Capt LoAmmi Knight for boarding said Jenks during said term as pr. agreement 84 00 90 00 37 08 54 95 No. 15 ) An order to pay Capt. Philip Russell for 14 ' feet of dry Maple Wood for the East district School 8.75 to sawing & splitting the same 1.31 10 06 No. 16 ) March 11. An order to pay Mr. Otis Cutler ) for instructing the East District School• fifteen weeks G $6 pr. week 89 94 No. 17 ) March 15. An order to pay Capt William Chandler ) for teaching the North School 12 weeks o 64 pr. w. and cash paid "for building fires said term 1.30 76 30 No. 18 ) March 17. An order to pay Mr. Marshall Well- ) ington, Committee for the South School District, to cash paid George W. Houghton for services in said school the winter term 105.00 To fuel, building fires, and repairs on said house ' 10.00 115 00 224 No. 19') April 5-1830 An order t� pay Nathaniel -Mulliken ') for one Cord of Maple Wood for Centre School in ' the winter term of 1829-30 5 00 No. 20 ) April 29. An order to pay Mr. Charles Gove for cash paid Tosiah Nelson for wood for the west school in 182.9 - 30 10.00 Cash paid Nathan Stearns for building fires 2.00 Cash paid Eliza Butterfield for 10 days 3.88 15 88 225 Orders issued on the CONTINGENT grant for 1829 No. 1 ) Octr. 3 - 1829 An order to pay Capt. William Chandler sixteen'dollars & ninety three cents the same being the proportion'bel6nging to his company paid into the treasury by conditional exempt soldiers 16 93 No. 2 ) Nov. 2. An order to pay Capt Solomon Harrington for cash paid for Underpinning S. R. School- house 2.50 - cash paid John Colby for a necessary 10.50 Cash paid for building 8* rods of wall on S. E. S.House lot ' at 1.25 pr. rod 1031' total 23 31 No. 3 ) An order to pay Mr. Thadeus Munroe due him for ) Schoolhouse lot 25 00 No.) 4 An order to pay Capt Isaac Huffmaster for land )to enlarge Centre Schoolhouse lot 30 00 .No. 5 ) An order to pay Mr. Charles Gove for cash paid ) Capt Isaac Mulliken for building a Necessary for CTest Schoolhouse & 15 pane of glass in said house 11 35 No. 6 ) An order to pay Mr. John Tidd for the School ) house standing on his land one year prior to April 1. 1829 No. 7 ) An order to pay Maj. Benjamin 0. Wellington ) Cash paid for a Bell Rope 2.78 Do. for Register of Deeds filing, copying of complaint again8t W.T.tSmith Tourney to Cambridge to Probate Court Cash paid witness in said case Do. for plank & timber for a Bridge Do. for hauling same -& laying Bridge Services in contracting for 2 Schoolhouses i day with Commissioners on Tuttle's road 2 00 0.25 2.00 1.25 6.98. 2.75 1.50 0.50 18 01 226 No. 8 ) An - order to pay Mr. , Franci s Wyman for time ) spent- about building 2 Schoolhouses 1.00 Attending the County Commissioners on Tuttle's road 0.50 Cash -paid Mr. Greenleaf for putting up a post. at the Meetinghouse 0.75 2 25 No. 9 ,) An order to pay ▪ Mr. Jonas Leonard Smith for .) land for South Schoolhouse 42 28 No.10 ) An order to pay Mr. Marshall Wellington for ) twenty day's work fencing S. Schoolhouse lot 19 75 No. 11) Decr. 15 An order to pay Rev. Charles Briggs for Sunday School Books & Tuvenile Library Catalogue 24 08 No. 12 )An order to Col. Samuel Chandler for refresh-, -)ments furnished Selectmen & schoolhouse com- mittee from April. 7 to Nov. 30 No. 13 ) ) 4 19 San. 5 - 1830 An order to -pay Nathaniel Mulliken forpreparing lists of voters in l ,iar c h .50 2 day respecting Schoolhouse &•burying ground .50 Journey to Concord to I. Probate to enter complaint against W. T. Smith 2.00 to paid for copy of complaint 0.25 time & expense in purchasing East S.H. lot & obtaining a title of same 1.00 1 day with horse & waggon repairing Bell 1.50 Tourney to Cambridge to I. Probate 2.00 time spent contracting for 2 Schoolhouses &c. 1.00 Repairing Meetinghouse Windows & Clock 1.35 paid for recording 3 Deeds of School- house L. 1.62. repairing Meetinghouse Door 0.25 ^ 32 days with Oxen to haule Stones & gravel to centre Schoolhouse 4.50 Also to. carrying 6 loads of gravel to same 0.75 17 22 227 No. 14 ) An order to pay Capt. Isaac Mulliken one Bell .) with Boy to repair Bell Aprl 1829 - 2.00 Building a Minor & Board fence for centre Schoolhouse (including materials & board) 26.00 Moving & repairing Hearse house . 3.08 31 08 No. 15 ) An order to pay Mr.. Charles Robinson for t ) cash paid- Ebenezer Simonds Jun. for a Minor for the North Schoolhouse & repairs on same No. 16 • ) Marck 1 - 1830 An order to pay Mr. Benjamin ,) Haynes of Charlestown for 80 lb. of Sheet Iron funnel for Schoolhouse in E. district of Lex- ington 11.20 , Wire & Staples for same .28 No. 17.) An order to pay Mr. Josiah Bryant for mending ) Bell irons in April 1829 No. 18 ) An order to pay Maj. Benjamin 0. Wellington, for attending probate court.at Charlestown on W. T. Smith's case and conveying N. Mulliken to same 2.50 To paid Elias Smith for attending at Cambridge in said_ ease 1.50 Do. Ebenezer Smith for attending at Charlestown & Cambridge 3.28 Do. Elias Phinney Esq. for attendance in said case 2.00 9 28 10 33 11 48 0 53 No. 10 March 15. An order to pay Mr. Nathan Fessenden for repairing windows of old schoolhouse to repairing A.ock for said hoUse in 0.50 e 0.37 Nov. to procuring' funnel for new schoolhouse stove,, removing said stove from the old to the new hous-e to drawing rocks and building wall on the east schoolhouse lot , 3.00 2.00 5 87 No. 20,1 An order to pay William Chandler Esq. for ) repairing the bridge near Jonas Lawrence, by direction of the selectmen 1 00 228 No.21)April 5. 1830 An order to. pay Nathaniel Mulliken )` for himself and Oxen t o move the Hearse house 1.50 Chair for the Centre Schoolhouse, putting up Stove &c. 1.75 Travel and attendance before Cornmi ssioners Court in behalf of the committee appointed to oppose the. laying out a road petitioned for by D2niiel Shattuck and others 1.50 P Do.. Probate Court on William T. Smithts case 1.50 ,Preparing lists of voters it Feb. 1830 1.00 7 25 J t No. 22.) April 29. An order to pay Rev. Charles Briggs i for Sunday: School Books 4 80 229 At a meeting of the Selectmen Nov. 2. 1829 An order was granted to pay Capt. Isaac Mulliken for furnishing materials & building the CENTRE SCHOOLHOUSE as, by agreement with the building committee 464 00 An order to pay Mr. John Colby, for furnishing materials & building -the East Schoolhouse as by agreement' with the building committee 425 00 An order to pay bapt Nathan Harrington for taking care of the Hearse one year 2 00 An order, to pay Mr. James Blodgett for ringing , the_ BELT & taking care of the Meetinghouse 6 mo. 30 00 An order to pay Messrs. Jonas Munroe, Daniel Chandler & William Chandler SURVEYORS of highways for repairing the highways (including the sum of 100 dollars the treasurer was authorized to borrow to repair the south county road) & interest paid by said surveyors for money borrowed as pr. cent. filed. 657 62 An order to pay Col. Samuel Chandler for building ENGINE house 52 Paid for engine hose &c. 43 95 00 An order to pay Mr. Ambrose Morell for building an Engine house purchasing hose &c. 95 00 Tan. 16. 1830 An order to pay Messrs. John Mulliken Jun Joel Files & Benja. 0. Wellington (a committee appointed to expend an appropriation for encouragement of Sacred MUSICK) for cash paid Ralph Smith for a double Bass Viol 52 00 230 At'a meeting of the Selectmen March 1 - 1830 An order was granted to pay Capt. Philip Russell for his services as ASSESSOR for the year 1829 8 75 March 15. An order to pay.Capt. William Chandler for his services as assessor for 1829 including stationary 25 00 An order to pay, Capt. Loamm.i Knight for repairing two Drums. Said sum is appropriated out of -money paid into the treasury by conditional exempt SOLDIERS 6 25 March 17. An order to pay Mr. Jaynes Blodgett Jun. for • ringing the BELL and care of the Meetinghouse six mo. 30 00 April 5. An order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken for his services as, town CLERK the past year as pr. grant, 12 00 An order to pay Samuel Fiske Esq. for his services as assessor for the year 1829 6 50 April 29, 1830 An order to pay Capt ' Daniel Chandler for warning.f our town meetings viz. from May 1829 to March 1830 (inclusive) 4.00 Serving an order of notice on William T. Smith including service, travel, copy &c. 1.60 Notifying Charles. Reed of his election as Clk. 0433 5 93 April 29. An order John Mulliken Jun: priate 100 dollars Mt7SICK the balance to pay Messrs. Benjamin 0. Wellington & Joel Viles a committee to appro- for the encouragement of SACRED due said committee 48 00 231 The Selectmen this day reckoned with Mr. Charles Reed Treasurer and Collector for the year 1829 and find he has collected and borrowed for the use of the town since last settlement 5193 92 And that he has paid out since that time 5097 54 leaving a balance in the treasury of 96 38 provided. however this balance includes 28.20 28 20 of tax assessed upon minor heirs who have not yet paid the same & should they not Fad itthere will remain but 68 18 Collector & Treasurer's commissions 76,97 Subsequent to the foregoing settlement the Selectmen granted an order to pay Mr. John Colby for building a Minor for the East Schoolhouse in Decr. 1829 12 00 June 7. 1830 An order to pay Mr. Joseph Meriam .for cash advanced to gay Judge Fay for appearing before the Court of County Commissioners to oppose the laying out a new highway from Joel Viles to Josiah Bryant's as prayed for by Daniel Shattuck &.others 232 At a meeting of the Selectmen March 7. 1831 the following orders were passed viz. No. 1 ) To pay Mr. Jacob Robinson y for his services in taking the invoice and making taxes ten and a half -days at $1.50 pr. day 12 00 15 75 / �J No. 2 ) To pay Col. Philip Russell for •his services as ASSESSOR for the year 1830 • No. 3 To pay.Capt. Isaac Milliken for the like . ) services for 1830 April 4. An order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken °for his services the past year as TOWN CLERK as per grant An order to pay Capt. Wm. L. Smith for his services. as CONSTQBT,R the past .year as follows. Attending March meeting 1830 Posting notices for April meeting Do. May Notifying Mr. Charles. Beed of his as Representative Posting notices and Augt. Do. Do. 0.50 & services 1.50 D. 1.50. appointment attending town meeting • Do. . Novr. Do. March 1831 0.33 28 50 13 50 12 00 1.50 1.50 ' 1.50 8 33 Orders issued on the SCHOOL GRANT of 1830 233 At a meeting of.the Selectmen Novr. 1st. the following orders were drawn on the Treasurer. No. 1 ) To pay Miss Eliza Butterfield for°teaching the ) West School 20 weeks at $2.50 pr. week 50 00 No. a ) To pay Miss Helen A. Hastings for -teaching ) South school 20 weeks at $3.00 pr..week " including board No. 3 ) -) No. 4 ) ) No. 5 ) No . 