HomeMy WebLinkAbout1862-1881 Town Records Book 10 (typed transcription) (TC-06) 1862 1 tiVarrant for a Town P.4eet�ing To, Oliver GU Kendall Constable of iexington- Greeting:- You are hereby required in the name of the Com- momrJealth o£ P�'iassachusetts, to°.notify and warn tYie inhabitants of the Tovvn ofLexirigton who are qualified by lavJ to vote for State OfPicers, to �ssernble at the Town Hous� on ivronday the Third , day of LZarch next , at one a 'clock, P.S�. to act on the following articles, �7iz:- , . Art, l. To ehoose a Moderator- Art. 2. To choose Town Officers for the ensuing year, includir� one School Committee for the term of three years - Art. 3. To adopt measures for repairs of Highwa,vs the ensuing year, and grant money for the same. F�rt.- �. To see. �vhat sum o£ money the Totivn will appropriate. for support of its Publie Schools- including their several �rades-the ensuing year, or act in any manner relating thereto- Art. 5. To adop.t measures for collecting Taxes th,e ensuing year - Art. 6, To adopt measures for supporting the Foor the ensuing year - � Art. 7. To- kno� if the Town authorzze and am- power the Collector of Taxes to use any and all means oi collecting the tar.es committed to him to collect, which may be lavvfully used by Ghe � Town Treasurer tivhen acting as Collec'tor- Continued 2 1862 Continued Iirt. 8, To see if the Town vJill authorize the Treasurer, under the direction of the Select- man, to borrow such sum or sums of money as may be neeossary to defray town er,penses the ensu- ing year, in anticipation of the Taxes for 1862- Art. 9. To see if the To�un lvill dhoose an Aud- iting Committee , ar act in any man ner relating thereto - Art. 10. To see if the Town �rill � propriate money to provide a Piano for the. us.e of the High Schools, or act in relation tnereto - Art . 11. To see if the Town will cause the grave stones which have been removed in the old Burial C=round„ to be restored as near as possible to their original position or act in relation thereto - Art� -12. To see iP the Town �Rill adopt any measures in relation to a preparation and pub- lication of a History of Lexington - Art. 13. To see if the Town will authorize the Prudential Comnittee to employ Teachers for tne several schools, or increase the number of School Committee -, drt. 14. To see if the Town wi11 ch.00se a �ommittee to collect the names of all those persons who have entered the service of the United States, and report the list to the TovJn - = Art. 15. To hear reports of Committees, and act thereon - Continued 1862 3 � Continued Hereof iail not and make return oz this warrant and your doir�s thereon, to the Tovu Clerk, on or before the ti�ne prefixed- Given under our hands at Lexington this 13th day of Fe.bruary A.D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-tyvo - Charles Hudson �iVeoster SY,iith Selectmen of PJ. Henry Smith 2d I,exington , The Selectrnen vvill be �in session at ' the Town Hall on Saturday the First day oP Plarch next from 7 Lo 8 o'clock P.M. and ont.Y�e fla� of �lection from 12 o' clock, N. to 1 oTclock P.P,7. �o correct and revise the voting list ,and no na.me will be inserted on the list after the Poll is opened - Lex3 ngton FeUy, 25, 1862 - Pursuant to the within �varrant, I have notified the inha..bitants of the Town of Lexington, here- in described, to meet at the time and place, and for the purposes within mentioned - Oliver '�I Kendall Constabge of Lexington 1i true copy of the original v Attest Albert 6'f Bryant Town Clerk- 4 1862 To�vn Nieeting The inhabitants of Lexington qualiPied to vote for State OfFicers, assembled at the Town House on the 5d day of D�arch 1862, in accordance with the foregoing vaarrant and the fo,llowing votes were passed upon the seYeral articles, STiz : �rt. l. It7r �i�Iebster Smith elected �Soderator- Art. 2. Thefollowing Town Officers elected Those �` �lbert GJ Bryant Town Clerk - persons . . having � Charles Hudson ) this �' :�Jebster S7nith ) Selectmen mark '� '+f• Henry SYnith 2d ) against - their "� �• ��. Crowninshield ) names * Nathan Pessenden Sr ) Assessor,� _ have been William Chandler ) qualified by the * Eli Simonds ) Overseers of the Poor & oath of "� Albert Fitch ) gurueyors of .Hi�l�ti�ays office - * Isaac N Damon ) * Oliver 4�f. Kendall Constable - �` George �i7. Locke ) * Abram B Smith ) . * Gorham 7ewett ) Field Drivers Charles riske ) Charles H Bennett ) * Gershom ,Sw&n , ) � , . Continued 1862 5 . Eontinued � �` Jr Haskell Reed J, " Colburn Hadloek ) F`ence Viev�ers * Dlehemh P:.. Harrington ) , . Voted "That the Selectmen appoint the remaining TovJn Officers re�uired by law" _ Jonas G,ammell School Gommittee - Art. 3. Voted"Tha1t Twelve Hundred Dollars be raised £or tY� repairs of Highways and expended under tne direftion oi the Surveyors" - � 1irt . 4. Voted "That Thirty-five Hundred Dollars be appropriated for the support of Schools"- r�rt. 5. voted "Tha� the Taxes be let out to collect to the lowest bidder and the discount of 10 per ct be allowed on all taxes paid on or before the 20th day of November next" The collecting oi taxes �vere let to Charles DTunn for one Hundred and Twenty Dollars - .�rt. 6. Zfoted "That Twelve Hundred Dollars be granted for the support of the Poor'° - Voted "Tnat the Overseers of the Poor and Sur- veyors of Highways be directed to submit , in writing a report of their doings semi-annually to .the Selectmen" - Tloted "That the present board of Qverseers oz the Poor and Surveyors of Aighways, be requested to submit a detailed report of their doings, at at the next Town meeting"- Continued 6 1862 Continued Art. 7. Voted '�That the Collector be authorized and empowered'� - Art, 8. �roted '�That the article be adopted'�- �rt. 9. Tloted "That the .Selectmen bs req.ues�ed to compile the eccounts of the past yeax• and - cause them to be printed" - �1rt. 10. Vo�ed "That the &sticle be inde£inately ' postponed"- Art. 11. Voted "That the :lrticle be inde£inately postponed"- . _ l�.rt_ 12. Voted "That a Committee of three be chosen, to conPer with T�4r Izudson and report at the next Totivn 1Te e t i ng"- P�Iessrs L. J. Lisermore , A. id. Bryand and.:J,C.Blasel_1 uJere electeci Arti 13. Voted "That the subject be indefinately postponed" - Art� 14. Vote@ "That a Conunittee of five be raised and IvIessrs Charles Hudson, Bowen IIarrington, Cren. Chandler, 'N. D.Phelps and Charles Brown were elected"- <1rt. 15. The Selectmen submitted a report of the condition of the Treasury during the last year, urhich was accepted and placed on file - The meeting was tlien a�ssoi4ea - i�. true record slbert .ud. Bryant Town Clork 1862 . � 7 Continued Lexington �4pri1 14, 1862- Agreeably to authority given them by the Ta�wn, the Selectmen ha-re made the follov�ring 3ppointments for the year ensuing - � � ) Sexton "Oliver ��f Kendall ) Superintendant of the Town Aall ) Surveyor of Lumber ) Pound Keeper �lonzo Goddard Sealer of vdeights and P,2easures Peter Wellington ) � udillian H. �mith 2d ) Gueighers of Hay Soseph F. Simonds ) , Jorace B Davis ) 112easurers of u'Jood and Bark �,Villiam, H �Yuith 2d ) Charles H Bennett ) Superintendents and Pdeighers Leonard K Saville ) at the To�vn Seales Cha,rles Hudson for the Selectmen A true Copy Attost �l tiJ Bryant Town Clerk, 1862 8 lVarrant for � Town S.Ieeting To Oliyer ��I Kendall Constable of Lexington Greeiing:- You are hereby required in the name of the ' Coramonwealth of Tdassachusetts, to notify and warn the inhabitants oi the Toti�a� o£ Lexington who are qualified by law to vote for State Officers to assemble a� the TovJn House on P.�Ion- day the 14th day of April next at 1 o'clock P.P�T. to act on the following �r.tic]�es , Viz : r1rt. 1. To choose a T�4oderator - Art . ?. To fill vacareies ?n To�rn Offices - r^st. 3. To see i£ the Tovvn vJill° expend the rnoney raisecl for the sup�ort oi Schools in tne saree man- ner it was last .vear; also, if t�he 'Po�vn �Jill dis- pense tivith hiring an tissistant in any of the S�hools the ensuing year, or act� ot°nervvise on the �'�rticle - Art. 4, i"o see i£ tlie Tov�n voill reconsider their aetion in rel3tion tio aiding the scholars of tre High �chool in purchasin� a Piano - Flrt . 5. To s2e if it is the pleasure of the Town to hold their annual Meeting, for the choice o£ Town Of�icers, on the last L1'onday oi March, or the first i�2ond.ay oi �ipril„ or act in any manner in relation thereto - �rt 6. To see if the Touvn will accept a List of Jurors, prepared Uy the Selectr,ien - Continued 1862 Continued l�rt. 7. To �razit money to defray To�,un E�penses the ensuing year - Lix�t. 8. To hear reports oP Committees, and act tY�reon; also, hear the report oi the Selectmen in relation to the exper_ses and expenditures of the Town the past year - t�rt 9. To hear a statement from the Overseers of the Poor, and �ct thereon - �lrt. 10. To see if the Town will allow the Lex- in�ton FarmerS' Club to take charge of certain of its publications, till otherwise ordered - Hereoi fail not and make return of 'this warrant, and your dozngs thereon to the Totrm Clerk, on or before the time prefixed - Given under our hands at Isxingto n this 31st day of March � . D, 1862 - Charles Hudson ) ' Selectmen � uVebster S�nith ) of uV. Henry Smith 2d ) Lexington The Selectmen vvill be in session at the Town Hall on the last Nlonday in each Month from 7 tQ � . " 9` o'c lock P.P�. _ , Lexington lipril 7, 1862 - Pursuant to the within vaarrant , Y Y�3ve notified the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, Lerein described, to meet at the tiras and place , and for the purgoses within mentioned - Oliver Vf Kendall Constable of Lexington d true Copy. Attest Albert 6V �ryant Tovrn Clerk - 1862 10 Town D:Zeeting The inhabitants of Lexington, quaTified to vote for State Officers , asserabled at the Town House , on the 14th, day of April 1862, in accordance with the foregoing warrant:r and the follouring votes were pass�d upon the articles therein spec- ified - Art. 1. I�r Jonas Gammell electe,d for I�Toderator - Art. 2. Voted "Ta pass over the Article" - — — � �lrt. 3. The Article by request was divided, and on the iirst part, Voted "That �he money aupropri- ated for the support of th� Schools, be distrib- uted b�T the Committee, ,among tiieo re,spectiv2 schools, substantially on the basis of the last year - Voted "That the remainder of the article be refered to the School Committee - , Art. 4. Voted "That the sum of seventy five dollars ,be appropriated for the pizrchase of a Piano, and the same drawn frbm the contingent gran�" - Art. 5, Voted "That the meeting for the choice of Town Officers, be held on the first Monday of April"- lirt. 6. The Selectmen submitted a list of Jurors �rhich was accepted - Continued 1862 Continued 11 Art. 7. The Selectmen suUmitted the ama�nt nec- essary to be raised, for defraying the exoenses of the Town the current year, and Vcvted "That the repo�rt be accepted and the amount granted" Poted "That the School Committee be authorized to draw the amount received from the income of the Sbate School Fund of last y'ear,° for the pur- chase of Fuel for the Schools"- Art. 8 The Committee choseniv?arch 3, 1862, in relation to the publicatios of a History oP Lex- ington, recommended, "That a Com.mittee of three be authorized. on behalf of the Town to negotiate v�ith Mr. Hudson, Por the completion of his work, and for the right to pubiish it, when the town - shall see iit, and to eontraet with him to pay him •yy100, when the work is ready for the press, and to deliver to hirn Yor his use, 100 copies when published" - ° Voted "That the recommendation be adopted and LTessrs L. S Livermore, A 4V Bryant & J.C . Blas- dell constitute the Conuuittee" - Ar't. 9. The Overseers oP the Poor made a state- ment , & Voted "That �2D0, be granted in addition to tne sum granted Por the support o£ �he Poor"- Art. 10. Voted "That the Lexington Farmers Club be allowed to take charge of certain publications _ belonging to the to��n, till" otherwise ordered"- The Meeting was declared dissolved - Attest A. '�'J. Bryant Town Clerk - 12 1862 �Iarrant fa;r a Town i�Teeting � . To Olive� '�V Kendall Constable of Lexington Greeting: You are hereby required in the name of the Com- monwealth of i�.4assachusetts, to riotify and w�rn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington �vho are qualified by law to vote £or State Officers to assemble at the Tow�n House on Saturday the 19 instant at 4 o'clock, P. M. to act on the folbow- ing iirticles; Viz : P.rt. 1. To choose a I��Ioderator - Art. 2. To see what measures the Tovvn tirill adopt in r. elation to furnishing the To�rn's quota oP Soldiers under the ca11 of the President oi the United States, and appropriate such a sum of money as may bs deemed necessary for that purpose , or act in as�y other manner in relation to tne sub- ject - Hereof fail not and make return oP this warrant and your doings thereoh to the ToNn Clerk on or before the time prefixed - Uiveh under our hands at Lexington this �Oth day of July A.D. 1862 - Charles Hudson ) Selectmen cVebs'ter �nith ) of u"dm, Henry Smith ) Lexington Lexington JulsT 12, Z862 - Pursuamt to the within at I have notified the inh�.bitants of the Town of Le�ington, herein descrihed, to meet at the time an d place, and for the purposes within men- tioned - Oliver 'ud Kendall Constable of Lexington A true copy - Attest glbert uP Bryant Town Clerk- 1862 Town Meeting l� The inhabitants of Zexington qualified by laiu to vote for State Ofiicers assembled at the Town House on the 19th day of July 1862 , in accordance W1LY1 the foregoing warrant , and passed �che follow- ing votes, Viz- Art . l. N;r James Gould chosan P.�To3erator - t�rt . 2. �,Vhereas the pres,ent alarming state of the country requires that large reinforcements should be sent forward yvithout delay to sustain our gallant soldiers novr in the field, and to _ put dovJn the existing, unrighteous rebellion; and the devoted Presidenti oi the United States in the discharge of his official` duty, Yias made an appeal to the patriotism of the people , and the Governor of the Commonwealih`, p"rompt to every suclz appeal, has designated the quota o£ men required of every totivn; And whereas the Town of Lexington was the first to seal her devotion to freedom and equal riglits in 1775, and the hlood of Pier slaughtered cit- izens cries to us from the ground tb sustain the cause in whieh they offered tnemselves a living sacrifice ; and as every citizen is under the most sacred ob�igation to bear' his share , if not in the perils, vet in the burdens and sacrifices of this righteous contest , and bound to encourage , support and sustain those vaho obey their country's call, and mar_fully enrol themselves in defense of our dearest ri_ghts and privile�es, It is tnereiore , in open Town Puleetiil��, 1'egally called for t he ptmpose , �oted unanimously, That a bounty of one hun- dred Dollars be offered to each and every pa- triotic soldier vJho will volunteer into the servico of the United �tates Por the reriod of three ye�rs, unless soomer diecharged, to fill - the quota of the twenty men rec�uired of this town- Continued 1862 14 Continued Voted, That the Selectmen are hereby authorized and requested to drati+r the:ir yvarrant upon the Town Treasurer for the sum of one hundred Dollars in behalf of each soldier who shall enlist into aby corps desi�nated by the Governor, and Commander- in-Chief of the Coramonwealth, whenever such re- cruit shall furnish evidence, by a Certificate from the Adjutant-General or other appropriate OfPicer, that he has been mustered into the service of the United States. Voted, That the Town T reasurer under the direc- tion of the Selectmen, is hereby authorized and requested to borrow in behal£ of tY� Town, such sums from time ta time,' as may be necessary to pay all warrants or orders drawn as aforesaid" �oted, That the Selectmen be requested to use all reesonable and proper means to fill the towns quota at the earliest practible period, and �re as citizens pledge ourselves to cooperate with the Selectmen in carrying outthe above vote- The Meeting was declared dissolved by the P�od- erator - A true record - Attest Albert 'uf Bryant Town Clerk 1862 Y'Jarrant for a Town Meeting 15 To Oliver l�`f Kendall Constable of Lexineton � Gxeeting: You are hereby required in tne name of the Eom- monwealth of D+Iassachusetts, to n�ti�'y and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington who are qualiiied by law to vote for° State 0£Picers to assemble at the Town House on Friday the 29th instant, at 3 o'clock P.PQ. to act on the folloti�ring, �rticles : Viz :- Art, 1, _ To choose a I�oderator - Art. 2. To see if the Town will offer any in- ducement for men to volunteer,. to supply the quota called for, to serve nine months, which will be supplied otherwise by a draft, or act otherwise upon the subject - Art. 3. To see what measures the To�,vn will adopt in regard to the road leading from Con- cord Street near the Hay Scales, to 'ai'altham line, or act in any manner relating to � he subject - Hereof fail hot and make return of this warrant , and your doings thereon to the To�tn Clerk, on or before the time prefixed- Given under our hands at Lexingto n this the 19th day of ILugus�t, A.D. 1862 - Charles Hudson ) Selectmen of ud. Henry Smith 2d ) Lexin�ton Lexington August 23d 1862 - Pursuant to the within warrant I nave notified and warned as therein directed - , Oliver VV KendallConstable of A true Copy.&.'rJ Bryant Towr. C1e�Lexington 1862 16 � Town Meeting - Tne inhabitants of Lexington qualified by law to vote for State 0£ficers, assembled at the Town House on �'riday the - 29th day of August 1862, and passed tne following votes, upon the several articles in the foregoing warrant : Pst.l. NIr Sames Gould chosen 1�Ioderator t1rt. 2. TToted, 'TThat the Selectnen be ordered to payr the sum of Two Hundred Dollar,s, to each �rolunteer (to the entent of the toovn's quota )when such volunteer shall have entered and been�mustered into the service of the United States, to serve for the term oP nine P;Tonths, under the second call of the President for three hundred thousand troogs"- Voted '"That the Selectme.n be recruiting Officers for the nine months quota"- Voted "That a Committee erf Two be aclded to the Selectmen and Frank. 0. Kendall and '�Jinslow GJ�llington were added" - � voted "That no bounty be paid to any man who has heretofore s3gned his name to enlist and refused to go" - Art. 3. Voted "That the article be refered to - the Surveyors of Highways" - � The Tvreeting uras the dissolved A true record - Attest Albert !-V Bryant TovJn Clerk 1862 i�arrant f�r a Town Irleetin� 17 . Commonwealth oP ilriassachusetts To' Oliver 'oV Yendall Constable of Lexington Greeting: You are hereby required in the name of the Com- munwealth to notify and warn tha inhabitants of the Town of Lexington who are qualified by law to vote for State Officers to assemble at the To�vh Hall on' Thursdag the llth Inst, at 4, o'clock, P.1�4. to act on the Polloi��in� Articles; Piz : Art. 1. To choose a P�oderator - 11rt. 2. To see �r�hat action the Tnwn will take in relation to giving a Bounty to all v�ho have entered the service of the Unitzd°S�tates from the Town of Lexington, or act in axW vvay in relation to the subject - :rt. 3. To see what measurss the Town will adopt to provide means:sfor payin� the Bounty to these who have, or me.y en�er the service of the United States - :irt . 4. To see if the Town will grant and cause to be assessed, such a sum as may be necessary to pay the bounties offered, or paid to the volunteers from the To�vn of Lexin�ton, or to act in a�y other manner in relation to the „ subject - Hereof fail not 'and make retunn of this warrant , and your doings thereon �o the To�n Clerk on or before the time prefixed - Given under our hands at Lexington'this First day of Sept. A. ll. 1862- Charles Hudson tJebster Smith �,4m Henry SmS.th 2d Selectmen of , Lexington Lexing�on Sept. 4, 1862 - I have notified and v�arned as directed Oliv er u�! Kendall Const�ble of Lexington - 18 1862 Town Meetir� - The inhabitants of Lexington wllo are qualified by law to vote for State Offioers, assembled at the Town House, in accordanee Urith the fore�oing �var- rant and passed the followir� votes upon the sev- eral articles contained in the warrant.- r�rt. l. I�:�r James G ould elected Tdioderator - Art. 2. A motion was suomitted and rejected - Art. 3. TToted "That the Treasurer be authorized to borrow under the direction of the Selectmen sucY: suins of money as may be necessary to pay a Bounty of t�¢o hundred dollars, to those i;hat have volun- teered under the last call oF the President, not to exceed thirty men" - �rt. 4. �Toted "To pass over tne� tlr'ticle - The P:'Ieeting after passing the above votes , mra.s declared dissolved - A true record - Albert au' Bryant Town Clerk 1862 iVarrant for a Town Meeting i9 Commonwealth oP Nassachusetts To- Oliver 'sJ Kendall Constable of Le�in�ton Greeting: You are hereby required to notif�� ana vrarn iYie inhabitants of Lexin�ton, who are qualified by law to vote for State Officers, to assemble at the Town Iiouse on S:Ionday the` Thirteenth day instant , at three o�clock, P.NI. to act on the follovring, articles; Viz :- , , Brt 1. To choose a Tvioderator - Art. 2. To see what measures the Town will adopt to fill their quota of nine months men called into the service of the LTnited States, and tivhat provision the town will make for paying anST bount�* that may be oifered to volunteers - Hereof fail not aad nsake return of this vJarrant and your doings there`on, to the Tovun Clerk on or before the time prefixed - Given under our hands at Lexington this 3d day o�' October �.D. 1862 - Charles Hudson ) Selectmen of uJebster Smith ) Lexington Lexingto�n Oct . 6, 1862 - Pursuant to the Urithin warrant , I hasenotified, the inhabitants o� Lexington, herein described, to meet at the time and place and for the pur- poses within mentioned - Oliver ii( Kendall Constable of Lexington 1862 20 Town tJieeting The inhabitants of Lexington who were qualiPied by law to vote for State Oificers assembled at the To�n House, in pursuance uvitfi tf�e £oregoing �uarrant, and the following votes were passed, Viz : " Art . 1. NIr James Gould elected Noderator rirt. 2. Voted "That the Bounty of Two �Iundred Dollars, voted by the To�n at previous meetings i�.2eetings, be extended to tne additional number of Recruits that may be necessary to fill the Toovn's quota oF nine monthTs men; and that the Selectrnen be diracted to drew their 'uJarrant upon the Treasurer f or the sum of tv�o hundred dollars, in hehalf of each Volunteer �vho may enter the service as a part of the Lexington quots". Voted "That the Treasurer be authorized under the direction of the Selectmen to borrow in behalf of the Town such a sum, as may be nec- essary to meet such draft"- The meeting �rras declared dissolved A true record. Albert '+J Bryant Town 1lttest Clerk 1862 liJarrant for a Town P:Zeeting 21 To, Oliver Vd Kendall Constaole oi' Lexington Greeting: You are hereby required in the name oi the Commonvaealth of D,iassachusetts , to notify and warn tne inhabitants of the Town of Lexingt�n, who 3re qualified by law to vote for State OfPicers, to assemble at the Town House on Tuesday the �ourth day of DTovember next at 10'olclbek A.112. at which time the Poll will be opened For the purpose of receiveing bai- lots for the following State, County and Distric� Officers , Viz: State Officers - . For Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary, Treasurer � Receiver General, Attornry General and uuditor of Accounts - Gounty Officers = For County Commissioner, two Special Commission- ers, Commissioners of Insolvency, Sneriff and District rYttorney - District Officers - For Councillor, Senator, Representative to the General Court , and Representative to Congress - The Selectmem vJill receiVe the votes for the above officers all on one ballot , and the Poll vail be closed at 4 & � o'clock P.P�. � You are hereby also required to notify and warn the aforesaid inhabitants �o meet at the To�n House, on said day at 3 o'clock P.�. to act on the following articles, Yiz : Continued 186'�.'. 22 Continued Art. l. To choose a Moderator - � Art. 2. To hear a statement of the Surveyors of Highways, and to act thereon - Art. 3. To hear the Repor� of ady �o�aittee that is ready to report - Hereof fail not and make return' of this warrant to the Town Clerk, and your doings thereon c�n or before the time prefixed - Given under our hands at Lexington this 20th day of October, k.D. 1862 - Charles Hudson ) Selectmen udebster Smith ) of P�Im. Henry Ssnith ) Lexington The Selectmenv�ill be in session at the Town Hall on Mondav the 3d day of l�ovember next from 7 to 9 o �clock P.M. and on the day of Election from 9 .to 10, o'clock A.PII. to correct and revise the voting List , and no names �nrill be inserted on the list , after the Poll is opened - Le;�ington Octoher 27, 1862 - Pursuant to the �vithin warrant, I have notified the inhabitants of the Town oP Lexi ngton, herein described, to meet at the time and place, and for the purposes within mentioned - Oliver ,V Kendall Constabte of Lexington A true Copy- attest A. u'!. Bryant Tmurn Clerk 1862 Town Meeting 23 The inhabitants of Lexington who were qualified by law to vote for State �OPficers assembled at the Town House in accordance .with the foregoing warrant and the following votes were passed,Viz : For Governor Charles Devens Sr of tJorcester had one hundred sixty eight 168 John � Andrew of Boston"one hundred thirty130 Foz Lieutenant GoJernor Thomas. F. Plunkett of Pitt�field " one hundred sixty eight 168 Joel Hayden of Williamsnurg " one hundred t��venty nine ?29 Secretary of the Co�monwealth Nathl. B. Shurtleff of Boston " one hundred si�ty-ei�ht 168 Oliver uJarner of Northampton " one hundred twenty nine 129 Attorney General Henry '�V Paine ofCambridge " one hundred sixty eight 168 DvJi�ht Foster of Gdorcester " one hundred tvaenty nine �29 Auditor oi Acoounts Charles Kimball of Ipsvrich " one hundred sixty ei�ht 16� Levi Reed of Abington " one hundred twenty nine 129 Treasurer and Receiver General Uaniel Saunders Jr of Lairarenee " one hundred sixty eight I68 Henry K. Oliver of Salem " one hundred twenty nine 129 Representative to Congress, liistrict 2Soo 6 - Oliver Hazzard Perry of Andover " one hundred sixty eight 168 ➢aniel 'uJ Gooch of i�2elrose " one hundred tuJenty nine 129 Councillor District No 3- H, !'J, B. "�'fightman oz Chelmsford, one hundred si�ty eight �68 James P.2 Shute of 5omerviile " one hundred twenty nine � 129 , , Continued , 24 1862 Continued Senator, S�Tiddlese� District No 5- John Cummings Jr ofSVoburn " one hundred eighty nine 189 Horaco P, uVakefield oY Reading " one hundred seven 107 Sheriff Charles Kimball of Lowell'°two hundred ninety seven 297 District Attorney S. F. Pickering of Charlestotivn " one hundred sixty eight 168 Isaac . S. P.Zaise of Lowell '� one hundred twenty nine 129 County Commissioners Joseph F'lzller of Frarningham " one hundred sixty eight 168 �dward J Collinsof NeuJton " one hundred twenty nine 129 Special Commissioners Horatio D:Zoore oP 'uifaltham " one hundred sixty eight 168 Rooert . P. Vdoods of Groton " one hundred sixty eight 168 Benj . K. Haven of Framingham " one hundred twen�y nir_e 129 ti�m. Vi(. Edgarton of Shirley " one hundred twenty nine I29 Co�missioners of Insolvency - Sames Dana of Charlestown " one hundred sixty eight 168 Lilley Eaton of South Reading " one hundred sixty eight 168 E. A. klger of Lowell " one hundred sixty ei�t 168 Lucius H. GJakdfield of Hopkinton " one hundred t�ventJ nine 129 James. 0. Boswell of �outh Reading " one hund�ed tvJenty nine 129 Henry Baldwin of Brighton " one hundred twenty nine 129 Representative to the General Court - uifm. �. Tower of Lexington " one hundred eight ei�ht , 188 Sohn Hastings of Lexington " one hundred six 106 - � X true record - Albert VJ Bryant Town Clerk 1862 25 Town llteeting Nov. 4. '�'he meeting came to order at the tame. specified and passed the following votes, V�iz : Art. 1. Jonas Ganunell chosen ?�4oderator - Eirt. 2, ^1he Surveyors o£ Highways submitted a verbal report and Voted, "That the Surveyors of Highways oe authorized to procure a nev� cart, and the sum of u75. be appropriated for the same'" - Art 3. No Committee reported - The lVleeting was then dissolved - klbert uV Bryant Tov�n Clerk - 26 1863 6Varrant for a Town Meeting To Oliver 4V Kendall Constable oY Lexington � Greeting: You are hereby required in the name of tne Comaon- wealth of nTassachusetts , to notify and �rarn the inhabitants of the Town of Zexington t.uho are qual- ified by law to vote for State officers, to assemble at the Tov�n House on ivianday the sixth day of 4ipril next, at one o'clock P.P.4. � act on the iollowing articles, rliz : �rt, 1. To choose a P�Ioderator - B.rt. 2 To choose Town Offieers for the ensuing year, including one School Committee for the term of three years - Art 3 To adopt nieasures for repairs of HighvJays the ensuing ,year and grant moncy for the same- ilrto 4 To see what sum of moneu the Town will appropriate for support of its public Schools, including their several grades, the ensuing year, or act in any manner relatin�; thereto - �:rt 5. To adopt measures for collecting taxes the ensuing year - :1rt 6. To adopt rneasures for supporting the Poor the ensuing year - Art. 7. To see if the ToNrn vJill authorize and em- potiver the Collector of Taxes to use any and all means of collecting the taxes corruuitted to him to collect , wkiich may be lawfully used by the Town Treasurer, vJhen acting as ccllector - Continued 1863 Continued - �� Art 8. To see if tne TovJn �vill authorize the Treas- urer, under the direction of tY� �Selec�men, to bor- row such sum or sums o£ money as may Ue necesear;� to defray town expenses trie ensuing yesr, in anticipation of the Taxes for 1863. !�rt. 9. To see if the TovJn �ill choose an yuditing Committee, or act in ar�y manner relatin� thereto - Art. lO.To see if the To�An u�i11 vote to have the annual meeting on the first P�londay in I�4arch here- after, as it has been heretofore - lirt 11. To see if the Town u�ill cause the room in the re�r of the Hancock Primar;� Sehool to be fur- nished and furnished for use as a achool room, and appropriate money ior this purpose; or act in any wa;� in relation thereto - rlrt 12.To hear reports of Com.mittees, and act th.ereon,- ` Art 13. To see what aetion the Town will te_ke in rel:a.tion to its School Districts - Art 14. To see if the Totian �vill take any measures to I+lind a portion or the whole of the Town debt, or act in any way in re�si;ion thereto - &rt . 15'. To see if the Town will accept a List o_ Turors, prepared by the Sel� ctmen - You are also required to notiYg and �varn the afore- said inhabitants,: to raeet at the Town Ha11 on said day, at 3 o'clock, P.IJ�. to bring in their votes to the Selectmen upon the Tcventy-third article of :lmendment of the Constitution, submitted to the people by the General Court - Continued 2g 1S63 Continued Hereo,: fail not and make return of this �varrant and your doinEs thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or befor. e the time prefixed - Given under our hunds at Lexington this Tvventy-third day of 2��iarch Li.D. 1863. Charles Hudson ) Selectraen 6Vebster Smith ) of �J Henry Smith 2d ) Lexington The Selectmen uJill be in session• at the 'Povrn Hall on Saturday trie Fourth day of xpril neat from 7 to � o'clock P.NT. and on the day of election from 12 0' clock, T,I. t o 1 0' clock P.P;I. tio correct and re- vise the voting 1ist , and no name vJill be inserted on the list after the Poll is agened - _ Lexington Nlaroh , 28, 1863 - Pursuant to the within warr�nt I have notified the inhabitants of the Tawn of Letiington herein de- scribed to meet at time and place, and for the pur- poses within mentioned - Oliver W Yiendall Consta ble of Lexington 1863 29 ^1o�rn P�ZEetin�, Apri1 6. The inhabitants of Lexington who are qualiiied by law to vote for State Officers , assembled at the Town House in accordance with the foregoing war- rant, and passed the following votes , Viz : Art. l. �'1VIr James C=ould elected P,ioderstor - Art_2. �'1�Ibert i�V Bryant elected Town Clerk - * aJebster Smith ) � � * ,U. Henry Smith 2d ) " Selectmen * Hammond Reed ) _ * A tiV Bryant ) � * Pdathan Fessenden Jr ) " Assessors Charles Brown ) < � �li Simonds . ) " Overseers of the Poor and * �ilbert Fitch ) Surveyors of Highways - * S, uV. Smith ) _ � � Charles Nunn " Treasu-rer &, Collector - * Oliver �d iiandall ) '� Constables * I3iram udeeks ) Charles Tidd " Sehool Coaunittee * ;�Iebster Smith ) � � I. N. Damon ) F. `r Butters ) " Field Drivers * Joh.n Hastings ) Isaac Childs ) ` L. A. Saville ) Continued 30 1863 Gontinued �lrt 2, u"Villiam Chandler ) *Hovaland Holmes } Fence Viewers Eli Simonds ) Voted "That the Selectmen appoint the remai�der of the town officers"- Art. 3. noted'�To grant yr1500, for 'Lhe repairs of I-Ii�h*nrays, and it be expended under the direction of the overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of Highvaays - lirt. a, �7oted "That the sum of w3,600, be granted for the support of the Schools" Yoted '�That the unespended balance of last year's sehool money, including the amount raceived fros th� State School Fiznd, be added to the sum voted £or the use of schools for the ensuing year - LLrt 5. Voted "That a discoant of 10 per ct be allowed on a11 taxes oaid on ar before the 20th oi Tdov. next. �Toted "That the collecting of the taxes be let out to the lowest bidder" - The collecting of the taxes were let to Cnarles DTunn for �75. Voted "That the offices of Collector �c Treasurer be combined" F�rt 6. Voted That the surn of ;jp1,200 be granted Por the support oi the Poor - Art 7. ZToted '°That authority be granted " - Art. 8. Voted "That the Treasurer under the direc- tion of the Selectmen, is hereby authorized to borroat such sums of I�4oney bontinued 1863 31 Continued l�rt 8. in -anticipation of the Collection of taxes as may be necessary to meet the current expenses of the Town" - Art 9. Voted "That an auditing Committee of three be chosen'� Messrs H. B. Davis, Chs H. Ben- nett 8� J. C. Blasdell were cnosen - 11rt 10. �Toted "That the annual Nieeting be held on the first Monday of P/Iarch as heretofore" - �st. 11. �Toted "That the Chairman of the Sch�ol Committee and the Chairman of the Selectmen be instructed to expend a sum not exeeeding y72�0. for the finishix� and furnishing the School roorn in the rear of the Hancock Primary Scha�ol" - Art. 12 ihe Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of Highovays subraitted tl� ir yearly report , whieh was accepted - The Selectmen submitted a report on the Finances of the Torvn, also s report oP th'e Settlement with the Treasurer - Voted "Tliat they be accepted and� placed on file"- The Selectmen reported an estimate of the amount necessary to be granted to meet the expenses o£ the Town the current year - Voted "That the amouni� be granted"- Voted "That the Selectmen are hereby authorized and empoiuered to make such provi sions £or the , . families of those who have entered the service of the LTnited States as they may deem wise and expedient" - Art. 13. Voted "That the. School District S,ystem be abolished the ensuing year " - Continued 32 1863 Continu_ed :�x�t. 14. �roted "That the Selectmen and the Treas- urzr are hereby authorized and ernpo�ered to fund any portion of the To�n Debt , not exceeding Fi£- teen thousand dollars, by taking up the notes novJ outstanding agains�t the mown, and giving town notes or bonds for a period not less than five years, redeemable at such periods as may be agreed upon by the pa�ties; and the Troasurer is hereby fully empower. ed under the direction of tY� Selectmen to execute such notes or bonds in th� name of the totivn �s may be necessary to bind the inhabitants to the faithful payment of the sane" - rlrt 15 The Selectmen suUmittecl a List of Jurors which were approved and accepted" - ' A true record ts. h'J. Bryant iown Clerk �1P,Ifeeting for the purpose of receiving ballots Yea. or Tday, upon the Twenty-third article of limendment of the Constitution was held in accordance with rhe foregoing warrant - The ballots received were as follo�vs, riz - Yea thirty-tnree (33 ) I`Tay thirty-Pour (34 ) A true record A N Bryant Town Clerk 1863 33 �;Ve:rrant for a Town Meeting - To, Oliver �J Kendall Gonstable of Ler,ington, Greeting: You are hereby required in the name of the Common- - wealth of A,Iassachusetts,. to notify the inhabitants of the TovJn of Lexington, ivho are qualiYied by law to aote for State Officers, to assemble at the Totivn House on Saturday, the 25th, inst. at 4 oTclock P.PIi, to act on the follo�nring �Lrticles, T7iz : Art. 1. To choose a Moderator - Art. 2. To see what measures the Town will adopt, to provi@e for the support of families of those �vho are drafted into the service of the United 5tates , a�reeably to Chap. 176, Sect. 1, of an Act of the Legislaiture of 1863; or act in any manner in r�lation thereto - HereoP fail not and make return o£ this wrarrant and your doings thereon, to the Town C1erY, on or before the time prePixed - Given under our hands at Lexington this 14th day of July, «.D. 1863 - � d,febster Smith ) Selectmen oP oJ. Henry Smith 2d •) Lexington Loxington July 22d 1863 - Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the inhabitants herein descrihed to meet at the time and olace specified - 0liver �d Kendall Constable of Ler.i ngt on 1863 34 Town n7eeting The inhabitants of the Totivn of I.er.ington �Nho are quaTified by law to vote for State Officers, as- senibled aL' the Town House , in accordance with the lore�oing warr�.nt and passecl tne iollowing sotes on the 5everal arti�les - ''iz : t�rt. 1. aVebster Smith elected P�ioderator - art. 2. i7hereas. by a Iaw of Con�;ress a call is made upon our citizen soldiers to join their heroic brethern in the Pield and participate with them in the honor oP putting do�vn the present in- famous Rebellion, and so eompleting the good work in vJhich they have recentiv had such glorious suc- cess; iind ���hereas tne soldier i� txie iield sub- jected to numerous trials, should be relieaed from anxiety concerning the comfortable su�port oi his family in his absence ; �nd whereas it is the duty of all citizens to aid in the glorious struggle against the grossest perfidy and, bl�ekest treason, by encourageing the gallant defenders af our £ree institutions : It is therefore Voted. That the Selectmen be authorized and em- powered to make such provisions Ypr the support of the families of all t�.ose �vho enter the service of the United States under this call, as they have _ Ueen authexrized �p make for the families oi those who natTe herstofore entered the service - fi oted, That the Tou�rn Treasurer b� a�thorized under the direction of the Selectmen, to borrova in he- _ half of the Town such sum or sures of money as be necessary to meet a�y draft which may be made by the Selectmen upon the Reasury, in carrying into ` effect ti�e preceeding vote - fs true record Albert hV Bryant Tovrn Clerk 1863 V�arra nt f or a Town 112e e ti ng 35 , �'o, Oliver 1V Kendall Constable of Lexingto n ; Greeting: You are hereby required in the mame of the Common- . , wealth of II�Iassachusetts , to notif�r and v�arn the in- }�abitants oi the Town of Lexing� n vaho are quali- fied 'oy lativ 'to vote for State Officers to a.ssemble at the Town House on Tuesday t�ie Third day of Nov- ember next at 1 o'clock P.T�7.' at which time the Poll vJill be opened for the purpose of receivin� ballots for the following State , County and Dis- trict officers, Viz: , SLate Officers - For Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary, Treasurer and Receiver General, �ittorney General, and :�uditor of Accounts - County Officers For Count� Commissioner and Register of Probate and Insolvency - llistrict Officers - For Councillor, Senator and Representative to the General Court - . . The Selectmen vJill receive the votes �'or the above officers all on one ballot , and the Poll vJill be closed at 4 & z o'c1ocY, P.M. You are herebg also required to notify and warn the aforesaid inhabitants to meet at the Town House , on said day at 2 & �= o'clock P.P.�T. to act - on the following articTes - �Tiz : Art l. To choose a Moderator - ��t. 2 To see if the Town �rJill instruct the tissessors to abate the po11 taxss of all those in the military service of the Country, or act in an,y manner in relation thereto - Continued 1863 36 Continued firt. 3. To see what action the Town will take unon the proposition of Rufus I�4erriam to sell a certain lot of land on ''u�attham Street, or act in any manner in relation thereto - Art. 4. To see what measures the Town v�till take in relation to the removal of the fence on Spring Street , or act in any manner in relation thereto - Art 5. To see what measures i:he Town will take in regard to paying to the Commonwealth a demand made by the State Treasurer, in accordance with Sections 5 and 9, Chap. 218 of the Iaws and Re- - solves of the Legislature of 1863 - Art. 6. To see if the Town will discontinue the annual 1�uction Sale in the nee� part of the Ceme- tary, or abt in a�y 'manner relating thereto - Art 7 To see what action the Town will take toirards furnishir� railin�; for 'the roads, or act in any manner . in relation thereto - Art. 8. To hear reports of Committees , and act thereon Hereof fail not �:nd make return o£ tnis warrant and your doir�s thereon,to the Town Clerk, on or before the time prefixed - Given under our hands at LeYington this 16, day of October A.D. 1�63- 9�[ebster Smith, '�Jm. H. Smith 2d Hammon Reed, Selectmen oi Lexington - The Selectmen will he in session at the Town House on Saturday Oct. 31, from 7 to 9, o'clock Y.P�1. and on the day of Election from 12 oTclock.Pi. to i o'clocl� P.11�. for the gurpose of revising the vot- ing list , and no name vJill be inserted on the list , after the Poll is opened - 1803 Town ivTeeting Nov. 3. 37 The inhabii;ants of the Town of Lexi ngton, qualified to vote for State Officers, assemhled at the Town House , in accordance with the fore�oing vvarrant; and passed the following vo�tes , Viz : State OfPicers - For Governor - John �. Andre�v of Boston had one hundred thirty tivo 132 Henry.u�f.Paine of Gambridge had one hundre@ nine 109 Lieutenant Governor Joel Hayden of 'iJilliamsburg had one hundred �hirty three 133 Thomas F. Plunkett oP Pittsfield had one hundred nine 109 Secretary Oliver uJarner o£ Northampton had one hundred thirty three 133 �. 0. Prince of ';Jinchester had one hundred nine 109 Treasurer & Receiver General Henry K. Oliver of Salem had one hundred thirty three 133 Dlathan Clark o£ Lynn had one hundred nine 109 ` Attorney General Dwight Foster of lldoreester had one hundred thirty three 133 Theodore H Sweetser of Lowell had one hundred nine �Luditor, of Accounts 109 Levi Reed of tihington had one hundred thirty three 133 Ivioses Bates of Plymouth had one hundred nine 109 County Commissioner LeQnard Huntress of Tewksbury haa one hundred thirty 130 E. A. t�lger of Lowell had one hundred nine 109 I�egister of Probate & Insolvency Joseph H. Tyler oi Cambridge ha3 one hundred thirty 130 Joshua P. Converse of �Joburn had one hundred nine 109 Couneillor for District No. Three James Svi. Shu�e of Somerville had one hundred thirty S. 0. Richardson of South Reading 150 S. 0. Richardson of South Reading had one hundred nine 109 Senator for the Fifth I�Iiddlesex Senatorial District Oliver R. Clark of 6dinchester had one hundred thirty 1�50 Daniel Vif Ia�vrence of P!Iedford hadi one hundred nine 109 Continue@ 1863 38 Continued Representative to the General Court - Phineas �N Chamberlin of Bedford had one hundrea t-v�enty-six 12� u'dilliam hdinn of Burlington had one hundred sixteen 116 After tne above ba llots were sorted, counted and declaration therEof made , and were also sealed, the i�Ieeting �xas deciared dissol�ed - A true record - a. VV. Br�[ant Town Clerk Lexington DTov. 4, 1863 - A P.Zeeting of the Tovvn Clerks of the Towns of Ler.- ington, Bedford and Burlington was held ay the Town House, for the purpose of counting the votes for Re�resentative to the General Court . � Phineas uJ. Chamberlin o£ Bedford had in Lexin�ton one hundred & twenty-six 126 Bedford " Fifty-eight � 58 BurYington " Forty-six 46 �`dhole number 230 vVilliam u�[inn of Burlington had in Lexington one hundred & sixteen 116 Bedford " P�ifty-nine 59 Burlington ° I'ifty-eight 58 ."Jhole nusnoer 233 A Gd Bryant TovJn Clerk 1863 Town ItZeeting Nov. 3. 39 The inhabitants of the Tovvn oF Lexington qual- ified b� lavv to vote for State Officers, as- sembled at the Town House in accordance ��,�ith the £ore�oing warrant , " and passed the zollow- ing votes, on the several articles in said warrant, 'riz ; �rt. l. Pdlr Sames Gould eleeted T�'Ioderator - r�t. 2. Voted "That the �lssessors be requested " to abate the Poll Tax of all our Soldiers , no�iv in the service of the IInited States"- I�rt 3. Voted "That the subject be referred to the Selectnen vaith discretimnsry power. to pur- chase or not" Art. 4. �oted "That the subject be ret'errecl to tna Selectmeri �vith fuil power to a�t"� - krt . 5. �roted "That the Treasurer be authorized under the directian of Lhe Selectmen to �ay the amount due the Common�vealth" - Art. 6. SToted "That the annual sale be discon- tinued in tne new Cemetary" = nrt 7� Troted "That the sum o£ one hundred dol- lars (`,�100. )be appropriated for the nu.rpose of furnishing railin� for the roads, and expended under the lirection af 9urveyors of Hi�hways ' - ��st 8. The Committee appointed to finish and furriish the room in the rear ,part or? the School House in the Centre School District, made a verbal report , and Votecl "That the report be ac- cepted and t1�e Selectmen be requested to dravr their vvarrant for the amogant due" - �i. true record A, W Bryant Town Clerk 1864 40 �Yarrant for a Towr� �Iee ting- To- . Oliver u�f Kendall Constable of I,exington- Greeting:- You a2�e i�ereby required in th� name of the Cou�- montivealth oi' P.2assachusetts, to notify and warri the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington who are qualified by law to vote Por State Officers, to assemble at the Town Housa on DIor.dey the sev- enth day of 1�larcn next, at one o'clock P.Iv1. to act on the Polloi^rin�;, r.rticles , ?Ziz ; Art 1. To choos� a bloderator - Art. 2. To choose Town Officers for the ensuing year including one School Committee for the term of three years - (�rt . .�. To adopt measures for repairs o.i Hic;hy�rags the ensuing year and grant money f or the same - _ . ._ Brt 4. To see what sum �f money the Town will ap- propriate Por support oP its Publio Schools includ- ing their several grades, the ensuing year, o.r act in ar� manner relating thereto - Art 5. To adopt Nleasures f or collecting taxes the ensuing gear - Srt 6. To adopt measures for supportin� the Poor tHe ensuing year - Art 7. To see if the Tov�n will authorize and em- power the Coliector oP Taxes, to use ar�v and a11 means of collecting �he taxes commit$ed to him `to collt� ct, which mag be lawPully used by the Town Treasurer� when aoting as Goll�ctor - Continued 1864 Continued 41 Art 8. To see if the toWn vrill authoriza the Treasurer under the diTection oP thE Se3ectmen, to borrow such stnn or sims of money as may be neoessary to defray town expenses the sttsuing year, in anticipatibn oP" the taxes for 1864 � Art. 9. To see what action the to�an v�ill tslce, in fulfilment of the provisions bf Chap. 42, Secs. 4 to 8 of the Generai. Statutea, and Chap. 207, oY tha Acts of 1862, : in rel�tibn to truancy, 8cc. . Art 10. To see iP the to�rnwill repair aixi peint their Almshouse, and adopt measures for the same, Art. 11. To see if tha town will accept Chap.�79, of the &cts of 18&3 - �rt 12. To see if the town R311 increase the num- b:er of 'their School Committee, .or act in suy man- ner in relation thereto - � Eirt. 13. To see �hat action the ter>Wn will take in relation to the fence around the School-house pard, in the East Village - Qrt. 14. To see if the totivn will ehoose an Aud- iting Committee, to audit the aceounts oP the tou� for the years 1B63 - 4 - Art 15. To see if the town will purchase a neuv Hearse, or act in ar� manner relating thereto - Art I6. To hear reports of Committees, and ac� thereon - Hereof fail not axld malce retnrn oY this �ar- rant and your daings thereon, to the Tov�n Clerk, on or bePore the time preYixed - C�ntiaued 1864 42 Given under our hands at Lexington this Twentieth day of February A. D. 1864 - ti�lebster Smith ) Selectmen 4Y. Henry Smith 2d } of Hammon Raed ! Lsxington The Selectmen will be in session aL bhe Town House on Saturday the Fifth day of March neat P rom 7 to 8 o'clock P.n7. and on the day! of Election from 12 o�clock, Ad. to l a'cloePr P.M. to correct and revise the vot3ng list and no name eaill be inserted on the list after Lhe Poll is opened - Lexington Feby. 29, 1864 - Pursuant to the vrithin warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Tovan oP Isxington herein de- scrihed to meet at the time. and plaae snd for the purposes evithin mentioned �- ° , ) Constable of 07.iver �! Kendall) Leaingte,n A true copy. - Attest �. W. Brysnt Towta Clerk 1864 Town Meeting March 7 - 43 The inhabitants of the to� of Lexington, qual- ified hp lavr to vote for State OPficers, assembled at the Town f�ouse, in accordance with the fore- going wsrrsnt, and passed the follo�v3ng votes, up- on tha several. �rt� 811 these Art. 1. �Nebster Smith Esq. elected' b4oderator - offic�rs � havin� Art. �. *�lbert W Brgant chosen Town Clerk - this ' msTk against *�"febster Smith ) the3r '�`�. Henry Smith 2d ) " Seloctmen - names * Hammon Reed ) have bee� � qualiYied *, Nathan Fessenden Tr ) ° ' by the oatYY` �os. F. Simonds � Assessors - required by Laring. S. Pierce )resigned see page 49 law- AVY ' Bryant * Eli` Simonds ) OtrerseersoP the Poor and Town Clerk* �lbert Fitch ) Survegors of Highway, * S. �i7 smith ) * Oliver �! Kendall * Hiram ��aeks Constables- L. J. Livermore Sehool Com�ittee - * Charles Nunn Treasurer & Collector - * Everett S Locke ' George Simonds Jr �'ield Drivers - Jahn D Baeon resigned see page 49 S. W Robinson resigned see page 49 * Marshall N Locke Fenae 4iewers - * George W Robinson Continued 1864 44 Gontinued Everett S I.ocke Geor�e Simonds �x� k'ield 13rivers - �ohn D Hacon S.;Rf>:Robinson _: Marshall N Locke Fence Qiewers George W Robinson Yoted "That the Selectmen be instruated to appoint all the remaining town oPficers that are not elected" Art. 3.goted nThat the sum vf s�ixteen hundred doZ- �ars ($�1600� he granted for the repairs o.f Highxays, and expended in the same manner as last year"- Art 4. Voted "That the sum of Four thousand & two hundred dollars (�4200, ) be apprpprieted for the support- oP Schools, and apportioned by the SohooT Gommittee, as they in their discretion may deem ea- . pedient^- ?st. 5. Yoted "2'hat the o�Pices of Treasurer and GTollactor be united"- 4oted "That the collecting oP Taxes be let out. to the lowest bidder"- The coliecting of the tsaes were then 1et to Isaac N Damon for Two hundred end tvrenty five dollars (�225. ) V'oted That the colleotor be authorized to allovr a discount oF' 1Q per.ct, on all taxes paid on or before the 20th day of November negt"- 4oted '�That �230, be granted for collecting Taxes^ Art 6. - Voted TY►at the sum of Tvrelve hundred dollars �[��200 ) be granted for the support of tha Poor"- Gontinued 1864 Continued - 45 Brt 7 Qoted "That the Collector be authorized and empowered to use the means, which may legallp used by the Treasurer, when acting as Collectorn - Art 8. Voted �'That the Treasurer be fully author- ized to borrow money under the direction oP the Selectmen - Art 9. Poted nThat the By-�ws submittfld by the School Committee relating to truaneg, be accepted and adopted"- Voted."That the Tovrtt Clerk be requested to submit the By-Isws to soq�e proper Court for its approval" , - �7oted. That three truant oYPicers be appointed by � the Selectmen" - Art 10. Voted "That the Overseers of the Poor be—i.nstructed ta make �ll necessary repairs on the Alms-house, and the sum of three hundred do1- lars (�300, ) be. granted for that purpose" - Art lI. Poted nThat the laev be accepted by the town" - Art I2. Voted '*That the School Committee be re- quested to keep the property- oP the town in the several school districts in repair" - Art 13. Poted ^That the Art. be rePered to the Selectmen witk� poauer to sct as they may deem best" - Art 14. 4'oted "That the Selectmen ba the Auditors to eudit the acoounts of the towtt• Por 1863 & 4"- Poted "That the Selectmen be desired to publiah a list oY the enlisted Soldiers oP t�is town, and suah facts, relating to them as m�y be obtained��- �ontinued . 1664 , 4� Eontinued - Art 15. Poted. ^That the Selectmen be instructed to easmine the Hearse, and report their opinion to the town'". - grt 16. The Qverseers of the Paor submitted a report which Ras accep�ed -. - The Highvuay Surveyors made a report nhich was eccepted - The Selectmen submitted a report of the Finances ' of the �own whieh xas aceeptod - The Treasurer made areport of the funded debt. which wes acoepted - The Selectmen mAde the following sppointments of tov�m oPPicers - * Oliver 4Y. Kendall ) Seaton„ Pound geep er ) Superint�ndant of Town Hall ) Surveyor of. Lum6er Alonzo Goddard Sealer of Weights & bdeasures Peter Wellington N[eighers of Hay W. Henry Smith 2d . Joseph F Simonds 'kHorace B Davis It�easurers of 9Vood & Bark W Henry Smith 2d Charles H. Bennett Superintendants and weighers Leonard g ,SavilTe .at the Town Scales - The Meeting was deolared dissolved - � true record �. N. Bryant Tov�n Clerk 1864 �Parr�nt Por a Toxn Mee�ing 47 To, Qliver W Sendall Gonstabie oP I.exington Greeting; You are herebf requied in the nams of the Com- monwealth oP Nfassachusetts, to notify .and warn the inhabitants oP the To�n of Lexington, who are qualified to vote for State OfPicers to assemble at the T'own House on Monday the gourth - day of April negt at one. o*clock P.�. to act on the following, Artioles, Qia: drt. 1. To ohoose a Moderator -. Art. 2 To Pill vsoancies in Town OP2'icers, including one School Committee fpr the te�m oP two yeara - Art 3- To see iP the Town will accept a List of Jurors, prepared by the Selee�men - grt 4 To �ant money to dePre�y Toarn Expenses the ensuing - �rt 5. To see iP the Town will� repay the sub- scribers tb the fund for procuring Volunteers, or act in a�y other way in relation to the sub- ject - Continued 1864 48 Continued Art 9. To hear reports of Committees and act thereon - HereoY fail not and mske return oP this warr�nt and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the time prePiaed - Given under our hands at Lexing- ton this 21st. day of ]Ufarch A.D. 1864 - Webster Smith ) Selectmen Wm Henry Smith 2d) of Hammon Reed ) Le�d.ngton N.B. `Phe Selectmen will be in session at the Tovun Hall the last Monda�r of each month during the year at 7� o*elock P.M. Leaington Ddarch 28� 1864 - Pursuant to the xithin warrant, I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, herein describ- ed to�:meet at the time and place, and for the pur- poses vrithfn mentioned - , ) Const�ble oP 0liver 4� Kendall ) Lexington 6 true copy A. 'N. Brysnt Town Clerk - 1864 2'own hieeting 8pri1 4 - 49 The inhabitants of Lexington, qualified by lax to vote for State OPficers, assembled at the Town House in. accordance with the foregoing warrant, and the follovring Potes were passed upon the sev- eral articles - Art. 1. Jonas Gs�e11 Elected Moderator - B�rt� 2. Voted "That Me_:Tidd be requested to withdraw his resignation-tt � The follo�¢ing Officers were alected to Pill vacancies A. �. Crowninshiel8 ssse�sor in place of Loring S Pierce - * Sohn ButterPield Field Driver in place of John D Bacon *Howland Holmes Fence Piewer in place of S 4Y Rob- inson Art 3. The Selectmen submitted s List of Jurors - Voted. "That the List of Jurors be aecepted� Art 4. The Selectmen submitted �n estimate oP an amount neceasary to defray the expanses of the toen the ensuing year - Voted "That each item be taken up and acted upon 3eperataly" _ uhich xas dotte and the report as amended aecepted" - Art 5. Poted "Not to r�epag to: the subscribers"- t�rt 6. Voted tOThat the art. be indefinatelp post- poned" - Continued 1864 50 Continued - Art. 7 Voted 1EThat e sum not exceeding one hundred and twenty-Pive dollars be appropriated and placed * at the disposal of the Selectmen Por the purpose of procuring vnlunteers for the towns quota, from Prtarch 1, 1864, to Masch 1, 2865 - �oted nThat the sum of Two Thousand Dollars be appro- � priated' fbr the purpose of ineeting the espenses oP provurin� volunteera and that the same be assessed the gresent year" - �rt 8. Voted '�To pass over the article^ - Art 9. DTo aommittee reported - The meeting was then declared dissolved � true record - �ttest A. lq. Bryant Town Clerk 1864 Plarrant Por a Tawn Meeting 51 To Oliver fii Kendall Constab].e oP Laxington Greeting: In the nmme oP the Commonwealth of Massaohusetts- We hereby order yon to notify and warn the inhabi- tants of Leaington, qualified to vote in Tovm aP- Pairs to meet � at the Town Hall on Saturday May 28th instant at 62 o*cloak P.M. to act on the following, artiolas, Yiz:- grt l. To choose a Moderator - Art 2. To see if the Town will rePund to the sub- scribers the money pafd bg them, to the fund ta procure voluntee,rs to fill the quota of Isgington under oalls of the Preaident of Oct. 1863 & FeLy /64. or aet in auy manner in. relation to the subject- �rt 3. To hear reports oY Committees and act thereon- HereoP Pa31 not and make return of the above war- rant with your doin�s thereon on or before the time prePixed - G1Y9II under our hands this the 17th day of May 1864 - Webster Smith ) Selectnen Lexington VYm Henry Smith 2d ) of NIsy I7,1864 - Hammon Reed ) Lexington LeaingtonDday 21st, 1864 - Pursuant to the within vearrant I have notiPied �he inhabitants oP the to��n of Lexington, herein de- scribed to meet at the time and place, and for the purposes within mentioned - � Oliver W Kendall Constable of ' Lex3ngton �L true copy A 4Y Bryant Town Clerk 1864 �arrant Por $ Town Meeting 51 To Oliver W Kendall Constable oP Isxington Greeting: In the name of the Commonwe�].th of Massachusetts- P�e hereby order you to notiPy and warn the inhabi- tants of t;ezington, qualified to vote in Town aP- fairs to meet at the To�en Flall on Sattirdap May 28th, instant at 6z o•clook P.M. to act on the follo�vin� artioles - Viz:- Art 1. To ohoose a Moderator - � _ Art 2. To see if the Town will refund to the sub- scribers the money paid by them. to the fund tn prooure voluateers to Pill the quota oP Lexington under calls oP tYie< President of Oct. 1863 & Feby / 64. or aot in any manner in relation to the sub- �ect - 6rt 3, '1'o Iiear reports of Committees and aat Lhereon - Hereof fa31 not to'make returtt oi� tlie above war- rant vuith your doings thereon on or bePore the time prefiaed - �iven under our hands this the 17th day oP Ma�* 1864 - Webstor S�nith ) Seleatmen Lexington May 17,1864 - Phn Henry Smith 2d ) of ` Hammon Reed ) Isxington T�exington May 21st 1864 - Pursuant to the within warrant I have notiYied the inhabitants of the town of Lexingtori, h�srsin describ- ed to meet at the time and place, and Yor the pttrposes within mentioned - Oliver �I Kendall Constable oP Isxington g true copy & 1Y Bryant 'Town Clerk 1864 52 Town Meeting May 28 - The inhabitants oP Lexington qualiPiod by law to . voLe in Town affairs, assembled at the To�vn Hall, as directed in the Poregoin� warraat, and passed the follo�ring votes on the several articles tl�ere- in co�ntained - Art. 1. Mr 3onas Gammell elected Modera�or - 6rt 2. Poted "That the Treasurer be instructed to pap to a�* of the subsoribers that may ask Por it, the sum that they have paid; snd that the sum of thirty one hundred and thirty seven dollers be granted for that purpose" - Voted "That the last cote be reconsi�'ered" - Voted "That the Selectmen be instructed to give their order to any indivivals wh� may prove that they have paid a ut* money to prvcure volunteers under the calls oP Oct. 1863. February 1864 - for such sums as they m�y have paid - Art 3. No Conmittee reported - The Meetin� uvas them dissolved - A �rue record 6ttest B�. VY. Bryant Towrr Clerk 1864 Warrant for a Toun Meeting - To, 0. W. gendall Constable oP the Town oP Lexington, Greeting: In the name oP the Commonwealth oY Massachusetts; pou are hereby ordered to notify the Inhabitants of the To�vn oF Isxington, quslified to vote in Town afPairs to meet at the Town Hall on Thursday June 9th at 6b o'clock P.M. bo �act on the following articles,�Tis: Art. 1. To choose a Moderator — brt. 2. To raise money to. carry 'into effect the vote passed IDfag 28th 1864, xhereby the Town voted to reYund to the subjsaribers, .the amount oP their subsoriptions to the fence to fill the quote of Lexington under the calls oP the President of Oct. 1863 and Febg 1864, mnd authorise �he Treasurer, under the direction of the Selectmen. to borrow e sum suPPicent to meet the abare vote, in anticipe- tion of the Tages oY 1864 - • Art. 3. To see iP the Toe�n will cause the sum voted to be rePunded, to be asaedsed at the annual Assessment oP the �esent year -- Art 4. To see if the Town 8ill raise the sum of �ne hundred and Twenty-five Dollars for eaeh man that may be required to Pill the quota oP Lexington, under aay call that may be made from March, T864, to EZaroh, 18fi5, or act in aRp m�nner itt relation tm the sub�ect - Art. 5. To aee iY the Tovrn Will �uthorize the Treas- urer under the direction of the oP the Selectmen, to borrouu such sums of money as msy be neoessary, in orde� to pey each man required to fill the quota oP I,exington under a�v call oP the Prosident Prom March, 1864, to March, i865, one Hundred and Twenty-five Ilollars Continuad 1864 54 Gontinued HereoP fail not and make return oP this vrarrant and your doings thereon to the Town, Clerk on or before the time prefixed - Given under our hands at Lexington this 30th day of IvIay A.D. 1864 - • LYebster Smith ) Selectmen W. Henrp Smith� 2d ) oP Hammon Reed ) I,exington Isxington 7une 2d 1864 - Pursuant to the � thin warrant , I ls�.ve notiPied the Inhabitants af the Town oP I.egington, herein describ- ed, to meet at the time and place, and for the pur- poses within ment3oned - ) Constable oP Oliver N[ gendall ) I,exington �i true Capg � �Lttest Albert 4Y Brpant Town Clerk 1864 To�n Mee�in� June 9 - 55 The inhabitants of Isxin�ton qualiPied bp law to vote in tovvn affairs, assem�led at the Town House, agreeably to the £oregoing warrant, and passed the follo�ing. votes - Art..L Jonas Gammell Esq elected Moderator - Art 2. Voted, That the sum of t�irty one hundrod and thirty-seven dollars be appropriated to repay to the subscribers respectively, �he sums they may have paid towsrds filling the quota of the towiv oP Legington, unde� th'e calls oP the President of Oct- ober 1863, and February 1864 - and that the Select- men be authorized to draw their order upon the Treasurer under the direction of the Selectmen is hereby authorized to borrow in behalP aP the town such sum or sums, as may be necessar� to meet the demands hereby created in anticipation of the tax hereby required - �rt. 3. Yoted "That the Assessors be instructed to assess the sum of Thirtg-one hundred snd thirty- seven dollars for the purpose oY meeting the above vote" - � Art 4. Voted "That the Tovun raise the sum oP one hundred and twenty-�ive dollars, for eaoh man that may be required to Pil1 the quota oP Lexington under a�y call that may be made from March 1864,to MaTch, 1865" - Art 5. Tfoted "That the Treasurer be athorized to borrow such sums oP money, under the direetion oP the Selectmen, as may be required, to pay each man one hundred and twenty-Pive ilollars, who shall en- list as one of the quota of Leaington, under any call oP the President Prom March 1864, to March 1865'T- � The Meeting was then dissolv ed - A true record - Attest, A. W. Bryant Z'o�vn Clerk - 1864 56 44arrant for a Town Meeting - To, Oliver 4Y Kendall Constable of I,egington Greeting: . You are hereby ordered in the name oP the Common- wealth of Massachusetta, to" notify and warn the inhabitantai te-�eS#€� of the �owsx of I,exington, qualified by lavu to vote in to�vn affairs to meet at the Town Hall on 4Yednesday the twenty-fourth day of August at 7 o'clock P.R4. to act on the Pollowing articles, Vis:- Art 1. To choose a Moderatos - Art. � To see iP the Town will vote to pay One Hundred & twenty-Yive dollars in gold to each volunteer required to Pill the quota oP the Toavn under the call of tY� President of July 1864 - or act in an� manner in relation to the Article - � HereoP Pail not, end make return of this warr$nt uaith your doings thereon at or bePore the time prePiaed Giuen under our hands this thirteenth day oP August, 1864 - �ebster Smith ) Seleotmen u�in Henry Smith J oP Hammon Reed ) Leaington LexingtoII Aug. 17, 1864 - I have notiPied& warned as directed - 0 W gendall Constable oP Lexington Tovrn �JIeeting B.u�. 24 - The inhabitants oP beaington mat in aceordance with the foregoin� and passed the follo�ring votes - Art l. VZilliana W Keigh chos� Moderator - ttrt 2. Qoted "That the meeting be dissolved�' - A true reoord A. N�. Bryant Town Clerk 1864 1Yarrant for a Town Meeting 57 Ta, Oliver W Kendall Constable of Lexington- Greeting: You are hereby required in the name of the Com- monti�ealth of Hitassachusetts, to notify and v�arn the inhabitants of the Totivn oP Lexington, who are qualified by la�e to vote for State OYPicers, to assemble at the Town House on Tuesday the Eighth day of November next at 1 o'clock P.M. at vchich time the Poll will be opene3 Por the follow- ing purposes, Viz: For choice oP Electors oP Presiden� and Pice Pres- iden oY the IInited States - F'or a i�ember oP Gongress for the 5th District - Eor Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Seoretary, Treasurer and Receiver General, Attorney General and Auditar of the Commonwealth - For Councillor, Senator for District No 5, and Representatiue for District No 18. Far County Treasurer, Commissioner,and Register oP Deeds for ' the Southern= District oP Middlesea- The Selectmen �ill recalee �the votes for the �bove oPPicers sll on one ballot - Hereof fail not and . make return oP this warrant end yo.ur doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time prePixed - Given under hands at Lexington this 24th day oP Qctober g.D. 1864 - �febster 57nith ) �electmen Wm Henrg` Smith 2d ) oF Ha�on Reed ) I,exington Continued - 1864 ' 58 Gontinued The Selectmen willbe in session at the Town Hall on Seturdap the StI� day of Nov. next, from 7 �n� 8 o'�clock P.M. for the purpose of revising the Voting List, and no name will be inserted on the list after the Poll is ogened - Lexington Oct 27, 1864 - Pursuant to the �ithin warrant, I have notiPied Lhe inhabitants oP the Town o� I�ex,ington herein described to meet at the time and place, and for the purposes within mentioned - O. W. Sendall Const3ble oP Lexington- �'own Meeting Nov. ,8 - The inhabitants of the Town oP Lexington qualified bp Iaw to vote for State OfPicers assembled at the Toevn House in accordance with the ,for,egoin� warrant and passed the Pollovving votes; Vis:- Voted "That the Palls be closed at 4� o'clock - President�al Electors At Isrge Edward Eb�enett oP Boston had two hundred 8c twenty votes 220 Whitney Griswold of Greenfield had two hundred & twenty votes 220 Robert C. Winthrop oP Boston had one hundred forty nine 149 Erasmus D. Beach oP Springfield had one hundred Porty nine 149 District No 1 - Richard Borden Fall River two hundred twenty 220 Abr�ham H. Howland New Bedford one, hundred forty nine 144 - District No 2 - Artemas Hale Bridgewater two hundred twenty 2aJ John �iilson oP Cohassett one hundr,ed Porty nine 149 Continued 1864 . , Continued 59 District No 3 George Putnam oP Rogbury had two hundred & twenty vd: es 22Q � &ndrew Pierce Jr Boston " one hundred Fc P� ty nine 149 District No 4 - John M.S. 4Pilli�*ns oP Cambridge " two hundred & twenty 220 abrem Jackson of Boston " one hundred Porty-nine 149 , Distriet No 5 - 7ohn G 'Nhittier oY Amesbury t��vo hundred twenty 220 S. E. Peabody of Salem one hundred forty nine 149 District No 6 - George L, Davis North Andover two hundred tvrenty 220 J. H. Carleton Hsverhill one hundred forty nine 149 Dist�ict No 7 Stephen M ufells of West Rogbury two hundred t�renty 220 Isverett Saltonstall Newtqn one hundred forty nine 149 District N 8 Isvi I.incoln of Woroester two hundred twenty 220 Isaac Davis oP ��forcester one hundred forty nine 149 District No 9 VPm. S. Clark of Amherst two hundred twenty 220 oYilliam H Fuller oP Whately one hundred f'orty nine 149 Distriet No 10 John tiVells oP Chicopee two hundred twenty 22Q Abram Bage " Springfield one hundred Porty nine 149 Gavernar Sohn A. Andrew oP Boston .two hundred twenty 220 Henry �rJ Paine of Cambridge one hundred Yifty-one 151 Lieutens.nt Governor - Toel Hagden of rnFilliamsburg turo hund�ed twenty 220 Thomas F. Plunkett of PittsPield one hundred fiYty one 151 Secretaryr Aliver Werner oP Northampton two hundred twenty 220 F. 0. Prince of Winchester one hundred Yifty one 151 1864 6.0 �C onti nuee� Treasnrer Flenrg K. .Oliver of SaTem two hundre� twenty 220 Nathan Clark oP Lynn one hundred fif'tp one 151 gttorney GeneraZ Chester I Reed oP Teunton two hundred twenty 220 S. 0. Lamb oY Greenfield one hundred fifty one 151 Auditar Levi Reed of Abington two hnndred twenty 220 Moses Bates oP Plymouth one hundred fiftg one 151 eouneillnr Por District 3 Thomas Talbot oP Billerica two hundred twenty 220 Isaac Davis of �ambrid�e one hundred Pifty one 151 County Coumiissioner Soseph H Waitt oP Malden two hundred twenty 220 Lorin Is P�ller oP Ma�.den one hundred fifty one 151 County Tre�surer �os Stone oP Charlestown t�o� hundred twenty 220 Jeremiah P Jewett of Lowell one hundred fifty one 151 Register of Deeds for Middlesex Southern District Caleb Ii�yden oP Cambridge two hundrec� twenty 220 E. W. Keyes oY CharlestoWn one hnndred PiPty one 151 Senator Por District No 5 - John ffill of 5toneham two hundred twenty 220 S. T. Sanborn oP �?iinchester one hundred PiYty one 151 Representative to Congrass District No 6 Daniel GT Gooch of Pdelrose two hundred. nineteen 219 Thos. J. Greenwood of Malden one hundred Pifty one 151 Representative to General Court Dist. No 18 Qakes Tirrell oP Burlin6ton two hundred seventeen 217 Isaac P. Bacon of Bedford one hundred fifty one 151 gYter the above ballots were sorted, counted, sealed and the declaration thereoP made, the Mesting was declared disso2ved - , A true reeord Bttrst &. 54. Bryant Town Clerk 1864 61 A meeting oY the �ou¢n Clerks of ]'yexin�ton, Sedford end Burlington met at the Tovun Hall in Lexington at I2 o'clock Ir�. es required by law, Por the purpose of counting votes for Representative for the 18th Represeatative, and the Pollowing was the result - Oakes Tirrell oP Burlington had 217 votes in Lexingtoa tt �r n ^ I03 " " BedfoTd n +e e` �t ']], n ^ Burlington [Rhole number 391 Ysasc P Bacon of Bedford had 151 votes in Leaington rc rc rr n n 47 « 'T Be@ford « t* �* �* '� 60 " `� Burl3ngton Whole number 258 Oakes Tirrell of Burlington was elected by 133 votes majority - � A PF Bryeat Town Clerk Isxington Nov. 9, 1864 - 1865 62 Piarrant for a Town Meeting - To, Oliver 1Y. Kendall Constable of I�egington Greeting: You are herebg� required in the name of the Common- vrealth of Massachusetts,to notify and warn the in- habitants of the Town of Lexington who are queIli- fied by law to. vote for State OPficers to assemble at the Town House on Mondey the Sixth day of March next at one o'cloak. P.M. to act on the follovring articles - Vis: Brt. 1. To cho,ose a Moderator - Hrt. 2. - To choose Town �fPicers Yor the ensuing year, including two School Committee, one for the �erm oP three gear,�, and one for, the term o� one year - Art. 3. To adopt measures for repairs of Highways the ensuing year, and grant money for the same - Bst 4 - To see what sum of momey the Town �eill egpropriate for support of its Public Schools, including their several grades, the ensuing year or act in ar�g manner relating thereto - Art 5. To adopt measures Yor collecting taxes the ensuing year - Art. 6. To adopt measures for sugporting the Poor the e�suin$ year - • � Art. !Z. To see� iP:•the: Town. �uill authorize and em- power the Collector QY Taxes, . to use any & all mesns of collecting taxes, comucitteed to him to collect, which may be lawPully used. by the Touvn Treasurer, achen acting as coll.ector - Continued 1865 �ontinued - 63 Art. 8. To see if the town vrill authorize the Treasurer under the direction of tfle Selectmen, to borrow such sum or sums oP money as may be necesssry, to defray town expenses� the ensuing year, in anticigstion of the taaes Por 1865 - Art. 9. To see if the town will authorize the Selectmen to furnish Lats in the Cemetery, frea . of expense to the families oP such persons as have died in the service of their Country during the present war - Art 10. To see if the town willauthorize the Selectmen to borrow a sum sufPicient to meet the , defiency in the several grants o� 1864 - Art 11. To see if the touen will apgrove the doir� s oP the Selectmen in alloaving the assessors, the sum of two and a half dollars per, day, and fix the - pay per diem for the ensuing year, or act in auy manner relating thereto, - �rt . 12.To hear reports of Committees and act thereon - � Art. 13. To see iP the Town will ch oose a board oP Auditors to audit the accounts of the town Por 1864 & 65 - Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant and your doings thereQn, to the Town Clerk, on or be- fore the time prePixed - Given nnder our hands at Lexington this 20th day oP February A.D. 1865 - - Webster S�ith ) Selectmen tiYm Henry Smith 2d ) oP Hammon Reed ), Lexington Leaington Feby 25, 1865 - Pursuant to the ebw e warrant I have notiPied as - directed Oliver 'N Kendall Constable of Lexington A true Copp - Attest � W. Bryant Town Clerk - 64 1865 Town Meetittg- - The inkiabitants oP Lexington qualified by law to vote for State Officers , assemblefl at the Town Hall in accordance with the foregoing warrant, and passed the following votes, 7liz.: Art. 1. Mr `dlebster Smith chosen Moderator - Al2 these Art 2. *&lbert �I Bryent elected Town Clerk ofPicers � , havin.� Messrs *Hammoa Reed)'::--,: this *mark * Alonzo Goddsrd ) R Selectmen against * Eli Simonds ) their names have been Messrs *Nath$n Fessenden 7r ) qualiPied * Loring.S.Pierce ) " Assessors by taking David A. Tuttle declined) the oath oY ofPieo �essrs *S. 6�. Smith ) " Overseers oP the poor .�.W.Bryant * Chas. A Butters ) & Surveyors oP Highways Town Clerk Chas. K. Tucker ) declined decl3ned Messrs �m T. Stowe Sohool Gommit�ee. for 3 years Luke. C. Childs �' " " 1 ^ * L. A. Saville Treasurer & Coll.ector - * Oliver �f &endall ) Constables * Hiram �Ieeks ) Mess * How�and Holmes ) Winslour Wellington) Fenee Yj�e�rers * Oliver R4 Winshig ) 1�Hess. Gershom Swan ) declined Sidnep Butterfield ) Field Drivers declined Chas. 1Yellington ) Geo. Simonds Jr ) , * T.Q. A Chandler, Marahall Russell Continued 1865 Gontinued , 65 6st. 3. Voted T'That the sum Of tw0 thousflnd (2,000 ) dollars ba granted Por the support of the Highways and expende@ in the same manner as last year -�* 8.rt 4. Yoted 'TThat t�e sum oP P'our Thousand and Six Hundred Dollars (�4,600 ) be appropriated for the sup- port of Schools, end its apportionment be lePt to the discretion of the School Committee - Art 5. Poted "That the collecting oP taxes be let out to the lowest bidder as has been done heretofore"- the collec�fng oP taae';s was let, to L. A. Saville Por $�250. 9rt 6. �foted '�That Fifteen Hundred (�1500 ) Dollars be granted for the support of the Poor, and expended under the direction oP the Overseers of the Poor. Art 7. Yotad nThat the Collector be authorized and . Ptx11Y empowered" Art 8. �oted "That the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money as may be necessary" - 9rt 9. Vot�d "That the Selectnen be authorized to Purnish lots.'= Art 10. ?oted "To pass over ert." Art 11. Voted '°That the Town approve of the doings oP the Seleetlizen, and tYa-t the pay per diem be two & a half (2.50 ? Dollars for the ensuing year." Qrt 12. The Overseera of the Poor submitted their report which was accepted - The Surveyor�s oP Highways msde a report "and no action was taken1t Continued - 1865 66 Eontittued Art 12. The Selectmen submitted a partial report oP s settlement with the Treasurer" - The School Committee made a verbal statement Art 13. Poted !'Thati,the Se]eetmen, be instructed to publish their report, and such other statistic matter as they may be able to obtain - There being no further business before the meeting it was declared dissolved - A true record, A �N Brysnt Town Clerk - Town OPPicers appointed by the Selectmen March 7, 1865 - , * Oliver �. Pendall For �exton, Pound - Keeper- Snrveyor of Lumber, and Superintendant of Town Iiall 6lonzo Goddard Sealeroof �9eigh�s & Measures - Peter V�fellington ) YJm H. Smith 2d ) 4Peighers of Hay - * Joseph F.Simonds ) * Horace�: B. Davis ) Measurers oP 'r�ood & V�n H. Smith 2d ) Bark - L A Saville ) � L. �.. Saville Superintendant of Town Scales - - Hammon Reed � ) Selectmen Blonzo Goddard ) oP Eli Simonds ) Lexington Lexington Nlarch 9, 1865 - Attest A. �J. Bryant Town Clerk - 1$65 � Vderrant Yor a Town Meeting 67 To, Oliver 4P. Kendall Constable oY Lexington Greeting: You are hereby required to notiPy in the name of the Common�realth of Massachusetts and warn the in- habitants of the Touvn oY Lexington, who are quali- Pied, by latq to vote for State OPficers, to assem- ble at the Town House on Monday the Third day of April hext, at Two ataloak P.M. to aot on the £ol- lowing ar�icles, Piz: 6rt. 1 To chooae a Moderator - Art. 2. To Yill vacancies in Town OPfices. - Art 3. To see if the Town, will accept a List oP Jurors prepared by the Seleetmen - Art 4. � To grant money to defray Town Expenses the ensuing year - , Art, 5. To see if the To�n will reconsider the � vote whereby it �as voted to grant the sum of Four thousQnd six hundred dollars, Por the sup- port oP Schools, the ensuing yea'r, or act in any manner relating to the subject - �lrt fi. To haar reports of Co�ittees and aot thereon - HereoY fail not and make return of this warrant and your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time prefised - Given under our hands at yesington this 20th day oF Marah A.D. 1865 - Hammon Reed ) Selectmen Alonzo Godderd ) of Eli Simonds ) Lexington Lexington March 27, 1865 - ` I have notiPied and' warned as directed 0. �I. gendsll Gonst�ble - 1865 68 2oum Meeting The legal voters of Lexington, assembled at the To�n Hall in acoordanee with the foregoing war- rant, and passed the Yollowing votes - Art. I.. 7ames Gould Esq elected Moderator - Art 2. The Po2lowing Town tlfPicers vicere electad fill vacancies - * S¢seph F. Simonds Por Assessor ,- * �lbert Fitch Por Overseer, oP th� Poor & Sur- veyor � Nathaniel Fierce 7r ) Eberett E 5lnith ) Field Drivers �enj F. Locke ) � Henry Russell ) , �rt 3. The Selectmen submitted a List of Jurors which were accepted - Art 4, The Selectmen sutmitted an amount necessary to defray the eapenses, sqnd Voted "That the amount be grented° Art 5. 4oted 1°That the vote be reconsidered and the sum oY Forty-two hundred dollars be granted Por '�he support of Schools the ensuing year - �Srt 6. No Committee reported - Voted 'tThat the Selectmen be requested to appear beYora the County Commissioners, (and procure Couneil iP necessary ) at a Meeting to be held at Concord on :the 20th day oP April next, and remon- atrate against the petition of 6. �. F�y & others _ 6ttest g '+� Bryant Toa�n Clerk 1865 Warrant for a Town Meeting 69 To, Oliver 'N Kendall Constable of I,exington,Greeting: You are hereby required in the name of the Common- wealth oP Massachusetts,to notifyand warn the in- habitants of the �own oP Lexington, who are queli- fied '.by law to vote for State Offieers to assemble at the Town House on Monday the 29 3nst at 6s o'elock P P7. to act on the following articles; Tliz:- Art. 1. To choose a IVioderator - Art 2. To see what action the town evill take on the following petition "To the Aonorable County Commissioners oY the County oP Middlesex - � RespBctPully represents The undersigned Citizens of Goncord in said County � that the highway leading Prom Concord to.:East ?ex- ington, commencing at the Stone 3ridge Near the house oP Elijah VJood in said Concord �nd running through the centre oP Leaington, to the house oP I�athaniel Pierce itt said East Lexington in seid County, is hilly, circuitous, narrow' and unsafe for public travel. iiVherePore pour petitioners pray that Your Honour- able Body will cause such aTteratioms , new ways, and speeific repairs, as wiilmake the same con- venient for pub]:ic trac.el - Addison G Fay & others On the Poregoing petition Ordered that the SheriPf oP said County, or his Deputy, give notice to sll persons an& Corporations interested therein, that said Comuiissioners will meet Por the purpose of viewing the premises and hearing the parties, at the Gourt House in Concord on Tuesday the Sixth d�y oP June negt, at aine oP the clock in the forenoon - Continued 1865 7p Gontinued Art 3. To see iP the Town uuill raise money to r'ePund and��psy to individuals the money contrib- uted by them to Purnish men to fill the quotas oY ?