6 ) ) Nb. 7 ) ) the 60 00 To pay Miss Lusanna T. Bryant for teaching the Southeast School 20 weeks $3.25 pr. w. -65 00 To pay Mr. John Gemmell for 2 cords of wood for the southeast schoolhouse ©$5 pr. -C. 10.00 Sawing and splitting the same 1.50 11 50 To pay Mr. John Viles for 2 cords of wood sawed and piled in the Centre district school house 11 50 To pay Miss Abby Ann Muzzey for instructing the school in the Centre District twenty four weeks at $3.25 pr. week 78 00 To pay Capt. Christopher Reed for 8 panes of glass and setting same in North schoolhouse 0.75 ' Edr one and a half cord of wood' for said house 6.75 Sawing, splitting and carrying in same 0.75 8 25 Jany. 3 - 1831 No. 8 ) To pay Miss Elizabeth Page for services in )-the East school 22 2/3 weeks in the Summer of 1830 at 3 dols. pr. w. No. 9 ) To pay Mr. Hammond Locke for . 10 ft of. Maple ) wood for the East school 6,25. Sawing & splitting do. ,83 234 68 00 7 08 No. 10 ) March 4. An order to pair Thomas -Greenleaf ) Committee'mn for the Centre District for cash paid to Francis Bowen for instruction of said school three mo. at 30 dollars pr. mo. 90 Padlock for said house ,56 3 Brooms. , 63. making fires, repairing d oors R ant cleaning Stove funnel 2.64 3.27 93 83 No. 11`) March 7. An order to pay Illy. R. A.Coker °) for teaching the South°School 15 weeks and 5/6 at 5 dollars pr. week 79 16 No. 12 ).An order to pay ir. Otis Cutler for teaching ) the East School twelve and a half week at six dollars pr. w. 75 00 No. 13 ) An order to pay Mr. Leonard Thorning for ) cash paid Ur.. George Hyde for instructing the igest School 14 1/5 weeks'at pr. week 85.00 For repairs on'the-schoolhouse 1.15 Cash paid for setting glass 0.50 Three feet pine wood for said school 1.35 Cash paid Darius Stearns for building fires 2.-- 12 Cards °of 'wood sawed twice and split 10.-- 100 -- No. 14 ) .An order to pay Mr. Oliver. Smith for °) boarding Robert A. Coker 16 w. while teachii3g. the South School © $2 per. w. No. 15 .) April 5. An order to pay Ur. Charles Tidd for teaching the North School 4 mo. t 25.73 per mo 32 00 102 92 No. 16 ) An order to pay Samuel Fiske Esq. for teaching ) Southeast district school 3Q mo. board included 105 00 235 No. 17 ) An order to pay 1Tr. Peter wellington as follows ') Nov. 1830. Cas paid David Tuttle for repairs on the South Schoolhouse - 2,4g Deer. Cash paid Capt. Underwood..for-rebuilding chimney. The foregoing account belongs to contingencies there no. 21. was entered in this place being presented with a school account. No. 17 ) 1831 ) An order to pay Er. Peter Wellington Pail & -Brooms for S. S. H.. Cash paid for building fires in said Cash paid for window curtains 1 Cord wood for said school& cutting splitting 1 Chair for said S. H. as follows. . 0.75 House 2.00 2.25 6.50 0,67 12 17 No. 18 ) (ought to have been numbered 5) An order to ) pay Miss Sally Locke for teachin;: the North school 2.8 weeks C $2 per w. 236 183D Octr. 14. An order to pay Mr.. James Blodgett Jun. for ringing the BELL six xao. Nov. 1, 1830 An order to pay Messrs. Benjamin 0. Wellington & William Cha of highways the past year as follows Cas}. paid for labour on the, highways Do. for boarding men and oxen " new tools and repairing old " use of Cart &c. Loss of oxen Jonas Munroe's serviees Benjamin 0. Wellington's do, William Chandler's 'r Interest on borrowed money Jonas Munroe ndler as SUH1"EYORS • ones 56 00 20 00 382"54 307.26 42.17 20.00 18.50 56.95 14.25 20.25 15.60 877 52 An order to pay Johnlvulliken Jun. for cash paid John G. Hales for meeting a SURVEY and PUN of the town of Lexington, forty dollars An order to pay Mr. John Viles' for a cord of good for the meetinghouse STOVE 40 00 5 00 March 7 An order to pay the Overseers of the poor for sweeping the MEETINGHOUSE one year as per. agreement with the Selectmen 10 An order to pay James Blodgett Jun. for ringing the BELL six mo. as per agreement, viz. to March 19,1831 20 0rders,issued on the CONTINGENT grant of,1830 At a meeting of the Selectmen Nov. 1. 1830 the follow- ing orders were passed. No. 1 ) To pay John Tidd two dollars for the North ) Schoolhouse standing on his land one year prior fio April 1830 237 2 00 No. 2 ) To pay Philip Russell for cash paid John Keyes for- advice respecting taxation 2..00 Cash paid for stationary for mating taxes 1.20 Cash paid for a trunk for the Assessors 2.50 5 70 No., 3 .) To pay 1GLr. David Tuttle for attending Probate ) Court in Charlestown, as a witness in Saithts case e 1 25 No. 4 ) To pay Capt. Nathan Harrington for care of the .) HEARSE and putting gravel to hearse house doors 2 25 At a meeting of the Selectmen Jany. 3. 1831 the following orders were granted viz. No. 5 ) Tonas Munroe for Journey to Cambridge'with horse ) and chaise to oppose laying out new road from Toel Vilest to Josiah Bryants 2.50 Extra labour on the Bedford Paid Christopher Reed,, Nathan Reed, Harrington Jun. John calker and Mr. labour on said road Self, Man. and Oxen road as follows Henry Smith Abijah Richardson for 7.00 9.00. 18 50 No. 6) To pay Joseph Meriam for. School Books deliverd ) to James Blodgett Jun. Wm Estabrook and Sami. La.wzence by order of School Committee No. 7 j To pay Isaac Milliken ,) work ate, board to 25 rt. boards and 9 700 ," Pine Plank 3rd 238 , Cont inla ed 12.2 'ft: Spruce Joist May 3. One days .. work and July 14. Repairing Common: fence Sepr. 8. Do. Do. and Bell Do. Meetinghouse Windows Mr. one lb, nails quality' stock and a half days 2.00 1.13 9.80 1 75 1.58 2.00 0.50 . 1.50 0.40 18 91 No. 8) Feby. 18.1831 An order to pay Thadeus Reed for ) cash advanced in an action brought by said Reed against Jonas Munroe as Surveyor highways, as` pr. ,settlement with the Selectmen of Lexington 27 No. 9 ) Feby. 21. An order to pay Col. Samuel Chandler } Novr. 2nd. 1830 Entertaining for Selectmen 0.50 April Dp. Do. 1.21 Sepr. 6. Do. Do. 0.77 Jan. 11. 1831 Do. Do. 0.75 3 22 No. 10 ) } To pay Capt. Solomon Harrington for School books for children of Eliakim Estabrook 0.50 Do. Do. Joel Stearns 1.50 Do. Do. Elhanem Blanchard 14 2 23 No.11 To pay Capt William Smith for painting Hearse -new Rocker Oiling harness new Urns Sett of Shaft leathers Repairing Shaft with Iron 2.00 .50 ..75 1.00 .17 .,42 4 84 J 'I No. 12 ') To :ay Mr. Joseph Meriam for , surveying rout Y for new road from Lex. meetinghouse to School (house in Concord, near Sam Hill 2.00 (including plan of same (Paper .•83 expenser . 50 1.33 3 33 239 No. 13-) Marc.h 7 An order to pay Mr. Leonard Thorning ,) for a pair of hinges for the crest Schoolhouse 1 00 No. 14 ) An order to pay Mr. 'Jacob Robinson Tun. one ) dollar for repairing the Chimney in the South- east Schoolhouse March 1829 1 00 No. 15 ) An order to pay Mr. Charles Reed for going to :) Waltham to meet the County Commissioners to oppose laying a road from sd. town to Lex. 2.00 Notifying the Selectmen of Woburn, Burlington & Bedford to attend the perambulation & survey of town lines as a Resolve of the General Court provides two dollars 2.00 4 No. 16 =) An order to pay Mr. John Mulliken Jun. as ) follows To. cash paid for 6 panes of glass for the Meetinghouse • 1.38 Do. Thomas Reed & others for attending funerals previously to the appointment a Sexton, viz. of Maria Parkhurst with horse & hearse March 31. Do. James Harrington Do. Isaac Hastings Esq. Do. Thomas Tufts Do. Mrs. Smith sister of Mrs. N. Fessenden Do, Mrs. Mood Do. 2 Strings for Double Bass Viol Do. 1 Do. Small Do. For -4 days with Hales surveying the town 1 day- setting posts on Woburn line Cash paid for half said posts or Stones 1 Day setting posts on Burlington line Cash paid for half said posts 1 Day setting posts on Bedford line Cash paid for half said posts Postage .on a Letter from Cambridge 1 Day setting post on Lincoln line Cash paid for half said posts and help to move them 240 amount brought over Cash paid for entertainment for Mr.Hales while surveying the town 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 0.17 8.00- 1.50 3.50 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.67 .06 1.50 2..75 33.40 33.40 2.00 Do. for recording deeds of the Burying ground Journey to Charlestown to°purchase said ground and lodging deeds with the Register Tourney to Judge Fay for advice in the suit of Reed vz. Munroe in C. C. P. Cash paid James Hastings for Powder & making Cartridges of the same Do. postage on Letter from. Middlebury amount of _6 _panes glass not brought over / 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.95 .08 1.38 45 31 No. 17 ) An order to pay Mr. Jonas Munroe Surveyor ) 'of highways for 183d. Services on the road ten days including cash paid others & Ox help &c. 10.00 2 journeys to Cambridge & one to Concord respecting the action Reed vs.`Munroe Cash paid Samuel Hoar for half the court fees in said' action ° 4.00 4.48 18 48 No. 18 .) April 4. an order to pay Nathaniel Mulliken for attending Commissioners meeting (at Concord') to oppose the laying out a road from Joel Viles' to Josiah Bryant's 2.00 Do. at Waltham Do. from Waltham plain to Joseph Meriazm's in Lexington . • 2..50 Do. at Cambridge to oppose said road (in Jan.) 2.50 Do. Do. Do. February 2.50' 1 day attending the survey of a section of Concord Road 'against land of Thaddeus Reed - 1.00 To preparing' 6 -warrants for the School districts and lists of voters for :3pril Meeting. 1.50 1 day attending survey of Road from. Waltham to Lexington _ 2,.00 : 14 00 • No. 19 1 An order to pay MI.. Joel. Files for entertain-. 1 went furnished the committee & their Council employed to oppose the laying out of the road from Said Viles' to Josiah Bryant's 2 01 No. 20).An order to pay Maj. B. 0. Wellington as follows. July- )-1830. Cash paid for plank for dry bridge .2.38 " Carting and laying the same, 0.50 :august To attend with Hales 4 -days while surveying the town including board & expenses 8.00 Sepr. 1 -Day. 2.00 Cash paid for postage 0.25 To 12 day to oppose the Waltham road 2.25 Nov. Cash paid for half the Stone monuments carting & setting same °on the Waltham line 3.59 1831 Feb- Journey to Cambridge before Commissioners. to oppose laying out 'Waltham road 2.00 20 97 241 No. 21 ) April 5th. An order to pay Mr. Peter Wellington ) as'follows 1830 Novr. Cash paid ]\1r. David Tuttle for repairs • on the South Schoolhouse 3.55 Deer. Cash paid Capt:Underwood for rebuilding the chimney in said house 3.00 6. 55 No. 22 ) April 19th. An -order to pay Jonathan ) Munroe fan his services with Horse and Hearse to attend seven Funerals, as Sexton, seven dollars c. No. 23 ) An order to pay Eli Robbins for,. ) Powder for Reg.e Muster in 1830 Knight) Making 'cartridges of the same 7 00 112 lb. (delv. Capt 2.07 0.50 2 57 No. 24 ) An order to pay William Locke for one days ) work repairing East Schoolhouse (including Spickes, Nails & Plank) No. 25 ) An order to pay Benjamin Locke damage awarded him by the selectmen for moving 6 rods of wall against his land on the road east of David Simonds' 242 Lexington April 25. 1831. The Selectmen this day reconed and settled with Mr. Charles Reed Treasurer and Collector for the town of Lexington for the year 1830, and find he has collected for ,said year end paid out for said year Leaving a balance in the Treasury on said day of Of the foregoing ballance the sum of forty dollars was appropriated to build a Pound 40 rind fifty dollars to encourage Sacred Music 50 Leaving unappropriated - - -- - -- - - - - Benjamin 0. Wellington, John Milliken Jun. Joel Viles Selectmen of Lexington Attest Nathaniel Milliken Town Clk. Town Grants for the year 1831 as follows Viz. to repair the highways To repair the two rods leading to Bedford To support public Schools 19Q-190-1854145-145-145- Ringing the Bell 50 fuel for Meetinghouse 10 To repay borrowed money with interest Contingencies Sextonts services 25 — Clerkts Do. 12 Discount on prompt pArme nt of taxes Assessorst"services Treasurer.and Collectorf s Do.. 65. ' Constable 8 - Overseers of the Poor Military Soldiers in Uniform To fence Burying grounds Public Singing School Juvenile Library Books Copies of the Plan of the Town Attest - Nathaniel Milliken Town Clk. 1. 50 3 00 4323 4210 113 57 27 30 90 00 2.3 30 550 300 1000 60 312 300 37 320 160 73 550 100 74 75 25 60 Total 4271 1111•• mow At a meeting of the Selectmen Nov. 10th. 1831 An order Was granted topay Rev. Charles -Briggs -for Juvenile Library Books and for new binding old Books of said Library as per town grant An order to pay Mr. James Blodgett Jur. for ringing the BELL from March 19 to Sepr. 19th.1831 243 25 00 20 An order to pay Mr. Tames Blodgett for ringing the Bell from Septr. 19th, 1831 to March 19th 1832 At a meeting of the Selectmen Nov. 13 - 1831 the following orders were granted, viz. No. 1 ) Tc pay Col. Philip Russell for his services ) as Assessor 412 days taking the general valuation and making a return to the Secretary for the 1831 at 10/ per day • 69.17 To cash. paid for 5 books, ruling blanks returns and paper for the valuation 2.81 No. 2 ) To pay Samuel Fiske Esq. for like ) services 42 days `a 10/per. day No. 3.'.) To pay Er. Jacob Robinson for like services 35 days a 10/.per day No. 4 ) To pay Capt. Isaac Milliken for like services 372 days © 10/ per day No. 5 ) To pay -Mr. Francis Wyman for like services ).33 days © 10/ per day 244 Orders issued on the SCHOOL GRANT for 1831 At a meeting of the selectmen Octr following order wa.s drawn. No. 1 ) To pay -Capt Benjamin Reed ) paying the School Mistress winter school fifty seven dollars No. 2 -) To -pay --Miss Helen A. Hastings for teaching the ) South District School 20 w. © $3400 per w. 60 No. 3 ) To pay Miss Eveline Tufts for instructing the West District School 18. w. -a X52.5 per w. , (Alis N. Wellington ) 45 No. 4 ) To pay Mr. Josiah Bryant ' for 2 Cords of dry )Maplewood for the Southeast District School 11 . 24. A.D. 1831 the 20 GO 71 98 7.0 58 33 62 50 55 MED WI. for the purpose of and for wood for the 317 23 5? 00 No. 5 ) To pay Miss Adeline Reed for teaching the ) East District School 23 1/3 weeks c, 02.50 58 No. 6 ) To pay Mr. John Viles Prudential. Committee ) Man for the Centre District School for Abby Ann Muzzeyts services in said school' No. 7 `) To pay Er. Eli Robbins for cash paid Miss' ') Eliza Page for teaching the South east achoal 182 weeks $3.25 per w. No. 8 ) To pay Mr. Ebenezer Smith for cash paid Pdfr. )`Luther Hall for instructing the South School 15 weeks including board and fuel - No. 9 ) To pay Mr. John Viles as follois viz. ) For cash paid Mr. Tames S. Russell for teaching the Centre School 13 weeks 97.02 For Fuel, building fires, cleaning house 3 Brooms and Black Board 11.13 108 75 81 25 60 12 125 00 245 No. 10 ) An order to pay Mr. Nehemiah 6Jellington for ) cash paid Mr. George Hyde for instructing the West School 14 Weeks 0 $6.5 per w. 90 00 Fuel, building fires & brooms 10 No. 11 ) An order to pay dr. Eli Robbins for cash ) paid Mr. Samuel :Fiske, Mr, Marshal Tufts, Mr.Mr,. Loring Barnard and r. Daniel Davis for their •services in the` Southeast Schad, & for cutting wood & building fires in said school . 118 88 No. 12" ) An order to pay Mr. Otis Cutler Thr teaching the East District school 12 weeks & two days at 6.25 per week 77 25 No. 13. .) An order to pay Charles .Tidd, for teaching , ) school in the north District'3 13/25 months, at' $25 per. month - 83 00 No. 14:) An order' to pay Mr. Reuben Reed for cash paid ) for twelve feet maple wood for East Dis. School,,. eight dollars, seventy five cents, &. for" sawing & split- ting the same, one dollar. 9 75 No. 15.) An order to pay. Mr. Nehemiah Wellington, for.. 2 broat.4. for West school .. 50 for cath paid for making fires 2 rf For one & half cord of wood 7.50 Mistake $ 19;99 18- -99- No. 16 ) ) 2.46 4 Orders issued on the C.ON2INGENT GRANT for 1831 At a meeting of the Selectmen Octr.. 24 - 1831 the following order vas drawn viz. No. 1 ) To pay. Capt Isaac Milliken for' a Gate and. hinges) Jan.. 4 & one and a half day's, work 6.15 Repairing Common fence 1.00 July 7. Repairing Bell Wheel - 0.50 Sepr. 15. Timber for the Bell frame 2.00 ' `three and a half day's work 4.67 .14 32 No. 2 ) To. pay Mr. James Hastingsfor 25 lb of •) Cartridges for Military Company 0 25 cts.. pr 1b. 6 • 25 No. 3 ) To pay J)r. Joel Viles for 20 day*s labour. on the° Road from Robert Parker's to the top of Piske's Hill by direction of the Selectmen 20 No. 4 )_To. pay Mr. John Tidd for North Schoolhouse }standing on his land one year to April 18:3 No. 5 ) To pay Mr. Nehemiah Wellington for extra labour on the Lincoln Road by order of Selectmen To pay Rev. Charles Briggs for Sabbath School Books Nov. 14 To pay Mr. Sweethan Reed for 222 ft. of plank for a Bridge a $12 per m 2.66 60 ft. timber for same 1.80 to going after said lupber 1.29 2i days* work In laying said bridge 2.25 exclusive of the remains of old bridge 248 1 8 3 2 No. 8 ) To pay Maj.. Benjamin 0. Wellington as follows' ) viz. To cash paid Joseph B. Wilson for 398 ib, casting to har the Old Bell t 4 cts. pr. lb. ' 15.92 New tongue for Old Bell 72 lb 2I. cts. 14.40 Plates, Staples Bolts &c. 48a lb 0 1/ 8°.29 ' Spring 25 lbs. a 2/ 8.33 Lumber & wood screws for new Wheel 3.23 2 days labour by E. Tufts 3.00 Horse & Waggon twice to Boston 2.00 Horse & Waggon twice to Lexington 3:00 ' io2 days labour by said Wilson 21.00 3 days labour Do. Do. 6.00 pail d for Rigging to raise Bell Yoke 1.00 10 5 NNW MO 8 - 86 17 / 'c / At a meeting of the Selectmen March 5 - 1832 An Order -was granted to pay Maj. Benja. O. Wellington For going to Malden about hanging Old Bell' 2.00 Attending County Commissioners 1 day on the Woburn Road 2.00 Cash paid S. S. P. Fay for advice and defence in an action of trespass in favour of Thadeus Reed 8.00 12 00 No. 10,) An order to pay Mr. Elias Mlead for entertainment a) furnished the Selectmen the past year 3.2-5 Entertainment of Mr. Wilson hanging the old Bel11.60 Do. Do. Mr. White and others when raising the new Bell 3.25 8. 10 No. 11 ) An order to pay Mr. John Mulliken Jun. To cash paid Attai Estabroak & Isaac Muzzey for building 18 a rods of wa11 on the New Barging ground„ @ 73 cts. per Ro 13.33 To setting Rail fence on said ground 3.75 Journey to Malden to examine the hanging of their Bell 2.00 19.08 Amount brought up. 19.08 Cash paid for 12 Rails for said fence .84 1 Day with Commissioners on 'Woburn Road 2.00 Do. renewing Woburn line with Surveyor 1.50 Cash paid said Surveyor 1.50 1 Day removing Stone Monuments on said line 1.75 To painting Bell frame &.Wheel & Burying place Gate 1.75 Cash paid John Keyes, for plea before the County.Commissioners against Waltham Road 5.00 Paid for` publishing_. Commissioners notice concerning Woburn Road 3.00 Horse and 'Waggon to Malden 1.00 22 days assisting Wilson to hang old Bell including board & 3 meals for Wilson 2.75 Assistance & timber to raise New Bell 0450 Paid Cyrus Hubbard half the eapepse of survey of a section of Road against T. Reedts Paid for altering Bell irons &nails 249 .1.50 0.50 42 73 No. 12 ) At a meeting of the Selectmen Mar. 1st 1832. _ ) the following orders were granted Viz. To pay Mr. David Tuttle for Journey to Boston & other services for procuring the publication of Town expences No. 13 ) An order top ay Col. John F. Meriam ) 'paid to Mr. S. R. Hart for Printing expences For services in copying & arranging the town Publication 3.00 00 for Cash town 10 00 ampences for 3 00 No. 14 ) An order to pay Mr. Joshua Simonds for .assisting Mr. Oliver Locke in, transcribing town expences,°& journey -to Cambridge toget them printed $ 3..00 For cash paid E. M. Metcalf for printing the same ' $11..00 14 00 • 250 1 8 3 2 No. 15 ) An order to pay Mr. Nehemiah Wellington, ) for one pair Andirons ..38� For repairing stove & setting 3 panes glags ..55 For Dash paid for repairs on the schoolhouse 1..50 For one half dayts work °..50• 2..93 • 93 No 16 ) An 'order to pay 1Vfr. Ebenr, Smith ).For setting glass in South Schoolhouse. ..75 • For altering windows & 2 Crap:ers ..60 For cash paid David Tuttle for journey to Boston' to purchase a stare & for putting up the same 1.50 For one lock ;.2? • For' one journey to Boston to purchase • stove 2... • For mending door ..20 • To one stove & funnel as pr.bill 22.37r 27.69 27 69 No. 17 ) An order to pay the Overseers of the Poor . ) for sweeping the meetinghouse one year, commencing March 21st 1831 - ten dollars 10 00 No. 18 ) An order- to pay Nathaliel 1[ulliken Esq. for • ) the following services viz. Copying records for 4uditors in 1831 Sep±r. attending Comms. 1 day 2 dols. 1 day hanging old bell. 1 Petitioning Comrs. for County Road over land of Rev. C. Briggs & others Cash paid Clerk at salve time Tourney to Boston about new bell Serving order of Notice on the towns of Woburn & Lex- ington (5 copies) Decr. taking off bell yoke & varying same to Boston San. 1832 one half day getting materials to raise new bell,and carrying home the same, & loading old bell Tourney to Medway 2.dolls. Feby Attending Gomrs. at Cambridge 2 - Preparing list of voters 1. March attending Cows. at Woburn 1.50 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 10 1 50 1 00 3 00 1 50 4 00 2 50 22 60 Also to pay Mr. Jacob Robinson Jun. for 10 days services taking In -bice and making TAXES for the year 1831 at $1.50 per day At a meeting of the Selectmen Mar 26th. 1832, an order was granted to pay NLr. Joseph'Rugg for services' as highway surveyor, from Deer. 1st. 1831, to Mar. 1st. 1832 and for cash paid - 15 00 An order to pay Dr. Leonard Proctor for teaming three hundred forty four posts & rails for burying ground at nine shillings per, hundred - 1 75 16 An order to pay Mr. Isaac Mulliken for eight &-•a half days services as Assessor at one dollar fifty cents per day 12 75 254 At a meeting of the. Selectmen March 5. - 1832 . -.. An order was granted to pay Maj. Benjamin 0. Wellington. Fifty three dollars for cash paid Wm. `S, Pendleton for Lithographing Town Map and printing 300 Copies of -same 53 00 Orders issued on tke Road grant, No 1 ) At a meeting of the Selectmen Sept. 18th 1832 ) an order was granted to pay Col. Philip Russell_ for cash paid Nathan Fessenden for damages sustained by the laying out of a town road through his land on.the 13th March 1832 160 00 To cash paid Sarnnel Downing for damages sustained by laying out of the before mentioned road through his land Mar. 13. 1832 56 00 To cash paid Edward L: Tyler for damage es sustained) by laying out of a town road through his ground Mar.) 13 1832 ) 13 229 00 No 2 ) An order to pay Messrs. Joel Viles Phillip ) Russell & Jonas Munroe Committee for buildirtE a piece of new highway in Lexington - For cash paid Mr. Joseph Rugg for building said way 153 rods at $2.48 pr. rd . . 