�exington under anq requisition, order or call oP the President or of the. War department of the United States, Por the year 1864, or act in any manner in relation to the su b�ect - Art 4. To see iP the Town will procure a new Hearse am act in any manner in relation to the subject - Art 5. To see if the Town will change the name of. H': �:Street to ATlen 5treet - HereoP fail not and make returu of this warrant and your� doings thereon, to the `�own Clerk, on or before the time prePixed - • � Given under our handsat Lexington this Fifteenth day of �iap A.D. 1865 �ottd R d ) Selectmen � dlonzo Go��dard j of �li Simonds ) Legington Pursuant to the within warrant I have notiPie� the Inhabitants of the Town of� Lexington here in described . �to� meet at the tim and place and for the �iurposes within ment�oned - Oliver 'N Kendall Constable of Lexington 1865 Town Meeting �ay 29 - 71 The legal voters of the Town of Legipgton assembled at the Town House in accordanae with the Poregoing warrant and passed the following votes; Vis: t�rt 1. Mr I N Damons elected B�oderator - �rt 2. Voted. ^That the Selectmen be requested to oppose the petition, and talce such measures as they may deem neeessary to defeat the obJect of the p.e�- itioners^ - 6rt 3. Poted "That the Town rePund the money to the individusls who contributed it, thereby Purnishing men, and Pilling the quotas under the oslls of the President of the United States and the �far Depart- ment since Egarch 5, 1864" - Poted "That the Lown raise by taxation the present _ year �4,000, to meet, the reimbursement voted, and that the Town Treasures, under the direction of the Selectmen be attthorized to borrouv the balance" - 6rt 4. Poted "That the sub�ect be rePerred to a Gommittee of three, with instructions to purchase a Tiearse, st sn expense not exceeding five hundred dollars" - goted "That the Selectmen eonstitute the above � Cammittee" - V'oted "That the �or�ittee be instructed to sell xhe old Hearse - �rt 5. Poted "That the name of H Street be chenged to dllen Street'T - The Meeting �aas then declared disso2ved - A W Bryant Town Clerk 1855 72 Warrant .for a Town Meeting - To, Oliver 4[� Kendall Constable of Lexington Greeting - You are hereby required in the name of the Common- wealth oP Massachusetts, to notif� and warn the in- habitants of the Town of Lexington who are q�talified by law to vote Por State OfPicers to assemble at the Town Houee on Tuesday Lhe Seventh day oP November ` next at 1 o'cloak P.M. at which time the Poll will he opened for the purpose of reoeiving ballots for the following oYPicers, Viz: , For e member oY Congress for the 6th District. For Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary, Treas- � urer and Receiver General, Attorney General and Aud- itor of th� Common�vealth - � For Gouncillor for District No. 3. Senator Yor Dis- trict No. 5 - Representative to the General Court for District No 18. and Register oP Deeds for the , , 34uthern Distriat of It�iiddlesex - For County Commissioner, two Specigl Commissioners three Commissioners of Insolvency, Sheriff, and Ilistriet 6ttorney - The $electmen will receive the eotes for the above oPPicers, all on one ballot, and the Poll willbe closed at 4� q'clqek P.M. You are also required to notify and warn the afore- said inhabitants to meet at the Town Hall on said day at 3. o'clock P.M. to act on the following, articles, Viz - ' Art. �. To ehoose a Moderator - 1865 Gontinued - � �3 Art 2. To aee if the Town will pay the expenses oY the funeral services, of Abraham Lincoln, in this town the 19th. oP April last - Art 3. To see iP the Town wi11 autharize the Selectmen to dispose of the old Fire Engines - Art 4. To see iP the Town vaill relingu3sh all claim to a lot of land on BedPord Street, and authorize the Selectmen to make a conveyance oY the ssme - Hereof Pail not and make return oP this warrant and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or bePore the time prefiaed - - Given uttder our hands at Lexington this 23d day oP October A.D. 1865 - Hammon Reed ) Selectmen A].onzo Goddard ) of Elf Simonds ) Lexington The Seleatmen willbe in session at the Town Hall on the day of,Election Prom 12 o'clock Ii4 to 1 o*clock P.M. Yor the purpose oP revising the voting list, and �o names will be inserted on the list aPter the Poll is opened - All persons w.ho have naid subscriptions or Assess- men+�s to assist in Yilling the quotas c�' Lexington, can obtain orders Ps�r the amount oP their paym ents, of the Selectmen at the Town Hall,� the laet �ulonday of each month from 7 to 9 P.Ivf. also on Tuesd�y the 7th oY Nov. Prom` 9 to 11. A.1�. - I,exington Oct 30, 1865 - Pursuant br� the within warrattt, I have notified the inhabitants of the Town oP Lexington, herein described,,; to meet at the time and place, and for the purposes within mentioned - Oliver W Kendall Constable of � I,exington - 1865 74 Town Meeting The inhabitants of Lesington qualified by law to. vote Por State OfPicers assembled at the Town House in aocordance with the foregoing warrent snd passed the following votes, via : Representatiee to Congress 6th District Nathaniel P. Banks of Walthmm. one hundred & forty eight � 148 T. 7. Greenwood of Malden seventy-t�vo 72 Governor Alexander. H. Bullock oP Worcester one hundred forty seven T47 Darius N Couch of Taunton seventy - two 72 Lieutenant Governor - William Claflin oY I�ewton oae htbndred'& forty eight 148 Thomas F. P.lunket't oP PittsYie'ld seventy-two 72 Seeretary - � � Olieer Warner of Northamptofl one hundred & forty 148 eight 8. 0. Lemb of Greenfield seventy two 72 Treasurer Jacoh H Loud oP Plymouth one hundred & forty ei�ht 148 Thomas 0. Amory oP Eoston seventy-two 72 Auditor ' Henry S. Briggs of Pittsfield one hundred & forty- eight ' 148 � 6rthur F. Devereua oY Salem seventy two 72 Attoraey General Chaster I reed oP Taunton one hundred forty eight 148 Horatio G Parker oP Cambridge sacenty two 72 Continued 1865 Con�inued 75 Councillor District No 3 - Thomas Talbot of Billerica one hundred & Porty eight 148 w. 4�. Warren of Brighton seventy-Pour 74 SheriYf Qharles Kimball of Lo�sell t�ro hundred & twenty 220 District Attorney Isasc S. Pdorse oE C�mbridge oae hundred Pa� ty eight 148 7. F. Piokering of Eharlestovrn seventy-two ?2 Register oP Deed, Middlesex Southern District Gharles S. Stevens oP Cambridge two hundred & twenty 220 County Commissioner � � Edward J. Collins oP Newton o�ne hundred Porty seven 147 H.P. Ross of Groton seventg twa 72 Special eommissioners i�m. ��. Edgarton of Shirleq one hundred & Porty seven 147 tiPm. Hastings oP Framinghauc one hundred & forty sevett 147 George Wheeler of Conoord seventy-two 72 George Page of Shirley seventp two 72 Comutissioners oP Inso2vency Henry Haldwin of Brighton one hundred & £orty seven 147 Theodore� C Aurd of Framingham. one hundred & Portp seven 147 Andrew F Jewett of Lowell one hundred & fortq seven 147 W iN uVarren of Brighton seventy-two 72 C.F.Howe oP Iawell seventy ttvo 72 Taseph �ller aY Eramingham seventy two 72 Continued 1865 76 6ontinued Senator District No 5- John Hill oP Stoneham two hundred & twentp 220 Representative District' Na 18 = John W Hudson of Lexington seventy � 70 �m �inn oP Burlington ona hundr,ed & thirty five 135 After tl� aboqe votes;:were sorted, counted and a declaration thereof made, the meeting was dissolned - A true record �: �� Brpant Town Glerk Lexington Non. 8, 1865 - 1� meeting of the Totivn Clerks, of' f;exington BedYord and Burlington was held this day at 12 o'clo'ek �I. at the Town Hall, Por the purpos� oP counting the � YOt6S �fOT a Representative to the General Court for the lSth District ; the following number of votes were thro�n, Vis - Lexington Por SPm �ilinn of Burlington' 135 Bedford " TM " 45 Burlington " " " 70 ' 250 Lexington Por John VY Audson of Lexington 70 BedPord " " 49 Burlington " " 16 135 A W Bryant Tou� Clerk 1865 ' ' To�en Meeting - �7 The votexs of Lexington qualiPied by lavr to vote in Tooen afPairs assembled at the Town House in accord- ance with the foregoing warrant �nd` passed tne fol- lowing votes upon the several articles Vis: Art. 1. 7ames Gould Esq chosen &Ioderator - �rt 2. Voted "That the Selectmen be instructed to draw their warrant Por the balanoe - Art 3. Voted "That the Selectmen be authorized to dispose oP the old Fire Engines - t�rt 4. Voted "That the Town release their interest in the premises to the orvners oP land ad�oining, they the abutters paying the tivho�.e expense incurred thereby: and the Selectmen be authorized to eaecute a proper conveyance oP the same - Voted "That this meeti.ng be dissolved" A 'uY gryant �o�vn Clerk - 78 ` 1866 r�arrant Por a Town P.Zeeting - To, Oliver Y1 Kendall one oP the eonst�bles oP Lexington Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth oP Bilassachusetts, you are hereby required, to notify and warn the inhabitants of the said town of Lex- ittgton, qualiPied by law to vote in town affairs to assemble at the Town Hall in said town on Mon- day the fifth day of b4arch next at one o'cloek to act on the following artieles - Viz :- Xrt 1. To choose ,a �oderator - Art. 2. To choose Torn OfYicers for the ensuing year, including one School Committee for the term of three years, snd also one for the term of two years - �rt. 3. To adopt measures Por Repairs of High- ways, the ensuing yean, and grant money Por the sama - �rt 4. ' To adopt measures for supporting the Poor the ensuing year - � drt 5. To see what sum oY money the town will ap- propriate Yor support bf its Public Schools, in- cluding their several grades the ensuing year, or aet in ar�y manner relating thereto - 6rt. 6. To adopt measures Por collectixig taxes the ensuing year - 8rt 7. To see if the Town wi11 authorize and empower the Collector oY Taxes to use ar�y and all means oP Collectittg the Taxes, committed': to him to aollect which may be lawfullp used by the To•�n Treasurer, when acting as Collector - Continued 1886 Continued 79 Art. 8. To see if the Town will authorize the Treasurer under the direction oP the Seleetmen, to borrow such sum or sums of monap as may be necessary to defray To�vn expenses the ensuing pear, in ,antieipation of tka Taxes oP 1866 - f1r�. 9. To see iP the Town will cause the re- maining part oP the New Cemetary to be enclosed and lotted out, or act in axf�* manner in rela- tion to the subject: Art I0. To see if the Totivn will providA a suit- able building Por totivn business , �nd also pro- vide for the safe keeping oP the Town Records and books - Art 11. To hear reports oP Committees, and act thereon - Art 12. To ses if the Town wi11 choose a board oP Auditors to audit the aecoun�s of the town Por, 1865 _ 6 - HereoP Pail not �d make return of this warrant and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the time prefiaed - Given under our hands at Lex3ngton this 17th day oE February 6.D. 1866.= Ha�ott Reed ' )Selectmen Alonzo Goddard ) oP Eli Simonds jl,exington�:. Lexington E`ebruarp 26, 1866- Pursuant to the within warrant, f have notified the inhabitants of the, Town of Lexington, hereing described, to meet at the time aad pl$ce, and for the purposes within mentioned - Oliver '� Kendall Constable of Isxington 1866 80 Town Afeeting March 5th The inhabita.nts of I;esington qualified by law to Qote in town affairs assembled at the Town Hall on the Fifth day March 1866, in accordance with the foregoing warraa� ,and the Pollo�ittg votes were passed upon the se�eral articZes in the war- rant Por said meeting; Vis:- Art 1. B�Ir Sonas Gammell elected Moderator - ArL. 2. Town Offieers electe$ - * Albert �Y Bryant Town Clerk *Charles Robinson ) ' *S. L'V. S7nith ) Selectmen * John �Y Hudson ) *Toseph F. S imonds j Nathan Fessenden ) Assessors *I�oring S Pieree ) Luke C Childs School Committee Por ,� years - � .f�0II38 �a'SIDIIl611 n n n 2 rt *I. N. Daznon ) �`E. A. Mulliken )Overseers of the Poor *George P Chapman ) *Eli Simonds �Surveyor:;:oP Highways for South District '�`Chas. RobinsOri ) " " " "T Lqiddle �4 �`George P Chapmarz ). '" tD ^ � R North " *Oliver �Y Kendall ) Constable *Hiram V7eeks ) " 4Y�bster Smith Treasurer & Collector - �ontinued 1866 Continued , 81 I N Damon ) deelined 0. N. Kendell ) Fence Viev�ers . . *John Allen ) declined P°. M. Harrington ) bbner Stone ) declined . g. B. Smith ) Field Drivers * B. .E'. Locke ) J Q A. Chandler ) R. P�[ Reed ) daclined , Voted "That the Selectman be authorized to appoint ell other neeessary town oPficers - Voted "That the thamks oP the tovrn be pre- sented ta Hemmon Reed Fssq. for the valuable and ePfieient services rettdered to Lhe town in the dischasge oP his dutq as chairman oY the board oP Selectmen Por" 1865,. and the vote be entered upon the records of the town^- Art 3. Voted ^That the town he� disided into three Highway Districts, Mifldle South &. North, and one Surveyor chosen for each district - the dtvision as follovrs. l�diddle, the 11�ain Road leadin� from udest Cambrid e to Lincoln line, including tHe Eedford road lea�- ing from the common to Bedford line" - Noath - all the roads lging north oP the Middle district South = all bhe roads south of the middle district- Voted "That the moaey granted Por repairs of High- �vags he expended under the direction oY three sur- Qeyors - Voted "That the sum af ;$2,000, be appropriated for the Highways and slso �300 be granted as a special apprapriation, to be expended neat �inter; in team� ing gravel 8cc. , Voted 'TThat the money grsnted for repairs oP High- ways be divided by the Seleetme� & #iighway Surveq- ors - Continued 1866 , , 82 Continued Art 4. Voted "That the sum oP �1500. be granted Yor the support of the Poor - and the expenditure be Tefersd::.to the Overseers^ - Art 5. Voted "That the sum oP �4500. he appro- priated for the support of Schools: the ensuing year - , . Art 6. Voted ^That the offices oP 2'reasurer and Gollector be united - Qoted ^Thet the collecting oP taxes be let out. to the lowest bidder, and the co�leetor be author= ized to make a discount oP 10 per ct. oa all tages paid on or before the 20th day of No4. negt, and gll taxes be oollected by the Pirst of Feby, fol- lowing^- �he collecting oF teaes were let to ��ebster Smith for the sum of �400. Art 7. Yated "That the Colle¢tor be authorized and empowered" Art 8. �oted "That the Treasurer be authorized to borrQw money under the direction oP the Selectmea^- �rt 9. Qoted "Tha� the subjeot be, re.Pered to the Sel�ctmen, to act as they may deem best for the interest oP the town^ - Art 10. Voted ^That the Art. he rePered to a Committee of three to i�estigate ,the subject and report at ne$t taen meeting - . , Messrs Charles Hudson, �harles Rabinson & 0. W. Sendall were ohosen^ - . Continued 1866 Continued 83 6.rt 11.. The Overseers of the Poor submitted their Report , Voted "That the report be accepted and placed on file" � The Selactmen made a report of a partial settle- ment with the Treasurer, which was accepted a�i placed on file" . The Surveyors oP Highweqs submitted s report,and Voted _L°That the report be accepted and placed ou Pile'*- �Lrt 12. Voted "�hat a board of Auditors consist- ing of three be chosen^ - Voted "That the Sele6tmen bf last year constitute the board oY Auditors - The meeting was then dissolved - - & W Bryent Town Clerk - 1866 84 �arrant for a Tomn Meeting To, Oliver W Kendsll Constable oY Lexington Greeting:- You are herebp required to notiPy in the name of the Commonwealth oY Massachusetts, and �arn the inhabitants oP the Town of �exittgton, who are qual- iPied, bg law to vote for State Officers, to as- semble st the Town Eiall on Pdonday' the Ninth day oP April next, at one o'clock. P.M. to act on the fol- lowing articl'es, Vis: ' Art.l. To ehoose a Brloderator - tlrt.2. To fill vacancies in Town' OfYices - Art.3. To see if the Town will a�cept a List of Jurors pregared by the Selectmen - 2rt.4. To grant money to defray' ToWn Expenses, the ensuing year. - Art. 5. To see if the Town willcause the Adams Sehool House to be Painted - Art 6. To see iP the Town will reconsider the vote, whereby the control oP repairs oY Railings and Bridges upon the Highways wa°s given to the Highway Surveyors, or act in any menner relating thereto - Art 7. To see iP the Town vcill dispose of the Horses, Garts, ,Harnesses. and Pools, belonging to the Town, and Yormenly used by the Aighway Surveyors, or act in relation to the sub�ect - Art 8. To see if the Town will raise money to meet the egpenses of supporting the Poor, end of repairing highways; also expenses of the Sc Schools for 1865. not covered by the grants oP that year, or act thereon - Continued 1866 Continued - 85 • Qrt 9. To hear Reports oP Committees and act thereon - Art 10. To see if the Town will grant monep to pay part of the Town Debt - HereoP Pail not, and make return oP this �l�tar- rant and your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time prefixed - Given under our hands at Lexington, this twenty- sixth day' oP March, A.D. 1866 - John �N Hudson ) Selectmen � Ghas. Robinson ) of � S. Vif. Smith ) Isxington The �Seleotmen evilJ. be in session at the Town Hall, on the last IvTonday of each month during the yoar, Prom 7 to 9 o'clock; P.M. - Isxington gpril 2d 1866 - Pursuant to the within warrant, T have notiPied the Inhabitants of the town of Lexington, to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned - Oliver 4`1 Kendall Consta�le of Lesington- 1866 86 Town �eeting April 9th The inhabitants of Lezington qualified bg law to vote in to�n afPairs, assembled et the Town Fiall in accordance with the foregoing aarrant, the fol- lowing votes �ere passed - Vis: 6rt 1. Sonas Gammell elected Moderator - 9rt =2. � *Albert Fitch, *I. N. Damon *John Beals were eleoted Fence Viewers - Nathaniel Pierce 3r. Marahall P. Russ:ell,were elected P'ield Drivers - ' .' * Q. hr. Kendall, elected Surveyor oY Lumber Art. 3. The Selectmen reported a I,ist oP Jurors wi�ich were accepted - Art. 4. The Seleetmen submitted an amount of money neaessary ta dePrap the ezpensea bf` the town the ensuing year - �'oted "�at the amount reported be granted1° - Art 6 Yoted "That the Art, be indefinately post- poned. Art. 7. Voted '*That the sub�ect be rePered to the Selectmea uvith instructions to act as theq may deem for the interest of the town" - Art 8 Tloted "That the sum of �145.10 be appro- priated out of the uneapended money in the Treasury, to pap the defiency due the HighWay Surveyors^ - Voted '°That the suLn of �527.38 �hiah was paid by the Selecemtn for the support of the PQor the last gear be approved - , 1866 � 87 * &rt 9. The Committee chosen to report upon the hatter accomodation oP the Town Records, and Por town business, �oted '�That the report be accepted and adopted'° - The Selectmen reported the following Town Offi�es. Voted "That the ofPicers reported be accepted^ - *Joseph F Simonds, *Aorac� B Davis, *'A'm H Slnith 2d, yeonasd b Saville & *Augustua Childs to be Meas- urers oY �i[ood end Bark'* Alonzo Goddard to be Sealer oP weights and Meas- ures - ' Leonard_ & Saville to be ?uperintendant of the Town Scsles *Horace � Davie to be Speoial Poiiee man during the pleasure of the present board of Selectmen - *0. �! Kenda�ll to be Pound Keeper, Segton and Superintendant of the Town Aall. Art 10. �qted "That the sum oP �2,000 fie raised � and appropriated for the purpose c�' paying a Note Por money borrowed, to rePund to subscribers for monep subscri5ed on account of the war- After the abova business was trsnsacted the meeting mas dissolved - A W Bryant Town Glerk 1866 88 V9arrant for a Tows Meetin� . . � To, Oliver N Kendall Constable oP Lexington Greeting: You are hereby required to notif��in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and warn the inhabitants oP the Town of Lexin�ton, vrho are qualified by �aw to voLe` in Town afPairs, to assemble at the Town Hall, on Monday, the 18th day oP Juna next, at 32 o*clock P. M. tm act on the following articles, ais:- Art. 1. To choose a hdoderator - � Art. .2. To see what provisions the Town will make Por the peyment og sums oP money due to claimants under the State Aid law, approved April 23d 1866. Art 3. To see what measures the Town vwill tek e to build the Road recently �aid out by the County Commiasioners, commencing noar the house of George M �ogers, and extending tonear BTpant �s Corner Art 4. To take s[i.ah measures as may be deemed advisible relative to settling cartain bills prefered against the Townfbr the seapport oF the Poor during the past year - Art 5 To see what action the 2'own� will take Por the erection of a Memorial to the Patriots of this Town who fell in the lste Rebellian, or act in re- lation to the same - Art 8. To see if the Town will cause the Well in the Hancock School House Yard to be deepened and enlarged, so as to supply water the year round - Continued eontinued 89 ' Art 7. To hear reports of Committees;,. and act thereon - ` HereoP Y�il not, and make return of this Narrant and your dofngs thereon to the Town Clerk , on or before the time prefixed - Given under our hands at Lexington this twenty-eighth day oP P�ay, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and sixtq-six. 7ohn W Hudson )$electmen Charles RoL�nson } of ' �. ➢�.Smith )Lexington � true Copy - Attest A W Brgant Town Clerk 7sexington June lOth 1866 - Pursuant to the foregtling warrant I Ya-ve notified the Inhabitant`s oP tks Town of Lexington, herein descaribed to meet at the time and place , and for the purposes within mentioned - Oliver 4Y. gendall Constable of Lexington 1866 90 Town Meeting June 18th The inhabitants of the �own of Lexington who were qualified by law, to vote in town afPairs, assembled at �he Town Hall, on the 18th day oP 7une 9,.D. and passed the Pollowing votes, on the several artieles, in the foregoing warrant - Vis:- Art. 1. Mr Tonas Gemmell elected Moderator - &rt. 2. Voted, That a sum not eaceeding eight hun- dred f�800, ) dollars he appropriated to the payment of State 6id under Chap. 172, acts of 1866 - 9rt. 3. 4ated, That the whole subject be refered to the Selectmen with instructions iso build the road, in snch manaer as they may� deem Por the besk interest of the t044II - Voted That the sum of one thousand dollars be assessed this year, and the Treasurer be authorized � � to borrow, under the direction of the Selectmen, such a sum oP money as may be needed to finish the road - • Art. 4. Voted, That the bills be refered to the Overseers of tla Poor, and the� be instructed to aettle the bills: if a�y of them are questionable, they take such Zegal advice, as t3�ey may deem necessary„and the Selectmen are authorized to dr$w their warrant Por the sum necessary Art. 5. Vated, That the sum of one thousand dollars be appropriated for the purpose of providing a suit- able bionumented b4emorial oP the brave and patriotic men of Isxingtoa quota who ls ve Yallen in the war, or who have died oP wounds received or oP disease contractad in Lhe service: Continued 1866 ConLinued 91 and the Selectmen are hereby authorized and empow- ered to cause a suitable lldonvment to be erected Por thst purpose, provided that t�e whole eapense oY the same shall not eaceed the sum hereby appro- priated; en. incase the Seleotmen can make a contract with Lhe Lexington �onument &ssociation to have a suitabla inscription with the names of the said de- ceased soldiers or seamen, placed upon the pedestal of their eomtemplated &fonument, they are hereby em- ' • powered tca make a contrect in hehalf of the town; provided however, tnat the s� to be paid to said Bssoaiation shall not exceed one thonsand dollars, and that the same shall not be paid, till the As- sociation sha•ll �have laid the corner �tone of their contemplated Monwnent - A.rt. 6. Voted, That the subject be refered to the Selectmen with instructions, to eause the well to be deepened and enlarged, iP they in their Judge- ment deem it necessary - �'t• 7, No Cc�¢ittee reported - After the Poregoing votes were passed, the meeting was declsred by the �Soderator dissolved - A true record Attest A. ��f. Bryant Town Glerk - 1866 92 Wsrrant for a Town PL�eeting To, Oliver W Kendall �onstable oP Leaington Greeting You are hereby required in the ffime of the Common- wealth oP P�assachusetts, to notify snd warn the inhabitants of the Town oP Lexington who are qual- iPied bq lava to vote for State OYYicers to assemble at the Town Hall on Tuesday the Sixth day of Nov- ember next, at one o•clock P.M. at e�hieh time the Poll �oill be opened Por the purpose of receiving ballots for the following oPficers, '�is: For a member of Congress for the 6th District For Governor� Lieutenant Governor, Secretary Trees- urer Receiver Gener.sl, Attorney General and Audit- or oP the Commonwealth - For Councillor for District No 3. Senator Por Dis- trict 5, Representative to the General Court for District No 21, Clerk oP the Courts Por the County of Middlesex, and one County Commissioner - The Selectmen �vill receive the votes P� the abone oPficers all on one ballots; the Poll must be kept open tao hours, and as much longer, but not after sunset, as a ma�ority oP the voters present may decide:- You are also required to notify and warn the afore- said inhab3tants to meet at the Town House on said day at 3 otclock P.M. to act on the Yollowing ast- icles, V'iz;- Art l. To ehoose a Moderator 1866 Continued - 93 Art 2. To see what the Town will do in regard to raising more money for repairs o% Rosds - Art 3. To see if the Town will choose a committee to consider and report at some future meeting some plan to be adopted by the town for the repairs of Highways - �irt 4. To see what action t�e Town tiqilltake toavards repairing the $oad near Randalls, bridge so called - HereoP fail not and make return of this warrant and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the time prefiaed - Given under our hands at Lex- ington this . FiPteenth day of Octoi�er �.A. 1866- Sohn '�F Hudson )Sele ctmen S.�f. . Smith ) oP Charles Robinson)Lexington The Sel9ctmen will be in session at the Towa Hall on 1�tonday the Fif'th day of November next from 7 to 8 o'clock P.1;2. and on the day of �lection Prom 12 o'clock Ni. to 1 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of revising the voting list, and no nmmes will be in- serted on the list after the Foll is opened - Lexington oct 27, las6. Pursuant to ths within warrant, I }�ve notiPied the inhabitants of tY� To�vn of Lexington, herein de- scrihed, to meet at the time and place and Por the purposes vuithin mentioned - Oliver 'N gendall Constable of Lexington 1866 94 . Town 2vIeeting 6�h of November The inhabitants oP the Town oP Lexington who were qual ified by l�w to cote for State OPficers, ss- sembled at the Town House, in accordance �rith the foregoing warrant, and passed the folZowing votes- �iz: . Voted "Thst the Poll be kept open and closed at 4 o*clock - &mos Angier Esq was appointed by the Selectmen, distributor of Envelopes. and qualified by the oath oP office - For Governor B:lexander H: ,�ullack oP 44oreester Y�d one hu�dred & thirty sia 136 Theodore H. Se�eetser of LoweZl sixty-three 63 Lieutenant Governor �Nilliam Claflin of Newton one hundred end thirty-sia 156 Horace C Lee oY Springfield - Sixty-three Secretary Oliver Warner oP Northampton one hundred thirty six 136 Luther Steghenson 7r of Hin�haan Sixty three - Attorney General Chester E. . Reed oY Tsunton one hundrod thirty sia 136 ti�illiam C Endioott of Salem Sixty three 63 Auditor Gf Accounts. I3enrg S Briggs of Pittsfield one _hundred �hirty Pive 135 Artrur F Devereaux oP Roxbury Sixty three 63 1866 . Continue@ 95 Treasurer & Receiver General Jacob H Loud of P3ymouth one hundred 8c thirty five 135 Harvey Arnold oP Adams - Sixty three 63 Councillor Yor District No 6 Thomas Talbot of Hillerica one hundred thirty five 135 - Orin S. . Knapp of Somerville Sixty three - Senator Por PiIiddlesex District No 6 - George P. Elliot of Billerica one hundre thirty Pive Stephen NichoTs of VJoburn aSixty th�ee 63 Elerk oP the Courts 198 - Benjamin .a F. Ham oP VFinchester one hundred ninety eight County Commissioner ?�eonard �Huntress oY Tewksbury one hundred ninety two92 Representative to Congress ,District No 6. Nathaniel .P. Banks oP 4YaLtham one .hundred 8c thirty 130 Frederick 0. Prince of Winehester Sixty three 63 Representative to Gener�l Gourt Middlesex District No 21 6Nilliam A Stearns of BedPord one. hundred & thirty three - Freedom F Raymond Sixty-tavo - of Lexington aPter the ehove ballots, were sorted, counted , and a declaration thereof made the meeting was declared dissolved 6 W Bryant Town Clerk 1866 96 Town Meeting Nov• 6 - The PQeeting came to order at the time specified in the warrant and passed the Pollowing votes Vis: Art 1. Hon Chas Hudson chosen Iufodera�or - Art. 2. Yoted "To I.ay the ast. on the table'� - Art 3. Voted "That the subject be rePesed to a Committee oP three persons with instructions to aonsider the subject, and recommend some measures to be adopted by the town at the annual meeting in March next, and the sum of money. necessary to be appropriated Por tha purpose`" - Messrs 5.47. Smith, Charles Butters and Gharles Robinson arere chosen - Art 4. T�oted "That the sum of �5150. be appro- priated Por the purpose oP repeising the Road near Randalls Bridge, and expended under the direction oP the Highway Surveyors" - The Meeting was then dissolved & "vY Brysnt . Town Clerk . . . Nov 7. A Meeting oP the �lerks oP the Towns of Lexington, Bedford, Burlington & Carlisle was held this day at 12 o'clock M. at the Town Hall in Hedford the votes for a Representative for the 21st District was as follows, Vis: Nilliam A Stearns. F. F. R&ymond Le�ngton 133 Legington 62 BedYord 95 Bedford 29 Burlington 36 Burlington 44 Carlisle 57 Carlisle 30 � �65 1867 , Warrant for a Town Meeting 97 To Oliver 4V Kendall Constable of Isxington Greeting: In the name oP the Gommonwealth of L�assachusetts you sre hereby required, to notify and warn the inhabitants oP the Town of Lexingto n, quaI ified bp law to vote in town afPairs to assemble at the Town Fiall in said town on Monday the.Fousth day of March negL at one o'clook P.P�i, to aet on the following articles, Vis: grt. 1. To choose a Plfoderator - . Art. 2. To choose Town OPficer. s for the ensuing gear, including one School .Gommittee man Por the term oP three pears - grt. 3. To adopt measures Por Repairs of F3ighways the ensuing year, and grant moneg Yor the same - Art. 4. To adopt measures for supporting the Poor the ensuing year - Art. 5. To see what sum oP money the Town will appropriate Por. suppart of its Public Schools, including their several grades, the ensuing year, or act in any manner relating thereto - grt. 6. To adopt measures for Collecting Taxes �he ensuing year - 6xt. . 7. To see if the Town vrill authorize and empower the C�llector of Tsaea to use any and all means of colle eting the taxes committed to him to collect, which may be lawPully nsed by the `Powsn Treasurer, when acting as Collector - . Continued 1867 , 98 Continued Art. 8. To ,see if the Tawn wfll authorize the Treasurer (under the directiott oP the Selectmen) to borrow such sum or. s.ums of money as may be necessary to dePray Town egpenses the ensuing year, in anticipation of the Tazes oP 18fi7 - 8st. 9. To see if tbe Town provide better ac- comodation for the . transaction of public business, for the safe keeping oP Town Records, and Por the High School, by remodelling the Town Hall, or to build a new oae - Art. 10. To see iP the Town �eill take a�y meaus- ures towards ]�ttering or improving the Tomb �rhere the remains of Re�. �ohn Hancock, and Rev. Jonas Glark, rest - Art. 12. To see iP the .Town v¢ill remodel and widen the grade of Pdonument Street, betweett N1r Hsm's Shop and the f.inco�n road - Art 13. To see if the �own will reimburse to �1im H. Smith 2d, 112oney eB:pended in defending him selP in an action brought by Sidney Butterfield for slleged breach of ca�ntract �hile acting as one oP the Selectmen in the pear, 1864 - 6rt 14. To see what measures the Town will adopt to publish the history oP the lown of Lexington, puxohesed ( in Manuseript ) oY t:h+a Hon Gharles Hudaon, or aot in any manner relating to the sub�ect - Continued 1867 Continued 99 Art. 15. To see if the Town will request the Sel�etmen to preserve the Votittg Lists for future reference - , Art. 16. To see iP. the �own will take measures to be represented at the Meeting oP the County Commissioners, to be held at East Lexirg ton, kpril 24th, 1867, on petition of 7ames. S. IvIwn- roe and 71 others, for alterations and repairs on the �oad' leading frou� Concord Avenue in Bel- mont, to Main Street, in Lexington - Art 17. To �rovide for deficiences in the School and Pauper Grants oP the year 1866, and for the expenses incurred in. removing Snow from the High- waqs��during the winter of 1866 - 67 - Art 18� To hear reports oP Committees and act theraon - � Art 19. To �rovide far the payment oP sums oP monep due to Claimants under the State Aid Iaw of Apr�.l 23d 1866 - , Hereof Pail not aud make return oP this warrant and your doings thereon to the Town Cler� on or bePore the time prePixed- Given under our hands at Lex- ington this 16th day oP February 6 D 1867 - Tohn W Hudson ), Selectmen S. �t. Smith ) oP Chas. Robinson ) Lexington Tha Selectmen will be in session. at the Town Hall on the last monday in �'eb, from 7 to 9 o'clock P.M; and on the day of Election, Prom 12 o'clock, M. to l o'clock, P.IVI; for the purpose of revising the Voting List;. and no names will be insested on the List after the Foll is opened - LexingtonFeb. 25, 1867 - I have notiPied & Warned as directed, 0 �f gendall , , Constable - 1867 100 '2own 1GIeeting �arch 4th The inhabitants of Zexington qualified by law to vote in towtt affaira ass;embled at the Town Hall in accordance with the Poregoing warrant , and passed the Pollovaing votes; Vis:- Art. 1. Hon. Charles �udson elected hZoderator Art. 2. Town Clerk *Albest. L�J. Bryant - , Selectmen & �`John �[. Hudson, *Chas Robinaon Urerseers of the Poor *S. l^f. Smith. - �ssessors - *Toseph F. Simonds, *Nathan Fessenden I.oring S. Pierce - , Surveyor oP Highways, *Eli Simonds - School Committee Por 3 years John tiV Hudson - Treasurer & Collector *Isaae L� Demon Constables *Oliver Vi Kendall & *Hiram tileeks - Truant Officers, C�airman of the School Committee 0. W. Kendall„ Hirqm l�deeks, tiYalter Wellington Joseph F. Sfmonds _ Alonzo Goddard - Fence. Viewers *tilbert Fitch, *John P. Reed & *William Chsndler - FieZd Drivars, John Beals, 'kF'rancis l�fellington, �• �. +�inship. *John M Reed, *Tohn Q.�.Chan@ler John Redmsnd - Voted That all town officers not ahosen. that $re requ3red by law, be appointsd h3r the Seleat- men - I867 CQntinued 101 Voted That the Selectmen be authorized and in- structed to sud3t the expenses of the towh Por the .year 1866 & 67, and cause the same to be printed end distributed to the inhabitants - grt 3. Voted, That the Rep�irs of Highways be under the supervision oY one Surveyor - Voted '"That the stm of �3,750,00 be �ranted for repairs of Highways - . Art 4. Voted, That t�ie sum of �3,000 be eppro- priatsd Por the support o� the Poor - Art 5. Voted, That �5,000 be raised for the support of Publie Schools - - Art 6. Poted That bhe oPfices oY Collector & Treasurer be un�ted - Voted To allovr a discount oP l0 per et, on all taxes paid on or before the 20th day of Nov. next, and all taxea be paid by the 15th day of Jany. ne$t - Voted That the colleeting of taaes be� let out to the lowest bidder - The colleoting of taxes were let to Isaac N - Damon Yor two hundred and fiftg �250. dollars - Art 7. Qoted Thet the Collector be empowered. Ast S. Voted That that the Treasurer be euthor- ized to borrow money under the directi�n of the Selectmen - Art 9 Yoted That a Cammittee consisting of one Prom each School District be chosea to con- sider the subject, and report at the next to�vn Meeting - Continued 186,7 , . 102 � . Continued , , Art 9. I�dessrs F. F". Raymond, �.Y�. Bryant, Hammon Reed, Walter Wellington, Webster Smith and George L�Iunroe - 9rt. 10 Poted That a Commit�tee oP three be chosen, to eonfer with the heirs of Rev. 3ohn Fiancock and Rev. Jonas Clark, upon the subject coatained in the article - & Messrs T C Blasdell I N Damon & 0 W l�endall were chosen - �rt ll.. Voted That the repairing-a,nd widening oP Pine Street, be rePerred to the Highwt�}r Surveyor to act , as in his �udgement he may think best - Art 12. Voted That the sub�eet be referred to the Highauay Surveyor, to act as ha may deem Por the interest. oP the towtt - . Art 13. Voted TYiat the t own reimbnrse i�Vm H Smith 2d f�r money expended in defending himself in an aotion brought by Sidney Buttarfield - Art 14. Yoted That a Committee of five be chosen to take the subjeat into consideration and report at next to�a meeting - Messrs J C $lesdell, L J Livermore, �. �. Brg�nt, Qharles Tidd & Jonas Gammell were eleeted - � Art. 15. Voted That the Voting L3sts be preserved for Puture rePerence - Art 16. Voted That a Committee oY four be chosen to represent the to�n at the Meeting o£ the Gounty Commissioners to be held April 24, 1867 - Continued 1867 Continued 103 Art 16. Voted That the Committee are::hereby in- structed ta act according to their judgementn for ` the interest of the to�n, Messrs J. r� Hudson, Charles Robinsan 5.�. �nith & ETi Simonds �ere elected as the Committes - �rt 17. Voted That �200 be appropriated to meet the dePiciency in tha School Grant for 186fi - 4oted That the Selectmen be directed to drsw their warrant for the amoun't necessary to maet the de- ficiency in the Pauper Grant, and Por removing snov� in the winter of 1866 & 67, out of a�y money not otherwiae appropriated - A &rt 18. The Selectmen submitted' the following Reports, The Settlement with the Treasurer & Col- lector� slso a Report oY amount paid families for State Aid - Voted. That the Reports be accepted - A ' Report concerning Guide boards, Voted That the Selectmen be a Committee to examine the Guide boards and report what is necessary to be donan The Selectmen made a Report oP the amount . oP moneg contributed and transmitted to the Portland sufferers - Voted, That the Selectmen be authorized to draw their warrant for the smount egpended on account of the Portland fire - ' The Overseers of the Poor made a report, which was accepted" Art 19. Voted "That the sum of �p875. be appro- priated £or tha payment oP claimsnts under the State Aid law; and that the Treasurer be author- ized under the direction oP the aelectmett to bor- row the amount necessary to meet the expense oP said papment: 1867 104 ToWn OPficers appointed by �he Selectmen h+`iessrs *Joseph F. Simo�ds j �` Horace B. Da�3s Me.asurers oS' '� iVm H. S`,nith 2d � �Yood & Bark '� Leonard � Saville ) * Au�ustus Childs ) ' * Alonzo Godd�rd .,- Sasler of Gdeights & Pkeasures - �Leonard A Saville , Superintendant of the Town Scales Por the weighing of hay, and weigher oP anthracite, bituminous and Mineral Cosl. WYllism H Smith 2d �eigher of Hey - *S].onzo Goddard to seize all baskets &c. to prevent illegal measuremen� of eherooal - *Oliver 6� Kendall Superintsndaat oP the Town Hall, Segton and Pound Kaeper-, all Yor 1867-8 Sylvanus uT Smith Licensed to be an Auctioneer for 1867 & 8 - A true record - a � Bryant Town Clerk 1867 _ ti�arrant Yor s Town �eeting: 105 To,. Oliver � Kendal2 Gonstable of �exington, � Greeting You ara hereby required to notif`g, in the name oP the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and warn the inhabitants oY the Town of Lexington, �ho are qualified by law to vate in toWn aPYairs, to assemble at the Town Hall on Monday the Sth da,Y oP �pril next, at one o!ciock P.M. to s�t on�Lhe Po2lowing articles; Vis: Art. 1. To choose a Moderatox - Art. 2. To Pill vaeancies in Town �fPicers - Art. 3. To see iP the To�n will accept oP List oP Jurors prepared by the Selectmen - Art. 4. To grant money to dePrayTown Eapenses the ensuing year - Art. 5. To hear the Aeport of the Committee chosen at the �Iarch Meeting, to uvhom was re- Perred, the sub�ect of publishing the History of the Towtt, lately purchased; and to act in aryy manner relating to the subject - grt 6. To hear a Report of the Committee chosen for the purpose oP considering the subject oY providing better accommodation, Por transaetion of public business, Por the safe keeping of Town Records, and for the High School, by remodelling the Town House, or building a new one; also grant monep Por the same, or act in any maaner relating thereto - Art 7. To hear the Report oP the Selectmen upon the sizb�ect of Guide Posts and Soerds, as ordered by a vote passed at the March-Meeting; and act tin reon as required by law" 1867 106 Continued Art 8. To csansider th'e subject oY eausing the Truant Regulations, to` be printed for the use oP the Town - Art 9. To take the necessary measures to pre- serve the several School Houses oP the Town by painting, and otherwise repairing them - _ _ Art 10. To inquire into the sub�eet o� encroschments upon the Highvaays, and take such measures as the Town shall see fit to prevent such encroachments - 6rt 11. To hear the Report oP the Committee chosen a� the March Meeting, to confer with the heirs oP Hancock & Clark, concerning lettering or improving the Tomb where the remains oP Rev. John Hancock & Rev. Jonas Clark rest ;� and to act upon the subject- grt 12 To designate what sestriction if a�y shall be put upon setting fire to crackers, and other Pire works, in public places - HereoY Yail not and make return oP thfs warrant, and yo�ur doings thereon to the Town Cierk on or bePore �Ghe time prePixed - Given under our hands at Lexing- ton, this Eighteenth day oY �iarch a. D. 1867 - Jofin Cd Hudson ) Selectmen Chas Robinson ) of S. 1V Smith ) Leaington - , Lexington IlZarch 30, Z867 - I. have notiPied and warned � the inriabitants of I,exin�ton, as"herein directed Oliver 5V Kendall Gonsta ble 1867 Town D3eetiag Apri.l 8 - 107 The inhabitants oP Isxington who were qualified by law to vote in town aYfairs, assembled at the Town Hall on the day named in the foregoing ware rant, and passed the folloeaing votes; Viz: Art. 1. Hon. Charles Hudson elected h4oderator - Art. 2. No vaeancies existed - Art 3. The Selectmen submitted a List oP Jurors, and Voted "That the list o�' Jurors be accepted" - Art. 4. The Selectmen subm3tted an amount oP money necessary to be granted to meet the expenses of the town the current year, and it was Voted "That the amount of money be granted" - �rt. 5. The Committee reported t�at it was ad- visable Por the to�vn to cause tne History oP Lea- ington to be published, it was - �loted ^Ph�t the town have one thousand copies oP said History, printed and bound; and that for ons year Prom the time of publication any citizen oP the town shall be entiLled to buy copies at cost; and that the work be Purnished to others than citizens oP the to�n at the usual booksellers price Por such a book - 4oted "That the neoessary sum oP money :ie QorroiKed under the direetion of the Select�en in $nticipa- tion oY sales• - (cont�nued oA Page 109j * Art 6. The .Committee submitted a repor�, and it was Poted "That the �epor� be laid uvon the table, and and the suhject indefinatelg postp;oned"-= ' Continued 1867 , 108 Continued Art 7. The selectmen submitted s report upon the condition of Lhe �uide-hoards in town. Voted ^That the report be eccepted & adopted" - Voted "That 0. W. Kendall be a Committee to carrp out the reeommendations of the report" - Art 8. Voted "That the Truant ofYicers, be a Com- mittee to cause the Truant Regulations to be print- ed for the use of the town" - .�rt 8. Voted 'nThat the Selectmen he authorized to make all necessary repairs on the School-houses in to�n, and the sum of eight ($800. ) hundred doI- �gr�, be raised to meet the expense�" - 9rt 10. Voted "That the Selectmen be directed to enqui�e snd report at the next toe�n meeting, oP all encroaeY�ments upon the Highways in townTM - Art. 11, The .Committee made a verbal report, that the heirs of the Rev: John Hancock & Rev. Tonas Glariz, would make all neeessary repeirs on the Tomb - Foted "That the report be accepted" _ Art 12. Voted ^Th�t the use o£ Crackers and other fireworks be prohibited in all of the public ways of the town, and also within four rods of ar�y building; and that the Constables snd such others persons, as the Selectmen may designate, be author- ized to enfarce this ragulation"r Continued 1867 � � � Gontinusd � 109 Art 5 (continued Prom Page 107 ) ,Voted "That a Committee of three be chosen, with %ull power to contract witk sng person or persons, to print and bind one thousand copies of tY� H3story of Isxing- ton, and the seid Committee shall decide upon the style of the printittg and binding, and also ugon what cuts or illustrations, portraits, or drawings shall be inserted in the book" - Niessrs d. C. Blasdell, J. 4Y: Hud�on and Tonas Gam- mell were elected as the Committee - A. VP. Sryant. Town Clerk - 1867 110 Warrant for a '�own B�eeting - To Oliver ti'�. KendalY Constable of Isxington Greating: You are herehy required in the name of the Common- �vealth oP Massachueetts to notiPy and warn the in- habitants of the To�en of Lexington, who are quali- fied by lavr to vote for. State OPPicers, to assem- ble at the Town I3e11, on Tuesday, the 5th day of Navember next, at one o'clock P.�1. at ehich time the Poll will be opened Yor the purpose oP receiv- ing ballots for the following QfPieers, Viz: P`or Governor - Lieutenent Ga¢�ernor Secretary - TreAsurer. and Receiver General - Attorney General and tluditor of the Commonwealth - For Councillor for District No. 6 - Senator for - District No. 6. Representative to the General Court Por District No 21, - and Register of Deeds Por the Southern District of Middlesex - For one County Commissioner - One Coau¢issioner oY Insolvency - and Couaty Treasurer - The SeZectmen will receive the votes for the above Of�icers,a.Zl on one ballot; the Poll must be kept open two hours, and as much longer, but not after sunset, as a ma.3ority of the vaters present may deoide - You are also required to nat�iPy and warn the afore- said inhabitants, to meet at the Town House, on said day, at 3 o'clock, P.1�. to act on� the follow- ing art3clas, Vis: 1867 Continued - 111 Art. 1. To choose e Moderator - Art 2. To see �vhat setion the Town will take con- eerning two suits at law, brought sgainst the Town, one by George Talbot, aad the other by the Town of Malden - Art 3. To see iP the Town will adopt Sections 72, 73 74 and 75, oY Chap. 49, of the General Statutes- Art. 4. To see iP Tbwn will Yurnish the Town Hall with Settees and s F'urnace - Art 5. To see if the Town will pay the expense oP opening end lfghtin� the Town Hall and moving the desks and settees Por the Leaington Iyceum Asso- ciation - Bst 6. To hear the report oP the Selectmen relat- ing to enoroachments upon the hi�hways, and act thereon - Art 7 - To see if the Town will take up a culvert near the house lots of C . A. Butters, and �saac Witherell, and construct another in place of it, from near tY,e near houee of Gdilliam Viles t� a point near the Pond owned by Mrs Turner - Art 8. To sae if the To�n will take stock in the Hotel Company about to be formed, or in any manner aid in building and maintaining a Hotel in Lexington - grt 9. To see i.f the Town will choose a Gommittee to ascertain .the cost of the Nevr Road from � ar A. 6Y. Crowninshield's house to Monument Street - Contanued 1867 112 Gontinued Art. 10. To see fP the Town �ill give some ap- gropriate na:me d�o the Hill north-east of the Centre Village, commonly known by the name oP ^GTanny'S Hill^ - Art 11. To hear reports of Committees snd act thereon - The Selectmen will be in session at the Town Hall, on Monday the Fourth day of November nezt, from 7 to 8 o'clock, P.�I. and on the day of Election, Prom I2 M, to 1 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of revising the voting list, and no name will be in- serted on the list after. the Poll is opened - HereoY �ail not, and make return oP this warrant end your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, �n or before the time prePixed - Given under our hsnds at Lexington, this Pourteenth day of Qct .- ober, &. II. 1867 - John � Audson ) Selectmen Chas Robittson ) oP SGJ Smith ) �:exington Lexington Oct. 23, 1867 - Pursuant to the within warrant, I have notified the Inhabitan.ts A£ the �own of Lexington, herein described, to meet at. the time and place attd for the purposes within mentioned - Oi.iver l� Sendall Constable of Isxington A true Copy Attest d� i?� Bryant Town. Clerk 1867 . Tovrn Meeting Nov. 5. 113 The inhabitants oP the �owa Leaington assembled at the Town Hall in eccordsnce wi�h the foregoing warrant and passed the following votes, Vis: For Governor �lexander H Bullack of Morcester had one hundred Pifty nine 159 John Quinay Adams of Quincy had one hundred PiPty Pive 155 Lieutenent Governor V�illiam ClaPlin of Newton one hundred & sixty 160 George ffi Stearns of Chicopee, one, hundred & Yifty �ive 150 Secretsry of the Commonwealth Oliver Warner of Northampton one hundred & sixty 160 Gharles Brimblecom of Barre one hundred & fifty�five 155 �reasurer and Receicer General Jocob H Loud of Plymouth one hundred Ec siaty 160 Harvey Arnold of Adams one hundred & fifty-Pive 155 Auditor of Accounts Henry S Briggs oP Pittsfleld hsd one hundred & siaty 160 Arthur F. Devereux of Roxbury one hundred 8c Yifty Pive . 155 Attorney-General Gharles Allen oP Bbston one hundred & sigty 160 6`�illiam C Endicott of Sslem one hundred & fiPty Pive 155 Councillor for the Siath Gouncil District Thomas Talbot of Billerica one hundred & six 106 Orrin S Rnapp of Somerville one, hundred & thirty four I34 Senator for the 9ixth Middlesex Senatorisl District George P. Elliot of Billerica one hundred & Pive 105 James Oliver of South Reading one hundred forty ei�ht - 148 James �liver bf Reading PiPty four 54 Continued 1867 ° 114 C6ntinued - County �ommissioner 159 Joseph H tiVait of rdalden one hundrad & fifty nine James Gerrish oP Shirley one hundred Porty eight 148 James Gerrish of Groton seven 7 County Treasurer Amos Stone oP Charlestown one hundred & sixty 160 Pl. E. Faulkner oP Acton one hundred & fif ty five 155 Register of Deeds for Southern District Charles � Stevens of Cambridge one hundred & Sixty 160 Franeis Sisson of Charlestown one hundred & fifty �ive 155 Commissioner of Insolveney George Hay�ood of Goncord one hundred & four 104 Parker L Converse oP �loburn seventy seven 77 Representative for 21st District - John C Blasdel oP' Lesin�ton Lwo hundred & fi�e 205 Hammon Reed oP Lexin�ton one hundred Fc two 192 Ainsworth Tuttle one 1 Wm 'Ninn oP Burlington one � � 1 After the above-named ballots were sorted, counted and declaration thBreof made bhe °meeting was dis- solved - �ttest g W -Bryant Tovun Clerk SedYord Na¢ 6, 1867 - ti meeting" of the Clerks of the 21st Representative District �vas held at BedPord = The following votes were giyen in the 21st Repre- sontative District John G Blasdell o£ Lexington 202 Hammond Reed " " 1D2 73 Bedford BedYord 75 - Carlisle 48 - Burlington 21 63 Burlington 246 66 Carlisle 407 1867 Towa �eeting Nov 5- 115 The Meeting came to order at the time specffied in the foregoing warrant 8c gassed the following votes Viz: hrt 1. 7ames Gould �,sq chosen P�ode`rator and qual- iPied by the aath of office - TreasureT Art 2. Voted '"That the Se�ee#�ea under the direction of the Seleatmen be authorized e�de�-#�e-�#�ee�#e� e€-t�e� to borrow a sum not exceeding �300, necess- _ ary to dePend the s�it oP, George Tslbot against the town - . , Voted Thet the Treasurer be authorized urrler the direction oP the Selectmen to borrovr a sum not exceeding �300, for the purpose of dePending a sizft" oP the the to�vn oP Malden against the toen oP Lexington Art 3. Voted "That the Sections' named be adopted- Art 4. Poted '"That a suffieient number of Settees and a Yurnace be purchased 8c that the Selectmen be suthorized to Pracure the the same - Art 5. goted "That the Town ineur the expense oP lighting the town hell & removing the desks Art 6. Voted That the report of the SeZectmen be accepted & thaL a Committee of three be criosen Gontinued 1867 116 to report at the �ext town meeti�g, Qoted 'rThat the Selectmen be th�t Com.�- a -.• Art 8. Voted 'rThat the Town agree' to'guarantee by its propar ofPicers, the bonds of the Lexing- ton Hotel Compang to an amount not exceeding �25,000,, if so much shall be raised by gubscrip- tion, provided a full mortgage of all the prop- erty of the Compai�y be given as secnrity; and * provided the Legislature shall satify this vote- Art 9. Voted "That a Cammittee oP three be chosen at lsrge to audit the accounts and ascer- tain the cost oP nuilding the roed and rep ar�t thereon at the next town meeting - Messrs �ebster Smit�, Charles Hudson &. Hammon Reed were ehosen - Art. 10. Voted "Thst^Granny's Hill" be called Haneock Heights - " Art 11. No Committee repor�Ced - The meeting was then dissolved - Attest A ih' Bryant Town Clerk - * Art 8 Voted ^That Messrs J.C. Blasdell, lYm Keith & W: E. Russall be s Committee to carry the above vote into efPect" - 1868 4Parrant -for a TownNleeting �arch �d 117 To Oliver u� Kendall Constable of Isxington Greeting: Th the name oP the Gommonwealth oP Idiassachusetts, �ou are hereby required, to notifgr and warn the inhabitants of the Tnwn of Leg3ngton, quaiified by law to vote in town aPPairs to assemble at the Town FIa12 in said town on Nlondq�v the Second day oY Mar ch neat at one o'cloak, P.M. b� act on the follo�ring articles, Viz: $rt. 1. To ofioose a AQoderator - Art_ 2. To choose Town OfPicers Por the ensuing year, including one School Co�ittee man for the term of threa years, ;and one for bne year in place oP L. C: Childs resigned - Art. 3. To adopt measures for Aepairs oP High- ways the ensuing year, and grant monep for the same - Art. 4. To adopt measures for supporting the �oor the ensuing year - 8rt. 5. To see vthat sum oP money the Town will eppropriate for support of its Publio Schools, including their several grades, tne ensuing year, or act in any manner relating the`reto - art 6. To adopt measures for Colleoting Taxes the ensuing year - Art 7. To see iY the Town w111 authorize and empower the Collectar of Taxes to use any and sll means oP collecting the taxes committed to hia to collect which may be lawfully used by the Town Treasurer when acting as Colleetor - Continued 1868 118 • � � Continued Art. 8. To see iP the Town will authorize the Treasurer (under the direction of the Select- men) to horro� su�ch svm or sums o£ money as may be necessary to defray Town expanses the ensuing year, in anticipation oP the Taxes oP � I868 - � Art 9. To see if the Town will repair or cause to be repaires� the road from Lexington to Bed- Pord, by the house o Daniel Cummings - Art. 10. To see if the Town will cut down the hillnear the house of Josiah Smith; also one near the Franklin School House in accordance with the grade usualy adopted by the County Commissioners in laying out roads, or do anything in relation to the same - Art. 11. To see if the Town will choose a board oP Auditors to audit the accouttts of the year 1867 & 8 - Art. 1w. To see what action the Tovun will take on the recent order of the ' �ounty Commissioners requiring alterations in the grade and rosd bed oP Pleasant Street - Art 13. To take action upon the offer oY 521000, made by Mrs Maria Cary, towards the esttnblishment of a public library Yree to all the inhabitants oY the Town - Art. 14. To see iP the Town will establish a free public library - Art 15. To see if the Town will erect a building suitable for a puhlic library - Cont3nued 1868 Contittued 119 Art 16. To consider the sub�ect of Building a new Town Hall„and act thereon - Art. 17. To see iP the Town will make a further appropriation Por publishing the Town History - Art. 18. To hear the report of the Gommit�Gee ohosen in November to examine the sidew�ik;.in Yront of the estate oP David >�lood; and act thereon - �lrt 19. To� hear the report oP the Committee ch'osen to eaamine and report on the subject of a new aulvert leading into the pond near the house of �Irs Turner - Art. 20 To hear the report of the Committee ahose'fi �n November to audit the accounts of _ _... the eontractors on the New Road; ,and to see iP the �own will refmburse said contractors or either of them for their outlays over and above the con- tract price - Lexington Art 21. To hear reports of C.ommittees and aet Feby 25, thereon, 1868. I have hereof Pail not end make return oP this warrant notified and your doings thereon to the Town �lerk on or and avarnedbefore the time prafixed - the inhab- Given under our hands itants oP at Lexington tnis 17th day of Feby. A.D. 1868 - I,egington as direct- John 4Y Hudson . ) Selectmen ed - Charles Rahinson ) oP 0 W Ken- S. W Smith ) Leaington dall Constable The Selectmen willbe in session at the Town Hal1. on Saturday Feby 29th inst, from 7 to 9 o*olock P.M. for the purpose oP revising the voting list, and no name evill be inserted on the list aPter the Poll is opened, 1868 120 Town Meeting held March 2d '�`7Tated The inhabitants o£ Lexington qualified by law after the to vote in to�vn af£airs, assembled at the Town ehoice of Hall in accordsnce with the foregoing warrant Modesator and passed the following votes,, on the several "that the articles in the warrant for said meeting-�Jiz: meeting * adjourn Art. 1. Hon. ChaTles Hudson elected Moderator - until Mon- March 9- day next : �rt 2. *L A Saville chosen Town Clerk Mch 9." Sworn Mch 16 1868 at 1 o'cloek �`Charles Hudson ) P.I�. '�`Charles Robinemn ) Selectmen *Alonzo Goddard ) Al1 thoso *Joseph F Simonds ) having *I. N: Damon ) Assessors thls �mark *Nathan Fessenden ) against ' their *John P. Reed ) names:-have *S. �TJ. Smith ) . Overseers of tne Poor - been qual- �`Eli_Simonds ) � ified by the oath �`John P. Reed ) oP office * S 44 Smith j High�vay Surveyors as required *Eli Simonds ) by law Jonas Gammell Schoo� Committee Por 3 years Charles Tidd " ^ " 1 " *A. 'vV. .Bryant Treasurer Rc Collactor - *Oliver W Kendall Copstable *Hiram 17eeks " *Gorham Jewett ) ' � *Webster SYnith) Fence Viewers *Hammon Aeed ) 1868 eontinued 121 *John Beals, *Tohn D. Bacon, *Abram.B.Smith ) Field *�ugustus Childs, John Hildreth, Frank Buekleg) �ivers (not s voter ) (declinedJ D. A. 'Puttle, *tiym Locke & *Chas.' r,9inship Measurers of Lumber - �Toted "That the remainder of Town OPPicers be ap- pointed by the Seleetmenf1 - &rt. 3. The 'Surveyo oP highways,� submitted a re- port ?�oted "That the report be accepted and placed on f ile"- Voted "That the Town's team and tools, used on the repairs oP' the Highrovays, be kept at' the Town Fsrm, and that the Superintendant of the farm, under the direction oP the Surveyors have charge of the re- pairs on the Highways" - Poted "That the sum oY Two Thousand dollars (�2,000 ) be appropriated fro the repairs of Highways the en- suing year " - Art. 4. Voted "That tne s�mm o:f �1500. be appro- priated Por the support of the Poor the ensuing year"- Voted "That this meeting adJour'n until tomorrow at 1 o'clock P.M. Tuesday March 10. The meeting came to order at 1 o'clock ` Art 5. Voted "That the sum of �55D0, be appropriated ' for the support of Schools, the ensuiag year"- Art. 6. Voted "That the taxes be let out to the lov�- est bidder" Voted "That a d�scount of 10 per ct. be allawed on alI taaes paid on or before the 20th day of Nov. next, and all taxes be collected by Januarp 1, 1869" - The collecting %of taxes was le t to �. 4�. Bryant for � �270.00- ` Gontinued 1868 122 Continued ' � Art 7. V'oted "That the Collector be authorized and empowered" _ Art 8. Voted 10That the Treasurer be authorized to borr'ow money under the direction of the Selectmen" - Art. 9. Art. lO.Poted ^That the Art. be referred to the Surveyors of Highweys to report at the nest town meeting" - Art 11. Voted nThat the Selectmen for 1867, be auditors to audit the accounta for 1867 & 68- Art 12. Yoted "That the art. be referred to the Selectmen with instructions and authority to carrg out the order of the Commissfoners". Art 13. Voted �'That the subject be referred to a conmittee to report at next town meeting" �Ioted "That Messrs H. �lescott; &. Pd. Bryant & H. Holmes constitute the Committee" Art 14. Voted °To rePer the #I't, to the April Meetfng°T &rt 15. Voted nTo refer the art. to the april Meet- i�:e- . . Art 16. voted "To refer the art. to the 9.pri1 Meet- _ i�n_ Art 17. Voted '*That �$2800, be voted bp t he town as originally intended to be �llowed for the publishin� oY the History of Legington"- Art. 18 Poted ^Th&t the �irt. be rePerred to the april Meeting" - 1868 Continued - �23 Art. 19. The Committee snbmitted a report & Voted "That the report be accepted and placed on file^ - ' Art. 20. The Committee submitted s report & Voted "That the report be aceeptedn - Voted "That �filliam Simonds snd Eli Simonds named in an Indenturg, dated Au�ust twenty ninth A.D. 1865, who �ntracted to build a piece of road from near the house oP George Il�1 Rodgers to near the hous'e oP A, W. Crown- inshield both in bexington, be released from a�q PurtY�er labor on said road, they retaining all their legal rights to com- pensatian, such es would eaist if the road were completed to the aoceptance of the Commi§sioners'" - Votsd '"That in case Eli Simonds will Pinish the s�id road to the acceptsnee oP .the Gounty Commis- sioners, there shall be paid to him from the town Tressury on tbe order of the Selectmen, when the road shall, have been so aceepted, the sum of 4'welve hundred dollars, in o� nsideratian of the work so done, and the work heretoPore performed, for which he has received an inadequate comgensation" - Art 21. The Overseers oP the Poor submitted their report, Voted "That the report be acoepted & placed on file ^ - Report oP the Selectmen of a settlement with the Tressurer & Collector for 1866 &. 7, ichich was ae- cepted bg the Town March 4, 1867,' and corrected by the Selectmen - Voted ^That the report be accepted & placed on file^. Continued 1868 124 Bontinued - Art 2I. The Selectmen reported upon Guide Posts and Boards, Voted "7�hat the report be ac- cepte`d and place on Pile'T �- The Selectmen submitted a report of a Settlement with the Collector for 1867 - 4oted ^That the report be accepteci and placed on %ile" - Tlie Sele`ctmen submitted a report of a Settlement with the Treasurer Yor 1867 - Qoted "That the report be accepted and pl.aced on Pile�' = ` The Selectmen 'reported a settlement with the Collect- or Por 1865 & 6 - �Ioted "That the report be aecepted and glaced on Pile'�- 1868 Town QfPicers appointed by the Selectmen 125 glonzo Goddard Sealer of Weights and Measures Sworn May Augustus qhilds ) 13th/68 Charles iKinship ) • Sworn 6pr Joseph F. Simonds)Measurers oP �ood and Bark 22d Horace B Davis ) Sworn Apr 22d . f,eonard A Saville Superintendant oP the Town Scales and weigher of Hay and Coal. Charles V�inship u�eigher of Hay and Coa3. Sworn May Isaac S� S�nith Weigher, of Coal at the Depot. 6th/68 Sworn May Oliver i�l. Kendall Pound Beaper. 6th�68 Swe�*�-&Ieg Oliver Tid. Kendall Sexton. � fi���68 ` , Oliver W. Kendall Superintendant of the Town Hall Pelatiah P. Pieree ) Sylvanus 4^i Smith ) �uctioneers. g true record �ttest Leonard A. Saville Town ¢lerk - . Z866. � 12& �Farrant for a Tov¢n Meeting, �Ipril 20th 1868, To Oliver �l. Kendmll, Constable oP Lex- ingtan, Greeting:- In the nsme o� the Gommonwealth of. N�assschusetts, you are her�by required to noti- , fy and vuarn the inhabitants of tha Town of Leging- ton, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble at the Town Hall in said Town, on Monday the Twentieth day of April eurrent at One Ocloek P.M. to act �he Polloming articles, viz: - , Art 1.- To ehoose a fl�loderator. Art 2.- To fill vacancies in Town offices. tirt 3.- To see if the Town vaill acscept the list DY"'furors prepared by the Selectmen. Art 4.- To grant money to deYray Town e$penses 't'F�'ensuing year. .. Art 5. -To hear the report oP the Committee ap- po�Ced to consider the proposition of IvTrs Cary, in relation to the establishment of a Town Lib- rary, and to act in any manner in relation to the subject ofaTown Librarp, Art 6.- mo hear the report of the sureeyors, to �ffi was rePerred the lOth. article oP the war- rent for the March meeting9 in relation to �utting down the hills on Concord Avenue, and act in any manner in relation to the subject. Art.. 7. - To see iP the Town will authorize the 3're�sure�, under the direetion of the Selectmen, to renew the notes against the Town, which may mature the ensuing year, or to borrow such sums oY money, ss m�y be necessary to pay said notes. 1868 Continued. 127 8rt. 8 - To see if the Town will provide more s a le scoommodatians, for T�svellers stopping at the Almshouse over night. 1�rt 9. - To see if the �own will reconsider or re�d the vote, passed at the last meeting,-to release V�illiam Simonds and Eli Simonds from s�r Yurther labor, upon the new road under their eon- tract", and, also to reconsider or rescind the vote, oYfering Eli Simonds, Twelve hundred dollars, to finish said to the acceptance of the eounty Commissioners. � &rt 10.- To see if the To�n will repair, or cause �o e�repaired, the roed Prom �exington to Bedford, by the house of Daniel Cummings. � Art 11.- To see if the Town with authoriza the c oo Committe�, to print their school regulations, together with the 3`ruant by-laws, and extracts, from the Statutes, relating to� the schools. sirt 12.- To see if the �own will reimburse the ea�ec men oP 1866, in a suit brnught against th� by E. R. S�ith, or aet in auy manner relating thereto. �irt 13.- To see u¢hat action the Toa�n will take in r'ai'�lrt'ton to an obstructfon on Lineoln street , caused by a fence, opposite the lend of J. C B1as- del: and also one at the junction of Pleasant street with Concord �venue, caused by the erection of a, stone post , opposite the land oP Cornelius �Jelling- ton, � Art 14. - To see iP the Town will authorize the e ec men, from year to year, to cause to be fired a National SaIlute, on the nineteenth of April. 1868 128. Gontinued. Art 15.- To see iP the Town uvill make an appro- pFl.'�ti�n for the ringing of the bells, in the Centra and East village respeetively. Art 16.- To see what measures the Towtt vcill a op to earry into effect, the votes heretoPore passed, in relation to the publication and dis- position of the Town Iiistory. Hereof fail no�G, and make return oP this earrant with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the- time of said meeting. Given under our haads at Lexington this 6th day of April A. D. 1868 Charles Hudson ) Selectmen Charles Robinson ) op Alonzo Goddard ) i,exington The Selectmen will he in session at the Town Hall, on the. last Monday of every month froa 7 to 9 Oclock P.M. Isxington April 13 1868 Pursuant to the �ithin werrant I have notified tne inhabitanLs oP tha �own of Lexington, to meet at the time and plaee specified, for the puruose within mentioned. Ol.iver 4�T. Kendall Constablfl of I�exington . a true oopy, attest, Ilsonard A.3aville, Town CleTk. 1868 Town Meeting held Apri1 20 1868 129. The Inhabitants of the T�wn oi Lexington qualified by la�v to vote inTown Affairs, assembled at the Town Hall in accordance with the f.oregoing wsr- rant and passed the Pollo�ving votes, viz:- Art 1. - Isaac N Damon was elected Moderator - 6rt 2 - `Phe appointments by the Selectmen were accepted See Page 225. � Sworn Oliver l�t gendall wss chosen Measurer oP Apr 20 Lumber in place oP David A Tuttle de- clined. . Art 3 - Voted "That the list oP Jurors as pre- pared by the Seleetmen be accepted: Brt 4 - The Selectmen submitted an estimate re- quired to meet T.own Charges Por Piscol year 1868 - 9 and it was Voted 'TThat the items be passed upon seperately" V.oted "Discount Yor the proapt paynent oY Taxes $2400.00 Intarest on Toa�n Debt 1860.00 Abatement oP Taaes 320.00 Contingencies 1800:.00 Treasurer and Co1lecLor 270.00 �ssessors 250.00 School Committee 180.00 F'ire Departmant (exclusive oP Poll Taaes refunded ) 160.00 �'own Clerk 80.00 Constable 75.00 Sexton 60.00 Ringing the Bells 70.00 Towards reducing the Towm Debt 2000.00 State Aid 500.00 For repairs on Pleasant Street 1�00.00 For Town Histosy 1200.00tP 12,365.00 amount otherwise appropriated �p10,350,00 amount appropriated for Weston & Lincoln Roads 800.00 10,950.00 1868 130 Townkneeting April 20th Continued Art 5 Voted "To accept the report oP the Gommittee'� See Report Bage 2 Yoted - �6s Mr5 Maria Carp of Brooklyn N.Y. out� oY reg�a ''d-"to her native town, and the welfare of a11 its inhabitants, has generously offered us the sum of One Thousand dollars, if the to�n �aill establish a public 3.ibrary for the use of all the in- habitants oP the town; and as we duly appreciate her liberalitp, and desire to maintain the standing oP Legington among her sister town,�, mar�y of which have already established public Libraries; it is Poted. That the town establish a permanant public Z3'Fiiary, to he called the "Cary Library'*, to ba open under suitable regulations to all the inhabitants oP the town, Pree of charge; and th�t the sum oP �1000.00 be approgriated Y� the purchase of books for said Library, to be paid as hereinaPter provided, when the sum of four hundred dollars in monfly or its equivalent in smitable books shall be obtained Prom other sources. Poted. That the Selectmen and the School Committee o3'-"r�he time being, with the settled Clergymen oP the towa be a committee to solicit contributions of money or suitable books Por a public Library: and when they shall have secured in money or in suitable hooks at what they shall deem a fair valuatiom, a sum not less than four hundred do�lars, they shsll report the sgme to the Selectmen, who are hereby direoted ' to draw their order upon tha Treasurer for the sum appropriated Por books, and'the Treasurer shall pay the same froa any money in the Treasury� And the Committee when they shall have secured the appropriation and the sum secured from other sources, shall apprise N1rs. Cary that the town has gratefully accepted her liberal oPfer, and complied with its terms, and that they are ready to receive as Trustees, and to invest the sum oP one thousand dollars d£Persd by her, and to appropriate the interest oY the sama to the purchase oP bookg; - - 1868 Continued 131 the town paying forty dollars annuellg agreeably to, and in aonformity with, the conditions of her ^ giPt, Voted That the said Committee or TrusLeea shall in � their best descretion„purohase such books as they � shall deem best adapted to: the wants of the whole - , people oP the town, They shall report to the � town Por its action, such rules and regulations for the management oP said Library„and the deliv- • ering of books, as thep may eonsider to be best • Por the public interest. � Voted, � That when a Library shall be obtained, the a Selectmen are hereby authorized and directed, to • hire some suitable place to keep the same, and � engage some person to take charge of the Librsry, � on s?ach terms as they may eonsider most Yavorable • to the town: and the same shall be paid for from � the eontingent grant.^ . , 6rt. 6 - The surveyors submitted a report and it was -�uoted, "That the report be divided" • Poted, "That the Pirst part of the report be not sceepted, Voted, "That the second part of the report be sdopted, and th� sum of �250.00 be appropriat�d to carry out the sameTM S� Report of Committees Page 1 9rt. 7. - Votad. "That tne Treasurer under the --direction of the Selectmen, be authorized to renew the notes given by the Town which may ma�ure the ensuing year, or to borrow such sums of money as mey be necessary to pay the notes so maturing. And in case there may be any surplus in the Tressury not needed for present use, the Treasurer under the direction of the Selectmen is hereby aurthorized to pay such portion of the Town debt as may be redeem- � able, as Par as such surplus will justi£y". Art. 8. - Voted. "That the article be indeYinitely gostponed" � 1868 132. Town Meeting April 20th � Continued. grt. 9. - �oted "That the vote be not reconsid- eredn � Voted "That the na.mes oP the persons who voted illegally at the last meeting, be placed on the record' �atrick Curtin, Patrick Pqyers: Edward Shea, Daniel Sullivan.'* Art. 10. -� Voted "That the surveyors be author- �'T�ed to expend the sum of �100.00 on Lhe said road." � Art. 11. - Voted "That the School Committee be authorized to pring their school segulations. together with the truant by-laws and extracts Prom the Statutes relating to the Schools.'� Art. 12. - Poted "That the Town dePray the ex- pense of the suit of �%. A. SY¢ith agaist the Selectmen of 1866r^ ArL. 1& - Poted "'T"hat the Article be divided" � Voted "That the Yirst part of the article relating to J. C. Blasdel be indePinitely post- p oned" Voted "That the Surveyors be instructed to remove the obstructions, rePerred to in the second par t oP the A:rticle." Art. 14 - Voted "That the Selectmen be authorized �o cause` to be fired a National Salute on the nineteenth of April„ Proia year to year.^ ArL. 15 - Voted - °That the svm of �p70,00 be ap- propriated Por the ringing of tfie bells, in the Centre and East Pillage respectively." Art 16. - Voted t°That the publication committee �ay carry into effect votes heretofore passed, in causing copies to be Yurnfshed to Citizens, in such manner as they may de:em best ; and also to contract with some Boolc Publisher, to sell the remaining capies, 1868, C ont inued. T�33 on the best terias that they may be able." The meeting was then dissolved. a true° record, attest Leonard A. Saville, Town Clerk 134 1868 , i�tarrant for a Town Meeting. To Oliver '�9 Kendall. Constable of Lexington Greetin`g: You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town oY Lexington qualiPied by law to vota in Town aPfairs, to as- semble at the To�vn Hall in said Town on PQonday the Pirst dag oP 7une next at four Ocloek P.�4. to act � on the following articles viz:- �rt lst. T ehoose a P�Io�derator. Art 2d. To see if the Town �¢ill elect a Constab2e in the,,place oP Hiram Weeks who has removed from the Town. Brt 3d. To see if the Town will accept the Report oP the Selectmen reeommending certain alterations or widenings on 4Yeston and Lincoln Streets, and also to see if the Town will accept s short peice oY new road laid out by the Selectmen, connecting Lineoln street with the new roed recently eonstructed under � the order of the County Comvzissioners, and grant money Por these improvements. , , 6rt' 4th. To see iY the Town will give a ttame to the ne�e road from School street to Monument Avenue. grt 5th. To see if the Town. will empower the Select- men to purchase for the To�xn ax�p gravel Pit or Pits, for the purpose of pr-ocuring materials for repairing �he hig2iways. 6rt 6th. To see what action tne Town will take to suppress� the Firing �f Crackers in the public streets, and near the public buildings, on the approaching �nniversary of our Independenee. , Art 7th. To see what action the Town evill take in relation to a private Drain crossing the P�ain Stre2t , which is alleged to inJure the Iand of Psir David �. Muzzey. � 1868 135 �_ Gontinued. � Art 8th. To see if the Tou�n will permit Mr 7.J. � Raynor to construct a Drain aeross the lov�er portion _ of the Cemetery lot, and whether they will aid him ` in the construction oP the same. � Hereof fail not and make return oP this warrant with your doings thereon� to the Town Clerk on or before the time oP said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington this eighteenth day oY Iday A D. 1868. Charles Hudson ) Charles Robinson )Selecbmen of Alonzo Goddar@ )I,exington I.exington Nia� 25Lh 1868 Pursuant to the �¢ithin warrant I have notiPied the ' Inhab�tants oP the Town of I.exington herein describ- ed to meet at the time affl place and for the purposes within mentioned. Oliver Y4 Kendall � Constable oP Isxington a true copp attest Leonard A. Ssville Town Clerk ... _ 136 1868. Reeord bf To�vn :+�eeting held June lst 1868 The inha�itsnts of Leaington sufficent to form a quorum assembled at the Town Hall in accordance with the foregoing warrant and pAssed the follow- ing votes viz- Art lst. Isasc N. Damon was ehosen Pdodeaator� Art 2d. V�ted. "To choose a Constable in place oP Hiram VVe�ks who has removed Yrom the Town and Henry � 1Vellington was chosen to fill the vaeancy.^ Art 3d. The Selectmen submitted three reports making cert�in alterations on ti�ieston and Lincoln streets and` it was Voted "That the repc�ts be ac- capte� and location adopted and 'that the sum oP �600.00 be appropriated to carry out the design oP the reports." (See Reports Page ) Art 4th: 4oted ^That the new road Prom School'. street to �onument street be called TQarrett Street." grt 5th. Voted: "That the vote on record be so ' construed that the present board of Select�en, be authorized to purchase as�y Pit or Pits for materials for repairing the highways." " Art 6th. 4oted "That the peace of the Town sT�all not be disturbed on the 4th of duly bePore 4 o'clock in the morning by� fire�orks or otherwise, and that tha Constables and _Special Poliee shall take care that Pireworks are not so discharged 3s to en- danger liYe a�i limb through the day and evening." Art 7th. Voted."That the subject be indefinitely poetponed.^ � Art 8th. Vo�ed ^That the whole subject be referred to the Selectmen to aet Por the best interests oP the Town.". The meeting was then a.issoYved e true record attest � Leonard A. Saville Towm: Clerk. 1866 137 tiFarrant fcm� a Town Meeting. Nov. 3d To Oliver W Kendall, Gonstable of Lexington Greeting:- You are hereby required in the name c�t" the Common- wealth of Msssachusetts, to notify and war.n the Inliabitants of th� T�•oP Lexington, who are qual- iPied by law to vote for State ofPicers, to assemhle at the Town Hall on Tuesday the third day of Nov- ember neat, et one oclock, P.M. at �xhich time the Poll will be opened f� t he purpose of receiving ballots for the follotving OPficers, - viz:- For Governor. - Lieuten$mt Governor. - Secretsry.- Treasurer and Receiver General, - Attorney General.- and Auditor oP the Commomaealth. For Electors of E�resident and Pice Psesiden� of the Unit•ed States. For a Member of Congress for the S�th District. For Councillor for District No 6. - Senator for. District No 6. - Representative to tl� General eourt ' for District �0 21- One County Commissioner. - One Specisl County Couimissioner - One Commissi�ner of Insolvencg - one Register of Probate snd Insoluency- District $ttorney - and SherifP. The Selectmen will receive the votes for the above Officers all on one bal'lot. The Poll must be kept open two hours, and as muoh longer (but not after sunset. ) as a majority of the voters present may decide. You are alsa required to notiYy and warn the ' aPoresaid Inhsbitants' to meet at the TownHall, on said day at Trirse o'clock, P.M. to act on the Yol- lo�ing artieles - viz:- � ` 138 1868 Continued. Art ls�. �o ehoose a Moderator. Art 2d. To see what measures the 2own will adopt . � � ` to 'remove obstructions from the Highways, and to pre4ettt encroachmen�s in Yuture. � grt 3d. To see if the Town will purchase the Land Pormerly occupied by IIr. DW Lewis, as a Female Seminary, or act in a�'manner in relation thereto. Art 4th. �o see if the Town will elect an Overseer of the Poor and a Highway Surveyor, to fill the va- oen�y oecasioned by the removal of S�lvanus W. �¢ith from Town. � ' Art 5th. Ta see iP the Tovun will rsmunerate Eben _ R. Smith, in whole, or in part, Por the expense 3ncurred in s suit with the Selectmen in 1866, or eet in any manner relating thereto. 8rt 6th. To see if the 'Town wi11 purchase addition- al Hose Por their Engine Compsnies, or act in aRy manner in relation. to the �ubject. grt 7th. To hear the reports of a� EommitLees and act thflreon. � HereoP Pail not, and make return of this Warrant with , your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting Ginen under our hands at Lexington, this nineteenth day oY October A. D. 1868 , Charles Hudson )Seleetmen of Alonzo Goddard Jl,exington The Selectmen urill be in session at the Town Iiall on Nionday the second day of November next, from seven to nine o'clock P.M. and on the d�y oP Elec- tion from 12 NI. to 1 oclock P.M. to revise the Voting Zist, and no new ttame will be inserted on the list after the Poll is opened. � 1868 139 Continued , _ Lexington Oetober 26th 1868 Pursuant to the within warrant I have� notiPied the Inhabitants of the �own of Le$ington herein described- to meet at the time and place, and for the purposes within mentioned. Oliver wf. Kendal2 Constable of Lexington �. true Copy ' attest I,eonard A. Saville. ' �own Clerl� 140 ' 1868 To�n Meetin� held Nov 3d 1868. The meeting was called to order at the time specified in the Poregoizg warrant Yor the purpose of receiving ballots for tne officers specified. It was Voted "That the Poll b� kept open until one half past Pour oclock P.�.N �illiam Goodrich and Oliver W. Kendall �ere appointed by the Selectmen to dis�ribute envelopes as provided by law and �ere sworn to the Pafthf�l discharge oE their duty: The meeting for t�e 'cransaction' of Town Lusiness specified ,in the foregoing warrant was called to order at the time named in the warrant and the fol- lowing votes were passed - viz: - Art lst. 7r3mes Gould was chosen Moderator and qnaliPied by the oath oP ofPice. Art 2d. Voted "Triat the Surveyors of Highways, in case they find a�}r encroacllments 'upon the uublic highways, be directed to notiPy the party so en- croaehing,and request him -to remove the incumbrance, and if he shall refuse or neglect to remove the same, they sh all report the Pact 'to the Selectmen who are hereby rYireeted to take legal measures to abate what they may regard as a public nuisance." Brt 3d. Uoted "That the article be indePinitely postponed.^ ' Art 4tli. �Ioted "That the Town el�et an (hrerseer oP the Poor and a Surveyor oP the Highways to fill the Yaca,nay oecasioned by the removal of Sylvanus W SYnith Prom town" sad Ed�in Spauldi�(sworn Nov.4th Z868) was so °elented. 1868 141 Continued. Art 5t2i. Voted. "That the Selectmen ascertain the expense oP said suit to Ebett R. 'S�uith and remuner- ate him Por the same." Art 6th. SToted "That the matter be rePerred to the Engineers" Art 7th. No Committees reported. and the meeting Por the transaction oP Town business was declared dissolved. The following votes were publicly declared in open Town meeting as having been cast for the following oPPicers- Y�Z :- G04eTIIOT. William C1aPlin oP Ne�ton - One $undred seventy-eight 178 John Quincy Adams oP Quincy, - One Aundred twenty nine 129 Lieutenant Gover�or. Soseph Tucker, of Leaox �ne Hundred seventy-nine 179 �euben Noble of Westfield one Hundredtwenty nine 129 Secretary. Oliver Warner oP Tdorthampton, one Hundred seventy eight178 Charles Brimblcom o£ Barre one Hundredtzventy nine 129 Treasurer and Receiver General. Jacob H I�oud of Plymouth one Hundred seventy-eight 178 ' Harvey 9rnold oP Adams Qae Hundred twenty-aine 129 Attorney General. ' Charles Allen oP Boston one Hundred seventy-nine 179 �Ym. E. Endicott of Salem one Hundred �wenty-nine 129 141 Continued. Auditor oP becounts. Aenry S. Briggs of PittsYield. one Hundred sevettty nine 179 Arthur F ➢evereuz oP Rogbury - one Hundred twenty nine 129 Elector of President and Vice President of ' the U. S. At Large David Sears of Boston. one Hundred senenty nine 179 John H. Glifford oY New BedPord. ' one Hundred seventy ni ne 179 Tosiah G. Abbott of Hostott. orie Hundred twenty-Pour 124 Jahn R. Briggs of Sheffield one Hundred t�uenty-four 124 District No 1 " Richard L Pease of Edgartotivn one Hundred seventy-nine179 Iseiah T. 7ones of Sandwich one Hundred twenty-four 124 District No 2. YYilliam P�ason of Taunton. one Hundred seventy-aine 179 Ssmuel B. Thsater of gbington one Hundred twenty-Pour124 I7fstrict No 3. uYilliam �lhiting oY Boston. one Hundred seventy-nine 179 James M geith of Boston one Hundred twenty-four 124 ' District No 4. Frank B. Fay oP Chelsea 'one Hundred seventy-nine 179 Edwyn C. Barnes of 'Chelsea one Hundred t�uenty-four 124 District No 5. James N Buffum of Lgnn, One Hundred seventy-nine 179 Jonathan Nayson oP Amesbury One `�un@red twenty-Pour 124 142 Gontinued District No 6. George Co�gswell of Bradford. one Hundred seventy- nine 179 John K. Tarbox oP Iawrence one Hundred twenty-Pour 124 District No 7. J 1Viley Edmands oP Newton one Hundred seventy-uine 179 Nlilliam F. Sslmon of Lonell, one Hundred twentpPour 124 District No 8. Paul '1Jhitin of Northbridge one Hundred seventy-nine 179 Levi Barker of Worcester one Hundred twenty-four 124 District No 9. Charles �1 Stevens of L�Jare one Hundred seventy nine 179 7. Otis i3ale of Hubbardstown one hundred twenty fouT 124 District No 10. 1S�ilton B. 4Vhitney of tiJestfield one Hundred seventy- nine 179 ' Henry VJ. Bishop of Lenox one Hundsed twenty-Pour 124 NIember of Congress Por Sixth District. N.P.Banks of '+Valtham one Hundred seventy-t�ro 172 R,H:Dana one 1 F. 0 Prince oP tiJinehester One Hundresdtwenty eight;: 128 ' Councillor for District No 6. Thomas Talbot oP Billerica one Hundred seventy nine179 Oren 8 Knapp of Somerville one Hundred twenty-nine 129 Senator for District No 6. Soseph G Pollard oP �foburn one Hundred seventy seven 177 Sames dliv er af PdakePie]el one Hundred� thirty 139 143 Continuefl ' One County Commissioner. Edarard T. Collins of Nawton ane Hundred seventy eight 178 Benjamin 4400dward of Somerville one Hundred twettty nine129 ° Special County Commissioners. William �'. Ellis of Ashland ane Hundred seventy-nine 179 Samuel Stagles of Goncord one Hundred seventy-nine 179 ° Johtt H. Dike of Stoneham one Hundred twenty-nine 129 George tiV Hey�vood of Y�estford one Hundred twanty-nine 129 Eommissioners oP Insolvency. � George Stevens of Lowell one Hundred seventy-nine 179 Willian B. Gale of Marlborough one Huadred seventy nine ' 1'19 John 4Y . liammond of Canibridge one Hundred sevanty eight ' 178 �' M. Stone of Walth� one 1 Sames Gerrish oY Shirley one Hundred twenty-nine 129 Edward G Russell oP C�brifige one Hundren twenty nine 129 Geo. D.