379 44 T` Cash paid for moving wall 3 00 " Cash paid: for printing & other expences 3 81 Tr Journey to Waltham to advise with County Commissioners 2 00 tT Two journeys to Concord 3 00 For fifteen days Servise of Commit. 18 75 Interest on the above 410 00 19 48 429 98 At a meeting of the Selectmen Jan. 2nd 1832 the following orders were granted Viz. To pay Mr. Joel Viles for cash paid -..sa Brooks for 290 Rails for Burying ground fence at 72 cents 21.75 Do. 111 Posts ±or Do. at 10 cents 11.10 Cashraid Abel Jones for 92 ft. Wood • for the MEETINGHOUSE At a meeting of the Selectmen Mar 26th 1832, an order was granted to pay I+Lir. Joseph Rugg, for notifying the inhabitants of the town, of `six town meetin:,s, at 1.50 for each An order to pay Mr. Joel Viles (of the Singing School Committee) One Hundred & Twenty five Dollars 50, of which was granted in 1830 & 75. in 1831. An order to pay Mr. Jonathan Munroe for attending funeralwith hearse"eight times, eight dollars; for digging grave for Elizabeth Hadley one dollar seventy five cents 251 32 85 7 25 9 00 125 00 9 75 An order to pay Mr. Joseph Rugg for cash paid Mr. Joshua Simonds for building bridge on Bedford road 5 00 An order to pay Dea. Nathaniel Mulliken Esq. -for his services as clerk 12 00 252 253 At a. meeting of the Selectmen Octr. 1831 the following Orders were granted Viz. To pay Messrs. Joseph Rugg Nehemiah Wellington and Samuel Downing Surveyors of Highways the amount assessed to repair the roads in this town generally 552 10 Also an order to pay said Surveyors for labouron the Bedford Roads out of Extra 'grant, for the same as per Bills on file 12.9 92 At a meeting of the Selectmen March 5 -'1832 An order was granted to pay Col-. Russell for his services as ASSESSOR for the year 1831 including stationary for making taxes twenty eight dollars 28 00 No -6 ( An order to pay Miss Abby Ann Muzzey for -(-instructing the English Grammar School in the .Center district Seventeen weeks at three dollars & twenty five cts pr. wk School Grant No 7 ) An order to pay Mr. Nathaniel ?fierce fpr Ten ) cords of Wood for the East school at seven dollars 0: pr. cord To sawing & splitting same 9/ 55 25 257 14 50 1 50 16 00 No 8)An order to pay Mr. Charles Robinson for two )cords of wood for the North School house 9.50 To sawing, splitting & piling 1.50 11 00 11 00 No 9 ) An order to pay Mr. H. B. Woodworth ) To Teaching Publick School 11 weeks (7.50 pr wk) 82.50 " Do. Writing School 20 lessons at 7/6 25.00 " Expence for Making fires & 0 '1.50 109.00 109 00 No 10 ) An order to pay M'r. Ebenezer R Smith (Committee ) for the South school district) One hundred and fifteen dollars and 50/100 being the residue of the sum appropriated to that district for the past year. 115 50 No 11 An order to 'pay Mr. Charles dove for Diu, Cords of wood for the West school $12.00 w 12:00 ."-making fires at School house 1.80 " to cash paid for Clerks,book .50 " to cash paid for boares & a to Broom, ,Dipper & pail 1.03 16.33 16 33 No 12 ) An order to pay MLr. Charles GareComrnittee for ) the 'West school district Eighty eight dollars & 67/100 it being the residue of the money • appropriated to that district 258 88 67 SCHOOL GRANT No. 13 ) An order was granted by order of the selectmen to pay Mr. Otis Greene Eighty dollars for keep- ing school '3 months & 6 days at 25 dollars pr. r;tonth 80 00 1 8 3 2 255 Lexington-May.7, 1832. The amount of monies received inta'the treasury since the 25th day of April 1831 including the balance of 113,30 which was due on.settle- ment the last year, amounts to 4839 36 And the amount paid out of the treasury since the settlement of April 1831 is 4800 41 Leaving a balance in the Treasury of 38 95 Chsrles Reed, Town Treasurer Toe' Tiles, Solomon Harrington; Philip Russell Selectmen. Town grants for the year 1832 viz ) For the Support of free schools 1000. " Ringing bell & taking care of meetinghouse .fuel for Meetinghouse ,contingent expences To pay borrowed money & interest Discount on taxes Constable's services Assessors services Treasurer & Collector's do Overseers of the poor estimate To pay soldiers in uniform repair highways Total amount 256 1000 00 50 00 10 00 300 00 1150 00 320 00 8 00 50 00 65 00 400 00 100 00 750 00 4240 00 1 8 3 2 Orders issued in -the School grant of 1832 At a meeting of the Selectmen Oct. 15. 1832 the following orders were granted No. 1 ) An order -to pay Miss Susanna T. Bryant For ) teaching the South-east district School ' 16 weeks & two days at 54.00 per week - No 2 ).An order to pay Miss Martha E. -Fiske far her ).services as School Teacher in the south district Twenty weeks No 3 ) An order to pay Mr. Nathaniel butler for one cord and half of wood for the South School & sawing & splitting No 4 ) An order to pay Er. David Simonds for money eLpended in the N. East district school sixteen weeks & a part at three dollars per week No 5 ('-Ai order to pay Miss Hannah M. °Wellington for ( keeping the West school 20 -weeks -at- 2 dollars pr week .. 65 00 59 00 10 50 50 75 40 00 / c;. 7 No. 14 ) An order was granted. to pay Mr. John Viles ) for sixteen ft of wood for centre school sawing spliting & piling the same & various other items as per bill on file 19 91 No 15 ) An order to pay Mr. J. S. Russell for Istructing Centre school 3 31/44 Months at $31. pr. months 114 84 No 16 ) An order was granted to pay Mr. David Simonds ).for wood & other articles for the N. E.. school as pr bill No 17 ) An order to pay Charles Tidd'(3r teaching ) school in the north district 132 weeks at six dollars & 33/100 pr. wk. Cash paid for malting fires No. 18 ) An order to pay Miss Mary A. Simonds. for teaching school in North district 18 weeks at 2.50 pr wk No 19 •) An order to pay Charles Tid d for mod brooms .) & C. furnished the north School in the winter of 1832 & 3 1 8 3 2 ORDERS ISSUED ON THE CONTINGENT GRANT FOR 1832 13 65 85 50 2 00 87 50 45 00 1 50 259 At a meeting of the Selectmen June 1832 the follow- ing order was granted No 1 ) "An order to Mr. John Muzz'ey for his services in ) examining the records of the,town and the records of trustees of the Ministerial fund, with a view to the publication of the result of said examination, 12 days at 9/ pr dy 18 00 No 2 ( An order to pay Mr.. John Tidd for the North ( school house standing on his land in year prior to April 1832 2 00 No 3 ( An order to pay Mr. Joel Viles for cash paid ( Samuel Hoar for three locust posts for burying ground 2 68 Purchasing & :delivering same , • 1 50 Perambulating town line between Lexington & Woburn 1 50 Purchasing posts & rails & carting one load to the burying ground 2 25 Time & expences in setting monument near Waltham corner 1 25 Time & expences in going to Boston and carrying Mr. Milliken 3 00 Journey to Medway and carrying Mr. Milliken to puchase bell 5 00 Assistance in taking down bell yoke 75 17 93 No 4 (in order to pay Col. Samuel Chandler for cash ( paid for books for the use of Sunday school 260 1832 10 00 CONiTINGENT No 5 ( An order to pay Mr. Benjamin Muzzey cts ( for the following services viz. To services 12 days examining Town records and Book of Trustees of Ministerial fund as by vote of the -town . 18 00 To writing manuscript of the report afr committee 46 pages - 12 cts pr. pg 5 75 To cash paid stationary 40 To Journey to Boston to consult for the printing of sd. report, as by vote of town 3 00 To journey to Concord for same purpose 1 50 To services in examining & correcting the proof sheets of the report 2 00 2 Postages 25 To cash H. Atwell t s Bill for printing, same 40 50 To interest on•the amount 8 months R 1 62' 13 02 No 6 ) An order to pay Dea. Nathaniel Mulliken for ) 12 days servicre in examining the town records & the book of the trustees of Ministerial fund for the purpose of ascertaining the origen &c. of said fund, with a view to the publishing of the same, as by vote &;c 18 00 No 7 ) An order to pay- l' r. Josiah ~Smith for 1 day to ) boston to purchase a Bell Also one day to Medway 2 50 4 00 6 50 No:.8 ) An order to Ms. John Brown for extra expeme Yon bedford road 7 91 Contingent 261 No 9 ) An order to pay to Mr. Isaac Muzzey 3 dollars ) &..11/100 being the amount of his highway taxes for 1831 as by vote of the town .. 3 11 No, 10 ) An order to pay Capt. Isaac Mulliken for ) sundry jobs in repairing the common & burying ground fences . For Draw for hearse No 12 ) An order to pay Mr. Ebemezar R. Smith for work & stock on the southeast School house as per bill an file 4 72 1 00 5 72 2 38 _(r No. 13 ) An order to pay Col. Philip Russell for 1 dy services in laying out road 1.50 do 1 dy services settling with owners of land 1.50 3,00 No 14 ) An order to pay Mr Elias Mead for refreshements ) for the Selectmen No 15 ) An order to pay Capt. Solomon Harrington for his services in laying mut road, petitioned for by Stephen Robbins, 1 day 1.50 Services 1 dy setling with owners of Land 1.50 sr 3.00 262 Contingent No 16 ) An order to pay Mr. Tohn Gammell a remainder to the South East school district being cash paid by sd Gammell, when Committee for sd. district 1830 3 00 3 75 3 00 due 1 83 No 17 ) An order to pay Mr. Tohn Viles for repairing the stove & mending the doors of the centre School- house No 18 ) An order to pay Capt. cash paid as follows For Cash paid E. R. Smith for setti turnpike 4t Cash paid William Chandler Esq. f on Bedford roe .d 4t Cash paid Tohn Colby for setting 4► on main road near Tames Browns 2 00 Sollomon Harrington for ng fence on South 5.75 or setting fence 1.50 fence 1.50 8 75 No 19 ) An order to pay Mr. Toel Viles as follows For 1 days service in laying out road petitioned for by Stephen Robbins 2 dy. do. setling with owners of land Cash paid for timber for monuments for Burying ground 44 prepairing & setting the same i1 taking down bell tongue, carrying it to Boston putting up the same " Cash paid Mr. Hooper for adding ten pounds to bell tongue • TM journey to CamLbride to advise about the bridge 47 it 44 44 Amount brought up Cash paid for repairing Burying ground fence Cash pd:for repairing town Clock - Cash pd for one cord of wood for meetinghouse Cash pd for repairing highways 44 44" Six quirs blank hay bills Cahs pd Tohn Storey for 1 blank book Binding 1 volumn blanks 1 50 75 75 2 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 12 05 263 12 05 1 00 75 6 00 4 63 .5 00 2 50 1 50 33 43 264 - 1832 ORDERS ISSUED ON TEE SPECIAL GRANTS FOR 1832 - HIGHWAYS No 1 ) An order to pay Mr. Charles Robinson Surveyor. ) of highways for the North & North east sections of the town for the f ollowing items viz. For one hundred & twenty days work at 4'1. pr dy 120 00 To use a cart ten days at 25.cts pr day 2 50 To repairs on -tools at different times 2 00 To eight days work on bridge at 0l..per dy 8 00 To cart -two days at 25 cts pr day • 50 To Cash paid William Chandler Esgr.for work & boarding & 1 covering stone for bridge ' 8 79 141 79 No 2 ) An order to pay Mr. Nathaniel Cutler Surveyor of highways for money expended in reparing all the roads & highways south of the great road as per items of the bill e 188 36 No 3 ) An order to pay Mr. John Brown one of the Surveyors of high ways for cash paid for various items of expenditures & for labout as per bill 463 11 OTT -r R ROAD ACCOUNTS An order to pay Mr. Nehemiah Wellington for building three hundred and six & a half rods of road at. two dollars and forty six cts per rod - .753 99 To putting down trunk across the -road 1 25 755 24 SPECIAL GRANTS An to pay Col. Philip Russell as follows For cash paid T. Hall for 100 cedar posts at 18 cts pr p * st To cash paid T. Hall for 1442 ft. of joice To cash paid for 27- Ib. Spikes & Nails & 2. irons To Joseph F. Le.Baron two days setting posts to Phineas two days setting posts to myself two 22 days " Carting one load of joists from T. Halts 265 18 00 17 71 2 06 3 , 00 2 25 3 33 3 00 49 35-- HAYSCALES An order to pay Capt. BenjaminReed for one platform - Balance 250 00 To Mr. Hall for Lumber 24 42 -To Labour 6 07 280 49 To interest 1 87 282 36 An Order to pay Mr. Joseph Rugg for various items of expenditure incured in procureing & erecting Hay sales &for labour As per Bill At a meeting of the Selectmen Feb. 19th 1833 an order .was granted to pay Mr. Charles Reed for services as an Assessor, For taking Invoice & Making taxes for the year 1832 61 33 16 50 Also an order to pay Capt. Isaac Muliiken for his services as Assessor & for stationary 32 75 266 1 8 3 3 At a meeting of the Selectmen May 1833 An order was granted to`pay the overseers of the poor for sweeping the meeting house one year commencing March 1832 Do. cts. 10. 00 An order to pay Mr. Joseph Rugg for warning the inhabitants of the town six town meetings at 1.50 each, as per bill on file 9 00 An order' to pay Mr. William Clapp For 11 days servicesas Assessor at 9/ pr dy 16 50 An order to pay Mr. Jonathan Munroe to attendance with horse at funerals. twenty one times at 6/ - 21.00 Cord Do. .12 Sleigh to attend funerals twice 20 BELL At a meeting of the Selectmen Sept. 1832 An order was'granted.to pay Mr. Tames Blodgett Ju for ringing Bell & taking care of Meeting house from March 19th to Sept. 19th 1832 At a meeting of the Selectmen March 1833 an,order was granted to pay Mr. James Blodgett Tu. For ringing the bell & taking care of Meeting house from Sept. 19th 1832.to March 19th 1833 TOWN GRANTS for 1833 were as folloeb 21 32 267 20 00 20 00 / For -he support of free schools 1000 00 TT ringing bell & taking care of_Meetinghouse _ 52 00 TT Fuel for meetinghouse - 10 00 it Sextons services 25 00 " Clerks do 12 00 TT Discount on taxes ° 320 00 TT Constablxs services 8 00 Assessors do. 50 00 Treasurer & Collector do 65 00 ?T Overseers of the poor estimate 450 00 `T To pay soldiers in uniform 100 00 1' To repair highways 750 00 Contingent expences 300 00 Borrowed money & interest 1886 00 T To pay a bill presented by the town of Cambridge 121 00 5149 00 N. B. it was after voted that 1,000 of the 1000 00 borrowed money above should not be assessed the 4149 00. _present year - Total 268 Lexington May 10th 1833 The Select men this day reckoned and bettled with Nathaniel Mullican Esq. treasurer of the town of Lexington and found that he had received as treasurer for said town -6712 79 And that he has paid 6695 71 And find a ballance on his hands of - , 17 08 CONTINGENT T EXPENCES At a meeting of the selectmen July 3rd 1833. the following orders were granted No 1 ) An order to pay the estate of Joseph Mariam ) for sundry books delivered to T. Johnson & Loa Lockes as per bill No 2 ) An order to pay Mr. Phineas Lawrence Jr. For ) Base vial.strings No 3 ) 1 80 3 55 gr order to pay Mr. Ambrose Morrell (Ohairmaia of the Com. -.of arrangments chosen to prepare for the reception of the President of U. S. A. in this town ) for cash ae paid to Mr. - Conant for loss on fruit (provided for the occasion) and for Mr. Conant Ts services 10 90 Nb 4 )An order -to pay Capt. Solomon Harrington for 3 )half days in staking out road in accordance with the laying the rout for a new road at 9/ To one. day sheaving rout & receiving proposals . - 1 8 3 3" Amount brought up To accepting and measuring sd road No.5 ) An order to pay Capt. Solomon Harrington.for ) 'Cash paid Augustus Peabody, Esq. for services - before'the Committee of the Legislature on Bridges 2 25 1 50 3 75 269 3 75 75 4 50 20 00 No. 6 ) An order to pay Mr.. Benjamin Muzzey .for three half days in staking dut road in accordance with the laying out the rout for a new road 9/ 2 25 Also for journey to Concord to procure bills and adver- tising for proposals 1 25 do 1 dy showing rout & receiving proposals 1 50 do for cash paid H. ,Atwell for printing Notices 1 25 Do 't . " tt tt 't2hand bills 1 00 do to one 2 dy in accepting & measuring road 75 do to Cash paid 2 hand bills by order of Com for building Scotland road so called - 1 00 do cash pd z printing Notice for ditto 1 25 10 25 No 7 ) An order to pay lir. Joel Vils (Charman of Com.: )fr procuring the vaccinating of the°inhabitants of the town with the Cow pox) - for cash paid Drs. Spauld- ing & proctor for their Services as per ward of the refferees 5.2.00 do Cash paid Samuel Stetson Esq Chairman of sd refferees 10.00 do John Muzzey Esq. 2.50 do Hammond A. Hosmer 2,50 Interest on the above 52 67.52 67 52 270 CONTINGENT 1833 cts No 8 ) Sept. 10th 1833 An order was granted to pay ) 'Messrs. Joel Niles, Solomon Harrington & Philip Russell ( Selectmen of the town of Lexington) "for cash paid for -posts &, rails sufficient to 'fence 112 rods on land .Nathaniel pierce, in full 'for damages sustained by' him occasioned by the 'laying out of a road through his land by the Selectmen as petitioned for by Stephen Robbins and others as by agreement *ith the said pierce Seventy five dollars 75 00 /7. No 9 ) An order to pay Charles Tidd for writing & other ) services rendered the town (not belonging to his duty as clerk) Three dollars 3 00 No. 10 ) An order to pay Mr. David Tuttle for 32 days ) work on the South Schoolhouse 4.75 do for boards nails and clapboards &c for the same 2.51 7,26 7 26 No 11 ) An order to pay Capt. Solomon Harrington • ) for 1 yoke of Oxen 75.00 do .for one ox cart 36.00. 111 00 Bo 12 ) An order to pay Iffr. Oliver Locke for assisting ) in prepreing a statement of the expences of the Town for publication in the year 182.9 Ten dollars 10 00 Contingent 1833. 271 No. 13. ) An order to pay Phineas Lawrence Tunr. for ) cash paid for two Drum heads belonging to the infantry under his command, three dollars, fifty cents 3 50 No 14.) An order to pay Col. Philip Russell to cash )paid 1: Hall for 188 feet of joice 2.35 n: ,t " • n for Spikes 28 T. Winning for 17 cedar & locust posts 5.67 J. F. Lebaron, for one day's work & board 1.50 Himself one day & man half day setting posts 2.00 " Carting Toi.ce from T. Hall's to Lexington" 188 ft. 0.75 't Himself 12 day's work on Bedford road 2.00 Cash paid S. Estabrook for himsef & oxen 2 days on B. road. 4.00 " " N. Harrington for 2 day's .work on Bedford road n 2.00 Yr T. whiten for 1 day's work on Bedford road 1.00 " " " A. .Russel for `* *: it ff Tt M 1.00 " " .'t N. Reed for cart one day 00.25 n, n for a guide board 2.00 " n " W. B. Oliver for 15 3/5 lb. funnel at 14 cts. per. lb. 2,20 27 00 / No. 15 ) An order- to pay Mr. Charles Reedo five doflars ) by -vote of the, town,. in consideratiorn of a spurious bank bill which he took for taxes, whep. Collector No. 16, ) at 1..50 Reader 67 indigent An order to pay A. W. Meriam &c. two dollars, sixty seven cents for one geography and atlas - three small geoaraphies at 50 tT one national .. which books were purchased fo the benefit of children No. 17. ) An order to pay 1Yr. John Viles for one hundred ) roads of gravel for highways - 3 dolls. No. 18. An Order to pay 14Tr. Jonas Muzzey to rent of land for the hearse from March 1st 1830 to Marchlst 1834 at one dollar per year - four dolls. 5 00 2 67 3 00 4 00 272 No. 19. An order to pay Mr. Zabdiel Adams for services $ as committee on the Scotland road two and half days 3 No. 20. An order to pay Majr. Benjn. 0.. Wellington for the following services viz. to one d To one day on Woburn road with County Commrs 1:25 two T6 on the road between N. Pierce & N. essenden 2.50 one to with the Contractors,. 1.25 part of a day to measure &.examine sd road for acceptance .75 Te tr To 21 An order to pay Mr Jona. Munroe David Penney do for I:Tr. Loa Locke , s_ s on tt for Mr. Moorets wife. cts 75 5.75 5 75 a grave for Mr. 2.00 2,00 2.00 6.00 6 00 No 22 'An order to pay Mr Curtis Capell for 3 work at 9/ , Do for 317 feet of joice TT 18 Ceder posts 3/ &. Diging holes 6/ days 4.50 3.80 10 00 No 23 An order to pay Mr. Josiah Conant for entertainments furnished the Selectmen 18.30 18 30 4 00 No. 24' An= order to pay Mr. David Harrington for setting glass &c. fixing stove in S. E. School house 75 110.25 Am order to pay Mr. Jonas .Munroe as follows viz. for 11 posts, "T Joists 2.75 Boards 1.20 Nails .28 Irons .25 Labour 1.50 No 26 An order to pay Capt. Christop1r ten squares of glass for the N. School setting 1.20 do -1 padlock -.29-cents for sundries 3.67 < 4.23 1.75 9.65 9 65 Reed for house and. 1.49 P 1 49 the remainder of Contracts 7 pages from this ORDERS 1 9 3 3 ISSUED on the GENERAL GRANT & Borrowed Money 273 Dol cts At a meeting of the Selectmen July 29, 1833 An order was granted to pay Mr. Nehemiah Wellington Three Hundred & thirty nine dollars & 50/100 for building two hundred & twenty nine rods &:.10 lints of road (leading from the Woofindale house towards Woburn, at 1 dollar 48/100 pr rod. 339 50 An Order to pay Capt. Isaac Mulliken Chairman of the Committee for repairing Meetinghouse, as per bili on file., Six hundred sixty seven dollars, 25 cents 667 25 An order to pay Capt. Isaac Mulliken Chairman of Committee for repairing meetinghouse, for 24i lbs. Manilla rope 14i cts pr lb. Three dollars fifty six cents. An order to pay Mr. Amos Kendall for painting Schoolhouses = as follows - Ariz: To 47,gallons R. Lin. Oil at 1 dol. per. gal. TT 625 lb. dry white at 9- " Ib. 2 ib. F. Green TT 40 TT 2 lb. nails TT 6 TT 82, days's work himself 1.55 per 92,d" " for Twiss 1.42 TT 10 'T TT T.T Smith 1.42 " 4 = TT TT TT Fairbank 1.42" horse & waggon to Boston twice himself to Boston horse & waggon to carry paints & ladders paid to a boy To horse keeping TT TT It TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT day TT TT TI the TM47.00 60.80 00.80 00.12 13.18 13.49 14.22 05.68 02.25 00.80 08.17 00.66 00.20 3 56 274 xin order to pay Mr. Charles Reede for ten day's service as an assessor at OneD.o11:, 50/100 per day, fifteen dollars - 167 52 15 00 An order to.pay Capt. Isaac Mulliken for services as, an Assessor, thrity two dolls. 32 00 An order to pay Mr. Charles Robinson for the following services viz: To cash pad Nehemiah Wellington for building thirteen & a half rods of road 13.50` To eightynixe days work at one doll. pr. day 89.00 " use of cart en days at 25 cts .pr.. day. 2.50 " Himself sixteen days at one doll. twenty five cts pr. day, 20600 125.00. 