�oodmau oP Lo�aell one Hundred twenty nine 129 Register of Probate and Insolvency. 7oseph H Tyler . of Cambridge� one Hundrod seventy nine 179 James F. Pickering of Charlestown one Hundred twenty nine 129 District �ttorneg. Northern District. Isaac S. Morse of Cambrid�e one Hundrsd seventy nine 179 J.P. Co�erse of 'iloburn one Hundred twenty-nine 129 � SherifP Charles Kimball of Lowell one Huadred seventy eight 178 Semuel Iawre� e oP Lowell one Hundred twenty nine 129 149 �ontinued. For Representative to the General Court 21st Middlesex District. Richard D Blinn oP Lexington one Hundred ei�hty-one 181 Hammon Reed of Lexington one Hundred sixteen lI6 A.E. Seott 'T " one 1 G.L.Stratton '� " one 1 Silah Simonds^ Carlisle one 1 _ The elention blanks were then filled, 5igned and sealed and t$e meeting was decl� ed dissc�lved. A tTne record � attest Leonard A.Saville, Town Clerk. 3edford Nov. 4th 1868 A meeting of the Town Clerks• in the 21st Representative DistrioE was holden at 12 o'clock M. and it was found that the £olloueing number of votes WeTe cast for the Pollouving named canditates LeaingtonBedfardCarlisleBurlingto. � Richard D, Blfnn of Leaington 181 67 59 76 Hammon Reed oP Leaington 116 83 69 � A. E. Scott of I;exington 1 G. I.. Strstton oP I,egington 1 Selah Simonds of EarlislA 1 Total for B. D Blinn Three Hundred eighty threa 383 Total for H Reed Two Hundred ninety-eight 298 Blinn Majority over Reed 85 mnd accordingly a CertiPicate of Tlection was given to Riehard D Blinn of Lexington. g true record of the doings attest I;eonard 9 Saville. Town Clerk. 145 � Eommonwealth oP Massachusetts: Pursuant to the provisions of the General Statutes, �hapter 18th. Seetion 48th. 'T�e Town Clerk being temporarily ahsent from town we the Selectmen oP �exingtott hereby- appoint Isaac N. Damon to perPorm the duties of Town Clerk in conPormity to the pro- visions of the Ststute: referred to � Selectmen Charles Hudson ) oP Charles Ro�binson)I;eaington Lexington November 18th 1868 - Nfiddleseg S.S. November 18th A.D. 1868 - Personally appeared the abone named Isaec N. R amon and was dnly sworn to the faithfull performance oP his duty as Town Clerk, before me - , Charles Hudson dustice of the Peace , A. `true Copy Attest Issac N. Damon Town Clerk 1869 146 vYarrant for a Town Meeting Ma�rch 1TM To Qliver W. Kendall Constsble of Lexin$ton- ' Greetin� - Fn the name oP the 6ommonwealth of .Massachusetts, � you are herebg required ta notiPy a�d warn the inhabitants oP the town of Lexington, qualified by law' to vote itt town afYairs to assemble at the Town Hall in said town on Monday the Pirst day of March next at one o'clock P.M. to aet on the Pol- lowir� articles Piz: ' A,rt. lst. To bria� in their votes to the Selactmen for a Town Clerls - pra tem: pur'suant to 47 section oP Chapter 18 oP the General Statutes. Art. 2d. To choose a Mode�ator . �rt. 3d. . To choose Town OfPicers for the ensuing year including one School Committee man Por the term of three years, and one Por one year, in place of Jahn VF. Hudson,resigned. Art.4, f � To adopt measures Por the repairing of the Higvuays the ensuing qeas, and grant money for the same . tirt. 5th. . � To provide support for the Poor, the ensuing year Art. 6. To raise money for the support of the Public Schools, including Lheir several grades; or act in artiy man ner relating thereto. 147 Continued 186�- Art. 7 To adopt measures for collecting taxes. ' the ensuing year. art. 8. To see if the Town wiil authorize and em- power the Colleetor oP taxes to use ar�y and all means of collecting the taxes committed to hi� to collect which may be lawfully used by the Touvu Treasurer when acting a.s Collector. Art. 9. To see if the To�n will authorize the Town �reasurer (under the direction of the Selectmeu) , , to borrow such s�. or suqis of money as maq be necessary. to defray To�n expenses the ensuing year, in anticipetion of the tsxes of 1869. Art. 10. To see if the To�¢n will ehoose a board of Auditors to audit the accounts of the years 1868 and 1869. A,rt. 11. To see if the Town will Purnish additional Hose for their Engines, or otlierwise act on the aub je ct. � art. 12. ^ To see iP it is the wish of the Town that the collection of oP a tax assessed against Thomas Gould of Arlington be colle�cted by lew. Art.13." To see what action the Selectmen haee taken towards removing the ohstructions in the Highways. Continued 1869. 148 9rt. 14." Ta see what has been done ab out rePunding the costs to Mr. E . R. Smith incurred by him in consequence of the Town refusing hi.s vDte. Art. 15." To see if the Town will adopt the Report of the Selectmen on the petition of 47arren Ihiren and others, recommending certain 4Videnings on Adams Street. � Art. 16.'x To sge if the �ouvn will appropriate a sum of money sufficient to carry out certain inprove- ments, voted, by the '�own^.atG�heir meeting June 1, 1868, on �leston Street. grt. 17.�* To hear the Report of the� Trustees of the Cary Library, and take any action in relation to the subject. Art. 18.`* To hear the Report oP �the Selectmen in relation to the state of the Treasury, and the finances of the Tovan. ATt. 19. n • � To hear the Report oP the Selectmen in relation to Guide Boards; and act thereon. Art. 20." To hear Reports oP Committees and act thereon. Hereof Pail not and make return of this �farrant and your doin�s thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the time of holdnng said meeting. 149 Continued 18B9. Ginen under our hands at Lexington thi5 eighth day of February 6. D. 1869 - � Signed Charles Hudson } Charles Rohinson ) Selectmen of Alonzo Goddard } �Leaington. The Selectmen will be in session at the Town Hall on Saturday the 27" inst from 7 P:hi. to 9. P. M. and on the day of ineeting from 12 M. to 1 o�clock P.M. for the purpose oP revising the POtiA� llst' and no names vcill be inserted on the list after the Poll is opened. � � February 20" 1869. Fursuant to the within warrant, I have notified the inhabitants of the R"own of Lexington , herein described, to meet at the time and place, and Yor the �purposes within mentioned. $igned Oliver 1V. Sendall) Constable ) of Lexington A .true copy 9ttest Leonard G,. Babcock Town Clerk The To�rn Glerk being absent t,he Selectmen called the Meeting to order and received the votes f.or a Glerk. jro tem pursuant to the 47th Section of the 18th Chapter oP the General Stattues. . when &. �K. Bryant was declared eleeted - Mr Brgsnt declining, a second .ballot was had which was sworn to. the Paithfull discharge oP his duties by the Chairman oP the Selectmen, appointiee as 1Vlodarator - �. true r.ecord Attest - Isaac N. Damon Glerk-pro - tempore . 1869 150 Tobvn Meeting held b7arch •1: 1869. Pursuant to the Poregoing� uYarrent the inhab- itants of the Town oP Lexington qualiPied by law to vote, essembled at the Towh Hall at the time speeified and voteci as foZlows. " Art. lst. Issac N. Damon was ch.osen Town Clerk, Pr° te�• Art. 2d. donas Gammell vuas chosen Moderator. Art. 3d. �oted RTo proceed to vote for � Tovan Sworn Clerk". L. G. Babc�ck received 82 vot�es and March 1: was declared chosen. He was duly qualified by taking the Oath of Office. • � Voted "To proceed to vote for Select- Sworn men: Charles. Nunn received 127 votes Mch.l: 'JVa3ter ti�lellington �eceived 69 votes Alonzo Godd�rd received 60 votes These:: three were declared ohosen. 2 Voted "To proceed to vote Yor Assessor." SwornAp12d7. F. Simonds received 9�3 votes SwornIuIchl7Nathan Fesseden received 51 vot�s . SwornETp16"L.. G. Pierce received 42 eotes. • These three were declared chosen. Voted ^Tha,t the Town dispense wi,th the - choice of Overseers of the Poor arcd that the duties of Overseers of the Poor be performad by the Selectmen." Voted - '°To procee,d to vote Por Sur- veyors of Highways.'� Eli Simonds,� John P. Reed and �dwin Spaulding received 21 votes each and were declared ahosen. Eli Simonds ,. John P. Reed and-:EdwSn;Speulding ,asY.ed to be excused from . serving and the Town voted to excuse them. 151 Continued 1B69- Voted "To proc�ed to choose Surveyors of High- ways.. Sv�orn Charles i�Tunn. Walter rlellington and alonzo Marett.l." Goddard received 22 votes each and were declared chosen. TFoted "To proceed to vote for two Schaol Committee men." Charles Tidd was chosen £or three years. Rev. E.G.Porter was chosen for one year Voted "Po proceed to choose a Constabie.'� S�vorn Oliver uit Kendall received 27 votes and was M� ch 8th.chosen. �Foted 'TTo choose another Constable". John E. Hodgeman was chosen. Poted `tto proceed to choose Treasurer and Collector.. " �Fmted "To lay Article 3d, on table and t$ke up Article 7.^'• Art. 7�" Yoted "That col]E cting of taxes and duties of Treasurer be let out to lowest .bidder" . . Yoted "To let out collecting of texes and duties oY Tre�surer to Alhert Vif. Bryant at Three hundred and ninety Dollars, E#390.00)" Voted "To resume Article 3d. "` Voted "To choose Treasurer." Sworn Ap1.13 Albert �1. Bryant. was chosen. �oted "To ohoos.e a Surveyor oY Lumber." Sworn Idch.l3th 021ver Nt. I{endall was chosen Yoted "To choose Tru�nt Officers to consist oP School Committee and Constables." �oted "That F. Alderman be added to Truant .OPP- icers." Voted "That choice of Measurers he left to Se- leatmen." � Voted "To ehoose Field Drivers." Continued 1869 152 Geo. Bowers ) Sworn Apl 8. Natlil. Harrington ) Sworn IIch.18. Joha Peters ) 19ere chosen Field Drivers 3worn " 18 Chas. Hallett ) , _ S.C.' '�Ihitcher ) John Hadson ) Gea. W., Taylor ) , . Sworn �ldch,l7th�. Caldwell ) , . ' Sworn ( Hammon ; Reed: ) ;.1Yere chosen Fence Piew.ers. Mch.l.. ( Webster Smith) Voted "To authorize the selectmen to Yill the remaining minor oPPiees. " . . 1iTt. 4. - . . . Voted "To appropriate Twenty-Pive hundred Dollars (�2500.00 ) to repair Highways.'T . AI't. 5." Art.20." Voted '*To take up Article 20.." R�parts Voted "Ta hear Reports oP Committees" . Page 8. Report oY Qverseers of the Poor read and Accepted. Page 10 Report oP Survepors oP .Iiighways read and Accepted. Voted "To appropriate FiPteen huadred Dol- lars (#150.00 ) for support of the Poor the ensuing year,tt . Art.6. . �oted "To appropriate Six Thousand Dollars . (#6000.0a ) for Schools the ensuing year." 8rt.7. Qoted "To allow a discount of ten (10 ) per. �rt.3d. et. on all -taxes paid before Nov. lat. current." �oted "To take up �rtic3e 12." 153- Continued 1869- . Art.�2 Art. 12. � Voted 1°not to rem3t the t�g .assessed � agsinst Thomas Gould`T Yoted "To submit. the �rhole matter to a � Committee to consist oP Chairman oP board of Se- lectmen, - Chairman of the board oP �lssessors e,nd John V�f Hudson. " • �Ioted '*To submit the whole matter to a Committee to consist oP Chairman oP the board oP Selectmen, - Chairman of the board of Assessors and John �.Hudson." �oted "To take up �rticl� 15. " Art.15 Art.l5." Yoted "not to accept Report of the Select- men on the Petition of �Varren Duren and others recommending certain �idenings on Adams Street." Voted "To reconsider last vote." Voted "To adjourn to Saturday A�arch 6, " at one o'cloek P.PrI." Pursuant to adJournment the Town met at the Town Hall on Saturday. Mch.6.." �and. resumed Article 15.^ Reports 4'oted 'TThat the Selectmen's Report� be Page ll. accepted ancl its suggestions adopted". �roted "To appropriate Four f�undred Dollars (�400.00 ) Por GJidening and improving Adams St. end that the Selectmen be instructed to carry out �the instructions containecl in the accepted Report. to the best oP their ability. Art.8." and emposver 4oted. "Ta authorize the' Collector to use any and all means for collee'ting the taxes. which may be lawfullq used by the Town Treasurer vrhen acting as Collector. � � Ar�. 9." Foted. To authorize the Town Treasurer to borrow such sums oP money as mag be necessary ta meet eapenses of the ensuing year in anticipa- Continued 1869 - 154 tion of the taxes 1869� - Art. 10. � Voted. "To choose sn Auditor to audit accounts of 1869 - and to egamine accounts of 1867 and 1868. 1Foted "To choose by nomination." L. G. Babcock was chosen Auditor. �rt. 11. Voted. '•That the �ole subject be rePerr- ed to the Engineers with full authority to make such arrangements as they may deem egpedient to provide the necessary Hose for the Engine Bom- panies, provided the whole e� ense shall riot eaceed .the sum of. Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars (�650.00 ) Voted: "That the Engineers be instructed to examine into any new engines for extinguishing fires." Art. 13." � � Q�ted.'� "That the whole matter be re- Perred to the present Board oP Selectmen." Art. 14." Voted. ' "To refer the matter to the present Board oP Selectmen." � Brt. 16." Voted. ' "To appropriate Two Hundred and F'iPty Dollars. (�250.00 ) to complete improvments on '�Veston Street." Art. 17." Voted. ' "�o amend the "Rules and Regulations adopted by tne Trustees of the Cary Library, by sub- Reports stituting "8 P.P�.'T for "5 P.Pif. on [�fednesdays" attd Page 16 thet the Ry�les & Regulations as so amended. together with Report oY Trustees be accepted." 4oted "That the sum oY Sixty Dollars �#60. , . . 155 Continued 1869- be appropriated Por the purchase oP books for the Library the ensuing year, and that the Selectmen • be directed to pay fr� the Contingent Grsnt the rent oY the Library rooms. and the compensation • oP the Lihrarian and also the expense oP warming and lighting tne roams." AI't. 18'T Reports � �oted�:"To accept Report of Selectmen on Page 24. the Finances." • 6rt. 19." Reports Voted. ' *'To accept Report oP Selectmen Page 23 on Guide Hoards." • Voted. ' "To take up tlrticle 3ci." ZFoted. * "To egcuse S.E. Hodgeman from serving as- Constable." 20th Poted. ' "To proceed to ballott for Con- Sworn Apl.stable."F. Aldeman reeeived twelve °(12 ) votes and was chosen. Art. 18.'t'Poted. ' "That the Treasurer, under the direction of the Selectmen. be directed to p�p oPf Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars(�4500up ) of the Tovun Debt, be taking up such notes as may be thought most advantageous to the Town." No further business co ming before the meet- ing the Moderator declared the meeting dissolved. A true record. kttest' L. G. Babcock Town Clerk� � 1869. 156. Town Officers appointed by Selectmen Alonzo Goddard - Sealer �of GVeights and Measures. Augustus Childs ) Ghas. F. GJinship ) 7oseph F'. SimondsJ Measurers oP +Jood and Bark Sworn P�Ich.Horace B. Davis ) Joseph F. Simonds - Super2ntendent of Town Scales and Weigher oP Hay and Coal. Chas. F. 6Yinship - �Ieigher oP Hay and Coal in the �ast �illage. Sworn Mch Cliver rJ. Kendall - Sexton, Pound Keeper and 20" Superintendent of Town Hall. Isasc B. Smith - `uVeigher of Coal a� Depot. Sworn Mch.Horace B. D�vis Speeial Policeman A true Copp � Attest Isonard G. Babcoek • Town Clerk. 157 1869 - �Varrant Por a `i'own A4eeting D,Zsy lst 1869 - To Oliver GJ. Rendall Constable of Lexington Greeting. In the name of the Common�uealth oP I�Zass- achusetts, you are hereby required to notiPy and warn tlie inhabitants of the rown of Legington qualified by lav� to vote in town afiairs to assemble at the Towii Hall in said town on Saturday the first day oP Plfay next, at tuao o'clock P.M. to act on the £ollowing Articles, viz: Art. 1. To cnoose a b2oderater. �rt. 2d. To fill vacancies in Town offices. Art. 3d. To see if the Town arill rescind the vote passed at the March b4eeting whereby Four hundred Dollars was appropriated for improvments on Adams Street, or act in a�y manner in relation thereto. Art. 4. "To see iP the Town will adopt the Report o�Selectmen ¢n the petition of �lugustus Childs , snd others recommending �he layi�g out Independence &venue as a Public Highway. �Irt. 5." To see if the Town willmake an appropri- ation sufficient to pay Messrs T, R. Marvin and Son the balance due them on account , of the Town History. 2rt 6." To see if the Tocvn will,make at appropri- ation to meet the dePiciency in the Schoo� Grant of 1868. , 1869 - 158 Art. 7.'* To see if �he Town will build a reservoir at the brook near the house of Charles Brown Esq. Art. 8.^ To see if �he Town will eause the Books distributed bg, the State to the to�n and school districts to be collected, and such as are suitable Por general reading be degosited , in the Library, and such as require it be put in a better condition for preservation„ or take such other action on the subject as may be deemed expedient. 6rt. 9." To see iP the Town will make an addition- al appropriation for the support , of Poor the ensu- ing year � Art. 10." To see if the Town will accept the Lis�t of Jurors prepared by the Selectmen. Art. 11.^ To grant money to de£ray Town expenses the ensuing year . Art. 12." To see if the Tov¢n vaill authorize their Assessors to deduct the amount oP Corporation Tax before fixing the rate. brt.13." To hear Reports of Committees, and act thereon. Art.14" To see iP the Town will amend the Rules and Regulations of the Cary Library so as to a11ow the Librarian a recess of one hour. Hereof fail not';�nd make return of this GJarrant . and your doings thereon to the Towa� Clerk on or before the time oP holding said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington this nineteenth dag of April A.D. �869-. Charles Nunn . ) Selectmen Signed Alonzo Goddard ) oP Walter �ellington) Lexington 159- 1869- Lexington. April 24" 1869- Pursuant to the within waTrant I have notiPied the inhabitants of the �own of Lexington herein de- scribed ta meat at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned. • Signed Oliver 44. gendall� Constable oP Isxington. � A true Copy � � Attest Leonard G. Babcock Town Clerk. � Pursuant to the foregoing udarrant the Town met at the Town fiall on Satu�dsy Il4ay 1" and passed the Pollowing votes. � • Art. 1, I. N. Damon was ehosen ivIoderator. &rt. 2." Voted "To lay the Article on the table.t' grt. 3." Voted "To indePiniteiy postpone the � �rtilce," Reports Art. 4." Voted '�That the SeTectmens Report be Page 28. accepted, and the Selectmen au'thorized to carry it recommendations into effect.�' Art. 5." Voted "That the Selectmen be instructed to draw. their VJarrant for a suPiicient amount to meet the dePicieney.'� � � Brt. 6." Poted °To appropriate one hundred and fiPty DolTars (�150. ) to meet the dePiciency in the School Grant of 1868." < Art. 7." Voted "That the subje�t be referred to the Board of Selectmen to report at next Town �eeting." 1869- 160 Art.. B." Voted "That a committee of three, to be nominated by the chair, be authorized and directed to exarnine the booY.s in the Archiees of ,the Town, or in the hands of�the�Town oPPicers and � transPer such as they may deem suitabla for genersl reading to the Cary Library: and that they also 6e direeted to ascertain whether there are copies of the School Libr.arg which was form- erly distrihuted among the Districts, which are not in general use, and if so, that -they be, tvith the consent oY those who have them in cus- tody, if such there are, they be deposited in the Lihrarys snd that to accommodate all such book' s the Committee be authorized �o procure suoh .shelves oY book cases as may ba considered eapedient,1E Yoted nThat said Committee be further dir- ected to c�use to be put into cfleap binding such laws and resolvos as mey be in the Archives of the town passed before, � or connected with t?�.e Revolution, tY�at they may be better preserYed." Voted "That such copies of the several Reports of the Hoard oY Education as can be found, be co1- lected, end be preserved with the Archives of the town - one or more copies oP each Report � be � placod in the Libraryn • A Committee was chosen consisting of . Charles Hudson Rev. iN. T. Stoive Rev. �%. G. Porter Art. 9." Pated "To appropriate One hundred �nd fifty Dollars (�150. } additional for support of Poor the ensuing year.'T Art. 10. "Voted "Tn eccept the List oP Jurors prepared by the Selectmen, excusing u7srren E. Russell Esq." - 16I. 1869- � �st. 11. 'Q'oted '�To accept the �'ollowing estim- ate for to�sn expenses the ensuing year.'° Discount on prompt payment of taxes 2400. Interest on Town Debt , 1850. Contingencies 2000. Abatement of Taxes � � 350. Assessors 250. Treasurer and Collector 390. Sehool Committee 180. � Fire Department (Eaclusive of Poll tag) 200. Town Clerk 80. Ringing Bells � . � 70. State Aid • 500. Consig ble 75. For New Road � 175. Balance due T. R. Marvin and Son 209. goted "To add one hundred Dollars to the epproprietinn for School Commit�ee 100. �8829.00 Art.12." . � Voted "To instruct the. Assessors to deduct the amotint of Corporation Tax before P3xing the rate." Voted That the sum to be deducted be fixsd at Eight hundred Dolls�'s (�`p800. )" - Art.13." Voted '�That the Report be recommitted to the• Comucittee, and the Comm3ttee be discharged from an�y further duty." Art. 14.n Voted "That the Librarian be alloa�ed a recess of one hour.'t There being no �urther business the 1�Ieeting was dissolved. g true Record. Attest Leonard G. Balacock Tovun Glerk 1869- 162. tiYerrent far a Town Meeting Nov. 2d I869. To Oliver �1. Kendall Constable oF' Lexfn�ton. Greeting. � � You are hereby required in the name of the Commonweelth o� 1�Hassechusetts to notify and ° warn the Tnhabitants of the Town of Lexington qual- ified to vote for State .OfPicers, to assemble at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 2d day oP November te xt at one o'cTock P.M. , at which �:ime the Polls will be opened for the purpose of reeeining ballo� s for the following oYficers, viz: _ E`or Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretarg, _ Treasurer sad Receiver Genaral, Aud3tor of' Accouats and gttorney General oP the Commonwealth. For Councillor Por District No. 6. For County Commissioner Eor Senator Yor District No.6. For Representative_ to, the General Court for District No. 21. The Selectmen will rece�ve, the votes for the above ofPicers �11 on one bal lot. `fou are alsa required to notify a�d warn the aPoresaid Inhabitants ot meet at the Town Aall on said day at Three o'claak P.M. to: act on the Following grticles. viz, : �rt. lst. Tn choose a Moderator , Art. 2d. To see �vhat action the �own will take on a proposition of Mrs. Msria Gary relative to a Memorial Hall a�,d a Room for the Librasp. , 1fi3. 1869- , Art. 3d. To see if the Z'own w11I take any more . efPicient measures to secure a uni£orm grade in . the new Cemeterp - or adopt an,y regulations by , which the rights of �Y� Town and of the owners , of lots may be better known and enforced. . grt. 4th. To hear the Report oP the Committee on . , Town History and act thereon. . 9rt. 5th. To see if the Tot�ru will allow Mr. '�4i1- , liam Ham to pTaee his fence so as to enclose Com- mon on Linooln Street oppasite "Old Poor Farm�tt . or act in ai[y manner rela�ing thereto. Art. 6th. To see if the Town will allow auch alterations to be made oP the su#�vey for widening and improving gdams Street, as mqy be deemed neo- . essary and proper Por the improvment oP the Street , or act in a�y manner relating thereto. 6rt.7th. To see iP the Town will sell a portion of the 2and bought oP the late John, Mulliken,ad- �oining land of Mr. James S. Niunroe. grt. Sth. To see if the Towna�ill abate the tax assessed in 1868 against Thomas, Gou�d, now of Arlington, or take a�yy action relative to the Collection oP said tag, or the liability oP the Collector therefor. Art. 9tii. To see iP the Town wiil direct that the road kno�rn as "Oak $treet't be repaired, especially that portion opposite the estate of Maurice 0'Connor and what action the Town will take in relation to remedying an in�nry done to him by a recent attempt to repair the said road. 164. Arb. lOth. To see if the TQwn will reimburse Mr. Isaac N. Damon, Treasurer of the �'own for the year 1867-8- the sum of One hundred dollars udiich is properly due him as per Auditors' Report. HereoP Psil not , and make return of this [�farrant and your doiags thereon to the Toa¢n Clerk on or before the time of said mseting. Given under onr hands at Legington this eighteenth day of October A.D. 1869 - Signed Charles Nunn )Selectmen . )oP Lexington �Yalter i�ellington) Lexington, October 25th, 1869 - Pursuant to the veithin �farrant I have notified the Inhabitants of the Town of Lexington herein describ- ed, tQ meet at the time &nd place and Por the purposes within mentioned, by leavittg sn gttested Copy to the families of said Leaington. Signed Oliv,er 4Y. Kendall(Constable ( of Lexington. A true Copy �ittest Leonard G. Babeock Town Clerk 165- 1869- � In accordance to the Poregoing 4Varrant the In- habitants of the �own met at the �o� I3a11 on Tues- day the 2d dey of November at one o°clock P.P2. when the Polls were opened to receive votes for State Offic�rs. Baldwin Locke veas chosen to distribute envelopes and duly qualified by taking the oath. The Town voted to elose the Polls fc� State OfP- ieers at half past four� o'clock P.M. At three oIclock the Town �'leeting Organized for the� transaction oP Town business� The followfng , aotes" v¢ere passed. Art. lst. Jonas Gammell was chosen Moderator and duly qualiPied. � 9rt. 2d. Yoted "That the Proposition oP ABrs. Cary be referred to e Committee� of seven, to be nominated by the Chair, whose duty it shall be to inquire into the expediency of erecting such a building as is con- templated in said proposition, and of the probable eost of the same : and report the result oY their in- quiry, together with a place or plans, drawn by some competent Builder or Architect, to the Town at a Puture meeting." Charles Hudson Luke C. Ghilds Sargent C. �;�Thitcher John Hastings R. W. Reed Hammon Reed hVarren E. Russell , Were nominated bp the Ghair and chosen a Committee itt accordance with the foregoing 'TVote: Voted "2het five hundred copies oP Mrs. Cary's 1869- 166- Proposition` be printed and distributed to the voters of the Town bePore the March meeting�" �rt. 3d. Voted ^That a Co�aitt�e oP three be appointed to prepare and report to. the Tbwn euch regulations or by-laws as my be deemed egpedient to seeure obe- dien�e to such a system of grading and improving the the Cemetery as the Selectmen may adopt: and also to prevent an,y depredations upon the Stono, Monuments, Trees, Shrubs and Flowers in said Cemetery." Warren Durett Charles Nunn �lbert bV, Bryant �Nere chosen a Co�mittee in accordance with the Poregoing"aote." Art. 4th. Voted "That the Article be indePinitely postponed." grt. 5th. Voted "That the 3rticle be referred to the Board of Selectmen to report at the March PQeeting:' 6rt . 6th Vo„te� "To indefinitely gostpone the Article.^ Art. 7th Voted "That a Committee of three be ap- pointad to consider the Article and report at the next meeting." Jahn W. Hudson GJebster Smith Charles Nunn Yere chosen a Committee in• accordance with the foTegoing "Pote.'" Ast. 8th Voted nThat the tax be abated and that the CQ11ectQr be released from all liability there- Yor" Art. 9th Voted '�That the subjeot be rePerred to a Committee of three to report at the negt meating" 162- 1869- • - Isasc N. Damon Loring S. Pierce T. C. Blasdel Nfere chosen a Co�ittee in secordance with the foregoing "Vote: Art. lOt?a Voted "'To rePund the money to Mr. D8FII0I1.n � . . The following votes were declared in open • Town Meeting. � For Governor in7illiam ClaPlin oP Newton, one hundred and thirty 130 Tohn Quinap Adams oP �,uincy,one hundred and nine 109 C. A . Fowle of F:egington, ane 1 Lieutenant Governor 7oseph Tucicer of Lenoz, one hundred and forty 140 Samuel 0. I�emb of Greenfield, one hundred and Pour 104 seeretarg Oliver �larner oP� Northampton,one hundred and thirty Pive 135 John K. Tarboa of I+awrence, one hundred and nine 109 Tressurer end Reeeivar Generel. Jacoh H. Loud oP Flymontn, one hundred and thirty Pioe 135 Le�ri Heywood oY Gardner, one hundred andnine 109 Auditor Charles Endicott oP Canton, one hundred and thirty five 135 Phineas 6llen oP PittsPiel.d, one hundred a�l five 105 Josiah G. Abbott of Boston, Your 4 � LittoTriey General. Charles Allen oP Boston, one hundred and Portg 140 Josiah G.6bbatt oP Boston, One &ur�dPed 100 Phineas Allen of Pittsfield, four 4 Couneillor 6th Dist. 7onathan S. Winn of 4Yoburn, one hundred and t�elve 112 Edwin H. Warren of Chelmsford, one hundred 100 J. B. �linn oP �l�obutn, thirty-eight 3$ � E. H. �tarren oP ChelsmPord, four 4 1869- 168. Senator 6th District. �. E. Thompson of �oburn, one hnndred and Pour 104 Joseph G. Pollard of 9�oburn one hundred and two 102 Tames Oliver oP GJakefield, t�enty-two 22 County Commissioner Leonard Huntress of Tewkbury, one hundred and thirty nine , 139 Charles F. Howe of Lowell, one hundred and one I01 C. F. Ho�e oE Lowell, four 4 Representative to General Court 21st Middlesex District William �Vinn o� Burlington, one , hundred and twenty 120 , �illiam A. Tower oF Lexin�to�, one hundred and three 103 I. N. Damon of E,eaington, one 1 There bein� no Purther business before the Touan the bTeeting dissolved. , The Election blanks Por Governor, Lieut. Governor, Secretary, Treasurer and Receiver General, Auditor, tlttorney Gen�ra� of the Commonwealth, Councillor 6th District, Senator 6th Distniet and Representative to the General Court 21st PtIiddlesea District, were Signed, Attested and Sealed. � A true Record. Attest. Z;eonard G. Bah�coek Town Clerk A Meeting of the �own Clerks in the 21st Represent- ative District was held at the Town Hall in Bedford on the third day oY November at 12 otclock, M. and the vptes of the towns comprising said District were examined when it was found that the said towns voted as follows." 169- , . 1869- Lexingto�BedfordBurlingtonCarlisle William JVinn of Burlington ' i20 48 94 54 William A. Tower of Lexingtori 103 70 7 40 I.N.Demon ':of Iexin�ton 1 vJhole number of` votes 537 7Nilliam sJinn of Burlington,Three hundred and Sixteen 316 Ytilliam A.Tower of Lexington,Two' hundred and twenty 220 I. N. Damon oP Lexington One g ` 517 tilinns• majority- ninety-five 95 - A CertiPicate oY Election was therefore given to JJillism islinn of Hu�lington A true Record of Doings �ttest Leonard G. Habcock Town Clerk of Lexington. 1870- 170 tiYarrant Por a Town Mee�ing, Tuesda,y, January 25th 1870. - � To Oliver t�. Aendall, Gonstable of Leaington, Greeting. • In the ne.me of the Commonwealth of Masae- chusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhafiitants oP the Town oP Lexington,qttalified by law to vote in Town aYfairs, to assemble at the To�n Aall on Tuesdag the twentq-PiPth day of Janu- arg 1870 at one o*clock P.M. to act on the follow- ing articles, �viz : Ar�.I. To choose a NFoderator. Art. II. To see if the Town w3i11 petition the Leg- islature in aid of the petition of John C . Blasdel and others, to be incorporated Por the purpose of building and operating a rail road• between I.exing- ton and Lowell. Art. III. To see� if the: Town �rill present to the General Gourt its Remonstrance against granting � • the petition oP the Lexington and Arlington Rail- road Qompany, �vhich petition (as published in the Boston Post ) is as follows. To the�:Honorable Leg- islature oP the Commonwealth oP IDIassechusetts, The Leaington and 9slington Railroad C�pa�y re- sgeetfully represents that the public good, and the interests of said Corporation require the extension of said Railroed from some point near its present terminus in Cambridge or Arlington, to some point on the Boston and Lowell Railroad in TdIedf�d or 3omerville, Said �exington and Arlington 191- 1870- � therfore prays that authority Por suah extension may be granted by the Legislature. . By authority of the Board of Directors of the Leaington and Arlington Aailroad Company R. D. Bliun, President Arlington, Nov. 29th. 1869. Art. IV. To see iP the Touvn will take �y measures to be represented bePore the Committees of the Gen- eral Court in the matter oP arp proposed extension of, or alteration in the line oi the �exington and Arlington Railroad. �st. V. To he� the Report of the Committee ahosen in November last , to consider� the subJect of erect- ing a building for a Town Hall, a Memorial Hall, and a Library Room, and to adopt a�q measures that may be thought expedient towards the ob�ect oP erecting and finishing suoh a building or procur- ing land on which to Iocate the sama. Hereof Pail not, and make return oP tflis Lifarrant and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or bePore the time oP meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington this tenth day oP January A.D. one thousand"eight hundred and seventy. Signed Charles Nunn ) Selectmen glonzo Goddard ) op 'dVslter Wellington) I,exington ... la�o- i�z_ The Selectmen will be in session at the Town Hall froa 12 to 1 oTclock P.M. on the day of ineeting for the purpose oP placing on the Voting List the names oP persons qualified to vote, and no: names vuill be inserted after the meeting is opened. Lexington, January 17t� 1870. Pursusnt to within iilarrant, I have notified the in- habitants oP the Town oY Lexington herein described, to meet at .the time end place, and for the purposes within mentioned, by leaving to ths families o£ said Lexington a-nd attested copy of this L�Verrant. Signed Oliver nJ. Kendall(Constable (of Lexington A true copy l�ttest Is onard G. Babcock Town Clerk Pursuant to the above 4Yarrant the Town met as therein called and passed the Pollowing Potes. Art. I. The whole number oP ballots cast for Moderator w,as three hundred and thirty-eight (338) , Isaac N. Damon received tuuo hundred and three (203 Thomas B. Holden received one hundred and thirty five 135 MaJority for Isasc N.Damon. 68 Isaac N. Dan�n was declared to be chosen Moderator , and was duly qualified by being sworn to perform the duties oP Moderator. "�Ioted to take up the fiPth Artiele." 173 1870- Voted "To hear the Report oY the Committee. �* Voted '�To hear the NIinorit;� Report." Voted "To use the Check List.'° Voted �'To vote by Ballot." Reports Voted 'TThat the Report oP the Committee be Page 30. accepted, and their r,ecommendations to build a Town Hall' be adop,ted; snd that the same Committee be authorized and directed to cause to be erected and ,finished on the site speciYfed, a public building con�'orming snbstantially to the descrip- tion eontained in their Report, and shown in the , drawings accompax�ying tne same. " The whole number of ballots on above vote avas three hundred and thirty-one (331 ) ^Yes" : pne hundred and ninety-two (1�2 ) "nTo" : one hundred and thirty,-nine (139 ) Voted 'tThat the Committee directed to build a Town Hall, be empowared to purchase , in behalf of the town, as a site Por the Town Hall, so : . much and such part oY the lot on which the Lex- ington House Pormerly stood, as they may think necessary for the public convenience, provided it ean be obtained at a reasonable price . But in case they ,may deem the price exorbitant , or can not obtain a good title, the Gommittee are hereby fully empowered and instructed to cause _ so much oY said lot as they may deem necessary Por the purposes of a Town Hall, to be taken, agreeably to the provisions of the four hundred and eleaenth chapter of the. Statutes oP 1869.'t 1870- 174 Voted "That the said Committee be fully authorized � and empowered to negotiate , in behalY of the Town, a loan Yor a period not exceeding twenty-five years, as they may deem Por the best interest of the Town, on such towa notes or bonds, with or without cou- pons, as they may think most expedient, Por an amount not exceedin� thirty-five thousand dollars, And the Town Treasurer is hereby directed and requiTed to .sign, as Towa Treasurer such notes, bonds or coupons as may be prepared and presented by the said Committee : and the ssid notes or bonds shall be countersigned by the TownClerk: and when so signed by the Treasurer and Clerk, and duly �filled out and delivered by said Committee, they shall to all intents and purposes bind the inhab- itants of the �own aP Lexington to the payment oP principal and interest at the time and place, and for the Pull amount express'ed in said notes, bonds or coupons. And the Treasurer shall make �a r.ecord in e book to he kept Por that purgose, of all the notes or bonds so. signed by him, and delivered to the Com- mittee, with the amount and date oP delivery� And whenever the Committee shall negotiate arry note or bond, they shall, as soon as praeticable, notif�* the Treasurer in writing oY the date , the amount, � the rate of interest , the time a�vd place of pay- ment, and the rs:me oY the party to whom payment is to be made, so that the Treasurer may be able to meet promptly anp demand against the Town." Voted "That the Town Treasurer be required, under � the direction of the Selectmen, to borrow tempor- arily on the credit of the '�own, in anticipation of a permanent loen, such sum or sums as the Com- nittee may find necessary to meet any ot their obligations incurred in carrying on their work of building the ssid To�n I3a11, or pqying for the site thereoP. And the Committee shall give the Selectmen reasonable notice, in case they should require any temporary loan, so that the sum: re- quired may be obtained in due season." 175- I87A - I,mmediately following the above vote, the following Resolutions were passed by the Town. Y�hereas. • Piirs. Maria Cary of Brooklyn, N.Y. prompted by benevolence, and a patriotic re- gard- Por the place oY her nativity, has genezous- Iy tendered a libere�l sum of money to the Town oP Isxingto-n, to aid us in sustaining the past repu- tation and the future character of the town, by doing honor to the noble men who fell, the first Martyrs to Preedom in the Revolution, and to the gallant spirits who gerished in defence of our Pree institutions in the late Rehellion: and V�rhereas. a generous and deserving people will ever rejoiee to acknowledge their obligations to a liberal benaPaetor who has Ysindly remem�ered them bg tokens which show that his proPessions are heartfelt; - Be it Resolved. That we du�y appreciate_ _and gratefully accept the generous offer oP Mrs.Maria Cary to procure suitable tablets for a Memorial ` Hall in honor of the dead, and to sustain and in- crease our free Library Por the instruction of the living; and while we acknowledge her liberality, _ _ we fondly 1870 - 176 hope so to exert ourselves in behalf oP the objects of her cher#ty, that she may see that we are faith- Pul trustees of her bounty, and shall proudly asso- . ciate her name with the most cherished institutions oP. the Town. Itesolved, That the Town Clerk be requested to forward �n attested eopy of the Poregoing Praamble and these Aesolutions to Il�Lrs. Cary, together with the state- ment oP the Pact that the Town have voted to ereet a publie edifice amply . sufficaint to meet all the wants of the Town, and give. sufPicent room for the Library and the 'Nfemorial Tablets. . Art. II. 4oted "To indefinitely postpone the article:. Voted "To act on 9rtioles third. and Pourth to- gether." No action was taken and it was Qoted "That the meeting ad�ourn" �nd the Moderator deelared the meeting dissolved. , A true and carrect Record Attest Leonard �. Ba&cock Town Clerk 177- 1870- uYarrant for a Tomn ivIeeting. �.Ronday March 7th 1870. - To Qliver ��. Kendall Constable oP Lexington, Greeting. In the nama of the Gommonwealth oP Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notiPy and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified by law to vote in �'o�n aPfairs, to assemble at the Town I3a11 on NFonday the seventh day of L7arch next, at one o*cloek P.M. to act on the following Articles, viz: Art. I. To choosa a Moderator. Art. II. To choose Town Officers for the easuing year, including one School Committee man for the term oP three years. �rt. III. To adopt measures Yor the repairing of the Highways the ensuing year, and grant money Yor the same. Art. IV. To provide support for the Poor the en- � suing year. Art. V. To raise money forthe support oP the Public Schools, including their several grades, or act in any man ner relating thereto. �t.VI. To adopt measures Por eollecting taaes the ensuing year. Ast. VII. To see if the Town will authorize and empower the Collector oP taxes to use a�yy and all means oP collecting the taxes, eommitted to him to collect, which may be l�wPully used by the Town Treasurer when acting as Collector. _ ..... 1a�o- i�8- Art. VIII. To see iP the Town veill authorize the Town Treasurer, under the direction of the Select- men, to borrow such sum„ ar sums of money as may - be necessary, to defray Town expenses the ansuing year, in enticigation of the taxes of 1870. Art.IX. To see iP the Town will choose e Eoard of 8uditors to eudit the accougts oP the year end- ing blarch lst 1870. 8rt. X. To. see vehat action the Town will take relative to a suit brought by Nathaniel Pierce, Peletiah P. Pierce, David Hall, Sidneg Iawrence, A. Childs, Otis H. Dana, 7onas Gammell, Gornelius Ttdellington, R. . T. Bryant anci T. G. Hovey� against the Town of Lexington a,nd certaia of its officers . or agents. . , Art. X2. To hear the report oP the Gommittee chosen to publich and put on sale the Town History, and act thereon. 6rt. XII. Ta hear the report oP the Committee chosen in November last to examine the proposal to sell a portion of the land bought of the heirs of Sohn Mullii�en Por a cemetery, and act thereon. &rt. XIII. To see if the 2o�c will provide Black- boards for the school houses, or act in any manner relating thereto. Art. XIV. �'o hear reports oP Committees and aet thereon. HereoY Pail not , and .make return oP this ��Farrant and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the . ti.me of said meeting. 179. 1870- � Giuen under our hands at Lexington this eighteenth day oY February, A. D. One thousand eight hundred and seventy. Signed Charles Nunn ) Selectmen . Alonzo Goddard ) of �talter 'd�ellington) Lexington The Selectmen vaill be in session at the Town Hall on ivIonday the 7th dqy of Fliarch �rom 12 to 1 o'clock P.M. to correct and revise the Voting List, and no .name will be inserted oa the. List after the meeting is opened. Legington �Zar. 7th 1870. Pursuant to the �ithin Y�arrant I ,haue notified the Inhabitants oY the �awn of Lexington herein describ- ed, to meet at the time .and plsce, and Yor the .pur- poses within mentioned, by leaving an attested eopy of the within Y1arr�nt to the fam�li�s. Signed OliQer Yr. Kendall (Consta ble (of Le� ngton �1 true Copy $.ttest I;eonard G. Babaoek Touun Clerk ia�o- zao. 'In accordance sith the Poregoing '�arrant the Town met as therein called and passed the Pollow- ing "Votes." � &rt. I. �ames Gould was chosea Pifod�rator �nd duly qualified. The following Resolve was then read and pass- ed by the Towm. ' - Ftesolved `That the citizens of the Town of Lex- ington earnestly recommend the passage of the bill now bePore the Legislature, providing for the eonnection oP tha Lexington and Arlington Railroad with the Bos- ton and Lowell Ztailroad, as in the highest degree im- portant to the interests oP Zsxangton and the neigh- boring towns. _ ' Art. II. Poted "To praceed to ballot for a Town Clerk." " - L. G. Babcoek was chosert Town �lerk and took the aath oP ofPice. # Poted "To proceed to ballot for three Select- �en" Poted "To keep the polls open for choice oP Selectmen until half past two o*clk." Voted "To extend the time five minutesn The vote Por Selectmen was as follows : S. C. Whitcher - Two hundred and thirty one (231) " R. u�. Raed - One hundred and seventy (170 ) Charles Hudsnn - One hundred and fifty three (I53) ATonzo Goddard - ninety. ( 90 ) �alter Nellington - seventy seven ( 77 ) 181- ' 1870- S. C. tiYhitcher All Sworn R. W. Raed ' ' Mar. 7th Charles Hudson 'Nere declared elected Voted "To 'choose a Board of Assessors." �Ioted "To keep the polls open halP an hour.n The vote Por Assesaors was as follows: st. Sworn Mar.2l.Natnan Fessenden-one hundred and fosty -tvao (142 ) Sworn Ntar.9 :Fohn P. Reed - one hundred snd forty - one (Z4I ) Sworn Mar.21 J.F. Simonds - one hundred and forty f140 ) S�orn Ap1.2'l I.N. Damon - one hundred arid thi'rt, (130 ) Sworn Mar.10 Tli Simorids - one hundred and twenty nine (129 ) L. S. Pierce - one hundred and twenty one (121 ) ti�Febster Smith - one hundred and sig (106 ) Sworn M�r.21SNatha,n Fessenden ` Sworn Mar. 9 Sohn P. Reed Sworn P�ar.21 J. F. Simonds ` Sworn 6p1.27 I: N. Damon Sworn Mar.10 Eli Simonds Were declared electec�. �Toted ^To choose a School Committee man for three years" ' Rev. E. G. Porter was chosen. ' Voted "To rpoce�d to ballot for Iiighway Sur�eqors end Overseers oP the Poor." Sworn NIar.10 Eli Simonds S�orn Mar. 9 John P. .Reed � Sworn Mar.11 F. Ph. Harrington were chosen. � " Voted "To proceed to ballot Por a �own 1870= 182- Treasurer and Collector." Qoted "That the two offices be comprised in one and that the amount of salaries Por per- forming the duties of same be Pixed by the Se- lectmen, not ho�vever, to exceed three hundred dollars.'T th Sworn Maa�.12 Billings Smith ' �¢as chosen Treasurer and Collector. Voted "To take up Article ltl. Voted "Thst tbose members of the Building Committee who were made Respondents in said suit, be the authorfzed agents of the town to appear in behalf oP the town, of themselves, and of the Town Treasurer, and dePend said suit to final judgment." Voted "That the Selectmen be directed to draw their orders upon the Treasurer for all sums oP money heretoPore or hereafter properly expended in such appearance and defence, and charge the same to the Contingent' grent." Voted ^To resume grticle 2." and proceed to. choose a Constable? Sworn P.Zar.28th Oliver W. Kendall was chosen Const�ble. �oted "To take up Articsle 3." Poted "To appropriate three thous�nd dollars ($3000.00. ) Por repairs oP Highwaya the ettsuing „ year. " " Art. N. 4oted "To &ppropriate Siateen hundred and fiPty dollars ($�1650.00 ) for support of Poor the ' eIlSUing" " Art. V. Voted ^To agpropriate seven thousand dol- lars (�7000.00 ) for support of Sehoo�s the ensuing year.^ 183- 1870. 3rt. VII. Voted "To grant to the ColZeator all the power to collect the taxes, which Ynay be 1aw- fullg used by the Toavn Treasurer when actirig as Gollector." Art QIII. Voted "To authorize the Town Treasurer (under the direction of the Selectmen) to borrow such swn, or sums oP money as may be necess'ary to defray Town expenses the ensuing year 'in anticipa- tion of the taxes of 1870. - tirt. �7L. Voted "To choose a Board oP Auditors to audit the accounts oP the Town for the past yBaT.^ 4Villiam Plumer. Geo. 0. Davis weTe chosen a Board oP Auditors Rep. p.47. Art. XI. Voted "To accept the Raport of the Committee" T1'oted "That the copies oY the Town His- torg: noee belonging to the town be eommitted, until Purther order, to the care and custody - of the Town Clerk; �nd t8at the: Clerk be auth- orized in behalf of the tovm to enter into a contract with William Parsons Lunt of Boston, For not more than three years, Por the sale oP said work on the folloaving terms; said Lunt to buy oP the toovn in such quantities as he may desire at the rate oY p3.50 pr. bound copy, and �3.00 pr. copy in sheets, accounting to the Clerk quarterly: and to have the exclusive sale of the work outside of the town, except that eopies may be sold to dealers in Nev� York City and Philadelphia at the same rate as to said Lunt - said town however geserving the � right to sell to its bona Pide inhabitants. The Town Clerk shall be the agent of the to�vn to e£fect all other authorized • 1870 � 184- contraots and sales while this vote shall be • °in force." Voted "That each head of a family, and each voter who° is not the head of a family may for one year purchase oP the Town Clerk at the cost price, not more than four copies � of the History: (exclusive of auy copp already purchased: said Clerk to retain a commission oP 20 cents a copy on all copies sold." Yoted "That the Town Clerk give notice to the inhabitants oY their right to buy of • � him as heretoPore recited by keeping notices, containing the substance oY its vote, poated up in conspicuous places in the town: Voted "That in addition to his eommis- � sion Por sale,�� the To�vn Clerk be paid Pron � time to time all his reasonable and necessary expenses arising fTorn his oare and custody of said books, end f�om his agency in the matter oP contracts and sales. ° Voted "That the Selectmen onc� a year examine and verify the accounts of the C1erk in the matter of the custody and sale oi the Town History, both as to the number oY books;: and as to the proceeds oP sales." Rep. p.46 Art. XII. Voted "To aecept the report of the Co�ittee." Voted ^That the Town Treasurer be authorized in the name and bohalf of the to�un to execute and deliver upon reeeipt oP the cansidera�ion money, the town's deed to James S. NIunroe of so much oP the easterly portion of the new burial ground as shall include the old road and a small part of the land lying westerlg of it ; 185 1870= no part oP the westerly boundary to be westerly oP the old line of the fence and said boundary to be ctzrved and in the cemtre thereaP to be at least fiPty feet easterly from said old line of tho fence. Said deed shall reserve to the " grantor a ri ght of way to and over said old road, and re;c}sire the grante�e to maintain the divisi on fence,^ . _ . _ Voted �*That the gssessors be directed to , view the gound and sppraise the �value oP the estate named in the deed aforesaid; and their appraisement shall be the consideration of said deed." Voted rcThat the balance of the sum receiv- ed f�r said sale, aPter p�yment oY the necessary � eapenses of the comreyance, be appropriated to the improqement of said burying ground." �rt. XIII. Voted "That the Sehool Committee be ohosen a,Committee �o provide Blackboards for the schools, at an expense, not to egceed one hun- @red and fifty dollars. ($�150. 1 ; and that the Se- lectmen be authorized to draw tbeir warrant for that aaeount from the school grant." Rep, p.38 �rt. XIQ. Voted "�o eccept the report of the , Selectmen and place it on file" Rep. p.36 settlement with Voted "To accept the report oP the Treasurer; a vuritten report to be placed On file." Rep.p.40 Uoted "To aecept and place on file the report oP the Overseers of the Poor.^ 1870. 186. Rep.p.39 Voted "To accept and place on fiel the report oP the Highway` Surveyors." Rep.p.42 , �oted "To accept the report of the Select- men on the suit with Nialden." Rep.p.43 Voted "To accept and place on fiel the report oP tne Committee chosen to eaamine the Archives of the Town, and transfer certain books to, the public I3brary." Rep.p.41 Poted "To aecept the report oP the Committee chosen to egamine a drsin near the house oP Mr. IQaurice 0*Connell, and place the same-on`file.tt There being no other business bePore the Town. , the meeting was declared dissolved. A true Record Attest Leonard G. Babcock Town Clerk 187. 1870- VJarrant for a Town NIeeting Pdonday AprilF � llth 1870. To Oliver ti�, Kendall, Constable of I;exington, Greeting: In the name oP tne Commonwealth oP P:Iass- achusetts you are hereby required to notiPy and warn the Inhabitents oP Lexington qualified by lew to vote in Town affaixs to assembZe at the Town Hall on Monday, the eleventh day of April ne�t , at one o' clock P.NS. to act on the following Articles, via: Brt. I. To ehoose a Moderator. Art. II. To elect the remaining Town Officers and to fill aag vacancies that may exist. Art.III. To see what instructions the To�vn will give relative to the collection of taxes the en- suing year, and �hat discount sha11 be made for prompt psyments. Art. I�. Tn see if the Town tvill make an appro- priation to Pinish certain improvements on Adams and V�feston Streets. C�rt. V. To see i£ the Town vrill authorize the Committee chosen to huild the Town Hall to pro- cure the neeessarp he�ting apparatus to be placed in the building wh�.le the vral3s are being erected. Art.VI. To see if the �'own wi17. provide £or the ringing o#" the bells the ensuing year. 1870. 188 Art. VII. To grant money to de£ray the necessary Town charges the ensuing year. Art. ZrISI. To hear a Report of the Selectmen rel- $tive to the care and custodp oP the property and f'unds of the 'Town, and the mode of keeping a prog- er Record of the same; and to ac� in ax� manner relative to the subject. Art. IX. To see if the Town �vill accept the , List of Turors; prepared and presented by the Selectmen. Art. 7C. To see if the Town will authorize the Town Clerk, (under the. direction of the Trustees oP the Cary Library, J . to make exchanges oP the History of Lexington for the Histories oP other towns, to be placed in said Librery: provided it can be done on reasonable terms. A.rt. XI. To see iY the Town will authorize the Selectmen to purchase Por the Town any land, or meterials Por repair�.ng the highways; or, in case the�r can not purchase auy Iand or materials for the purpose, to see if the Town will:_author- ize them to take, agreeablg to the provisions oP the 237th Chapter of the Acts oP 1869, such lands or materials for repairing said highways, as they may deem for the interest of the Town. Art. XII. To hear the Report oP arly Committee which may be ready to report, and take sucrc action thereon as may be thought e�cpedient. 6rt. XIII. To hear a Communication Prom Mrs. P�Iaria Carg. 189 1870- , Art. XIV. To see iP the Town will authorize the Committee who are empowered to borrow money tb build the Town Hall, to borrow oP the Commanwealth. �rt. �V. To see if the To�rn :will authorize the Selectmen to repair the F1ay scales beZonging to the Town, or to purchese new scales, as map be thought expedient; to act in any manner relating to the matter. , HereoY Pail not an.d make return oP this Narrsnt and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or bePore the day o£ said meetingo Givett under our hands at Lexington this twenty-eighth day of March. A. D. one t3aousand eight hundred and seventy. Signed Charles Hudson )Seleetmen S. C. �fthitcher ) o� R, W. Heed:; )Lesington The Selectmen will be in session at the Town Hall on the last Monday oY each month at 7 o'clock P.M. for the transaction oP public busine.ss. Lexington, April 2d 1870. Pursuant to the within �lerrant I hays notified the inhabitants oP the �awn af bexington herein des- eribed to meet at the time and place, and Por the purposes vuithin mentioned, by leaviug an attested - copy to the families. Signed Oliver �i, gendall, Consta:ble of Lex- ington g true Gopy, Attest • • • Le�nard G. Babcock, Town Clerk • 1870- 190- - Pursuant to the foregoing �errant the �o�t met as therein directed and passed the following Potes. Art. I. Thomas B. Holden was chosen Moderator but declined and was exeused. Tames Gould was then chosen &foderator and duly quelified. dz�t. E2. Voted "To ehoo�e two Constables.TM Sidney Butters and F. Alderman were ahosen Constables. John D. Bacon. � Sworn ApI. llth. Charles� M. Parker George W. Nichols were chosen Field Drivers t . Hammon Reed S�eorn Apl. 19th Ptilliam Locke Sworn gpl. 12th Sohn D. Bacon �ere chosen� Fence Viewers Joseph F. Simonds, was ehosen Surveyor of Lumber Voted "That tha Constables be constituted �ruant OPPicers. , Voted 'TTo accept the list oP Minor OfP- icers appointed and prssented by'the Selectmen as follows: . . Lexington, B.pril llth 1870. The Selactmen ask leave to aubmit the foll�w- ing Report oP the Appointments to the Eown, made March 28th 18.?.0. Sworn 6p1, 19th B. 6. 4Vhitcher, Superintendent oP the Town Scales and �uei�her of Hay and Coal. 191- 1870- Toseph F. 3imonds } Horsce B. Davis ) Measurers of Wood and Bark Henry A. �Fellington ) Rufus �W. Holbrook ) Henry g. Wellington �Flei�hers of Hay and Coal Rufus 4P. Holbrook )at East Lexington Bugustus Childs, Measurer of Wood and Bank Alonzo Goddard, Sealer of 1Yefghts and Measures. Oliver 4Y. Kendall, 5exton, Superintendent of the Town Hall and Cemetery, and Pound Keeper. Tri,ey have also appointed Horace B. Davis, IvTarch 1.9th 1870, and Henry A. 'Nellington, IlZareh 28th 1870. .Speafal Police QfPicers, with all the power� of Constables, except the power of executing civil processes. For the Selectmen Signed Charles Hudson. Chairman Art. III. Voted "That the Col�ector of Taxes be directed to collect, all taxes as Yar as practica- ble bp the first of 7anuary 9.,D . 1871; and that there be allowed a discount oP ten_. per cent on all taxes which are. paid on or bePore the twenti- eth of November next. grt. IV. Voted "That there be appropriated the s�zm of one hundred and seventy Pive dollars to complete certain repairs on Adams Street, and the sum of two hundred and seventy five dollars to finish certain improvements on �Yeston Street, and that the SeYectmen wbo crrdered the impronements be directed to see that the money, be expended 1870- 192. by Ietting the work out by contract, or by turn- ing it over to the' Surveyors of Highways, as they may deem most for the .interest of the Towno" Art. �T. 4oted "That the Committee appointed to huild the Town Hall be authorized to procure such heating apparatus as they may deem necessary so that the same may be put in while the building is being ereeted, and that the sum oY one thousand dollars be appropriated for that purpose. " Art. VI. Voted "To appropriate thirty five dollars ($�35.00 ) to be e�rpended Por ringing the Church Bell in East Lexington the ensuing year." � Reports Art. VIII. . Aoted "To accept the Report of the p. 52.. Seiectmen relative to the care and custody of the propertp and Punds of tY� Town; and that the Re- port and accompaqy votes be printed and circulated with the Auditor's Report.'T . The votes are as follows: Voted "That the School Committee shall from year to year, submit a Report to the TovsA at the annual Plfarch Meetin�, stating the condition of the school � Yiouses and other pm perty belonging to the schools, and the amount of appropriation, if ar�y, necessary to keep the same in a good state of praservation. Theg shall also present an estimate of the amount neceasary to carry on the schools .successPully-;for the ensuing year." �oted "That the averseers oP t1i2 Poor shall submit to the Town at the 6nnual Iu:arch Meeting, a Pull Repart of their receipts, and egpenditures, to- gether with an inventory of the property connected with the establishment, stat3ng the condition of 193. 1870. the buildings, stock,. farm. tools &C. , and whether . a�y extra appropriation is necessary to keep the same in a good aondition. They shall also state whsther the property has appreciated or depreciated , �ince their last Report.; and the sum necessary to support the Poor the" ensuing year." Voted "That the Highway Surveyors, in addition to their Annual Settlement, shall make out a Pull and perfect inventory oP all the tools and other pro�erty in their hends, with the condition oP the same; and they shall also, early in the month oP September, report to the Selectmon the amount of money expended up to the first of that month with sueh vouchers as will shouv the. actual condition oP accounts up to Se.pt. lst. They shall also in their �nnnal Repart in �7arch state the amount which they deem necessary to keep the roads in the ordin- ary state oP repair." TZoted "That the Selectmen shall take the general Charge and Superintendence of the Gemeteries; and determine the grades oP the Avenues and the lots; , and make such improvements, b� planting trees in the A.venues and around the borders of the Cemetery, as they may think proper, provided they do not exceed the amount oP moneq devoted to such improve- ments. They shall slso designate and set apart such portion oP the general enclosure as �hey map . deem ezpedientfor gravel to be used in grading the lots; the said gravel to be taken under the direc- - tioyi of the Superintendent of the Cemetery; and no person shall be allo�ed to t$ke gravel in excess- , ive quantities; and no lot shall be so graded or fitted up as to interPere with the adjacent lots, or to obstruct the Avenues, or paths between the lo$,s; nor shall any t�o loi�s , 1870. 194. be united by one enclosure , without the consent oP the Selectmen,as well as the owners of the lots respectivelg.'" Voted '*That the Sexton shall be deQmed Superin- tendent of the Ceneteries unless some other per- son be appointed bg the Selectmen, and he shall whenever direeted by the Seleetmen„collect what- ever may be due on the lots tsken; and hold thQ same subjeet to the order of the Selectmen; and the Snperintendent shall ennually, in the month of January, make a written Report to the Select- men, stating the number oP lots taken the past pear, the amount oPmoney collected during the same period, the amount still due, and the names of the delinquents, which shall be embodied in a Report aubmitted to the to�vn by the Selectmen at the succeeding March Meeting ia each year." • Voted "That when the Selectmen shall have decided npon the grades oP the bvenues and lots and shall have designated the pl$ce where the granes sods or loam may be obtained, and the manner of taking the same, they shall inforn the Superintendent by a written or grinted notice oP their decision on these subjects, that the same may be posted or a copy handed to all the parties in interest. . 9nd it shall be the duty of the Superintendent to give immediate notice to the Selectmen of any violation o£ the Rules and Regulations of the Hoard bg taking sods, loam or gravel Yrom ar�y part oP the yard other than that set apart for that purpose, to the end tnat legal steps may be taken to punish such acts oP trespass, and so prevent their repetitiom.�' Voted "That it shall be the duty of the Collector of Taxes to pay the money over to the Treasurer 185T 1870. as soon as practicable aPter it is collected, so that the Treasurer shall have no occasion to boTrow money to meet demands against the Town, when he,� in another capacity, has the Town's money itt his hands." a reeord- Voted "That the Treaaurer shall' keep aa seeea�� oP the amount and date of every note given by the Town, the name of the party of whom the money �as borrowed, the object oP the loan, the time for which it was borrowed, distinguishing between money bor- rowed in anticipation of the collection of the ta�es, � snd more permanent loans, and the time when said notes respectively are paid. He shall also 1� ep his � booka so pasted up that they will snow at all times the Piscal condition oP the Town; and when the Se- lectmen shall desiro to ascertain the egact state oY the Treasurg, he shall Purnish them with the cash balance, or the Bank Book, as the case may be;$ so that they may have reliahle evidence that the Punds oP the Town are saPely kept, And• aro available at all times." � ° Voted "That it shall be the duty of the Selectmen once every quarter, and as muchcoPtener as they may think proper, to examine the books of the Treasurer, to ascertain the condition oP the treasurp and to see that all temporary loans are paid in due season, and that the funds oP the Town are at all times available; and the 9electmen shall keep a record of these quarterly examinations, and report the result of the sane to the Town in connection with their Raport of their settlemen� with the Treasurer at the end of the year." Voted "That the Trustees oP the Cary Zibrarq 1870. 196- shall submit to the Touun Prom yesr to year, at the Annual Nlareh Meeting, a Report " oP the State and eondition of the I,ibrary, specifying the � number of volumes in the Library; the number added the iast gear, the number purchased and the number presented, with the names oP the donors� They shall also state their receipts and expenditures, the amount of their permanent fund, and how it is invested, with such suges- tions as they may deem for the ittterest oP the institution." Art.IX. Voted �'To accept the List oP Jurors prepared and presented by the Selectmen." Art. X. Voted "To authorize the Town Clerk (under the direction oY the Trustees oP the Cary Lihrary. Jto make exchanges, of the History of Lex� ington for the Histories of other towns, to he placed in the Library : provided it can be done on reasonable terms." A.rt. XI. T1'oted "That the Selectmen be authorized and empowered to purchase or lease any land or gravel p1t in behalf of the Town , Por the pur- pose of obtaining materials for repairing the highways; and that they be directed to take, if it be necessary, a�y land or gravel Por the pur- pose o� sueh repairs, agreeably to tYe. provisions oP law.^• Reports Art. XII. Voted "To accept the R�port of the p. 57 Trustees of the Cary Library, and to alter the Rules of the Library so as to make the Pine two (2 ) cents per daq, instead oP Pive (5 ) cents per day for books which are kept out oY the Lib- rary longer than the time allowed." Reports Foted �'To accept the Report of the Finance p.58 Committee of the Cary Library." Voted ^T-hat in future the Sehool Committee be re- quired to=make a Report annually in open Tovcn Meeting." 197- 1870. Art. XIII. The Pollowing vote`s were passed unanimously aYter hearing a Communication Prom I. H. Frothingham Esq. Attornep Por Mrs.Maria Cary. Whereas the recent communication oP Mrs. Maria Cary of Brooklyn, N.Y. addressed to the Selectmen by I . H. Frothingham Esq. her lawful h,ttorney, under date of Apri1 6th 1870.. tender- ing to the inhsbit�nts of Lexington the swn of fourtsen thousand dollars in addition to th� _ ; , ofPer, of six thousand dollars in her letter of Oct. 2d 1869. modifies in a slight degree, the offer contained in said eommunication oP Oct. 1869. Therefore Voted 'TThat v¢e accept most grateflilly the very liberal and generous oPfer; ; contained in her last communication, on` the terms and con- ditions therein stated, and release her from every obligation arising £rom the previous oPfer oY sig thousand dollars - that sum being merged and included in the offer oP twentg thousand dollars spoken oP in her communication of gpril 6th 1870." Voted "That the To�an Treasurer he directed to receive the sums mentioned in said communication of &pril 6th 1870, and pay them out on the order oY the Suilding Committee, the Trustees of the I.ibrary and the oPPicers oP the Lexington Monument dssociation respectively, that the said sums may be expended in the manner and Por the objeets therein designated by the donor." Voted "That Tovun Clerk be requested to acknowledge the receipt of her communicatfon� and the accept- anoe oP her liberal oPPer by the Town, together with their high sense oP obligation to her for the deep ittterest she manifested in the temporal prosperity of Lexington and, the morala_ intellect- ual 1870. ' 198. improvement of its inhabitants." �1rt. XIP. Voted "That the Commi`ttee , noR empow- ered to borrow mouey in behalf oP the Town to meet the charges growing out of� ereeting and fin- ` ishing a Town I3a11, are herebp authorized to bor- ro�v oY the Commonwealth, a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, for a period not excead- ing $wenty-five years, for the purp,ose oP erect- ing and finishing said Town Hall, and the Town Treasurer, such note or notes in behalf of the inhabitants oP theTown, as may be presented by said Committee and approved by. the Selectmen. The Treasurer keeping a special record of all such notss, as pravided in a vote of' the Town, passed 7anuary 25th A. D. 18'70.", Art. XV. �oted "To rePer the sub�ecttQ the Se3ect- men with power to . act as they aay deem for the best interests of the �own." Voted �'To take up Article 7th." Voted °To. accept the Selectffien°s estimate of Town expenses for the ensiing -year, as Pollows : Disoount on grompt payment of taxes 2800.00 Interest on Town Debt 3500.00 Abatement of taxes 300.00 Contingent Grant 2600.00 Heating Apparatus for Town Aall 1000.00 State Aid 450.00 Payment of Asaessors . 475.00 do Collector and Treasurer 300.00 do ,School Committee . 280.OQ do Town Clerk 80.00 do Constable 75.00 �11860.00 Carried Pasward 199- 1870. &m't. bro't . for'd. ent 11860.00 Payment of Sexton and Superinten�- of Cemetery 80.00 Fire Department (eaclusion oP Poll Tax reYunded ) 1fi0.00 Ringing Bell at East Leaangto� 35.00 Towards increasing the Library 40.00 For Certain Improvements on Adams St. 175.00 For Certain Improvements on ,Veston St. 275.00 12625.00 gpproprietions Schools 7000.00 Highv�e,ys . 3000.00 Paupers 1650.00 , , 11650.06 Total . There being no fur�her business bePore the Tourn, the 14ieeting was declared dissolved. 9 true Record Attest Leonard G. Babcock Town Glerk 1870 200 L�arrant for a Town Nleeting, Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 3870. To Oliver 4V. Kend�ll, Gons�able pf Lexington - Greeting:- . In theneme of tY� Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts gou are herehy required to notify and warn the inhabitants oP the Town of Lexington, qualified by..law to vote Por State and County Officers, to assemble at the Touvn Flall. on Tuesday the eighth day oP November neat at one o'clock P.M. at which time the Poll will be opened far the purpose of receiv- ing ballots for the following oSPic.e�s, viz:- For Governorf Lieutenant Governor, Secretary, Treasurer and Receiver General, Attorney General, and Auditor of the Commonwealth., � For a Representative in Congress for the Sixth Distriet. For �. Couneillor for District No. 6. , Senator for District No. 6. , Representative. to the General Court Prom District No. 21. , One County Commissioner,Gounty Treasurer, and a Register oY Deeds Por the Southern District of Middlese.a. The Selectmen will receive the votes for the above officers all on one ballot. The Poil must be kept open two hours, and as mueh longer (but not after Sundown) as a majority oP the voters present may de- . eide . You are also required to notiPp end warn the In- . habitants of the Town of Isaington, qualiPied by . law to vote in Town afPairs, to meet et the Town , Hall on the same day at hallP past three o'clock . P.M. to act on the Yollowing artielas, ciz :- , grt.I. To ohoose a Moderatoa. � 201 1870. Art.II. To see iP the Town will purchase a�p ed- ditional Zand in oonnection with the Site of the new To�n Hall; or act in any manner in relati�n � to the subject. . Art. III. To see iP the Town �ill take ar�y� mess- • ures to 'finish the uppoer story of the ne� Town . Hall Building, or a portion of said upper storp; � or act in aRy manner in relation thereto, . Art. N. To see what measures the Town �ill adopt to supply the New Town Hal2, the ante-rooms and public rooms on the first floor, with settees, chairs, tables and other necessary furniture, in- � • cluding stoves for wsrming the same, as far as � may be necessary. �rt. V. To see..if the Town w311 appropriate a sum of money to be expended during the '+Yinter in repairing the highways: or in transporting gravel to points on the roads where the ssme may be wanted. Art. VI. To see if the Town v¢ill cause a pump and trough to be placed at the well in East Lex- ington, which is within the road location at the �unetion of I�dain and Pleasant Streets, or act in ar�y r�anner in relation to the sub�ect. 6rt. VII. To see if the Town �ill allow Mr. Charles Nunn the sum oP One hundred and fiPty four dollars and thirty-three cents, being the amount overpaid bg him on aecount of the Survey- • ors; of Highways. Ar�E. VIII. To see iP the �own will oonfirm so far as may be necessary th� deed of the Inhab- itants of I.exington to James S. Munroe, dated 1870. 202 26th September 1870, and conveying the eastern po,rtion �f the Grave -Yard lot. Art. IX. To see iP the Town will aFpropriate a svm oP money sufPicient to furnish suitable Globe.s for �he seyeral scsl�ools of the Town. Art. X.. To hear reports of Committees and ac't thereon. Hereof fail not, and make return of this Warrant and your doings thereon to the � , , Town Clerk on or before the d�y of ineeting. Given under `our hands at Isxington this _ twenty-Pourth day oP October, A. D. 1870. Signed Charles Hudson J Selectmen S. C. Whitcher ) oP R. 'N. Reed ) Lexington The Selectmen �rill be in session at the Tov� Hall on Monday PTov: 7th Prom six to nine o'clock P.M. Por the purpose of revising the Poting List. Isxington, October 31st 1870. Pursuant to the within �Narr�.nt I have notified the inhabitants oP the Town oP Lexi�gton to meet at the time and place, and for Che purpose wi'thin mentioned, by leaving an attested copp of this Narrant to the families. , Signed Oliver V1. Kenflall,Constable of Lexington. 203 1870 � � In aecordanco w�th the foregaing ��[arrant, the Inhabitants of the Tovun met at the Town Hall on Tuesday the eighth day oP Novemher at one o*clock P.M. , when the Polls were opened to receive votes for State and County �fficers. . Baldwin Locke was appointed to� distribute envelopes, and dulg qualified. At half past three o*clock the meetang or- ganized for the transaetion ,of Town business and passed the Pollo�in$ Votes: �.rt. I. James Gould was chosen b?oderator and duly sworn. 6rt. II. Voted "to indefinitely postpone the matter." Art. III. Voted "That the Town proceed to finish apartments in the upper story oP the iVew Town Hall suitable for the use of a Masonic Lodge, at an expense not e$ceeding twal�e hundred dollars, tha� the present bnilding committee o� the New Town Aall b@ authorized and instructed to contract (whenever a responsible party shall give a suPPicient assur- ance that the� will take a lease for the term of ten years at the rent of twelve per cent , on the cost of Pinishing the same, ) for the said work; or to cause the sazne to be done as they shall see fit; and that . the Selectmen oY the Town be authorized and instr.ucted to lease the apartments when finish- ed to the "Simon 6"d. Robinson" Lodge of F'ree and Accepted Niasons for sueh term of years as they shall decide. And the Town Treesurer is hereby authorized, in anticipation oP the Tax, to borrow such sum for the said purpose, under the direction of the Selectmen.^ 1irt. N. Voted °That the Huilding Committee 1870 204. on the Town fiall be authorized and directed to procure such settees, desks, tables, chairs or other furniture, including stoves and lamnsf as they may deem necessary to furnish the gudience Hall and its gallery, and ante�roonis, and the ro�s designed for the Seleotmen end Towa Clerk � in the Ne� Town Hall Building: and that they be suthorized to repair, iP necessar y, and transPer to any of those rooms Proa the present Town Hall � or fmom the rooms now occupied by the Cary Lib- rary any book-case, table or other Purniture, that they deem suitable ; provided that the. whole cost of the same shall not exeeed the sum of eleven hundred dollars: and the Town Treasurer is hereby authorized at the request o£ said Com- mittee to bAr�ow said sum in anticipation of the Tax." Art. P. Voted "That the sum of five hundred dollars be appropriated to�vard the impravment � oP the highwa3*s; and that the Surveyors of High�vays be authorized in their discretion to employ the toeun teams during the Ydinter or Spring months in transporting materisl from aAy gravel pit owned by the Town to such points on the high- ways as the same may be required,either to put upon the road at once, or to be used when the ground opens in the Spring." Art. VI. Voted "To refer to a Committee of three to report at the next Town meeting in Masch.'* Alonzo Goddard, Sidney Lawrence and R. W. Aolbrook < were chosea a Committee. Qoted ^To place the communicat:ion of Mrs. Stone on Pile." Art. VII. � �Ioted ^That when the 9uditors chosen last March shall file a statement signed by them to the effect that one hundred and fifty-four dollars 205. 1870. and thirty-three cents are due I�. Gharles Nunn for the amount overpaid by him on�account oP Surveyors of Highways, the Seleetmen shall. be authorized to draw their uaarrant in� his favor Por that amount.'� � Art. PIII. Voted "That the Snhabltants OY Isx- ington herebg ratify and canYirm their deed to � James S. Munroe dated the twenty-sixth day of September 1870, executed in their name bq their Treasurer, Billings Smith, and conveying the �astern portion of the Grave Yard Lot." Art. IX. Poted "To approgriate one hundred and PiPty dollars to procure Globes Por the schools of the To�n." Art.X. Pto Committeea reported. The following votes were then declared in ouen Town Meeting-: �or -Governor u�filliam CTaPlin of ftewton - one hundred and tti7enty-six � (126 ) Sohn Quincy Adams oY Quincy-Eighty three ( 83� Wendell PhilZips oP Boston - Eleven� ( .11 ) Lieutenant Governor Joseph Tuaker of Lenoa - one hundred and twentp seven (127 ) Sames Chatta�vay oP SpringPield - Eighty three . ( �3 ) ElYphalet Trask of SpringPield - Two ( 2 ) Secretary Oliver �Yarner oP Northempton - one hundred and twenty-seven (127) Lnther Stephenson Jr. oP Hingham eighty-three (83) George S. Ball of Upton - Two �2 � 1870. 206- Treasurer snd Receiver General Charles Adams Jr. of North Brookfield one huttdred and twenty seven ' �127 ) Levi Heywood of Gardner i eighty-three ( 83) John I. Haker oP Heverly - Two � 2 ) Auditor oP Acc.ounts Charles Endicott oP Canton - one hundred and twenty seven (127 ) Phineas Allen oP PittsYielii - eighty three ( 83 ) Lym�zn 4Y. Daggett of Attleborough - Two ( 2) Attorney General . Charlas �llen oY Boston - one hundred and twenty seven (127 ) 'dVilliam vVirt 6Yarren of Brighton - eighty three ( asl �hiting Gris�vold of Greenf'ield - Two ( 2) Senator - Sixth Middlesex District George P. Elliott of Biller3ca - one hundred and twenty- Pour (124 ) Amos Hill of. Stoneham - ninety-six r: ( 96 ) Councillor - Sixth Council District Jonathan B.` Winn of Woburn - one hundred and twenty-eight (128 } Eben H. 1Yarren of ChelmsPord - eighty three ( 83 ) County Treasurer � � Amos Stone of Charlestown - one hundred and twenty-nine �129 ) Capt. VJ. W. Pierce oP Charlestown - eighty three ( 83 } George F. Clark of Stotv Two , , � 2 ) County Commissioner Joseph H. 4�'aitt of Pvialden - one hundred and twenty- nine � . (129 ) Benjamin GJoodward oP Somerville eighty three ( 83 ) Register of Deeds - Southern District oY IVfiddlesea Charles B. Stevens - oP Cambridge - one hundred and thirty - one � (131 ) Benjamin F. Hroavn of VJaltham ei�hty two ( 82 ) 207 1870 Representative in Congress - Sixth Congressional District. Nathaniel P, Banks of ,'±JaTtham-one kiundred and twenty Pive (125 ) John g. Tarboz of Lawrence - one (1 ) Representative in General Court - District No. 21. Hwnphrey Prescott oP Carlisle - one hundred and twenty-six (126 ) Ebenezer Champney oP Carlisle - ninety-four ( 94 ) Ths �eturns oY Qotes for Govarnor, Lieutenant Govr ernor, Secretary, Treasurer and Receiver General, Auditor, Attorney General, Senator Sixtn Distriet , Councillor Sixty District, County TreAsurer, eounty Commiasioner Register oP Deeds, Representative in Congress and Representative in General Court were . signed and sealed and there being no further bus- iness the meeting was declared dissolved. A true Record Attest ' Leonard G. Babcock Town Clerk A true � meetirtg o� the Town Clerks oP the towns com- Record oP prising the 21st Rapresentative District was held the Doingsat the Town Fiall in Bedford on 4Yednesday the ninth Leonard G.day oP November 1870 and the votes oY the several Babcack Towns examined, Town Clerk The whole number of votes cast was fou�d to be Five hundred and two (502j - as Polloevs - . Humphrey Prescott of Csrlisle -LexingtonBedfordBurlingtonCarl 126 47 27 55 Ebenezer Champney ofCarlisle 94 50 55 48 4�lhoZe number for Prescott-Two hundred and fifty-Pive (255 ) do do do Ghampney Tv�o hundred and Porty-seven( 247 ) Prescott majority 8 1871 208. Warrant for a Town Meeting, Monday March 6th.1871. To Oliver �V. Kendall Constable of Lesington, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of L�assachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants cvf Lexington, qualified by law to vote in To�vn aPiairs, to assemble at the Town Hall on Monday the sixth day of It�arch next at one o'clock P.I�. to act on the following Articles,viz:- Art. l. To choose a II�Ioderator. �rt. 2. To choose town oPficers for the ensuing year, including one School Committee man Yor three years. � � Elrt. 3. To see iY the To�en wi�ll add tuvo or more members to the School Comnittee. Art. 4. To adopt measures Por the repairs of the Highweys the ensuittg year, and to grant money for the same. Art. 5. To provide far the support of the Poor the ensuing year. 6rt. 6. To raise money for the support oP the Public Schools, including their several grades, or act in ar;y manner relating thereto. ° Art. 7. To adopt measures Por eollecting the taxes the ensuing year. � 6rt. 8. To see if the Town will authorize and em- power the Collector of taxes to use any an d all 209. 1871 means Yor collecting the taxes committed to him for collection, which may be lawfully used by the Town Treasurer when acting as Collector. 11xt. 9. To see if the Town wil-1 authorize the To�vn � Treasurer, under the direction of the �electmen,to borrow such sum or sums of money as may be necessary to deYray the Town expenses the ensuing year, in anticipation of the tax oP 187I. Art. 10. To see iP the ToPrn will choose a Board of Auditors to audit the accounts of the year end- ing �arch lst. 1871. Art. 11. To see what aetion the Town will take relative to insuring their new Town' Hsll. Art. 12. To see if �he To�n will adopt aRp meas- ures to cause a public dedication of their new Town Hall; or act in az�y way in relation to the subject. Art. 13. To see iP the Town �fll cause the lot on which the ne�v Town Ha1Z is loeated to be fenced and the grading about the building to be finished. Art. 14. To see iP the Town �ill adopt any meas- ' ures to build horse sheds upon the ne�N town hall lot, or remove to ssid lot the sheds navJ standing on the old to�n hall lbt. Art. 15. To see iP the Town will cause a Lock IIp to be built or finished in the basement oP the new Town Hall. Art. 16. To see if the Town will adopt amy meas- ures relative to leasing the unappropriated room in the new Town Hall. 1871 2Z0 Ar�. 17. To see iP the �own �ill choose e Com- mittee to tak� the general char�8 and supervision of the Cemeteries, and prescribe a uniPorm system of improving and adorning the same. grt. 18. To see if the Town will repair the oId Pound or teke any action Telative to the subject oP a Pound. Art. 19. To see if the Town will take any meas- ures to widen or improve Vine Street. Art. 20. To see if theTown will aZlow each mem- ber oP the Fire Department ten dollars a year for his services. �1rt. 21. To hear the Report oP the Committee chosen in November last relative to placing a pump and trough at the well at the �unetion of Main and Pleasant Streets in East Lexington. Elrt. 22. To hear the Report oP the Selectmen relative to the Yiscal condition of the Town. 9rt. 23. To hear Reports of other Committees and act trereon. ' Hereof fail not and make return of this Vdarrgnt and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the day oY said meeting. Given under our hands" a� Lexington this seventh day of February �. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. Signed Charles Aud'son' )Selectmen S. C. V�hitcher. ) oP R. We Reed )Lexington _ 211. 187L The Selectmen will he in_ session at the Town Hall on Saturday March 4'th froiu one to Pive o'clock P.M. end on the day oY meeting Yrom twelve to one o'clock P.M, for the purpose of revising the �`oting List, and no n�mes will ne placed on the List ePter the meeting is opened. � Leaington,Februarp 20th 1871. Pursuant to the within Warrant I' have notified the Inhabitants of the tovri oP Le�r� ton herein ' described to meet at the time and place and Por the purposes within mentioned bp leaving an attested copy of the �vithin �"darrent to the families. (Constable Signed Oliver W. gendall( of ` ` (Isa3 ngton A ture Copy Attest ' Leonard G. BaTncock - �own Clerk. In pursuanbe' oY the above JJarrant the Town met at the time and place therein cited and passed the Pollowing Votes:- Art. 1. 