125 00 An Order to pay Mr. John Brown for work & expences as highway Surveyor five hundred & one dollars & 42/100 as per. bill on file. 501 42 An order to pay .Mr. .Ionia Munroe for attending funerals with horse 18 times at 6/ 18.00 Do Cash paid for Sleigh - 20 - Mar. 4 1834 18.20 18 20 March 3rd 1834, an order was granted to pay Mr John Brown Surveyor of highways for cash paid Mr. David. Tuttle, For pasturing oxen 6 weeks March 10 An order was granted to pay Mr. William Clapp for 11 days services as assessor for 1833 - Sixteen doll 50/100 4 00 16 50 An order to pay C. Tidd for services as Clerk Twelve doll's. 12 00 1 8 3 4 In April 1834 an order was granted to pay the overseers of the poor for sweeping Meetinghouse 1 year eom Mar. 1832 275 cts 10 00 Marc. 10, 1834 An order was granted to pay Mr. Joseph Rugg For warning Representatives 0.50 " warning five town meetings 7.50 8.00 8 00 276 Mar. 31. 1834 An order was granted to pay Mr. Elias P. Hosmer (for Samuel Wyman.) for ringing the .Bell 8&_ taking care of Meetinghouse 42.00 Cash paid Thomas C. Gould for repairing Bell - tongue . ..50 42050 42 50 Tune 10th An order was granted to pay 14rr. Phineas S. Hastings .Fifty dollars (as Surveyor -of highways for the South district) as per bill on file 50 00 Sept 3, An order was granted to. pay Mr. P. S. Hastings One Hundred dollars (for services &c as Surveyor for the S. D) as per bill 100 00 Apr 24, An order was granted to pay Isaac Muzzey Four dollars & 39/100 being the amount of highways tax which he worked agreeably to a vote of the town Apr 24 An or Orders' issued on the SCHOOL GRANT for 1833 No 1 )' An order Las granted Orders to pay Miss Lucy ) Mood for teaching school in the N. East district 17 weeks at three dollars pr. wk. No 2 ) An order to pay Miss Ahby Ann Muzzey for instructing the school in the Centre District 22 weeks at, three dollars twenty five'cents pr.week 71 50 4 39) Dolls cts 51 00 No 3 ) An order to pay Miss Hannah M. Wellington for • ) teaching school in the South District 55 00 No. 4 ) An order to pay Miss Susanna T. Bryant for ) teaching school in the South East district sixteen weeks No 5 ) ) 64 00 An order to pay Miss Julia A. Muzzey for : teach- . ing the. West school twenty two and a half Weeks at two dollars per, Week 45 00 No. 7 ) An order -to -pay Mr.•Charles Robinson for two & ) half cords of wood at five dollars per cord, Twelve & half dollars far center school 12 50 No. 6 ') An order to pay Capt. Christopher Reed for ) expences incurred -for the North 'School district, viz: for one broom 00..20 for two cords of wood09..50 eiz-te$-saaPe-glass-&-sett4Eig-lz=2.49 -e3ae-ga4.--ap-iseheelheliss-GGrA9 for cutting & carrying wood 1..50 11 20 11 20 r No. 8. An order to pay Charles Tidd for school in East District eleven weeks & one week Do writing School, twenty one lessons 1.25 277 teaching public daT at x;7..50 per. $83..75 each 26:25 110.00 110 00 No. 9., An Order to pay Mr. James Blodgett for instructing gest Dis. School three months at twenty eight Dolls,. per. month 84. 84 00 No 10 No 12 An order topayCapt William Smith as follows Tp cash paid Mr. E. Stearns for teaching school " Making fires Sawing & splitting wood, brooms pail and other articles as pr. bill TT An order to pay Capt Will To Cash paid Mr. Russell school Do. other expenses as pr 15.00 2.00 3.19 20.19 20 19 m Smith as follows for teaching 85.00, Bill .81 85.81 85 81 .An order to pay,. Mr. David Harrington for 17i feet of wood for the S. E. School house " Sawing & •splitting- same " To making fires !LC. 13.13 1.62 2.38 17.13 1,13 16.00 Na 13 An order to pay Mr. Otis Cutler For instructing a school in the Neast district 3 months at 27 dollars pr, month 278 SCHOOL GRANT No 14, Granted Mar. 10. An order to pay Mr. George Hide for instructing the SI':outh School four & half Months 16 00 81 00 Dols cts 124. 50 No 15 An order to pay Mr. Elias Smith for Wood .& other articls furnished the South School . as pr. bill 5 50 No 16 An order to pay Samuel Fisk. Esq for teaching the North School three months and seven days at $24 pr m 4 85• .00 No 17 An: order to pay Master John Farnsworth for making, fires in the X1 T. School -house the past winter, Mar. 14, 1833 .- .3.00 3 00 No. 18 An order to pay Col. Philip Russell for Cash paid for pail for School 0.30 do. Brooms for do. .23 for 13 feet maple wood at 6 dollars pr. cord 9,75 " Sawing and splitting sd, Wood at, . 75 pr.0 1.22 t' Cash paid for making fires 1.50 13.00 13 00 No 19 An order to pay John Muzzey Esq. For 2 cords of. Wood for the West school house cutting twice splitting carrying in & piling Fourteen dollars No No 20 An order to pay Miss Lucy Ann Tufts for instructing the school in the North District •18, yveeks at 2.50.pr wk CONTINGENT TINGENT Continued from 7 pages back 27 March 10. 1834 An order was granted to pay Mr. Toseph Rugg for 3 days services on Scotland road 3.00 NO 28 An order was granted to pay. 2. Baldwin Locke as follows viz To repair on Hay scales One -pair of Axletrees One Rocker 'T Irons & c. as pr bill No 29 An order to pay Col. Samuel Chandler for Cash paid B. H. Green for books for Sunday School .99 2.00 .50 .50 3.99 No. 30 An order to pay Col. Philip Russell for the following items (viz) Journey to Cambridge respeting Bridge 2.00 Appearing before Commissioners to oppose laying out a road. from Lincoln to J. Briants 1.00 Journey to Cambridge respecting said Brige . 2.0.0 Cash paid for glass for Meetinghouse .80 14 00 45 00 279 Doll Cts 3 00 99 10 00 5.80 5 80 No. 31 ell 20 An order to _pay Mr. John Tidd for the standing of a School house on his land one year prior to Apr. 1. 1833 280 CONTINGENT 1833 2 00 No 32 An order to pay Capt Daniel Chandler for one Padlock for the +f. School house 50/100 0.50 do ?'pairis of Glass & setting same .56 1.06 1 06 Te-33--R-etde-was-gpaated-te-pay-N elan -T144 -ter 4he-8taiadi-Rg-ef-a- seh.ee1-Neuse-ea-h A-lam-eRe yea=pleP-t©-A.pr:=11-1833 No 33. Apr 24 An order was granted to pay the overseers of the poor for 6 days labour on Bedford road 6 00. No 34 An order to pay Mr Joel Viles for the following items viz.- For his services as committee to contract for the making of Woburn road from the Wo:afindale house to near Woburn line, in 1833 2.25- " Cash paid at the letting out of said road 1.00 " Four journeys to Cambridge & Boston & one 'to Concord to consult and advise about the - Bridge 4i days 9;00 For 2 day at the viewing.and and 1 day at the Commissioners Court at at Concord to oppose the laying out of a road petitioned for by Leonard Hoar and other 2.00 " Cash paid for repairing double bass viol 6.00 For Carrying & fetching same ...075 No 35 1833 Apr. 24. 1834 An order was .granted to pay Mr. Tames Hastings for 212z lbs. of Powder 21 00 21 00 281 D. Cts 5.31 5 31 No 36 An order 'to pay Mr. 'Joel Viles for the following items (viz) " Cash paid SamTl. Hoar & others for twenty days work in the Concord road 20.54 " for his man oxen 12 days 13.00 " his services and repairing tools 3.00 " Cash paid John Nelson for one cord of wood delivered at the meetinghouse 6.00 42.54 42 54 Lexington Apr. 24..1834 The Selectmen this day reckoned and settled with - Nathaniel Mulliken Esq. town treasurer and collector. and find that he has received into the treasury 6674 27' Ballance in the treasury at the settlement of 1833 17.08 6691.35 Also that he has paid out as follows (viz) Paid Town's notes Expences of Schools Repairs of ?bads Contingent;xpences Overseers or the poor A11 the town Officers (exept the T. & Collect.) Repairs of Publick Houses Abatements of taxes 61.19 Discount 340.61 County tax 257.62 per Centage for Col. 83.64 Soldiers 282 Ballance TOWN GRANTS 1 8 3 4 1791,.60 99870 824.89 520.34 650.00 .154.20 • 838.33 401.80 341.26 97.50 6618.62 72.73 '43---73 The following several sums were granted to defray the expences of the current year (viz) . For ringing the bell & taking care of Meetinghouse Money voted'for singing school Nov. 1835' County Tax Repairing South school house To pay Benj. Muzzey for exchange of school house lots To pay Sexton . Constable's services 8 dolls. Clerk's do 12 Discount on taxes Assessor's services Treasurer and Collectors do Contingent expenses Borrowed money and interest To build a pound To pay engine men Overseers( state,emt To fence rail the monument and &c To support schools To repair highways Total town grants GENERAL GRANT Tune 10. 1834 A..n order was granted . To pay Mr. ArQs Kendal for work and Materials painting the Centre School House As per bill furnished in on file 37,31 An order to pay Mr. Tames Brown for eleven S: a half days services as Assessor 17.25 D. Cts 60 00 50 00 260 00 200 00 20 00 25 00 20 00 _340 00 35 00 65 00 400 00 2057 00 50 00 30 00 600 00 150. 00 '1000 00 1100 00 6462 00 283 37 81 17 25 POITND Sept. 1834 An order was granted to pay Capt. Solomon Harrington for 10 locust posts eight feet long at one shilling per foot 13 33 13 33 Nov. An order to pay Ivr. Joel Viles for Cash paid for Lumber gc teaming the same 8.42 " Cash paid Isaac Miulliken for 12 & z days work including 'board 18.35 " to timber for gate, stiles, nails,hinges &c 3.57 " Cash paid, Hiram Sawtell for eight days work on Stone including powder tools & C 14.00 Ox help day 50 n,mery gaffield: Seven day 7/0 pods 8.17 John Winning for posts 4.83 Overseers of poor for services 1.25 for cutting posts .75 For his services as superintendant for building the pound 2.00 61.84 61 84 284 1 8 3 4 1 ENC TNG MOMENT Nov. 104 1834 The Selectmen granted an order to pay, Col. S. Chandler as follows For. 21 days work at monument at 7/6 pr. dy 2.50 Cash p'd Jona. Fairbanks for work. 1.25 " paid Jona. Munroe for work .63 „ " Samuel Fiske " , n - .63 Joseph Fiske for terming Stone 1.25 " "' Gardner Fletcher his bill for stone work & interest on same 42.56 tt n Cyrus Reed 1.25 Contingences .38 50.45 50 45 June 1. An order was granted to pay Capt. Solomon Harrington for 0/ash paid iugustus Peabody for services for the town of Lexington 20.00 ge---GG- As per:bill on file Dec 1st An order was granted to pay Mr. Oliver W. Kendal for repairing the South school house as by agreement with the selectmen 230. Extra work on boxes 13.50 To setting nine pa/nes of glass 75 244.25 244 25 Dec. Wev.l5 An Order was granted to pay the Singing school - Com. ( Messrss-u Morrell & M. P. Robbins) Tiiy Dollars to defray the expences of Singing in the town the past year - Said sum to.- be paid by the •Com - as. follows, To Josiah Smith To W. H. Smith To Napolean. tTiiderwood To Miss Mary Johnson For the use of Hall &.. C. Dec 8th 1834 n order was granted to par Tuttle for. building a good house for the Neuse Putting up a Seat do„ -plank round the hearth 520.00 38 10.00 6.00. " 5.00 9.00 50.00 50 00 Mr. David South School 19.37 .50 .13 20.00 20 00 285 Dolls Cts Feb. 16. 1835 An order was granted to Mr. Charles Reed for services: as an Assessor. for 1834_ -. > 15.00 15 00 Feb. 16 An order was granted to pay Capt. Isaac Mulliken for Stationary & for Services as. Assessor 33.00 33 00 Feb. 28. 