7ames Gould was chosen'b4od'erator and duly qualified. Art. ' 2. Leonard G. Babeock was chosen Town Clerk. Sworn Mar.6th S. C. Plhitch.er ` do do � R. 1J. Reed do do Charles Hudson ' were chosen Salectmen ' 1871 212. Sworn J. F. Simonds " ' Sworn Nathan Fessenden Sworn Oliver P. Mi1Zs were chosen Assessors. Snvorn Mar.BthEli Simonds do do John P, Reed do do F. M. Harrington vuere chosen Surveyors of Highways and Qverseers oP the poor. ' �1. �. Scott was chosen School Committee man for three years. ' ' Geo. .O. Davis was chosen Treasurer and Collector. Voted:- "'That compensation, not to exceed �300. be fixed by Selectmen Sworn Mar.BthOliver �V. Kendall Henry A, i�Yellington were chosen Qonstables 3, D. Bacon ` i�l. H. Smith I,arkin P. Page ' were chosen Fence r7ieuaers i�.H. S�nith Chas. Blodgett Larkin Smith were chosen Field Drivers b°etcons�i�ut�ae Constables and nchool Committee Truant OPficers. Voted:- "That the Selectmen be authorized to appoint the remaining minor officers.^ , , Art. 3 goted:- "Not to add two or more members to the School Co�aittee." 213. 1871. . Art. 4. Voted:- "To �gpropriate four thousand dol- lars Por repaix's oY Highways the ensuing year." Art. 5. Vqted:- "To appropriate one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars Por sugpor of Poor the ensuing year." Art. 6. Voted:- "To appropriate seven thousand dollars for the support of schools, including their several grades, the ensuing year;" Voted:-"To appro�riate eight hundred dollars for repairs of School house Art. 7. Voted:- ^That all taxes be paid on or the twentieth oP Jaauary: and that a discount oP ten per eent, be alIowed on all taxes paid on or bePore the twentieth day of Noaember." Art. 8. Voted:- "To authorize and empower t.he Colleotor of taxes to use any and all means For collecting the same which mgy be lawfully used by the Town Treasurer vrhen acting as Collector." Art. 9. Voted:- "To �uthorize and empower the Town Treasurer, under the direction oP the Selectmen, to borrow such sum or sums oP money as may be necessary to defray the Town expenses in anticipation of the tax o£ 1871." grt. 10. Voted:- "To choose a Board of three Auditors to sudit the accounts of the year ending March lst 1871.'" , , Geo. .G�E. Robinson A. E. Scott , , , Chas. Hudson were chosen Auditors. . Art. ll. Voted: nThat the Selectmen be instruct- ed to effect an insutance to the amount oP thirty- five 1871 214 thousand dollars on the New. Town Hall 3uilding when it shall come into the possession oP the Town. " , , Art. 1'2. Voted: "To have a public dedication of the New Town Ftall.^ Voted:- "mhat a Committee� oP eight be chosen, who with the Building Committee , shall constitute a Committee of Arrangemen� - to adopt and carry out such a system of Dedication as thep shall deem most suitable; and t he Select- men are hereby authorized to drew their warrant upon the Treasurer for such a� svm, not exceed- ing three hundred dollars as mag be thought necessary to preserve the peace, and maintain the character oP the Town." In accordance with the above vote 3onas Gar�tell Geo. VJ. Robinson 7: 5, Munroe I�. H. II2erriam � J'. N. Brewer � Geo.O. Smith Gea. Munroe � • ihlilliam Locke were chosen. � � Voted:- RThat this Cou¢nittee of arrangments have power to add to their number." � • Voted: "That the Chair be directed to select and report to this meeting a committee oP three who shall nominate a co�nittee of Piae oY the young men oP the Town to receive the Keys of the New '�own Hall" Geo. G`�f. Robinson Aammon Reed Billings Smith � � were se]e eted, and they nominated the YolZovuing young men, who wera chosen 215. 1871 Geo. 0. Smith James E. Parker � H. E. Tuttle C. S. Blodgett Billings Smith 7r. � • 4oted: ttThat the dedication take place on the nineteeth of Apri1,G" Art. 13. Voted: "To refer the matter to the Seleetmen to report at the Apri� meeting. " grt. 14. Voted: �'To rePer the matter to the Selectmen to report at the �.pril meeting." Art. 15. �Toted:- ^To rePer xhe matter to the Selectmen to report at the �Ipril meeting.11 Art. 16. 4oted:- "To refer the matter to the Selectmen to report at the April meeting." �rt. 17. Voted:- "To choose annually a Com- mittee of three to take charge oP the Cemeteries." Art. 18. Vo�ed:- "To refer the matter of a Pound to the Selectmen to report at the neat meeting.�' Art. 19. Vote@: '+'�o appropriate one hundred and fiYtp dollars to improve Vine St." Art. .20. �oted: "2o rePer the matter to a Com- mittee to consist of the Chairman of the Board of En�ineers and two otbers." � Hammon Reed ChaTles Brown were chosen to serve on said Committee. 1871 216 Art. 21. Yote�: -"To accept the Committees report." Art. 22. Voted:- "To accept the Selectmens report relative to the fiscal condition of the Town." Poted: ttTo aecept additional report oPPered by the Selectmen." ^ � Voted: "That the followiug Resolution be unanimously adopted, and a copy furnished Mr. Billings Smith" Resolved:-"That the thaffks oY the citizens of the Town oY Lexington be hereby ten- dered to I�r. Hillings Smith, late Treasure of the Town Por his efPicient services during the past year. Tha� the best wishes of e�ch• and every oitizen of the Town will Pollow him in his depart- ure from our midst to his ne� home. That the Clerk be direeted to furnish an ettested copy o� this resolution to• Mr. Smith. " 4oted: "To place the above resolution upon the� re�ord of the Town, and puhlish it in one of the Daily papers,"� Art. 23. Vo�ed:- nTo aceept the report offered by the Surveyors oP Highweys."' Voted:-"To accept the report oYfered by the Overseers oP the Poor.'° � ° �oted:- �'To accept the verb�l report oPfered by the Schoo2 Committee." There being no other business before ° the meeting the Moderator declared the meeting dissoTved. 9� true record, ettest - Isonard G. Babcoek Town Dlerk 217 1871 Vifarrant Por a Town Meeting, tLpril lOth 1871. To Oliver 'iY; Kendall, Constable oP Lexington, Greeting. • In the name of the Coramonwealth of Maesachusetts y�u are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabitsnts oP Lexington, qualified by law to vote ia Town affairs, to assemble at the Town Iiall on Monday, the tenth day of April next, at one o`clock, P.M. to act on the follow- ing $rticles, v3z:- Art. 1. To ohoose a Moderator drt. 2. To choose the remaining Toarn OPficers and fill any vacancies that may oceur. Art. 3. To:choosa a Committee� of three to take charge of the Cemeteries. Art. 4. To grant money to defray the Touvn charges the ensuing year. t�rt. 5. To see iP the Town will accept the I.ist oY Jurors prepared and pr�esented by the Selectmen. Art. 6. To see if the Town vrill provide the members oP Hanaock Engine Company with a suitable place in which to hold meetittgs , or act in ax�y manner relating to the subject. Art. 7.� To see if the Town will authorize the Salectmen to eonstruct a wel�,' and place a pump and trough in the vacant 1ot' at the junction oP Main and Pleassnt Streets in East Lexington. 1871 218 t�rt. 8. To hear the r�eport oP the Selectmen rel- ative to Pencing and g rading the New Town Aall Lot. and relative to building or Pinishing a Lock-up in the basement of the Ne� -��own Aall, � and leasing the unappropriated room in the New To�n Hall; and also relative to providing Horse- sheds at the New Totivn Hall; and to grant money Por the same. Art. 9. To hear the report oP the Select�en relative to nuilding a Pound; and �to �rant money Por the same. , grt. 10. To hear the report of the Selectmen relative to the getition of �. 0: �Fhitcher and others, asking that a street be laid out and constructed on the land of IvZr. S. G. Whiteher on Hancock StrEet. Art. 11. To see wh&t actioa the Town veill take relative to the ereotion �P Gnide-boards uuhere the same have been destroyed, or may be vuanting. 9rt. 12. To hear reports oP a�y .,Commit�ees which may be readp to report , and tak e such action thereon as may be expedient . � Hereof fe�l.l not and make return of this hlarrant and your doings thereon to the Taa;n Clerk on or bePore the time of ineeting. Given under our han'cls at I,exington this twenty-Pourth dqp of Masch A. D, one thousand eighty hundred and seven�y-one Signed S, C, Whitcher ) Selectmen Charles Hudson ) of R. 4�. Reed ) Lexington 219 1871. Isaington,dpril 3rd 1871. Pursuant to the within Warr$nt I have notiPied the Inhabitants of the Tov� oP I.exington to meet at the time and plece, and Por the pur- poses within mentioned by leaving an attested copy o£ this 4Varrant to the families. Signed Oliver F�T. Kendall Constable oP �;exington. The Seleetmen will be in session on the second antl last Mondaysof every month at half past six o`clock, P.M. . , A true copy 6ttest Leonard G. Babcock ' Town Clerk Pursuant to the above Werrant� the Town met at � the�ein called and passed the following Votes:- Art. 1. Isaac N. Damon was chosen Modeaator and duly qualiPied. 9,rt. 2. F. A.lderman was chosen Constabl� at East F:exington in place of H. A. Wellington declined. `0. �I. Kendall was chosen Surveyor of Lumber Art. 3. Charles I�udson 4Varren Duren Alonzo Goddard e�ere chosen a Goa¢nittee to take oharge of the Cemeter�ies. 1871 220 �rt. 4. The Selectmen's estimate of BgpTopris- ' tions Por Tovun egpenses the ensuing year was ac- eepted as follows: - each item being passed upon and accepted separately. Discounts on prompt payment of taxes 2800. Interest on Town Debt 4200. Abatement oP taxes 400. Contin�ent Grent 2800. State Aid 450. Assessors, � 300. Collector and Treasurer 300. Schoo]: Committee 280. Tovrn Clerk B0. Constable 75. sexton � S0. Ringing bell at East Lexington 35. Towards increading the Library 40. Insursnce 600. Fire Uepartment (Including poll-tax refunded ) 600. Providing room Por Hancoek. Engine Co. 300. Fencing and Grading Nevu Town Hall lot 400. Lock-up in basement of New Tovvn Hall 500. Horse-sheds at New Town Hall 700. � Bullding Pound 50. Opening and constructing Hancock Avenue 100. Printing s catalogue of the Cary � Library 100. Finishing the Masonie Hall 1200. Lighting and heattng New Tovan Hall 1000e Furniahing New Town Hall 1100. Glabes for the Schools 150. � 18640.00 AP�er 'the item of Assessors it was Voted:- "That tha sum o£ three dollars per da� be the maximum sum paid to a�p Town Officer Por his personal Sexvice�: After the �item of Town Glerk the Pollowing Trote w�s passed: - Voted:- "That the Clerk is hereby� directed 221 1871 to arrange and classiPy the papers of the Town so that the papers of each year m�+r be placed by theq- selves: and that they be placed in paper boxes so as to be accessable at all times: provided the whole cost sha1T not exoeed twenty-five dollars." Art. 5. Votad:� "To accept-.the List oY Turors prepared and presented by the Selectmen." �rt. 6. Voted:- "To raPer the subject to the ' Selectmen and that the sum of three hundred dollars be appropriated for the p�irpose oP providing a suit- able room for the meetings oP Hancock Engine Company: snd that the Selectmen be authorized to pr ovide sueh aceommodation.^ � Art. 7. Voted:- `"Thet the whole sub�ect be investi- gated by the Selectmen, as re£erring to the abso- lute rights of both parties, and report made thereon" Art. 8. Voted: - "That the Selectmen be authorized to expend an amount not exceeding Pour hundred do3- lars for the purpose of Pencing and grading the New Town Hall Lot." Voted:- �"'That a suitable Lock-up be aonstructed in tfle basement of the ETew Town Hall; and that the Selsetmen be authorized to expend a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars for such a Lock-up as in their �udgment shall meet the wants oP the Town." Voted "That the Selectmen be authorized to lease the unappropriated room in the Netiv Tovun Hall Building to a responsible party Por such sum as they maq consider a Pair rent' for the same. " Voted:- "That the Selectmen be directed to make suc� regulations as they may deem necessary ° rQlative to the use or Qccupancy oP the New Town � 1871 222. � Aall, or any of the rooms therein, eacept the � Library, and fia such rates of compensation as they R may deem wise : and the Regulations they may adopt � and make publie shall be considered controlling � until the Town shall take further action on the � subject." � Votad:- "That the care snd eustody of the � Library Hall shall be in the hands oP the Trustees • of the Library." � � V'oted:- "That the Selectmen be directed to = carry into effect their Report relative to Horse- � sheds on the New Town FIall I.ot: and that seven - hundred dollars be appropriated fbr that purpose." • Art. 9. Voted:- "ThAt the s� of fiPty dollars � be appropriated for the puspose oP building a � suitable Pound on the land owned by the Town near - • the old TownHall Building: and that the Selectmen ° be authorized to cause a suitable Pound to be • built." ' L�rt. 10. Voted:- "That to accept the Report of the Selactmen to the petition oP S, C. Whitcher and others; and that the Selectmen be authorized to cause a street to be called Hancock Avenue, to be constructed by the Town teams at a cost not to exceed one hundred dollars." Art. 11. Voted:- "�hat the Selectmen be directed to cause Guide-boards to be erected wherever the same mag be do4vn or wanting: and that they cause to be prosecuted a�y person known to destroy or inhure such boards." 8rt. 12. Voted:- "To accept the Report of the committee eb.osen in March relative to pay oP Piremen and that tne�:� Selectmen be authorized to draw their w�rrant on the Town Treasurer for the sum oP two hundred and fiPty �dollars to be 223. 1871 paid each fire company for their services for the year snding �day lst 1872. : provided that each company shall number not less than thirty membsrs." Voted:- 'TTo accept the Report of the Trustees oP the Cary Library: and to authorize the Select= men to draw their ��arrant Yor the sum of one hun- dred dollars Por the purpose of printing a Ne�v Catalogue of the Cary Library." There being no further business before the Town the meeting was declared dissolved. A true Record Attest Leonard G. Babcock To�vn Clerk 1871 224. 6`Jarrsnt for a Town Meeting,, Nov. 7th 1871. To Oliver �V. Kendall, Gonstable of Lexington, Greeting: In �he name oP the Commonwealth oP Massachusetts, gou are hereby required to notif� ami warn the inhabitants oY Lexington, qualified� by law to vote in State and County aPPairs, . to assemble at the Town Hall on Tuesday the seventh day, of November next, at one o'clock P.P�I. to cast their ballots for the follovring State , County, and, Distriet OPP- icers:- For Goverttor, Lieutenant Governa�r, Secretary of Stata, Treasurer ;and Receiver General, Auditor of Accounts, and Attorney General of the Commott- wealth. Councillor for Sixth Councillor llistrict. Senator for Sixth Senetorial District � Clerk of the Courts, SheriPi, District Attorney, Northenn District, Commissioners oP In- solvency, County Co�aissioner, County Tre�surer, Register of Deeds, for P2iddlesex County. Representative in General Court from the 21st Middlesex District. The Selectmen will receive votes for the above named oPficers all on one ballot. You are also required to notify the in- habitants oP Lexington, qualified by law to vote in Town aPYairs, to meet at the Tou¢i Hall at: ha1P past three oTcloclt .P.M. on the same day to act. on the Pollowing Articles, viz:- grt. 1. To choose a lvioderator. Art. 2. :To see what action the Towtt will �cake _ on the petition oP Gharles Bladgett and others, Yor auidening and, repairing Lincoln Street, Yrom School Street 225. 1871. to NIonument Street. Art. 3. To see hy what name or designation the Oland and Neuv Town Halls shall be known in future. Art. 4. To hear the report oP the Committee chosen to build the Nemv Town Hall„and act thereon. Art. 5. To see iY the To�vn will� direct the front door of the Town Hall to be kept open on secnlar days, to afford access to the 112emorial Hall and Public Library; or act in ar�y manner in relation thereto. Pst. 6. To see if the Town will, purchase the small house opposite the barn on the "Poor Farm" or act in any manner in relation thereto. Art. 7. To see iY the Town wi11 cause the %ence around the Common to be repaire@a and paths:_. , tnerein to be graded; or the Common' to be other- tfirise improved. Art. 8. To hear the report of the Selectmen on the grading and fencing of the Town Hall Lot, and erecting Sheds on the same, and on building a Lock-up. ` • tlrt. 9. To see what instructions the Town wili- give the Selectmen relative to the location of the Pound. Art. 10. To soe if the Town will purchase a Stone Crusher, or act in any manner in relation thereto. �1rt. 11. To see if tne Town will cause an upper floor to be laid in the attic story oP the New Town Hall„ or act in any manner in relation there- to. Firt. 12. To hear the reports oP az�y Committees that may be ready to report. HereoP Pail not, and< make return oP �this 6�larrant, and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the time of t his meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington, this twenty-third day of Oetober �.D. 1871. Signed S. C. �1Jhiteher ) Selectmen Charles Hudson ) of R. PJ. Reed ) Isxington The Selectmen will be in session at the Town Hall on Monday the sixth day o�' November from six to ttine oTclack P.M. end from twelve to one o'clock P.ng. on the day oP meeting, for the purpose oP revising the Voting List; and no case will be heard after the polls are opened. Lexington, October 30th 1871. � Pursuant to the within Warrant I have notified the inhabitants oP the �Pown of Lexington, herein described, to meet at the time and .p.lace, end Por the purposes euithin mentioned by leaYing an attested copy of the within 4�arrant to the in- habitants of said town. Signed Oliver V1. Kendall, Consteble of , Lexington, 227. 1871. ° In pursuanes with the within Piarrant the Voters of Lexington met as tY�erein direeted and passed the follow#ng votes:- • � Art. 1. �ames Gould was chosen I��oderator and duly qualified. • &rt. 2. Voted:- 'TThat the Lsticle be referred to the Selectmen with Yull power to eet,in the premises.'" Art. 3. Voted:- °'That the Old Town� Iiall shall hereaften be known as. the "High School House", � and the New Touvn Fiall shall hereafter be known as the "Totvn Hall." Art. 4L 40178d:- "To hear the report of the Huildin� Committee of the New Town Hall." PJhile this report was under discussion the Town Voted:- "That the poll� for State, County and District oPficers be closed at twenty- five minutes, before Pive o'clock." Voted:- "That the report of the Building Comaittee oP the New Town F1a11 be accepted and placed on file. " Art. 5. Voted:- "That the Selectmen be direeted to cause the doors of the Town- Hall to be opened for access to the Public Library at the times on which the Library is opened for the public; and also that keys to the donrs be deposited with the Town Clerk, or other person, at a convenient plaee, fanr the use oE any responsible person applying therefor, for the purpose of visiting the Town Memorial and Library Halls, and also that they casue a sign to be place at or near tl� Pront door indicating where the keys may be found." 1871. . � 228. Art. 6. Voted:- "To pass over the Article." Art. �. Voted:- "That D. A. Tuttle, Aloazo God- dard and '+Villi� Ham be a eommittee to take the subjeet into consideration, and report at the March Il2eeting, with the expense thersof.^ brt. 8. Voted:- "To pass over the Article until the next meeting." grt. 9. Voted:= "That the Selectmen be instructed to locate the Pound uuherever they may deem the most � convenient , and for the best interest of the Town." Art. 10. Voted:- '°That Article l0 be referred to �he Suxvegors of Highwqys, with instructions to imrestigate as to cost and expediency, and report a� the Town Meeting in I�darch 1872." 6rt. 11. Voted:- That the Selectmen be authorized to cause a second floor to be laid in the unPinish- � ed portion oP the Town Hall building at a cost not to exceed one hundred and fiPty dollars (�150. )." Art. 12. No committees reported. The meeting for the transaction of Town business was closed by the Moderator. The following votes were then declared, signec}, certiPied and sealed in�open meeting. For Governor:- : tiVilliam B. 'Nashburn of GreenPield one hundred and forty-six (146.) 229 1871. dohn Quincy Adams o£ Quincp, Ninety six (96 ) Edwin M. Chamberlain of Boston, one (1 ) Lieut. Governor , �oseph Tucker of I,enox, one hundred a�nd 1'ifty (150 ) Samuel E1. Lamb of Greenfield, Ninety-Pour (94) 611en Dean oP vYestfield, Two (2 ) Secretary oP the Gommonwealth. Olives Warner of Northampton One hundred and fifty (150 ) Luther Stephenson Jr. of Hingham, Ninety-four (94 ) Henry B. Melflthlen of Duxbuxy, Two (2 ) Treasurer and Receiver General Charles 9dams Jr. oP N.BrookPield One hundred and fifty(150 ) Levi +�es& Heywood of Gardner, Ninety-Pour (94 ) Henry T. Delsno of Charlestown, Two (2 ) 8uditor Charles Endicott of Canton, �ne hundred and fiPty (150 ) Phineas �.11en oP Pittfield, Nine�p-Your (94j Gaarge P. Sanderson oP Lynn. Two (2 ) gttorney General Gharles R. Train of Boston One hundred and fifty (150 ) William tiVirt �erren of Brighton, Ninety-four (94) Geroga L. BuPPin of Boston, mwo (2j � Councillor Por Sixth District Jonathan B. 'Ninn of 'Nohurn, One hundred end fifty (150 ) Silas 5. Drew of Lowell, Ninety-four (94 ) 1871 , , 230 Clerk of Courts. . Theodore C. Aurd of Framingha�, One hundred and fiPty (150 ) , uYilliam Sherburne oP ehar�estown , Ninety-sia (96 ) SheriPf. . , Charles Kimball of Lowell, One hundred and fiPty (150 ) Do Do Do - Ninety-five (95 ) ➢istrict Attory. John B. Goodrich of Ne�ton, One hundred and fiftp-two (152 ) Charles S. Lincoln of SpmerFill�, Ninety-three (93) County Commissioner. Harrison Harwood of Natich, One hundred and fifty (150 ) Robext P. Woods of Aper, ninety-six, (96 ) Special Gounty Co�issioners. � Samuel Staples of Concord, One hundred and fifty (150 ) Lyman Dike of Stoneham, One hundred ,and fifty (150 } Alexander Craig oP Townsend, Ninety-three (93) , Col�bus Corey of Everett, Ninety-three (93) Sohn Loekerby of V�oburn, Two (2 ) , Frank A. Burgess of Waltham Two (2 ) Senat,or, -Sixth District, Carroll D. �Yright oP Reading, One hundred snd fifty (150 ) Edward H. Walton of tiVakefield, Ninety-six (96 ) 231 1871 Commissioners of Fnsolvency. William H. Gale oY Marlborough, , One hundred and fiPty (Z50') George Stegens of Lowell, Do Do (150 ) �ohn CC. Ha�ond of Cambridge Do Do (15� ) William H. Loughlin of Lowell Ninety-three (93) F. A. Ylorcester oP Townsend, Ninety-four (94 ) Chas. T. Mclntire of Cambridge Ninety-three (93) Paul H. Sweetaer oP uYakePield Two (2 ) Amos Hill oP S�oneham, One (1 ) Representative to Gen.eral Court , 21st hZiddlesex Dist:' V�illiam �. Ashby of BedPord, One hundred and twenty- seven (127 ) • � ` Richard D. Hlinn of Lexington, One hundred and seven- teen (1�7 ) . The returns oP votes for Governor, Lieut.Gov� ernor, Secretary, Treasurer and Receiver General, Aud- itor, Attorney General, Councillor, Clerk of Courts, Sheriff, District Attormey, County Commissioner, Special Gountp Commissioners, Commissioners of Insol- Qency, Senator 6th District and Represe�ative in Gen- eral Court, 21st Middlesex District , having been de- clared, were signed, attested and sealed in open Town DQeeting and the meeting was the dealered dissol- ved. A true Record - rlttest Leonard G. Babeock. Towa �lerk. 232 233. 1872. tiVarrant for a Town Meeting, � Feby. 14th 1872. To Oliver W,� gendall Constable of Lexin�ton Gree ting:- In the name of the Commonwealth of l�assachusetts goy ara hereby r2quired to notifp and warn the inhabitants of Lexington, qualified by law ot vote in T'�wn afPairs to meet at the Town Hall on �Nednesday the fousteenth day of Feb- ruary inst. at sev�en o'clock P.M. to act on t.he following Articles, viz:- Art.' 1.' To choose a 1P'ioderator. � Art. 2. To see what aetion the Town will take relative to the� petition of the 5electmen of Arl- ington now before the Legisleture, praying for authority to take water Prom Vine Brook in Lex- ington. ' Art. 3. To see if the Town will cYhoose a commit� tee to take into eonsideratioa the subject oY Drains and Sewerage in Lexi ngton, and report at a future meeting. Hereof fail not, and make return of this 'aYarrant and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the time oP said meeting. � Given under our hands at Lexington this Pirst day of February A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. ) Selectmen Signed Charles Hudson ) of R. VJ. Reed ) Lesington. 1872. 234 Lzxington, Feb. 8th 1872. Pursuant to the within udarrant I have notified the Inhabitants of the �'own °of Lexington to meet �is herein described, at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned. Signed Qliver 5P. Kendall Constable oY Lexington. _ _ In aocordsnce v¢ith the above Nlarrant the � Town met and passed the following Votes:- �lrt. 1. I.` N. Damon was chosen Moderator and dnly qualified. , Art. 2. Voted:- "Thait the Town present to the _ Legislature a written remonstranee against the ` prayer of the petitioners; and that the 3elect- men, to�ether with such citizens as this meeting ` may `�oin, coapose a committea, to sppear at each and every hearing before the Legislative Commit- tee on IVlercantile AfPairs, and there oppose and protest against the petition noeP �ending of the Selectmen of the Town of Arlington, asking for leave to take wster f'orm "Vine Brook£' in Lex- ington."' , Voted:- TMThat five citizens be chosen, to be in eonfunction with the Board of Selectmen, a comr.�ittee to appear beYore the Legislative com- mittee on Mercantile APfairs, in accordance with the precdeing Vote.' 4'oted: "That a committea oP three, to be riominated by the Chair, be chosen to bring in the names of five citizens to be chosen such committee." 235 1872. , The Cheir nominated 7. J. Rayner M. H. Merriam F. ,F. Raymond who were chosen nominating committee. There being a misunderstanding relative to tha first vote passed under Art. 2. it was Voted:- � . '°That the vote Pirst passed under Art. 2. be reeonsidered." � ' V'oted: 'LTo secept the amendment oPYered by Is�r. Geo. `N. Robinson. " The meeting then voted unanimously:- nThat the Town present to the T�egisla�ure s written remonstr&nce against the prayer oY the peiLitoners, and that the Selectmen, together with such citizens as �this meeting map joitt compose a committee to appear at each and every hearing beYore the Legialative Committee on Mercantile afiairs, arid t:here oppose snd pro- t'est against the petition no4v pending oY the Selectmen oP the Town of Arlington, asking far leave to take water fram "Vine Brook" in Lexing- ton". The committee chosen to nom3nate five citizens to be with the Board of Select�en a committee to appear b.efore the Legislative Committee on Mercantile dPfairs, reported the f ollou�i ng:- Col. �7ohn �i�. Hudson Geo. W. Robinson ' D. H. Holmea Asa CotCrell P/f.'.H. Merriam who were chosen. _ . 1872. 236 Poted:- "That this committee be empo�vered to employ council and summon uvitnesses in attain- ir� the purpose oP the foregoing Vote; and the Selectmen are her� by authorized to draw their warrant on the Town Treasurer to pay the egpens- es so incurred." . Art. 3. Voted:- "That a comucittee of three be chosen to take into cons�der,ation the subjeet of Common Sewers, affl the drainage oP streets;. swamps and meadows in diPferent parts oP the Town, so far as it relates to the convenient use of the highways, or the health. of the inhab- itants; and the said committee are authorized in their discretion to employ a. competent sur- veyor or engineer to take such levels as may be , necessary to test the practieability oP drainage in any particular case; and said oor,uuittee shall report the result of their inquiry to the Town as early as convenient." Charles Hudson D. A. Tuttle Oliver P. Mills . were ehosen such committee. There being no further business the meeting was declared dissolved. A true Record I.ttest T� onard G. Babcock. . Town Clerk 237 1872 �farrant for � Town I�eeting, Monday, March 4th, 1872. , To Oliver W. Kendall Constable oP Isxington, Gree�ing: In the neme oP the Commonwealth of Mass- achusetts you are hereby required to notify ard .� warn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, quaTified by ia�r to vote inTouvn, afP�.irs to assemble at the Bown Hall on Monday the iourth day of March next at one oTclock P.DQ. to act on the Poll�wing Articles, V�iz- 13st. 1. To choose a Moderator. Art. 2. To choose Town OfPicers for the ensuing year, including one• School Committee Man for three years. Art. 3. To choose a Coramittee to take charge of , the Cemeteries, and superintend °the improvements thereof. Art. 4. To adopt measures Por the repairs of the High�vays the ensuing year, and grant ,money far the same. Art� 5. To provide for the support of the Poor the ensuing year. Art. 6. To .raise money for the support of the Fublic Schools, incl.uding their several grades; or act in an,v manner relatin� thereto. Art. 7. To adopt measures for collecting the taxes the ensuing year. � . 1872. 238 Art. 8. To see if the Town will authorize and empower the Collector oP Taxes to use any azid s31 means for col�ecting the taxes, committed to him for collection, avhich may be lawfully used by the Town �`reasurer when ecting as col- lector. Art. 9. To see if the Town will, au�horize the Town Treasurer, under the direction of the Se- , . lectmen, to l�orrow suc�i sam, or sums oP money as may be necessary to dePrap the Town expenses the ensuing year, in anticipation pf the tax of 1872. , Art, 10. To sea if the Town. will choose a Board of Auditors to audit the aceounts oP the Town for the year ending March lst, 1872. Art. 11. To see if the Town will accept the provisions of the third, fourtn, fifth end sixth Sections of Chapter forty-eight (48) oP t he Gen- eral •Statutes oP the Commonwealth relative to Drains and sevuers; or act in any manner in re- lation to the subject. Art . . 12. To see if the Town will adopt a new Code of By-Iaws relative to truants or absentees Prom School, or amend their present Code; and provide for the punisYment o� truants or absentees Prom School, by fine or imprisonment ; or act in any manner in relation to the subject. �lrt. 13. To see iY the Town will purehase a lot of about five acres of land belonging to Mr. Horace B. Davis, adjoining the Poor Farm; or act in a�y aa.nner in relation to the sabject. Art. 14. To see iP the Town will instruct the Town OfPieers to close the financial year on the first of February of each year; and that the reports of said oPficers bs printed and distrib- uted with the Warrant for the Annual Town 1Vleet- 239 in�� 1872 Art. 15. To see if the Town will .exchange a portion of the Iand near the High School House with D.7r. uV. E. Russell; or sell the whole or any part oP said High School Lot; or act in ar�y manner in relation thereto. Art. 16 . To see what action the Town wi�.l take in relation to widening the street and cutting down the hill on Maple Street. Art. 17. To see what action the Town will take relative to cutting down the hil� opposite the estate oP Mr. 7oseph Richardson on '7lalthan Street. Art. 18. To hear the Report of the Highway Sur- veyors on the sub�ect of purchasing a Stone Crush- er. Art. 19. To hear the 1?eport of the Seleetmen on the fiscal condition of the m�wn.� Art. 20. To hear the Reports of the Selectmen relatvie to building a Lock-up, Horse Sheds, and s Hall for the Hancoek Engine �o. , and on the other matters referred �6 them. Art. 21. To hear Reports of a uy Town Officers an3 of anyConmittees, and act thereon. 1872 2�0 HereoY fail not, and make return oY tnis uJarrant and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or be�ore the time of sai� meeting. Given under our hands at Lexis�� ton this sixteenth day of February �. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two . Signed Charles Hudson) Selectmen oY • R. '�9. Reed J Lexington. The Selectnen wi1T be in session at the To�n Hall on Saturday P�Sarch 2d from 7 to 9 oTelock P.117. and Prom 12 to 1 o*clock P.L�T. on the day of meet3ng t•o correct and revise the �oting I,ist , and no case wi11 be heard after the meeting is opened. Lexington, February 27th 1872. Pursuant b� the within vJarrant I have notified the inhabi�ants oY the Town of Lexington to mset at the time and place, and for the purposes within mentioned. ` Signed Oliver YJ. Kendall, Constable of Lexington A true Copy �lttest Ie onard G. Bahcock Town Clerk. 241 1872 In conformity urith the fore�oing 'dJarrant the Town met as therein called and passed thefollow- ing Votes:- without using Check-List �rt. 1. 3an.es Gould was chossn P�:oderator ; and sworn by the To� Clerk. Art. 2. Voted :- "That the Town OPPicers be voted Por all on one ballot, and that the polls be kept open until halP past four oTcloek." �Ioted:- "To reconsider the above C�ote," Voted:- "To ballot for Selectnen and To�vn Clerk on one ballot." Voted:- "To keep the polls open thirty minutes." • . �oted:- "To extend the time Yifteen min- utes." � , Poted:- "To take up �rt. 3." Poted:- `'That a Committee of three ba nominated by .the Chair to take. the c�re and su- � perintendence of th-e Cemeteries ; that one be ehosen for three years, a+ne gor two years, and one Por one year; and that hereafter one be chosen • •each year in place �of the retiring Committee Man.�" The Chair nominated Charles Hudson, W. Duren arnd g. Goddard, and the Town chose � Charles Hudson Por three years 'aY. Duren far two years A. Goddard for or_e year. Voted:- "To take up Art. 8." ° Art. 8. Voted:- "That the Gollector be empowered ` to use any and all means to collect the taxes which may be lawf1i11y used by the Town Treasurer when acting as Collectar,^ _ 1872. 242 , Voted:- '*To take up l�rt . 9." Voted:- "To authorize the Town Treasurer, under the direction o£ the Selectmen, to borrov� such sum or sums of money as may be necessary to defray the Town expenses, in ax�ticipation of the tax of 1872. . Voted:- "To tak,e up Art. 14." Voted:- "To keep polls Yor choice of Selectmen and Town Clerk open until quarter before four o'clook." � Voted:- "To adopt Art . 14. " � Voted:- "To hear the Report oP the Surveyors of Highways." , Poted:- "That the Report of the Surveyors of Highwags .be accepted and placed on file." �Foted:- "To take up Art . 4.^ Art. 4. Voted:- "To agpropriate five thousand dollars for repairs of Highways the ensuing year." goted:- "To indefinitely postpone the subject of an appropriation for sidewalks.R V,oted:- "That the T3ighway Surveyors be directed so to repair, char�e, or improve the road near the house of NFr. 3ohn McCarty that teams . or vehicles coming by his house can conveniently turn and pass tovrards ulaltham at the junction oP said road with Walthem� Street; and that the sum of twenty-five dollars be appropirated f� that purpose.'t 243 1872 The Mo@erator declared the �ollowing votes for Town Clerk and Selectmen For Town Clerk L. G. Babcock One hundred and ninety five (195 ) , I. N. Daaon Three (3 ) , F. E. tiVetherelZ One. (1 ) L, G. Sabcock was declared elected. For selectmen Sworn Mar. 4th S. F. Simonds One hundred. and tuventy eight (128 ) ' Sworn Mar. 4th B. C. '�[hiteher One hup.dred and Ei.�ht (108 ) Sworn Mar. 4th . , C. M. Parker Ninety-nine (i99 ) Charles Hudson Ninety-three (9�.) John P. ,Reed Eighty four (84) Luke C. Childs Ninety-five (95. ) vY. Reed One (l.) , J. �. Simonds, B. �.. 'Nhitcher and G. I�lf. �arker were declared elected. Foted:- "To .proceed to choose a Town Treasurer and Collector of taxes." Voted:- "That the QPfices oP Treasurer $nd Collector be united." , The follovaing votes were declared for Treasurer and Collec�or:- I;. G. Babcock - Eight-four (84. ) Geo. 0. Davis .- Forty-Seven '(47. ) I. N. Damon - Seven (7 ) L. G. Babcock v�as declared elected Treasurer and Collector•. . - 1872 244 Voted:- "T�r proceed to ehoose Higv¢ay Surveyoss. Overseers of the Poor, School Com- mittee 1VIan and. Constables all on one ballot." Voted:- "Tm unite the Offices of High- way Surveyors and Overseers of the Poor." Poted:- "To take up Art. 16.'� � Art. 16. Voted:- "To refer the Art. to the High- way Surveyors t0 report at the April Meeting." Vote�l:- "To takfl up Art . 17." Art. 17. Voted:- "To refes tha Art, to the Eiigh- vuay Surveyors to report at the next meeting." Voted:- "To take up Art. 5. " Art. 5. Voted:- "To accept the Report of the Overseers of the Poor, and that tvao thousand, two hundred dollars be appropriated for support of Poor the ensuing year, as recammended in said Report." �ote@:- ^To take up Art. lI.'� �Lrt. 11. Voted:- '"Toppstpone the whole subject until a ,Committee chosen at a previous meeting to �Gake into consideration t�e subject of Drsins and Sewers make their report." Voted:- "To take up grt. 21.'� Art. 21. Voted:- "To accept the �ieport oP the Committee relative ta plaeing a pump and trought in East I,exington." 245 1872 Yoted:- "To amend the Report of t he Com- mittee on improving th� Comwon bg adding thsy any necessary repairs be made to the Flag StaPf." Voted:- "Tp �ccept the Report oP the Committee on improving the Common, as smended.'T �oted:- "That the recommendations of the Comittee on improving Common be car�ied out by the Highway SurueyOTs.'T Voted:- "To take up �irt. 15." Art. 15. . Voted:- "To refer Art. 15 to the Sel- eotmen to examine and report.n Poted:- "To take up Art. 19." Art. 19. Qoted:- '•To aocept t�ie Report of the � Sel�ctmen on the fiscal nondition oP the Town.^ Voted:- "That the Treasurer be author- ized, under the direction of the Selectmen, to consolidate seversl of �he notes against the Town, held by the same indinidual, and oP different dates, and to give o.ne or more notes in their stead, for the convenience of the parties.�* �7oted:-"To take up Art. 12. " grt. 12. Voted:- 1°To adopra> new Code of By-Laws relat�it�e to truants and sbsentees from school, as follows:-`� BY-Laws. Sec. 1. The Town of I;exington hereby adops the � 1872. 246 provisions of the forty-second chapter oP the General Statntes oP this Commonwealth so Yar as applicableto Truant Chlldren and Absentees Prom School; And all the provisions of the two hundred and seventh cl�apter oP the Acts of 1862,, entitled, • "An Act concerning Truant Children and Absentees Prom School." and the several gcts in addition to or in amendment threroP. Sec. . 2. A�p minor eonvicted aP being an hsbitual • truant, or any child convicted of oaandering about in the streets or public places oP the Town of Lexi�gton, having no lswPul occupation or business, not attending school, and grouring up in ignorance , betvaeen the ages oY seven and sia�teen years, shall be punished by a fitte not exceeding twenty dollars, and in case oP default in the payment of said Pine , or instead of such fine, may be committed to the "House Por the Instruction, F�ployment and Reform- ation of 3uvenile OPfenders" in the city oP Lowell, in this Commonwealth, Yor such time, nat exceeding two years,as the Court or Magistrate having juris- diction shall determine. , , Sec. 3. The ^House for the Instruction, Employ- ment and Reformation oP Juvenila OfPenders" in the city of Lowell is hereby pravided and assigned as a su3table place for the commitment of the persons convicted of either oP the oPfences mentioned in See.. 2; and the Selectmen ere hereby directed to make sll arrangemerlts or contracts with said eity , of Lov�ell necessary to carry out the provisions, �nd Yor the enforcement of these By-Iaws. The Keeper of said house shall have the custody oY such persons as are committed there from this Town, and shall instruct and employ them � in a manner most ePfectual for their permanent reformation. , 247 1872. Sec. 4. Ar�p Judge a¢� Sustice oY any Polica Court in the County of 11�Iiddlesex, and a�y Triel Justiee , in said County, shall have jurisdiction of the of�e�ces, mentioned in these By-Iaws, and authority to en�orce the same. A�y Gonstable or Police OfPiceroin this Town may serve warrants and other processes necessary Por the enYorcement oP the same, and the costs and f•ines• shall ba the seme as allowed in criminal prosecutians bePore said Courts or Nfagistrates. Sec. 5. The By-Iavus of the Town re]a ting to � truancy heretoPore adopted are hereby repealed. Voted:- "That th-e School Committee be directed to submft these Bp-]avus t;o the Sudge of the proper Court for approval, and to cause the same to be printed aad cireulated to the voters of the Town." aoted:- '°To take up Art. 18." 6rt. 18. Voted:- "That the Report oP the Highway Surveyors on purchase of a Stone Cr,usher be accepted and placed on file." Poted:- "To take up i�rt . 20." ' Art. 20. Voted:- "To accept the Reports of the Selectmen relative to - ' FToor� in upper `s'tor'y of Town Hall, Grav'el Pits. Insurance. ' Erection af a Pound. " Lock-up. ' Horse Sheds, and Grading and Fencing around Town Hall Lot. " ° ' Building Flall Por Haneock Engine Co. 1872 ' 248 and relative to the ownership of a triangular piece oP land at the �unction of Main and Pleas- ant Streets. ' ` ' Voted:- "To hear the ver:bal Report of the SchooT Committee.fE Art. 6. " Voted":- �tTo appropriate seven thousand five hundred dollars £or the support oP Schools the ensuing year, ani3 one 'thousand dollars Por contingent. expense's of Schools the ensuing" qear." VOted:- '`To t'sk0 up 9rt. 13.^ Ai�t . 13."' Votedc- "To refer the matter o�' pur- chasing land oP NIr. H. B. Davis to the Seleetmen" to report." .s: = - Voted:- "To take izp Art. 10." Art�. 10. Voted:- °'That the retiring Board of Selectmen const�tute a Boercl oP auditors for the yea`r ending March lst, 1872'." � �otetl: - "To take up Art. 7." Art. . 7. Voted:- "That all taxes be paid on or bePore the twentieth of January; and that a dis- count oP ten per cent be allowed on all taxes paid on or bePore the tuventieth oP November." . Article 2 was then taken up and James H. �Nright Tohn D. Bacon ` and Geo. GT. Nichols ' vtere chos� Field Drivers. 249 1872. F. M. Harrington Sworn ll�ar. 4th Dr. A. Holmes and Sworn Mar. 4th Hammon Reed � were choseri Fence TTiewers Voted:- "That tlie School Cominit'tee and Constables be truan�t oPficers." Voted:- "That the remaing ffiinor officers be ap- pointed by Selact- Voted:- "To accept the Report of the Trustees o£ the Cary I3brary." The aotes for Assessors, High�vay Surveyors ar� Overseers oP th� Poor, S'chool Committee Man and Constables were declared by the Moderator as follows:- For Assessors: Sucorn by Justice ➢/Iar. ?lst. 3. F'. Simonds - One hundred and thirty-two (132. ) ' L.� S. Pierce - One hundred and thirty-two (132. ) N. Fessenden - One hundred and thirtp-�Evao (132. } J. E`. . Simonds, L. S. Fierce and N. Fessen- den were declared elected. For Highwa� Surveyor's and Onerseers of the Poor. Johri P. Reed One hundred and twenty eight (128. ) Sworn Mar. 8th Eli Simonds Nine'ty-three (93. ) Sworn :�far. 9th II. Dow - �eventy-three (73 ) Joshna Hobart - Twanty-eight (28. ) E. �. Mulliken = Twentg= tivo (2�;� S. F. Simonds - Seventeen (17 ) F. Alderman - Fifteen (15. ) H. B. Davis - Thirteen (13 ) B. T. Batcheller - Four (4 ) F. M. H�rrington - Three (3) W, j7e�lington - Two` (2 ) L. Childs One (1. ) 1872. 250 Eli Simonds Tohn P. Reed, Eli Simonds and D. Daw were S�orn Mar.Bthdeclared elected. D. Do� asked to be egcused and the Towu Voted;- "Not to excuse N'ir. Dow." For School Committee Man for thnee years . Charles Tidd was deelared elected. E'or Constables:- ' Sworn Mar.8th Eli Simonds - Ninety-ohe (91. ) H. B. Davis -Eighty-six (86. ) ' " F. glderman - Thirty-one (31. ) 0. �V. Kendall-Fiye ( 5. ) S. D. Bacon - Three ' ( 3'. } N. E. Bryant -One ( 1. ) Eli Simonds, H. B: Davis and F. Ald- e'rmeu were declared elected. V'oted:- "Thflt the Town choos'e t'hree Assessors, three Hightivay Surveyors and Overseers oP the Poor, and three Constables." Voted:- }°To adfousn to i�4onday, I�7arch llth, inst. at one o•clock P.M.^ The Moderator declared the meeting gd�ourned. P.Sarch llth.l872. The Town met pursuant to adjournment and the record of the meeting for I�Tonday, P�farch llth. was read. , A Motion to adjourn t,vithout day being made the Moderator ruled that "the motion was not debate- able. 6n appeal Prom tl�is decision being "taken by J, W. Hudson Esq. the meeting Voted:- �'To sustain the Chair.'" � 251. 1872 _ The vote to s'ustain the Chair being doubted, it ueas moved Lo �oll tne house, and the Check List was called Yory 2`he meeting then Voted:- "To lay the subject of the Check List on the table." The house 14&$ then polled on the motion to ad�ourn without day, and the Town �oted:- "Not to adjourn." ' ` " Poted:-"�Phereas in the el.ection of n4oder�tor on Monday last, the use of the Check-List, which is required � by law, was inadvertantly omitted, thereby ,rendering his election doubtful in point o£ legality; it is therefore Voted :- that we now proceed to the choice of a Moderator.^ � Voted:- "To �keep the polls open for choice of n�oderator h&lP an hour.'T Isaao N. Daiaon was , chosen_Nioderator, and sworn. � _�lrticles .- 3�4�5,6�7,8,9�10,11,12,13, 14� ' 15, 16,17, 18; 19, 20, 21, ,were then taken up and read, and the following vote passed upon each of said Articles:- � Voted:- 'TThat the doings of the C1t17.eIIs under Article; (3#4,5,6,7,8�9�10 11�12� 13,t�,15,16,17,18,19,20,21, successively� � as recorded by the Clerk undar date of I�Ilarch 4th, b� and hereby are declared to be the action of the Town on said Article." Voted: "To take up Art. 2.`� Voted: 1DTo proceed to trie choice oP Town , Officers all on one ballot." . 1 1872. � 252 , Voted:- "To choose � three Assessors, throe Selectmea, three Qverseers oY the Poor and Highway Surveyors, and t wo Constables." Pot�d:- "Ta unite the of£ices of Highways Surveyors and Qverseers of the Poor.°' , Voted:- "To keep the polls open for choice oP Town dfficers Pifteen m�:nutes." Voted:- "2o unite the offices of Treasurer and Collector." Nathau Fessenden and Loring �. Pierce deolined sex�ring, as Assessors, and the Town Voted:- "To excuse Nathan Fessenden and Loring S, Pierce." The Moderator then declared the follow- ing votes. for Town Officers:- For Town Clerk. L. G. Babcock, Seventy-two (72. ) I, N. Damon, One - (1. � L. G. Babcock was declared elected. For Selectmen, Sworn by Justice Mar. 21st. Hon. Chas. Huiison, Seventy (70. ) Sworn by Justice Niar. 21st. R. ud. Reed Sixty-two (62. ) Sworn by Justice PQar. 21st. L. �J. Pierce Sevettty-one (71. ) , John P. Reed Two (2, ) J. F. SiiRonds Five (5. ) B. C. Whitcher Three (3. ) C. M. Parker �ne (1. ) Luke C. Childs One (I. ) � Charles Hudson, R. 1�. Reed. and L. S. Pierce were declared elected. _ _ 253. 1872. � For Treasurer and Collector. Geo. 0. Davis, � Seventy-one ( 71. ) L. G. Babcock, Two (2, ) -I? N. Demon, One (1. ) Geo. 0. Davis was declared elected. F'or Hi�hway :;S�zrveyors and Overseers of the Poor. Sohn P. Heed - Seventy-three ( 73. j Sworn l�ar.l6th Nathan L. Bryant Seventy (70. ) by a Justice < < Ida�r3smn�Pferrce - Seventy-two (72. J J. G. <Broeun - �Three (3. ) : Eli Simonds - Five (5. ) James Sumner - One (1. j Jonas Gammell One (1. ) � _ � �. Ac Mulliken OYie (1. ) a < < ,. � � � John P.Reed, Idathan L. Bryant and Flarrison Pierce were declared elected. FQr School Committee P�fan. � CMarles Tidd was declared elected. For Assessors, J. �E'. Simonds - Seventp-three (73. ) Sworn by Justice I�Har. N. Fessenden - Seventy0five ( 75. ) 22d. Sworn by Justice �falter Nellington --' 'Forty-eight(48. ) Mar. 22d. Loring S. Pierce - Three ( 3. ) Tonas Gammell - One ( 1. ) I. N. Damon - �Pne ( 1. ) J. E'. Simonds, N. Fessenden, and VValter LYellington were declared elected. F� Constables. 0. �9. Kendall - Seventy-one (:21. ) � F. 9lderman - Seventy (70.) Eli SiLnonds Fine (5 ) 1872 � 254. 0, nd. Kendall snd F. Alderman were declared elected. Voted:- "That the doinr;s of the citizens concerning the choice of town officers not re- quired to be chosen by ballot, as recorded by the Clerk under date of March, 4th, be and here- by are declared to tie the action oP the Z'o�a."" Voted:- "To take up Art. 7.'* Voted:- '�That the coiapensation of the Trsasurer aia3 Collector be three hundred dollars" ' Voted:.- "2'o ballot for two Highway Surveyors ' - and Overseers of the Poor• to fill the vacancies � caused by the- resignation oi 7ohn P. Reed and � F3arrison Pierce. " � The vote was declafied as foZlows:- Sworn Mar, 16th A. ��V�. Lo�ke - Nine (9;.J ' by a Justice �i. Goddard - Three (3. ) � E. A. PvIulliken - Three (3. ) ^ J. G. Broutn - � �'-ive (5. ) Eli Simonds - Seven ( 7. ) 7. D. Bacon - One (l. ) 7. Hoba rt - Sev en .(7. } 9�. �il. Locke was declared elected,and, there be�.ng a tie, the meeting Voted:- 'To ballot for one Highway Surveyor �nd Overseerc of the Poor." The Vote was declared as follows :- Eli Simonds - Fourteen" (14: ) Sworn March 16th Joshua Hobart - riPteen (15. ) by a Justice E. �. �iulliken - One ( 1. ) Joshua Hobart was declared elected 255. 1872. Voted:- "That the meeting be no� dissolved." and the Moderator declared the meeting dissolve@. A true Record �ttest Leonard G. Babcock Town Clerk. 1872. 256. GVarrant for a Totivn IlZeeting, P�onday April 22d, ia�z. To E1'i Simonds, Constable of Lexington, Greeting. ' In the nerae of the Commonwealth oP l2assachusetts you are hereby required to notify ' and warn th"e Inhabitants of I,exgngton, qualified by law to vote in Tolan affairs, to assemble at the Town Hall on I�4onday the tNe nty-second day �f April, inst, at one o'clock P.M. to act on the ` following Articles, Viz:- Art. l. To choose a b7oderator Art. 2. To choose the remainin� Tou�n Officers, ' and fill any vacancies which may occur. Art. 3. To" grant money to defray the Town charges the ensuing year. 6rt. 4. To see iP tne Town will accept the List of 7urors prepared and presented by the Selectmen. " Art. 5. To 'see if the ToMn will adopt the pro- visions of the seventh and eighth se�tions cf Chapter fo'rty-five of the General Statutes af this Commontivealth relative to _sidetivalks, or act in as�y manner in relation to the subjec't. ' Art. 6. To see if the Tows will adopt a¢y meas- ures providing Por Yilling the Yacant niches in the n2emorial Iiall; or act in any manner in rela- tion th�ereto. . 257 1872. Art. 7. To see iP the Town avill grant money for the purpose of decoreting the graves of soldiers on Decoratzon Day, �Iay 30tb., or act in any manner in relation thereto. r1x�t. 8. To see �hat 'action the Town will take in relation to ringing the church bells the enr suing year. Art. 9. To see iP the Town �ill mak: Proqision Por repairing the house of the Harncock Engine Co; or act in a�y manner in relation thereto. Art. 10. To see what measures, if ar�y, the Town will adopt to ascertain who ere the legal Town Officers, or to remove any disability under which any oPficers may labor; or act in an,y manner in relation to the subject. _ .._. Art. 11. To hear the reports of the Selectmen relative to the sale oP a pert oY the High School Lo� , and relative to the purchase oP a lo�C, oP land helonging to IvIr. H. B. Davis' near the Poor Farm; and act thereon. 1lrt. 12. To hear the Reports of any Coumlittees or Officers whb may be reedy to report , and act thereon. Hareof fail not, and make return o£ this ldarrant and your doings thereon to the To�xn Clerk on or before the time of said meeting. ' Given under our ha.nds at Lexington this ' third day of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. 1872 258 Signed Joseph F. Simond`s ) Selectmen &. C. 'ui�hiC.cher ) oP C. M. Parker ) I.exington Lexington, �1pri1 13th, 1872. Pursuant to the within �'Varrant I Yiave notified the Inhabitants of tl� Town oY Lexingtou hereitt described to meet at' the time and plsce, and Por the purposes' within mentio� d. Signed Eli , simonds, Constable' of Lexington. A true Copy, Attest ` Leonard G.' Babcock Town Clerk. ` In accordance with the above 4"Jarrant the Town met as therein called, and voted as follows:- Brt. l. James Gould was ehosen Nfoderator and sworn by the Clerk to the faithful discharge of his duties as Moderator. " Voted:- "To lay Art. 2. on the table.�` Voted:- 'TTo t8ke up Art. 10.'* grt.20. �1 Preaucble and Resolutions being offered by Mr'. Plumer, and e substitute for ths same being offered by Mr. Charles Hudson the Towa voted not to accept the substitute, ' ' The Reol.utions were then amended and the emendment accepted bp the maver. n4r. J. W. fiudson th'en moved to amend the Resolutions by strikin� out certain portions, and the Town voted nat to amend; This vote being :. doubted; the Tor�n voted to poll the house, and the house being polled, the Town voted ' 259. 1�872 not to accept P�ffr. Hudson's amendment. The Town then voted, '�4°o accept the Preamble and Resolutions" and this vote being doubted, the house was polled and the Presmble and Resolutions were accepted (thirty-fiYe voting in the negative and fiPty-sia voting in the affir- mative ) as follows:- ' irfhereas - At the annual meeting of the Legal Voters aF the Town oP Lexington, con- vened at the TownFiall on the Pourth day of March 1872, the meeting being called` to order by the Clerk who called upon tha legal voters to bring in their 6allots for �oderator, �t the close oP the polls thereupon declared James Gould elected, he having received forty-two votes out oP forty- Pour. , The I�4oderator, being qualified proceeded to to the diseharge of tk� proper duties of his �YPice. The meeting then proceeded to discharge all duties ineumbent on it in accorance with the tiJar- rant set Porth in a legal form, in calling said meeting. Upon closing the polls the Moderator de- clared the Pollowing as the result of the ballot- ing - for Town OPficers for the ensuing pear, the same receiving the highest nvmber of votes cast :- Town Clerk:- L. G. Babcook. Selectmen:- J. F. Sinonds,B. C. b'Yhitcher and C, M. Parker. - HightMay Surveyors and Overseers of the Poor:- Eli Simonds, D. Dow .and J. P. Reed. Treasurer aznd Colleetor:- L. G. Babcock. Constables:- Eli Simonds, H. B. Davis and F. 8lderman A�ssessors:-, S. F. Sin�nds, N. Fessanden and L. S. Piercer School Commi�tee. for three years:- Charles Tidd There were ehosen by acclamation as Fence Viewers:- Dr. H. Holmes, H. Reed and F.M. Harring- ton . FieZd Drivers:- J. D. Bacon, T. A. uPright and G. 4Y. Nichols , 2'hereupon it was voi�ed that the meeting be eontinued or adjourned to Monda�, Dach 11. 1892 260 Upon the assembling as adjourned it appeared that eertain vacaneies existed, as follows:- . One Highway Surveyor and Overseer oP the Poor, Mr. J.P.Reed having declined, Two Assessors, N1r. , L.S, Pierce and It4r. N. Fessenden having declined. After a ballot the I�oderator declared that N. L. Bryant was eleeted an Overseer of the Poor and Higwsy Surveyor, and that 44alter �Pellington , was elected an Sssessor. � F. M. Harrington having fafled to appear and be qualified, one vacancy is left upon the . Board of Fence Viewers. Al1 the Field Drivers . having Pailed to appear and be qualified, that , Board is entirelg vacant. Mr. H. B: Davis and II�fr. F. Alderinsn having Pailed to appear and be . qualified as Constables, there are two Qacancies . on that Board. , There fore, Resolved - , That we, legal voters oP the �'own oY I.exin�ton, in Tovun I�eeting assembled hereby rat3fy and confirm a11 . the proceedings of said annual meeting, as Par as the election of the aPoresaid ofPicers is concerned, notwithstanding the omission of the use oP the Check List in the choice of Moderator, believing as we do that sai omission did not in the least vary the result. . . Resolved further - That we appr�re and eonfirm all the acts and proceedings of said officexs since their election, and es- pee3ally so in maintsining their rights to said oYfices, and also in defending the Town and the dignity thereof against any and all attempts to the contrary. And be it further Resolved - That any e�cpenses which may have,, or. may here aft� accrue in defending said rights and dignity of the Town by the said legal and constituted OYf- icers be and hereby are authorized to be paid and 261 1872. drawn from the Town Treasury. , Resolved- Tla_t the f� egoing Preamble and Resolutions be placed upon the Records of the - Town." Voteii:- '�To take up Article. 2," Voted:- "To proceed to ehoose one Assessor." �Poted:r "To keep the polls open Pifteen minutes.'T, � , , - The �Zotes Por Assessor were as follows:- . . . N. Fesse�e�, Forty (40 ) , , Horace B. Davis Two (2.) , . , N. Fessenden was declared elected. � � . � Voted:- "To choose three Field, Drivers.'" - . G. �,�F, Nichols Morgan O*ffi�ien , . . , were chosen Field IIrivers . . Voted:-, "To choose ane Fence 1Tiewer. 'Nalter tiVellington was chosen Fence �Tiewer. drt. 3. Poted:- ^To take up. the Selectmen!s estimate of appropriatiotts in regular order." The estimate of appropriations as presented by the Selectmen was then taken up and the follaw- ing appropriations voted:- _ , For Discount on prompt payment of taxes 3000.00 . � . . . F`or Abatemen�s by the 6ssessors , 500.00 1872. . . 262 Brot. up . 3500.00 For Interest on Town Debt, 4200. �' Contingent Grant. 3000. " State Aid , 450. " Assessors Services 300. " Collector and Treasurer 300. " School Committee Services , , 280. " Town Clerj� Do 80. '* Sexton Do 80. " Constable Do 75. " Fire Department 300. Voted:- "To appropriate two thousand dollars to- wards the reduction of the town debt the ensuing ye ar. Art. 4. Voted:- ".To accept the List of Jurors pre- sented by the Selectmen." Art. 5. Voted:- "To adopt the seventh and eighth Sections of Chapter forty-five of the General Stet- utes oP this C:nmmonwealth relative to side�¢alks.n - Voted:- "That the Town appropriate one thoussnd dollars for the construction and repair of sidewalks, to be egpended the: ensuing year, under the direction oP the 5eleotmen, Provided, that in every case where any expenditure is made upon a*yy portion of sidewalk, one ha1P of said expenditure be assessed upon the abuttor or abuttors.^ � _ . _ .... . Art. 6. Voted:- `°Thst the Trustees of the Cary Library together with the Executive Co�unittee of thE Lexington Alionument 2.sso�iation for the time being be, aitd hereby are constituted a Ntemorigl Hal1 Board, whose duty it shall be:: to solicit aaid receive con�ributions 6f money Por the purpose oP co�mpleting the Memor�al Hall, by filling 263. , 1872. the vacent niches with appropriate statues, ; and that they report to the '�o�vn Prom time ta time such recommendations of action as they see fit. Lind that when the two vacant niches in the I�emorial Hall are occupied, it shall be by the statues of Tohn Hancock and Samuel Adams and by no others." Art. 7. Poted:- "To paas over the Article." Art. 8. Voted:- "To appropriate thirty-five dol- lars for ringing the Church bell at each villagE the ensuing year." Art. 9. Voted:- "To appropriate a sum not to ex- Ceed two hundred doll�rs Por repairing the Iiancock Engina House-, the same to be expended under the dir�ection oP the Seiectmen." Art. 10.-11-Voted:- 'TTo accept the reports oP the Selectmen relAtive t�a the s�le of a portion � of the High School Lot, aad relative to the pur- chase of a lat adjoining the Poor Farm, o�xned by M2�. H. B. Davis. ' and that the recommendations � contained in said reports be adopted." Art. 12. No cwimittees reparted and the N:oderator declared the meeting dissolved. A true Record, Attest � Leonard G. Habcock Town Clerk. 1872 264 Warrant for a Town Meeting, Tuesday May 7th, 1872 To Eli Simonds, Const�ble of Lexington. Greeting:- - In 13� e name of the" Coffimonwealth of Massachusetts y�u are hereby required to notify and warn the Inh�bitants of the Towra af 7.e�d ngton qualified hy law to vote in Town aPfairs to meet at the Town Hall on Tuesday the seventh day of May next at half past one oTclock P.I�. to act on the following Articles. Via:- �lrt. 1. To choose a Moderator. Art. 2. To see what aetion the Town v�ill take re]ative to Section 3 of �hapter 334 of the General Iaws and Resolves passed. by the Legisla- ture o£ Massaohusetts during the session oP 1871, entitled "�.n Act in addition to An Act concerning the Nlaruifacture and Sale oP Intoxicating Lic}uors. Art. 3. To see� v�hat action the Town will take in relation to grading the High School Lot , ; or act in a�y manner in relation to the improvement of said lot and to gTant money Por the. same . �'t�. 4. �o see� wJ�ag ac�iq�ipT6vi��w�i'���r�ntake re tive o wi en n an Street, in accordanee �ith the alterations made bg the Countg Commiss�onars; or act. in any manner in relation thereto. Art. 5. To see if the Town wi�l make an addition- al appropriation Por the pay, oP the Fire Department; or take attg aetion in relation to the subject. Art. 6. To hear reports oP any Committees 265. . 1872. � who may be ready to report, and act thereon. � Hereof fail not, and make return of this Vdarrant and your doings therean to Lhe Town Clerk on or before the time of said meeting. Givett under, our �.ands at Lezington this , twenty-fourth day of April b. D., on,e tt3�ouseand eight hundred and seventy-two. Signed 7as. F:. Simonds ) Selectmen B. C., �hitcher ) oP C. M. Parker ) Legix�gton Lexington, gpril 27th 1872. Pu�suant to the within warrant I l�x�ve notified the Inhabitants oP-the. Town of I,ex- ington therein described to meet at the time and place, and fox tl�e purposes within mentioned. Signed , Eli $imqnd�, . ConStable oP I,exington. A true Cogy oP 4Yarrant. . , , Attest I�onard G. Bathcack Touvn Clerk. 1872. 266. Pursuant to the foregoing �idarrant the Town met as tl�rein called and passed the following votes:- � grt. 1. James Gould was chosen Nioderator and sworn by the C�erk to a faithPul discharge of the duties of the Moderator. Art. 2. In answer to the question:- 'Shall the Manufacture and sale of Ale, Porter, Strong Beer or Lager Beer be allowed in the Towu oP Lexington?.'= Tne Town voted "Yes." Art. 3. Voted:- "`Po appropriate Pour hundred dollars �p be eapended.:'.under the, di�ection of Selectmen'-in fencing, grading and improving the High School Lot .'t , Lirt. 4. Voted:- "That the whole sub�ect oP � building the ro�d be referred to the Selectmen with power to let out or build the same as in . their j�dgment would be Yor the best interest oP the Town; and that the sum of two thousa� Yive hundred dollars be, and hereby, is appro- , priated Por that purpose." . Art. 5. Voted:- "That the s� oP ten dollars Por each member of the Fire Depgrtment, accor- ding to the enrolment, be approp�ria�ted by the Town, to be paid each member the�eo� for his _ services the ensuing year; the sum of ten dol- lars to _be inclusive of the poll tax." Voted:- "That each engine compax�p be allowed not to eaceed forty members." Art.� 6. �oted:- "To rePer the report oY the Highuaay Surveyors relative to improvments 267 1872. on lVlaple and VValthffi[n Streets to the Noveciber Sdeeting.", � There being no other business before the Town, the Moderator declared the meeting dissolved. , A� true Record, Attest. Ze�nard G. Babacock. Town Clerk. 1872. 268 �Varrant for a Town Meeting, Aug. 5th 1872. ` To Oliver V�. Kendall, Constable of Lexington, a Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notiPy and warn the Inhabitants oY the Town of Lexington, qualified bp law to vote in Tovun afPairs, to assemble at tfle Town Hall on Monday the fiftn day oP August neat ,at two o'clock P.M. to act on the £ollowing Articles, viz : Art. l. - To choose a I�oderato�. , Art. 2. - To chaose a Treasurer and Collector of Taxes, and to fill a�y vacancies that m�y exist in ar�y Town OPfices. Art. 3. - Ta hear the Report of the Committee chosen to consider and re�ort upon the Sewerage and Drainage, in diPPerent parts of tY� Town, and to adopt such measures as they may deem expedient ' to dispose oY the recommendations of the Committee and iP necessary proYide means to carry out the same. Art. 4. = To see what action the Town will take - relative to the �manner in which the 11�Iiddlesex Central Railroad shall cross FIancock Street. Art. 5. - To see if the Town aeill continue to alloau tne Comraon to be used as a Pield for play- ing Sall. Art. 6. - To see what action, if aRy, the Town , will take relative to the laying out of a new � Street from the foot of Muzzep Street to the 269. 1872 place foimerly owned by vValter Wellington to unite with Spring Street ; also, relative to inproving and wideni.na certaiYi portions oP Hancock and �dams Streets, all of which are no�x before the County Commissioners. Art. 7. - To see iP the Town wi1L authorize the sinking oP a uJell on Main Street, at the inter- section of the same by Pleasant Street, and cause a Pump and Trough to be provided fmr the acco�mo- dation oP Travellers, or act in any manner in relation to Puhlic �datering Places. HereoP Pai_1 not and make return of this �Varrant , and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the time o£ said �eeting. Given under our hands at Lexington this fifteenth day oP July, �1. D. One thousand Eight hundred and seventy-two. Signed Charles Hudson ) Selectmen R. W. Reed ) of L. S. Pierce ) Leaington ° Lexington, July 29th 1872. Pursuant to the within VJarrant I have noti- Pied the Inhabitants of Lesington to meet at the time acd place , and for the purposes ovith- in mentioned by leaving an attested copy to • every family. Signed Oliver �Y. Kendall, • ConsCable of Leaittgton � 1872. 270. Pursuant the foregoing SVarrant the Tocvn met as therein called and passed the following YOt6S:- r1rt. 1. James Gould was chos2n Moderator and sworn by the Clerk to perform the duties of lUIoderator. art. 2. The Town voted to �ccept the £ollow ing Preamble and Resolution. � GVhereas. • • By the records of the Town Clerk it appears that at �he 6nnual Town I�;eeting held 4th. l�2arch last, certain Town Of£icers were de- clared chosen, and that said �,eting was adjourned to llth l�iarch, at which, it also appears that oer- � tain other persons were de¢lared elected to the same offices, thereby praviding for the Town two distinct sets of incumbents to fill the same ofPices. It is also evident and well knocvn the respective Town OfPicers deelared chosen on the 4ti� day of March were duly qualiPied, and at once entered upon their res�ective duties, and con�inued to oceupy their respective positions to �hich they were de- � clared chosen, and to diseharge the duties oP their respective offices, until the quite recent decision oP the Sustices of our �upreme 7udicial - Court, to v�it, vacating the doings and proceedin�s oP the meeting of the 4th day oP Masch. Thereupon the Town officers decZared chosen at the ad�ou.rned meeting, to evit, the llth day of Ma�ch assume by virtue oP the aforesaid Judieial Decision, that they are the legally elected Town Officers, and have entered upon the df.scharge oP duties as such, the prQpriety and legality of which is by implica- tion o�. 271� 1872. Now therePore, for the purpose o� c�nducting the public a£fairs oY the To�n without involving doubt and uncertainty; and to avoid further litigation and expense to the Town, Be it Resolved - , That it is the expres- sion of the sense of this meet,in� that all the Town ofPicers da¢la,red chosen on the 4th,and llth, days oP March �ast, resign their respective offices, and that the proper legal measures be instituted as soon as possible to notify and warn the inhebitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified by law to vote in Town afPairs to assembZe and choose Town OPficers for the year 1872." Voted ."That the foregoing Preamble and Resolutions be placed upon the Record." �Ioted "To indePinitely pospone the meeting." The Moderator deelared the meeting indefinitely postponed. A true Record Attest . . Leonard G. Babcock . Town Clerk , 1872 272 , . Notifi�tion for a Town P2eeting, August 21st, 1872. To Oliver 4�I. Kendall, Constable oY Lexington, Greeting:- I the name oP the Commonvaealth oP Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, q�alified by law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at the Town Hall on 'dlednesday, the twenty- first day of �lu�ust inst , at half past three o`clock P.M. to act on the follovaing Articles, viz:i, Art. 1. To choose a Moderator. Art. 2. To choose a Town Treasurer. and Collector - of Taxes, and to fill any vacancies that ma� exist in a�y Town Offices. � Art. 3. To hear the Report oP the Committee chosen to consider and report upon the Sewerage and Drain- age in different parts of the Town and to adopt such measures as they m�y deem expedient. to dispose of the recommendations of tha Committee, and if necessary; provide means to carry out the same. Art. .4. To see vrhat action the Town will take relative to the nanner in which the 1�4iddlesex Central Rail Road shall eross �ancock St. Art. 5. To see if the Town will continue to allov� the Common to be used as a field for playing Hall. 273. 1872. Art. 6. To see what action, if any the Town wi11 take relative to the laying out of a new �5treet, Yrom the foot of Muzzey Street to the place f.ormer- ly owned by Gdalter 4`Jellington, to unite with Spring Street ; a�sp relative to improving and widening _ . certain portio.ns of Hancock and Adans Streets, all of' which are now before the County Commissioners. A.rt. 7. To see iP the Town will authorize the sink- ing oP a well on Nfain Street, st the intersection of the same by Fleasant Street, and cause a Pump and Trough to he provided for the accammodation oP travellers, or aet in any manner relative to Public uVatering Places. The great importance of some oP the subjects � embraced in the above �tarxant, and the aecessity of an early consideration of them induce the Selectmen, as guardians of the putalic weal, one more to invite '. , the atteation of their fellow citizens to them, trusting that the sober second thought will lead to action both reputable to the eharacter, and produc- tive of the interest of the Towu. HereoP fail not, and make return of this Warrant and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, • on or bePore the time of said meeting. Given .under our hands at Lexington this sixth day of August, One thontisand eight hundred and seventy-two. Signed Charles Hudson ) Selectmen R. v�f. Reed ) oP L. S. Pierce ) Lexington 1872. 274. � Lexington, Aug. 14th, 1872. Pursuant to� the within �Farrant I have notiPied the inhabitan�s of the Town oP Lexington to neet at the time and place, and for tihe purposes within mentioned by leaving an attested copy to families. Signed Oliver 4V. Kendall, Constable of Leaington Pursuant to the foregoing udarrant the Town met as therein called and proceeded to take the following action:- . Art. 1. I. N. Damon was chosen, Moderator and sworn by the Town Clerk to pe�form the duties oY Moderator. &rt. 2. The To�¢n voted as Pollpws;- Whereas - Doubts had arisen whether the Officers elected at the Annual Meeting on the 4th of Mareh lsst, or , the officers elected at the adfournmant oP said . meeting on the llth, of b+Tarch, were the legally constituted officers oP the �Pown; and the question had been submitted to the JusticEs of the Supreme Judieial Court on a statement oP Yacts agreed upon . by the perties; and Whereas - The said Justices have decided that the departure from the provisions of, the Statute at . the Pirst meeting i�as rightfully corrected at the adjournment ; and that the Inhebitants of the Town by proceeding accordittg to the requirements of the Statute in that respect, and legally electing' Town OPficers, did nat oaly vacate all the _ _. _ 275 1872 elec,tions made at the first meeting, but virtually filled those offices by the elections of the second daY, Nova, therefore, the question being settled by the Supreme Court, the good law-abiding citizens of Lexington ovae it to their o�rn reputation, and the character of the place to yield a cheerful acq�iescence in the decision of the Gourt, and not bring reproach upon our time-honored tosn by any Pactious opposition to the highest authority in. the Commontivealth. Therefore - Voted - "That we proceefl to the election of a Treasurer and Collec- , or to fill a vacancy, created, not by aru* defect in the election, but by an omission to qualify under . said election."' Poted - �TTo keep the polls open ten minutes for the choice af Treasurer and Callector oi Taxes The go11 being closed at the expiration of ten minutes, the ballots were counted and the I�oderator declared L. �. Babcock eZected Town Treas- urer and Collector. Voted - '*To choose three Field Drivers" Sworn aiug. 27tk� . � Geo. u�f. Nichols � F. E. Wetherell 3. D. Bacon � vvere deelared chosen Voted - "To choose tl�see Fence Viewers" Sworn Aug. 26th �larren Duren , M. H. Merrism Sworn Aug. Joshua Hobart . were declared chosen 1872 276. Art. 3. Voted - ^To hear the Report oP the Com- mittee on Draina�e." Voted - "That we act on .the drainage of the three localities mentioned in the report first and separately.'• Voted - ^To recox�sider the last vote.�` Voted - "That the Report of the Committee be accepted, and that so much of it as relates to draina�e on Nfain and Monument Streets be referred to the Cocumittee with authority to carry the. same into execution, by contract or otherwise; as they may deem for t�ie interest o�' the Town; and ti� t the Treasurer be requested under the direction of the Selectmen, to borrow such a sum of mone,y, not eg- cesding on thousand dollars, as may be necessary to meet the expense of the drainage improvments.'� Voted - , "That so much of the report as relates to a Comm:on Sewer on Main Street be placed on file, and that � Committee oY three, to consist of !the Committee on Drainage be appointed to con- fer with the abuttors, and ascertain what portion of the ex�ense they will bear, with the privilflge oP uniting a private drsfn w3th the privilege oP uniting a pri�rate drain with the Common Sewer, and report at a future meeting." Voted - "That the Selectmen be directed to petition the Legis2ature for authority to drain the meadows on each side of the village _ by la�wering the channel of Vine Brook, and the stream emptying into the Shawsheen, agreeably to the Report oP the Gomraittee." 277 1872. VOt.ed "TO t�a}Se up Artiele 6.^ Voted:- "That the Voted ' "To indePinitely postpone the financial Article" year oP the Town Voted - `tTo take up 8sticle 4.^ be closed on the �rt. 4. Voted - "That four citizens be appoint- first oP ed by this meeting,who, with the Selectmen, sha11 February, constitute a Com�ittee with Yull gowers to bring and that the matter bePore the proper tribunal fo-r investi- the re-: gation, or .to act in a�p manner in relstion there- ports of to, they may deem best fcs the interests of the the sever-Town, al ofPiceis A.nd the SelectMen are herebg instructed to of the Tov¢t$ke such official action as .may be necessary Yor be ffiade toseid investigation, and to draw upon the Treasurer that date of the Town Por, su£Picient f'unds to pay all nec- and circu-essary expettses incuz�red by them or said Co�ittee." lated with the War- In accordance with the foregoing vote rant Por 1, 3. Rayner, LI. H. Merriam, R. D. Blinn and the March George Sparhawk were ehosen to constitute, with Meeting." the Selectmen, a, Committee. Poted. "To take up Artiele 2': grt. 7. Voted - "That the Selectmen. be author- ized to sink a well, and place a pvmp and trough at the same, at the intersection of Main Strest by Pleasant Street.^ Voted - "To take up Article 5." Art. 5. Voted - "To indefinitely postpone the �lrticle." - > � . There being no further bus- iness 1872. 278 before the Town the Moderator declared the meet- ing dissolved. 6, true Record Attest Leonard G. Babcock, Town Clerk 279. 1872. �7arrant PQr a Town It�eeting, November 5th 1872 , To Oliver VJ. Kendall, Constable oP Lexington, -Greeting:- In the name oY �he Commonvrealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Zexington, qualified by law to vote for State , Caunty and District OfPicers, to assemble at the Town Hall on Tuesday the PiPth day of Nov- ember next, at one oTclock P.Il�i. , at which time the poll� will be opened to reeeive ballots for the Pollowing officers, viz:- For Governor, Lieut. Governor, Secretary, Treasurer and Receiver General, Auditor, 'and 'gttorney Genl. of the Commonwealth. For Electors for President and Vice President of the United States. ° ' For a Member of Congress for the fifth Congress- ional District. For Counoilior for the Sixth Councillor District Senator Por the Sixth Senatorial District , and far a Representative to the General Court for Represent- ative District No. 21. , and such ather County and I?istrict OfPicers as the law requires. The S'ele"etmen will receive the votes for the above named Officers all on one ba3lot. The Poll shall be kept open until Pour o'clock P.Il4. and as much longer (but not after sunsetjas a majority of voters present m�y decide. 1872. 280. You are also required to notify and warn the in- habitants afor'esaid to assemble at the 1^own Hall on the same day at thx�ee o'clock P.M. to act on the Pollowing Articles viz:- Art. 1. To ch`oose a ll�Toderator. 3rt. 2. To see v¢hat action the Town will take in aid of the Petition' to" the Legislature Por author- ity to supply the inhabitants of the Town with pure water from zTine Brook. Art. �. To see iP the Town will set up and main- tain one or more Street I.amps on or near their public property on the Mai n Street, viz:- a� the corners of the Common, at the Town Hall, the High ` School House and the Adaris School House. Art. 4. To see if the Town will reimburse the present Board of Selectmen, ss they }B ve the past, £or the egpensas they have incurred in the suits to ascertain the validaty of tne election of Town Officers in March last. ' Art. 5." - To see if the Town wi11 authorize the Selectmen to procure a G as I�achine f or the Town 13aZ1 or act in any manner in relation thereto. Art. 6. To see what action, iP avy, the Tow� will take relative to the discount on the pronpt payment of taxes, or aet in any manner in rela- tion to the subject. Art. 7. To see if the Town will adopt a�y rule relative to the mode of choosing Town Officers, Art. 8. To see if the Town u�ill revise 281 1872. the Rules and Regulations relative to the govern- ing of Tov�n Meetings. Art. 9. To see if the Town will ineur the ex- pense, or ar�y part thereaf, of widening and straightening Main Street from the uVoburn Street to the Hay, Scales, or act in as�y manner in rela- tion thereto. Art. T0. To s�e iP the Town will choose a Hoard � of Auditors to audit the accounts of the Town for the current year. � Art. 11. To see what method the Town will adopt to collect the sums charged to the ebuttors in cases where the Sid ewalks have been made or re- paired against their premises. Art. 12. To hesr Aeports of Committees and act thereon. The Selectmen will be in. session at the Town Hall on Morid'ay the fotu� th da,y of November tiext from six to nine o'clock P.M. atxl on the day of election froia 12. M. to 1 o'clock P.112. to rs4ise the List oP Voters and no ne�v case requir- ing investigation will be entertained after the Polls are opened. Hereo�' fail not,and make return oY this VVarrant and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk � on cos before the time of ineeting. 1872. 282 Giv'en under our hands at Lexington this nine- teenth day of October A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. Charles Hudson ) Selectmen R. W. Reed ) ' oP L. S. Pierce ) Lexington The Selec'tmen will hold their semi-monthly meetings for the transaction oP business on the seaond and fourth Tuesd�ys oP ea'ch �onth from sia to nine o'clock P.M. � - ° Lexington, October 27th 1872. Pursuant to the within tiYarrant I have not- ified the Inhabitants of the Towh of Lexington � herein described, to meet at the time and plece, and for the purposes uvithin mentioned, by leav- ing an attested copy to the families. Oliver tiV. Kendall, Constable° o£ Lexington ' A true Copy oP the VJarrant Attest � Leonard G. Bab-eock. Town Clerk 283 1872. ' In conformity with the foregoing Warrant the Town met and at one orclocls the meeting was called to order by the Town CZerk and the Polls opened for the choice of State, County and District off- icers. ' At half past three o!clock the meeting was organized Por the transaction of Town business and the following �ction teken on the severel Artieles contained in the TPrarrant:- Art. 1. F.� E. Wetherell was chosen Moderator and sworn by the Tov¢n Clerk to impartially per- form the duties of Ivloderator. Art. 2. "Voted that the Town prefer a Petition to the Legislature in aid oY the Petition oP sundry eitizens oP Lexington, praying that they � may be authorized to take the waters of Vine Brook to supply our fami�ies with pure water for domestic purposes, and that they use all proper means to prevent the water being diverted from its natursl channel .for a�y other or foreign purpose ; a�d that a Committee of five, to be nomineted bp the Chair, be appointed to carry the° a�ove into ePfect.n Howland Holmes, PQ. H. Merriam � F. F. Raymond E3�mmon Reed Gershom Swan were chosen such Committee 6rt. 3. "Voted that Street Lamps, to be main- tained by the To�n, be placed, one at each corner of the Common, two in Pront of the Tov�n Ha'l1, one in Pront oY the High School House and one at the Adams School 'House." 1872. 28a. Art. 4. "Voted that the `Selectmen be authorized to draw from the Treasury such a sum as will re- imburse -them the sums they are required to pay Yor costs and Court charges and cauncil fees in the suit`s brought to decide the validity of the eleotion of Town Officers in 1lllarch last; pro- vided that the' sum so paid for council Pees shall:: no't: exceed the amount paid by the Pirst Hoard of Selectmen Por the council employed by them." ` �he Town then "Qoted that the Polls be kept open until sunset for the choice of State, ' County and District Officess." Art. 5. "Yoted that the subject be referred to a Committoe of three to investigate and report at the next meeting." James Gould Charles Hudson Loring S. Pierce were c2iosen such C�mittee Art. 6. "Voted to Iay the Article on the table.'* Art. 7. "Voted that at the nex`t annual meeting for the election of Town OFficers all oPficers that are required to be vot'ed Por by ballot be voted for on one ticket, except DiIoderator, and that the Polls be kept open until Pour o'clock P.M.`� Art. 8. "Poted thei, t�e whole sub� ct of the Town By-Laws be referred to a 'Committee of three to be chosen by nomination at large, who shall take into consideration the matter and report in print at the next meeting." 285 1872. A. E. Scott Charles Hudson " L. G. Babcock were ehosen `such Committee �'t• 9• `"Poted that the whole Article be laid upon the table." Art. 10. �'R'oted that a Board of buditors, to be limited to two, bechosen to audit the accounts oP the current year." � Charles Nunn ` L. A. Saville " were chosen Auditors. 6rt. 11. "Voted thet in all cases where the Selectmen have constructed or repaired Side-walks against the premises oP individuals or societies, they shall make out a list of the cost oP making or repairing the same , and of the moiety chargable to the abuttors against whose premises the improv- ments have been made, and pass the same over to tY� Town Treasurer, who shall send the bills to the abuttors, so charged, reques'tin'g imnediate payment ; and iP an,y bf the said bills shall re- main umpaid on the` first day oP gpril, the Treas-. urer shall report the names oP all` such delinquents, together with the swn chargable to eaeh, to the Assessors, who sHall append such sum to the tax , oY the said delinquent, and the sum so appended shall be collected with the other taxes; pro- vided however, that no allowance or discount shall be made for prompt payment' as in ease oP the other taxes. The Treasurer shall receive a reasonable compensation for his services to be determined by the Selectmen.'* 1872. 286. �rt. 12. "Voted to lay the A�ticle on the table." ' "Voted to adjourn the_ meeting for the transaction of Town business without day. " The PRoderator declased the meeting adjour- ned without day. At sun down the votes Yor State, County and District office�s �ere counted and the Polls closed, and the Chairman oP the Board of Select- men declared the fo�lowing votes as the result of the balloting :- For Presidential Electors. �1t I.arge Por Grant & Wilson Ticket ' Ebenezer R. Hoar of Concord, Taro' huhdred & twenty ( 220 ) . John M. Forbes oP Iviilton , '" " " " Districts. ' ' 1 4Villiam T. Davis oY Plymouth " 'T 2 Harrison Tweed of Taunton " "" 3 �].lvan Simonds of Boston " `� 4 Edward H. Dunn of Boston " „ 5 �lmos F. Breed oP Lynn " " 6 Luther Day of Haverhill " " 7 John C . Hoadle,y of Iavarenee ' ' �' " 8 �laron C. To7ahe�v of P�Iilford - " " 9 S�tephen Salisbury of Norcester " " 10 Levi Stockbridge of Amherst " " 11 Henry �7exander 7r. of Springfield " " �� Iarge, For Greeley 8c Hrovrn Ticket. Chester 'dV. Chapin of Springfield, Seventy-nine (79 ) Sosiah G. Abbott oP` Boston, " " Districts:- 1< George Delano of Ne�v Bedford " 2 Jarnes E. Carpenter oP Foxboro " 3 Charles A. B. Shepard oP Boston " 4 John Everdean of Chelsea ' " " 287 1872. 5 Richard Frothingham oY Charlestown, Seventy-nine (79 ) ' 6 John �t Bassett of Salem, "' 7 vJilliam H. Clemence of Lowell, " 8 Henry 'uV. Muzzey of Cambridge, " 9 Isaac Davis of uJorcester " 10 C . .H. B. Snow oY Fitchburg, " 11 Charles '+V. K7sox of Chester, " For Governor :- VJilliam B. �iVashourn of Greenfield, Two hundred and � twenty three (223 ) Francis uT. Bird of �ldalpole , L+'i$h�r (80 ) Josiah G. Ahbott of Boston, Ona { 1 ) I,ieutenant Governor, Thomas Talbot oP Billerica, Two hundred & t�Renty-three ( 223 ) UJilliam L. Smith oY Springfield, Eighty-one (81. ) Secretary oP State. Oliver SJarner of Northamptean, Two hundred & twenty-three ( 223 ) George H. Munroe of Boston, Eighty-one (8I ) Treasurer and Receiver Genersl, Chas. Adams Jr. oP Dlorth Brookfield, Two hundred & twenty- three (223) Levi Heytivood of Gardner, Eighty-one (81 ) Auditor, Charles Endicott of Cam�ton, Two hundred & tyvent,.-three , (223 ) _ PatricY 8 Collins of Boston, Ei�,ht-one (81 ) Attorney �enera3, Charles R. i rain Qf Boston, Two hundre@ & twenty-four ( 224 ) � `u�sldo Golburn of Dedham. Eighty (80 ) Representative to Cbngress , Fifth District. Daniel �V. Gooch of Melrose, Two hundred & nineteen (219 ) NathanieZ P. Banks of Waltham, Eighty-seven (87 ) 1872. 288. County Commissioner, I.eonard Huntress of Tewkburp, Two hundred & twentp-three (223 ) Asa I3ildreth of �testford, Eighty-one (81 ) ' Councillor, 6th Dis'trict. Sonathan B. 4Pinn of �i�tohurn, Two hundred & twenty-four ( 224 ) Elizier tidright of DIIedford, Eighty (SO ) Senator, 6th P/liddlesex District. Carroll D. Vdright of Reading, Two hundred & twenty-three (223 ) James Oliver of 'v9akefield, Eighty-two (82 ) Reprasent8tive to General Court for 21st. Middlesex District:- Elijah Marion oP Burlington;` Tv�o hundred & Seven (207. ) N. Cutler of Bedford, I4inety-�our (94 ) Sos. F. Si.monds of Lexington, Three (3. ) A. E. Scott " " ' Two (2. ) ' C. C. Goodwin " Two (2. ) The Election Blanks were , all signed and seal'd in the peasence of the meeting, aPter "which the Chairman of ' the Board of Selectmen declared the meeting dissolved. A true Record • � Attest Leonard G. Babcock, Town Clerk. 289 � 1872, Bedford, Mass. Nov. 6th 1872. The Towri Clerks af the� To�ns of Lexington, Bed- ford, Carlisle and Burlington, comprising the 21st. Niiddlesea Representative District, met at theTown Hall in BedYord,at 12 1Q. o'cloek, and found that the Pollowing named gentlemen had received votes Eor Rep- resentative to the Gener�l Court as folloAs.- ton Lexington,Bedford,Carlisle,Burling- �lijan ��Iarion oP Burlington, 207 90 73 49 N. C . Cutler of Bed£ord, � 94 47 31 52 7oseph F. Simonds of Leaington`, 3 A. E. Scott " "' 2 C . C. Goodwin " " 2 'adhole nu�¢ber oP votes - six hundred & fifty (650 ) �Vhole number Por Elijah T�4arion Foiir hundred & nineteen(41'� " " " �11 otners Two hundred & thirty-one(231 NTajority fo� Elijah n4arion, One hundred & Eighty-eight 188 A true Record ° Bttest Leonard G. Babcock, To�vn Clerk of Legington. ` 1873 290 �Jarrant for a To�n PSeeting, Monday 1�4arch 3rd, 1873. To Oliver Pd. Kendall, ' Constable oY Lexington, _ ` Greeting, In the name of the Commonwealtn oP Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and vJarn the Inhabitants of Lexington, ' qualified hy 1aw to vote in To�¢n affairs, to assemble at the Town Hall on Monday, the third day of ll4arch next; at one o'clock P.M. to act on the following �ticles, viz:- Art. 1. To choose a Malerator. Art. 2. To choose Town Officers for the ensuing year, including one School Committee man Por three years. ' The Pol2s wil� be opened immediately after the meeti ng is organized, and' �uill be kept open until four o'clock, P.M. for the choice of Town Clerk. S�lectmen, �ssessors, Treasurer and Co7�iect- � or, School Committee atnd Constables, and such other officers as the Town matg direct to be c�osen by ballot. � Art. 3.` To provide for the rep&irs of the Highways ' the ensuin� yaar, and to grant money for the same. Art. 4. To provide for the support oz the Poor the ensuing year, and to grant money Yor the same. Art. 5. To provide for the the suppor� of the Public Scheols the ensuing year, ineluding thefr several gredes;, and to �ant money for the same. 291. I873. $rt. 6. To choose a Committee=man for three years, to fill a vacancy in the Committe`e having char�e of the Cemeteriss. � Art. 7. To see if the Town will devote the rent of the apartments of the Town �iall building to the procuring of Statues for the D�Iemorial Hall. Ar't. 8. ` To see iP the Town wiTl accept and support the Street ?�mps tendered to them by the citizens vaho have purchased the same. Art. 9. To see� if the T¢wn will devote the net proceeds of the Dog Licenses to the increase of the Cary Library. Art. 10. To see if the Town will furnish a Cook- irig amd Dining Room in the attic or basement � stories of the Town Hall building or act in sny manner in relation thereto. Art. ll. To see if the Town will accept the Act of the Legislature, authorizing the draining of the ➢Zeadows near the Centre Village. Art. 12. To see ;what action the Town wi11 t�e � relative to the regort of the Committee on the subject of introducing Ge.s into the Town Hall Building. Art. 13. To see if the Town wi11 appropriate a�y sum, not exceeding twenty-five cents far each rateable poll; to encourage the planting of Shada Trees ugon the Public Squares and , Highways. " 1873 292 Art. 14. Ta� see if the Town wi�ll adopt the ' improvments or addition to the Hancock School House, and the other Sehool Houses in Town, as recommended by the School Committee , and grant money for the same. Art. 15. To see if the Town will finish s wash-room, and build a shed at the Poor House, as recommended bp the Overseers of the Poor, and �ant money for the same. �rt. 16. To hear tha Report oP the Committee to w�om was referred the subject oP Town By-Laws �nd Rules fos regulating Town Meetings, and act upon the same. Art. 17. To see if the Town will require the Highway Surve�ors and Overseers of the Poor to make a Report early in the months of 7une, 3eptember and December oP each year, oontain- ing their expenditures, with the vouchers for the sa.me, to the Pirst of the said months res- pectively; and the School Committee a similar Report, in the month oP July in each year, show- ing their expenditures to the first of said month, to the Selectmen, who shall �examine tho same. Art. 18. To hear the Reports of any Boards or ` Committees who may be ready to report, and act thereon. Hereof �ail not, and make return of this �arrant, and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, on or before the time oP 'holding said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington, 293. 1873. this PiYteenth day of February, 6. D, one thousand eight hundred and sevent�-three.� � � Chasles Hudson ) Selectmen R. �9. Reed ) of L. S. Pierce ° )� Lexington. A true Copy of Warrant. Attest Leon^ard G. Babcock Town Clerk. In purs'uance of the above �arrant the Town met as therein called, and passed the Pollowing Yotes:- � • � grt�. 1. The meeting vuas called to order by the Town Glerk and after the reading of the 1Yarrant the polls were opened Yor choic� oP Moderator. The Town Voted "To keep the� golls open for the choice of Moderator five minutes.t' Voted "To ext-end �the time five minutes" Voted 10To ext2nd three time three minutes.'� The whole number of ballots, for Mod- erator was one hundred and thirty-four (134 ). Frank E. V"Jetherell received sixty-seven (67 ) snd Henry Jewett received Siaty-seven • (67 ). The ballot for Moderator being a tie and no bfoderator chosen, the meeting �oted:- "To proceed to choose a I�oderator." , Voted "To keep the polls open for the � ' 1873 294 choice of Moderator twenty minu°tes.n � The whole number of ballots Por P�toderator was one hundred and eighty-three (183) Fr&nk E. Y�fetherell received niaety�six (96 ) and Henry Jewett received Eighty-seven (87 ). - Frank E. 4Yetherell was chosen h4oderator and sworn by the Town Clerk to fairly and impar- tially perform the duties of Moderator of the meeting. Art. 2. "Voted - that the offices oP Treasurer and Collector be united, and that� both be voted for on one ballot." � "'Voted that the oPfices oP Highway Sur- Qeyors and Overseers of the Poor be united, and that the candidates Por such office or offiees be voted for under the general designation of Highway Surveyors and Urerseers of the Poor.'T 'Rloted - thst we now proceed to ballot for Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector, three Selectmen, tks ee Assessors , three Highw�y Surveyors and Qverseers of the Poor, one School . Committee man for three years, two Constables and three Auditors, all on one balloto" A motion being made to proceed �with the business aP the meeting duririg the continu- ance oP the balloting for town OfEiceTs, a point oP order was raised that the Town •could not entertain two action on two Arti.cles at the same time. The i�Ioderstor rule,d that th•e meeting could pro;ceed with the business of the i;�arrant dur. ing the balloting for Town Officers, and this decision being appealed from, t;he Town "Voted r to sustain the Chair, and to proceed with the business of the meeting." 295 . 1873 "Voted - to take up Article 3." Art. 3. "Voted that Article 3 be laid on the table, and that Article 18 be taken up, " Art. 18. '�oted to, accept the Report oP t.he High- wey Surveyors." . , , '"Poted to lay Art. 18 .on .the tabZe.'" "Voted to take up Art. 3.`" Art. 3. "Vot,ed to appropriate Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars Por Repairs oP FSi�htivays the ensuing year, and that all bills now outstanding be paid Prom that amount." . Art. 4. "Voted to appropr.iate Nine Thousand Five hundred Dollars Por Su,pport of t,he Public Schools the ensuing year, including t.heir sev- eral grades, said stam to be expended Por tuition, fuel and care of school ro,oms." ^Voted to appropriate Three. Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-five Dollars for repairs and improvment of School Houses and F'urniture � the ensuing year." The above two votes under Art. 5, were passed as amendments to the i'ollow- ing vote. "V-oted - that the amount oP Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred and. Sixty�five Dol],ars be approgriated £or the support oP Schools, 8chool Houses, and Incidentals, to be expended by. the 1873 . 296. School Committee substantially as recomnended by , them;�in their Report. " . "Poted to take up Art.14." Art. 14. "Voted to indePinitely postgone the Article." "Voted to suspend the further business oP the meeting until. the ballpts for Town OfPicers are counted.'" , . The ballots Por Town Officers were counted the polls having closed,and the Moderator declared the result as follows: For TotRn Clerk:- Leonard G. Babcock, Two hundred and forty.-one (24g ) L. A. Saville, Tuao �2 ) The NIoderator declared Leonard G. Babcock ele cted Town Clerk for the ensuing year. For Selectmen- : � Sworn Mch.3d Loring s. Pierce, Two hundred and sixty-four (264 ) Sworn IVTch.3d Charles Hudson, One hundred and Pifty-two (152 ) Sworn Mch.4 _ B. C, vlhitcher, One hundred and Porty - (140 ) 7. F. Simonds, One hundred and nineteen (119 � dohn P. Reed, Ninety ( 90 ) L. !i. Saville, Three . (3 ) R. utT. Reed, Two (2) 'Nalter �GJellington - One (1 ) B. T. Batcheller, One fl ) The I�Zoderatar declared Loring S. Pierce, Charles Hudson and B. C. �ahitcher elected Salectmen for the ensuing year. 297 1873 For Assessors- : Sworn P�Ich,lOth NCalter u�ellington, Two hundred and fortyeignt (248) S�vorn Mch.Zlth Joseph F. Simonds, Two hundred and fortp-two (242 ) Sworn Mch. 5th L. A. Saville, One ,hundred and sixty-eight {168 ) Nathen Fessenden, Eighty ( 80 ) . I. N. Damon, Two ( 2) The Moderator declared �Jalter Wellin�ton, Joseph F. Simonds and L. A. Saville elected Assess- oxs for the ettsuing year. . Sworn Il�ch.4 For Hightivay Surveyors:- Sworn Mch.4 John P. Reed T.wo hundred and thirty-Pour - . (234 ) Sworn Mch.4 7oshu8, Hohart, Two hundred and twelve (212) Eli SYmonds, One hundred and thirty. (130 ) I. N. Damon, FiPty-nine (59 ) - N. L.Bryant, AIineteen (19 ) � I3arrison Pierce, One (1 ) UJright S�ith, One (1) D. Dow, One (1 ) F. Alderman, One (1 ) Geo. Thurston, One (1 ) The Moderator declared 7ohn P. Read, J'oshue Hobart and Eli Simonds elected Surveyor of Highways for the ensuing year. , For Overseers of the -Poor:- Sworn P�fch. 4 John B. Reed, Two hundred and thirty-six ( 236 ) Sworn i�ch. 4, Joshua Hobaat, Tuvo hundred and twenty-three ( 223 ) Sworn ?�Zch. 4 Eli Simonds, One hundred and for,ty-two (142 ) I. N. Damon, Sixty-seven ( 67 ) . N. L. Bryant, Sixteen ( 16 ) Geo. Thurston, One ( 1) The I�Soderetor declared John P. Reed, Joshua Hobart and Eli Simonds elected Overseers of the Poor for the ensuing year. 1873 . . 298 P'or Treasurer and Collector- : Leonard G. Bahcock, Qne hundred and Eighty-one (181) L. A. Saville, Thirty-1'our ( 34 ) I. N. Damon, Three (3) The Moderator declared Leonard G, Babcock ele:cted Treasurer and Collector for the ensuing year. , For School Com�ittee Man for three years -. C. r1. 'r`Jelli�ton - One hundred and fifty-three (153) Rev. H. BVestcott - Eight ( 8) The Moderator declared C. A. '�Vellington elected School Committee PQan for three years. Sworn Mch.4 For Con'stables-: Eli Simonds, Two hundred and six ( 206 ) Sworn Mch.4 Joshua Hobart, One hundred and Porty-aine (149 ) 0. 4V. Kendall, Thirt�-nine ( 39 ) F. Alderman, Thirty-one ( 31 ) John A� Russell Jr. One (1 } C. T. VVorthley, One (1 ) W. Duren, One (1 ) The �7.oderator .declared Eli Simonds and Joshua Hobart elected Const�bles for the ensuing year. < For Auditors:- L. A. Saville, One hundred and sixty-one (161) 0. P. Mills, One hundred and sixty (160 ) Frank E. Wetherell, One hundred and thirty-eight (138) Chas. Tidd, One ` ( 1 ) ` A. iV. Bryant, One. ( 1 ) F. A. Ballard, One ( 1 ) The P,Toderator declared L: A. Saville, Q, P, Mills and Frank E. Wetherell elected Auditors for the ensuing year. 299 1873. '�Toted - that when this � eting adjourn it be to one o'clock P.M. tomorrow, ;Vlarch 4th inst. ," "Voted - that the meeting do now adjourn." The Moderator declared the meeting adjourned to Tuesday, March 4th, at one o'clock P.M. � Tuesday, S�iarch 4ti� 1873. � The Tov�rn met in pursuance of the above adjourrnaent and proceeded to pass the follov�ing votes - . Art. 2. 4'Jas taken up and the Tov�n "Voted - to choose three Field Drivers.'� Sworn, Pdch.13 George H. Jackson - George `�!. Nichols - George A, Pierce were chosen Field Drivers "Voted to choose three Fence Viewers Dr. H. Holmes Hammon Reed N. L. Bryant �eere chosen Fence Viewers,� '�Voted - to choose one Surveyor of Lumber.`" 0. `7J. Kendall was chosen Survepor oP Lumber. "Voted that the Constables and School Committee be constituted Truant OPficers.'° � `°Poted - to refer the appoint�nent of the remaining Minor dfficers to the Selectmen." 1873 300 'TPoted - tha� the guditors ere hereby instruoted to audit the accounts' of' the Town immediately aPter the close of the fiscal year, $nd cause their Report to be printed so as to be circulated with the h4srrant Por the Annual �arch Meeting a�ything in the vote of 6ug. 14th 1872 to the contrary notwithstanding." grt. 6. Alonzo Goddard was chosen Por three years to fill a vacancy in the Committee having charge of the Cemeteries." ' ' Ar�. 7. "Poted not to appropria�e the rent oP the apastments of the To�n Hall Build3ng to the procuring o£ Statues Por the M�morial� Aall." Art. 8. "Voted - that the Town accept the ofYer of the Street Iamps which have been or may be purchased be certain citizens, which have been or may hereaPter be tendered to the Town, and hereby agree that they wi�l maintain and support them, and cause them to be arranged in the prin- cipal streets, so as best to promo�e �he public interest, but no lamp sY�all be �emoved Prom its present position without the consent oP the donor, and cause them to be lighted at all suitable times; and the Selectmen are hereby charged with the execution of this vote." Art. 9. "Voted - that the net sum arising from the licenses of dogs shall be devoted to the increase of the Casy Library; and the Selectmen are hereby directed to draw their order in behal£ of the Treasurer of said Library upon the Town Treasure� for the year 1872 and each fiscal year, for �he amount arising froII said licenses, remain- ing in his hands. Art. 10. "4'oted-to pass over the Article." 301 < 1873. Art. 11. "Voted - to pass over the Article.r' Art. 12. "Voted - to lay Article 12 on the table." "Voted to take up Article 18." "Voted to extend the time of the Committee having under consideration the subject of lighting the Toivn Hall Bt�ilding with gas." "Poted �o lay A.rticle• 18 on the table.`� nVoted to take up Article 12." Art. 12. "Voted to postpone Article 12 to the next meeting." Art. 13. "Voted to lay r�rticle 13 on the table." Art. 15. "Voted-to rePer the �vhole matter to the present Board of Overseers of the Poor to report � �vith plans and estimate oP cost at the next meet- i�_�, Ast. 16. "Voted - to accept the Report of the. Committee on Town By-Iaws and Rules for the � Regulation of Town P.Zeetings; and to pospone the consideration of the same until the next meeting.'� � 6rt. 17. "Voted - to indefinitely postpone the Article.'� Art. 18. "Voted-to accept the Report of the �luditor." , "Voted - ta accept the Repor�t of the Sel�etmen on the fiscal condition of the To�rn." � 1873 302 '�oted - to accept the Verb�l Report of the Committee in charge of the Cemeteries.1° "Q'oted - that the next annual meetin� ba called at nine oTclock A. PtI.'° The Moderator declared the meeting dissolved. � - tl true Record � 6ttest Leonard G. Babcock Town Clerk. 303 1873 � • Zist oP Minor Officers appointed by ti�e Selectmen for the year 1873-a. Measurers: of Wood end Bark-: • • - Leonard A. Saville Frank V. Butters Augustus Childs = � R. iN. Holbrook Superintendents of Town Scales and '�Yeighers of Iiay, 4�ood and Coal -: � � B. C. 4iihitcher - R. VY. Holbrook Sealer of 'uJeights and Measures -. Blonzo Goddard. . Special Policemen-: A. L. Ball = � - E'ranklin Alderman Auctioneer - . P. P. Pierce • � Leonard G. Babeock. Town Clerk. 18 r3 304 . Warrant for a Town Meeting T�Zonday, April 21st. 1873. To Joshua Hobart, Constable of. the Town oY I.exington, Greeting, • , In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are here'hy required to notify and warn the inhab- itants of the Tov�n of Lexington, qualified by lavz to vote in ToLvn affeirs, to asse�ble at the Town Hall on P�Zonday, the t�vent�-first day of April, inst. , at one o'clock P.M. to act on the following Articles, viz - . Art. 1. To choose a P,Zoderator. Art . 2. To fill any vacancies in Town Offices that may arise from resignation or other cause. Art. 3. - To see wh�t action the: Town will take on the Code of By-Laws and Rule,s for governing Town: Meetings urhich were reported at the illarch Nieetin�; and referred -to the next meeting. Art. 4. To see if the Town vuill accept the Reports of the Salectmen laying out a Town �Vay or Street on the petition o� R. D. Blinn and others, aud also the Report of the Selectmen laying out a T own Vdays or Streets on the pet- , ition oY Hammon Reed and others, arid adopt measures and provide means £or construeting the same, Art. 5. To see if the To�en will adopt any mass- ures or supply any means towards decorating the bTemorial F3a11, or aarrying ou� the design of perpetuating the patriotism of our soldiers who sacrificed tl�ir lives in defence of the insti- tutions established by our fathers. 305 - , 1873- Art. 6. To see if the Town will accept the Act oP the Legislature granting authority to dr�in the Bileadows near the village, and �r ovide means Por car��ing the same into effect. lirt. 7. To grant money to defray Town charges the ensuing year, es submitted by the Selectmen. Art. 8. To se:e what measures the Towg will adopt relative to the collection of taxes the ensuin� year� Art. 9. To see if: the Towtt will au�horize the Town Treasurer (under. the direction of the Select- men) to borrow money in anticipation of the col- lection of tases. Art. 10. . To see if the Tov¢n will accept the List oP Jurors prepared by the 3electmen. Art. 11. To hear the. Report of the Overseers of the Poor relative to providing a u�ash-room and Shed at the Poor House, and adopt. such means as they deem necessary to carry their Report into ePfect. . , Art. 12. To hear the R�port of the Committee on . the Cemeteries; and act thereon. Art. 13. To hear rhe Report of the Committee instructed to inquire into the expediency of introducing gas intothe Town Hall, or act in sny manner in relatiott to the subject. grt. 14. To see if the Towm will request the Assessors to t�ke a nepv Yaluation of the real estate the ensuing year. 1873. 306. Art. 15. To see what action the Town will adopt in rela�ion to u¢idening and rapairing Maple , Street. Art. 16. To see if �he Town vs:411 authorize the sale of the History of Lexington at a reduced grice, grt. 1?. To see if the Town will choose a Com- mittee to take charge of the Public Buildings belonging to the Town, report annually upon their condition, and superintend any repairs that may be ordered. Art. 18. To see if the Town will make an appro- ° pri�ti'on Por decoration oP the graves of our de- parted solcliers. Art. 19. To see iP tYa Town will make an appro- priation to build or repair tha Side-walks; and - also to cause the Church Bells to be rung at noon the year ensuing. Hrt. 20. To hear the Report of aay Committee that may be ready to report , and act the�eon. krt. 21. To see if the Town will increase the grant for the repairs of Highways. Hereof Pail not and m�ke return of this Warrant and gour doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the time oP holdfng said meeting. Given under our hands' at Lexington this " third day oP April A. D. one thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-three. Charles Hudson ) Selectmen ` L. S. Pzerce ) of ` B. C. u�(hitcher ) Lexington 307- ` 1873 - Lexington, April 15th,1873. Pursuant to the within 7�arrant I have notified the inhabitants of Lexingtott to meet at the time a�l place and Por the purposes within mentioned by iesving a copy of this Warrant with each Pamily Joshua Hobart. Qonstable of Lexington. In pursuance of the foregoing Warrant the Tawn met as tl� rein called and passed the following votes - . Art. 1. Henry Jewett was chosen IDioderator and sworn b�r the Town Clerk to fairly and impartially nerYorm the duties of Moderator. Art. 2. "Voted to proeeed to choose a Town .Treas- urer and Collector of taxes." "Poted to keep the pc51ls open fifteen minutes The Pl;oderator declared the whole number 'of ballots Por Treasurer and Colleetor to be seventy (70 ) For Isaac N. Damon FiPty ' (50 ) 0. P. Mills - TAenty (2Q ) Isaac N. Damon was declared eleeted. ' Amos Angier James Crowley ` ' were declared elected Field Drivers ' uS. D. Phe2ps Hammon Eeed were declared elected Fence �iiewers 1873 308 lirt. 3. '°Voted to act upon the Articles compsis- ing tY� Report oP the Committee "on 3y-Iaws and Rules fox the Governm.ent of Town b4eetings, singly. " The report was amended and the Amended Report adopted. "Voted ta instruct A. E. Scott Esq. to present the Coie of By-Iaws and Rules Por the Government of Town 14Teeting�, adopted by the Town, to the "�udge of the proper Court for approval, and to cause PiPteen hundred copies' of the same, vrith the notes attached, together with the By- Laws of the Town relative to Truancy, to be printed in a convenien� form for circulation. Art.4. 'tPoted that the Report oP the Selectmen ' on the petition bf R. D. Blinn and othars rela- tive to laying out and constructing certain streets be accepted, and its recoramendations adopted.n ""Poted to amend tne Report of the Select- men on the petition oP Han�on Reed and others, ' reletive to laying out and constructing certain streets, by substituting historic names of Lex- ington for the namas oP streets in that Report." "Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to name the Pirst street n�med "elark,'T street, in honor of the Rev. Jonas Clark." "Voted - that so much of the Report of the Selectmen on the petition of R. D. Blinn anxd others as relates to the names of �treets be reconsidered.`� . � "Voted - to refer the whole subject of naming streets to the Selectmen, and that the Selectmen be instructed to conYine the names o� streets to historic names of E.exington" 309 1873. � Art. 5. '�oted that there be appropriated the sum of one thousand dollars to be e�ended under the direction of the Board having the charge of completing and carrying out in the Memorial liell the design oP perpetuating the patriotism oY our soldiers uvho sacrificed the ir lives in defence of the institutions established by dur Pathers ; and that the Seleotmen are hereby authorized to draw their order upon the Treasurer Por the sum here $ppropriated whenever the same may be called for by said Board,to be expended °for the object aforesaid. ' `�Poted - to take up Article 15." �rt. 15. `��oted- to appropriate a sum not exceed- ing FiPteen hundred 'dollars for improving ��faple Street, to be expended 'under the direction of the Highway Surveyors." Art. fi. "Voted that the To�n accept the Act of the �.egislature granting authority to drain the meado�es near the village. "Voted - to appropriate Five hundred dollars to build or enlarge the culverts under the highwaps on 16�ain, `uUalthmi , Bedford and Cross Streats, and th�t the Town Treasurer be authorized to borror� a sum suffieient for carrying out the drainage improvements." '"P'oted to take up &rticle 18.'° &rt. 18. "Voted that the sum oP dne 'hundred dollars be appropriated for the observance of Decoration ' Day and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the same to the Quartermaster of "Geo. G. Meade,"Post 119 G. A. R.'� � ' 1873. 310. "Voted to take up Article 14,r° � Art. 14. ^Poted to indefinitel� pbstPone the Ar�ticle." " `�Poted to take up Article 11.'T Art. 11. "Voted thst the Report oY the Overseers o£ tk� Poor re�ative to 'vPash-room and Shed at Poor House be accepted, snd that the Overseer of the Poor be instructed to carry out the recommendations ebnteined therein." "Poted to take up Article' 21.i6 Art. 21. "Voted to indefinitely pospone the 6rt- ' icle." "Voted to take up Article" 19. Art. 19. "sToted-to appropriate Seventy dollars for r:inging the Church Bells in tne two villages the ensuin� year." '°Voted - to take up Article 8.'T Art. 8. '"Voted - th�t all taxes assessed the present year shall be made payable on or be£ore the first day af December next, and on all taxes remaining unpmid at that date" Interest shall be charged at the rate oP one per cent per month." ' Art, 7. "Voted - to take up each article of the Selectmens' estimate of expenses for the ensuing year separately, and act thereoh." ' The following appropriations were acted upon as recommended by the Selectme'� and the fol- lo�ving seems a�propriated - . 311. ' 1873. ' ° Interest on Town Debt and other notes 4300.00 To supply de�'ie.iencies in las°t pears appropria- tions 3000.00 Contingencies 3000.00 Abatement of Taxes 500.00 State A.id 400.00 Collector and Treasurer 300.00 School Committee 280.00 Assessors 300.00 Town Clerk 80.00 Sexton 75.00 Constables � 100.00 Fire Department 800.00 Ringing Church Bells 70.00 Auditors 45,00 New 'Streets 1085.99 Culverts through Town made for drainage 500.00 Street Lamps 1000.00 Settees for I3_n.ncock �ngine House- 55.00 Maple Street ' 1500.00 Decoration Day 100.00 Improvements at Poor House 500.00 Memorial Hall 1000.00 ° "Votod that the Selectmen 'are hereby instructed ndG to draw orders on either department of the T�easury aPter the appropriation for sucri department has been expended, exeept when the monep has been expended by their direction." '*TFote@ to take up 9�'ticle 17.'F �rt. 17. "Voted to indefinitely postpone the Article.'T Art. 9. "Voted - to authorize the Town Treasurer, under the direction of the Selectmen, to borrnw such sum or sums as m�y be necessary' to defray the Toavn expenses, in anticipation oP the tax of 1873." 1873. ' ' 312 "Voted to take up Article 16.'* Art. 16. "�Toted - to reduce the price of the Iiis- �tory oP Lexington one half." "Voted - to tske up a`rticle 13." Art. 13. "Voted - to appropriate Sia hundred dol- lars to procure a Gas Machine and Burners to be placed in the Town Hall Building." "Poted to choose a Committee af three to carry the above vote into effect." ` George Sparhawk A. E. Scott R. D. Blinn " ' were chosen such Committec�. ' "Voted to receive the Report of the Committee on Gas in the Town I3a11 Building." Art. 10. '°Poted - to accept the List of Jurors prepared and presented by the Selectmen." Art. 12. "Voted to accept the verbal report oP the Committee on Cemeteries.'* grt. 20. No Committees reported. The Moderator declared the meeting ' dissolved. A true Hecord � Attest � I�onard G. Babcock � Town Clerk � 313. 1873 ' Warrant for a Town Meeting, NMonday, June 16th, " 1873. " To " Eli Simonds ° Constable of Lexington ' Gree ting. ' In the name of " the Commonwealth of I�assachusetts you are hereby " required to notify and warn the inhabitants of Lex- " ington, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, ' to assemble at the Town Hall on IVfonday the Six- ' teenth day of June, inst. at three o'clock P. M. ' to act on the following Srtieles, viz - . �rt. 1. To choose a P�oderator. krt. 2. To see iP the Town wi11 accept a Town iNay in East Lexington laid out by tha Selectmen neas the houses of Nathaniel Flint , and make the grant necessary Por 'constructing the same. Art. 3. To see what action the Town will take relative to insur.ing the Town Hall,' or act in any manner in relation to lighting the same. Art. 4. To see if the Town wi11 make any further appropriations to�rards meeting any contingent , or other expenses, that have or may oceur during the present year, � Art. 5. To see vuhat action the Town will take relative to the action of' the County Commissioners touching Niain, I3ancock and Adame Streets. Art. 6. To seo if the' Town will cause the guide posts and street signs to be renewed wherever they are destroyed, and cause signs` to be erected 1873. 314 on the neNly named streets. - Art. . 7. To fix more definitely the time when all taxes Por 1873 shall be paid. ° Art. 8. To see if the TovJn will fix more dePinite- ly the price at which they will sell the History of Lexington. - ' Art. 9. To see if the Town will adopt any measures to provide reservois for extinguYsYuhent of fires. • A.rt. 10. To hear reports of ax�y committees that may be ready to report, and act tflaereon. Hereof fail not , and make return oP this �darrant and your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the time of holding' said meeting. � Given under our hands at Lexingto n this third day of June �. D: one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. Charles Hudson ) Selectmen B. C. uJhitcher ) of Lexington� Lexington, June lOth. 1873. Pursuant to the within ��'Jarrant I have notified the Inhabitants of the Town of Lexington herein described to meet at the time and place and for the purposes vJi 'thin mentioned. ' Eli Simonds, ' ' Constable of Lexington h true copy bf tiYarrant Attest Leonard G. Babcock Toi�n Clerk 315 1873. . Nieeting June 16th 1873. Pursv.ant to the above "udarrant the Town met as thereixi called and proceeded to act on the several Articles of said ��°farrant as folloeJs :- Art. 1. Tames Gould was chosen Moderator and sworn by the Clerk to fairly and impartially periorm the duties of It2odera�or. �Lrt. 2. '-RToted - to accept the °report of the Sele`etmen, and adopt the road thus ]a,id out, " and appropriate the sum o£ four hundred and tr�zenty dollars the expense oP the same; and that the Selectmen be direcred t'o cause the road ' to be graded and put in good condition, by contract or otherwise, as they ma"y deem it most for the interest of tne Town�"' "Voted - that the said road be kno�vn as "Flint Street." ' ' ' Art. 3. "Voted - to defer the whole suhje ct to the next meeting." Art. 4. '"Poted - not to make aqy further appro- priations as per Art`. 4." Art. 5, "Votecl - that the whole subject be refer- red to the Selectmen, to ect in their discretion; and if the o�de�s o£ the Commissioners should re- quire the work to be done this season, the Treas- urer is hereby directed to`.borraiv, under the dir- ection of �He Selectmen, such sum or sums as may he deemed necessary, to carry forward the objectis." Art. 6. "Voted - to defer the matter to the next t�nnual meeting in Mar cn." ` Art. 7. "goted - tnat all taxes' as'sessed for 1873. 316. ' the year 1873. shall be paid on or before the first day of January I874." Brt. 8. '"Vated to sell the History of Zexington ` for one dollar and twenty-five cents per copy," "Voted - to reeonsider the last vote.^ � "Poted - that the price oP the History o£ Lexington be Pixed at one dollar attd a half to citizens of the Town, and that only two copies be sold at that price to ariy one citizen; and � that the price for non-residents be fixed at three dol2ars and Q half.^ Art. 9. '�oted - to choose a committee of three to be nominated by the Chair, to take the whole matter into consideration and report at the next Annual'meeting in Maa�cl�.�r � M. H. Merriam J. B. Fowle E. W. Bettinson were cshosen such canmittee. Art. 10. No committees reported. The Moderator declared the meeting dissolved. � A true Record Attest ' Leonard G. Babcok Towtt Clerk 317 1873 � �Verrant for a Town Meeting Nov. 4,1873. To Eli Simonds Constable o�f' Lexington Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of n7assachusetts you are hereby re- quired to� notify and warn the Iffhabitants oP the � Town of Lexington, qualified by law to vote in State and County affairs, to assemble at the Town. Hall on Tuesday, the . fourth day of November next at one o'clock P.M. to cast the ir ballots for the following St�te, Cou�ty and District officers - viz - . For Governor,' Lieutenant Governor, Secre�tary oP the Common�veal th, Treasurer and Receiver General, - Auditor of Aceounts, and Attorney General of the Cofnmonwealth, County Commissioner, County Treasurer, and � • Register oP Probate and Insolvency, for • - the County oP Plliddlesex. Councillor for the Sixth Counciblor District, Senatar for the Sixth NIiddlesex Senatorial" Register° oP' Deeds for the South:em Midd3esex" ° Representative to the General Court for P�Iiddlesex Distriet number twenty-one. The Se]Lectmen will receive the votes for the above named ofPicers on one ballot. The PoZls will be opened immedi&tely after the organization of the meeting, and kept open until ^ Pour o°clock, and as much longer as the meeting may direot, not to extend beyond sun-set. 1873. 318 You are .also required to notiPy the Inhabitants oP Lexington, qualified by laev to vote i� Town afPairs to meet at the Town Hall at hal� past three b'clk, P.IuT. on the same day to act on the follaw- ing flrticles viz - . � ' Art. 1. To chbose a lUIoderator t1rt. 2. To see if the Town vrill aecept the Report of the Selectmen relative to re-locating or laying out' Bow Street , or any part thereoY. Art. 3. To see if the Town vuill take aryy prelim- inary measures relative to a . Centennial Celebra- tion oP tY�e battle of Lexington, or adopt any measures towards preparing the D,4emorial Ha11 Por the event. Art. 4. To hear the Report oY the Selectmen rel- " ative to. thedrainirgof the meadovas ne�r the Village, affl to adopt such measures as they may deem exped- ient relative t.o collecting the betterment tax, �hich may be assessed upon the la�d ovrners. Art. 5. To hear the Report oP the Com�ittee charged with the subject of introducing gas into the Town Hall, or act in any manner in relation to lighting said Hall. Art. 6. To hear the Report of the Selectmen on the sub�ect of Guide-boards and Street Signs, and act thereon. Art. 8. To see if the Town will build a new Engine House in &:ast Lexington, for the safe � ` � keeping of the Adams r�ngine, and for the con- venience of the CompaxLy; and also to furnish room £or a suitable Zock-up. 319 " 1873 Art. 8. To hear the Report of as�y Committee that may be ready to report and act thereon. , The S`electmen will be in session at the Town Hall: on Monday,the third day of Nov- ember next, from six to nine P.n4. and on the day oP Election` from 12 to 1 o'clock P.M. to revise the I,ist of Voters, a,nd no case requir- iug investigatimn will be entertained after the polls are opened. T3"ereof fail not, and make return of 'this Vilarrant and your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time of said meet- ing. Given under our hands at Lexington this seventeenth day of October , A. D, one ` thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. Charles Hudson ) Selectmen L. S. Pierce ) oP B. C. �Ihitcher ) Lexington. ` N. B. - The Selectmen uvill hold their semi- monthly meetings for the transaction of bus- iness on the second and fourth Thursdays of ' each month from six to nine P. IVI. Lexington, T�Iass. Octo. 23d 1873. ' I have notified the inhabitants oP the. Town of Lexington herein called to meet at the time and place and "for the purposes herein mentioned by leavin� an attested copy of this �arrant with each family, and by posting a copy oP the same in the Post Offices, and in two other _ public placos in the Town of Lexington. Eli Simonds, Constable oP_ Lexing�on 1873. 320. A true Copy of the �,Tarrant Attest ' Leonard G. Babcock ' Town Clerk. In conf'ormity with the above� VJarrant the Town met as therein called, and �t one otclk P:P�I. the polls were opened for the ehoice of State, District and County ofPicers, At four o'clk P. M. the time having egpired for _ receiving votes for the above officers, the Town voted to extend the time one ha]P hour. The votes for State, District: and County officers were as follows - . For Governor. VJillia� B. 4Yashburn of GreenPield � One hundred and ninety (190 ) 4Villiam Gaston oP Boston ` � One hundred and Seventy-three (173 ) < � For Lieutenant C:overnor, Thomas Talbot of Billerica One hundred and ninety-si:; (196 ) William L. Smith of Springiield One hundred and seventy-one (171 ) For Secretsry of the Commo-nwealth. Oliver uJarner of Northampton One hundred and ninety-six (196. ) Benjamin F. 11Sills of PiCilliamstouJn One hundred and seventy-one (171 ) For Treasurer and Receiver General - 1873Y 321 - , Charles Adams Jr.. af Pdorth Brookfield One hundred and ninety-six (196 ) Nathan Clark of Lynn One hundred and seventy-one (172 ) � F'or Auditor Charles Endicott of Canton One hundred and ninety-six (196 ) �. Osgood Ii�orse of Newburyport One hundred and seventy-one (171 } F For Attorney General • Charles R. Train of Bostan � � � One hundred and ninety-six (196 ) Waldo Colburn oP lledhaTn • , One hundred and seventy-one (171 ) For County Treasurer • • iimos Stone oP E`verett Three hundred and sixty-three (363) For County Commissioner uVilliam �Yinn of Burlington Two hundred and two (202 ) � Deniel G. 3`�slton of GJakefield One hundred and sixty-three (163 ) � For Register of Deeds, South Middlesex. Charles $. Stevens of Cambridge Three hundred and sixty-seven (367 ) 1873 322 � For Register of Probate and Insolvency. 3oseph H. Tyler of liJinchester = • Two hundred- (200 ) �rederick T. Greerilzalgh . One hundred and sixty-seven (167 ) For Councillor, sixth Di,strict. George 0. Brasto�v of Somerville One. hundred and ninety-three (193 ) VJilliam A. Stone of VJoburn One hundred and seventy-one (171 ) William VVinn of Burlington - One ( 1 ) Far Senator, Sixth Middlesex District, E. H. FJalton of VJakefield One hundrecl and eightp-four (184 ) Brooks T. Batcheller oP Lexington One hundr�d and sixty-seven (167 ) - i4illism hYinn of Burlington One ( 1 ) F. E. Wetherell oP I.exington One ( 1 ) Jo Eaton of Lexington , One ( 1 ) For Representative to General Court. Richard D, Blin.n o£ Lexington Two hundred and thirty-four (234) Leonard A. Saville oP Lexington One hundred and twenty-eight (128} The above votes for State, District and County OPficers were signed, attested, 323 1873- declared and sealed in open Town Nfeeting. The meeting for_ the transaction of Town business was organize.d at half past three o'clock P.P4. and proceeded to act on the seve�al L�rtieles - of the Warrant, as follows - . Art. 1. James Gould was chosen Moderator� Art. 2. "Voted to accept the, Report of the Select- men on relocating Bow Street , and that the Select- men be instructed to carry out the recommendations contained in said Report.n 3rt. 3. "�Ioted - that a Committee of three, to be nominated by the Chair, be appointed to take such preliminary steps as they m�y deem expedient towards - preparing Por a Centennial Celebration of the 19th oP April 1775." Charles Hudson M. H. Merriam R. W. Reed �rere chose n such Committee. "Voted that the Towa appropriate tne receipts for rent of the Town Hall the current . year For the Purnishing oP Nlemorisl Ha11, and that the Selectmen are hereby authorized to draw their warrant on the Town Treasurer in favor of the Gommittee on Pr7emorial Hall Por the same.TM Art. 4. "Voted - that the whole subject be , postponed . to the A_pril Meeting." Art. 5. "Voted - to lay the �v,hole subject on the table.'° - 1873- 324. Art. 6. "Voted ;to pospone the whole subject indefinitely." Art. 7. 'rPoted - to add two members to the present Committee on the Fire. Department, and that the Committee of five, so created, be in- structed to examine into the condition of the engine house in East Lexington,and the feasa- � bility of repairing said house or providing other ac"commodation for the Adams Engine and Com- pa�y, and report at the March Meeting with plans and estimate of expense. " George '�f. Rabinson Henry A. '�Jellirigton were added to the Committee on Fire Department in °accordance with the above vot'e. ' Art. 8. The Committee on Vine Brook oPiered a report vahich was aceepted and tP,'e same Coramittee were instructed to continue snd use such further measures as they may deem expedierit in the matter oP Uine Brook'" `Phe Town, in addition to taking actiom on the several Articles oP the ���arrant, Voted - "That the Selectmen be' authorize.d to defend the Town in the suit brought by F. E. Gleason, Por damages, and to use` their discretion in the matter," There being no further business before the Town the Moderator declared 'the' meeting dissolved. A true Record Attest ` Leonard �. Babcock Town Clerk 325 1873. - Lexington, Mass. Nov. 5th 1873 a meeting of the Tomn Clerks of the sev- eral Towns composing the 21st Middlesea Represent- ative District was held this day' at Bedford at 12 o°clock, P�I. and the votes oP tho Towns of I,ex- ington BedPord, Garlisle and ,Burlington being conpared the vote for Representative to the Gen- eral Court iorr� siad District was found to be as follows - . ington Lexi4�gt'on,Bedford,Car11s1e,Burl- For Richard U. Blinn of Lexington 234 75 53 56 " Le�nard A. Savill'e '° 'x 128 49 63 32 Whole number Yor Blinn - Four hundred and eighteen (418 ) " „ n Savill"e - T�¢o hundred and seventy- two (27Z ) MajoTitg for Blinn One hundred and Porty-six (146 ) A certificate of election was accordingly given to Richard D. Blinn oP Le�ington. A true Recor"d o£ the doings Attest ' Is"onard G. Babcock Town Clerk oi I.exin�ton 1874 326 Warrant for a Town nIeeting Mar.2d/74 To Eli Simonds Const�ble oP Lexington Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are herehy required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified by law to vote in Touan afPairs to assemble at the To�vn Hall on Mondqy the second day of March next at nine o'clock A. M. to act on the following Articles;viz:- Art. 1. To choose a NIoderator. Art. 2. To choose Town OfPicars for the ensuing year, including one School Committee lti7an Por three pears. ` Art. 3. To provide for the regairs of the Highways the ensuing year, and to grant money for the same. ' grt, 4. Ta provide Por the support' of the Poor the ensuing gear, and to grant money for the same. Art. 5. To provide for the support of the Public Schools the ensuing year, including their several grades, and to grant money for the same. L�rt. 6. To choose g Qommittee P,4an for three years to Pill a va'cancy in the Committee having chaAge of the Cemeteries.' Art. 7. To hear the report of the Committee appointed to consider and report upon 327 1874 the subject of Engines and Reservois & C. and take such act3on thereon as they ma;� deem ex- pedient. Art. 8. To hear the report of the Co�nittee appointed to consider the subject of repairing ' ' the° engine house of the Adams Engine Co. or building a new one; and to take such action as may be necessary to carry their report into effect. Art. 9. To see what action 'the to;�n v¢ill take on the report oP the Sel'ectmen on the drainage of the meado�vs. Art.10. To see what measures the town will a`dopt to carry out the improvements on Hancock and Adar¢s Streets, ordered by the County Com- missioners. also to see 'what action they will take relative to widening Main Street through the village. r1rt. 11. To see what action the Town will take relative to the report of the Engineers of the Fire Department. Art. 12. To aee what action the town will take 'on the recommendatio`ns of the Trustees of the Cary Library. Art. 13. To see what action the toe� will take relative to renewing and erecting Guide Boards and Street Signs as reporbed by the Selectmen. rlrt. 14. To see iP the town v�ill cause a lamp to be erected at the public watering-trough in " East Lexington. 1874 328. Art. 15. To hear the report oY tne CcSmmittee on the Cemeteries, when the names of thoseindebted for lots will he reported, agreeably to the vote oP the ta�vn. � Art. 16. To see what action the town will take, iP ar�y, on the subject of the suit o£ J. B. GTea- son against the town for y?10000.- for injury re- ceived from an alleged defect �n the highvaay; and also the suit of d. G. Bro�vn a�ainst the totivn for damages. p . �1rt. 17. To see if the toy=rn will instruct tne Selectmen in relation to laying out new streets, or take an,p action thereon. Art . 18. To see if the totivn vJill direct the Selectmen to cause to be abated aqy nuisance, injurious to public health,or' to he removed any encrnachments upon the Highways by stone, wood lumber or other materials calculated to obstructdthe public travel, or render the town liable in case of accident. Art. 19. To see i£ the toiRn rn*ill authorize the To�un Treasurer under the d3rection of the Seiect- men to consolidate the notes against the town held by George Holden, and give one note at seven per cent interest, payable semi-annually. Art. 20. To se� iP the totivn will chan�e tlie � name of Cross Street to Highland Avenue. Ari,. 21. To see if the towm �vill direct the Selectmen to ascertain the bounds of Bedford Street from Goulds corrx�r to Cross Street, and ' erect monuments at the angles and at suitable � intermediate points. 329 ` � 1874 �Lrt. 22. To hear reports of any committees that may be ready to report , and, act thereon. � Hereof Yail not 'and make return oY , this '7darrant and your doin�s thereon to tha Tovm Clerk on or before the time oP meeting. Given under our hands at Lexin�ton this fourteenth day of February A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four Charles Hudson ) Selectmen L. S. Pierce ) of B. C. lVhitcher ) T�exington Lexin@;ton, PtIass. Feby. 23rd.1874. I have notiPied the inhabitants of the totiqn o£ Lexington herein called, to meet at the time and place and for the purposes herein men- tioned by leaving an atteated copy of this 4`dar- rant with each family, and b�T posting the same as directed by the tawn By-Ia�vs. �li Sinonds Constable of Lexington. A true copy of the YJarrant Attest Leonerd G. Babcock Town Clerk 1874 330. - Pursuant the above Z4arrant� the town met as therein called and proceeded to act on the several artfcles as follows - . Art. l. F. E.tidetherell �ras� chosen �Zoderator and sworn to fairly and impartially perform the duties of Moderator. � - '"Poted to take up Art. 22." ^Voted that the Highway 5urveyors be � ordered not to lend the tools belonging to the town." "Voted that the report oP the Selectmen on the Piscal condition of the tQwn be accepted and its recommendations adopted'� "Voted to take up the Treasurer"s Report," "Voted that all unexpended balances, if there be any, upon any of the annua3 appropria- tions, shall be considerad as reverting to the common f'und: and that balances in grants for specific purposes shall be kept open until the ' nurpose for which such grant or appropriation is made is accomplished, and any balance then remaining shall be added to the° common Pund.�* ° "Poted that all the reports which have been placed bePore the town in the printed Teports be considered as aceepte@ So far as to place Lhem before the tovun for action.^ "Foted to lsy Art . 22 on the table." nPoted to take Up Art. 2." "Poted to proceed to choose a Town Clerk, Three Selectmen, 'P hree Assessors, Three Survey- ers of Highways who sh�ll also be Ov'erseers of the Poor, One Treasurer who shall also be Col- lector of Taxes, One School Committee man for three pears, Tmo Auditors, One Constable, all on one Dallot." "Voted to. l�ep the polls open for choice of town csfficers until helf past Pour o'clock.'T 331 1874. ' "Woted to choose three Field Drivers" E. P. Rieh Sworn NIa¢� 7th AZfred Boyden Sworn IDfar 9th Thomas R: GreanleaP � � were chosen Field Drivers. "Poted to choose three Fence Viewers'T � Hammon Reed - NI. D. Phelps Sworri Mar 23. H. Holmes were chosen Fence Viewers D. A. Tuttle was chosen Surveyor of Lumber `�Tote@ that the School Committee and Con- stables be mruant officers.'t "Voted that the remaining minor oYficers be appointqd by the Selectmen.^ '*Poted to take up Art. 6." Art. 6. ZJerren Duren was chose"n a member of ` ` the Committee having charge of the Cameteries for three years.'� ' "�oted to take up Art. 15.'T Ar't.15. "Voted to accept the report of the Comuxittee on Cemeteries." "�Ioted to take up Art, 9'." "Voted to suspettd the business of 'the meeting until two o'clock P.1VI." - 1874 332. Art. 9. "Voted that the Selectmen have until ° Oct. 1� 1874 to examine the subject and make the assessmants on those persons benefitted by the drainage oP the meadows; and that the Co�- lector of �axes be empowered to colle ct these assessments, and tla_t the IIy Iaws of the town in regard to the collection of taxes shall epply to the collection oi theses assessments; ° and that the tax so assessed m�y be paid all at one time or itt three equal annual instal- ments, the Pirst to be paid on or bePore Jan- uary lst 1875, the second on or before Ja rnzary lst, 187g, and the third on or before January lst 1877. The Colleetor shall receive a reas- onable compensation, to be determined by the Selectmen." "Yoted to take up Art. 10.tt Art. 10. "SFoted to reYer the whole matter to the Selectmen who sha11 let out the work by contract, and that the stone rdonuments for bounds be placed before the ground is broken." "Pated to take up Art, 4:'� Art. 4. "Poted that the assessments on the estates of the town, both real and personal, to meet the expenditures the current year shall not exceed the sum of Eor;�y-one Thousand DOI7.&TS.rr '. • , "Poted to appropriate Twenty-five hun- dred Dollars for the support of the poor the ensuing year." 6rt. 5. '�Voted to apPropriate TweTve thousand five hundred Ilollars for the support of the - puhlic sehools, ineluding tiieir' several grades the ettsuing year.'� ' ' ° This vote being dbubted the house was 333 1874. " polled, 68 voting in the affirmative and 0 neg- ative ' � "�Ioted t o take up Art o 12. Art. 12. '�Vote'd that the Cary Library be opened on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 1 to 9 o'clk. P.M. with an, intermission o£ one hour for the Librarians tea; and that a sum not exceeding eighty dollars be appropriated for a Book Case as recommended by the Trustees." 6rt. 13. "Voted to accept the report of the Selectmen on Guide Boards and Street Signs and �hat the Selectmen be instructed to correct any errors and supply any de£iciences in Guide Boards and Street Signs and that the sum of One hundred Dollars be appropriated to carry out the same." Art. 17. Art. 14."Poted to instruct the Selectmen to cause "Voted that a lamp to be ereeted at the publ'ic watering trough the Select- in East Lexington." men be re- � quested not Art." 16.� "Voted to refer the entire su��ect to to lay out the Selectmen with Pull power to act." in future, ` ' any street "Voted to eonsider Articles 7 & 8 to- of a less gether." v�idth tnan ' ' fifty feet, Art. 7 & 8. "Voted that the town hear the report and that no of the Committee on Fire ➢epartment and Engine trees be House in Ea"st Lexington" allowed The reports of the majarity and minor- veithin the ity of the committee were read. lines of The town then "voted that the majority any street report be accepted and its recom`vienc�ations adopted.n of a less This vote treing doubte$ the house was width than pQlled when. ninety-seven (97 ) voted in the affir- fifty f`eet." mative and ninety �90 ) voted in the 1874 334. negative.'� and the vate was decalred sustained.'� "Voted that the Selectmen be authorixed to purcriase the Catholic Church property in East Lexington for an engine house for` the Adams Engino and make such alterations ` or improvements as they may deem necessary, and that the sum of Thirty- five Hundred Dollars be appropr"i.ate3 therefor; and that the presen� engine house and land on which it stands be sold.'t ' This vote being doubted, the house was polle'd wrien 41ue hundred and seven (107 ) voted in the affirmative, and ninety-four (94 ) voted in the negative, and the LIoderator `decl'ared the vote sustained.'� ' "Voted to suspend all further business until the result of the ballot £or twon officers should Be declared." The result oP the ballot for town ofPicers was declared, as Pollotivs r . For Town Clerk - . Sworn Mar. llth - L. A. Saville, One hundred and eighty-five (185 ) L. G. Babcock, One hundred and thirteen (113 ) The b7oderator declared L. A. Saville elected Town Clerk for the 'ensuing year. For Selectmen - � " Sworn Iua.r. 9th. L. S, Pierce ^1wo hundred and eighty-two (282 ) SiRarn :vIar.11th. B. C. 1V'hitcher T�uo` hundred and sixty-one (261 ) Vdebster Smith Orie hundred and eighty-one (181) Charles Hudson, One hundred and sixteen (116 ) L. C. Childs Four ( 4) L. A. Saville One ( 1 ) M. Q*Brien One ( 1) The I�Ioderator deelared �. S. Pierce, B. C.° u'Jhi'tcher and VJebster Smith elected Select- men for the ensuing year. � 335 1874. For Assessors � Sworn P1Iar. 9th J. F. Simonds Two h�Zndred 'and eighty four (284 ) Sworn n�Tar.11th L. 9. Saville Three hundred and ten (310 ) Sworn Mar. 6th T+V. l�elling�ton Two hundred and eighty-one (28I�) N. Fessenden Fourtoen (14 ) A. Goddard Three ( 3 ) J. P. Reed One � ( 1 ) Eli Simonds One ` ( 1 ) Gershom Swan One ( 1 ) L. S. Pierce One �( 1 ) The Moderator declared J. F. Simonds L. A. Saville and u�f. Wellin�ton eleeted Assessors for the ensuing year. . Far Highway Syrveyors and Overseers of the Poor. S�orn Mar. 5th S. F. Simonds Two hundred and eighty-two (282 ) Swrorn vIar. 4th Eli Simonds Two hundred and sixty-four (264 ) Sworn Nlar. 4th N. L. Bryant One hundred and Porty=three (143 ) Joshua Habart r�ighty-five ( 851 Sohn P. Reed Fourteen ( 14 ) George Munroo Four ( 4 ) H. Pierce Four , _ ( 4) F. A].derman Three` ( 3 ] C . M. Parker Three ( 3 ) UI. 0 Brien O,ne ` ( 1) VJ. tiVellington One ( 1 ) William Sanderson One , ( 1) N. Fessenden One ( 1 ) Hsmmon Reed One , ( 1 ) James Emery One ( 1) The Moderator declared J: F. Simonds Eli Simonds and N. Z. Brsrant elected Highwav Surveyors and W erseers of the Poor for the ensu- ing year. 1874 ' � 336. ` For School Committee b�an Por three years - �. E. Seott Two hundred �and t�renty-one (221 ) DQ. H. ARerriam, Twent�-one ( 21 ) Dr. Holmes Four ( 4 ) John Pr ior Six ( 6 ) W. R. Cutter F`our , ( 4 ) Mrs. C. Tidd One , ( g ) Clara M. Simonds One ( 1) The NZoderator declared A. E. Scott elected School Committee NTam for three years,- For Treasurer and Collector Sworn TvIar. 7th �I. N. Damon Two hundred and nineteen (219 ) A. G. Babcock Eight ( 8 ) Samuel GVheegwri�ht, One ( 1 ) Aaron Holbrook One , ( 1 ) The Moderator declared I. N. Damon elected Treesurer and Collector for the ensuing year. ; For Constable - Svuorn Mar. 4th Eli Simonds Two hundred and four (204 ) Joshua Hobart Sixty-three ( 63 ) James A. Mitchell Fourteen ( 14 ) _ F. Alderman Four ( 4) _ 0. W. Kendall Tnree ( 3 ) C. :T. >Jorthley Two ( 2 ) H. B. Davis One ( 1 ) � The Moderator declared Eli Simonds eleeted Constable for the ensuing year. E"or 6uditors - Sworn Maz�. 9th. F. E. 4`Jetherell, One hundred and ninety-one (191) Sworn Mar. 9th Gershom Swan, One hundred and forty-four (144 ) A. E. Scott, One hundred and far� ty (140 ) 1874. ' . 337 0. P. Mills, ATinetg-five ' (95J L. A. Saville, Twenty-three � (23) X. Childs One ( 1 ) H. B/ ➢avis One ( 1 ) H. Jewett One � ( 1 ) � The �Ioderator deolared F. E. �Fletherell and Gershom Svuan elected Autdtors Yor� tha ensuing year. � � "Voted to adjour until'Monday Mar. 9th inst. at half past three o'clock,� P.M. In pursuance of the above adjournment the town met at half past three o'clock P.M. and proceeded to act as follows �: Art. 3. ""Poted, to appropriate Four thousand five hundred dollars for repairs oP the Highways the ensuing year, and Five hundred dollars for removing snow.'T Art. 11. "Voted to lay the Article on the table.'� Art. 18. "Votad to instruct the Selectmen to cause to be removed ar�y encroachments upon the highways by stone, ovood, ltzmber or othes materials calc�lated to obstruct the public travel, or render the town liable in° case of accident; and to abate - ar�y nuisance injurious to public health." Art. 19. '°Voted to authorize the Town Treasurer, � under the direction of the Selectmett to consoli- date the town*s nates held by George Holden, and give one note at seven per cent interes.t , payable semi-annually." 1874 338. Art. 20. '�TToted, to rePer the wMole subject to , the Selectmen." � � Art. 21. "Voted, that the Salectmen be directed to ascertain the bounds oP Bedford Street , from , Goulds corner to Cross Streets, and cause stone monuments, or bounds , tcn be erected at the aug�es and at suitable intermediate points." ' "VOted to take Up Article 10." < ELrt. .10. "Poted, that the Selectmen be authorized to draw from the funds now remaining in the treas- urg a sufficient amount to carry out the improve- ments, on Hancock and Adems Streets, as ls.id out by the County Commissioners.^ • "�oted, that ail calims upon the town for the pa,pment of money shall Pirst be presented by the several departments under whose adminis- tration the claim has been incurred to the Board of Selectmen for their examination, and if ap- proved by them, and so certified, �and not other- wise shall. be paid directed to the claimant by the Town Treasurer, he taking receipt therefor as his voucher; and the Selectmen shall nat approve bills in excess of the respective appro- priations unless the axpenditure has baen First authorized by them.1D ' On a motion to use the Check List in decid- ing wflether the sum of $33500. - approprfated Por the purchase oP .the Catholic Church in East Lex- ington should be takm from the surplus in the Treasizry the house was polled, eighty-one (81 ) voting in the negative and thirty-Pive (35 ) in the affirmative. "Voted, that the sum of Thirty- Pive hundred dollars Por the purchase and im- � 339 1874. proRement of tY� Catholic Church in East Lex- ington be paid from the surplus now remaing in the treasury from last year." "Yoted, that a Committee, consis�ing oY the former Committee on Fire Dapartment and the Engineers of the Fire Department, be instructed to procure, by purchase, or otherwise, one Bab- coek Fire Extinguisher to he tested and report- ed upon to the town at the April P�eeting; and that the sum oP one thousand dollar's be and is hereby appropriated Por that purpose." 'Roted, to take up Art. 2.'� � "Yoted, that the resignation oP '�Iebster S�nith as a member of the Board oP Selectmen be accept�d." "Poted to praceed to ballat Por one Se- lectman." " " ° "SFoted, to 1� ep the polls open twenty- five minutes." "Poted, to take up Article s 7 and 8." "�Zoted, that the one thousand doilars apgropriatedYor a Babcock Fire Extinguisher be paid from the surplus now remaining in the treasury." 'filoted, to take up Article 22." "Voted to appropriate Two Thousand Dol- lars, fro�a the surplus in the treasury from last year, towards the reduction oP the 1874 340 tol¢n debt." The ballots for Selectmen being � counted the result was announced as follo�vs : Sworn Mar. 9th Charles Hudson, One hundred and seventeem (117 ) M. H. Merriam, Forty-one ( 4I ) Hammon Reed, Seven ` ( 7 ) The NToderator declared Charles Hudson elected a:sSelectman for the ensuing year. ^Voted to dissolve tY�e ' mee�ing." The Moderator declared the �eeting dissolved. A true Racord � Attest �onard G. Babcock Town Clerk _._. 341. 1874 v�esrant for a Town Meeting Xpril 13 1874. . To Eli Simonds Constable oP Lexington; Greeti ng: � In the name o� the Commonwealth of I�Zassachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabi- - tants oP the TovJn of Lexington,qualified by law to vote in Town aY£airs , to assemble at the To�vn Hall on Nionday the thirteenth day of April next at two o'�lock P.P.I. to act on the following Articles. viz: Art. 1. To choose a Moderator. Art . �. To fill vacancies in Town ofPiees, if a�y exist. � Art. 3: To see if the Town wi11 accept the list - o� Surors prepared bp the Selectmen. Art. 4. To grant money to meet mown charges the ensuing year. Art. 5. To see what instructions the Town will give the Col2ector relative to the collection oP Taxes, or aet in ar�y manner relative to the time of paying the same: and whether any interest shall be allov�7ed fbr prompt payment, or charged if the tax is overdue. ' Art. 6. To see if the Town urill establish a schedule of prives Por the use oP the rooms in the Towh Fiall Building for various purposes. Art. 7. To see if the Totivn will authorize the Selectmen, to purchaee a new Flag for the use of ' the Town. 9.rt. 8. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen, to sell and convey the old Engine HQuse in the East Village 1874 342 and the land on cvhich it stands, at such time - as they map deem expedient. Art. 9. To hear the rep ort of the Committee appointed to procure and test the effieiency of the Habcock Fire Extinguisher, and adopt any measure they may deem best , Por procuring one or more such Extinguishers, provide for storing the same, or adopt any measures rel- ative to sueh �ngines. Frt. 10. To see if the Town will� pruchase a small hand Fire Extingu�.sher to be kepttin the Town Hal1, for the protection oP the same, Art. 11. To see iY the Town will give a name ' to the road which runs from Pleasant Street near the house of the late David Harrington, to the house of Isaac Buttrick. Art. 12. To see if the Town will m ntinue in force, the vote passed heretofcre, author- izing the Selectmen, to lease , purchase or take amy gaavel pit for the repairs of the highways, which they may deem for the interest of the Town. _ grt. 13. To see i£ the To�n will continue to pay the members oY the Fire Department Por their services as for the two past years. Art. 14. To see vrhat sum of money the Town �vill grant towards decorating the �raves of the Sol- diers who perished in the late war. , Art. 15. Tq see if the Town v�ill accept the pro- , visions of the Act of 1871 Chapter 382, authoriz- , ing the Selectmen in laying out, altering, or , wideni�g any street or publie v�ag, to assess costs , upon a�y parties deemed to be benefitted thereby. , Art.Z6. To hear the report oF ar�y Committee thzy may 343 1874, , he ready to �eport, and act thereon as far as the , same can, legally be done. � HereoP Yail not and make , return of this 4Varrant wilth your doings thereon , to the Town Clerk on or be£ore the time of ineeting. Given under our hands at , Lexington this �nirtieth day of March one thousand eight hundred and Seventy four. � Gharles Hudson)Selectmen L. S. Pierce. ) of B. C. 'Nhitcher )Lexangton The Selectmen will be in session at their oYYice , on the first and third Thursdays of each month , to transact business, and the Treasurer will be , at the same place on the same dates te pay such , bills as rnay be approved. , Lexington, NIass Apsil 4th 1874. , I have notified the inhabitants of the tov�n of , Lexington herei� called, to meet at the time and , place, and for the purposes herein mentioned, by leaving an attested copy of this Warrant with each and every family, and by posting the same , as required by the By-Iaws o£ the town. Eli Simonds. Constable of Lexington , A true copy of the Warrant, Attest ]Leonarcl K. Saville. Town Clerk. 1874. 344 In accordance with the foregoing 'iVarrant the Inhebitants met at the Touun Hall on Monda3r April 13th at the time specified and were called to order by the Glerk and the �9arrant read, and the business praceeded with the following result. , 11rt. 1. L. G. Babeock was chosen Moderator and took the oath of oPfice. ° Art. 2. Geo. E. Babcock was chosen Field Driver Sworn Apl 13th 4�. D. Phelps was chosen Fence TTiewer: ASworn Apl 13th Hammon Reed was chosen Fence �riewer. ° Sworn Apl 14th 0. VV. Kendall was chosen Surveyor of � Lumb er. _ grt. 3. Voted "That the list o�' Jurors presented by the Selectmen be accepted." Art. 4. The Selectmen submitted an estimate of the amounts required to meet the expenses of the various departments, and it was Voted TMTo Act on the 3is t item by item" Voted "�or Schools. �10100.00 '� School Repeirs. , � 2400.00 " Highways. 4500.00 " Breaking Out Roads in 6dinter. 500.00 " Support oP the Poor. 1500.00 � " Reducing the public debt. 4000.00 " Renewing Guide Boards and Street Signs � 100.00 " Purchase and repairs oY the Catholie Church 3500.00 ^ The purchase oP a r'ire Extinguish- er 1000.00 " Contingencies. 3500.00 " Interest on loans. 4500.00 " Supporting Street Lamps. 900.00 ^ Support of Cary Library 350.00 tt Rire Department 800.00 " Town Clerk 90.00 �• Treasurer & Collector 300.00 n Assessora, including horse hire and stationery. 400.00 � '� ` School Committee, including horse hire, clerkship 8cc. 300.00 '" Constable and Police 250.00 � � - 38990.00 345. 1874 elmount brought over $�38990.00 For Sexton . 75.00 'x State Aid. 450.00 " Decoration Day 100.00 " Prossers Grevel pit 400.00 '• Ringing the Bells. 70.00 " Repairs on Bow Street. 50.00 " Abatement of Taxes. 600.00 tt Auditors 45.00 n Toarn F`lags. 150.00 � 4093Q.00`* Poted "That three fourtYs of the money appropriated for the FLigh�vays be expended before July lst. '* Voted "That the notes of IvIarch last whereby certain sums were to be paid from the surplus the in the treasury, sl�all remain in force, and the said sum be not assessed the present year.'� drt. 5. �Ioted. "That all taxes shall be made payable - on the first day of December next, and on aZl taxes � paid before said date discount at the rate of one per cent per month Por each Pull month shall be allowed, and oa all taxes remaiag unpaid aPter December first, interest at the rate of one per cent per month shallbe added, Provided that the paying of interest shall not be construed as depriving the Collec�or of the power of collecting any tax by distraint after the same becomes payable.'° Art. 6. Voted TMTo sdopt the Pollowing schedule of psices Por the Town Hall.` ' ' ' For Sudience HaYl for Leotures or Concerts with or without galler.y &c ,�5.00 E`or Audience E3aI1 and Hat Room, Gallery and Ante- rooms till Z2 ocloek for Balls 14.00 and after 12 oclock each hour 1.00 For above rooms Yor Tea Par,ty afterno�tt and evening15.00 For the Attic Hall to set tables, 5.00 . udhen the rooms are used by people o£ town who come to make mottey to carry away, an extra eharge of, 2.00 . VYhen the Selectmen�s Room is used 3.00 In all cases of exhibitions or concerts for school children, political caucuses, or other public gath- 346. ering where the whole people are interested and may attend without admittance Pee, a�d on all other ex- traordinary occasions , where the Sel�ctmen may deem • i� expedient, the rooms may be occupied without • charge. �7henever the Selectmen may deem it expedient they ma� require the rent before the Ha31 is occupied.10 . grt. 7. Voted "That the Selectmen be authorized to purch�se two Flags one for the use- of the centre village, and one Eor the use of the east village ;at a cost of� not over seventy five dollars each.'* Art. 8. �oted, '�That the Selectmen be authorized . to sell an convey the oId en�ine house in the East Fillage, and the land on which it stands, at such time as theJ may deem expedient." � Art. 9. Voted. «That the verbal report oP the Com- mittee be accepted, and that they be granted further time." Art: 10. Voted. "That the Seleetmen be authorized to purchase a hand fire eztinguisher for the pro- tection of the Tawn: Hall, if in their judgment the same zs required.": Art. 11. Uoted. "That tne whole subject of namine the street be left to the Selectmen, " Art. 12. Poted,"That the Selectmen for the time being, a�e hereby authorized and� emp.ov�ered, during the current or any future year, till this vote is annulledm to lease, purchase:; or take, any gravel pit for the use of the town, for repairing high- ways or other�vise, as they may deem Por the inter- est of the to�n." Art. 13. Voted '*To lay the article on the table.'� and it was subsequently ealled np and it was Voted. "That the article be indefinitely postponed." 347. 1874. Art. I4. Voted. "That the sum of one hundred dol- lars be appropriated to decorate; or other�vise mark, the resting place of those whose lives were , given in the late war, to sustair� the integrity � oY the Union.'* Art 15, ^The reading o� the Act in question, was called for, and it �ruas read by the n�oderator, after which it was Voted. "To pass over the Article." � t1rt. 16. No Gommittees were ready to report, and the P�2oderator declared the meeting dissolved. A true record, Attest , Leonard A. Savi;lle., Tourn" Cl'erk, � Lexington April 13 1874. To Leonard 6. Saville Town CZerk of Lexington, , The Selectmen , agreeably. to the vote of the � town have made the following appointments. B. C. 'uJhitcher 5upr of the Tov�n Scales and weigher of Hay 8c Coals. Leonard li. Saville, Il4easurer oP '�ood & Bark - FrankV, H}ltters. " " " " " Augustus ehiias �_ « « �� �� R. VJ. Holbrook uJeigher of Hay & Coal. Alonzo Goddard Sealer oY Weights, and Measures. , Oliver W. Kendall Pound Keeper. g. L. Bail Police OfYicer. OZiv�er Vif, Kendall Police Officer and Sexton. C. T. `rJorthley Police Officer. P. P. Pierce Auctioneer. . , Leqi Prosser Auctioneer. Charles Hudson. Chairma n o£ the Sel�ctmen. � 1874 348 �Varrant for a Town BReet ing June 11 I874. � To EIi Simonds . Constable of Lexington, , Gree�ing:- . You are hereby requiTed in the ttame of the Commonwealth of' Massachusetts, to notify and warn the inhabi- tants o£ the town of Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, , to ass�mble at the Town Hall on Thursday the elevsnth day o£ June �xt at Oclock P.Iui. to act on tne following articles viz:- Art 1. To choose a b7o$erator. Art. 2. rTo see if the tovun will authorize the _ Selectmen $o widen the Main street in front oP Morris Block, and to make such improvements in front and near said B1oGk, as will conform to the suggestions of the County Commissioners, and make the approadlto the stores �n s�id Bloek safe and convenient. � Art. 3. To see what action the tovvn will take relative to thQ petition of Abraham B. Shedd , and Qthers now before the County Commissioners., Yor widening, straighte�ing and .grading VJaltham Street. grt. 4. To see iP the to�vn will provide a place Por the storage of the Babqock Fire Extinguisher, or provide for forming a Compa�y £or the operat- ing of the same, or act in a�y u�anner in relation � to said Extinguisher. art. 5. To see if the town will cause Companies to be formed to mana�e the I3aneqck �nd Ad�ms Engines, , and p�,y tnem as heretoPore; or make any further appropriation to meet the w�nts oP the Fire Depart- ment. Art. 6. To see what additional compensation the 'tovqn willmeke I. N. Damon as Treasurer and Collect- or, in 349 1874. consequence of the increased labor and responsibility, thrown upon him, by the increased appropriation, and ° the new mode oP paying bills. Art. 7. To see if the town will instruct the Select- men to delety the assessmenLs on lands supposed to be affected by the drainage on Vine Broo�. � Art. 8. To see if the town will accept the provisions oP the Act of 1891 Chapter 382, authorizing the Select- men,. in �aying out, altering or widening ar�p street or public way, to assess costs upon ar�y parties deemed to be _ benefitted thereby. . drt. 9. To see if the town will accept a bequest of the late Jonas 6 ammell. Art. 10. To hear the report oP any committees that may be ready to report. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon, to the° Town Clerk on or before the time oP meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington this twenty-ninth day o£ P�ay A. D. one t�ousand eight hundred and seven- ty Pour. ° Charles Hudson ) Selectmen L. S. Pierce. ) oP B. C. �Jhitcher ) Lexington, Pursuant to the within warrant I Ya_ve notified the inhabitants of the Town oP Lexfngton, as �vithin � directed by posting a copy thereof in two public places in each village and by leaving a copy with each family in the Town as proaided by the Hy Iaws oP the Town of Lexington 1lttest � Zexittgton June 3f 1874 Eli Simonds Constable of Lexington. 1874. 350 In accordance with the foregoing vVarrant the persor� called therein met at the time and plac� appointed and were called to order bg the Clerk and tne �var- rant read, and a vote was taken for Ivfoderator with the following result, James Gould 8 votes Leon Prosser 2 'T � L. G. Babcock 1 " ^ and J�s. Gould was declared eleeted Moderator, and � was sworn bg the Clerk. B. motion was made by Mr. R, T. Bryant to indefinite- ly postpone the business oP the meeting, but no vote � was taken, r1 moti�n of Mr �. W. Bettinson that this m� eting be adjourned till next March Meeting, was put and de- clared carried, objection was made by ^JIr Charles Hudson against the unparlimentary mode of proceed- ings and after some debate. It was finally decided ° by the Moderator that the meeting tivas adjourned till the next March meeting. A• true record Attest, Leonard A. Saville, Town Clerk. 351. 1874. tiVsrrant Por a Town Meeting 7uly llth 1874 ` To E�i Simonds, Oli�er 'N. Kendall and Joshua Hobart. Greeting: _ You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth �f �Iassaehusetts, to notiPy and warn the inhabitants of the Town oP Lexington, qual- ified by Iaw to vote in Touvn a£fairs , to assemble st the Town Hall, on Saturday, the eleventh day oP July inst. , at six oclock P.M. to act' on the following articles; viz : � 6rt 1. To choose a Moderato`r. Art 2. To see iY the Town will accept a bequest of the late Jonas Gammell. ' � Art. 3. To hear the report of the Comucittee on the subject of the Centettnial Celebration, and act there- on. Art. 4. To see iP the Towa uvfll unite v�ith Concord in the Centennial Celebration, or act in ar�y manner relative thereto. Art 5. To see if the Town will choose a Committee of arrangements for said Celebration, or make ar�g pravisions Por carrying. out the same. Hereof Pail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of ineeting. Given under our hands at � I,exington this seventh day oP July �I D. one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy four. . Gharles Hudson. ) Selectmen L. S. Pierce . ) of B. C. V�fhitcher; ) Lexington. Pursuant to the euithin warrant we Ya°,ve notified the inhabitants of tl� Town of Lexington as with- in directed, by posting an attested copy thereoP in two public places in each village , ax�}r by leav- ing a copy 1874. 352. with each Pamily in the �own as directed by the Sy Iaws o£ the Town. Attest. Eli Simonds 0, tiV. Kendall. Lexington July 9, 1874 S. Hobart. _ , , A true copy af the yarrant, Attest : Leonard A Saville, r Town Clerk. In accordance with the� faregoing warrant the Town Clerk was in attendance at the time specified and aPter waiting some fifteen minutes for a quorum, called the meeting to order, read the warrant snd the business proceeded with tkie following result. �1rt. 1. Frank E. GVetherell w�s chosen li�oderator and was sworn by the Clerk to the faithful per- formance of his duty. Art. 2. Charles Nunn Esq. Executor of the will oP the late 7onas Gamu►ell, having notified the Select- men that Mr Gammell had made the following bequest to the town, viz: "I give and bequeath to the Town of Lexington Five Hundred Dollars, upon the conditiott that said town shall receive the same and keep it saYely in- vested, and egpend the income' thereof in purchasing such luxuries or delicacies for the inmates of the towns almshouse as are not usually furnished then and shall tend to p'romote th�ir health and comPort ; such income shall be expended by the Overseers of the poor 2nd two la_dies, residents of the town, to " be annually appointed for that purpose by the Select- ' men of the tosvn. This legacy is made upon the ex- press condition that if that part of the town called East Lexington ever be incorporated as a separate town, the sauie shall be transferred and paid over to ' such: new town to be held by such new town upon the conditions and for the purpose aforesaid. " It was Voted. '�That the town gratefully accept the kind and sympathetic bequest of our late respected fellow citizen, Jonas Garomell, for the object stated 353. 1874. and on the conditions named in the bequest, and that the Town Treas�rer be directed to apply to the said Executor for the sum given, and receipt Por the same, and that he be requested 'to invest the said sum, under the direction of the Selectmen where it will be safe, and where the interest will be paid annually tA, the Treasurer and �he pay the same out on the re- ceipt of the Overseers of the Poor." ' Art. 3. The conuittee made a verbal report of their doings thus far, the principle part of vvhich was the report of the meeting with Co�ittee of t1� Town of Concor"d, in relation to the union of the two to�rns ' in the celebration of the 39th of April 1875, but no dePinite terms were arranged. � �Toted. "That the report of the Comraittee be acce�ted." Art. 4. Voted. "That the Committee chosen be vested with full po,Jers in relation to the union �rt�'ith Con- cord." Art. 5. Voted. "That a committee of five be appointed by the chair, who shall retire and nominate a Corimittoe of twenty five , which shall include the three members now on the Committee" and the ehair appointed N2. H. Merriam L. S. Pierce Jas 5. Munroe Gea. E. ivTuzzey uVebster Smith who retired and reported tlie fo3loy�ing names:- ( Chas Hudson ( M. H. Il?erriam ) original Couunittee. ) ( P,. u�. Reed ) "Alonzo Goddard Geo. E. IVIuzzey, �eo. Smith. C. C. Goodwin Chas M. Parker, V'Zebster �ith Benj.Hadley L.S. Pierce, Chas Tidd, Geo.D.Harrington N. N. Pierce � �ti�. k. Tovaer, T. G. Hovey Levz Prosser C. A. 6Vellington Patrick P.Qitchell Hammon Reed � �tiYalter lVellington i�. H. I�Runroe &. B. Smith F. E, udetherell B. ` C. u'fhitcher.'° who v�ere accepted, 1874 � 354. V'oted "To add to the Comm.ittee the resident clorgymen. of the Town," and the names of � "Rev Henry �iiPestcote. Rev E. G Porter. � Rev E. S. Elder. Rev John Pryor." were added, , < Voted. "To e�cuse Geo. D. Harrington Prom serving on the Committees" Voted "That the Committee be authorized to fill all vacancie s." Voted "That the Committee be authorized to draw on the Treasurer Por such sums as may be needed to carry out this cvosk." A true record, Attest : Leonard A. Saville, Town Clerk. 355 1874 4Yarrant for a Town Meeting Nov 3d 1874. � To Eli Simonds Constable oP Lexington Greeting:- You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massacusetts tb notify and v��arn the inhabitanEs of the Town o£ I,exington; qualifiad by law to vote in State and County affairs , to assemble at the Town ffall on Tuesday the thi.rd day of Iv'ovember next at One oclock P.�. to cast their ballot. s for the fol- lowing State; County and District Officers viz :- For Governor. - Lieutenent Governor, = Secretary of the Com�onwealth, Treasurer and Reciever General. �luditor of Accounts. ' Attorney General of t}a� Commonwealth One County Commissioner. Two Special County Commissioners. SheriPf. Three Commissioners oP Insolvenc5r. � Regresentative to Congr6ss for District Pdo Five. Councillor for the sixth Middlesex District, Sens.tor for the Sixth Pdiddlesex District. Representative to the General Court �or the Twenty Pirst Middlesex Di:striet . ➢istrict bttorney. The Selectiaen will recieoe the votes for the above named oYPieers on one ballot. The Polls will be opened �immediately after the organ- ization of the meeting, and kep open until four oclock, and as much longer as the meeting msy direct not to extend beyond sunset. � �1874. 356 - You are also required to notiPy and warn the inhab- itants of Lexington, qualified by lav� to vote in � Town aPfairs to meet at th� Town Hall at half past three oclock P.M. on the same day, to act on the ' following articles, viz:- � . � Art. 1. To choose a Moderator. &rt. 2. To see what action the Town will take to carry out the improvements on Main Street, �rdered by t12e Commissioners. Art. 3. To see iP the Town wi11 make an appropri- ation to improve uJaltham Street. Art. 4. To see i£ the Town will remove the led�e on Nfain Street near the residence of Asa Cottrell, � •end �,ppropriate money for the same. �rt. 5. To see if the Town will continue to devote the rental oP the Rooms in the Town Hall building, and of the Adams Engine House, toward paying for the Statues of FIancock and Adams to finish the design of furnishing that portion of the building devoted to Monumental purposes. Art. 6. To see if the Town evill provide bedding and the necessary furniture for the Lock-up in East "`Lex- ington. , Art. 7. To see if the Town will p�int the Hall oP the .A.dams Engine House in East Lexington, and Purn- ish the same with Settees, Chairs, Lights &c, or act in ar�g manner relating thereto. Art. 8. To see if the Town will procure a Hook a�l ' Ladder Truck, for the use of tY� Fire Department, or act in ar�y manner relative theretoe Art. 9. To see if the Town will provide a general �atering Trough near the Hay scales, at the junction of Main and Bedford streets. 