1835, An Order to pay Er. Nehemiah Wellington. for making new County road between Lincoln & Bryants in - Lexington 0 400,00 400 00 April 1835 An order Was granted to pay Mr. Aaron P. Richardson as follows.. Sharpening two points of pick .08 For _-fourteen. hundred tt 13 lbs of fence 98.91 " Cash paid B. Locke for weighing •- .25 Tt One hundred & 352 lbs of Earns 9.48 " Eight lbs of Lead &. putting on .56 it putting on four ,new Earns ,to fence 5.00 Deduction for Tare 114.28 .78 113.50 113 50 March 22 An ,Order to pay Mr. Joseph Rugg For notifying seven town meetings at 1.50 each 10.50 Notifying Representatives .80 11.30 11 30 286 1 8 3 5 April 10th .gin .order was granted to pad, Mr. • Jonathan T,Iunroe .for attending funeral 17 times with horse & hearse at 6/ 17 00 An order to pay Charles Tidd for his Services as Town Clerk 1 year prior March 1st 1835 12 00 HIGHWAYS May 4th The Selectmen allowed the following :cot. (Viz) 'The town of Lexington to the Surveyors of highways for 1834 Dr to money expended in the South District 260.00 2 Cash paid for labour in the Middle & North Distridts 621.00 Boarding men & oxen 82.00 Cash paid for tools & repairing cart & wheelbarrow 14.86 Blacksraithts bill 16.64 Interest on money borrowed 13.94. 'Cillia�n Chandler's Service as Surveyor fifty-four & a fear days , 68.00 Hammond A. Hosmer do. do 26i days 32.81 Thomas 'Greenlief do do 3 'days 3.75 1113.00 Credit by gain on oxen after deducting the expence of selling 33.00' 1080.00 1080 00 May 4th An order was granted for the following items (Viz) For 13 feet maple Wood 9.75 For ringing the bell from March 20th 1834 to March 500th 1835 50.00 " Ringing the bell from Mar. 20th 1835 to May 4th' do 6,72 Cleaning the Meetinghouse May 22nd 1.50 Repairing Town Clock .50 Cash paid T. C. Gould for repairing Stove Door 40 CONTINGENT =FENCES At a meeting of.the Selectmen Nov 10th 1834 the following orders were granted No 1 An order to pay Mr. Benj. Muzzey for rent of land. on which the hay scales stand from Oct. 1. 1832 to Oct. 11.834 two years at 4 dollars pr. year 8.00 For difference in exchange of School house lots as per deed 20.00 28 00 68.87 68 87 287 Dolls Cts No 2 An order to pay Col. SamuelChandler for School Books furnished David Fisk's Children by order of Com. 1 12 / - • No 3 An order to pay Col. Samuel Chandler for Cash paid for Books for Sabbath School 15.00 15 00 No 4 An order to,pay Mr. John Tidd for the standing of the. N. School, house on his Land one year prior to Apr. 1. 1834 No 5 An order was granted to pay Charles Tidd for writing _six lists of voters & other services rendered the. town prior to Mar 1st 1834 not belonging to his duties as Clerk Three dollars 2 00 3 00 No.6.An order was granted. to pay- Capt. Isaac Mulliken for one dayts work 1.50 For 1 dor Screw pullies, Cord &c. Cloth Staples &. C. 1.73 One half day t s wort 75 3.98 3 98 288 Dolls cts . CONTINGENT No.7 March 2nd An order was granted to pay Mr. Samuel Adams for one 9 Plate Stove, (bought of Rice & • Revered 14.00 Do. 84 lbs. Funnel at 12 cts pr. ib. 10.08 T! Wire &. C. . . '.25 °24.33 24 33 No. 8 Mar - 2) An order was granted to pay Col. Philip Russell as follows (viz) For Tourny to Cambridge & Boston respecting Bridge. 2.00 " Cash paid for recording Deed .56 Tt Services 1 day on Welliniton Road 1.50 Tt; Q day do .. .75 " Cash paid for recording deed .50 Tt Servi..des Superintending repairs on South School house 1.50 " Cash paid for postage on letters .56 7.37 No 9 a Mar 2 An Order to pay Mr. Joel Viles for the following Services (viz) For Services 1 day as Committee on School houses 1.50 " Three days as Committee on Roads 4.50 Tt Journey to Cambridge about the bridge one day 2.00 " Attendance at Commissioners Court at Cambridge to petition for bridle way as County Road 2.50 " Cash paid Clerk of Court 2.10 `T Cash paid for publishing petitionand order thereon. 2.00 37 14.60 14 60 r C r No 10 An Order to. pay. Capt Solomon Harrington as .follows Aug, 84 For Services in examining Cambridge and .defining the length of the same 2.00 Amount brought up May 8 For journey to Cambride on the bridge Case_ Oct. 8th " Journy to Cambridge for 23rd To examining gellington*s road twice.. Nov. 28 To superintending the repairs on the South School House No. 11. An Order was granted Smith for six feet of funnel for four hooks & staples to pay Mr. Jonas L. for the South Schoolhouse '- -1.65 50 2.15 2 15 289 _2.-00 Dolls• cts 2.00.. 2.00 3.00 1.50 12.50 12 50 No. 12. An Order to pay Mr. John Underwood for up & levelling Schoolhouse yard, two hands one Oxen half day to three hands two & half days, Oxen half day filling day, $ 2.50 3.00.. 5.50 5 50 No.. 13. An, order to pay Mr. Otis Hartwell- Howard Fd;' entertainment for the Selectmen to: this date March 2. - 1855 1 75 No 14 An Order to pay Mr. Josiah Conant for . entertainnent.s furnished the Selectmen at sundry times 2.50 " for use of Rooms 3.00 5..50.. 5 .50 No 15 An order to pay Mlr. John Muzzey for repairs on the School house in the west district - Finding & setting .80 8 squares of -window glass Cash paid Amos Towns for taking down stove -cleaning funnel, setting_ up &c. C. 290 1 8 3 5 No 16 April 27th An order was granted_ to pay Russell for cash' paid _linos Stevens for Hay Scales . Cash paid Baldwin Locke for do .60 1.40 1 40 Col. repairing 25 6.25 6 25 • ii cts No.17 An order t.o pay Mr Jacob .Robinson for whitewashing the South Fast, School house 1 75 f Hghw No 18 An order to pay Capt. Solomon Harrington for Cash .paid. Augustus Peabody for Services for the town of Lexington No.19 An order to pay Mr. Joel Vile s ' for Cash paid the District Atty. (A, Huntington) for costs laid by Court against the town of Lexington Eleven Dollars &'8/100 20 00 11 08 No 20 An order to pay the committee appointed by the town o repair the Monument and remove the remains of those who fell on the 19th of April 17?5 - Two hundred an0 eighty one Dollars 43/100 .281. 43 The same being fo cash paid by them. - The several bills for which are on file 291 292 293 Orders issuedon the SCHOOL GRANT 1834 No. 1. An order. to pay Miss Lucy Ann Tufts for teaching schoolain the North District 18 weeks at 2/50 pr. wk 45 00 No. 2. An order to pay Capt. Christopher Reed for _ cord of wood for the north school& cutting the same 2.37 TM Cash paid for building fires - & 0.. =1.50 . N.B. This money was granted last -year 3.87 No. 3. An order to pay Miss Mary Wellington tor teaching the; school in the East Village 13 weeks at Three dollars 50/100 per week 87 45.50 . ' 45 . 50 No. 4. An order to pay Mr. James Locke for sawing x.22 coards of wood for the N. school Repairs on the School house 2.00 .50 2.50 2 50 ITo. 5. An order to pay Col. Philip Russell for boarding Miss Phebe Cutler 17 weeks No. 6. An order to pay Miss Phebe Cutler for in- structing the N. E. School seventeen weeks at 1.75 per wk. 5 50 29.75 29 75 No. 7. An order to pay Miss Julia A. Muzzey for instructing the West school 20 weeks at 2.25 pr week 45.00 45 00 Teo.. 8. In order to pay Miss Abigail Underwood for teaching the south school 19 weeks at three dollars pr. week 294 SCHOOL GRANT. No. 9. An order to pay Mr. Toseph F. Simonds for 11- cords wood at 5 dolls per Cord do. 1 cord at 4 dolls. pr cord 57 00 7.50 4.00 11 50 No.10. An order to pay. IIr. Ephraim A. Hall for services as Teacher in the West school three months & 2 days at hventy eight dollars pr. month Cash paid for making fires 85.50 3.00 88.50 88 50 No. 11. An Order to pay Mr. Nathaniel Cutler Dec lst. 1834, for two cords of wood for the South School$ 13.00 ' Feb. 28th 1835 for two cores & half wooa. 15.50 28.50 For making fire '2.00 30.50 No. 12. An Order to pay Mr. Nathaniel Cutler for Cash paid to Mr. Samuel B. Glines for teaching the South School thirteen weeks, at seven dollars fifty cents per week $97.50 No 13 An order to pay Samuel Fiske Esq for Teaching the north School Sixty eight days at one Dollar pr day Sixty eight :No 14 An order to pay Mr Wm Clapp for two Brooms for the South E school 55/100 No 15 An order to pay Charles Tidd for teaching the South,E. School 132 weeks at 7.50 pr week 101.25 To Writing School 26 lessons 31.70 132.95 No. 10 An oder to pay Hr. Nathaniel Cutler for Two cords of Wood for the South East School at 5 50/100 pr cord No. 11 An order to pay Mr. Nathaniel Cutler jr for teaching the East School eleven weeks and four days at twenty seven dollars per month - 30 50 97 50 68 00 55 132 95 295 11 00 78 00 No 18 An order to pay•Tohn Muzzey Esq. for 12 Cords of hard Wood found for the school in the _ West district cut bp -short for the stove - split & carried in at 7$ pr. c'd. 10.50 Also to 2 feet of dry pine found last May & cut for kindling 1.00 11.50 11 50 No 19 An order to pay Col. Philip Russell for 12 ft aple Wood ° 3, 9.00 " sawing & splitting said wood 1.12 ° " Cash' paid for making fires 1.50 11.62 11 62 No 20 An order to. py Nathaniel. Mailzken Esq.tewn- gPe for the following items viz Cash paid Hellen A. Hastings for instructing Centre School° 18 weeks at 20/ S per week. 60,00 Cash. paid LTL. Tames Blodgett 32 months at 30 pr 105.00 Fuel, building fires & new brooms 15.62 Expence of Miss Hastings • conveyance to Lex.& Brighton - ,.00 Map of U. S. & blank Book of records 5.38 190.00 .190 00 296 A1r. 21. 1835 :No. 21 An order was granted to pay Samuel Fiske 6cts Esq for teaching school in the -North -District nine days Also for cash paid for making fires TOWN GRANS 1835 9.00 1.50 • 10.50 10 50 Support of Schools 1000 Repair Highways 1000 2000.00 Ringint Bell and taking care of Meetinghouse 50.00. Sexton's Services • 30.00 Constable's 8. Clerk's 12 20.00 Discount on Taxes 350.00 Assessors Servics 50.00 Treasurer & Collector's Ser- 60.00 Contingent Expences 400.00 Enjine Men $0.00 0vrseePs of poor Statement 500.00 Mony. voted Dec last for Sacred Musick 50.00 Rtipaire on School Houses 500.00 To pay borrowed Mony & interest 554.50 Abatement on Taxes 50.00 Ballance due the Treasurer 88.31 4732.81 4732 .81 CONTINGENT No 1 Oct. 19,` 1835 An order was granted to pay Er dillam Gleason for 7i lbs of powder for rifle Company at 30 cts pr lb Making -cartridges & to paper 2.18 1.29 3.47 3 47 No. An order to pay I..Zr. Peter Wellington for finding Stone & laying dry bridge on Welli a"gton road 20 00 297 CONTINGENT 1835 No 2 Nov 2nd An order was granted to pay Mr. David Tuttle' as follows Cash paid Benis & Turner for printing Expences of the Town 10.00 For two -journeys to Concord & one day examining & cornphring Books • 5.00 15.00 15 00 • No 3 An order to pay Capt. Isaac Mulliken as follows - For work and stock repairing Common fence 1.50 1.50 • For 2 days work on U. S. house 3.00 For 118 ft Boards & Joist & 3 -lb. nails for the west S. house 1.75 "r repairing Hearse House .75 7.00 7'" 00 No 4 An order'to pay Mr Isaac Muzzey the amount of his Highway tax (agreeably to a vote of the town 5 62 No 5 An order to pay Mr. William H. Smith for Cash paid for Sett of Double Base Viol Strings and Bow Eight Dollars & 50/100 8 50 No 6 An order to pay Nathaniel 1JLulliken Esq. for Cash, paid peace officers for their services at the meeting house on the 20th of April 5.25 Do for Cash paid Capt Isaac Milliken for labour 4.37 9.62 9 62 No 7 An order to pay Mr Joseph Rugg For collecting items and expense of printing same for the town of Lexington 5.00. 