357 1874. Arte 10. To hear the report oP a�yy Committee, that may� be ready to report, and act thereon. The Selectmen will be in session at their soo� at the Towh Hall on PI[onday the second dsy � November next Prom six to nine oclock P.M. to revise the voting li`st , and no case requiring irivestigation will be entertained after the Polls are opened. HereoP Pail not, and make return of this ?�farrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, ox� or bePa�e the time of said meeting. Given under our �hands at Lexington this £ifteenth _ day oP October A.D. One thousand eigh� hundred and seventy i'erur. � Charles Hudson. ) Selectmen L. S. Pierce. ) of e H. C. [�hitcher. ) I,exington. Pursuant to the within 4Varrant I have notified the Inhabitants as within commanded by postang an sttested copy thereof, in tv�o public places in each village, and by leaving an attested aopy with each Eamily in the. Town. Attest: Fli Simonds, _ �onstable of Lexington, Lexington Qet 19 1874 , 6 true copy of the Warrant. bttest: Leonar,d A. Saville, , Town Clerk, , 1874 358 ,. In conYQrmity �rith the Poregoing PJarrant, the Town met as tY� rein called, and as soon as a quorum was present the polls were opened for the choice of . State County andt ,Di4triet officers. At Pour oclock the time-for closing the polls was egntended fifteen minutes, and at a quarter past four tthe time for closing the polls v�as extended to ha1P past 4 oelock. The votes Por State, County and District aYficers were as follows. For Governor. William Geston oP Boston - One Hundred and eighty three(183 ) Thomas Talbot of Billerica - Qne Huridred and thirtygour(134 ) For Lieutenan� Governor. PJillism L.Smith af Springfield - One Hundred and siaty seven - (167 ) HoTatio G. Knight of Easthampton - 6ne Hundred and fifty one. ° f151 ) For Secretary oP ^�he• Commonwealth. < Ben�amin F. P�ills of ti�tilliamstown - One Hundred anl sixty � five. � (165 ) Olivar tYarner of Northampton - One Hundred and fifty two)152 ) For Treasurer and� Receiver General. � Nathan CZark of Lynn - one Hundred and sixty five (165 ) L`i�arles Adams Jr. of North BrookPield - One Hundred and fifty three. (153 ) For guditor. G. Osgood I�orse of Newburyport- One Hundred and sixty five (165 ) Charles Endico�tt oP Canton - One Hundred and fifty three (153 ) For Attorney General�. � uPaldo Colburn oP Dedham - One Hundred and sigty Pive (165J Charles R. Train of Boston - One Hundred and fifty three (15° For Representative to Congress ,Fifth District Nathaniel P. Banka o£ �Paltham,- One Hundred and eighty eight, (18E Daniel 'N. Gooch oP Melros.e - One Hundred and thirty two, (132 < 359 • 1874. For Councillor, Sixth District. Alonzo �7. Lynde of NFelrose - One Hundred and sixty-six(166 ) George 0 Brastow of Somerville - one Hundred and fifty- three � (153 ) • For SherifP •oP P�Iiddlesex County. Godfrey Rider 7r of Melrose - one Hundred and sixty (160 ) Charles Kimball of Lowell - One Hundred and fifty five (155 ) For District tittorney of Dlliddlesex County. CY�arles J.McIntir.e of Cambridge - One Hundred and sixty thrae (163 ) George Stevens of Lowell - One Hundred and fifty three (153 ) For County Gommissioner. George H. Stone oP Ashland - One Hundred and sixtyfive (165 ) Harrison Harwood oP Natick - One Hundred and fiftyf azr (154 ) � For S�eeial County Commissioners. ➢. N. Skillings of '�dinchester - one Hundred and sixty five . (165 ) � John n4. Tobin of Belmont. - One Hundred and sixty six (166 ) Lyman Dike oP Stoneham - One Hundred and fifty tvJo. (152 ) Samuel Staples of Concord.-One Hundred and £i£ty three (153 ) < For Commissioners of Insolvency for I�diddlesex County. Alpheus R. Brown �of Somerville - One Hundred and sixty six (166 ) Jamas Gerrish oP Ayer. - One Hundred and sixty six. (166 ) Clement IlZeserve of Hopkinton - One Hundred and sixty seven , (167 ) , Fr.ancis S. Hesseltine o£ Melrose - Orie Hundred and fifty three (153 ) 7ohn Spaulding oP &yer. - One Hundred and Pifty three (153) John Haskell Butter of °Somerville -One Hundred and fifty two (152 ) For Senator, Sixth P�iiddlesex Distr3et. , Alpha E. Thompson of UJoburn - �ne Hundred and eighty two (182 ) Richard Britton of JTakefield - OnP Hundred and thirty th�ee (133 ) For Representative to the General Court.�lst P,Ziddlesex District. 'uJilliam iYinn oP Burlington - One Hundred and eighty seven (187 ) N.�. Taylar of Carlisle - One Hundred and twenty si�(126) William PQunroe o�" Lexington - one (1 ) 1874. 360 The foregoing votes Por- State, County and District Officers were counted and declared in open meeting, and the election blamks duly signed and sealed, alsa the ballots and check l�st used vvere seal:� d and de- livered to the To�vn Clerk, as provided by law. The meeting for Town. business �Yas called to order by the Clerk at half past three oclock, ansl tho Warrant read and the business proceeded w�th the following result. Art. 1. �Toted. . "To ballot for P�Zoderator witnout the use of the Check list and tnat the Polls be kept open five minutes. " 4Yhole number of votes for Moderator 57 L. G. Babcock had 54 votes Asa Cottrell had 3 " mnd L. G. Babcock was declared elected, n4r Babcock asked to be excused from seAving as Moderator and the Towrn Voted. "To excuse L. G Baboock Prom serv- ing as 11�oderat or.19 Voted. "To choose a 1UIoderatm by nomination." and Frank E Gdetherell was so chosen and duly qualified by the Clerk. Voted "To take up Art 4TM , Art 4. Voted. *To postpone the subject till next March ToSeeting." Art 2. Poted. '*VVhereas we believe the widening of Main St as recently ordered b� the County Com- mission.ers, is at the present time inexpedient and uncalled for, incuring an unnecessary bill oP - expense, which neither the Town, or public inter- ests demands: and whereas, we beieve that the . County Cornmissioners did not fully understand the wishes di the Town in this respect. Voted, That . the Selectmen be directed to notify 'the County Commissioners as to the true wishes of the Citi- zens of the T own of I,exington, by sending them s copy of this vote, and respectfully requesting . them to reconsider their order." 361. 1874 Art 3. Voted. "That a committee of five be ap- pointed by the Chair, wha shall take the matter under consideration and report at the negt b4arch . Meeting.`" e.nd the Chair appointed as such Committee. Franklin Patch. John P. Reed. C, M. Parker. tiV. iNellington, A. �F. Locke. Art. 5. Voted. "That the rental oP the Rooms in the Town Hall Building, and of the 3dams �ngine House for the term of one year be devoted to�rard gaying for the Statues of Hancock and 9dams.'� Brt ,6. V t d. "That the Constable provide the LoCk- . up in Eas� �Lexington with bedding and necessary furn- iture at a cost not exceeding ri.fty dollars." �.rt 7. Voted "That the Selectmen cause the Hall in the Adams Engine House to be painted, and the Hall suitably furnished, with Settees, Chairs, Lsmps and . Desk: and that the said Hall be in the custody and under the care of the Selectmen, that the Hall be warffied and iighted, and �lzen care of, �t the ebpense of the Town; and that the Hall be used on the same principle that the Town Hall is, and that rents b� charged on the same principle and for the objects and purposes as they are charged for the Town Hall, taking into consideration in fixing the price the relative �'ifference in the cost of warming,lighting, and taking care of the same; that the Hall be pro- vided with Ante-Roo[ns, and that �he sum o£ seven Hun- � dred dollars be appropriated for said improvements, to be eapended by a committee oP five to be appoint- - ed by the chair." � The Chair appointed as such committee. T. G. Hovey. D. A. Tuttle. L. S. Pierce. J. H. Fowle. k. Childs. Art 8. Voted "To appropriate the sum of Five Hun- dred dollars under the direetion• of the Board oY Engineers, for a Hook end Iadder Truck f or the use oP the Fire Bepartment."� � - �rt. 9. Voted "�'hat the subject be indefinitely postponed," Art. 10. "The Selectmen submitted a verbal Report , that to secure means to pay for the Statues oP Hancoek & Adams, they prefered a petition to Con- gress, and. received a gr�nt of tett 6 pound con- demned ordnance from whieh they had Tealized nearly � �1700.00 to the Statue £und. . These guns proved to be - "Rebel trophies^ - guns captured from the Rebels. It has occured to us that one of these auns would be a valuable relie to be preserved � in our Memorial Hall, and we would recommend that the Town purchase one oP these guns, to be placed in said Hall, at a cost not exceeding two hundred and twenty dollars." Voted. "That the recommendation oY tY�e selectmen be adopted, and that they be; authorized to carry the same into efPeet.^ ; The meeting Por Tovrn bus- iness was the� declared dissolved. A true record oP the doings. . Attest. Leonard A. Saville. Town Clerk. 363. 1874. < , Lexington Nov 4 1874. A meeting of the Town Clerks oP Bedford, Burlington Carlisle end Lexington, said Town comprising,. the 21st PQiddlesex Representative District, was holden at Bedford Town Hall this. dap at noon, and it ap- peared from the returns from said Towns that votes were cast for the following named parsons , to rep- resent said district in the next General Court. � 4Yilliam �Jinn oP Burlington Yad in � Bedford Fi£ty four (54 ) Burlington Eighty nine - . . (89 ) Carlisle . Forty-one. - (41 ) Lexington One Hundred and eighty-seven (187 ) Total for uVinn� - � 371 Nathaniel A. Taylor, oP Carlisle had in � Bedford Sixty two �62 ) Burlington Thirty one (31) Carlisle Sixty four (64) Lexington One hundred and t�enty� six(126 Total for Taylor. - 283 'uVilliam �unroe of Lexington, had in Lexington - One �11 ti4illiam "vJinn oP Hurlington, having a majority of eighty seven votes, was declared elected, and a certificate oY election was accordin�ly given him, and a duplicate certificate returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, signed by C. k. Corey, Town Clerk of Bedford. Samuel Sewall " " " Burlington. �lustin P2arsh. " " " Carlisle. � Leonard A. Saville'° " " Zexington. r� true record oP the doings • Attest:- Leonard A. Saville. Town Clerk of Lexington. � 1874. 364 uVarrant for a Town Meeting Dec 14 1874 To Eli Simonds Constable of Lexington, Greeting, � You are hereby required in the name of the Comnonwealth � of n4assachusetts,� to notifg and vJarn the inhab� tants of the Town oP Lexington qualiPied bg lavu to vote in Tov¢n a£fairs, to assemble at the Town Hall on :,londay the 14th day of December inst , at three oclock P.P,7. to act on the following articles " P1Z:- tlrt 1. To choose a Moderator. Art 2. To see if the Town will assume the expense of the work done under an act of tY� Legislature of i�assachusetts entitled "r1n Act to Authorize the � Town of Lexin�ton to drain the meadows riear the Central villa�e" and being Chapter 214 of the Acts for the year 1873 - and act in �relation the same. Art 3. '°To see iP the Town wi11 requeilt its Selectmen to abate all the Assessments laid by them under the Act mentioned in the last proceed- ing article; and instruct the Collector of Taxes not to collect the same - and otherwise act in relation tnereto. Art 4. To see what pro�ision the Town will make towards e�hibiting the Statues of Hancock and Adams at the Centennzal, and placing them in the appro- priate niehes, and meeting the �eneral expenses of the Cel�bration. Hrt 5 To see if the Totvn wi11 authorize and provide ' for the introduction of gas into the To�n Ha11, and also authorize its use in supplying the street lamns as far as the Comz�any will� extend their mains . tlrt. 6. To see if the Totivn wi11 cause a suitable room or � 365. ° 1874 rooms to be finished in the basement of the Toti�Jn Hall for the accommodation of �those Nho may occupy the 1�udienee Hall, and may v�a sh for a supper. Art 7. To see if the Tovrn will cause the upper room in the extension o£ the Hancock School house, to be finished and put in a conditzon as a school room, to meet the gro�ving demands of the scholers, aneI' to establish an additional school in said house. The second and third Articles in this �Varrant are inserted at the request of George Sparhawk and' 3ames Gould and others, on whose petition i.his meeting has been called. ` Hereof fail not and` make due return of this 'udar- rant with your doi�gs thereon to the Town Clerk , on or before the time. of ineeting. Given under our hands et Ler.ington this first day of December in the year of our I,ord One thousand eight hundred and seventy four. Charles Hudson, ) Selectmen _ L. S. Pierce. J of B. G. ldhitcher ') I.exington. Pursuant to the within '�Jarrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Tovvn of �exington as within directed by posting and attested copy thereof in two public places in each village , , and leaPing an attested copy �vith each family in the tovan. Eli Simonds Lexington Dec 5 1874Constable of Lexington. � A true copy of the V�farrant ` Attest : � I.ednard A Saville Town C1erk. 1874. 306 In accordance with the foregoin� vrarrant the meeting e¢as called to order by tne Clerk at the time specified and the business proceeded with the follo�rin� result. Art. l. Voted. "2'a Choose a Moderator by bal- lo� witn the use of the Check list ; ancl that the polls be kept open 10 minutes." ��Vhole number oP ballots for P�Zoderator 100 I�.H.IuIerriam had 48 votes James Gould " 43 `� I. N. DamoIl " 9 ^ M. H. I��erriam was declared elected I.Toderator, and was svrorn by the Clerk. Voted "To pass over Artieles 2 & 3 arrT take up drticle 4.". � Art 4. Voted. "That the Selectmen be instructed to petition the Legislature to pay and allow, Five Thousand Dollars, to aid the Town in prop- erly celebrating the Centennial linniversary of , the Battle of Sexington �3pri1 I9th 1875. �ind in case their application should prove un- . successful, then to petition the Legislature , to amensi Chapter 87 of the Acts of 1874, so that the Town may be autharized to raise for the celebra- tion, one sixth of one per cent o�' its valuation instead of one tv�entieth.�* Art. 5. The article was divided and on the first � part it was Voted. "To introduce gas into the Town Hall Building." and on the second part of the article it was T�oted. "That the pa�t oP the &rticle relating to Street Iamps be referred to the Seleetmen, with power to relocate said Iamps as in their judgment would best serve the public interests, and cause the ssme to be lighted witn gas.`1 Art. 6. Voted. "That the subjcct be referred to a Committee of three to report at the next It4arch meeting, and A, l'l. Locke Hammon Reed. C. C. Goodwin, �xas chosen such committee. " < � 367. 1874. Art. 7. Voted. "That the School Committee be instructed to finish off any Purnish a new school room in the� Hancock School House, and that the sum oY Five Hundred Dollars be appropriated to carry - out the work." � �7oted "To take ug' Art: 2'" Voted "That the remarks of each speaker be confined to ten minutes." ^ Tloted. "To allow Dr Holmes ten°minutes more to con- tinue his remarks.'� Voted 'rThat Mr Hudson be allowed five minutes more to continue his remarks.n Poted "That Article 2 and �3 be indefinitely post- poned." Voted "That the meeting be dissolved." �i true record, = Attest: Leonard A. Saville. • Town Clerk. � 1875. 368. uVarrent for a Town Meeting �4arch lst. 1875. To �li Simonds. Constable of Lexington, Greeting; � In the name of the Commonwealth oP Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the In- habitants oP the Town of Zexington qualified by law to vote in Town Affairs, to assemble at the Town�IiYfairs,to assemble at the Tov�r� Hall on Mon- day the first day of NIarch next at 9 oclock A.M. to act on the following Articles viz: tlrt 1 To choose a Moderator. Art 2 To choose Town OfPicers Por the ensuing year including one school committee man for three years. � � � Art 3 To provide for the repairs of the highways the ensuing year and to grant money Por the same. Art 4. io pravide for the support oP the Poor the ensuing year, and to grant money for the same. Art 5. To provide for the support of the Public - Schools the ensuing year, including their several grades, and to grant money for the same. � Art 6. To ehoose a Committee man Por three years to fill a vacancy in the Committee having charga of the Cemeteries. drt 7. To see if the Town will provide a place for the storage oP the Babcock Fire Extinguisher, or prQvide a Company Por the operating of the same, or act in aRy manner in relation to the FYre Department. Art 8 To see what additional compensation the Town will make Isaae N. Damon as Treasurer and 369. 1875 Collector for the past year, in co.nsequence o£ the increased labor and responsibility thrown upon him. . drt 9. To see what aetian the Town will take, �hat measures they will adopt, and what pecun- iary aid they will grant towards carryin� £or- ward the contemplated Centennial Celebration on the 19th o£ April nest: or act in any manner relative to the Celebration. Art 10. To see i£ the Town wi11 cause an add- ition to be made to the Barn at the Poor Parm, and appropriate mpney for the same. l�rt. 11. To see if the Town will adopt a Com- mon Seal. , Art. 12. To see iP the Town will choase a Board of Health, and take any action in rela- _ tion the same. 9st. 13. To see what action the Town will take in�relation torthe invitation of the Town of Concord to participate in the Calebration of the 19th of �pril next at Coneord. � , �.rt 14. To hear the report of the Committee appointed at the November IvIeeting in relation , to improving i��ltham Street, and act thereon. , Qrt 15 To hear the report of the Committee chosen to consider the subject af fittishing ofP a room or rooms in tl�e basement of the Town Hall attd act thereon, . 9rt 16. To hear the report of ar�y Committee � thaty may be ready to report and act thereon. Hereof fail not and make return of this tiVarrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before tlie time of said meeting. 1875. 370 Given unde� our hands at Lexington this twelPth day of February A. ➢. 1875 Charles Hudson ) Selectmen L. S. Pierce. ) , of B. C. Vdhitcher ) Lexington. , Punsuant to the within 'Narrant I have notified tha Inhabitants of Lexington as within directed by posting an attested copy thereof in two public , places in each village and by leaving an attested copy with family in the T�wn. Eli Simonds , Constable of Lexington. , Lexington Feby 19 1875. A true copy oP the GYarrant. Attest : Leonard A. Saville, ' Town Clerk. , The Meeting in accordance with the Poregoing ,�Iar- rant was called to order at the time specified and the 4Varrant read by the Clerk and under Art 1 it was Voted. "To keep the Polls �pen five minutes for choice of F,Toderator". The whole numbe� of ballots cast for Paioderator was thirty and were all for Frank E. Bdetherell, who was declared elected P�:oderator, and was sworn by the Clerk. , . Art 2. Voted. "That vue proceed to choose , a11 on one ballot , the following officers : - One Town Clerk, - Three Selectmen.- Three Hightivays Surveyors who shall also be Overseers of ti� Poor. - One Tre�surer who shall alsa be, Collector - Three Assessors - One Constable - Two Auditors - Two School Committee men for 3 years. - One School Committee -man Por 2 years - One School Comraittee msn for 1 year, and that the polls be kept open llritll 4.30 P.D,T.'° Voted. "Thax so much of the motion as refers to Highway Surveymrs and Overseer.s of t1E Poor be str.icken out and 371 1875. that the Selectmen act as those officers, and that they be instructed to appoint a Superin- - tendent of Streets." and the Polls were de- o clared open for ballots £or Tovrn Officers . Voted: "That �he, chair appoint a Committee of three to assist the Moderator in sorting and counting the votes�" and Franklin.Patch, T.G. Hovey, and Chas. A. Powle were appointed such committee and were sworn by the Clerk. Voted. "That the meeting proceed to choose such TovJn OfYicers as are not chosen by ballot.'° , Sworn n4ch 15 by P:Toderator "George Sparhawk, Sx�orn lUich 8 by Clerk A. F. Spaulding, , Sworn �ich 6 by Clerk John R. True.^ were chosen rield ➢rivers, Declined . , "Fred Tower Sworn March lst by Moderator, Howland Holmes. Sworn March 3d by Clerk B. T.. B�tcheller." were chosen Fence Viewers. S�,vorn March 3d by Clerk 0. Pd. Kendall was chosen Surveyor oP I,umber, Voted. ^That the rema�ning minor ofYicers bP appointed by the Selectmen.^ Voted "To take up Article 6.". . Charles Hudson tivas chosen Committee on Cemeteries Por thre� years to fill vacancy. Voted "To take up Article 11." Voted "To pass over the tLrticle for the time � being." Voted. "To take up ArticZe 10." VQ-ted. "That a Oommittee o£ three be appointed , by the, Chair to consider the subject and report at the �ipril Meeti�g.'°and C . P,I. Parke,r, E. 7d. Bettinson and 7. L. Norris were appointed such Committee. , Voted. "To add two more to the Committee by nomination at large." and Hammon Reed and 1875. 372 F. F. Raymond were so nominated and chosen. Pated. "To take up Arti_cle 12." Voted. "That the tivhole subject be indefinitely postponed." lst 13. Uoted. "That the invitation of the To�n oP Concord be rePerred ta� the Centennial Committee with Pull powers." Art 15. Voted. "To accept the report of the Committee and adopt its reconmendatians, and that the sum of 850 dollafis be agpropriated . for the purpose." - . (See Reprts of. Committee *s Page 151 ) Voted. "To take up Article 16.'t Yoted "That the several reports af the Town of�icers as presented in the printed report of the Auditors be considered as received by the Town for their action." Voted "To take up Article 8." � � �oted. "That Three Hundred dollars additional be paid Isaac Id. llamon as Treasurer and Collect- or for the past year.'� Voted "To take up Article 4." Voted. "To postpone the consideratibn of the Artt 3. Voted "That the sum of 4000.00 dol- lars be appropriated, Por the repairs of High- � ways tn.e ensuing year and the sum oP 500.00 dnllars Por removing snow. " � :�rt 5. Poted. "That ! the sum of 12.250.00 dollars be appropriated• Por Schools the ensuing year, to be expended substantially as recoramend- ed in the printed report oi the School Com�ittee." 373. � 1875. Art 7. Voted "That the whole matter of the Pire Department be raferred to a committee of six con- sisting of thE three �ngineers and three others to renort at the April Meeting" and m. H. Merriam, T. G. Hovey and Henry k. Turner were appointed such eo�mittee."� • Voted, "To take up l�ticle 11^ Voted "That � committee of three be appointed bg �he Cheir to furnish the details of a design �or a Comman Seal, subject to the�Approval oP the Selectmen, and whsn so approved to b�ccxne the seal of the Towri:'* flnd Rev E. �. Porter. A. E. Scptt amd C. A. 6�ie11- ington were appointed such Committee.R Voted "That the business meeting take a recess until half past one oclock P.M." Art 14. Voted "That the report of' the Committee be accepted and their recommendations adopted, and that the sum of 500.00 dollars be appropri- ated to be expended under the direction of a Committee of three to he appointed by the Chair.1° and the Chair appoin�ted as such cQmmittee Franklin Patch, John P Reed, Amos 'dV.Loc?te , � � ( See Regorts of Committees Page 147 ) Voted. "To take up Article 9". Voted "That the sum oP 13G0.00 dollars be appro- priated under authoritg of ChaDter 87 of the Acts of 1874, towards defraying the expenses oP the Centennial Cel,ebration, And the Seleetmen are hereby directed to anprove and pass to the Treas- urer for payment all such bills as. m�y be approved by the sub-committee on finance, of the Comraittee of Arrangements for said Celebration." Voted. "That rovhen this meeting adjourn it adjourn until Monday March 15th inst at 3 oclock P.NI.'* Voted. "To take up Art 16." Tloted. "That the Overseers of the Poor, render once in 1875. 374 three months a detailed account to the Select- men, of everything sold from the town farm �rith the prive annexed, ' whibh amount shall be paid into the treasury; also that the Superintendant at the town farm shall not be a1lovJed to pur- chase ar�ything on account aP the farm, or for its inmantes, without � written order from the " Overseers of the Poor. Said acoounts of proceeds snd expenditures to be published in detail, in the annual town reports." &rt. 2. Mr George Sp&Thawk made a motion to reconsider the vo'te whereby it v�as voted to add three member"s to the school cornmittee, he having voted with the majority, and having sesved a written notice o�' such motion on the I�oderator, within thirty minutes after the gassage oP the vote; which motion the Modera- tor declared out of order, as the balloting was progressing, to which decision ob�ection was mgde by' Iu. H. N:erriam who appeale d from the decision of the Chair; and the question was dicussed by, M.H.Merriam, Dr H. Holmes; Hon Chas Hudson, 'uJehster Smith, A. E. Scott , Henry Jewett , Chas Tidd, Vd. A. Tovuer Levi Prosser, and it was �7oted, "To sustain the decision oP the Chair." 103 voting in the affirmative 57 voting in the negative. During the taking of the above vote. (which was taken by voters passing in Yront of the Chair and being counted } the time for closing the palls for the choice of ToaJn Officers ha�ing nearly expired, it was. Voted. "Tb extend the time of closing the polls for the choice of Town Officers fifteen minutes." The committee appointed to assist the P�Ioderator, in sorting and counting the votes for TovJn OPf- icers reported the result of their lab� s to the Moderator���rho announced as follows. Sworn I�arch lst For Totivn Clerk Leonard A. Saville 274 votes and by Chas Hudson J.P. Leonard A. Sa�rille, was declared elected to the office of Tovun Clerk for the ensuing yearo 375 1875. For Selectmen: Sworn Mch lst Bradley C. Whitcher 262 Sworn Mch lst Charles Hudson 158 Sworn Mch lst Franklin Alderman 153 S. E, Norris 114 L. S. Pierce 103 J. Fr .Simonds 4 Patrick Ryan 1 and Bradley C. Vdhitcher Charles Hudson and Franklin Alderma.n were declared elected Sel� ctmen. ` ' For assessors: Sworn �Zch 15 by IvToderator Leonard A. Saville' 272 Sworn Mch 3d by Clerk Joseph F. Simonds 269 Sworn IVIch 5th by Clerk VJalter uPellington 268 IJathan Fessenden 1 and Leonard A. Saville Joseph F. Simonds and '�Jalter �Jellington were declared elected Assessors. _ ror Treasurer" and Collector : " Stuorn PJich 6$h" by Clerk Isasc N. Damon ` 271 and Isaac N. Damon was declared elected Treasurer & Collector. For Constables: Sworn lvich 6th by Clerk Eli Simonds 124 C. T" . 6'rorthley 312 James A Mitchell 4 Joshua Hobart 3 Oliver �Y Kendall 2 F. Alderman 1 and Eli Si�onds was decl2,red elected Cons�able. For Auditors: Sworn Ps2arch 6th by Clerk Gerhsom Swan 269 Sworn P�Ich 5th by Clerk F.. E . �Aetherell' 264 J. F'. Simonds 2 Geo. 0. Smith ' ' 1 and C>ershom Swan and F, E. ,Netnerell were declared elected Auditors. 1875. 376 For School Committee For 3` years Rav E. S. Elder 266 ehas. Tidd, 244 For 2 pears William Plumer 233 For 1 '� Franklin Patch 217 ` Enas Putnam Jr 5 ' E. G. Porter 4 ` � Henriy udestcott 3 and Rev E. S. Elder and Chas Tidd were declared ' elected for three years. 6Yiiliam Plumer was declared elected Yor two years and Franklin Patch was declared elected for one year. Mr Chas Tidd declined to serve as School Committee man and it was TToted '*To excuse I�r Tidd froa serving on the School Committee. " ' Voted That the thanks oP t1� inhabitants of the Town be tendered to bs Charles. Tidd for the able _ and satisfactory manner in which he has discharged his duties in connection with the schools of this town, both as Teacher and School, Committee man, �xtending over a period' of forty fiue years; and that the Town Clerk be instructed to furnish him a copy of` this vot6, and also to place the same " on the records of the Town:" Voted. "To ad5ourn.`� Monday March 15 1875. ' The meeting was called to o�rder at three oclock P.IVI. and it was Voted "That the polls be opened Por t he choice of one schoo� Committee'man for three gears, to fill the vacancy cau"sed' by the resignation of . Mr Charles Tidd." ' ` Voted. "That the polls be kept open till half pas five oclock. " Voted "To take up Article 9." Qoted. "That the thanks of thc citizens of the Town be presented to the Chairman oP the Board of Selectmen ' 377. 1875. (Hon Charles Hudson) for the able and patriotic sentimenbs embodied in h�s address to the Legis- lature, requesting a gift oP Five thousand dollars for the purpose of carrying out the Centennial Cel- ebr.ation, and. that said address be copied into the records of the Town.n ` "Petition of the To�n of Lexin�;ton, To the Honorable Senate and House oY Representatives of the Commonvtealth of IV�assachusetts in General Court assembled. Your Petitioners, the Selectmen of the Town of Lex- ington, being instructed by their Pellow citizens in tovrn Meeting assembled, would respectfully pre- sent to your consideration their views and feelings on a suhject involving the interest and honor of the Commontivealth. That the prosperity and wealth of a State consist ' in no small degree in the moral tone oY its citi- zenst is a truth which all must acknowledge. Vdhat- ever, there£ore ,. elevates the patrio'tism of a people, and thereb� attaches them to their country, must be regarded� as a profitable investment. This princi- ple is so obvious that the State has always recog- nized it, not only in her liberal support oi schools and institutions of learning, but in many enterprises, tendin� to inspire a love of liberty, or to cherish an attachment to the land of our birth or adoption. The patronage of the State has been extended to pat- � riotic enterprises, to monument.s and works of art, from the towering shaft on Bunker Hill to the busts and statues which adorn the State House. Not only to tangible erections, but to public celebrations, , has the State extended her �aid� On the fourth oP Ju1y, on the death and burial of eminent personages, on the visit of distinguished Poreigners, her hand has been open: and such expenditures have been ap- proved by the people; and:instead oP impairing the resources of the State, they have actuallv exalted her character, both at home and abroad, and so added to her wealth and prosperity�.. Some of the objects and events here alluded to, sink into insignificance, when compared with theevenents of the 19th of April 1775, - the commencement of that struggle � 1875. 378. v¢hich broke the yoke of bondage and made us a Yree ` people. The brutal, cowardly attack; the unday.nted courage; the Pixed devotion to principle , the pre- serving steadfastness displayed on the 19th oP April - together with the mighty results which have flowed Prom that eventful day, have given to that epoch an importanee not surpassed by arLything in history. These events the citizens of Lexington propose to cornm.emorate on the approaching Centennial of that day: and we hope to inspire the rising gen- eration with the spirit which animated our fathers, and led to such glorious results. Lexington has �lready made no small progress in ePforts to perpdtuaie pur histar;�, and to revive the spirit oP patriotism. She has .erected two marble statues in honor or her soldiers; one oP the I+�inute Men of the Revolution, and one of the :Union soldiers of the late war;, and by their side she has placed suitable tablets, inscribed with appropriate mottoes and the names of those who fell or perished for their country; and she now groposes to do what we beliene no to�rn or city in the Sta-te has a.ttempted - erect full-sized statues of two distinguished patriots and states- • men, to tivhom I��assachusetts and the country ov�e� an . immense debt of gratitude.- Sohn Iiancock �nd SamueT Adems. Lexington does not arrogate to herself any exclusive patriotisin, nor der�y to her sister towns ardent de- uotion to countrv; but she cannot ignore the decree oY Providence, which long since passed into history, honoring her as the birthglace of Iimerican liberty. 'u"l�hile Lexnngton did no more tha n her duty at that trying period, it would be afPectation to coneeal the fact, that she was the first to meet the shock, unaided and alone, and the first to oPfer her sons on the altar of our country; and with a small pop- ulation she suPfered more in killed and wounded, than any town on the line, though some of them contained a population< t�vice as large as hers. She proposes, on the 19th of the approaching April, to unveil the. statues of Hancock and Adams, and by an Oratian, Dinner, and other appropriate services, to commem- 379. 1875 � orate the noble deeds of 1775, ands as far as poss- ible, reviPe that self-devotion which has made the old Commonv�ealth what she is? '�`de intend to maI�e the celebration truly National; and hence have ex- tended our i�itations to the high officials of the cou�try, and to distinguislaed men in everp sec- tion thereof, bidding them a cordial welcome to the hospitality of our sriall town, whose name is assoc- � iated with deeds of daring, and has been copied with pride in more than twenty States of the Union. But such a Celebration isposes a heavy expense upon a small town; so heavy that we should not have un- dertaken the enterprise, had not our position seemed � to demand it. Fortune laid the seene in our midst, and we have resolved to be true to our destiny. But as this burden is borne for otY� rs as well as Por ourselves - as we are acting for the public, in a cause in which all are mutually interested, we feel that the State should grant us s�ne aid in our patriotic enterprise. SVe, therefore, in behalP of our fellow citizens, and at their request , re- spectfully<pray your Honorable body to appropriate five thousand dollars tav�ards the expenses oP our statues a�1 our Celebration; and to authorize the tovvn to raise by taxation or other�ise, such a s�, not exceeding one-fifth of one per cent, on lier valuation, as mag be necessary to meot the eacpenses of the dua observance of the day, iilhen this subject is viewed on its merits, there can be, as we belieue, no valid ob�ection against grantin� the prayer of this petition. The only conceivable objection is, that it iaould be a dange�ous precedent. But a moment 's reflection will shoiv that no danger can be apprehended from that sou�ce. This is for a Celebration which can occur but onee in a century - it is for the open- ing scene of the Revolution, which will not hapnen again; it is Por .the town where the iirst blood was shed, and the first heroes fell; it is for a town v�l�ere fifty devo�ed citizens corifronted eight hundred British regulars, and refused tu disperse at tY�ir bidding. , uVe doubt whether aryy case parallel to this can be found, and hence there is � no danger of the precedent. But if a�y such case can be. found, or one which appropriates it , grant 380 the aid, and the people will approve it: If ar�y pther small town, aPter doing due honor to her otvn sol�liers and citizens, extends her laudable efforts and does what no other city or town has dane, erects statues to t.wo of the illustrious statesmen o-f the Revolution _ if she asks your aid - grant it: For the cause of patriotism, grant it.: Grant it' for the honor of the aId Common�vealth. Charles Hudson ) Seleetmen ` Loring S. Pie°rce ) of Bradley C. " G�fhitcher ) Lexington " PQted. "That nine thousand eight ' hundred and twenty one 'dollars be appropriated under autnority of an Act passed March 4th, 1875, to pa,y the expenses of the approaching Centennial Celebr`ation; and that it be assessed as follows; Onethousand dollars in addition to the amount appropriated March Ist , the present year„and two thousand dollsrs in each year follotiuing until the whole is paid. The Tovan Treas- urer is hereby authorized under" tne direction of the Selectmen to borrovr the money as it may be needed; and the Seleetmen are hereby directed to approve and pass to the Treasurer for payment all such `bills as may be approved by the Centennial sub-committee on finance." ' Voted �'That the Selectmen are herebJ directed to engage such detectives or police force, as they amy deem expedient, to preserve the peaee, and secure order at the Centennial Celebration: that they shall adopt suitab7le measures to secure and collate all importsnt manuscripts and relics, and cause to be published an account of the Cele- bration; and they shall aid the several Commitzees as far as may be necessary, to render the Cele- bration honorable to the town,�and agreeable to those who may honor us b�T their presence." TToted "That the Selectaen and tYie Trustees_ of the vacant lot ad�oining the Town Hall, confer in regard to making the lot available for use ' on tY� 19th oL April 1875. 381. � 1875 Voted "That the report of the Boatd of Engineers be accepted" (See report of Committees Page 153) Voted. "That the whole subject matter be rePerred to the Engineers and that the s.um of three hun- dred snd fifty dollars be appropria�ed to complete the same.^ � '°The NToderator declared the polls ciosed for the choice oP School Committee , and announced that the whole number oP votes cast were "sixty-two,and Hammon Reed _ had sixty two votes and was declared elected.�� Voted "That the meeting be dissolv ed." � true recort�, Attest : Leonard 'A. Saville, < Town Clerk. � 1875. 382. V'Jarrant for a '�o�vn Meeting tdIay ZOtn 1875. To Eli Simonds Const�ble of Lexington ' � Greeting: In the name oP the Commonwealth oP PeT�ssachusetts, you are hereoy required to notif,y and warn the In- habitants of the Town of Legingtoa c�ualified by I.aw to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at the Town E3a11, , oii TJionday the tenth day of May next � at One oclock P.�, to act on the follovving Articles viz: Art. 1. To choose a Moderator: Art 2. To fill vacancies in Town offices, if any exist. " �rt 3. To see iP the Town will accept the list of Jurors prepared by the Selectmen. t1rt. 4. To grant money to defray Town charges the ensuing year. � Art. 5. To see if the Totivn will provide an amory for the Minute-b�en, or act �in ax�y manner upon the subjeet. Art 6. To see whether the To�n will provide a place for storing the Bebcock Engine, or take �ny action relative to said �ngine, or the Fire Department. Art. 7. To see if the Town will fix the prive, and time of payment, for the occupancy of the rooms in the Town Hall. Art. 8. To see if the Town will appropriate a sum sufficient to print a new catalogue of tke � Cary Library. Art. 9. To see if the Town will appropriate a sum not exceeding One Hundred and Fifty dollars, to provide suitable counters and slio� cases to ' preserve -the relics and curiosities in the Cary Library. 383. � 1875. , Art 10. To hear the report of the Selectmen on the petition of Horace B Davis, to lay out a to�n way, c�nmencing on Main Street, and running west- erly, by tne new house of Levi Prosser and Horace B. Davis; and elso their report on the petition o� George lV. Taylor, and others praying to Yave Revere Street widened. Qrt. 11. To see if the Town will allow individ- uals to take gravel from the to�n gravel pits, to huild or repair their sidewalks, under the direction oP the Superintendant of Streets. Art. 12. To "see if the Town will .take measures � to cause an addition to be built to the High School Building, for recitatian, appar8tus, and snte-rooms; finish and Purnish the�, and appro- priate money for the same; also to see if the Town will a� propriate money for the salary of an additional assistant teacher in tYs, High School. Art. 13. To hear the report oP the Committee appointed in March to considsr making an addi- ' tion to the barn at the Poor Farm, and aet in ar�y manner .in relation thereto. Art 14. To see if the Town �ill provide for ring- ' ing the bells for the ensiing year. Art. 15. To presYide Por the. support of the Poor the ensuing year, and to grant money for the same. Art. 16. To see if the Town will make an appro- _ ` priation for the suitable observance of bdemori�l Day. Art. 17. To hear the report of ax4y Co�ittee that may be ready to report, and act thereott. Hereof fail not a31d make due return oP this uVar- rant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, on or bePore the time o£ �Said meeting. 1875. , 384 Given under our hands at Lexington this twenty- , ninth day oi April A.D. 1875. ; Charles Hudson, ) Se�ectmen B. C. �Jhitcher. ) oP < < F. Alderman ) Lexin�ton.. Notice. , , The Selectmen will hold their regular meetings at , the Town FIall on the first and third Thursdays of , each month at half past three oclock P.i,4. Pursuant to the within warrant I Ya ve notified the inhabitants of the Town as herein directed; agree- , ably to the atatutes of the Commonwealth and the . By-Laws of the Town. , At�est : . E1i Simonds , Consta b3e oY Lexington. , Lexington b7ay 3d 1875. � A true copy of the tidarrant. Attest. . Leonard b. Saville. , Town Clerk oP Lexington. . Lesington I��Iay 10 1875. � In accordance with the fore- . going �darrant the Town Clerk was present at the time and place named in said '�Jarrant, and after v�aiting half �nd hour for a quorum called the meet- ing to order and read the 6°larrant , and under Art 1 it was` zloted. "To keep the polls open five minutes for the choice of S�oderator." . and the ballot resulted in the choice of James Gould for P.Zoderator, he having recieved four votes, - all that vYere cast , - for that officey and he was duly sworn by the Clerk to , the faithPul discharge of h�s duty as It'foderator. Art 2. Letters we�e read from Hon Char3es Hudson $nd B. C. �Jhitcher ysq. - resi�ning the oYfice of Selectmen nolden by tnem, and after remarks by Nlessrs Plumer, P�Serriam, E. Tower, Bettinson, C. Robinson, Duren and others it was Voted "That a committee of three be, appointed by tne chair, to . retire and report the names of thrae gentlemen, who shall be a co�lrnittee to vrait upon 14Sessrs Hudson and '�Jhitcher, and induce them to withdraw their resignations, which cor�mittee sha11 _eport at an adjourned meeting." and the chair appointed ��JillLiam Plumer, Hammon Reed and Franklin Patch tivho retired, and soon returned and .reported as a Cor�mitteed to consult said Hudson and 7Jhitcher. 49arren Duren, E,4V.Bettinson and F. F. Raymond, vrho �rera accepted hp the meeting. Votod. "That w.hen this � etin� adjourn, it adjourn to meet at tnis p13ce on PSonday 11�Zay 24 inst. at half past three ocZock P.�2." o Voted. "To fill the vacanc.y in the board of Fence Viev�rers, caused by the deelination of Fred Tov�er by nonination" and . � Leonard A.Saville was nominated and chosen. Art 3 Voted. "That the name oP dugustus Cnilds � be stricken £rom the list of Jurors presented by t�e Selectmen, he holdin� the office of Post P.4aster at iast Lexin�ton and not liable to Jury duty." . �oted. "That the list of Jurors prasented by the Selectmen, . as amended be accepted bg th� Tou�." Art. 4. The Seleotm�n presented a list of amounts required to meet the various expenses of the Town , for the ensuing� year, not already provided f� , and it �vas Voted "To appropriate for Support of the Poor. �1500.00 " Interest 4500.00 , . " Contingencies 3500.OQ 1875. 386. `�9500.00 . For Street Lamps 1500.00 " Cary Library 350.00 " Fire Department 500.00 " Town Clerk 100.60 " Treasurer �c Collector 600.00 , " Assessors including Horse . hire and stationery 400.00 f' School Committee including . Clerk ship 300.00 . " Constable and Police 1000.00 . . �' Sexton 75.00 . " State Aid 450.00 '• Decoration Day 100.00 . " Abatement of Taxes 500.00 '� Auditors . 45.00 �p15420.00 Voted. "To take up �rt 14." Voted. "That a suitable man in each village be appointed to ring the bells at 12 ocloek n�S an� . that the sum of seventy dollars be appropriated for that purpose. " � Art. 5. Voted. "�h$t the Sel�ctmen of the Town be authorized to allow the room lately fitted up • in the third story of the Town Iiall building, as a dining room, to be used by the 'rLexington T�Zin- ute P.4en" as an amory, and for their business meetings, provided that its occupancy by the Bat- talion shall not at any time interfere with its , rental . Por the purgoses fpr which it was fitted up ; and that aqy adclition or c�anges in its furn- , iture cs fittings, be made under the direction- � of the Selectmen and be paid Por by the Battalion." Art 6 Voted. "To aFcept the report of the Committee and to appropriate the si� of Two thousand dollars to be expended under the direction of the same Comtaittee to carry their recommendations into ef- Pect." (See Reports of Committees Page 154 ) . Art 7. Yoted "That . thp matter be referred to the Selectmen.'� 387. 1875. , Art 8. Vote.d ^That the sum of Il'linety dollars be appropPiated to pqy for a new catalogue of the Cary Library.'• � Art 9. Voted. "That a sum not exceeding one hun- - dred and Pifty doll,ars be appropriated to flirnish suitable counters and show cases to preserve the relics and e�iosities in the Cary Library, to be ' expended under the direction of the Trustees oP said Cary Library.'" Art 10. Voted. "To accept the report of -the Select- men on the petition of Horace B Davis." (See reports of Comm�.tt�es Page 155 ) On the petition of Geo. V�. Taylor and others, it was Voted "That no action be taken." ' 1�rt 1L Qoted '�T"hat any citizen be allowed to take graveZ from the Town gravel pits under the flirection of the Superintendant of� Streets, to buid or repair sidewalks v�ith the limits of the roads." Art 12. The School Committee presented a report �in �hich they recommended building an addition to th� High School building at a cost ` of 2750.00 dolla_r�, and also the appointment of an additional assistant teacher at a cost of 250.00 dollars for the remain- der o£ the school year� and after some debate upon the subje-ct it was _ Voted. "That the report and recor�endgtions of the _ Schonl Committee be not accepted." Art 13. Tne C'ommittee appointed in March last to consider the sub�ect submitted a report. (Reports Page 156 ) and it was ` Voted. "That the report be acceg�ted, its recommen- dations adopted and that Two hundred and sevanty Yine dollars be raised and appropriated for `�Ghe purpose name, and that a Committee oY three be appointed by the chair to carry the measures znto effect." and the ck� ir agpointed as such Committee, F. F. Raymond, J. L. Norris, C. M. Parker. 1875. 388. Art 15. See action under Art. 4. �rt. 16. See action under Art 4. t�rt 17. Voted rtTo accept the report of the SeTect- men on the suit of Gleason vs the Town." (reports Page 157) ' Qoted "4Yhereas the Selectmen authorized �he Town TTeasurer on the sixth inst to borrow the sum of Five thousand dollars in accordance with the By- I�a�vs of the Touvn and in antiCipation of the col- lection of the Taxes, thereYore it is Voted. That the action of the Selectmen and Treas- urer be and is hereby confirmed by the legal voters in Town meeting assembled.1t Voted. "To adjourn." I,exington l�ay 10 1875 The Selectmen have appointed the following D2inor O�ficers: B.C. �iJhiteher, u�eigher of I�y and `Coal on the Town Scales. , L�onard A. Saville, Measurer of Cilood arxi Bark. �. V. Butters. ,• '• " " '• Augustus Childs, " " " " " glonzo Goddard Sealer of uJeight and Measures. R. +J. Holbrook u�feigher oY Hay aad Coal, Frederick ChaZenor Police officer for the year. Everett S. Locke. " " ` " " " „ 0. �d. Kendall Superintendant of the Town Hall, Pound Keeper & Police officer esgecially for the Aall. TheS* have appointed' 7oseph F. Simonds, Superin- tendent oY Highv�ays �uith a salary of �p360.00 to taY.e ePfect April lst and terminate September 30th. He to hold himself ready to do;; aDy other job for the town on the road or else�here at the usual rate oP such labor. - Charles Hudson, ° � Por the Sele,ctmen. 389. � • • 1575. Lexington May 24 1875. Voted."That The adjourned meeting was called� to ordsr by the we tender a Moderator at 3.40 P.M. and the Committee appointed vote o£ at the < former meetir� to eonfer �vith �ess Hudson thanRs to and Alhitcher made the Pollowing report : "The Com- the '�on mittee chosen at the last meeting to confer with Charles Hud- �' Hudson -and NFr �hitcher in re�ard to their res- son, for his ignation, report as follow eble �nd ' N� Hudson considering his age and feeble health faithflzl Pears he will not be able to fulPil his duty to services the town, cannot withdraw his resignation; there- as one of fore �e recoromend that he be excused. the Select- �' �`�hitcher, after conversing with him that it men of Lex- was for the interest of the town that' two o£ the ing�on for old board ought to remain; has consented to with- s period oP draw his resi�nat9_on. thirteen Respectfully submitted ^by years, and ' l�arren Duren ) that this E. TdJ. Bettinson ) Committee. vote be � F. F, Raymond. ) " recorded." Voted. '�To excuse IvSr Hudson from further service on the Board of Selectment° � Sloted. ^To aceept the report of the Committee." � - See margin - , . . � . . . Vbted "That we proceed to fill the vacancy in the ' board of Sele ctmen.'t Yoted "To 'take up Article 2." ' Voted "That the polls remain open half an hour for votes Por Selectmen." �Toted "To take up Article I2.^ �oted. "That the whole subject be indefinitely postponed." The following com_munication was read by the Mod- erator: "To the Honorable Board of Selectmen Por the Town of Lexington: � I contemplate being absent from the to-wn consider- able this ' 1875. 390. summer,there�ore I shall not be able t,o give that attention to the repairing to be made on '��[altham. st. that it requiras, therefore my being one of the Committee appointed at the last Tlovember raeet- ing, to act in accordance of tlie report made by the Committee to whom said matter was �referred, I feel it m�r dutg, to most respectfully resign ' from further acting as one of that Committee.`° Most Respectfully, ° �L: iNo Lock. Lexington i�3ay 24 1875. " 4'oted ^Tnat the resignation of D�7r Locke be ac- ' eepted." � Voted "That the Selectmen be added° to the Committee." ' The Moderator declared the polls closed for the choice o£ Selectmen, and announced the follomring result. ' � "tiJhole number of votes 69 _ _ Isaac N. Damon. hsd 45 votes � J. F. Simonds" 11 " Joseph Simonds,° 2 „ Fred Symonds 'T T `° Nat Har-ringtou" 5 " J. L. Norris 1 ^ G. Svuan 1 "F � � Geo. 0 Smith 1 " A. E, Scott � 1 ^ and Sworn May 24 Isaac Td Damon was declared elected." A true record Voted "To hear the motion of I N Damon�"which v¢as Attest "That all taxes be made payable on the Pirst day Leonard A, of December next� On a11 taxes paid before Dec Saville, lst 1875 one per cent per month for all Pull Town Clerk. months shall be allowed as dicsount. Al1 taxes remaining unpaid after Dec lst 1875, interest silall be charged at the rate of one per cent per month. And� all taxes shall be p�id before Sa�,v lst 1876. Single Polls shall be payable upon the presentation of the ta� bill.`° Voted. "To aecept the motion of Pltr Damon.'�Voted "'To take up Art. 4.'" Voted. "That the sum oP 800 do3lars be appropriated for discount on taxes the ensuing year." Voted 'tThat this meeting be dissolved.14 39L � 1875. Warrant Por• a �:own Meetir� Oct 7 1875. To Eli Simonds Constable oP Lexington Greeting:- In the name of the Commonwealth of Massechusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabi- tants of Lex].ngton qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at the Town Hall on Thursday the 7th day of October next at three o`clock P.Pd. to act on the folloe�ing articles P1Z:- Art. l. To choose a Moderator. Art. 2. To see if the Town v�ill appointaspecial Committee for the purpose of considering the expediency of removing the ohstruction in the Town way opposite the residence oP Asa Cottrell Esq: to employ an Bngineer if they should deem it expedient and report to the Town� at the NoQ- ember meeting as to the cost of said removal. Art. 3. To see Pthat action the Town will take upon the petition of 'udilliam Hartwell and others as presented to the Selectmen for the �ridening of '��ood street . Art. 4. To see what aetion the Town will take inlreference to repaiiing Lowell streat �.djoin- ing the Town of Arlington or otherwise act upon this article. � lsrt. 5. • To see what disposition the Town will take upon the order of the County Commissioners upon the road as laid out near the house o� Pdlrs Jane 1�2. Bruce. Art. 6. To see what action the Town will take upon the order of tY� Gounty Commissioners upon the road �id out Por Hammon Reed. Art 7. To see if the, Town will put in a concrete walk across the �Iain Street to. the Town Hall and also across �t�altham St. 1875. 392. Art. 8. To see if the Town will choose a Committee, to consider the subject of putting a reservoir with pump and trough, near the b�idge by bir Yneeland's blac�smith shop. Art. 9. To hear the report of a�y Committee that may be ready to report and act thereon. Hereof fail not and make due return of this �cdarrant v�ith your doings thereon to the Tov�- Clerk on or be£ore the time oP said meeting. , Given under our hands at Leaington this twenty third day oY Sept A. D. 1875, , B. C. ?�ilhit.cher, )Selectmen F`. A1deFinan ) oP � , , Isaac N Damon )Lexington. �'ursusnt to the within warrant I have notified the Town as, within directed and in accordance with the by laws oP the Town. , Eli Simonds, Constable oP Lexington. , Lexingtan Sept 30th 1875. A true copy of the Tdarrant Attest: _ Leonard A.Saville, Town Clerk Lexington Oct 7th 1875 - The meeting was called to order by the Clerk at the time specified in the foregoing warrant, and under Art 1 it was voted to keeg the poll open five minut�s for the choice of Nioderator, and the ballot resulted_as follows Sames Gould 8 votes , Geo. 'vV. Taglor 5 , " $nd James Gould was declared elected T�oderator, and was sworn by the Clerk to the £�ithful dis- charge of his duty. 393. 1875. _ l�rt. 2. Voted "That the whole subject be referrzd , to the Selectmen who shall constitute said Committee." Art. 3. jloted. "To authorize thp S�lectmen to cause the road to be repaired at an expense not to exceed two hundred dollars." lirt. 4. Voted "To authorize the Se]ectmen to cause the road to oe repaired at� a cost not to exceed one hundred and £ifty dollars." Art 5. No:�or_der having bepn received from the County Commissioners it �as �Ioted "To pass over the axticle." , Art 6. Same action as on Art 5. Art 7. Voted. "To refer the subject to the Select- men with authority to cause said, co�crete �valk to be built." Art 8. Voted "That a Comiaittee be appointed to consider the subject and report at the November meeting. Vote@. "That the Seleetmen constitute said Committee,°' e 8.rt 9. No Committee ready to report. Voted "That this meeting be dissolved." � A true record Attest: , � Leonard A. Saville, Town Clerk. , , 1875 � 394 Vdarrant for a Town Meeting Nov, 2d. 1875. To Eli Simonds, � Const�.ble of Lexington, Grezting: You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of 1�Tassachusetts, to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Tovvn of Lexington qualified by la��� to vote in, State and County a£feirs, to assenble at the Town Hall on Tuesday the second day of November nezt at One Oblock P.M. to cast tYs ir ballots for the Pollowing State, County and District of£icers, viz: For Go�ernor, Lieut Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Treasurer and Re�iever General, Auditor of Accoun�s, �Lttorney Gener�-I of tY�e Con- montivealth, Councillor, ior the Sixth NIiddZesex Dis- trict Sen�tor £or the Sixth Midd3esex District, County Commissioner; Representative to the Generai Court for thg Twenty first PQiddlesex District. The Selectmen will reeieve the vol:es for the above , named officers, on one ballot, The Polls ��ill be opened immediately after the organization of the meeting, and be kept open until four o'clock P.M': and as much lor�er as - the meeting may direct; not to extend beyond sunset. You are also required to notify ancl warn the inhab- itants, of the Tou�n of Lexington, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to meet at the Town Hall at half past three Q*clock P;Pd. on the same daJ to act on the following Articles viz: krt. 1. To choose a Moderator. Art 2. To see iP. the Tovan will authorize the Com- mittee appointed in Ma�ch last to purchase a lot of land and build an Engine House thereon, to change the location to� some other lot than that . specified in their report, i£ in their judgment it shall be fpr the interest of �he Town so to do. �Lrt. 3. To see if the Town will raise a Conmittee to aseertain 395. 1b75. Lexington the price oi the estate of sdm H. Smj.th in reference Oct 22d to addir� the same to the Cemetery, and ta report 1875 there�n. Yursuant to the Art. 4. To see what prociaion the Town will make within for the permanent care of lots ,in the Cemeteries, iJarrant I where funds are provided. have noti- . fied the Art 5. To see if the Ta:vr_ 1^rill authorize the inhabitants Selectmen to dig a large well that v�ill serve of the Tov�n as a reservoir, helui�r the Hay Scales r��r the of Lexin�tonCommon, and furnish the same with a �ump and by posting trough for publie use. a copy of tnis ;Jar- r�nt in _ � the Post Art 6. To see if the Town will appropriate the sum Office and of Three hundred dolla:s to make repairs on the high- t�o other way near the house of Cornelius ��tellington. places in the town, Art 7 To see if the To��en will appropriate the sum and bg of One hundred and fifty dollars to build a sl�ed in leaving a the rear of Village Hall in East Lexington, for wood, copy with coal, &c. each � family in� Firt 8 To see if the Town ��ill authorize the Select- the town. men to cause the road recently l�id out rE ar the Attest: house of n2rs Jane M. Bruce to be built. Eli Simonds Constable� Art 9. To hear the report of a�y Committees that oY may be ready to report and act thereon. Lexington. � The Se]s ctmen wi11 be in session at the Town Hall on-:Saturd�y the thirtieth day of October from 7 to 8 Oclock P.UI. and on the day of election from 12 to 1 oclock P.Ni. to correet and revise the voting list , and no name requiring investigation will be added after the poll is open. fiereof fail not and make due return of this S^Jarrant with your doings thereon to� the Tovm Clerk on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hattds this thir�eenth day of Octoher in the year < 1875. � B, � C. ���Fhitcher. ) Selectmen - F. Aldemuan, . ) of � Isaac N. Damon. ) Lexington. • A true copy af the Warrant, Attest : Leonard A.Saville To� Clerk. 1875. 396. - Lexington Tuesday Nov 2d. 1875 In accordance� with the foregoing tiifarr�nt the � meeting was called to order at the time spec- fied by the Chairman of tY� board of Selectnen, and that part of the warrant relatir� to the choice; of State, County and DistFict officers was read by the Clerk aPter wlzich the polls were . declaredato be open. At four oclock the time Por closing the polls was extende3 till quarter past £our, and then again extended to a quarter to Pive . The votes for State, County and District OfY- icers were as follows. viz : � < For Governar. A].exander H.Rice,of Boston, One Hundred and eighty-two(182) 4"�illiam Gaston, of Boston One Hundred and �hirty. (130 ) Tohn I. Baker, of Beverleg, Five. �5 ) Chas F, bdams, one. �Z ) For Lieut Governor. Horatio G. Knight, of Easthampton, One Hundred and eighty tv�ro. (182 ) Tohn Quincy Adams, of Quincy, One Hundred and t�aenty seven . (127 ) For Secratary of S,tate. Henry B: Peirce, oP Abingtott, Qne Hundred and eightp nine , (189 ) George H. Munroe, of Boston. One Hundred and twenty five. , (125 ) Oliver uVarner, Two �2 ) ` _ For Treasuser and Reciever General. Charles Endicott , of Canton, One Hundred and ninety three ` (193 ) l"leston Howland, o`f Fairhaven, One Hundred and ttiventy � four. (124 ) � For Attorney General. Charles R. Train, of Boston, 6ne Hundred and ninety twa9 (192 ) George F. Verry, of 'ii[orcester, One Hundred and tv�enty five (125 ) For Auditor. Sulius L. Clark, of Nee��ton, One �undred and ninety, (190 ) John E, Fitzgerald, of Boston, One Hundred and tv�enty six. ` ` (126 ) � 397. 1875. ' �or Councillor,� Sixth District . Geo. 0. Brasto�v, oP Somerville, one Hundred end eighty- seven (187 ) Alonzo V. Lynde, of 2i4elrose, one Hundred and twenty five. (125 ) For Senator Sixth P,�idd3esex Distriet. John Cumiaings, of 'rJoburn, One �iundred snd ninety four (194 ) k. E. Thompson, of !�Yoburn, One Hundred and eighteen, (118) , 7ohn G. Pnason, oi adinchester, Fzve (5 ) For County Cammissioner. Joseph Henry Read, of JVestiorc�� One Hundred ani eighty - six` (186 ) John SchouZer, oP Arlington, Qne Y3undred and twenty sia. (126 ) Charles NI, Hov�e, oP Pdarlborough, Three (3 ) William �ainn onem (1) For Represantative to General Court 21st Middlesex District. udebster b�nith, oP Lexington, One Hundred and .fifty eight (158 B, C. UJhitcher of Lexington One Hundred and twelve (112 112. B, i�febber, oP Bedford; Thirty eight. ( 38 4Y. H. P�Iunroe, oP Zexington Three, (3 The` foregoing yotes were counted and declare3 in open meeting after whibh the election bl�nks were filled out and sealed, �lso the ballots and the voting list used were securely sealed up and endorsed, and deliv- ered to the Town Clerk as provided by lai�. The Meeting Por Town business vras eslled to order bj� the Clerk, who read that part of the u'darrant relating to Totvn a#'fairs and under Art. 1. Frank E. 'h'etherell was chosen Moderstor. Mr I N D�ruo� requested leave of the Meeting to read the following letter, which leave was granted, "Dall�s Texas September 13th 1875 To the Selectmen of the Town of Lexington. Gent�emen: : About Porty Pive yeass ago, in my early youth, I obtain- � ed from n2r Levi Harrington„ 1875. 398. o�e of the latest survivors of the Battle oP Lexington, the tongue of the bell whioh sounded the alarm that aroused the b7inute IIIen on the morning of the 19th of April 1775. Circumstances within �y knowledge, con- nected �vith its history, fully establish its authen- ticity. Bein regarded as a valuable Pamily possession, the relic, was, during hislife, carefully preserved by � honored father. � ♦ 1 - Few memontoes of the great event possess the interest which attaches to this bell-tongue, the echoes of whose voice, nat only were '°heard round the world,l' but shall continue to be heard while Liberty, the fairest of earthly po5sessions, is cherished among mankind. - V"dith a wise judgment and Porsight, the people of Lexingto�n, have, I am info-rmed, ereeted a PvYem- orial Hall to commemorate the patriotism and valor of her ci:tizens, and to guard snd preserve the precious relios which illustrate her glorious history. In the nffime, �nd in behalf of the Yamily of the late General Samuel Chandler, I,• as its represent- ative, desire to present , through you, to the Town oP Lexington, this valuable relic of the great- est event in her history, to be deposited itt the Memorial Fiall, its most proper place. � � I am very Respect£u11�, Your obedfent Servant John L.Chandler." to which letter the Sele ctmen have• prepared the followir� answer. Lexington Nov 2d 1875 � To John� L. Chandler Esq. ^ � Dallas, Texas. Dear Sir: � The Selectmen have recieved with pleasureg� s.nd accept with gratitude, your kind note of September 13th 1875, conveying as it does, the tongue of the "Old Bell" wl�ich called the "P�inute Men" to thair post on the 19th of April 1775. � � = No relic speaks more fully the voice of freedom, or has a clearer ring of Revolutionary patriotism. �Ve thank you �d the members oF the family oP the late< Generz�l Samuel Chandler, Por this precious relic, and will see that it is :.securely . e�eposited, and� carefully preserved• zn• our public 399. Hall. 1875 riVe esteem this giPt more highly, from the fact that it �vas rescued, and has been preserved hy those who have noi� only manifested their gratitude for the foundeFs and our free-institu- < tions, but have exposed themselves in the "high � places of the field" to render those institutions perpetual. That we speak the sentiments oP the public, will be seen by the unanimous <vote of the town, which is herewith transmi�tted. � �ery Respectfally your Obedient Servants - B. C. Nihi�cher )Selectmen �`. Alderman ) of Isaac N. Damon)Lexingtott." and the £ollowing preamble and resolutions Trrere sdopted. � '°u�lhhereas - Tohn L Cha�ller Esq. moved by a kind regard for the place of his nativity, and a patriotic devotion to his country, has presented � to the to�xn of� Leaington, as a sacred relic , the tongue oP that Bell which rzng the death knell � of �ritish oppression in this country. ThereYore Voted: by the voters of Lexington in to��n meeting � assembled, that the thanks o� the people be pre- sented to John L. Chandler Esq. and those he represents, with the assurance t�iat his gift is highly appreeiated, and �rill be preserved with care." Voted. That the Selectmen be requested to trensmit the above preamble and tY�e vote, certified by the Town Clerk to John L. Chandler Esq." Voted. "That the fore�oing( letter a nd preamble and resolutions, be placed upon the records of the town." Art 2. Voted. "That the article be laid over until the March Lieeting." Ast 3 Vo�ed. "That the consideration of the krticle be postponed until the March P.�feeting." Art 4. �Toted. ` That in o� nformitj� uvith the Statu�e of 1870 Chap 225, entitled "An Act concerning the � Preservation of Public Burying Grounds", the town treasurer be instructed to recieve "Any siun of money not exceeding five hundred dollars, which 1875. 400 sum thus deposited shall be entered upon the books of the treasury; that said sum shall be securely invested, and interest allowed at the rate oP six per cent per annum, and tYa t all interes� , accruing from such depos�ts shall be subject to the call of the Cemetery Committee, to be appropriated by them for the purposes set forth in the foxe mentioned XCt." Brt 5. Voted. "To pass ov2r the` Ar�icle." ` grt 6. Voted. "That the swn oP ;,�300.00 be appro- priated £rom the continger_t Pund to be expended on said highway, and that the Selectmen shall, when the line is agreed upon, cau'se stone hounds. ' to be placed to mark the line of highv�ay; and that a deed be taken from Mr Cornelius "udellington of the land so taken, as an easement, and to pre- ` vent future dispute as to the road limits.^ Art 7. 'Toted "That the sum o£ `�p150.00 be appro- priated Prom the contingent grant' to build a shed in the rear oY Villa�e Hall in East Lexi� ton." Art 8. Votefl "That the Surveyors of Highways be authorized to build said P03C1." ` Art 9. No Comnittee being ready to report , the meeting for to�vn business was declared dissolved. Li true record 1�ttest : Leonard A. Saville, To�rn Clerk. 401. 1875. Lexington Nov 3d 1875. A Meeting of the Town Clerks of the Town of Lex- i�ton,� Bedf�d, Carlisle , and Burlington, . said Towns comprising tha 21st 1��fiddlesex Represehta- tive District ,` at Bedford this day at 12 o*clock M. and it was Pound by the raturns from said Towns that votes were cast for Representstive as follows*- � Total. Lexington,Dedford,Carlisle,Burlington tiJebster Smith of Lexington 158. 21. 50. 34. 263 Pli. B. l'debber of BedYord 38. 139. 47. 4. 228 B. C. 'u'�Ihitcher of Lexington 112. 5. 6. 47. 170 PQ. H, Munroe of Lexington 3. 3 and Nlebster Smith of Lexington having a plurality a certificate of election was made out for him, and` a duplicate certifcate returned to the Secre- tary of the Commonwealth, signed by Leonard A. Saville Town Clerk oY Lexington ' Chas A Carey, Tou¢n Clerk oP Bedford, Austin r2arsh, " " " Carlisle, Samuel Sewa11, " " " " Burlington. A true record oP the doin�s AtteSt : " 1Leonard A. Saville Town Clerk of Lexington. 1875. 402. uVarrant for a Tow�i Nieeting November 30 1875. � � To Eli Simonds Constable of Lexington ' Greeting: In the name of the Couunonwealth of 1VIassachusetts you are hereby required to notify snd warn the inhabitsnts of the � Town of Lexington quslified by Iaw to vote in town affairs , to meet at the Town Hall on Tuesday the thirtieth day of� November inst. at tovo oclock P.Il4. to act on the f ollowin� Articles viz :- Art. L To choose a Moderator. Art 2. To fill vacancies in town offices, if any exist. ' ` � Art 3. To see iP the town will authori_ze the Se- lectmen to provide a sett oP runners for the hearse. l�st 4. To see what action the town will take in relation to the order of the Caunty Commissioners, " discontinuing certain old Countsr roads, Art` 5. To see if the town wi�ll cause the financial year of the town, to close en the last d�* oP Dec- " ember in each year. Art 6. To see what action the town will take, upon the order' oP the County Commissioners in relation to the new road recently laid out on the petition of Hammon Reed and others. � �rt 7. To see what instructions the touvn wi11 give the Selectmen in relation to the suits co�menced, < by the Meador� Owners. ' Art 8. To hear the report of any committee that may be ready to report and a.ct thereon. Iiereof fail not and make due return of this 'JJsrrant ' with your doin�s thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the tiem of said meeting. 403. 1875. Given under our hands at Lexington this 13th day of November A.D. 1875 ` ` B. C. ,Yhitcher )Selectmen ' ° F. Alderman ) of � � ` Isaac ,V. Damon )Lexington. Pursuan°t to the foregoing 'uVarrant T h'ave notified the Town as direoted in accordance with the require- ments of the By Laws of tl�: Town. Eli Simonds, I,exington Nov 27 1875. Constable of Laxington. Lexington. Nov 30 1875. Agreeably to the £oregoing �arrant , the meetirg was called, to order by the Clerk a.nd under hrt 1. Sames Gauld was chosen NZoderator and duly sworn. � Art. 2. P10 vacancies existing in town offices, no action was taken. � Art 3. �Toted, "That the subject be re£ferred to the Selectmen with full pov�er." � Art 5. Vote.d. "Not to change the time of clos- ing the financial year of the to�m from JanQ 31st in each year." Art 4. Voted. "To la,y on the table." Art ei. The town re£used to make an appropri- ation for= building said road, voting dovun a motion of Mr Harnmon Reed to appropriate ��'1500.00 for that purpose , a3so s motion of P�Ir John P Reed to appro- priata y;1000.00 for said road, also a motion of - Ntr C . NI. Parker to refer the subj� ct to a couunittee of tnree. �lrt 7. NLr John P. Reed offered a motion to indef- initely postpone th� sui�ject, and Plir Chas Hudson oP�'ered the follotving as a substitu`ue, "That the Selectnen be instructed to dePend all suits or actions 1875. 40a• that hays been or may be brought against them or ° others or the the town,growing out of the draining of the meadows near the village ; and that they take such early Measures as they may deem exped- ient, .to cause the tax assessed upon the land halders �o :he collected, as soon� as the same be- � comes due.�' which suUstitute the tovJn refused to adopt aad Voted "To indefinitely postpone the wlzole subject." • Art 8. No Co�unzttee being ready to report , the meeting was declared by the P�Ioderator to be ad- journed "sine dia° . A true record gttest: . . Leonard A. Saville. Tov�n Clerk. 405 1876. aVarrant for a Town Meeting March 6th 1876. To Eli Simonds Gonstable of Lexington � Greeting: You are hereby required in the name of the Comr�onwealth of Niassachusetts to notify and ovarn the inhabi- tants of the t own of Lexington, qua2 ified by law to vote in town affairs to assemble at the Town Hall on T�Ionday the si�cth day of P.rarch r� xt a � at 9 oclock A.M. to act on i,he following Articles vizc Art lo To choose a Moderator. Art 2. To see if the Town will dimish the nuriber of its School Gommittee. krt 3. To choose Town Officers for the enssing year, including four School Committee men; one for one year, one for two years, two ior three years. . Art 4. To choose a Conmittee man Por three years to fill a vacancy in the Corumittee having charge of the Cemeteries. � Art 5. To provide Por the repairs of the highvaays the ensuing year and to grant money for the same. Art 6. To provide Yor the support oP the Poor the ensuing year, and to grant money for the same. �rt 7. . To� provide £or the support o £ the Public Schools the ensuing year including their several grades, and to grant money for the same. .�rt 8. To see if' the Town. will instruct the Se- lectmen to build the town way laid out by the County Commissioners on the petition of Hammon Reed and others, before the first day of May 1876 as ordered by the Commissioners „ or act in any vvay in rel�tion to the matter. ,. 1876. 406. Art 9. To see if the �own will, instruct the As- sessors to deduct from their a�sessment an amount equal to the Corporation and Ban.k tax recieved from the State. , r1�t 11. To see what action the Town will take in relation to reorganizing the Fire Department. Art 10. To see if the Town will raise a Committee to ascertain the price of the estate of 'udm. H. Smith in rePerence ta adding tne same to the Cem- etery, and to report thereon, Art 12. To see if the Town will purchase three hundred feet of hose , for the , Hancock Engine, and grant Nloney for the same. Art 13. To hear the report of any Commit�ee that may be ready to report and a�t thereon. � true copy Hereof fail not, and, make due return of this of the �'Jar- :�darrant vJith ;�our doings thereon, to the Towh rant , C3: rk, on or before the time of said meeting, Attest : Given, un3er our hands at Lexington this Leonard A. Pifteenth day of February A. D. 1876. Saville. Town C1erk. B. C. GJhitcher. ) Selectmen . F. Alderman. ) of Isaac N, Damon. ) Lexington. The Selectmen �xill be in session on Saturday March 4th from 7 to II oclock P.M. to revise the voting list and from 8 to 9 oclock on morning of election� Lexington F'eby 29 1876. Pursuant to the within ti�larrsnt, I have notified the inhabitants of the Town as within directed by posting a copy of the Poregoing �Varrant duly attested in two puhlic places in each village. and by leaving an attested copy with each family in the town. Eli Simonds. Constable. � 407. 1876 � � , Lexington P2arch 6th 1876. Agreeablg to the £oregoing udarrant the said meet- ing tivas called to order by the Clerk at o oclock A. M. and under Art 1. Voted. "To keep the poll . open five minutes fo� the choice of Moderator," and at �he: e�iration of said timg on counting the ballots it was found that the whole number of votes cast was 29, and all were £or Frank E. Wetherell, and he was declared elected Moderator, and wa� sworn by the Clerk to the faithful dis- charge of his duty as Moderaffior. Voted. "To take up Art 13." - Voted. "That the various reports as printed a,nd � presented by the Auditors be declared reeeived , and before the Toen. Por t2� ar action." and the � reports of the Overseers of the Poos and Survey- ors of the Highwsys were discussed by various persona. . • Voted. "To take up the re�ort of the School Com- . mittee." and some e�lanations were made by A.E. Scott. Yoted. "To take up the Treasurers report.`� Mr J. P, Reed asked for some explanation in re- gard to the item of �500.00 reported due from, the P,Ziddlesex Central R,R.Co agreeing to pay the above sum toward building �ulverts under the . r�il road. and he was requestad to �roduce said doctunent; subsequentlg he reported that he was unable to Pind the document and wanted further time for search, and it was Poted. "That the bill Por :�500.00 be presented to the Middlesex Centra3 Rail R�.d Corporation and the result reported at the �pril meeting." Voted. "That the report of the Committee on , building a_ new Pig�;ery at the town farm be Reports Page accepted and placed on file/" (See reports Pa�e 157 157J Reports Page 4oted. , "That the report o� the Centennial Com- 158 mittee as printed be placed on the records oP the town." (See Reports Page. 158 to 169 ) Reports Page Yoted. '�To accept the report of the Committee 169 on Cemeteries." 1876. 408. �oted "To take up �rt 3." Voted "To take Art 2 in connectir�n with ?st 3." � Voted "That the number of School Committee be diminished." Voted "To adjourn till quarter past One P.TvT." The meeting �ras called to order by the Plfoderator at 1.40 P.It�. who, announced Pst 2 �c 3 to be before the meeting. Voted 'TThat the number of School Committee be , limited to three and that the diminution shall take effect at pnce." Voted "That we now proceed to chpose all on one ballot, tovcn offiqers for the ensuing year as follows:- One Town �lerk - three Selectmen, who - shall also be Highv�ay Surveyors and Qv.erseers oY the Poor; - One Treasurer �aho shal 1 also be Collector oP Taxes; - three Assessors, - two Auditors ,, - One Constablg,- and one School . Committee man Por three years, and that the polls be kept open until 5 oclock P.P,2. " �Toted "That a Committee of three be appointed by the Ghair to assist the Modera�or in sorting and • counting the votes, for Town OfPicers." and T.G. Hovey, Geo H. Cutter and Geo. E. IDIuzzey were ap- pointed as such Committee . , � Art 4. Voted. "That Lorin '�Vetherell be appointed to the position of Committee men, to serve for three years, as a member oP th� Committee on Cem- eteries, by acclamation." 6rt 5 �oted. "That the sum of q�3p00.00 be appro- priated for repairs of highvrays the ensuing year, and the sum of �500.00 for removal of snow,, this amount to be kept for that specific purpose.'� Mr S. �ld. Hindley offered a motion, asking £or the sum of �G200.00 for specifi repairs on Lincoln & Middle Streets, and it �ae . . . Voted "To refer the matter to the Seleetrr�en." Art 6 Voted "That the sum of y�2000.00 be appro- . priated for the support of the Poor the ensuing year,,� 409. . 1876. Art 6. �oted '�That a board of kppraisers be chosen, consisting of three persons, who shall � hold the office for three; years , whose duty it shall be to appraise the property at the Poor establishment belongin� to the town, on the first dag of February in each year; and such record shall be used by the Overseers of the � Poor in making up the expenses oi the Poor." Poted "That the board by chosen by nomination at lsrge: and, Sc�hn P. e�,_ � T. Bryant , and Charles Blodgett , s�f��r��8 n�3nated and chosen." Art 7. �oted "That the sum of �9000.00 be ap- propriated Por instruction, Puel„ and care of rooms, and the sum of :�750.00 for incidentals and repairs.�' _ �oted. '�That the School Committee, be requested to make the reduction of �he salaries entirely on the High School and Music teachers, and that - no reduction be made of the salaries of the female teachers outside of the Eiigh School." • Art 8. Vo�ted "That the tov�n pr�tests against a ciollar being laid out on the Hamrnon Reed road, and that a cornmittee be appointed to request the County Commi.tsioners to revise tneir action." �7oted "That the committee be appointed by the chair." and Vdarren Duren, Geo. Sparhawk and cVm. Garrett �rere appointed. . . . 1�rt 9. 'Toted '°That the assessors t�e instructed to deduct the sum of one thousand dollars from tY�ir assessment, for Corporation and Bank tax, recieved from the State," A.rt 10. Voted "That a committee of three be ap- pointed by the Chair, to ascertain the price of the estate of V1m. H. Smith and- report at the - April meeting." and _ _ F`. F. Raymond B. T. Batcheller a�3 T. G. Hoti�ey were: appointed such Committeeo 1876.• 4T0. Art 1Z. Voted. "To lay the article on the tab le.'° Art 12. Voted '�Thait the town refuse to purchase ar�y hose for the Sancock Engine," Voted. "That a committee of three be appointed to inquire as co the loaning of a certain lot of Hose to the Gas Co �.nd to report at the April meeting." and C . M. Parker, Amos Gd Locke and J. J. Rayner were appointed such .Committee. • NIr runos �V Zocke offered the Pollorming, and the town voted "That all matters, pertaining to the several uoards of' town officexs, where ,the e�enditure of money is involved, shall be contracted for by said totivn oflicers, in their respective dep�rtments, by postin� notices in ttivo or more public places in to�rn, 14 days prsvious to the opening of the same, for proposals Por such. labor, goods, or other mat- , erials that may be Utanted by their respecitve . boards. That is to say: - lst. The building of all new Roads and Streets in the town, � 2nd. A janitor Por the Town Hall and Cary Zibr�ry. 3d. Superintend�,nt of town farm. 4th. Superintendent of Hignwa;�s. 5th. Coal and �t�ood for the town; to be deliv ered in such quantities and in such places and at such times as may be wante8. � 6th. All the repairs to be made at any time on the School Houses or other toevn building�,or the erection oP a�y neiv town buildingm 8th. The care of the Street LigYrt s. 9th. For the `furnishing of Gass or Oil for the S}reet lights. � • � 16th .Csre of the Engine Houses. . llth. For the furnishing and� deli�rering of all - the Grain used in the departments� of High«rsy Surveyors and Overseers of the Poor. 12th. For the shoeing of the tovJn Horses by the yea.r and for such otner blacksmith work as the tov�nmay require in the way of repairs. 13th. For tr� repairing of all the harnesses be- on$ing to the town by the yeare All persons making proposals sha11 furn- ish to the board or boards of town officers, having charge of the same a 411� 1876. recommendation from two or more real estate tax payers who are residents of the town, as to their or his ability, both �ora.11y and finanoially to faithfully canply� with the terms of his contract. All contracts to be ,aovarded to the lowest bidder, upon the proper recommendation as afore- said. The respective• boards of town officers, shall have the right to annul ar�y contract made upon � sufficient cause being shown Por the same. They shall also give notiee in vJriting to t3aose making proposals, of the day on which said proposals will be opened also, by posting� a notice for the same in two or more pr�blic places in town so that any pers�n m3y attend, to hear the result of the several praposals announced." The Committee appointed to assist in sorting and counting the baTlots reported to the I�loderator who repor,ted the result as follows: Sworn Meh 6th For Town Clerk. Leonard A. Saville 291 votes , and Leonard A., Saville was declared elected for the ensuing year. For Selectmen Sworn Mch 6th tiJebster Smith. , 272 votes " " Sth Otis VdentvJorth. 168 1Q " " Sth A. �V. Bryant 116 " B. C. u�hitcher 104 ^ Franklin Alderman. 101 " E. S, Locke. , , , 50 " J. �.. Norris. 5 " I. N. Damon. 3 " H. B. Brighem. 2 " � H, �, 4�e11ington 2 " T. G. EoV�y. 1 '" Haminon Reed. 1 " � � A. B. S9nith � 1 " � and �Vebster Smith, Otis V�en�worth, and A. �1. � 8ryant were declared elected Selectmen for the, ensuing year. For Treasurer and Collector. Svuorn I�Zch 6Lh Isaac N Damon . 161 votes. Chas 11. Fowle 129 " and Isaac N. Damon uras declared ele�ted Treas- urer and Collector. , , 1876. 412 � For �ssessors. Sworn �Ich 6th J. F. Simo�ds 254 votes Sworn ivich 6th H. B. Davis. 245 '* Sv�orn Mch �ith Walt.er Wellington. 191 '° , A. tiV. Bryant. 123 " , Gershom Swan. 32 " NI. 0�Brien. , 5 TM C. A. Fowle. , 4 " N�than Fessenden 3 " H, g. Wellington. 2 " and 7. F. Simonds, H. B. Davis and '�Valter 'Ne11- ing�on were declared elected Assessors for the ensuing year. , , For Auditors. Sworn Mch 6th F. E. lVetherell. , 289 votes S�orn Mch 6th Ge�hsom 5wan. 274 " L. A. Saville. 4 ^ � H. B. ➢avis. 1 " Edward u�inship 1 " and �. E, tidetherell and Gershom Swan were de- clared elected, Auditors for the ensuing year, , For Const�ble. Eli Simonds. 142 votes , Henry k, Turner. � 140 " J. E`. Ham. 1 " H. B. Davis 1 '? and Eli Simonds was declared elected Constable , for the ensuing year. . For Sehool Committee for 3 years. ti true record a1. R. Cut�er. 197 votes Attest: Charlea Tidd. 98 " I,�eonard A. A. E. Scott 12 " Saville, E. S. Elder. 10 " Town Clerk: Henry ��Jestcott 3 +� U�irs. �'. A. Kimball 2 " and VV. R. Cutter was declared elected School Co�nittee man Por three years. On Motion the �Zoderator declared the meeting dissolved. 413. 1876. , Lexington �arch 13 1876. D.2r L. �. Saville, Town Clerk. , The Selectmen have this day made the following appointments viz : Sworn Apl 24 L. A. Saville, �Veigher and Superintendent oP the Town Scales. . Sworn May 29 Alonzo Goddard.. Sealer of ��feights and Measures. R. 4V. Holbrook. LVeigher of Coal and Hay. , tlugust�ts Childs.NIeasurer of ti7ood and Bark. P. P. Pieree. Auctioneer. Gustave ILauifman ��-S�a�a�a� . Police Officer �'or one yearo H. k. Nlellington . 'f�6�'�_�r-�3�33eg1 r� ir rr r� �r declined r Geo. Il4. Litchfield appointed in Turners place. 0. tiV. Kendall. Sexton. . 0. V�. KendalL �Surveyor of Lumber. Sworn Apl 24 Horace B. Davis.Measurer of GJood and Bark. < Sworn Apl 24 L. A. Saville. I�Teasurer of LJood and Bark Fcc. Sworn June 17 S. "u�t. Hendley Special Police 0£ficer without pay. uVebster Smith )SeZectmen Otis 'adentworth. ) of A. W. Bryant. )Lexington. 1876. 414. 4Varrant for a Town Meeting April 24th 1876. To Eli Simonds Const�ble of Zexington, , �reeting; In the name oP the Commonwealth of D;Zassachusetts , you are hereby required to notify and �varn �the inhabitants fo the TovJn of Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assernble at the Town fiall on P.-Tonday April 24th inst, at One oclock P.IvI. to act on the £ollowing �rticles viz : Art. 1. To choose a PvIoderator. Art. 2. To complete the choice oP Tawn OfPicers for the ensuing year. Art 3. To see. if the Town ivill aceept the list, o£ 7urors prepared by the Selectmen. �1rt. 4. To see if the iown �vill make an appro- priation for the repairing oY Middle Street be- tween Spring 5treet and Lincoln. �treet a nd Por the repairing of C�eston Street. L�rt . 5. T� see if the Tpwn will� authorize the Treasurer under the direction oP the Selectmen to fund- any portion of the town debt. Art. 6 . To see if the Town will choose three School Committee men, one ta serve for three years, one to serve ior two years, and one to serve for one year. krt. 7. To see if the To�n will ins�ruct the Selectmen to cause the building on the Poor Farm, and the Village Ha.11 at East Lexington to be insured against fire. �rt. 8. Ta see if the Town will reimburse Id.L. Bryant for expenses incurred in the suit oY ll4aurice OConnell against said Bryant , as Highway Surveyor of the Totivn of Lexington. Art. 9. To hear the report, of the Committee appoint- ed in October 415 1876� upon the subject oP removing the obstruction in the To�rn: wray near the house, of Asa Cottrell Esq. 1�lrt. 10. To see if the. Toivn will pay D. �. Tuttle the balance due him for constructing shed at TTillage Hall in �ast. Lexington. , , Art. 11. To grant money to defray town chasges the ensuing year. . �lrt. 12. To see if the. Town wi11 petition the County . Gommissioners to establish the bounds on P;2ain Street between �doburn Street and the Arlington line . Art. 13. To hear tne report of any Committee that may he ready to report, asid act thereon. Hereof fail not and make due return of thzs '�farrant with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or . before the time of said meeting. . . Given under our hands at Lexington this sixth day of April 9.D. 1876 +lebster Smith, J Selectmen . . 4tis 'uJerf�tworth, ) oP ii. �'J. Bryant. ) I.exin�ton. The Selectmen will hold their regular meetings at . th�ir room in the Town Hall on the iirst And third Thursday's of each month, at half past three o'clock P.NI. Lexington April 19th 1876, Pursuant to the £ore- going jJarrant I have notified the tow�2 as therein , directed, by posting an attested copy thereof in two Public places in each village and by leaving an attested copy with eaeh family in tovan seven days previous to the time of ineeting. . &.ttest: Eli Simonds, Constable. A true copy of the warrant, . �lttest : Leonard k.. Saville, Town Clerk. 1876. 416. Lexington Kpril 24 1876. The meeting �tas duly ealled to ox�der by the `Pown Clerk, and the ��Carrant read, and under Art 1. Frank E. G;fetharell was elected Moderator and duly sworn by. the Clerk. Art. 2. Voted. "To choose three. Fence �Tiev�ers by nomina�ion, and Sworn Apl 24 � Ho�aland Holmes. " '� 'T B. F. Batcheller " " 25th Lorin GJetherell., tivere so nominated and chosen.'° � sroted., "To Choose three Field Drivers by nomination and , Sworn Apl 24 A. N. Tufts " '* '° llavid Fitch. John ll. Bacon were so nominated and ehosen.�� Voted "That the Select*nen be authorized to appoint all necossary suborninate of£iqers." Art. 3. Voted. "To excuse Chasles Il'I. Parker from . the list of Jurors and that the list as so amended be accepted by the Town." grt. 4. �oted. "To lay the article on the table.i° Art. . 5. ^The Town refused to authorize the Treas- , urer to £und any portion of the Town debt.�� Art. 6. Voted. "That the Article be indePinitely postponed," krt. 7. Voted. "That the Selectmen be instructed to insure the buildings on the Poor Farm a nd the . �Tillage Hall at East LexinEton ageinst Pire." Ast. 8. �7oted. "That the article be laid upon the table, to await the result of the trial. " 4rt. 9. The Committee made a verbal report to . the effect that no action had been taken by tham, and it was �oted. , "'Tns�t the Committee be discharged and the Article be laid on the table." Art. 10. Voted. '�To pay Il. A. ��'uttle the �?m of �52.30 balance due him Por labor on shed st Village Hall, and that the said amount be appropriated and assessed." 417. 1876. ?.rt. 11. The Selectmen presented an estimate of amounts required for the different departments of the town tor the ensuing year:, not already pro- vided Por and it was - Voted "To act on the list item by item'T �roted "For repairs of Highways (additional) �1500.00 " Interest 4500.00 " Contingenefes 3500.00 `� Street Lamps 1400.00 " Cary Library , 350.00 " Fire Department 800.00 " Town Clerk 100.00 " Treasurer & Collector 400.00 , " Assessors , 400a00 `� School Committee 300.00 " Const� ble and Police 600.00 " Sexton 95.00 " Stste isid 450.00 '� Decoration Day 100.00 " Abatement of Taxes 500.00 '� Auditors , 45.00 " Ringing Bells 70.00 " Ineurance , . 400.00 " Discount on Texes 800.00 16290.00 Voted. "That the sur� allowed for Street Lamps be not exeeeded." Voted. "That the same method be pursued in relation to the collection o£ taxes as was in force last year, by a vote passed May 24 1875." Art.12. Voted. "Not to petition the County Commissioners in relation to establzshing bounds oYti�iain Street." . Ar.t. 13. The Committee appointed to ascertain the Reports Page Price of the estate of N. H. Smith made a report, 171 which was accopted and placed on Pile. The Selectmen regorted on the claim for :�500.00 against the Middlesex Central Rai 1 Hoad, � that the offieers acknowledged the elaim to be just and would be paid when the road was in a con- dition financially to meet the claim, and the a:gree- � ment was taken charge of by the Town Treasurer. Reports Page The report of the Gommittee on lost Hose was 172 accepted." � 1876. 418. Reports Page The report of the Committee on the Hammon Reed 17� road was accepted and its recommendations adopted. (see Reports Page 172 ) and the same Committee were authorized to present the aEtion of the town • in the matter to the County Commissioners. Thase persons who were present who kaad been chosen to town officers were sworn by the Moderator, after which the :meeting was declared dissolved. . A`true. record. Attest : � Ie onard A. Saville Town Clerk. Gdarrant for a Town I�,4eeting kugust 30 1876. To Eli Simonds, Eonstable oP Lexington, Greeting: � , In th e name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn� the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, quaT.ified by law to vote in tov�rn affairs, to meet at the Town Hall on 'dJed- nesday the 30th day of August inst, at 3; oclock P.ni. to act on the followin� articles , viz: - g.rt 1. Tp choose a Moderator. 9rt. 2. To see what action the Town will take on • the petition of citizens in relation to procuring • a supply of puse water for town and doinestic pur- � poses. = tlrt 3. To see iP the Town �uill ratiPy and confirm � the action oP the Town Treasurer and the Sele ctmen , in borrowing w5000.00 of J. Piekering and Tuosely, • June 8th 1876 at a rate of interest of 5� per cent. , per annwu, to be paid emi-annually. , 419 1876. - Art 4. To see what action the Town will take on - the or der of the County Commissioners in relation - to building the road laid out on petition of Ham- mon Reed and others. a Art. 5. To hear the report of any Corr�nittee that - may be readp to report end aet thereon. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doin�s thereon tq the Town Clerk on or before the time oP said meeting. , Given under, our hands at Lexington this seventeenth day of August A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy six. . . Nebster Smith, )Selectmen Otis 'uden�worth, ) oP �1lbert �J. Hryant, )Lexington. Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Totivn of Lexingto n as wi thin directed by posting an attested copy of this �uar- rant in two public places duithin the ToMn, and by leaving a copy with each family in the Town . - Attest: r�li Simonds ,Gonsta ble. _ _ . . _ Lexington �Iug 22 1876 1� true copy of the fJarrant. Attest ; Isonaz� d A. Saville, Town Clerk. - Ler.ington Aug. 30 1876. In accordance vJith the foregoing t�rarrant a large number were assembled and were called to order by the Glerk at the time specified in the warrant , and under Art 1. '�l�oted. "To keep the PoTl open five minutes � for the choice oP NIoderator" The ballot resulted in the choice of I.N.Damon as S:'Cod- erator, P,Ir Damon declined and the meetin� voted to ex- cuse him. On the second ballot I,Ir T. G. Hove,T v�as chosen, he alsn positively declined serving; the r� xt ballot resulted in ehoosing FIenry Jevaett, ti�rho also de- clined, and on the fourth ballot J. B. Fowle tivas choserc and accepted and wassv�orn by tho C1erk. 1876. 420. Art 7.. NIr J. J. Rayner offered the following mQtion, "That a committee of five to be elected at this meet- ing to cause to be made surveys and tests o£ the supplJ and quality of vaater from the difY'erent sources and to ascertain� the probable nuiaber of takers ana the or��ense of introducing �vater f'ron the d�fPerent sources and maintaining the same, and such otl�er • in�esti�ations as they may deem expedient, at an expense not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars, and that they report the same to the November meeting." Remarks in favor of the motion were inade by P:4essrs Rayner, Nerriam and Prosser, and opposed by Messrs Batcheller, Reed, Locke, Jetivett and Tower, and on the motion being put by the chairman it was deelared "PTot A 40t2`� • Voted. "To indefinitely postpone the subject. " �rt 3 Voted "That the Tovvn do hereby ratify and con- firm the action of the Treasurer and Selectmen in refunding a portion of the To�rn debt at a lower rate of interest ." Art 4. bTr Hamraon Reed o�'Pered to complete the sai.d. road to the �cceptance of the Cou�ty Commissioners for the sum of One Thousand llollars , and after con- side�able discussion in regard to the liability of the Toarn in the matter it was Voted "That the tLrtiele be laid on the table until further orders a�^e recieved from the County Comm.issioners. " • IlTo Committee beir� ready to report the D;todea�ator declared the meeting dissolvedy A true record of �he doings, Attest : Leonard k.Saville, � Town Clerk. 421 1876. � 4Varrant for a Town Meeting TSomember 7th 1876. To Eli Simonds Constable of Zexington, Greeting: . b ou are hereby required in the name of the Commonc�ealth �f Massa- - chusetts, to notify and warn the inhabitants of. the Town of L�xington qualified by law � vote in State and County aff&irs , to assemble at t,he Towfl Hall on Tuesday the seventh day of DTovember next, at One o'clock P';14. to cast the'ir ballo�ts for the following State, County and District offieers,viz: For El�ctors of President and Vice President of the Unj,ted States; For Representative in Congress from District No.5; , For Gw ernor - Lieutenant c'=arernor - Councillor for , District No 3 - Secretary of the Common�vealth - AttorneJ General of the Co_me�onuvealth - Treasurer , , and Reciever General - Auditor of the Commonwealth- Senator for Sacond Middlasex District - Clerk of Courts for PQiddlesex County - Representative in General Court for P�iddlesex District No.lB - County Treasurer - Register of De�ds for the Southern Dis- trict of �Tiddlesex - and County Commissioners. The Selectmen will recieve the votes Por the abo•re named officers on one ballot. The ,Polls �rrill be opened immedi_�tely after the or- ganization of the meeting, and be .kept open until - four oclock P.I��I. and so much longer as the meeting may direct - not to extend beyond sunset. You are also required to notify and warn the . inhabitants oP. the Town of Lexington, quaTiPied by lavu to vote in To���n !�ffairs to meet at the Town Hall &t three Oclock P.M. on Tuesday, the seventh - day of PJovember 1876 to act on the following art- icles, viz : grt. l. To choose a b2oderator. Art. 2. To see if the Town �rill reduce the rent of Rooms occupied by Simon 'id Robinson Lodge oi Masons, to one Hundred dollars per annum, or act in a�y manner relating there�o. 9rt 3. To sQe what action the toyvn will take in , relation to the road laid out by the County Com- missioners on the petition of Hammon Reed and others. 1876. 422 Art 4. To see what instruction the town will give relativ� to the collection of the Pive hundred dollars due the towa from the Pdiddlesex Central Railroad Com�any. Art. 5. To see iP the to�cn rvill reimburse N. L. Brya{�t the e�enses incurred by hiuc in defending a suit brought against him by P.7aurice OConnell, for cutting certain trees within the bounds of Main Street . tlrt 6. To see if the tovaL.,will add one hundred dollared to the sum appropriated for paying the Treesurer and Collector for his services for the year 1876. .Art 7. To see if the to�rn �ill make �t appropri- . ation Por mounting the brass cannon now in S:4em- . orial Hall. Art 8. To see. if the �wn will make an addition- al appropriation for the repairs of highways. t�rt. 9. To see if the town will ap,ply to the. next Legislat�ure for an act to issue bonds for the tovrnts indebtedness. A true copy �'t l0. To hear the report of ar�y committee that oP the tiVar- may be ready to rep ort and aet tY� reon. rant , Hereof fail not an d make due return of this �Tar- Attest : rant with your doings thereon to the Toum Clerk, Leonard d. on or before the time of said meeting, Sav<ille, Given under our hands at Lexington this nine- Town Clerk. teenth day of October A D. 1876, uJabster Smith )Selectmen Otis ��Venttvorth ) °� Albert Vd. Bryant )�xington " The Selectmen Will Ue in session at the Town Hall on Saturday November 4th £rom six to nine oclock P. IlQ, and on the day of election from 12 to I oclock P.NT. to revise the vot�ng lzst , and no name requir- in� investigation will be added after the poll is open. Pursuant to the wii.thin 'u�arrant I have notiPi_ed the tov�n as within directed by postin� an attested copy thereoi in two public places in �aeh village and by lea�zing an attested copy thereof with each farnily in the tov�n seven days before the time of holding said meeting. Attest : Lexington Oct 26 1876. �.li Simonds, Constab7Le. 423. 1876. Lexington Tuesday Nov 7 1876 � The meeting for the choice of State, County and District officers was called to order at �ne oclock P.P�: by the Chairmas of the SeTectmen and the 6dar- rant was read by the Town Clerk, after which the Polls were declared open. i�t three oclocP� P.M. the meeting for town business was called to order by the Town Clerk, and the part oP the 4iTarrant relating thereto was read, and the business proceeded as follows - tlx�t. ,l. John J. Rayner was elected Noderator, and sworn. Art: 2: Voted. "That the Article be indefinitely postponed.`� Art. 3. �Voted. "To indefinitely postpone the art- ic1e. " Art "4 ' �oted "That the whole matter be refferred to the Selectmen and UVilliam A: Tower as a Com- mittee �uith Pull povmers to settle the claim." Art. 5. Voted. '�That the asticle be indefinitely postponed." Art. 6. Voted. '�That the Article be indefinitely postponed. " Art . . 7. Voted. "That the �ticle be indefinitely postponed." Art . 8. Voted. "That the sum' of Five Hundred (500. ) dollars be_appropriated for the repairs of hi�hwaqs. " Art. 9. Voted. "That the "tlx�ticle be indefinitely postponed." �rt . 10. No Committee being reaQy to report the meeting for town business was declared dissolved by the P2oderator. The' time for closing the Polls for the choice of State, County and District officers w�s extended by vote of the meeting to half past four oclock and subsequently extended totwenty minutes of five oclock, and on closing the Polls and count- ing the votes the following result was declared by the Chairman of Selectmen. 1876. 424. For Electors of President and �ice Presi- dent of the United States. ' ° At Large Thomas Talbot of Billeriea - Two Hundred and eighty four " 284 " " Stephen Salisbury oP uJorcester - Two Hundred and eighty Pour 284 " " v�illiam Gaston of Boston - One Hundred and seventy seven 177 `t " Edward Avery of Braintree - One Hundred and seve nty seven 177 ' - District No. 1. 'iVarren Ladd of New Bedford, - TvJo Hundred and eightg Pour. � � 284 James D. Thompsos of New Bedford - One Hundred �nd seventy seven 177. � - District No. 2. - Theodore Dean of Taunton - Two Hundred and eighty four 284. Semuel N Dyer Jr of So. gbington - One Hundred and seventy seven 177 � - District No. 3. - Tohn F'elt Osgood of Boston, - Two Hundred and eighty four 284 George P. Baldwin oP Boston - One Hundred and ` seventy seven ' ' 177 - District Pdo. 4. - Martin Brimmer of Boston"- TRo H�Yndred and eighty four. " 284 Charles Levi 1^loodbury oP Boston. - One Hundred and seventy seven ` ° li7 - District No. 5, - Republican Samuel C. Iawrence of Med£� d - Two Hundred an.d Candiclates - eighty four 284 Hayes and Alpha E. Thompson of�loburn - One Hundred and '+'�fheeler, 284 seventy seven 177 Democratic " Candidates - - District 'No 6.- Tilden and George uil. IvIorrill of Amesbury - Two Hundred and Hendricks, eighty four " ' ' 284 177 Sames V. Smiley of H&verhill = One Hundred and , seventy seven 177 - District 'No. 7. - Carroll D. u�tright of Reading - Two Hundred and eig.hty four ' ' 2ga ' Edwin A. Alger of Cambridge - Qne Hundred and seventy seven. l�� - District No 9. - 3ohn C, Vdhitin oP Northbridge - Two Hundred and eighty four 284 Eli Thayer of uVorcester - One Hundred and sev�enty seven " 17� - District No. 10. - uJ. B. C. Pearsons of Holyoke - Two Hundred and eigh�y four _: � 284 Timothy S. �Ililson of Fitchburg - One �undred and seventy six 176 - District No 11. - Richaa�d Goodman of Lenox - TvJo iiundred and eighty Pour 284 Cebra �!uackenbush of Pittsfield - One Hundred and seventy seven l�� 425 1876. . - For Governor,- - Aiexander H Rice of Boston - Tvao Hundred and eighty 280 Charles Francis Adams of �uincy - One Hundred -and seventy • 170 John I. Baker of Beverly - Six 6 Ben Butler of Lowell - One 1 Alexander Rice - One 1 - For Lieutenant Governor. - � Horatio G. hnight of �asthampton - Two Hundred and eighty four 284 • UVilliam R. Plunkett oP Pittsfield - One Hundred and seventy six 176. - For Secretaay of the Commonwealth.- Henry B. Pierce o£ kbington - Two Hundred and eighty four � 284 ideston Howland of Fairhaven - One Hundred and sev�nty six � 176. - For Treasurer and Receiver General.- Charles Endicott of Canton - Two Hundred and eighty f our 284 David N Skillings of Pdinchester - One Hundred and seventy seven 177 - Por Auditor. - Julius L Clark of Plewton - Two Hundred and eighty four 284 - John E. Fitzgerald of Boston - One Hundred and seventy five 175. - For Attorney General . - Charles R. Train of Boston - Two Hundred andeighty four 2�4 Richard Olney of Boston -- One Hundred and seventy six - 176 - For Representative to Forty FiPth Congress 5th District. - Nathaniel P. Banks of u'�altham - Two Hundred and sixty eight 268 Richard Frothin�ham of Boston - One Hundred and eighty six 186 - For Clerk of Courts. - Theodore C. Hurd of Cambridge - Two Hundred and eighty thmee 283 Charles F. Ho�xe , of Lowell - One Hundred and seventy seven 177. - For County Commissioner: - L'sniel G. Wallton of idakefield - Two Hundred and eighty four 284 • Thomas H. Hill of �,Voburn. - One Hundred and seventy six 176. - For County Treasurer. - Amos Stone of �berett - Two Hundred and eighty two 282 • Gar.dner, Prouty of I.ittleton - One Hundre@ and seventy seven 17� - For Register of Deeds. - Cl�arles B. Stevens of Cambrid�re - Four Hundzed and fifty nine 459 J. P.: Thompson of Loweil - One Hundred and eight3r six 186 - For Councillan - Third District.- Francis Childs oP Boston - Two Hundred and eighty three 283 Alpheus R. BroYvn of Somerville - Ono Hundred and seventy� seven � • 1�7 krt. 18. To see if the Town wi11 authorize the Selectmen to approve bills aPter the end of the fiscal year and prior to the annua�l town meeting, Prom ar�y money in the Treasury not otherwise ag- propriated. ' 429. 1877. " • to an amount not exceefling ten per cent, of the annual appropriations. Art. 19. To see iP the Town will make an appro- priation to reimburse I. N. Damon ebpenses incurr- ed by him in attempting to collect taxes assessed upon E. .H. Clowser, or act in any manner in rel�- tion thereto. Art. 20. To see if the To��n will pay for Coal purchased by the Sehaol Committee , from any money not otherwise appropriated°. ' � • Art. 2L io sea if the Town will reeonsider the vote passed Niar,ch 3d 1873, in relation to Stree� Lamps� or act in aryy manner rela�ing thereto. Art. 22d. To hear the report of ary Committee that mey be ready to report and act tl-iereon. Hereof fai 1 not and make due return of this war- rant with your doings thereon, to the To� Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting, Given under our hands at Lexington this ° seventeenth day of February A.D. 1877. �ldebster Smith ) Selectmen � Otis V�fentworth ) of Albert uJ. Bryant ) Lexington. The Selectmen will be in session on Saturday Y�Sarch 3d Prom 7 to 8 ocZock P.ivi. anfl from 8 to 9 < oclock on the mornir� of March 5th to, revise the voting list, and no name requiring investi- gation will ba added aPter the poll is opened. � Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Lexingto n by posting a copy of this warrant duly' attested in � two public places in each village, and by leav- ing an attested copy �rith each Pamily in the to�rn. ` ' Lexington NIarch lst, 1877 ° Eli Simonds,. Cons�C�ble of Lexi� ton, - A true copy of the warrant , ° ° • bttest : Leonar d A.Saville, Town Clerk. 1g77, 430. Lexington Monday March 5th 1877. The meeting was c�lled to order by the Clerk at the time specified in the foregoing warrant and the follov�Fine is a true recor. d. - Art . 1. Frank E, uJetherell was• chosen n4oderator and duly sworn. � < tlrt 2 & 3 Voted. "That Article's 2 and 3 be taken up together an�I that we proceed to choose the fol- lowing officers all upon one ba°llot�: - the polls to be kcpt open uutil 4.30 oclock P.I�JI. - One (1 ) Town Clerk; three (3 ) Selectmen, who shall alsa� be Urerseers of the Poor and Sumveyors of Highways; One (1 ) Treasurer v�ho shall also l�e Collector ; three (3 ) gssessors; one (1 ) Conste�ble; one (1 ) School Committee - man for 3 years and one (1) School Comnittee me;n Por 1 year; two (2 ) Auditors; _ . and one (1) Cemetery Committee - man for 3 years." NIessrs Franklin Pa�tch Lorih. Gletherell and , J. F. I!4aynrad �vere appointed by the I�Zoderator to assist in sorting and counting the ballots and at the close of their lab ors theefollowing result was announced by the F�Ioderator. S�nrorn I�Zch 5th. "For Town Clerk, "Leonard y. Saville had 296 by 1�Toderatorvotes and was declared elected to the office of Town Clerk for the year ensuing. " , "ror Selec�men, Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of Hightivays." . A. v�L Bryant 279. �lebster Smith 213, Otis uVentworth 180. B. G. ':�Ihitcher 151. J. F. Simonds 71. F. Alderrnan 2. J.P.Reed Z ll. A. Tuttle L Gersha�t S�rran 1 All sworn by and A. Gd. Bryant , iidebster Smith and Otis �!��entworth Moderator were dec�.ared elected for Selecimen, Overseers of �Zch 5th �he Poor and Surveyors o£ HighUrays for the year . ensuing," , Sworn ffich '�For Treasurer and Collectar �. N. Damon 2£34, lOth L. A. Saville 12 and I.N. Dacnon was declar e@ eiect- ed as Treasurer and Collector for, the ensuir� yea.�. " "�or Assessors. Vdalter uuellington 258, J. F. Sim- onds 225, H. B Davis 209 Gershom Swan 62, Henry Sewett 47, Sidney LawrenCe 3, F. .�. , u'fetherell 1 - L. A. Saville 1 and (S�aJorn Mch 15th) � (Stivorn It7ch 15th) (Sworn by 1lIoderator ) `ddalter ��Iellington, J. F. Simonds and H.B. Davis were declared elected as Assessors for the ensuing year." 431. 1877. , "For Constable, Eli Simonds 266, G. I�7. Li�Lchfield 9. Darius Dow 4. M. 0'Brien 1. Samuel ;iJ Hendley l. Otis uVer�.ivorth 1 Julia P�iokley l. .and Eli Simonds Sworn PaIch 5thwas declared elected Constable for the ensuing yeare" by NToderator "For School Committee-man for 3.yea�s , Rev. E. S. E1der , 151, J Russell Reed 133, Franklin tlldernan 1, and Rev. E. S. Elaer was declared elected School Com- mittee-man for 3 years. " "Por School Committee-man for 1 year James Russell Reed 1GI Rev. E. S. Elder 1w7. Etev E. G. Porter 1 and James Russell Reed was declared elected School Committee-man for 1 �ear. " . "FQr-�uditors H. C. Ston� 293. Gershom Swan Z97, L. A. Saville 52 C. T. �iJest„ 4, F. E. Wetin.erell 2. uValter. 9Vellington 1. Henr;� Jewett l. H. B. Da�ris l. (SUrorn Mch 17th ) (Sworn NIarch 30th) and A. C. Stone and Gershom S�tan were declared elected L�uditors for the ensuing year." "For Cemetery Committee-m�n for 3 years, . T. G. Hovey 296 and T. G. Hovey was declared elected Cemetery Gommittee-man for 3 year." The following Officers were chosen by nmtnination at large . Su¢orn D.2ch 14th SUrorn IIIch 5th '°For Fence �fiewers B. T. Hatcheller C. R. Richardson S�vorn P.Zc� 5th John P Reed." Voted. "To take up krt . 22. " Voted "That the reports of Town Of�'icers as print- ed be accep ted and placed before t1�e Town for action." . Art 4. Troted "To appropriate the sum of .�3000.00 for the repairs oP IIighvJays the ensuing year; and the si.im oP ��500.00 for breaking out roads in winter and that the last amount be kept for that specific purpose.�' �oted "That the second clause of Art 4 be indeiinitelf postponed." Art. 5. Voted "That the sum of �2000.00 be appro- priate for the support of the Poor for the en�uir� year." . 1877. 432 Art 6. Voted. "To appropriate tha, sum of 5�1di504.00 . fox the suppor� of the Puhlic Schools the ensuing year to be exponded. as follows; For Instruction Fue1 and Care of Rooms; ;p9,700. " Incidentals and repairs, 300. " Stairs at Hancock School House, 150. " Un�aid Coa1 bill of J. 'N. Pierce 354." Art 6. Voted. "That the Selectmen be instructed not to approve. aqy bills contracted b;� the Boolt . Agent , and that the School Committee, be requested to furnish a detailed report of the condition of . the Book Agency at the next meeting of the totm : � � � Art. , 7. . Vpted. "Thet the vot� of April 13th 1874 be recor_sidered, and that the m�.tter of establish- ing a list of priees for the rental of' the Town, • Village and P.Zasonic Halls be rePerred to the Select- :nen with instructions to report at the next mee�in� of the town." Art. 8. Voted."That the suoject be re�erred to the � Selectmen will full powe�s. " �rt. 9. . Voted. "That the sub�ect be referred to , the Selectmen, and that they be instructed to cause the necessary improvement to be made." . . 6rt. 10. Voted. '�To instruct the Selectraen to sell the old Hancoc'r, Engine House." - �.rt . 11. Voted. "To legalize , the �1cts oP the former board of �electmen, in drawing money ap- propriated for 1876 to pay bills of 1875." lzrt . 12. .Voted. "To. instruct the Sel�etmen to grant no licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors." . - � Art. 13. '�7oted. "That the subject matter , contained • in•Art. 13. be po�tponed until such time as the • . suit sh�ll be terminated. " Art. 14. Voted. "That the sum. oP. eight hundred (800 ) dollars be appropriated to complete tne construction of the road laid out by the County , Commissioners, on the petition of Hammon Reed and others; and that- the Selectmen are hereby directed ta 433. 1877. cause to be psid fr�n the Treasury the said sum whenever said Reed shall construct or cause to be constructed, the said road to the � acceptanco oP the County Commissioners; the sum so to be paid to said Reed, shall be in full oP all his demands against the town �row- ing out of the said road." Ps t. 15. Poted. "To indePinite],y postpone the subject." Art. 16. voted. "That on all taxes paid on or before Dec lst 1877 a discount of One percent , per month be allowed, and that the Collector � be suthorized to take legal measures to collect all taxes remaining unpaid on the lOth of Tanuary 1878." , �lrt. 1`7 & 21. Voted. "Thet Articles 17 and 21 be taken up together, " SToted. "To reconsider the vote o£ March 3d 1873 in.relation to street lamps.'° Voted. , "To postpone the further consideration o£ the matter till next meeting." , �oted. "To reconsider the last vote. " . TTmted. "To reconsider the vote whereby the ta wn voted to reconsider the vote of UIarch 3d 1873." Voted. "That tl�e f�rther consideration of Act 21 be postponed^ Voted. "That the sum of five hundred (500 ) dol- lars be aopropriated for lighting the street Zamps to June 1 1877 at which time the present contracts expire. " Art. 18 Voted "That during the months of Feby . and �iarch; the various boards of officers are . a,uthorized to approve bills to an amount not exceeding one tenth of the regular appropri- . ations of the year preceeding; pro�ided there is a cash balance in the Treasury suificient to pay the same.'T , . Art . 19. P4ted. "To reimburse I. N Damon ex- penses incurred by him in tne case agains� E. H Clowser. " . Art. 20. See action under Art 6. Art. 21. See action under Art 17: . �rt. 22. Voted "To take up the fieport of the Engineers." Voted "That the board of Fire �n�ineers be in- atructed to comply raore fully w�th the Iaw.'� 1877. �34. �rt. 22. Voted. "That the Selectmen be requested to adopt such legal,measures as they may deem expedient, to enforce the agreement, purporting to be made by the I�1liddlesex Central Railroad Compax�y, and signed by George Keyes; to pay the . sum of five hundred dollars toward the expense of constructing culverts under the Railroad of said Company in the north meadows, near Lexing- ton village ." Art. 22. Vote3 "That the Treasurer b� directed not to pay out of the Treasury, any money on acc�unt of ax�y grant after the appropriation for said grant has been exuended; and that no town of£icer or oifrcers shall be allowed to , over dr�w ar�y totNn grant; tivithout the vote of the totivn so to do. till moneys to be expended aceording to the appropriations. made therefor." brt. 22. "Resolved, 'Thst we vieM with great satisfaction the growiag interest that is man- ifested in our public Library, which opens its ample pages, replete with Knowledgs, to our entire population; and that we rejoice in the interest manifested in adorning the Library Hall with suitable portraits and appropriate relies of the past. Resolved, That the �ener- upon us°�ien�u�� o�ep�o��d�Y�1��d�l�e�g��g�tY for the sa£e investment� of this endocament; and that we w�ould respectfully recommend tp the Trustees of the Library the prapriety of requiring suitable bonds in Pu�ure of the Treasurer of their board, Voted. That the Cler� be directen to transmit a copy of these Resolves to the President o� t�e Board of Trustees of the Cary Library." After the business- was accom�lished the P.Zoderator declared the meeting to be dissolved. A true Record. . Attest: , Leonard k. Saville , Town Clerk. 435 1877. • Zexington �4arch lOth 1877. 1�7r L. [�. S�ville Town Clerk The Selectmen have appointed L. A. Saville A2easurer of �dood and Bark and Superintend.ent of Town Scales. R. uV. Holbrook L�eigher of Coal and Hay. Augustus Childs D.4easurer of �+ ood and Bark. Sworn Pych 15 H. B. Davis P,Ieasurer of udood and Bark. 0. �,�f. Fiendall Sexton. P.P. Pierce ductio�eer. . , A. 'TV. Bryant , Secty to the board of Selectmen. 2dditional A�pointments • . Sworn Apl 20th F. ri'. Butter Measurer of ':Jood &c S�vorn June 13 S. ud. Hendley special Police Officer without pay ti]:1 xpril lst 1878 . Sworn June I6 Eli Simonds " " " " " . till April lst 1878 . I hereby certify that on the seventeenth day oP February A D 1877. I destroyed by burning the ballots cast for National State County and Dis- trict officers at the annual election holden Nov 7 1876. Attest : : Leonard {�. Saville, Tor;n Clerk. � 1877. 436 'uVarrant for a Town PZeeting April 16th 1877. To Eli Sir�onds, Constable of Lexi ngton, Greeting: In the name of the Co.*nmonwealth oYI�Sassachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and v�arn the inhabitants � oP the Town of Legington qualified by laev to votie in town aff�irs, to assemble at the Town Hall on Ts2or_day April 16th 1877 at One oclock P.M, to act on the follow.ing �'irticles, viz : Art 1. ^To choose a P2oderator." l�rt 2. `Fo fill vacancies in Town OFfices if any exist. krt 3. To� grant money to defray Tovsn expenses the ensuin� year. iirt 4. To see' if the Town will accept tY�e list of Jurors , presented by the Selectmer_. t�rt 5. To see if the Town will compensate the Treas- ' urer bf the Cary Library. Art. 6. To see what measures the tovsn ��uill adopt to procure the ratification of the doings of the tov�n at a meeting held Spril 2lst 1873 relative io the acceptarice' of the Act of the Legislature authorizing � the draining of the n4eado�rs near the village ; and the providing of ineans to carry forward the draining of said meadows; the bct being Chapter 214 of the licts of 1873. �nd to see iP the town v�ill adopt ell suitable measures to guard the riglrt s and secure the' interests of the tov�n and to sustain and protect their officers and agents acting under said drainage kct in the discharge of all duties. �1rt 7. To see if the Town will reconsider the vote " passed March 5th. 1877, whereby the tov�n voted to " instruct the Selectmen to grant no licenses for the " sale� of into�ic$ting liquors. 437. 1877. Lexir�:ton, krt. B. To see if the Town vaill instruct the Select- ispril 11, men to refund to Doctor Howland Holmes, the amaunt 1877 paid by him as betterment tax on the draining of his Pttrsuent to meadow, together with interest on the same, and all the' within costs incurred by him in said case. VYar'rant I have notifi- Art. 9. To see what action the town t�rill take in ed the inhab-regard to building reservoirs Por fire purposes. itants of the' Town as Art. 10 To see if the toirrn �vill purchase 300 feet within di- of leading hose for the Hancock Engine and appro- rec�ed by priate money for the same. posting s copy of the Art. 11. To see i:f the town tivill remunerate "the foregoing Fireman or act in a�y manner in relation to the �iJarrant subject. dul"y attested at �t. 12. To see if the to�vn will authorise the each Post Selectmen to build a sidowalk on the side of Elm Office, and �venue adjacant to the Common or act in an�T man- in �wo ner in relation to the subject. other public �laces in Art. 13 To see if the t¢urn will reconsider the town and by vote passed March 3d 1873 in relation to Street leaving an Lamps. or act in any manner in relation to the attested subject. copy with each family Art. 14. To see if the to��n �ill establish the in the salary of sealer of vueights and measis es, also town at to see if the town will pa� for the services of least seven the sealer for the past year. days before ' said meet- Art. 15. To see if the town will make an appro- ing.Attest :' priation for improuing trie er.trarice 'to Village Eli Simonds Hall. C�nst�ble ° of Lexin�- Art. . 16. To hear rhe report og any 'Committee ton.A true that may be ready to report, and act thereon. copy oP the Warrant and Hereof fail not and make due . return �>P this Constab2es Vfarrant with your doings �thereon �to ^t,he To�vu return Clerk on or t�efore the �ime of said meeting. theroon. Given under our hands at Lexin�ton this twenty- Attest : ni`nth. day of March A. D. 1877. T�onard A. ;debster Smith )�electmen SavilZe Otis Went�rorth ') of Town ClerY Albert 'id.Bryant )Lexington 1877. 438 ` Lexingtbn Apl 16 1877 Agreeebly to the foregoing Nsrrant the meeting was called to order by the Clerk at 1:20 oclock F.P.7. as soon as twenty five voters were present , and the warrant read and under Art l. �oted "To keep the poll "open five minutes for the choice oP IvIoderator" and the r�esult of the ballot v¢as the election of F. E. uJetherell as nIod- erator and he �vas duly sworn by the Clerk , and the business of the meeting proceeded with the Yollow- ing result. , �.rt. 2. No vacancies exis�ing in town Offices it was �,Toted "To pass over the article.'� Art 3. The Selectmen sul;mitted an estirnate of the expenses of the tov� for the enszing year as follows, and it was Voted "For Assessors � N425.00 " Town` Clerk. 100.00 " Treasurer of Cary Libryar 50.00 "` Decoration ➢ay lOQ.00 " Scfiool Committee 300.00 " Cary Library � � 350.00 " Cons�Eable and Police 500.00 " Street Iamps (including 500, voted in Niarch last } ° 1500.00 " " Coilector and Treasurer 500.00 '° Insurance 500.00 " Interest ` ' 4000.00 ' ^ Contingent 3500.00 " State �id 450.00 `T Auditors " 45.00 '� Ringing Bells 70.00 " Scxton 75.00 " t�ire Department 800.00 " Diseount of Taxes ' ' 800.00 �T Painting Alms House and Village Hall ana� Repairs ' 500.00 " Paying to�vards Centennial I.oan 2000.00 '� Abatenent of Taxes ' ' 500.00 " Improving entrance to Village Hall �00.00 'T Schools (voted in NIarch last ) 10504.00 " IiighwayS " " " " 3000.00 " Removing snow " " " " 500.00 " Poor " " " 2000.00 " Aarrm�on Reed road " ' " 800.00 " .�34,O�g�pp and the above sums were deirected td be assessed the ` present year.'� 439. ' 1877. �ote on firt A.rt. 4. Voted. "That the list df Jurors, as pre- 6 taken by sented by the Selectmen be accepted.^ ' polling the See Art "3. house on Art. 5. �Ioted. "That the amount of fifty dollars the first be appropri�ted for the compensatiori of the Treas- part 101` in ure of the Cary Library the ensuing year. " aifirmative 28 in the �.rt. 6. Voted. "That the article be divided," and negative, under the first part Voted, "That the Selectmen be and on trie directed to apply to the Legislature by petition second part or other�rise to ratify and confirm the actioh of 42 in affir- the tovsn �of Lexington at a meeting held April 21 mative 0 in 1g73, so far as the same related to the unanimous negative. acceptance of the tlet oP the Legislature author- izing the draining af the meado�rs near the �illage; (Chapter 214, Stat. of 1873. ) and the unanimous vote to borrovr money to meet , in the first insi,ance, the expense of the draining within the meado�s, and � the Seleetmen are hereby authorized to employ suoh � means as they may deem expedient to secure such rati- fication" and under the second part o£ the Brticle � ' it was Voted. `tThat the Selectmen are hereby directed to � adopt all such measures as they may deem suitable � to guard the rights and secure the interests oP the To�n, and ta sustafn and protect their of£icers, and the agents acting under the s�id drainage Act in the discharge of all their duties." �oted. 'tThat the Selectmen be instructed to call a meeting oP the tn�n, to adopt measures for the set- tlement of the drainage difficulty, as soon as all the meadow owners or other parties interested shall assent to leave the matter to arbitration." ` Art� 7. �Toted "That the Article be indefinitely postponed." Art 8. Voted.' "That the Article be indefinitely postponed." Art. 9. �Ioted. "That the Article bs indefinitely postponed." � Art 10. Voted "That the Article be indefinitely ` postponed ." Art 11. s7oted. "That any persons who have been appointed �r who may be appointed the current year, as firemen by the engineers,< shall be remunerated for their services by` the to�vn; the said appoint- ments to be subject to the approval` of the Select- men." ' �Foted.` "That of the appropriation of eight hundred dollars for � � 1877. 440 the Pire department a compensation at the rate of five (5 ) dollars per man per annwn be allowed to � enrolled members in oxganized companies , not ex- ceeding 90 men in a11.'� Art. 12. �oted. "That the Artiele be indefinitely postponed, " � ` Art. 13. Voted. "That tlze Article be ind.e£initely postponed. " Art. 14. Voted "That the salary o£ sealer oP weights and measures for the current pear be fifteen dollars." Art 15. Voted "That the sum of two hundred dollars be appropriated to improve the entrance to �illage Hall." (see art 3� Art. 16 �"The Selectmen to whom was referred the matter of .making a new list of prices for the use oY rooms in the Town, Village and Masonic Halls , reported as follows: viz '�Schedule of prices for Town and Pillage Halls. For use `of To�¢n Hall for Lectures Concerts or Shows by people in town. y�4.00 ` « '� " �illage Hal2" " " " " 2.A0 " „ '� Town Hall " " " „ " 6.00 " " from out of town. �' " Vlllage Hall " '� " " fe 4�00 " " from out oi town. For Town Hall and Ante rooms for Dances till 12 oclock 10.00 " Village Hall" " '" " " " " " 5>00 � " To�rm Hall " " " " 'F" after °` "" 1.00 " each Ytour Far Village Hall and �nte roo�s for Dances after 12 oclocY each hour I.00 For Dining Room in Attic of Town Hall 3.00 For Totivn Ha11 and Ante rooms for Tea Parties afternoon and evening 8.00 " 4'illage Hall" " " " " " afternoon &IICZ 8V2R1A��� '� �� " �� '� 4.�� For Selectmen's Room 1.00 E'or I;Tasonic Hall One Hundred dollars per year, ' TToted "That the report be accepted and its recom- mendations adopted." TTo further action being called for trhe Pdoderator cleclared the meeting dissolved. A true record, � Attest : Leonard k. Saville, Town Clerlc. 44L 1877. Lexington May 9 1877. Pursuant to a vote of the inhabitants of the Town of Lexin�ton in tov� meeting assembled on the 2nd day of 2doveraber 1875, the Tov¢n Treasurer hereby acknowledges the reciept of three hundred dollars £rom tiie Hiers of the late Jqhn `+dinning of ,Voburn, the interest of which is to b'e expended annually in accordance with said vote, and Chapter 225 of the Acts of 1870 - upon �the lot numbered 47 in tiae Town Cemetery near to .the Aigh School House in said Lexington, in dressing and care of said lot , the walk around the same and the avenues adjacent thereto. Isaac DT. Damon, � Town Treasurer, A true copy, Attest: Leonard b. Saville, To�a�n ClerY. Town ^lreasurer *s OPfice. � Pursuant to a vote of the inhebitants of �he Town o� Lexington in tov�n Meeting assembled on the 2nd day of Nov 1875, the To,u�n Treasurer hereby acknowledges tne reciept oP ;;°100.00 from the• estate of the late Isaac B. Smith, the interest of �ich is to be annually expended in aceordanee with said vote, and Chepter ?.25 of the Acts� of 1870°, upon lot numbered 69 in the Tou�� Cemetery near to the High School House ir. s�id Lexington, in dressing and care of said lot, the walks around the same� and the avenues � adjacent thereto. Isaac N. ➢amon Town TTeasurer, Lexington Aug 23d 1877 1i true o�py, Attest: Leonard A. Sayille Town Clerl� � � 1877. 442. ° �farrant for a Town n�7eeting, Tuesday DTov 6th 1877 ' "Te Eli Simonds, Constable of Lerington, ' Greetir�: " In the name of the Common�uealth of ,Tassachusetts, you aie hereby requ•ired to notify and tivarn the inhabitants r of the Town of I,exington quaZiiied by law to vote in State �nd Coun�ty aff�irs to assemble at the Town Hail on `l�uesdaST the sixth da� of T�ovember nert at One o'clo�k ° P.Iu1. to aast their ballo�s for the follovring State, ^ County and District OPficers,viz : _ Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Couneillor, Secretar5r oz the Commontvealth, Traasurer and Reciever General, Auditor of the Couunonwelath, Attorney General, Senator, Commissioners of insolvency, District Attorney, SherifP, County Commissioner, Two Special County Commissioners, Representative in General Court for P,Tiddlesex District No 18, and for b.mendment to the Constitution relative to certain of.ficers of Harvard College.'" '�The Po�ls wi11 be opened immediately after the organization of the meeting and �Jill be kept open until faur o'clock P.PII. and. as much long,er as the meeting may direct; not to extend beyond sunset. " "You are also required tp notify and warn the in- habitants of the Town of Lexington, qualiPied by lava to vote in Tovrn affairs, to meet at the TovJn Hall at three o'clock P.P.�?. on Tuesday the sixth day of 2dovem- ber 1877 to act on the follo�rring articles. viz :'" Art 1. "To ehoose a NIoderator." lirt 2. "To see if the Town wi11 allow the Lexington Brass Band the use of the Hall of the Hancock rngine House £or practice.", Art 3. "To see if the 1^own will authorize the Select- men to transfer any money remaining unexoended on any grant, to meet aqy deficiency that may occur on ar�y other: grant ; or act in any manner in relation to the sub j ec t,." 443 1877. . Art 4. "To hear the report if ary Committee that may be ready to report and act thereon." � Hereof fail not and make dua returr_ of this 'Jdarr�nt with your doings thereon an or before the time of said meeting,- to the Town Clerk, Given under our hands, at Lexington this eighteenth day of October A. D. 1877 iiJebster Smith ) Selectmen - , Otis Vfentworth ) of Albert ;V BTyant � ZexingtoII. The Selectinen will be in session on i��fednesday the t�Jenty fourth day of October 1877 and on Thursday the first day of November 1877 at their rooms from 7 to 9 oclock P.Iv�. and on the day af election Prom 12 to 1 o!clock P.M. to revise the voting list, and all voters are requested to see that their names are duly registered, as no name re.quiring investi- gation will be added to the list after the golls are opened. Lexington Oct 22d 1877 Pursuant to the foregoing Warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town as arithin directed by posting a .copy thereoP dul'y atteste�. at each Post -0ffice and in two other public places in To�Rn arxl by leaving an attested eopy �uith each family in the Town at least seven days bePore said meeting. . Eli Simonds . Constable oi Lexington, A true copy of the LVarrant , Attest : Zeonard A.Saville, , Town Clerk, 1877. , a44 The meeting, notified in the preceeding �Jarrant for < < votes Por State, County a:�d District Officers was � called to nrder at the time specified b�T said +Jar- rants, and the +Varrant and the return of the Con- stable. upon the sa.me were read by� the Town Clerk, after which the polls were declared open, and the balloting commenced. At three oclock P.M. the. meeting' f� Town business was� calxed to order by the Town Clerk, the rlarrsnt and return read and under - Art 1. 4oted '�To choose a 114oderator by nom- ination" and Frank E. ti�letherell was so nominated and chosen and duly sworn by the Glerk. . Art 2. Voted. "That the matter be referred to the Engineers" Art 3. Voted "That the Town authorize the Select- men, to transfer a�y money remaining unexpended on a�y grant, to �aeet any deficiency that may occur on any other grant. ". - Art 4. No Coinmittee being ready to report it was Voted "That the meeting for Town business be ad- jourried without day.'• The polls far b�Llots Por State4, County and District Officers were declared closed at 4 oclock P.n2. - the meeting haFin� voted not to extend the time, - and after the votes �rere counted the chairman of the Selectmen declared the resuTt es �'ollows. - For Governor, - Alsxander H. Rice of Boston - One Hundred & seventy six 176. Gdilliatq Gaston of Boston -., One Hundred & three 103. Robert C. Pitman of Neu�ton,-Four 4. '�Vendell Phillips of Boston -One 1. - Lieutenant Governor . - . Horatio .. G. Knight of Fasthampton - One Hundred & eighty seven, 187. �Jilliam �4 Plunkett of Pittsfield - Ninety five 95. GVilliam Earl of uYoreester - one l. - For Secret�ry of the Common�vealth.- Henry B. Pierce of 6bington - One Hundred �:, eighty seven . . 187. P�eston Howland of Fairhaven Ninety five 95. Vu. H. Goss o£ Marlboro one 1. 445 1877. , - For Treasurer and Receiver General.- Charles Fn.dicott oP Ganton, - One Hundred �c eighty eight 188. David N. Skillings af uJinchestcr , - Ninety four 94. I]yer tid. Zvm of Northampton, - one l. - For liuditor. - Tulius L.Clarke of Newton, - One Hundred and eighty seven 187. John L. Fitzgerald of Boston, - Nir� ty five 95. N. E. Chase oP Boston,, - one 1. - For Attorne�T General. - Gharies R. Train of Boston, - One Hundred & eighty seven 18�• � � Gharles P. Thompson, of Gloucester, - ninety five95. Israel VF. �ndrews of Danvers, - one 1. - For Sheriff ot` P,�iddlesex County, - Charles Kimball of Lowell, - One Hundred & ninety six, ` ` 196. " Gardner Prouty of Littleton, - eighty five 85, ' - For District Attonry - George Stevens of Lowell, - One Hundred &-:eighty seven 187• Alpheus R. Bro�n of Somerville, - Ninety five 95. - For County Cofnmissioner. - Harrison Harwood of Natick, - One Hundred & ninety, 190 Thomas H. Hill .of "u�Iohurn, nTine�y 'three, 93. -' For Special County Conrmissioners, - Samuel Staples of Concord , - One fiundred & eighty seven, 187• Edward Lverett Thompson of 'uYoburn, - One Hundred & eighty seven, 187, George 0 Byam mf Chelmsford, - Ninety five 95. Ezra S. Farnsu:orth of Newton, - Ilinety five 95. - For Commissioners of Insolvency. - John Spaulding of I�yer9 - One Hundred & eighty seven 1s�• John Haskell Butler of Somerville, - One Hursdred & Ei�t seven. 18�• Frederic T. Greenhalge of Lo�Rell, - One Hundred & Eighty seven, 187• Charles S. Lilley of LoweYl, - Ninety fiv e. 95, Sohn Cahill of Cambridga, - �Tinety five. 95. ',�la1t er Babb of NIelrose, - Ninety five. 95. - For Councillor, Third llistrict. - Francis Childs of Soston, - One Hundred & eighty seven i87• Charles S. P.4cIntire of Cambrid�e - Ninety five 95. - P'or Senator - Second nTiddlesex District . - Robert R. Bishop of Newton, - One Hundred & eighty seven. 187. < uJilliam A. Adams of 'JJaltham, � - 2�inety fiv�e 95. 1877. 4�6. - For Representative to the General Court, �ight- eenth Middlesex ➢istrict. - Sohn `u'dinn of Burlington One Hundred & eightT � six � 186 Isaac P. Bacon af Bedford Tdinety six 96 ,'Jebs�er Smith of I,exington ° On�, 1 PSarcus C . 'vdebber of Bedford One 1 - P'or timendment to the Constitution. - Yea �hree 3. After the vote had been announced° the blanks vaere ° duly filled up signed and sealed by the proper o£ficers, after which the ball�ts and criecY list v�ere sealed and endorsed and delivered to the • Town Clerk and the meeting was then declared dis- solved by� the Chairman of the Selectmen. A true record A.ttest, � Leonard a. Savilla TovJn Clerk. . Bedford Nov 7 1877 d Meetinb of the ClerkTs of the tov�ns of Leaington, Billerica, Bedford and ]3ullington, compriszng the eighteenth ll4iddlesex District , vras holden this day at noon in the Hall in Hedford, and zt appeared from the returns, that votes had been cast as follows:- John �dinn of Burlington, Lexir�ton 186; Billerica, i52 � Bedford, 49, Burlington ' S0 437 Isaac P: Bacon oi Bedford, I.exington, 96, BilTerica, 40 Bedford, 62 Hurlington,27 225 Nlebster Smith of I.exington, Lexington 1 S��arcus C. G�Jebber of Bedford Lexington 1 � t;,. E. Brown 1 � P Sampson l° ' And a certificate of election t�ras �isen to John �finn of Burlington signed by Leonard A._ Sagille Town Clerk of Lexington, Dudley Foster` " " " Billerica, ` Chas A. Corey " " " $edPord, Samuel SeG�all " " " Burlin�ton. < ` 457. 1878 � � Ler.ington Peby 14 1878. I hereby certify tY�at on the fourteenth day of Feb- ` ruary 1878 I destroyed by burnin� the bal lots cast at the election of State County and District off- ' icers on the sixth day oP� November 1877. L�onard k. Saville " Towa� Clerk. . . , , ' " ` 1878. 458 6Varrant for a Tovan I12eeting, Nlonday P.Zarch 4th 1878. To E11 S1mOndS; Constable of Lexington, Gr�eting: In the n�e of the ' CommonUre�lth oP Massachusetts, you are hereby required to noti£;� and �varri the inhabitants of the Tovvn of : Lexington, qualified by law to vo�e in Town gffairs, to assemble at the To�rn Hall on P�Zond�y the fourth day oP Dliarch 1878 at Nine Oclock A.I�I, to act on the £ollow- � ing A.rticles, v�z : Art l. To choose a Moderator. Art 2. To choose Town Officers for the ensuing STear, including one School Cor�mittee man for the term of three years. Art 3. To choose a Gommittee man £or tisee years to , fill a vacancy in the CommitteE IZavic� charge of the Cemel;eries. nrt 4. To prov�de for the repairs of the highwa5is the ensuing year and to grant money for the same. Art 5, To provide far the support of ti_ia poor the ensuing year and to brant money for the same. Art 6. To pravide for t,he support of the Public Schoois t�e ensuing year, including their several grades , and � to g2'ant money for the same. Art 7. To see if the Town will cause additional she1P roam to be constructed in the Cary Library,. or act in �,ny manner in relation to �he subject. Art 8. To see if the Town will appropriate a sum not exceeding fifty dollars:, to be expended b5T the Trustees of the Cary Library in tinting the walls of� •th�e Library roor.i, for the better exnibition oi portraits and other workds of art. 459 1878. , Art 9. To see what action the Town will take rel- ative to the notes held by the Tovm against :the Trustees of the Library Fund. , �rt 10. To see. if the Town w�ll grade the remain- ing part of Parker street . krt 11. To see what instruction the Tovvn will give their Tr�asurer relative to certain funds placed in possession of the Town by deposit , grant or be- quest , for the purpose of keeping in repair the . lots specified in the Cemertey. �rt 12. To see what action the Town wiil take in regard to a demand made a�ainst the To�rn by Mr F.F. Heard for five hundred and fifty dolla�^s. 9rt 13. To see what action the Town v7i11 take in relation to a suit at 1aw commenced by the Town of Arlington tc recover taxes paid for 1876 and I877. Art 14. To see i£ the Town u¢ill appropriate the sum of tk�ree hundred dollars to finish the Hancock �ngine House. Art 15. To see if the Town tiuill construct two reservoirs, one near the Centre Deport and one at the P_dams Engine House, or act in any manner re- lating� thereto. � Art 16. To hear the report of the Selectmen in relation to an arrangement for a settlemen� with PILr Charles Tidd, far damages caused by cutting a ditch through his land., and act thereon. Art. 17. To provide for lighting the street lamps the. ensuing year and to grant money for the same. Art 18 To see what measures the Tovvn �uill adopt in relation to the collection of taxes , the ensuing year, or ac:t in aay manner thereto. 1878. 460 11rt 19. To see if the Town will authorize the Assessors to deduct from the appropriations, the sum of one t�housand dollars for the Corporation and Bank taxes vJhicn are recieved frc� the Si,ate. Art 20. To see if the Toarn will make an appropri- ation of five hundred dollars, to reduce the grade and strsigh�en the line on h�faltham street, near the entrance of Joseph Richards�nTs estate. �rt 21 To hear the report of any Com�ittee, that nay be ready �to -report, and act thereon. FIereoP fail not and, make- due return of this warrant, with �rour doings tY�reon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time oP said meeting. Gi�en under our hands at I.exington, this sixteenth day of Februarsr & D. 1878. d�etster Smith ) Selactmen Otis VVen�worth. ) of tilbert ';J, gryant )Lexington. Th� Selectmen vuill be in session .at the Town Hall on Saturdag�, the second day� o� Marcn 1878, from seven to nine o*clock P.P�. , and on the d� oY elec- tion from eight to nine aTclock A.147. , to correct and a�vise the voting list , and no name requiring investigation will be added after the poll is open- ed. Pursuant i�:c the within �Jarrant, I have notified the inhabitants of the Town as within directed, by posting a copy of the 4Varrant duly attested at eacn Post Offic� and in two other public places in Town and by leaving a copy with each family in the Town _ at least seven days before said u�eeting. Lexington Marph lst 1878. E1i Simonds, Constable of Lexington. A true copy of the 4Varrant, Attest : Leonard A:. Saville, , Town Clerk. 461. 1878. > � � , Lexington P,Zarch 4th 1878 The meeting appointed by the foregoing uVarrant was duly called to order by the Town Clerk , and the oVarrant read, and under , rlrt l. Voted to keep the poll open five minutes for the choice of I�Soderator wno was chosen by ballot witn the use of the check, list, and it was found that Frank E. `vJetherell, recieved thirty. tu¢o votes, all that were cast and he was declared duly elected P,Zoderator and_ was sworn bJ the clerk. Arts 2 & 3 �oted. "That we take up Articles 2 and 3 together and that under those articles we pro- ceed to choose, alI on o�e ballot , the following officers, namely: One To�rn Clerk; Three Select�en, who shall also be Overseers of the Poor and Survey� s of Highw�ys; Three Assessors; One Treasurer, who shall also be Collector of Taxes; ane Constable; One School Committee man £or three years; one Cemetery Committee man for three years and Two kuditors; and that the polls be l�pt open until 5. : oclock P.1!T." The Moderator appointed a committee to assist in sorti,ng and counting ballots, consisting of H.B. Sampson, Abram B. Smith and F. E. Ballard and at the close of their labors tha iollowing result v�as announced by the ltloderator. Sworn T�Iarch `°For Town Clerkr Leonard A.Saville recieved 293 4/78 by the votes and was declared elected to the office of Nloderator Town Clerk for the ensuing year. Sworn Mch4/78For Selectmen, )4lbert uf Bryant recieved 228 votes " " " Overseer�ef the Poor )Otis u°Jentwprth ° 197 �' 't '� " Surveyors of f3ighwftys}��Jebster Smith " 175 " T.Russell Reed '� 115 " , Jos.F.Simonds " 94 '� Franklin Slderman " 62 " Albert Bryant '� 1 " J. S. Reed " 1 " and o�[ebster �mith, Otis Vdentworth and Albert 4� Bryent, were deelared elected Seleetmen for the ensuing year . 1878 462 Stivorn TJIch 9/78 For Assessors 'Nalter 4Jellington received 289 votes Sworn IVIch 4/78 Horace B. Davis " 286 " Sworn P,2ch 4/78 7os F. Simonds " 278 " J. P. Reed " 7 " ' Charles Nunn +' 4 " S. Fufier, I N Damon, �, Bryant , i� ';V Bryant and - ' Nunn, 1"each and �;Valter '±Jellington, H.B. Davis and Jos r Simonds tivere declared elected �ssessors for the ensuin� year. Sworn D,�arch 4/78 For '��easurer) Isaac Pd Damon'reeeive3 287 votes Coliector ) L. A. Saville ° " 4 " C . T. udest " 2 " and Isaac N. Damon was declared elected Treasurer and Collector £or the ensuing year. Sworn T,Tch 4/78 For Constable Eli Simonds received 2�5 votes H B Davis " 2 " �1d T. Ham " 1 " - ° �PI. ulalcott " 1 " and Eli Simonds �ras decl�red elected Constable for the ensuin� year. For School Committee ) J. Russell Reed recieved 292 votes for three years ) 0. Kendall " 1 " and 3� Russe]:l Reed was declared elected Schooi Com- " mittee man Por the term of three yesrs. For Committee on ) T. H: Bo�ven received 190 votes Gemeteries for three years ) S. L. 2v"orris `� 97 " ' I.AT. Damon " 4 " and T. H. Botven was declared elebted Committee man on the Cemeteries for the term oP three years. Sworn Mch 4�78 For Auditors. C .T.�i4�est received 290 votes �� '� « - Gershom .SW&Il �� 285 �� - F". °E. UJetherell, H B Davf s and L A Saville" 2 " each A C Stone " 1 ^ and C. T. �dest and Gershom Swan were deelared ' elected Auditors for the onsuing year." 463. 1878. ' tLrts 2 & 3 continued. Voted "Tha:t the Officers that are n�t chosen by ballot consisting of Fence Viewers and rield Drivers be noUv` chosen, � and the following ' �ere nominated and chosen Fencee lTiewers Ha�non Reed (deelined ) Sworn n4ch 9/78 B. F. Batcheller. Sworn n�7ch 4/78 Ho�rland'Holmes e �ield Drivers Geo. Stearnes. Geo. "u�F. Nichols. l�mos i1�. Locke. Voted. "That the reports as printed be laid before the Town for action." Ai�t . 4. Voted. "To appropriate the sum of t�venty Pive hundred (2500 ) dollars for the support oP the highvaays the ensuing year." � Art. 5. Voted. '�To appropriate the sum of two thou- sand (2�00:) dollars for the suppbrt of the poor the ensuing year.`° ° �rt. 6. Voted'. "To appropriate the sum of ten thou- sand (10,000 ) dollars for the support of the public schools the ensuin� year,' ss Pollows For Instxuction Fuel and care of rooms.�79,000 'r incidentals and repairs , 700 " �7entilation and new furnace 300. w10 00�0 The vote was doubted and the house polle d with the follotving result in favor 81 opposed 0." Art 7. 4oted "That the sun of Pi£tv (50 ) dollars be appropriated to extend the side or wall shelves in the Cary Library on the south eastern cor� r thereof, to correspond with the north eastern; said sum to be ex�ended under the direction of the Trustee 's of said Librarg," Art 8. `�oted "�o fndefinitely postpone the article." Art 9. Voted. To indefinitely postpone the article." Art 10. Voted. "To indefinitely postpone the art- icle." Art 11. Voted. "Tliat $ committee oP five consisting of the Selectmen anrl two others to be appointed by the chair lgqg 464 take the matter into consideration and report at the xpril meeting and $he chair appointed Henry B. Brig- hem and Luke C. Childs." Art 12. Voted "That the matter be referred to the Selectmen with full power to act in the case." Art 13. Voted "That the matter be referred to the Assessors with Pull power to act in the case.�' Art 14. �oted "To indefinitely postpone the art- icle." ` ' Reports Page Art 16. ' A report was made by the Selectmen to pay 177 PJ'ir Chas Tidd the sum o£ three hundred and twelve � 45/100 dollars; which was opposed bp Dr H Holwes who moved the indefinite postponement of the sub- ject, and -cansiderabl� d.iscussion ensued which was participated in by Liessrs Hudson, Tidd, Cot- trell, Robinson, Je�vett ` Baker and others a£ter which it was �Ioted 'tTo indefinitely postpone the article." Art 17. Voted "That the sum of sixteen hundred. (1600 ) dolla'rs � be appropriated iar the support of the street lights the ensuing year. '� 3rt 18. Voted. "That the same method as that in force i� 1875 & 6 be adogted the present year." which metnod was as follov�s: "That a11 taaes be m�de payable on the fir� day of llecember next, On ail taxes paid before Dec lst 1878 ane per cent, per month for all full months shall be allowed as discount : On a�l taxes remaining unpaid after Dec Ist 1878 inter- est shall Ue charged at the rate of one per, cent , per month; and all taxes shall be'paid before Jasyy lst 1879. Sin61e pol� shall be payable upon the presentation of the tax bill." krt 19, i7oted. "To indefinitely postpone the article." � Art 20. Voted �'To indePinitely postpone tne arbicle." 465 1878. grt. 21. Pdlr A. 4U. Bryant of the board of Select- men presented b. petition signed by 180 ladies of ` the East �Iillage protesting against allowing the ` sale of intoxicating liquors in the totun and after the petition and names of the signers being read ' ' it was Reports Page Resolved "^lhat the petition offered this day 177 signed by 180 ladies of Lexin�ton in aid of so- briety and temperance receive our approval, and that aur town oPficers can best meet our vie�s by carrying out those embraced in the petition Resolved. "That these resolutions, and the petition be placed on record by the, To� Clerk." �1£ter the announcement o£ the result of the ballot- ing, those officers present that had been elected were sworn to the faithful diseharge of their dut- ies by the P,ioderator, after which the meeting was d.eelared dissolved. , ' A true record, b.ttest : , Leonard �.Saville, �'otivn Clerk. 1878. 466. Lexington March 7th 1878 S�Ir L. tL. Saville Tou�n Clerk, Sir: kt a meeting of the Selec�men held this day (P,Zarch 7 ) the follow- ing appointments vvere made, viz : L. A. Saville. Measurer of .�Iood, & Bark and Super- intendant of Town Scalas. , R. `ad. Holbrook, VJeigher of Coal anrl Hay. rlugustus Childs. Measurer of l'�[ood and Bark. H. B. Davis I�Zeasurer of UJood end Bark. Sworn Apl 10/78 F. �T. Butters, ll:easurer of uJood and Bark. 0. �;�. Kendall Sexton and Surveyor oE' Lumber. Raspectfully Yours A.GJ Brysnt,Sectr for the Selectmen. A true copy Attest : Leonard A. Saville, Tocvn Clerk . Sworn May 27 Eil Simonds Special Police bfYicer without Pay 467. 1878 'Narrant for a To�an Meeting �pri_1 22d 1878. To Eli Sir�onds, Constable of Lexington, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified by laUr to vote in to�n afPairs to assemble at the Town Ha11 on iv?on- day the 22nd day of April 1878 at One oclock P.Ili. to aet on the following articles viz : Art 1. To choose a Ivloderator. Art 2. To fill vacancies in Town offices if ar�p exist . Art 3. To see if the Town will ck� oose one or more Constables, additional. tLrt 4. To choose a number of the Committee on Cem- o�e�,ie��tP�ove11E$ vacancy caused by the resignation Y q. 4rt 5. To see if the Town �ill accept the list of Jurors presented by the Selectmen krt 6 . To grant money to defray town charges the e�suing year. Art 7. To see if the Town vvi11 construct a culvert across Monument Street near the junction of �lm Avenue. Art 8. To see what action the Town will take in regard to building reservoirs for fire purposes. �rt. 9. To see if the To� will remunerate the � fireman or act in ar�y manner in ragard to the • same, Art 10. To see if the Town will purchase 600 feet � of leading hase for the fire department and appro- priate money for the same. �rt 11. To see what sum of money the Town v�ill ap- propriate to; defray the expenses oP the fi:re de- partment the ensuing year. 1878. 468. Rep�rt Page Art 12. To see if the Toa�n will adopt the form of 185 by-laws concerning truant children approved by the floard of Education, and sant to the School Committee • as a proper form to be adopted by the Tot�. � l�st 13. To see if the �own ovill appropriate money to rebuild Randall's brid�e. Reports Page xrt 14. To see what measures, if any, the Town 186 � will adopt relative to the late� act o£ Legislature authorizing the town to provide means to meet all damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, incurred by the totivn or er�y of its offieers or agents in draining the meadows near the village; also to see if the Town will adopt any measures tov�ard effect- � ing a settlement oi the cases growing out of the draining of said meadows, and the assessment of bet�erraents or damages thereo£, or act in a�y man- ner in relation to the controversy existir� between • the meadoti�r o�Jners, and the tovan or it s o£iicers or a�ents. rirt 15. To see if tne Town vaill m�ke an appropri- ation to reduce the grade and straighten tn2 line on CJaltham Street near the entrance to Soseph Richardson's estate. Nst 16. To heag the report of any conunittee that may be ready to report and act thereon. Hereof fail not and make due raturn of this ;Jarrant with y.our doings thereon. to the Tavn Clerk on or be£ore the day o£ said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington this ninth day of xpril 1878. uJebster Smith ) Selectrnen Otis Vdentivorth ) of i�lbert 4�.Bryant ) Lexington. Pursuant to the foregoing �darrant I have notified the innabitants of the Town of Lexi ngton, as therein directed by posting an attested copy there- of in tne two Post Offices and ttivo otiE r public places and by leaving an attested copy thereof with each family in town, seven day before the tirne aPpointed for said meeting. Lexington A�ril 13 1878 r�li Simonds Consia ble of Lerington,. � true copy of the 4Varrant , Attest : Leonard �. Saville Town Clerk. 469 � 1878 - Lexington' Apri1 22d 1878. In accordance u�ith the foregoin� duarxant the Town Glerk was in attendance at t.he place speciPied at the appointed time and at tvJenty minutes past one twenty fizre voters beinF present , called the meet- i±�� to order and proceeded to read the warrant and the return of the Constable thereon and then pro- ceeded to the coszsideration of . , Art L TToted. "To keep the po11 open five minutes for the choice of I�,'Ioderator." and at the e�iration of that time the ballots ivere counted and it was � found that A. F. Scott recieved twenty three votes, a11 that vJero cast, and he uaas declared elected nSoderator, and �ras duly sm�orn by the clerk, to tha faithful discharge of his duty. Art 2. Voted. "To lay Article 2 on the taole f'or the time bein�. " Art. 3. Troted. "That tne Tovvn choose one ad3ition- al Constable." • Voted. "That the Town �ovr procesd to cho� e one Constable bu ballot and that the poll remain open fifteen minutes. " and the result of the ballo�. �uas °as follovJs. 'v'dalter ulellington 23 H. A. vdellington 6 Henry '+dellingtan 3 Geo. Li'tchfield, .� KauPfman, aaios Locke 1 each and u�alter ��[ellin�ton was declared elected Constable. Art 4. "Loring S, Pierce uaas nominated and chosen a member of the Cemetery Corrunittee in place of " Thornas G. Hovey isq. resigned." ` Art 5. Voted. "That the °names of F. F. Ragmond and ° Isaae N llamon be stricken from the list presented by the Selectmen, on account of being exempt by age, and that the names of John N. Morse and Pranklin Aldernian be substituted,^ and the list as amended be accep ted.", �rt 6. "�Ioted to pass 0Y21' Art 6 ana take up tlrt 7,^ tSrt 7. Voted . That the matter be referred to a Committee of three to be appointed by the Qhair to take the matter into consideration' and report at th� next town meeting." and the Mo'derator appointed as such c�mmittee Geo. �`J. Robinson, Gershom Swan, 1s4. H. P:Ierriar�. 1878 470 Art 8. ZToted. �*That a Com��ittee oi three to be nom- inated at large, with the board oP Engineers, be a Committee to take the matter into consideration and report at the next tovJn meeting; and Gershom Swan, uValter u'Jellington and Albert 41. Bryant , were nomin- ated and chosen as such covunittee together with the board of Engineers. `� Art 9. Voted. "To remunerate firemen belonging to � regular organized companies." Art 10. Voted. "That 550 feet of leading . hose, be � purcha�sed under the direction of the Selectmen and the board of Engineers, for the use of the fire de- partment." ° Art 11. Voted. "That the sum of eight dollars �nd poll tax be paid to each fireman, not exceedin� 87 in numberm as Pollows, 30 members for each hand Engine. 15 �embers for the Extinguisher end 12 mem- bers for the Hood and Ladder Truck.'� Reports Page Art 14. Voted. "That the Town Treasurer be instruct- 186 ed to tender to each and every one of those assessed agreeable to the �ct of 1873. Chap 214, entitled an act to drain certain meadow near the central village, the sums severally paid by them into the Treasury of the Town on account of said assessments; the same to be payment in full of all demands against the Town or its officers for acts done under the above n�cned act, and that the stun of �823.36 be appropriated and assessed to meet the abore expenditure." The abcv e vote was taken by polling the house 33 voting in the affirmative and 0 in the negative. ` Considerable discussion�was had in reference to the drainage ma�ter, "which was participated in by Messrs Tidd, Hudson, Gould, Tower, and C;ottrell �nd at 6 �oclock P M it was �Ioted "To adjourn to �vIonday April 29, 1878 at One oclock P.T�I. " � Lexington �ipril 29. 1878 The meeting as oer adjournment on tne 22d inst. tivas called �o order by the 'Moderator at 1.25 P.P?. and on calling up Art 14 �vhich vaas under consid- eration at the time o.f adjournment it was �oted "That krt l4 be laid on the table." 471 1878. A petition signed by 17� ladies in regard to the ' sale of intoxicating liquors was read k�y the 11.Zod- erator and it was Report Page Voted. "That the petition be recieved and placed 180 on file." Art 13. �oted. '�That the sum oP �200.00 be appro- priated for the rebuilding of Randall 's bridge." Art 15. Voted. "That the whole matter be indefin- itely postponed ." Reports Page Brt 12. Voted That the foxxu of "Bp Iaws Concern- 185 ing Truant Children" be amended by inserting " "House £or the Instruction, �mployment and Reform- ation of 7u4enile 0£fenders in the Cit� of Lowell in this Comsaomuealth." Voted. "That the By Iaws as amended be adopted" Voted. '°That the School Committee be instructed to present the By-I�ws as amended to the Superior ` Court for approval.`" �1rt 2. The Tovun Clerk reported vacancies in the following offices. ' ` 1 Treasurer arrS Coll`ector 1 Fence Viewer. 3 Field ➢rivers. Poted "That the Collection of taxes be let out at Auction." �roted "That we now proceed to recieve bids Por the Collection of taxes." no bids being made after some discussion the matter� was reconsidered. Voted "Tnat we now proceed to the election of Treasurer and Collector by ballot �nd that the poll be kept open fifteen minutes�." and at 3.45 P.D2. the vote was declared as foYloUrs. C. T. �dest 27. E. S. Spaulding 3. L. x. Saville 2. Edwin Spaulding 1 Lorin udetherell 1, Albert I�ulli- ken 1. and C. T. �,9est was declared elected as Treas- urer and Collector.'t Voted "That the Fence Viewers and I'idd Drivers be chosen by nomination.'� Sworn I�say 4, 1878 �ialter 'alellington, v,ras chosen �ence Viewer. Sworn Apl 29 1878 James �5.. Mitchell ) " " " '� Tohn Caldv��e11 ) were chosen Field Drivers. Arthur Sewett. ) Art 16. The Committee appointed at the March Meeting to take into eonsideration the subject of bequests.=to the Ceuietery fund submitted a Report Page report and said report was amended by the £ol- 183 lowing vote. . . Voted. ,"That the Treasurer be instructed, that the money so donated . 1878 � 472 s1�a11 be loaned to the Town" Voted '�That the recommendations of t�he report as amended be adopted. " �srt lI. �Toted. "That the sum of ,��1200.00 ho appropriated for the e�enses of the Fire De- gartment the ensuing year including the pay of the Engineers.; Seven hundred and twenty dollars Por the pay oP the nembers ancl Four hundred and ei�nty dollars for incidentals." � Art 10. Voted "That the sum oi' �600.00 be ap- propriated for the purchase of 550 feet Iead- ing hose for the use of the Tire Department'° . (see meeting of 22:_inst) ilx�t 6. The Selectmen submitted an� estimate of tne Town expenses for the present year . Voted "To strike. out the amount o£ wV70.00 for ringing the bells at noon, " Trote doubied and house polled result, in af- firmative 27, negative 17. Voted "To take up each item seperately." �oted . For Schools (an amount of 1Q000 voted dovan) y�8j000 o '� Hi�hvaays see P.Iarch P.42etir� 2,5C0 '° Support oP Poor " " 2,000 " '* +T Street Iamps �' 1,600 � " Repairs in Cary Library ° .50 '� Removing �now ,500 . " Pay of Assessors 425 " " " Town Glerk � 100 " " " School Comrnittea 300 " '' " Constable and Police (no part to be used in notifying do� owners ) 300 �` Cary. Library 250 " State Aid . 450 " Auditors 45 " Sexton 75 " Discount on Taxes 800 " Abateme]� pf Taxes 500 " Interest , 3,500 '� Centennia7_ I,oan 2,000 ',' Collector::and Treasurer left to Select- men - not to exceed 500 � " Tr6asurer oP Cary Library 50 '� Pire Department 1,200 " Rebuilding Randalls Bridge 200 � " Leading Hose for Fire Departraent 600 " Contingencies I, 500 " Refunding Tax to Meado��a owners 823.36 y�28,258.36 Voted "That the foregoing sums oe assessed the present year." Voted "That this meeting no�v adjourn c�ithout day." • A true record &ttest:Zeonard �1.Saville o Tovrn C1erk. _.. 4�3 . ia�a. � '�Varrant for a Totvn I�T�eting Tuesday PRay 21st 1878. To I:li Simonds , Constable of Lexington Gr.,eeting: In the name of the Commonwealth o£ S�assachusetts you are hereby required to notif`*y and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified by law to vote ' in Town affairs, ta assemble at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 21st day of May 1878, .at 2 oc�ock P.T:I. to act on the £ollowir� ?sticles, viz : krt 1. To choose a iIoderator. �rt.2. To fill vacancies in Town of£ices if ar�y exist. A�t 3. 'L'o see if the TovJn of I�e�ington u�ill malce an appropriation for the decoration of SoZdiers Graves on Decoration Day, or act in any manner in relation to the subject . art 4. Tp see if the Town will �rant e sum of mone; sufficient to make necessary re�airs and impFovenents on the Chemical Engine. �1rt 5. To see i£ the Town will cause the Hells to hB rung at noon and grant money for the same. Art 6. To see if the Totivn ��rill cotnpensate the firemen who vaere injured at the burning of the house of Franklin Patch. Iirt, 7. To see if the Town will grant a sum of rnoney sufficient to pay the. firemen £or their s�rvices for the year endir.g P.4ay lst 1878, per vote March 1877, also an amount to, m2et out- standing bi�lls for the year ending ,�Zay lst 1878. Art 8. To see what measures the ToTr�n will adopt , in relation to a suit at law brought by Dr H. Holmes against I. IvT. Damon as Town Treasurer; 2.nd a suit couimenced against the Town by Dr. H. Ho�.mes. Art 9. To see if the Town utill reconsider the vote passed Nov. 1878. 474 6th. 1874, yvhereby the Town voted that the �Til- lage HaZl buildin� be in the custody and care of the Selectmen, o� act in any manner in re- lation to the subject. � iirt 10. To see if tha Town vrill reconsider � the vate passed at the last meeting in relation to an appropriation for Schools, also in rela- tion to the appropriation for contingencies; or act in any manner relating thereto. < � �lrt 11. To hear the report of any Committee that may be ready to report and act thereon. . Hereof fail not and make due return of this o , uJarrant vvith your doin.gs thereon to: the Town C1erk on or before the time o£ said meeting, Given urx3er our hands at Lexington �his 4th . day Iv�ay A. D. 1878. 6Rebster Smith. ) Selectmen . Otzs iten�•�vortn ) of Albert ��1. Bryant ) Lexir� ton. Lexington D.4ay Ilth 1878. Pursu�nt to the iore- going 'rlarrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Lexin�ton 3s tY� reb3T directed by posting a copy duly a�test�d in tiw�o �ublie places in each village , �nd by leaving a cop4 , thereoi duly attested i^rith each family in the to�n, , seven days at least before said meeting. - Attest : Eli Simonds, � Constable of Lexington A true cop;� o£ the Vifarrant , Attest :Zeonard A,Saville, � Town Clerk 475 1878 Lexington i�tay 21 1878 The meeting called by the Poregoing :iJarrant was calle3 to order by the Town Clerk At the time specified, and the iPJarrant read and under �rt 1. it was voted to keep the poll open Pive minutes for the choice oP Moderator, vvhich , resulted as follows : I PS Lamon had 3 votes Sames Gould had 9 votes, and A. E. Scott Y�ad 4i votes and vJas declared eleeted Moderator and wa_s duly sworn ° b3r the Clerk. �1rt 2. b'Lr C. T. Vdest tivho �vas chbsen Colleetor and Treasurer at the last meeting declined to serve and it was Voted "To proceed to ballot for � a Collector and Treasurer and that the poll remain open ior ten minutesr" and a£ter counting the 'ballots the follovJing result �ras announced, B. C. Whitcher Sworn May 25 42 votes I.rI. Da�eon 67 votes, and I. 3�T. Damon 1878 was declared eleeted as Collector and Treasurer � by the nQoderator. �1rt. 3. �oted. "That tne sum of One hundred dollars be appropriated for the proper observ- ance of Decoration Day." Art. 4. Voted. "That the Engineers be instruct- ed to cause repairs� and improvemen�.s to be made on the Chemical Engine i,o the amount oi fi£ty dollars." � Art 5. Voted."That bells be rung at noon, and - that the sum of seventy dollars be appropriate� therefor." Art 6, Some discussion was had relative to the right oP the Town to appropriate money to pay for personal injuries to a member of the fire department "under pay, and it was � V'oted. "To pass over the Article.TM �rt 7, Voted. "That the sum of sesen hundred and fifty three (753 ) dollars be appropriated to pay the mernbers of the Pire department to May lst 1878, and to pay outstandir� bills due at that' date." Art 8. Voted. "That the Selectmen be instruct- ed to employ counsel and defend the suit brought against I. N. Aamon as ToUrn Treasurer, � ' and the suit' brought against the Town by Dr. Howland Holmes.'T < � 1878. 47fi Art 9. Voted. "That the matter be indefinitely postponed." Art 10. Voted. "To rescind the vote passed at the last Town Meeting limiting the appropriation for ' Schools to eight thousand dollars; thereby recog- nizing the anpropriation_ of ten thousand dollars ` for Schools made at the Meeting in March lsst. " Voted "That there be appropriated the sum of thirty five hundred dollars for the contingencies which maY arise the ensuing year; and that all votes pass- ed atthe last meeting relative to the contingent expenses are hereby annulled." The following resolution ofPered by D�1r, IvT.H. Pilerr- iam ivas passed although abjection was made that tnere was no article in the udarrant to meet the case. Resolved. "That in the opinion of this meeting ' whenever at the close of the £inancial year for tivhich monies are appropriated by vote of the town; unexp�nded balances remain, such unexpended balances should be retained to the credit of such specific grant subject to the disposition of the citizens in town meeting duly assembled.'� Art 11. The Conunittee on cha�rge of grade on Elm Avenue appointed at the last l�,�eeting asked for further time to prepare their report which was granted, and no other business being brought forward the P,loderator declared the P�eeting dis- so7.v ed. A true record � ' ` � Attest : � Leonard A.Saville, " Town Clerk. 477 1878` ` ` Beque�t of Eliab Broyvn. Suly 18 1878 Recieved o£ Isaac Td. Damon Executor ' of the '�Vill of Eliab Brown, One Hundred and fifty dollars ; said tfioney to he held in trust by us and our succession in office, the interest to be er,pend- ed upon the burial lot numbered 27 in the nei� part of said cemetery the It7onument and" the fence a- round the same, as directed in the aforesaid u'Jill. udebster S�nith } Sel�ctmen Otis u7ent�rorth ) of Albert '+�. Bryant ) LexingtQn. Recd Por Record July 18 1878. A true copy attest : Leonard A. Saville, " ' Town Clerk. Bequest of n4rs 0. k Dodge, ' Town Treasurer 's Office. Pursusnt to a vote of tY� inhabitants of the TovJn of Lexington in Town I�Zeeting assembled on the 2nd day of Nnv 1875, the Town Treasurer hereby ackno�- ledges the reciept of' P100.00 from llrs 0. A. Dodge, ' the interest of which is to be annually expended in accordance v�ith said vote, ar.n Chapter 225 of the dcts of 1870 upon Lot nwnbered 30 in the Tovrn Cemetery near to the High School in said Zexir�ton, in dressing and care of said Lot, the marble fence, walks , and the avenue adjacent thereto. Lexington, Isaac iv. Damon Sept. 13th 1878 Town Treasurer. Recd for Record Sepr 16 1878 _ , k true copy Attest : Leonard A.Saville, Town Clerk. 1878. 478 '+ilarrant for a Tar¢n n4eeting Tuesday iJov 5th 1878. To Eli Sim¢nds Consta blle of Lexin�ton, Greeting: ` In the name of the Commonwea:lth af PdIassachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Toxn of Lexington, qualified by 1aw to vote in State and County af£airs , to �ssemble at the Town Hall on Tuesday the fifth day of November 1�.D. 1878, at One oclock P.Tvi. to cas't their baLlds for the folloUring, State, County and District 0£f- icers, vi�.