5 00 298 CONTINGENT Dolls cts No 8. An order to pay Col. Samuel Chandler for cash paid for Bodks Tor Sunday School 15 00 No 9 An order to pay the Overseers of the Poor for sweeping the Meetinghouse one year ending Apr. 1835 No 10 An order to pay Yr Otis Hayward for entertainment for the. Selectmen for one year prior to Mar 7.1836 3.50 Use of room & lights . . 3.00- 6.50 6 50 10 00 No. 11 An order to pas -Col. Philip Russell for services as follows 1 day viewing -rout for road upon petition of An. Locke & others & Otis_Locke & others, July 13, 1835 2.00 Aug 23 One_ day viewing route on petition of Do. 2.00 . Sept. 1st To my services viewing rout_ for road day upon thepetition of Otis Locke & others 1_.00 For notifying the Selectmen of Burlington, Bedford, West Cambridge , Waltham & Lincoln to perambulate town lines 2.00.. Do for -services 2 days perambulating sd lins- 4.00 ". 12 Guide Posts red Cedar at 5/s each 10.00 delivering & setting sd posts ° ' 3.50 " 11 Cedar'posts for railing•at 2/s each 3.66 No. 12 An order to pay the Selectmen for cash paid Cambridge for repairs an bridge principle & interest Cost of suit. Continued For Augustus Peabodyts Services as Counsell as per. bill For Cash paid for repairs on bridge Feb. 26, 1836 No 13 An order to pay Mr .John Mulliken Jr painting & erecting 33 guide boards Cash paid for Trails for the same Do. r" " one Sett of Base Viol up to 133.60 40.00 62.00 30.36 28. .16 299 Dolls cts 265.96 265 96 for making, 35.00 35 1.50 Strings 1.12 37 62 No 14 An order to pay Mr. Nehemiah Wellington for cash paid for one pair of Andirons for ff. S.. house .20 Bellows do. .38 Tongs .62 setting 7•p. glass. _.63 `1 .83 No 15 An order to pay Capt. Solomon Harrington for the following services Viewing & locating road of Thomas Reed 2. days To viewing William Locke's road July 13th. To viewing road petitioned for by 0. Locke & others Aug. 23aviewing road petitioned for by do Do 29 perambulating town lines Oct l.perambulating Burlington line Apr 18th for Cash paid S. Smith for Oiling harness Total 12.25 2 00 75 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 75 75 12 25 No 16 An order to pay Charles Tidd for writing eight lists of voters warning one town meeting and other services not belonging to his duties as clerk during two years %`ending March 1st 1836 7.00 7 .00 Remaining Con. Accts recorded six pages from this 300 SCHOOL EY'ENCES 1 8 3 5& 6 No 1 At a meeting of the Selectmen Oct. 26th An order was Dolls cts granted to pay Miss Almira Shed for instructing the N. E. School 14ti weeks at 2 dlls pr, week 29.00 29 00 No 2 An Order las granted Nov 2 to pay Col. Philip Russell for Boarding Miss Almira Shed 14Q weeks ,at n:;1.50 pr w 21 75 Nc.3 An order was granted Nov. 2. to pay Miss Julia A. Muzzey for teaching the Centre School 18 weeks at twenty shill- ings pr-. week 60.00 60 00 No 4 An order to pay Miss Mary Ann Simonds for the School in the N. District 18 weeks at & Fifty cents pr. wk No 5 An order to pay Mr. .oseph F. Simonds for wood for the N. School For outing plitting the same N.D. X7.50 of the above order belongs the school grant of the last year instructing Two Dollars 45.00 45 00 1 cords of 7.00 1.25 to 8.25 8 25 No.6 An order to pay Miss Avice M. Wellington for keeping _. the West School 18 weeks at 2.50 per week 45.00 45 00 301 No 7 An order to pay Mr. Peter Wellington for Cash paid Miss Hannah M. Wellington for instructing the South School 17 weeks at three Dollars & 25/100 pr week 55.25 55 25 No 8 An order to pay Miss Clara D. Whittemore for teaching Southeast District School 13 weeks at three Dollars 50/100 pr W. 45 50 No 9 Town An order. to pay' Mr. Saml B. Lucke for teaching gest School three months at 28 Dolls pr.mo- 84 00 No 10 .An order to pay Mr Nehemiah Wellington for cash paid for the following iters viz a Cash paid BJr. -Tiles for Wood 4.50 Tt rr for making fires - 2.50 , TT n for Pail, Washbowl Broom &c 1.00 For 9* ft. of Wood 8.00 15.00 16 00 No 11 An order to pay lvr. C. Harbin for teaching the South District School 3 3/8 months at 29 dolls pr mo. No 12 An order to pay Mr Abner Shed for instructing the East School 11 weeks & 2 days at 7.50 per wk No 13 An order to pay Col. Philip Russell for 12 ft Maple Wood at 64 cord 302 RXPENCES OF SCHOOLS Mar 15 An order was granted to pay Capt. Billings Smith for Cash paid as follows Cash paid Mr. N. Cutler for Wood 6.25 Cash paid Isaac Lawrence for sawing Wood 3.00 tt Window Curtanns 1.04 11 T. Harrington for setting glass- .55 TT S. Robbing for good 2.75 TT S. fobbing for good 2.00 Davis for Sawing Wood - 25 15.$4 15 84 97 87 85 25 9 00 No 16 An order to pay Nathaniel Milliken Esq. for cash paid as follows - • To Tames Blodget for teaching Centre sc• hool 3 mo. in winter of 1835 & 6 at 30 dollars pr mo. 90 00 Fuel for said term including cutting a: building fires 13 00 To Lydia Milliken for teaching infant school 27 00 No 130 00 17 An order to pay Charles Tidd for teaching school in S. E. District 3i! months 96.09 Twenty four writing Schools 30.00 Cash paid for making fires & c 2.62 128.66 128 66 No 18 An order to pay Samuel Fiske Esq 99 Dollars & 25/100 for teaching the North School the Vinter Term .• - . of 1836 98 days at 1 dollar per day - 98.00 To cash paid for making fires , - 1.25 . 99.25 99 25 SPECIAL GRANTS 1 8 3 ¢ 5 / �` Nov. 2 An order was to pay Messrs Josiah Smith and Sidney Lawrence a Committee chosen by the town to expend a sum of Mony to encourage sacred Musick in the meeting house as follows -viz To Josiah Smith 12.50 Abner Merriam 12:50 tf Napoleon Underwood 10.00 Phineas Lawrence 5.00 Mary Johnson 5, 00 Nov. 9jh in order was granted to pay Mr...0?Iver. Winship, one of the surveyors of highways for his services and for bills paid by him as pr bill on filZe 179.12 Nov: 2 An order. was granted to pay Mr. Peter Well- ington one of the Surveyors of HighwaysF.or Services rendered & for bills paid by him as per bill on file 236.09. Nov An order was granted to pay IaTr. Jonas Munro , one o.f_the surveyors of Highway for his services as Surveyor and for the several Bills paid by hi-i•as....- per bill on file 636.74 304 ASSESSORS SERVICES No 1 An order to pay Mr. William Clapp for his Services as Assessor for the year 1835 No 2 In order to pay Capt Isaac Mullike.n for his Services as assessor & Stationary 33.00 No. 3 :An order to pay Mr. Charles Reed for Services as an Assessor for taking Invoice & making taxes &. C z;or 1,835 s 12.75 SINGING SCHOO GRANTS 303 45 00 179 12 236 09 636 '74 13 50 33 00 12 75 No 1 Feb. 1836 An order. was granted to pay Mrs -Oliver Locke WEB. Chandler & Benj. ,Reed (Singing School Committee) For. Cash expended as follows To Mr. Ropes for use of Hall ' 5,00 ti tt Seth Reed for lights EL 0 12.00 it it John Viles for Wood 3.00 IT TT Henry Smith in part for his services 30.00 50.00 50 00 /7 No 2 An -order to pay Marcus Colbourn for teaching Singing School in East Village twenty lessons 50.00 The same being the sum granted by.the town for said purpose 50 00 No. 3 An order to Messrs Timothy P. Ropes & Eli F. Phelps; for the support of singing school in the Baptist Society 50 00 305 Constable's Services, An order was granted to pay SPmuel Fiske Esq. for notifying ten town meetings at 1.75 each 17.50 For notifying town officers to take the oath of office 200 Dollars 2.00' 19.50 19 50 SEXTON'S &RM JT SERVICES An order to pay Jonathan Munroe. for attending. funerals twenty two .22 00 BELL & MEETINGHOUSE An order to Jonas M. Muzzey for ringing the Bell axial taking care of the Meeting house one year-,. from May 4th 1835 to May 4th 1836 Sixty Dollars 60 00 An order to py We$as-Mr-MMssey the Overseers of Poor - for -aisd Sweeping the.Meeting house one year Prior to May 4, 1836 - 10 00 An order to pay Charles Tidd for his services as clerk 1 year prior. to March lst 1836 12 00 CONTINGENT GE1 T An order granted to pay Hoel Viles for attendance with commissioners on bridle way June 16, 1835 1.00 for materials for railing the road on Charles Brown's Meadow 21 rods 4.33 Twenty six posts 'To 4.33 Teaming'ard erecting the same 4.50 Cash paid for spikes ,70 13.86 Carried over 306 Amount brought over Thirteen Dollars 85/100 13. 86 For 'cutting the railing near T. =Car-eyts house 3. 00 Materials for the same 3. 50 Attendance with C. Commissioners June 17. 1. 00 July 13 One day on proposed routs for roads leading from Lexing- ton to ,Burlington 2. 00 Aug 22 One day.,, on the above routs 2. 00 Cash p4id David Buttrick of Concord for 55 rails and 18 posts 6. 02 Teeming and setting the same on the new burying ground 4. 00 Sept lst* day on roads 1. 00 Sept 30th One day perambulating town lines 2. 00 Oct 1st One day Do Do Do 2. 00 Time spent respecting guide posts 1. 50 Cash paid J. Stay for one day book One blank book for selectmen .42 Cash paid 'im Smith for oiling Engine hose .75 51. 55 frLrw No. 17 °An order to pay. Mr: Oliver Winship . (_ as follows for his services in breaking"out"roads . 1.50 Cash paid N Fesse.nden for, do 1:50 do do T: Dixon "do do 1.00 do do P. Pierce do do 1;09 do do B. Brown - -do do_ . -75 5 5 75 No 18 An order to pay-ir •Jonas Munro as follows - • Cash paid. S.._ Fisk for labour on highways 1.00 To Isaac Hufmaster . for do 1.00 Thomas GOta4 - Da do ' . 1.25 Baldwin Locke for mending town 'cart -- 1..83 For•labour on the road filling up cradle. holes • . 3050 -Cash paid C. Robinson interest on note for, oxen ' 2.50 11, 08 CONTINGENT CONTINUED 307 No 19 An- order to, pay William Chandler for ceah paid Esq Hoar for his opinion on the fund ' question 5. 00 No 20 An order 'to pay Mr Peter Wellington. as follows - For repar-ein_g the road, in Smith*s Distriot Twenty Dollars ._ .• -20 Do for 102 Funnel 12.84 Do repairs on Schoolhouse 4.14 36.98 36. 98 Na 21 An order to pay - the-estate-ef A. W.- Meriam for books furnished at the direction of the School Committee as per bill $ 4 22 No 22 an order to pay Mr. Sohn Tidd for a School - House standing on his land one year prior 'to April 1st 1836 IP 2. 00 ilo 23 An order to pay N. Mulliken Esq - as follows for Repairing Meetinghouse block 0 1. 00 Cash paid Tams Hastings for Bell Comtee 1. 59 Attending Commissioners when viewing on petition of Leonard Hoar 1. 25 1 dy at Concord on said petion 2. 00 Do 1 -dad= when locating said road le 25 1* day when viewing in petition of Joseph Barrett 2. 00 1.day at Concord to oppose. said.petition 4 2. 00 New Stove. for Centre Schoolhouse 8. 00 do -funnel for same .67 paid for repairs to. Isaac Mulliken & Thomas Greenlief1. 75 Do Aaron P. Richardson .17 -Paid Amos Kendal for painting•Moinment Railing 1. 8g 23. 07 NTo 24 'An order to pay Col. Philip, Rusel2 as .follows 'viz Cash paid H. N.Hooper- &- Co.: -for repairing 'Bell including journey t,o Lexington 308 Lexington as per bill _ 23. 33 'Do Cash paid T. C.. Gould for. repairing Bell 7. 50 Do.. paid Peabody for •service`s before the '•Com - of the Legislature respecting an applica- tion for a draw in the old Cambridge Bridge as per Bill 20. 00 Do. .Cash.pa.id for.* of. 10 stone monuments and• delivering the same between West -Cambridge-&• Lexington • 7. 50 F = 1 day=s labour in erecting said Mon. 1. 50 Cash paid O.. Winship for part of 1 day. . .75 Cash paid J,. Lebaron for repairing. Seler ! s Chest .63 Cash paid Baldwin Locke for painting.Houe .75 5-5. 96