= Governor,- - Lieixtenant Gaverno� , Rep- resentative in Congress for t$e fifth District - Councillor for third District , Secretary of the CommonvJeal�h - Treasurer and Reciever General, liuditor of the �ommonwealth, - Attorney General,- Senator for Second Tiliddlesex llistrict, - Register qf Probate and Insolvency, - County Cormnissioner, - and Representative in General Court for Eight- eenth T„Iiddlesex District. The Selectmen yvill recei-ae votes Por tne above ofi'icers all on one ballot. The polls will be opened immediately after the organization o£ the neeting a nd K�i11 be kept open until four oclocY P.t:i. and as much longer , as the meeting may direct , not to extend beyond sunset. Hereo£ fail not and make due return oF th is �Jar- rant uJith your doings t1�e reon to t�� To�a� Clerk on or before the time o£ said meetir� Given under our hands at Lexington this seven- teentn day of October H D. 1878. ;debster Smith, ) Selectmen Otis 'udentworth ) of Albert 4J. Bryant. ) Lexington. I,erington Oct 29 1878. Pursuant to t he va thin , VJarrant I have notiiied the inhabitants o�` the Town of Lexington as within directed by post- ir� a capy oP the foregoin� 'Jarrant duly , attested at each Fost Office, and in t�*ro other public places in touan and by leavi� an attest- . ed copy with each �'arnily in tourn at least seven days befoxe said meetinge Attest: Eli Simonds,Constable pf Lexington, A true copy of the Narrant , Attest , LeonGrd x. Sa'ville, , Tovan C1erk. 479 1878. , Lexington, Tuesday Nov 5th 1878. i�t the time appointed in the foregoing 4Yarrant , , the meeting was called to order by the Chair- ma.n of the Selectmen, vvho ca�led upon the Clerk to read the 'edarrant and �he return of th� Con- stable thereon, after vJhich the poZls were de- clarod open. At four Oclocl� P.M. the time for elosing the palls was extended to half past four, and after the ballots had been counted by the Selectmen the following result vJas declared. - For Governor. - Thomas Talbot of Billerica, - Two Hundred and ninet;� (290 ) Benjamin F. Butler of Lowell- One Huiidred arri seven- teen � (117 ) Josiah G,�,bbo,t oi Boston - Fourteen ( 14) � • - For Lieutenant Governor. - � John D. Long of Higham, - Two Hundred and eighty iour (284 ) Sohn r. Arnold oP North &dams. - One Hundred and ten (110 ) �dilliam R. Plunkett of Pitts£ield, - Twenty eight (28 ) - - ror Secretary of State. - Henry B. Peiree of Abington - Two Handred and eighty three 1283) VJeston Howland oP Fairhaven, ; - One Hundred andtzn (110 ) Henry C. Ewing of Holyoke, - Twenty eight (28) - For Treasurer end Receiver General. - Charles Endicott of Canton, - Two Hundred and eighty four (284 ) Tohn H, Jena�ings of New Bedford, - One Hundred and ten (110 ) David N Skillings of ulinchester, - Twenty seven (27) Horace Binney Sargent of Boston, - one, (1 ) _ < -, For Auditor. - . Julius L . Clarke of Newtont - Two Hundred and eighty four. (284 ) Davis J. King af Boston, - Qne Hundred and eleven (111 ) Tohn E. Fitzgerald of Boston, - Twenty seven, �2� ) < - For Attorney General. - George .,farston of New Bedford, - Two Hundred and seventy seven. � (277 ) �lilliarl D. Northend of Salem, - One Hundred and eleven(111) Richard Olney of Boston, - Twenty eight. �28 ) 1878. 480 - For Register of Probate and Insolvency. - Joseph H. Tyler of '�iiinchester, -= Two Hundred and eigh� three �283 ) u`dilliam lT. Thompson of Cambridge,- One Hundred and thirty nine (139 ) - For County Commissioner. - :T. Henry Read• of 'iVestford - Two Hundred and eighty fo�r (284 ) Thomas H Hill of G�ohurn - One Hundred and thirty eigY� 138 - E"or Representative to Congress, Fifth District. - Sel�myn Z. Bo�vman of somerville, - Two Hundred and ninety seven. �297 ) Nathan Clark oP I.,gnn, - One Hundred and eighteen. (118 ) - For Couneillor. Third Council District. - George P. Carter of Cambridge, - Two Hundred and eighty four. ( 284 ) Gharles J. PIIcIntire oP Cambridge, - One Hundred and = thirty eight (138( � - For Senator, Second P�iiddlesex District, - Robert R. Bishop of Newton, - Two Hundred and seventy eight. � (278 ) &1Pred D. Hoitt of 8rlington, - One Hundred and forty � three. (143 ) - For Representative to General Court, Eighteenth District. Augustus �. Scott of Lexingtonn - Two Hundred and seventeeffi (217 ) Paul Hill of Billeriea, - T�ro Hundred (200 ) After the announcemex�t of the above result of the balloting, had been declared and the ballot and check list used d'uring the meeting had been sealed and endorsed as required by law, and the returns to the Secretary of the £ommon�realth had been filled in, signed and eealed the meeting v�as declared dis- solved. � �I true record, Attest : . Leonard A.Saville, ^lown Clerk. 481. 1878. , Bedford PJ7ass. Nov 6 1878e At a meeting of the To�rn Clerk's of the Tov�s of Lexington, Hilleric� Bedford and Burlington, com- prising the eightaenLh S�4iddlesex Representative District, holden at Bedford at noon on the sixth day of IJovember 1378 it was found on comparing the return's that votes had been cast as follows, for Representative to the General Court, Augustus E. Scott ,Paul Hi11,L�sa Cottrell, of Lexin�;ton. of Billerica, of Lexington , I.ehington, 217. . . 200. 0 Billerica, 375, 24. 0 Bedford,� 88. � . 20. 0 Burlington, 46. 17. 40. Total 676. � 263. 40. And accordingly certi£cate of election of Augustus E. Scott of Lexington were prepared by tne Town Clerkts of tne above towns one certi�cate being sealed and returned to the Secretary of the Common- wealth, and the other deliyered to the Town Clerk of Lexington and by him delivered to the Constable to summon NLr Scott to attend at the time and place appointed, said certificates vvere s�.gned 'o;r Leonard A. Saville, Town Clerk of Lexington, Dudiey roster, ° " " Billerica. Charles h.. G orey " ',' 's Bedford, . Samuel Sewall " " " Burlington. A true record, e Attest : Leonard A. Saville, . Town Clerk of Lexington, 1879 482 � Bequest oP Nathan Fessenden. Tovur_ Treasurer 's Office. Fursuant to a vote of the Inhabitants of the TovJncff' Lexington in Town PvTeeting assembled on. the 2nd day of November 1875t . . The TovJn Treasurer hereby acknovJledges the reciept of --------------- One Hundred and Pifty dollars ----- from Tdathan Fessenden Es�o oY Lexington, the inter- est o£ vJhich is to oc expended annually in accord- ance with said vote, and Chapter 225 oP the Acts of 1870 - upon Lot numbered 73 in the Town Ceme- tery near to the High School House in said Lexing- ton; - in dressin� �nd care of said Lat, ,P:2onuments, rJalks and Asenue adjacent thereto. Isaac . Tv.Damon Town Treasurer. Lexington January 22d 1879. A true copy Attest :Leonar@ k.Saville, r . Town Clerk. Lexington Jas�y 28th 1879 This may certiPy that I have this day destro;�ed Uy fire the hallats cast at the State and Caunt3 eiec- tion holden Nov 5 1878. Attest : Leoriard tl. Saville, . To�un Clerko 483 . 1879 , �3arrant for a Town Pdleeting Niondz,y , Liarch 3d 1879. � To Eli Simonds : Constable of Lexington, Greeting : In the naane of the CommonvJealth of PTassachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabi- tants oP the Town of Legington qu� ified by law to vote in Town Affairs, to assemole at t he Tocvn Hall on bZonday the third day of P:-Tarch 1879 at ten 0'.clock F.P,f. to, act on the fo�lowing articles,viz :- Art. 1. To choose a b'Ioderator.� i�rt 2. To chonse Town Officers for the ensuing year, ineluding one School Committee ran for the term of three years. Art, 3. To choose a Committee man for three years to fill a vacancy in the Coc�mitt�e having cliarge of the Cemeteries. i�rt. 4. To provide for the support of the poor the ensuing ye�r; and to, grant money £or the same. Art 5. To provide for the repairs of the highways . the ensuing year; and to �rant money for the same. i�rt. 6. To provide Por� the support of the 1'ublic � Schools the ensuing year, includin� their several , grades; and to grant money for the same. i�rt. 7. To see if the Town will grant money Por additional shelves in the Cary Library, and Por , printing a general catalouge of books tl� rein, and make an appropriation for the same. b.rt. 8. To see if the Town tiuill m8ke an appro�ri- ation to build a nev7 hearse house. krt . 9. To see if the, Town iaill change t�ie time of closing the year of the �ngir_eers and I!�emUers of the S'ire Department, from n7ay lst to ieb3T lst in each year. 1879. 484 .yrt. 10. To see i£ the Town vJill authorise the Selectmen to appoint r�ngineers and Engine P.ten � irom T:Tay lst 1879 to Feb�*' lst 1880. Art. 11. To see tivhat measures tne Towr✓n �till , adopt in rela�ion to the Collection oi Taxes, the ensuing year, or act in as� manner relat�ng thereto. , l3rt. 12. To see if the Town �uill authorise the To�vn Treasurer under the direction of the Select- men to pay the noi�.e against the Tovrn now in poss- ession of the Plytaouth Savin�s Banl�, from the flznds no�5t in the Treasurf, provided tne same can be done to the advantage of the Town, or act in ar� manner relating thereto. � . 3rt. 13. To see if the TovJn vJill reconsider so much of the vote passed I!Qarch lst 1n75 in relz- tion to the assessment of tvvo thousand dollars each year to pay for the Centennial Celebration; and that the sum of tvvo t�nousand be paid the present �rear irom the funds novv in the TreasurST, or ac� in any manner relatin� thereto. Art. 14. To hear the report of ang Committee . that may be ready to report , and act thereon. Hereof fail not and make due return of this [�ar- sant with your doin�s thereon, to the To��n Clerk, an or before the ti�e of said � eti ng. Given under our hands at Lexington this fifteenth day of rebruary S. D. 1879. +�ebster Smith. ) Se1ectmen Otis GJentworth ) of Albert �aV. Dryant ) Lexi ngton. The Selectmen w-�ill be in session at their roon in the Town N�11 on Saturday the iirst day of March 1879 from 7 to 9 oclock P.i!�7. and on the � day of election from 9 to 10 o'clock A.M. to re- vise the votir� 1ist , and no name requiring in- � vestigation will� be added after the poll is opened. • Pursuant to the foregoing uJarrant I have notified the inhabitants as lvithin directed by leaving an attested copy with each family and by posting a similiar copy in the � Post Oifices and otlzer pub- lic places in the town seven da�s beforo the time of sald meeting. bttest. °Eli Simonds Constable � of I.exington Lexington Feby �4 1879 � A true copy of the 4'darrant , kttest : • � Leonard A: Saville Tov��a Clerk. 485 1879. • Lexingtpn TvZonday I�Ich 3d 1879 In accordanc� with the fo�egoing uJarrant, the meeting vaas duly called to order and the warrant • read by the Town Clerk �nd under � 9rt l. Voted "To keep the polls open 10 minutes • for the choice of a idtoderator, " and at the ex�iir- • ation o£ the time it was found that ballots had bee,n cast as follows: J. Russell Read had 8 votes, �lugustus E. Scott � had ?6 votes and �was duly sworn as nloderator of the Meeting. Art 2 & 3. Voted. "That 9.rticles 2 and 3 be taken up together, and �that under tflnose articles we proceed to choose all on one ballot the fol- lo�ving Officers, namely; Three Selectmen, v�ho shall �lso be Overseers � oP the Poor , and Surveyors of the Highways; One Town Clerk; Three Assessors ; One Treasurer zvho shall also be Collector of Taxes; T�vo Constables; ° One School Committee Man for three ye4rs ; One Cemetery Committee P,Zan for three STears ; and Two •Auditor. s, and that the polts be kept open until 5 oclock P.Tvi." Voted. "That a Committee o� t�ruo be appointed by the Chair to assist in sorting anei counting the ballots, " one other memher was subsequently added to above Coinmittee and the chair appointed, Francis E. Ballard, Abram B Smith and J Russeil Reed, who attended to the duties assigned them; it v�as also subsequently voted to extend the time £or closing• the polls to 5.10 P._l�I. and after the committee had finished their labors , �he £ol- lowing result of the balloting taas announced by the I�4oderator. " - "�'or Selectmen, Overseers of the Foor and Surveyors of HighvJays. dlbert �T Bryant , 264. vVebster Smith, 171 Otis '�Jent�rrorth 137 Bradley C. �liitche� 133. Jc�s. F. Simonds 132 Franklin rilderrnan 23 J. F.Simon3s 4. George �.Cu�ter. 2. Frederick Sirnonds 1. �rerett S. Locek. 1. Josaph Simonds 1. Chas . T. GVest. 1. _ B. C . GJhitcher 1. and all sworn by) Albert �J Dryant and '�debster Smith and Otis ';Jent- T�.oderator )worth were deelared elected to the ab�re offices. P�Ich 3d, 1E79 ) �'or Town Clerk. Leonard tl. Saville, 287. Chas T. uVest 1. and 1879 486 Swarn, by the Leonard g Saville tivas declared elected To�n Clerk. P,?oderat or I+'or Assessors. _ Joseph F. Simond.s 206. G�alter uVellington 283. _ FIorace B. Davis 178. Chas T. ��'est. 122. G . T. 6Yest ` 1. Lorin i�etherell l. and Al1 Sworn by Joseph F. Sirnonds, 'aJalter u�ellington and Horace B, To�vn Clerk Davis rvere declared elecied Assessors. Treasurer and Collector. Isaac N. Damon 163. Charles T. 'Jlest. 120 Leonard �1. Saville. 1. Charles '.�Jest. 1 and Sworn by Isaac DT. Damon was declared elec�ed Treasurer Town Clerk and Collector. For Constables. EZi Simonds. 281. '+dalter 'aJellington, 161. Iienry n. 4'Jellington 125. Hilman S. Sampson 2. H. A. Gfellington l. P. Peters. 1. and both Sworn Eli Simonds and 4�alter '+dellington were declared by Town Clerltelected Constables. For School Conunittee man for three years. ,Yilliam R. Cutter 276. Chas Tidd, l. Rosa Ackerman 11. and Nilliam R Cutter was declared elected fa� three ` years. For Ce�etery Committee man for three years. Isaac N Damon. 166. Geor�e H. Qutter, 119. Chas T. iVest. l. FredericY Tower, l. and Issac N Damon was declared elected for three years. t For 3uditors. Svaorn Ddch 8 1879. Sworn I!Zch lOhHilman B: Sampson, 17I. George H Cutter.148, Chas T. 4Jest. 145. Gershom Swan, 115, H.B.Samgson 77. G. A. Page. l, and Hilman B Sampson and Geo. H Cutter were declered elected Auditors. The follovJing Officers were ehosen by nomination, For Fence Zriewers. Sworn uV. 'edellington Apl P.4eeting Sworn Hox�land Holmes, Edwin S. Spaulding , B. T. Batcheller. For Field Drivers. Augustus Dow Frederick Totiver Geo Homling Franklin P. Simonds,Frederick Tower, "dilliam A.Jackson. For Surveyors of Lnmber. Sworn Oliver uY. Kendall �u�ustus Childs. �� Voted "That the Selectmen be ,authorized to appoint all other minor officers." On NIotion of P,ir Scott it was Uoted. "That the reports of the Town Of�'icers may be considered �87. 1879. l�efors the meeting for discussion and such action as may be taken thereon, when no other business is unde� consideration.":and. under the above vote the follovaing action was taken: Tramps. Voted. "That the Selectmen be instructed to compel all tramps Yvho are fed or kent w er night by the town, to work to the full e�tent allov�ed by laur; �nd to enter a eomplaint against all those wh� refuse to vaork when requested So to do." IlZeadow Owners. �oted. "That the chair appoint a Committee of three to call upon the various P.-IeadovJ owners whose claims have not been settled, and see upon what terms they v�ill settle and repart at the next tonrn meeting.'° and the chair appointed as such committee Levi Prosser , Charles Putnam, John L. Norris. Auditors. Voted. That the �luditors be instructed to publish in their next annual report the names of the taz payers, and the amount of tax paid by them the p�esent year. � 1�rt 4. �7'oted. "That the sum of two thousand dol- lars be appropriated for the support of the poor the ensuing year , and that the sazd sum be taken f'rom the money noUr in the treasury." Art. 5. Voted. "'That the sum two thousand dollars be appropriated Por the repeirs of the lii�hw-ays the ensuing year, and that the said snm be taken from the money now in the 't'reasury." iirt 6. Voted. "That the s� of eight tnousand ei�ht hundred dollars be appropriated for the � support of the public schools the ensuing year. " the vote bein� doubted the house was polled vfith the following result, in Pavor of above sum 52. opposed 0. . Voted. That the appropriation be divided as the school Committee propose in th�ir rep�rt, as follows : for Instruetion, Fuel and Care of rooms :�8,200 for incidentals° and repairs .�600. Voted "That four thousand dollars of the money notiv in the Treasury be taken towards the amount this day granted for the support of Schools. " �rt 7. TToted "That the article be divided." 1879. 488 Voted. "That there be appropriated two hundred dollars for additional shelves in Cary iibrary." Voted. "That there be appropriated tvvo hundred dollars for a Cataiouge of the Books in Carj� Library." Art.B. �oted. "That the matter be referred to a Committee of three to be appointed 'oy the ` chair, to i'eport at the April meeting. `� and the chair appointed as such coramittee;- Albert 'u�t. Bryant. David �i. Tuttle, G'dillzam Loeke." Hrt 9. Voted. "To adopt the article . " tlrt 10. Voted. "To strike out the words "and s�nginemen. "" Voted "That the Selectnen be authorised to appoint Engineers of the fire department from P:ay ls t 1879 to February lst 1880. " l�rt 11. Voted. "That no action be tak_en under the ar'ticle." ' ' Art 12. �Toted. "To indefinitely postpone the art- icle." ' Art 13. Voted. "That the vote o£ 'Svlarch lst 1875 requi�`ing the sum of tv�o thousand dollars to be raised and assessed annually to pay the debt created by the Centennial CelebraCio�, be sus- pended for the current ;�ear, and that the said ' sum of tv�o thousand dollars tovJards the extingish- ment of said debt be paid from mo�ey noti+� in the Tr ea sury.�� , Art 24. The Couimitte appointed ypril 22d 1878, on the matter of a culvert �t �lonument St and L+'lm Ave asked for more time which svas granted. The Coffu:�ittee appointed April 22d 1878 on the sub- ject of buildin� reservoirs for fire purposee , made a report (see reports pagc 188 ) Voted. That the matter be ind"2Pinitely postponed.° After the announcement of the vote for town off- icers , and the administering of tl� oath of office to such as presented themselves, the meeting �+�as declared dissoived. A true record; Attest : Leonard A. Saville,Tovrn C1erk. 489. 1879. � ` Lexington S,Zsrch 6 1879 The following appointments have been this day made b3t the Selectmen: . , Sworn P,lich 14 L. A. Saville - ,rei�her and Superintendant of by I.I�.Larnon ToJJn Scales. J.P. R. VJ Holbrook, Public iJeigher. Sworn P�Tch 14 Augustus Cnilds; Measurer of 'JJood and Bark. by Totivn Clerk S�NOI'Il kLl-{,1. 8 Horace B. .Davi:s. '� �� '� `� `� 1879 , . .5'�PQTIl 1JIch I4 Z. .4. Sfl41112. �� '� " '� '� by I.nT. Damon J.P. .5'WOI'Il� �TC�l..l� 1^'I'3L71t 4. BUt�GPS. n . te ' n ir . " < < 0, u�I. Kendall Sexton Sworn by Eli Simonds Special Police OPficer without pay Town Clerk except £or service rendered. Sworn by " uJalter 'ndellington " Police " � " " Town Clerk except for service rendered. Sworn Aug 8. Horace B Davis Special Police " " " 1879 except for service rendered . :� true eopy, Attest:- I�onard A, Saville, Totivn C1erk. 1879 490 Gdarrant for a Tovvn P�Ieeting P,Ionday April 7th 1879. To Eli Simonds " Constable of Lexington, Gree ting : " ' ` In the name of the Commonwealth oi Palassaehusetts you are hereby re- quired to notify and warn Uhe inTiabitants oP the Tov�n of Lexin�ton qualified b�T law to vote in to�xn affairs, to assemble at the To�nrn Hall' on Monday the seventh day of Anril A ➢ 1879, at One o'clock P.T�I. to act on the follo,��ing Articles, viz: Art 1. To choose a Pdoderator. � lirt 2. To fill vacancies in totivn offices if any exist. � ' 1?rt 3. To see if the Tov�n will accept the list of Surors presented by the Selectmeri. tLrt 4. To see what measures the Town will adont iri 'relation to the collection of taxes the ensuing year , or act in any manner relating thereto. Art 5. To grant money to deiray Town expenses the ensuing year. . � Art 6. To see what action the Town ��rill take in relation to the employmen't of tramps , and m�ke an aPPropriation therefor; or act in any manner in " relation to the matter. Art 7. To see if the To�rn u�ill make an appropria- tion to meet the expenses' of the fire department the ensuing yoar; or act in any manner relating thereto. Is.rt 8. To see if the Town will accept and �rade that portion of P.'ferriam Street from 1�_ain Stree:t to the crossing of the Pniddlesex Central R.R.Co. ` or act in any manner in re]a tion to the matter. Art 9, To see if the T ovJn will make an appropria- tion Por the support of the Street Lsmps the ensu- ing y�ar or act in ar�y manner relating tt,ereto. iirt 1C. To hear the report of any conmittee that may be ready 491' 1879 to report and act thereon. ' Hereo£ fail not and make due return of this v�larrant ' witn your doings thereon to the To�n Clerk, on or ' before the time of said meeting, ' Given under our hands at Lesington this ' t�venty second day of I�4arch A D 1879. uvebster Smith. )Selectmen ' 6tis 'uVen�ttvorth. ) o#' Albert �J, Bryant . )Lexington. Lexington BZch 29th 1879 " Pursuant to the £oregoing warrant I have notified ° the inhabitants of the Town of Ler.ington as thereby ' directed by posting a duly attested copy thereoP ' in each of the Post offices, and other public places in the Town and by leavang a duly attested copy v�ith each family in the Town seven days before ` the time of sazd meeting. Attest : ' Eli Simonds, ` Constable of Texington, A true co�y of the u"darr�nt : Attest : � Leonard k. Saville Town Clerk. 1879 492 Lexington Monday April 7 1879 In accordance with the foregaing �,Yarrant the Town Clerk was present at the time arhd place appointed and as soon as a quorum o£ voters were present at ttiventy minutes past One ocloek P.P�T. called the meeting to order and read the 'u�arrant thereFore, and the bus?ness proceeded with,athe following result . Art l. ti'oted "That the poll be kept open five minutes, for the choice of Moderator." The check li 'st was used in the election of P.'Ioder- ator, ��ho was elected by ballot, and on counting the votes it was found that A. L. 'Scott was unan- mously elected and he �vas duly sworn by the Town Clerk. St�torn Art 2. ��falter uVellington was chosen Fence viewer. Augustus Down. George Hamb2en, F�rederick Totiver we�e chosen Field Drivers, subsequentl}r Frederick Tower was excused by the meeting, and Franklin P. Simonds vaas elec�ted in riis place. " �rt 3. Voted. "To accept the lis� of Jurors pre- sented by the Selectmen." tlst 4 zToted, °That all t�xes be made payable on or before Nov lst 1879, and on all taxes rem�ein- ing unpaid at that date, interest' shall be added at the rate of 7 per ceni; per annum, and that all ' ' ` taxes shall be collected be£ore �::ay lst 1880." Voted "That the Treasurer and Collector be allow- ed one per cent on the amount collected by him, Por his services the ensuing year. " Art 5. The SelLectmen submitted an estimate of the money needed for totivn E�cpenses the ensuing year. Voted "To take up each recommendation seperately." Voted For Tov�n Clerk :�100.00 " gssessors 425.00 " School Committee 300.00 " Treasurer of Gary I.ibrary 50.00 " Constable and Police 300.00 " Sexton 75.00 � " 6uditors 45.00 " Decoration D�.y 75.00 ' .�13y�-70.00 493 " 1879. ° ' A�ount brougfit over �1370.00 For Removing Snovv 500.00 " Cery Library 600.00 " State Aid 338.00 " Interest 3500.00 " Ringing Bells' 70.00 " Abatement of Taxes 500.00 " Highways (additional to the amount ` granted at 1�Ich S,,Zeeting. ) 500.00 " Sal&ries of Selectmen in their various capacities 800.00 8178.00 Uoted "That the foregoing sums be assessed the present ye�ir." ` Voted "That the sum of :�4800.00 of the School ap- �ropriation, granted at the S,Tarch P�Zeeting be assess- ed the present year." Voted. �'That the Selectmen be requested to enP� ce the ].al�v known as the "I.iquor Law, ' to its fullest extent, and that the proceeds therefrom be applied to the appropriation for the Library.'� �Ioted, "That the sum of 1600. dollars be assessed and appropriated Por contin�encies, ar_d that ex- penditures under this grant be cbnfined within that limit ; and that the unexpended balance of each grant be carried to the grant for the same puY�pose the folloNing year." �rt 6. The Selectmen submitted a �eport (See Reports Page 191 ) and after san discussion by var?ous individuals it was Voted "That the Selectmen be requested to cause printed notices to be po5ted in the different sections of the Tov�n, requesting the citizens of tne Tawn nat ot feed or in an;�way harbor or encour�ge tramps ; also that a printed notice be posted in the place vrhere said tram�s are confine�, to the effect that all persons making a second an- plication Yor aid, will be arrested for va�rancy , and the person� in charge shall at onee make a com- plaint against such applicant. hlso,that before the tramps are discharged in the mornir� the �er- son having char�e of them, shall make known to them in� plain En�lish tivhat his instructions are, and that he intends to have them rig��ly enforced. Also, that the S2lectmen appoint special police oPficers ir_ the 1879. 494 different section of the Town, to arrest ar�;r tranips that may be found commi�tin� any depreda- tions upon a�y eitizen or tne pronerty of ar�y citizen oP the To�Jn. " Voted. "That the article be inde3ingtely post- poned." � Art 7. �Toted "That the sum of tNvelve hundred dollars (r�1200. ) be appropriated for the expenses of the Fir� Jepartment till Feby lst , 1880, and that each fireman receive the same compensatior_ as last year in proportion to the time he serves." Art 8. Voted. "That the article be indefinii,ely postponed. " • Art 9. Considerable discussion was had oser this article, and aproposition to appsopriate 1100 dol- lars was rejected, as was also one to appropriate 1000 dollars, and it was finally - Voted. "That the sum of Eight hundred (�800 ) dol- lars, be appropriated for the support of the street- Lamvs the ensuir� year." �roted "That the lamps� be lighted the longest nights of the year, as �on� as the appropriatiion of eight hundrod dollars will allovr." ° Voted "That tha SeTectmen be instructed to place a lamp at the rear of the To��n Hsll to -Ti�ht the horse sheds." - �rt 10 1^he Committee appointed at the T.?arch P.4eetin� to report on tne proposition to build s r� tiu Piearse house, submitted a report , (See Report Qi Co�ittee Page 190 J and it tivas Voted, "That the report be accept�d and the recom- mendations adopted �nd tYia't the su� oi fottr nundred (400 ) dollars be apprepriated ior the same." • �Totede "That the matter Ue referred to the Cemetery Comr,ittee, �ivi� them Pull povice� to carry the same into effect." The Couunittee appointed at the P�Zaroh P,?eetino to corisult v�ith �Gh P4eadow Ov�rners, made �a report (see Reports of Comrnittee, Page 189 ) iToted. That ' the mat�or be referred to the next Tovan P�Teeting, and that the Selectmen be i.nstructed to insert an article in the warrant suificient to cover the recommendations o£ the Committee. " 495 1879 ^ Io-'Ir ';Vebster Smith resigned the o�'fice of Selectmen. �Toted "P?ot to accept the resignation. of llir 1Vebster Smith as 5electmen." No other busineas remazning under tYE ';Varrant the P,Ioderator declared the meeting dissolved. �1 true record, Attesi: yeonard A. Saville Town Clerk. 1879. 496 Wa`rrant for a Town Meeting, Mon�ay �pril 28th I879. To Eli Simonds, Constable of Lexir_gton, Greeting : � In the narne of the Commo;nwealth of I�iassachusetts yo�a are hereby required to notiPy and warn the inhabitants of the Town oP Zexington qualified to vote in Town �ffairs, to $ssemble at the Town Hall on TvTonday April 28th 1879 at One o°clock P.�7. to act on the following articles, viz :- Art. 1. To choose a PJioderator. _ tLrt. 2. To fill vacancies in Tow�. Offices if a_�y exist. , Art. 3. To see if the Town will �stablish a nevv price per copy, for the remaining copies of the � motRn History. , Art. 4. To grant money to defray Town expenses the ensuin year. :Lrt 5. To see if the Town wi�l reconsider tYie . vote passed at the meeting holden �lpril 7th 1879, in relation to street lamps , and n�ke sn appropri- ation for lighting said lamps the ensuing year; or act in ar�y manner in rela�ion to the matter. � _ Art. 6. Ta� see if the Town wrill accept the reports of the Selectmen in relation to laying out a town way on the petition of Leonard G. Babcock and others; and a town way on the petition of Sohn Savage and others. Art. 7 To see if the Town` will reconsider that portion of the vote under Article 5 passed at the meeting holden April 7th 187.9 - relating to the contingent appropriation, and the disposition of unexpended Ualances. , Art. 8. To see if the Toivn wi11 make an appropri- ation to carry into ePiect the recommendaticn made by the Committee appointed to consult with the Meadotiv Owners; or act in any manner in relation to the matter. 497. , 1879 Art. 9. To see �xhat action the To�nat t�till take in relation to amending the rules and by-laws oP the Cary I.ibrary. Art. 10. To see if the Town will reconsider the vote passed kpril 7th 1879 in relation to the collection of taxes. Art. 11. To see what measures the Town will adopt in relation ta the collection of taxes the ensuing year, or act in ar�y manner in relation to the matter. Art. 12. To see if the Town will � propriate money to build a reservl�ir near �Tillage Hall, or act in ar�y manner in, relation to the matter. Brt. 13. To see if the Town will make an apgropri- ation to meet the expenses of the suit of IvTaurice 0'Connell against N. L. Bryani and Sames EYaery. Art 14. To see �if the Town will instruct the Selectmen to grant Licenses for the s�le o£ Intox- ieating liquors, the ensuing year, or act in any manner in relation to the matter. 6rt. 15. Tohear the report of ar{� Committee that may be ready to report and act thereon, Hereof £ail not and make due return of tnis �idarrant with ypur doir�s thereon to the To�m Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands, at. Lexington this sev- enteenth da3T of April A D 1879. , udebster Smith. )Selectmen Otis �identworth. ) o£ Albert UV. Bryant. )Lexington. Lexington Apri� 21st 1879. Pursuant to the foregoing Cdarrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Towa of Lexington as tl�re- in directed by posting a copy thereof duly attest- ed in each post office and other public places in each vi.11age and by leaving an attested copy vJith each family in toi�n seven da.ys before said meeting. Attes�, : Eli Simonds ConstaUle of Lexington, A tsue copy of the UVarrant and return. �ttest: Leonard A.Saville, , Town Clerk. 1879. 498 Lexington P,:ondag Apl 28th 1879. The Meetin� under the foregoir� �'Jarrant was called to order by the Town Clerk, at 1.15 P.Ivi. the vifar- rant read, and under Art. 1. P�r. A.E. Scot�. was chosen Moderator, and took the oatn of ofYice. Art 2. Abra� B Smith „James Gould Aznos �P Locke were chosen Fie1d Drivers in place of thoseelect- ed at the I�iseting holden April 7th. Voted "To choose a Couunittee to appraise the Town property, said Commii,tee to be appointed by the chair, and to hold office for 3 years." end the chaar appointed Amos aV. Locke, John D.Bacon and Pa':�rick T�Titchell. Art 3. troted "That the article be inde£initelf postponed." Art 4. Voted. "That the sum oi' Pour P�undred (400 ) dollars be appropriated and assessed for the pay- ment of the Treasurer and Collector the ensuing year, in place of the amount voted at the next meeting." Art 5. Voted. "That Lhe asticle 1� indefinit�ly postponed." . A.rt 6. The Selectmen made a report on the petition of In onard G. Babcock and others. (see reports of . Corruaittees page 188 } Voted. "To indeiinitely postpone the yvhole matter. " Art 7. Voted "That all unex�ended ba.lances of the various grants be placed to the credit of the con- tir�ent fund.`� Art. 8e �oted "That the report be divi�led.�' (See reports of Committee page 189 ) Voted "That the recommendation of �Y� Committee with reference to the claim of N7r Elisha Tower . be accepted, and that the sum of three hundred ( 300 ) dollare he grarited and assessed to carry out the recommendation, and that. the sa�ae be in full payment of all claims of P,'Irs Tower against the TAU�n or its officers or agents for or on account of the draina�e matter." Toted "That the bal,ance of the subj,ect Ue indef- initely postponed.'! 498. 1879. �irt. 9 . Zroted "That the matter be ind2finitely postponed. " � Arts �.0 and 11. Voi:ed. "That a11 taxes be � de payable on or before December first 1879 ; and a that interest_ at`the rate o£ half of one per , cent for each full month nrior to said date shall be deducted; and on all taxes remaining unpaid at said date, interest shall be adcled - at the rate oY seven per cent, per annum, and that the collector be instructed to collect all taxes before February first 1880." �irt 1� Voted, "That the Selectmen be aathorized to construct a reseryoir for the use of the Fire department, whenever and wherever one is needed in their judgment; prayided priv�te individuais � utill bear one ha1P of the expense,�� Art 13. Voted. '"That the town grant and assess the sum of two hundred and sixty £ive ( 265) ciol- . lars to meet the expenses oY I�T.L.Bryant and Tames EtnerS� in the suit of P�Zaurice OConnell - against. them.'t � Art 14. Voted. "Not to grant any licenses for the saie of intoxicatin� liquors; and that the Selectnen be ins�ructed to fully �nforce the law." Art 15. "Com.,�ittee on culvert at junction of Elra Avenue and P,Tonument St made a renort (See reports of Committee 's page 194 ) that no action �m�s needed.'* . NIeet�ng declared disso�ved 'oy the P.4�derator. A true record, Attest : . Leona d A. Sa�rille , Town Cierk. Le�ington June 12 1879 kt 3 meeting held this day, vJe have appointed S���orn Sune Charles T. Vfest Treasurer and Collector pro tem 12 1875. to fill the vacancJ caused by the resignation x true copy of T. DL Damon, he having �iven bonds and ac- kttest. cepted the o£fice. . , Leonard �i. ':-�ebster �ith. . ) Selectmen Saville, Otis sJentworth. ) oi Town Clerk. Albert ��. Bryant. ) Lexington. 1879 499. Ydarrant for a To�vn Nieeting Tuesday June 17 1879. To Eli Simonds . - Constable of Le�ington . Greeting: In the . name of the Coc�monwealth of NIass�chusetts, you are hereby required to notify* and warnthe inhab- itants oS the Tovrn of I,e��ington qusliPie d by law _ to vote in town affairs, to assetnble at tk� Tov�m � • Hall on Tuesday Sune 17th inst at seven Oclock P.S,f. to act on the follo�,sing articles,viz : ° Art 1. To Choose a Plioderator. lst ?. To fi11 vacancies in Town Offices and Committee ' s. Art 3. To see if the Tovan wi11 accept Chapter two hundred and forty tcso of tl� Acts of 3867, concerning shade and ornamental �rees standing in highways and Streets, or act in any manner relating thereto. � Art 4. To hear the report of ax�y Committee that may be ready to report and act thereon. A true copy Hereoi fail nQt' amd make due- return of this GJar- of the udar- rant vuith your doings thereon to the Town Clerk rant and on or before the time of said meeting. GiJen raturn. under our hands at Lexington this twelftn day Attest : of June A D. 1879. Leonard A. hVebster �mith. ) Selectinen Savilie, Otis u!�er� t�ro�th. ) of Town Clerk Albert `ad Bryant. ) Lexin�ton. Lexin�to n June I6 1879 Pursuant to the foregoing ?Parra nt I have noti- fied bhe inhaoitants oi the To�vn oi' Lexington as within directed, bv posting a dul.y certified copy thereof in each Post 6?ffice and obher pub- lic places in each village and by leaving a duly � certified copy with each family in the Town three days before the time of said meeting. ° Attest : Eli Simonds � Cohstable _ of Lexin�ton 500. 1879 Lexin�ton June 17 1879 In accordance with the foregoing ':�Parrant th2 Town Clerk was present at the time and place specified and a� soon as a quorum v6as present called i,he meetir� to order and read the 'aJar- rant therefor and under, Art 1. Voted "To ke�p the poll open £ive min- utes f or the choice of i�ioderator" and A. E. Scott was elected bp ballot with the use oP the check 'list, and sv�orn by the Clerk. Sworn June l:rt 2. �iJi113am A Jaekson 18 " ' " A. tiV. Phillips 18 Geo. .A. Stearns vJere enosen Field Drivers. Sworn Chas T. ulest elected Treasurer & Collector by Ballot. ��slter �Jellington and Idathan Fessenden cYiosen Appraisers of the property at the Tovvn �arm. Art 3. Nir James Gould read a car�unication from P,4rs Ellen A. Stone in relation to the tree �t rast Le�cington in regard to which �here nas '-been some trouUle on aceount of ` Mrs Stone 's attempt to cut it dovan, and " remarks were made by Dr Hq 3olmes, udebster Smith and others in relation to the matter � and it was Voted. "That the Town accept Chapter tv�r� hun- dred and forty two of i,he �1cts of 1867. '" rlrt 4 "No Committee ready to report, and the P.Zoderator declared the Nieetin� dissolved. !� true recoi'd Attest : Leonard A.Saville, Town Clerk. 1a79 501 Bequest of l�arsha3l H. Locke. Town Treasurers Ofiice � Lexington Mass kugust 24th 1879 Pursuant to a vote o£ the Inhabitants of tne Town of Lexin6ton, in Town meeting assembled on the 2nd day of November 1875. The Town Treasurer hereby acknov�ledgEs the reciept of One Hundred (�100 ) DoZlars £rom S�arshall H. I.ocke of Somerville P�Tass. the interest of vahich is to be annually expended in accordance with said vote and Chap�er 225 of the acts of 1870, upon Lot nurnbered 37 in the Town Cemetery near to the High School house in said Lesington; in dressing� and care of said lot, monuments, walks, and avenues adjacent tY� reto, " C. T. uJest , Town Treasurer. A true copy Attest L A. Saville, Town Clerk. Resignation of Otis 'Jdentzvorth. ' Lexington Mass Oct 2nd 1879. Leonard t1. Saville �,sq. To�rn Clerk of Lexington, Plir Dear 3ir I hereby most respectfully tendor my resignation as Selectmen, Overseer of Poor and Surveyor of Higlztivays, of the `rov� of Lexington, and decline to serve in either ofPice after this date. �7ery respectfully Yours Otis l�entv�orth. ' "k true cop�, Attest. Leonard i�. Saville Town Clerk. 502 ,1879 Bequest of tllfred R. Fiske of New York City. Town Treasurers Office Lexington n4ass Oct 24th 1879 Pursuant to a vote of the inhabitants of the To�rn of Lexington in TownD,Teeting assembled on the 2nd day of November 1875. ` The Town Treasurer here- by acknowledges the reciept oP One Hundred (�100 ) ` dollars from A1£ied R Piske of New York City DT.Y. the interest of which is t.o be annually expended in accordance with said vote and Chap 225 of the 4cts of 1870 upon lot numbered 92 in the ToUm Cemetery near to the High SchoollHouse, in said Lexington in dressing and care of said lot , mon- uments, vJslks, and the avenues adjacent thereto. ' C . T. �Vest, Town Treasurer, 1� true copy, Attest : Leonard A. Saville Town Clerk. 1879e 503. 6�tarran't for a Town Meeting� Tuesday Nov 4th 1879. To Eli Simonds. Constable of Lexin�ton3 Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of PdIassachusetts you are hereby required to noti£y and warn the inhabitants of the TovJn of Lexington quaT ified by law to v ote in State and County Affairs , to assemble at the Town Hall on Tuesday the fourth day of November �1 D 1879 at twelve Oclock S,00n, tb cast their ballots for the following Stat� , County and Dis- trict Officers , viz Goverr_or - Lieutenant Governor - Councillor - Secretary of the Corimon�rtealth - Treasurer and Recsiver Generul - kuditor oi the Cocnmonwealth - Attorney General - Senator for Second ?vTiddlesex Ilistrict - District Attorney - Sheriff for I�Iiddle- sex County - Re�ister of Deeds fc� Southern. District - County Treasurer - County Conunissioner - Rypresemtative in General Conrt for 18th P:Tiddleser. District. The Selectmen will recieve votes fo'r the above Officers all on One ballot. Tne polls tivill be opened immediately after the organization of the m�etin�, and vJill be kept open until four oclock P.M. and as much lon�er as the meeting may direct, not to extend beyond sunset. Hereof fail not ancl iaake due return of this warrant, with your doin�s thereon 'to tne Tov�n Clerk on or UePore the time oi holding said meet- ing. Given und�r our hands at Lexin�ton this eight- eenth day of October �i � 1g79 'dJebster Smith )Seleetrnen Albert ',J. Bryant )of Lexington. The Selectmen vaill be in session at their room in the To�rn I�all building on Saturday Oci,ober 25th from 7 to 9 delock P.T"I. ana on Saturdas P1ov lst. from 7 to 10 P.P,-T. to revise the voting list , and no name can be re�istered after ten oclock reP:4. of �aturday Pdov lst. Especial attention is called to the nevJ lawnr in relation to the size an� style o£ ballots. 504 1879. Lexington� Oct 22 1879 In accordance vrith. the fore�ozng �farrant I nave notified the inhabitants of the Pown of Lexin�- ton as tl� rein directed by posting a copy �f the warrant duly att�sted in two public places in each village and by leaving a duly attested cop;� thereof vaith each family in the tca:wn seven days befare the mee�ing. Attest : �'li Sinionds, Const�ble of ` Lexingtone A true cop� of the tivarrant and return Attest : Loonard �i. Saville, io�m Clerk. Lexington Nov 4 1879 � Pursnant to the foregoing Vdarrant, the meeting was called to orCler by the Chairman oP the board of Selectmen, the Vdarrant and ret�rn read Uy the To�r�n Clerk and the polls decla`rod open, and the balloting p�Doeeded tioith, Voted '�That the po11s bo Yegt open until half past four Oclock." At halP past three oclock, Hon Charles Hudson by leave, introduced the follovJing preamble and res- olutions: `�VVhereas the Totivn oP Lexingion has recently come in posse�sion of the brace of Pistols carried by Is7ajor Pitcairn on I.exington Common on Lhe 19tn of kpril 1775: - Pistol.s which were made to second his ruthless ccmm�nd to fire upon aur citizens, and thereby� sever the band wh�ch bound us to the crown, and commence a long and sanguinary �n�ar; And whereas these Pistols �vere c�ptured in Lex- ington in the afternoon of the same day, and were carried i�y the veteran General r�tnam in the revol- utionary war, and have remained in his family up to the period v�hen a grand daughtter - in - law of the h�reic Putnam, moved by liberality and pat- riotism presented them to our tomn to be preserved as memorials of her admiration of the gallantr, of our fathers: Therefore 1879. 505 Resolved,That, moved by a profound regard of the generous devotion of ivIrs Eliz�beth Putnam, relect. of the late T. P. Putnam �sq. of Cambridge NeG7 York, to the cause of Freedom; we have recie�red with heart-felt gratitude the interesting memorials of the Revolution; and our grateful feelings tor�ards the venersbe �iver are increased by the fact, that in bestowing these Pistols upon us without fee or reti�rard, sl�e depriced herself of a generous consid- eration she could have realized b;� bestowing them upon other institutions; Resolved; That vJe �vill preserve these rel_ice of ° the past with care, and so e�cpose them to public view, that we and those who come after us may realize the steadfast devotion of our ancestors to our beloved country; and the warm unseliish patriotism of our generous benefactress; Resolved; That the Town Glerk be reguested to insert the abave Preamble and Resolutions upon the toFm record, and that a certifiedoopy of the same be transmitted to Iv1rs. Elizabeth Putnam of Cambridge Ide�u York, together with a copy of the ' History of I,exington." The above Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously adopte@. At half past four oclock P.1�,2. th� po1Zs were declared closed, and aiter the bellots nad been counted the followin� result was declared by the Chairman oP the Selectmen. --------- For Governor. -------- Sohn D, Long of Hingham, - Two hundred and fifty ' two. (252 ) Benjamin F. Butler of Lowell, - One hundred and thirty four, (134 ) �ohn Quincy kdams of �uincy, - Twenty tvJo. (22 ) ------ For Lieutenant Governor. ------- Byron 'ideston of Dalton, - Two Y3undred and sixty two, (262 ) Albert C. LSoodworth of Chicopee. - One hundred andtwenty nine, (129 ) PJilliam R. Plunkett of Pittsfield, -Twenty tv�o �22 ) ----- Por Treasurer and Reciever General.----- Charles Endicott of Canton, - Two hundred and sixty one, (261 ) David N. Skillings of ';Vinehester, - One hundred and fifty tuJo, (152 ) 506 1879 ----- Por Secretary of State. ------ Henry D. Peirce oP Abington - Tu�o hundred and sixty nine, �(269 ) PlIichaei F. Donahoe of Somerville, One hundred and forty one, (141 ) Augustus E. Scott of Lexi ngtan, - One, (1 ) ---- For Auditor. ------ Charles R. I�dd of Springfield, - Two hundred and sixty, (260 ) Davis S. King of Boston, - One hundred and thirty (130 ) ° Charles R. Fie3d of Greanfield, - Twenty-tvvo, ( 22) ' ----- ror Attorney General, -------- George I1Iarston of New Bedford, - T�Jo hundred and sixty one. (261 ) ' GVilliam D. Northend of SaTsm, - One hundred and t�venty nine, (129 } Richard 01ney of Baston, - Ttiventy two, (22 ) ----- For Counci.11or - Third District. ----- George P. Carter of Cambridge, - Two hundred and �ixty one. (261 ) Frank S. DTickerson o£ Chelsea, - One hundred and thirtg, (130 ) Harvey Davis of Cambridge, - Twenty-two (22) ----- For County Commissioner. ----- Daniel G. V�falton of uVakefield,- Tvao hundred and sixt�T five. (265 ) Thomas H. Hill of '�Voburn, - One hundred a nd forty eight.- (148) ----- For County Treasurer. ----- �mos Stone af Eberett , - Two hundred and sixty one. (261 ) " Alden �'darren of Groton, - One hundred and thirty. (130 ) " Daniel uJetherbee of Acton, - TvJenty tvao , (22:) ---- For Register of Deeds, - Southern District.-- Charles S. SteVens of Cambridge, - Four hundred �nd twelve. (412 } --- For Senator, Second P.?iddlesex District. --- Robert R. Bishop af Newton, - Two hundred and i'ift5� nine, (259 ) &lfred D. Hoitt of Arlington, - One hundred and fifty four, (154 ) ------ For Sher'i£f. ------ Eben 1,�. Fiske of �Jaltham,-�wo hundred and seventy � ` one. ( 271 ) Sohn k."G. Richardson of Lowell, - One hundred and fifty. (150 ) 1879. _ 507 - ----- For District Attorney.----- John �J. Hammond of Cambridge, - Two hur�dred and sixty one. (261 ) Jaraes J. P,�ZeCafferty of Lowell, - One hundred a.nd Pi£ty. (150 ) -- For Representstive to the General Court.-lf3th P:�iddleseY District. -- Augustus �. Scott of Lexington - Tvto hundred and twenty 'four. {224 ) Benjamin H. Heald of Billerica, - One hundred and eighty fi've. (185 ) After the �declaration o£ the result of tne ballot- ing vJas declared the returns were filled out sign- ed and sealed� also the ballots and check list used were sealed and endorsed as requirad by Zaw after vJhich the meeting was declared dissolved. A `true record Attest. Isonard A. Saville Town Clerk. Bedford Nov 5 I879. �t a meeting of the Town Glerk's of the ToVrns of Lexington, Hillerica , Bedfor`d and Burlington,eom- prising the IBtYiS,7iddlesex �epresentative Dis- trict - at noon this day, it �vas found on com�ar- ing the returns that ballots had been cast £or the following named persons. Bur1. ` Lexington,Billerica,Bedford Augus.tus_ E. Scott of I.exington,-224.- 231. -42,13r510 Benjamin H. I3eald of Billerica�-185.- 71. -122,82��t60 And accordin�ly certiPicates of Election were filled up for kugustus E.Scott oi Lexington, a�ne copy bein� returnec� to the Secretary of State and. tt�e otner de- iiverod to Eli Simonds Constable of Lexington for t�e purpose of notifying said Scott of his elect3on. The above' certificates were signed by liudley P'oster - - Town Clerk of Billerica. Leonard A. Saville -" " " Lexington. Charles a Corey - " " " Bed.ford. Sarmzel Sewall - " " " Burlington. el. true record. kttest : Leoriard A.Savi.11e. Tolvm Clerk of Lexin�to.n. 508. 1879. ` Bequest of Hon. Charies Hudson. TovJn TreasurerTs Office Ler.ington Dec 3d 1879. Pussuant to a vote of tP�e inhabitants of i,h� Tocun of L2xington in TovJnPueeting asssmbled on the 2nd day oP TSovernber 1875 - The Town Treasurer hereb3r ack- nowl�dges ihe reciept of One FIundred and fifty (1501 dollars from Charles Hudson of Lexington, the in- terest of which is to be annually e�ended in ae- cordance with said vote and Chap 225 of the acts oP 1270 upon lot numbered I6 in the Toyvn Cemeter� near "to the High Sehool House ir_ said Lexington, in dressing and` care of said lot , monuments, u7alks, and the avenues adjacent thereto. ` � '�.T.';Vest. Toi�rn Treas. k true copy Attest : L�onard A.Saville, Tovrr. Clerr. Bequest oF the Trustee under the 'i�ill of Jonathan Simonds Town ireasuior�s Offlce IPair�ton TTov,l5,1879. Pursuant to a vote of the Inh�bitants of the Town o�' Lexington in Totvn i�,ieeting asseniblad on the 2nd day of ?doverzber 1875, the To?��rn Treasurer hereUy acknovvoedges the receipt of four hundred dolla:s ' (y��00.00J from T. B. Simouds o1' rdaltham, P,tiddlesex County I,.assachu- " setts, Trustee under the will of Jonathan aimonds de- ceased, the interest of �;ahich i� te oe annuall;� e�c- ° pended in acco�dance with said vot� and Chapter 225 of the xcts o£ 1870 upon a certain lot in the old Cemetery oP said Town neal*� to tlie First Pa.ri�h Meet- in� House, ( said lot is particularl3T described in a daed of the same from Eli Robbins to Jonathan Simonds et al,dated Tdovamber i7th A.D. 1819 recorded tivith the Eegistery o£ lleeds for said County o£ P;Iiddlesex Dooi� 23o page 531 and in volunie 5 of the Tovun P,ecords pages 352 and 354) in dressing and care of said lot, monwnents, tiralks, and the �venues adjac�nt thereto. 'C .T:'+dest Tov�rn Treasur�r . �'� true col�y, xttest : ` Leonard A.Saville. ` Too�rn Clerk. ' 1880. 5G9 Ballots burned Febq 13 1880 Lexirigton �eby 13 1880. 'Phis may certify that I have destroyed bJ fire the ballots 'cast at the �lection of S�e��e, County and DisLrict Ofiicers on 'the fourth day of D?oJember A D 1879 ' Leona'rd tl. Saville To�n C1erk 510 1880. ` � u�arrant for a Town Meetin� I�-Zonda;� TuTarch ist 1880. To 'JJalter Sdellington, Constable of Lexin�ton, Greeting: In the nar,ie of i�he Co;nmontiaealth of Palassachusetts , you are herebT required to notify and warn the in- habitants oi the To�,un of Lerington qualified bf lavv to voi.e in tovvn aiPairs to assemble at the � Totiun Hal1 on P.4onday the first day oi i�Tar ch A D 1880 at DTine 0 'clocic �1 liI to ac +`. on the �'ollo�.ving ArticlAs, viz :- � i,rt, 1. To ciioose a iefoderator. Art . 2. To choose Totivn Officers ior ti!e ensuing year, includin.� one School Com.-nittee P,Zai7 for the _ term of three y ears. Art. 3. To choose one Couunittee i.'�an for three years and on� Cosmittee T�:Zan for t�uvo years, to fill vaoancies in tho Committee 'having charge of the Cemeteries. 1�rt. 4o To provide for the su�nort of the poor the ensuing year , and to grant money for the same. flrt. 5. To �rovic�e £or 'the repairs oY the hi�h- ti^aa;�s the ensuing year, and to grant money for � �rie sarne. l�rto 6. To provide for the support oi the pvblic schools, the e�suing year, including tl� ir several grades, and to grant monoy for the same. �lrt. 7. To provide for the support o�' the fire denartment, the ensuing year, and to �ant money for the sarae. _ �irt. 8. To provide ior t,he support of the street ' lamps , the ensuinc Jear and to grant money for the same. Art. 9. To see if the to�rn will agpropriate the ' sum of `�j�10.50 to reimburse Jsmes Etnery, for ex- penses incurred by him in the 0'Connell suit . 1880. 511: Art. 10. To see if the Town v�ill establish a price at which the remaining copies of the Town I3istory shall be sold. � Art. 11. °To see if the To�rn vrill �reimburse Charles '�. �,lest the amount oi �;7.50 paid by him for printing tax bills for 1879. ' Art . 12. To see vanether :the Town vaill direct " the "Selectmen to allow P,ss E11en A. Stone to cut down an elm tree belon�ing to her, stand- "ing on the side-walk on the S�iain Street, at ' the tivesterly corner of her Iand adjoining land of the Church of the Redeemer. dxt, 13. To see if the Town wi11 make an appro- ' priation to mount the eannon no�v zn P:Zemorial IIall, for use in firing salutes. i1rt. 14. To see if the To�vn will take a vote to order tnat all the teachers of the Public Schools shall reside within the Ta��rn df Lexington. Art. 15. To see if the Totivn will redeem and re- assess the taxes on the property slleged to be- long to tlbraham B.Shedd - and soZd by the late ' I.IS.Damon as Collector Por non payraent of taxes- as provided by Chapter 266 of tne Aets of 1878; or maYe good the title to the purchasers of said �property; or act in any manner in relation to the subject. � 3rt.16. To see if the Town will reimburse the Selectmen far money paid in settlement of suit o£ Rhoda D. I,ocke a�ainst ChaAles Hudson. Art. 17. To see if the Town will make an appro- priation to renovate and repair the grave stones and montunents, in the old Cemetery near the Fix9t Cor�gregational Church. ° Art. 18. To see ��hat measures the 'Fown will adopt in relation to the collection of taxes the ensuing year or `act in ai�y manner in rela- tion to the subject. � Art. 19. To see iY the Totvn will reconsider the vote passed D�Iarch 3d 1873 in relati�n to the Streeti; Lamps. ° Art. 20. To see if the Town will appoini a ' Committee to relocate 512. 1880. " the street lamps as will best subserve the inte�est and convenience of the public. krt. 21. To see if. the Town will reconsider "so �uch of the vote passed March�lst 1875 in relation to the assessment of two thousand dollars each year to pay for the �Ceatennial Celebration; and that the; sum of ttivo thousand dollars be p aid the present year from the funds now in the treasury; or ac.c in any. manner relating thereto. _ . xrt. 22. To see if L'he Town will choosz a Com- mittee to take into consideration the subject of the Cemetery Fund, and report at the April meet- ing. l�rt. 23. To i�ear the report o£ any Committee that may be ready to report and act thereon. Hereof fail not and malce due return of this `dfar- rant tirith your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the time of said meetin�. Given under our ha�nds at Le�ington this thirteenth day of February A.D. 1880. • �;debster Smith )Selectmen Albert ,�iV. Bryant )Le�ingtono . The Solectmen will be in session at their room in the Town Hall on Thursday t'r�e 19th day= of February Prom three to six oclock P.1I. tind on Saturday the 28th of February fror� 7 to 10 P.➢T, to reva.se the voting 1ist , and no name can be added after the last named date. Lexington Febf 21 1880. , Pursuant to the foregoing uJarrant I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the 1^otivn of Zexin�- ton as therein• directed by leaving a duly attest- ed co�y thereof vJith each faraily in town by post- ing a duly attested copy in the post �affice and otner public places in each .villa�e seven days be£ore the time of said meeting. Attest : hValter 6Ve11ington,Constable of Lexington. A true copy of the lVarrant and return. littest : Leonard i�. Saville, � To�n Clerk. 1280. � 513 Lexington n4ondaf P:�Iarch 1si.1880 The P:�eeting called by the foregoir� GJarrant was called , to order by the Town Clerk as soon after 9 oclock ss there was a quorum present and read the �Varrant and it was voted under 1�rt. 1. "To Yeep the poll open 5 minutes for the choic� of NIoderator" and at the expiration of the time the ballots were counted and it aras found that 15 vot�s were cast all for A. E. Scott �vho tixas declared elected T��o3erator, and was sv�orn by the Town Clerk," Arts. 2 & 3 4oted. "That krticles two and three - be taken un together, and that under those Art- icles we_proceed to choose all on one ballot the followin� officers, viz : - Three Selectmen vvho shalL-.31so be Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the IIighways. - One Towrn Clerk, - Three Assessors, - One Treasurer who shall also be Collector oi Taxes, - Ttivo Constables,- One School Co:nm.ittee man for the term of three years , - One Cemetery Co�imittee man for �he term of three years, - One Cemetery Committee man zor the term of t�ro years, and •TvJo Auditors, and that the polls be kept open until 515 oclock P.P7." It was subsequently voted to have the D;Ioderator appoint a Comrriittee of three to assist in sort- ing and counting the ballots , and �1.B. Shedd, J S. Munroe and �. DT. Loverin�, v�rere so appoint- ed, There vaere also chosen under Ax:ticle 2 oPfieers as follows : For Fence Viewers; -Sti�rorn - - Sworn- . - Su✓orn - George is2unroe, Gershom Sv�an, Howland Holmes. For Field Drivers; , -Sworn - -Svaorn- � FI:E,Tnttle,Cornelius Dineene- VSebster Smith. For Surveyors of Lumber; -5worn- -Sworn- D. Li. Tuttle. Franklin tllderman. ZTo,ted. "That -the remaining minor ofiicers be ap- pointed by the Selectmen. " L�fter the polls were closed and the Conmittee had comnleted their labors the following result of tr.e balloting vJas declared by the N_Toderator. For Tovvn Clerk. - Sworn - Leonard k. Saville, had t�vo hundred and seventy ( 270 ) votes and v�as wss declared elected as Tourn C1erk, for the ensuing year. Ia'or Selectmen, Gverseers oi the Poor and �urvey- , ors of the Highways, NIichael 0'�rien one (1 ) vote. 514 1880. Loring S. Fierce one (1 ) vote Iienry �Jellington one (1 ) " Henry A. ,�ellin�ton forty nine (49 ) " uJebster :3c!�.ith one hundred and sixty one (161 )votes blbert �;d.Bryant. tmro hundred and ten (210 ) " ` Joseph F. Simonds two htzndred and fifteen)215 ) " Bradley C. vi�hitcher t�,�o hundred and thirty si.� - Sworn - - Sworn - (236 ) " and , Brandley C, a"ifhitcher Jose�h �, Simonds and - Sworn - albert �J. Bryas�t vrere deelar�d elected as Select- men, Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of Hi�h- oJays, for the ensuing year. - ror r�ssessors. - Gershoci Sv�ran one (1 )vote Loring Pierce one (1 ) " B. C. 6Jhitcher one (1 � " Charles G. Kauffman one (1 ) " .il5ert ';d. Bryant one (1 ) " H. B. Sampson touo (2 )vtStes , I,oring S. Pierce four (4 ) " Charles T. ':Jest nine (9 ) « 'dValter GJellingtqn two hundred arr7 three (203 ]" Joseph �'. Simonds tvJo hundred and thirty two (232 ) " Horaoe B. Davis t�o hundred and forty one (241J "and - Sworn - - Sworn - - Sworn- Horace B. Davis Joseph F. Simonds and '�lal�er 67ellir�ton �vere declared elected as �ssessors, for the ensuing year. ` For Treasurer and Collector of Taxes. L. ��. Saville ` one (1 ) vote Sworn - Charles T. :�est - t�vo nundred an� sixty eight. (268 ) votes, and Charles T. '��fest was declared electeci as Treasurer and Collector of Taxes, for the ensuing year. � For Constables. Chasles 0. `�Jentu�orth one (1 ) vote �ohn E�'. Hutchinson tovo (2 ) votes Henr�• A Nellington four (4 ) '� Franklin t�ldermun fifteen (15 ) " fiorace B. Davis . thirty four (34 ) '" Samuel 'uV. Hendley eighty four (84 ) �' Georse i2. Litchfield one hundred and forty five (145 ) votes. 1880. 515 u�alter u�fellington two hundred and nineteen (219 ) votes, and - Sworn - ° - SvJorn' - vJalter Wellington and George 11'i. Litchfield were declared elected Constables for the ensuing year. For School Committee man for three years. Daniel T. Desmond " one (1) vote David A. Tuttle one (1 } « Asaph 7d. Phillips Two (2 ) votes Augustus E. Scott one (1 ) vote Edwa�d G. Porter one (1 ) '° Miss Lllen �. Stono one (1 ) " r.dwin S. Elder twb hundred and fifty one (25l ) votes and Edcvin S. Elder was deelared elected as School ' Committee man for tho t�rm of three'years , (Seven females voted for School Committee ) F'or Cornmittee on Cemeteries. Albert P. ressenden £or two yea3's one (1 ) vote Augustus �. Scott ° " " " one (1 ) " David x. Tuttle " " "seventy two (72 ) `� libram B.Smith " " "�ne hundred and thirty six (136 ) votes ' " ' Abr�.m B.Smith " three " " one (1 ) vote Loring S. Pierce " two " one hundred and �wenty four. (124 ) votes ' T. H. Bowen " three "' one (1 ) vote David x. Tuttle " " " one hundred and twenty one (121 ) votes ' ' Loring S Pierce �raas declared ele cted for the term of three years and " Abram II.Smith was declared elected for the term of t�ro years. ` For Auditors. Asanh �Io Phillips, FatricK F. Dacey, �u'illiam tieils, George Harrington, Charles T. Vdest , A Bradford Smith had l .vote° each Owen T:4cDonald tivo (2 ) votes Micnael OBrien three (3 ) °` Chaz� les G. Kauffman " fourteen (14 ) " Gershom Swan ' �wenty five (25 ) " Hilman B. Sanpsor� ninety five (95 ) " Gershom Sivan ttivo hundred and thirty' tcJo (232 ) " �nd -Sworn - -Sworn- Gershom Sv>>an and Hilman B. Sampson vti�ere dec�ared elected tiuditors for the ensuin� year. 516. 1880. ' Art. � 4. Voted "That the sum of ti��o thousand (2000 ) dollars be appropriated for the support oi the poor the ensuin� vear." " 1�rt 5. 'Voted. "That the susn of t�Menty five hundred ( 2500 ) dollsrs be appropriated for the support oi tho highvva3�s the ensuing year." krt. 6. Voted. "That t;�e sum of nine thousand (9000 ) dollars be appropriated for the support oi the public schools the ensuing year, to be expended as recommended by the School Committee in their report , �� and that three (3000 ) dollars be taken fI'ot�m�Iley now in ;�reasury.'�' - Art. 7. Voted That the sum of •tvJelve hu.ndred (1200 ) dollars be appropriated for the support of the fire department the ensuing yea.r, and that it be expended in' the same manner as last year." `�10.00 Por each man for £ull years services - lirt. 8. �Ioted�. "That the subject be postponeci to the �lpril LTeeting." t1rt. 9. Voted. "That the sum of ten and one half (10.50 ) dollars be paid to 7ames �mery i'rom the con- tingent grant, to reimbursa him ior sxPenses in the ' OTConnell suit." � 2st . 10. Voted. "That the price of the town histories remain the same as nov�, under the same restrictions until fifty copies ara sold. " ' �Toted. That ai'ter said fi1'ty copies are sold the price shall be one and one half (1.50 ) dollars to citizens under the same restrictions , and five dol- lars to non residents." � nrt. 11. Voted. "To reinburse Charles T. �:lest the sum of seven and one half (7.50 ) dollars paid by him for tax bills for 1879." krt. 12. Voted. "That the Selectnen be directed to allow PrIrs Ellen A. Stone to cut down the tree referred to in this article. " �rt. 13. ?roted. "That i.he l�rticle be indefinitely postponed." Art. 14. �Toted. "That the artiele be indefinitely postponed. " Art . 15. Voted. "To refer the sa bject to the Selectmen with instructions to report at the April Meeting." 1880. ' 517 brt. 16. Voted "That the tovrn reimburse the Select- men to the' amount of sixty (fi0 ) dollar� for mone� ` paid by them in settlement o£ suit of Rhoda B.Locke agaihst Charles Iiudson, and that the money be taken from the contingent grant . °' Art. 17. Voted "That the lirticle be indefinitely postponed, " ?.rt. 1B. Voted. "That all ta�es be made payable on, or before December first 1880, and that a discount at the rate of one half of one ner cent for each fu11 montn prior to said date shall be deducted; and on all taxes remaining unpaid at said date interest slzall be added at the rate of seven per cent per annum; and that the Colleetor be instructed to .collect all taxes be£ore Feby i. 1881. °' Arts. 19 & 20. 4oted "That the tivhole ma�tter be referred to s committe� to consider the subject and report at the t�pril �_eeting." Voted. "That said Comnittee be ap-pointed by the Chair" and Gershom Svuan, David A. Tuttle and James S. A�lunroe" were appointed as .such Coimnittee. " Art 2� Voted "Thait instead o£ a�se�sing two thou- sand ( 2000 ) dollars this year in accordance srith the vote passed P:Zarch lst 1375, to pay for the Centennial Celebration, to take taht sum from the funds n�w in the treasury. " Art. 22. Voted "That a Committee of three be ap- pointed bT the Chair to consider Lhe matter and report to tne dpril Il4eeting. " and the Chair ap- pointec� as such Committee . Levi Prosser, �Jarren Duren and George ',^d. Robinson. irt 23. No Committee was ready to report under this xrticle. l�fter declarin`g the result oY the balloting and swearing in such of the neuJly eleeted officers as vJere pressnt the Moder2tor de�lared the meet- ing' dissolved." A true record kttest : Zeonamd .�.Saville ° To;un Clerke 518. 1880 ' ° Lexington P.Zarch 18th 1880. To Leonard A. Sauille, ToL�rn C1erk.' kt a rneeting of the Selectmen heid this t�e 18th day of P,iarch 18f30 the follouving Officers were appointed - L. A. Saville �ideigher and Superintendant of Town Scales, R, hu. Holbrook Public 6�eigher. ° ° ° B. C. ➢Thitcher uleigher of Grain. :lugustus Childs Measurer of +Joofl anfl Bar k. HOT3C8�-- �, n&415. « �� n i' +r Frank V. Butters " " " � " " ° r,. 1�.. .S3Yl�Z@. '� �� rt n � rt Walter ilellington Special Police Officer. 1Villiam F. Glenn " " " Sworn Samuel uJ. Hindley " " ' " E�erett S. Locke �ngineer of Fire Department . Horace i3. Davis ^ " " " �dwin S. Spaulding " " " " Charles T. 'uVest . Janitor of Totivn Hall Buildin�. Ch� les G. Kauffman Sanitor of �ill&�e Hall Albert cd. Bryant Secty, ' for the Soleetmen. Lexingtoi� April 1st 1880 To Leonard A. Saville Esq. Town Clerk. - ' I hereby resign the ofPice of Tomrn Treasurer and Collcctor oP Taxes, to take ef£ect as soor. as' mT successor can be chosen and qualified." ° `�ours RespectPully, Chas m, u'dest. Town Treasurer. 1880 519 UWarrant Por a Town T2eeting i�4onday !�pril 5th 1880 To uJalter ':�lelliiigton Constable of Lexington " Crreetin�: In the name of the Commonv�ealth oz Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and y��arn the inhab- itants' of the T-oMn of F.exington qualified by lavJ to vote in town affairs, to assemble at the Town Hall on P.�onday the fifth day of' April 11 ll 1880 , at One oclock Y.I'.f. to act on the follou�ing Articles, 41Z:— � �rt. ' l. To choose a bToderator. " Art. 2. To fill vacaacies in town offices ii. any exist. Art.3. To choose a Comnittee P�Zan to serve for two years, to fill a vacancy in the Committee Lsving charge of the Cemeteries. Art. 4. To see if the town �vill accept the list of Jurors prepared by the Selectmen. Art. 5. To grant money to defray to�n expenses � the ensuing year. 1irt. 6 . To see iP the tovJn yvill repeal the vote passed i��Tarch 3d 1873, in relation to the Street lamps, or act in an,y mannor relating thereto. Art. 7. T6 see if` the towri wi11 establish a price at ?^�hich the remaining copies of the Town History shall be sold. r.rt 8. To provide for the support of the street la.mps the ensuing year, and �rant money for the sarae. Art. 9. To see i£ the town wi11 cause the tree standing" in the side-v�aLk in I.4ain ,�treet near the house of the Merriam estate to be removed. iirt. 10. To see ii the town will reset a portion ' of the vaall and widen that portion of P�Zonument street, westerly af it'sjunction with the Lincoln road, or act in any manner in reference triereto. 520 1880 �rt . 11. To see if the tourn iuill reconsider the vote of that portion of the appropriation for the support of schools the current year at the D�Tarch iVieeting, whereby the sum o£ :�50o was appropriated to defray the expense of tuition of resident pupils oP Lexir�ton attending the public schools at u�laltha�. �irt. 12. To see if the town will build some horse sheds at the Village FIall, and make an appropria- tion for the sa*ne. Art. 13. To see if the town t^rill makd ar_ appro- priation to finish the upper story o£ the Hancock Lngine house. ` tlrt. 14. To see if the town �rill build tv�o res- ervoirs Por the use of the Pire Department, one at East L�xington near Adams Engine House, and � one at the centre of the Town in the vicinity of " Norris Block, and appropriate money for the same. �lrt. I5. To see if the town vJill make an appro- priation for slatin� a portion of the roof of the Town Ha11 Building, or act in any man:ner in relation to the subject. l�rt. 16. To see if the t�vrn �till instruct the Selectmen to Erant 3icenses for .the sale of in- toxieating liquors the ensuing year, or n;ake an appropriation to enforce the lavJ in regard to the sale of intoxicating liquors. Art. 17. To see if the town wi11 cause the cattle pass on the +laltham road ��vhere it crosses the land a,f kbram B. Smith to be rehuilt , and make an appropriation for the same, or -ac:�t in any manner in relation to the same. Pat. 18. To see if the town will make an appro- priation for the proper observance bf Decora.tion day, �irt. 19. To see ii the totvn will grade P;lerriam St. fronb I�Tain St to the crossing of the I�riddlesex Central Rail Raad and make an sppropriation Eherefor, or act in any manner in relation to tne subject. Art. 20. To see iS the toan will grant the rem�in- ir� portion of Parker St and make an appropriation therefor, or act in ar�y manner in relation to the • subject. 1880. 521 1i.rt. 21: To see if the tovzn will instruct the Surveyors of Hightit�ays to remove all trees stand- ° ing in the highways beside the sideyJalks in front oz a�y �'ence rouheie the space is insufficient to ullo�� the snow plov� to pass. � Art. 22. To see if the tovvn Ntill cause tne cnurch balls to be rung at noon �nd make an appropriation for the same. ° ?st. 23. To see if the tovJn will accept sections 7 F� 8 of Chapter 45 of the General �tatutes in relation to sidevJalks . � 2st. 24. To hear the report of an� Committee ° that may be ready to rePort and act thereon. � Hereof fail not and make due return oi tLis 'r�ar- ° rant with your doings t.;ereon to �,he Tov!n C1e-rk � on or before the time oz said meetin�. Given under our hands st Lexington this ° eighteenth day of March ti. D. 1880. Bradley C. '�uhitclier, ),�electi,!en ° A15ert 'a�f. Bry�nt. ) of Jossph F. Sirnor_�1s. )Lexin�ton. � The Selectmen tirill be in session at their room ° in the TovJn Aall Building th� first and third ° Thursda3rs in each month from thrce tr� six oclock � P.i1. and all deLiands against the i.oyvn Tnust be • presen�ed at such meetings. Lexington P:Zarch 31st 1880. � Pursuant to the fore�oing `sParrant S have notified ' the inhaUitants of bhe Tovan of Leaeington ss therein ° directed. by posting a copy o�' the 'dVarrant dtily ' attested in the Post offices and other public ' places in each villa�e and by leaving a duly at- ' tested copy vJith each Pamil;� in 1;own seven days befole the time of said meet?r�. tittest : uJalt�r ;Vellington, Consta ble of Lexin�ton. A true copy oP the ,Jarrant and return of the Constable. Attest : ° ° Leona^d k. Saville � ° Town Clerk. 522. ' 1880. ° Lexington Monday tipril 5th, 1880. Pursuant to the foregoing �i�arrant the voters of Lexington assembled ati the �own'Hall at the time specified and the meeting'was duly called to order by the Tawn Clerk and the 'ddarrant and return of the Constable read, �and und�r � Art 1. �oted. "That the poll be kept open for three minutes for the Choice of Moderator." and at the e�iration of the time the poll tve.s closed, and ballots counted, and it �n�as zound tha� A.E. Scott i�ras elected'Moderat.or, and he was dulf sworn by the Clerk. �Lrt. 2. �oted. "That vve proceed to ballot for � Treasurer and Collector and Constable all on one ballot and that the poll be kept open till five � oclock P.iv�. `� ' +"J�I. H. Vlhitaker �Jas nominated and chosen as Field Driver." "APter closing the poll and countin� the ballots it was found votes had been cast as iollows. For Treasurer and Collector. �. S. Spaulding .' 2 votes B. � C. cJhitcher 3 votes Sworn. Zdwin S. Spaulding 56 votes, and he was declared elected. For Constab3e. , _ Samuel '�d. FIendiey 3 votes Eli Simonds 52 votes and Sworn. Eli Sirnonds wras declared elected as Constabl�. " P.rt. 3. Vot'ed. "Tnat ;�re elect -a member of the Cemetery Corhmittee for tv�u years by nomination and Luke '�J. �dright was so nominated and chosen." Art. 4. Troted "To accept th2 list of Surors presented by the Selectmen." Art . 5. Voted "That the following sums be appr�- priated and assessed for town eppeases the ensuir� year'" � "TovJn Clerk, . ::-100.00 � iissessors. 425.00 � School Committee 300.00 Treasurer of Cary Librar;� 50 .00 Constab3e and iolice 300.00 Sexton 75.00 kuditors 45.00 , . �?295.00 � � 18�0. 523 � Amount brou�ht £orward �j;1295.00 i�ense of Sideovalks the present year 500.00 Hemoving Snovs 500.00 Cary Library - 600.00 State liid 438.00 Interest 3300.00 Aba.tement of Taxes . 500.00 Salaries of Selectmen in their various " capacitics 800000 Contir�encies I200.00 Treasurer & Collector. �?00.00 Services of Tanitor for To�rn Hall 235.00 _ Printing Tovan Reports and Contingencies 250.00 I0018.OG �?rt . 6: �Toted. "That on and afier this . date, the to��rn refuse to accept arU lamps tendared to � the town un�er the vote of I!.Tarch 3d 1873 except in the discresion of the Selectmen." 13rt. 7. �7oted. "That the price for the remain- ing copies of the Town I3istor5r be Pixed at four dollars (�4,00 ) per copy," :st .8. Voted "That the sum of a;�1100.00 be ap- prapriated Por the support of the Street lamps , for the ensuing ycar," krt. 9, voted. "That tne article be indePinite- ly postponecl. " krt. 10. Vo�ed. "That the matter be referred to the Seleetmen as Surveyors af Hi�hsrays ; �vitih authority to e�end such� sum as may be required." �Lrt. 1L TToted "^lhat the matter be referred to � � the �chool Co.a�itt�e." , �t. 12. Zrotod "That the Select:nen cause sheds ` to be 'huilt at the trillage Na11 and that the surn of two hundred dollars (�200.00 ) be appro- priated therefor." Art. 13. TToted. "That the Selectmen be instruct- ed to cause the u�per story o� the Hancock �ngine " House to be finished and tr�`v tne s� of 'two hundred dollars (3?200.00 ) U"e appro�ria�ed there- for." 524 1880 � �rt 14. �Toted. "That the Engine.ers o`_' the Fire Department be instructed to cause tove reservoirs to be built ; one near the �.dar;is Engine House at East Levington, and one near ISorris Bloc�: in 'th� centr. e vi1laETe at a cost not exceedin� four hundr�d dollars (u400.00 ) «J1zen the abuttors shall suoscribe fifty per cent , of the cost of the samc." Art . 15. Voted. "That the sum of Seven hur_drEd dollars (:,�700.00 ) be appropriated and assessed for the pur�ose of slating a nortion of the roof of the Town Hall building under the direction �' the Selectraen." Art. 16. �Totede "Tilat no licenses b� �ranted, and th�zt tne sum of five hundred dollars (y500.00 ) be appropriated and assessed for the purpose of enforcing the law." Art 17. Voted.� "That the tovJn rebuild the cat- tle pass under the '�Jalthaa road where it cross- es the land of xbram B. Smith and that the sum of fifty dollars �50.00 ) be appropriated there- fo1." , krt. 18. Voted, "That, the sum of s.eventy five dollars. (:;;75.00 ) be appropriated for t he p'roper observance of Decoration Day. " Art. 19. �Toted. "That the article be indefinite- ly postponed. " 2st. ?0. Voted. "That tne matter be referr2d to a Comriittee ." Voted. "That ,said Com�-nittee be the Surveyors of the Hightivays ." t1rt. 21. �'oted That the article be indefinite- ly postponed, " hrt . 22. Voted TliaL the Chureh bells be rung at noon and that the sum of seventy dollars (5�70.00 ) be appropriated therefor,.'� Art 23. Voted "That no action be taken under this artiele, Sections 7 and 8 of Chapter 45 of the General Statutes having already been accept- ed by the toi�n April 22d 1872.T' Voted "That two thirds of tPie money appropriated for the highvvays be expended� before Suly lst �s provided by the Statute." 1II80. 525 �rt 24. Voted. To accept the report of the Com- mittee on the care of the Cemetery Funds (See reports of Committees page 194 ) �Toted "To Accept the report and adoPt the rec- ommendation of the street laTnp`s." (�100.00 ap- propriated ) (See reports of Committee nage 195 ) ° Troted "To accept the report and adopt the recommendations oi the Selectm'en t`o who� vas referred the subject of the Shedd tax title.�� (about �p55,00 appropriated ) (see reports of Corrunittees page 296 ) Pdo further business being in order the Piloder- ator dec3ared the meeting dissolved. A true record ` 'Attest : Leonard A. Saville, ° Tov�a2 Clerk. 528 � 1880 Lexington lTonday liSay 31st 1880 In accordance with the •foregoin� Ldarrant the meeting �vas called to ord�er and the 'Narrant and return of the Comstable , read by the To�,�u7 � Clerk and under Art I. A. �. Scott : was chosen Taiodera�tor and < sworn by the Clerk. � - Ar.t 2. Voted "That the :Selectmen be author- ized to issue as many� licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors, as in tneir judg- ment the heal�h, prasperity and �onor of the town may require." ' (63 voting in the affirma- tive ancl 17 in the negative ) 4oted. "That the ad�ove take '.effect on .June 7th 1880." - - Voted. "Thst the amount of the license be left to the Selectmen. "� , � Art 3. TToted. '"That the Conmittee on Cemeteries oe authorized to repair the fence around the old burying yard near �he Unitariarn Mee�ing house , and cause a suitable inscr�ption to be placed on the slab co�ering the remains oi Rev John Hancock and Rev Tonas Clark and� make other needed improvements and re�airs� at a cost not exceeding seventy five (75) dollars." � Art 4. Voted "To indePinitely postpone the matter." • • .3s�t 5. ?roted "That the su'oject be indefinitely postponed. " • firt 6°. 'Toted. "To rescind the vote passed A�ril 5 1880 �vhereby the Town anpropriated the sum of four hundred (400 ) dollars £or the purpose of building reservoirs." � Voted "To refer the matter of buildin� reservoirs to a committee of three tb report at next to�rn meeting, giving estimates of the aost of suitable reservoirs." and the chsir appointed as such com- �aittee Franklin Fa^tch, Gershom Swan and Everett Zocke . 41 Joting in the efiirmative and 27 in the negative. ' isrt 7. Voted "To appropriate the sum of three hun- dred (300 ) dollars in ad�lition t�o the amount appro- priated April 5 1880 for the purpose of slating the roof of the Tovrn Hall building." I880 529 Art 8. Voted "That the appropriation voted Ag•ril 5th 1880 in relation to expense oi sidewalks the present year may be so construed as �o agply to concrete sidewalks where the abuttors vrill oay one half of the expense." . < Art 9. The Selectmen made a report (see reports Committees Page 197 ) on grading the remaining portion of Parker Street , �Toted. '°That the report be accepted." �Toted. "That the reco�nendations of t:�e report be adopted." . Voted TM�hat this meeting be now dissolved . " A true recmrd , Attest : Zeonard A. Saville. Town C1erk. ----- Affidavit of Collector of Taxes. ---- I hereby certiEy that I ha�re made a demand oi the iollawing named persons for the amount of Taxes due the To�vn of Lexgngton from them Por the year 1879. � tLnnie n�Ianning, by mailing to her address a tivritten demand for said Taxes Feby 8th 1880. D. Cutts Nye. hy posting in a cons�icious place on his premises a written demand f� said Taxes P,Tch 17th 1880> C�mbrose I�i Cushing, by leaving at his place of • business on P:ich 23d 1880 a written deraand for said Taxzs. � ° Geo, r. Tripp, by mailing to his last knovan place of residence on Dec 19th 1879 a written demand for said Taxes. Geo rlint, by mailing to his address on Feby Z3 18�0 a written demand £or said Taxes. Charles T. Vdest Collertor for 1879. P�Ziddlesex ss. Lexington June 3d 1880. Then per- sonally appeared Charles T, cdest Colleci;or oP Taxes for 1879 and made oaLh that the statement b,y him subscribed is true. Before r�e � Leonard ls. Saville Justice , of the Peace. A true copy. Attest : I,eonard �i. Saville. • Town^ Cl�rk. 530 1880 ';Varrant Por a Town P.�Ieetin� Tuesday Pdovember 2d 18E0. To ':Jelter +7ellington Constable of Lexington, Greeting. You are hereby required in the n��e of the Co�- monwealth of T:Zassachusetts to notify and �varn the inhabitants oi the Tot�rn of Lexin�,ton qua.li-. fied Uy lat�v to vote in State and County aifairs, to assemble at t�e Toi�rn Hall on Tuesday the sec- ond day of November A. D< 1��0 at 12 o* clock P;i, to cast their ballots for the following S�ational, State County and District oPficers, viz : Presiden'tial �lectors, Represeni.ative in Con�ress for 5th ➢istrict, Governor; Lieuter.ant Governor, Councillor; Secretar3T oP the Common- weali,h; Treasurer end Reciever General; auditor; Attorney General;' Senator for secor_d I�iidd_lssex District ; Representative in General Court for 18th S�iiddlesex District ; Comnissioners of Insol- vzncy; District tlttorney� Sherifi; County Com- missioner :and tvvo SPecial County Commissione-s . The Selectmen will recieve votes for tho above named Of?icers all on one ballot. The polls will be opened immediately after the organization of the meeting and will be kept open unti2 four o'clock and so �uch longer as the meetin� nay dir- ect, not to extend beyond svnset. Hereof fail not and r�ake due return of this GVarrant with your doings thereon, to theTown Clerk on .or before t�e tLme of said meeting. Given undgr our hands at Lexington this, fourteenth day oP October &. D. 1880. Bradley C. ;uhi�cher, ) Selectmen ti�bert '�J, 1_3r�an,t. ) of Joseph F. Simonds. ) Zexington The Selectmen v�ill be in session at their room in the Totiv� Aa�l building on Thursday the ?lst day of Octoher inst from three to six o'clock P.PJ;. and on Saturday the 30th day of October inst. from 7 to ZO o'clock P.LZ.to revise ihe registry of voters, and no name can be added to the re�- istry after 10 oclock P.P!1. o�' Saturday Oct 30th 1880. 18E30. 531 Lexington Oct 26 1880. , "r'ursuant to the foregoing 'iJarrant I ha�re notified the inhabitants of the Town of Lexinoton as tl� re- in dir2eted by posting a dul;� attested cony there- of in ti�ro puhlic places in each village and bT leavin,e a copy duly �ttested cvith each Pamily in the to�un seven da5rs at least before sai d meeting. Attest. ',;dalter PJellington. Constable of Lexington. �Varrant for a Town 1�Teeting Tuesday P7ovember 2d 1880. To Walter 'ulellington Constable of Lexington, Greeting; In the name of the Common�vealth of Niassachusetts you are hereby required to notify and ��arn the in- nabitants of the Town of Lexingtan quaTified by iaw to vote in To��n affairs, to assemble at the Town i-Tall on Tuesday Tv'overnber 2d 1880 at 2 o 'clock P.P,I. to act on the follota�ing article � viz. , i�,rt. 1. To choose a S,lodera!�or. ;irt. 2. To hear a communication froci Samuel �. Bridge and act on the same. :irt 3. To hear the report of ar�y Committee that , may be ready to report, and act thereon. Hereof fail not and make due return of this GJarrant with your doings thereon to the Totian C1erk on or before the time of said meet- ing. Given under our hands at Zexin�ton this 21st day of October A D 1880. - B. C. Whitcher ) Selectcaerl klbert; +d. Bryant ) of Joseph F. Simonds ) Lexin�;ton. Lexington Oct 26 - 1880 Pursuant to �he fore�oin� ':�darrant I have notifieel the inhabitants of the Town as therein directed, by leaving a duly cttested cop� �r�ith each family in the tovJn and by pos.tin� a cop�r thereoz duly attested in �.YVO public places in each village seven days before the time of said meeting. tittest. �;dalter 'cfellington ` Constable of Lexington. " A true copy of both �darrants and returns . Attost : Leonard A. Saville, Town Clerk. 532 1880 Lexington TSovember 2nd 1880 In accordance with the foregoirgtilarrant issued the fourteenth day oP OctoUer A D 1880, the Town Clerk called the meeting to order at th2 time s� ecified and read the VVarrant and return of tihe Constable, after whieh the polls, �vere declared opened for bal- lots £or the different officers named in the �darrant. The meeting for tovun business as specified in the Gdarran� issued the ttiventiy first day o£ Oc�ober A D 1880 and recorded on the previous page, was called to. order by the Town Clerk at 2 oclock P.N1. and the :Iarrant and return read, and under . krt , l. Voted. "That the polls be kept open three minutes fc�r ballots for IsTaderator; " and vJhen the time had. elrpired and the ballots had been counted it was declared that Augustus �'. Scott ;saas chosen as Noderator,and he was duly sworn by. the Clerk. Art 2. Under this article the i ollo�.Ring cormnuni- cation was presented and read b�T the I�4odaretor; "Bos�on Highlands Oct 25 1880 B.C. ':lhitcher Esq. , Chairman of the Board of Select�en, Le�ingtpn, Gentlemen. It is an honorable custom among tovans to preserve in their archives, rae�orials of dis- tinguished sons, �vho have rendered important ser- 41CP, � 't0 the State. In furthera�ce of this custom, I desire to present to the To�n of Lexington, � portrait of the late SdIa�thetiu Bridge, taken at the age of fil, and one of his wife 41ice Parker, at the a�e oz 76. The former was painted by P�roth- ingham and the latter by Badger, bo�h artists of deserved reputation, and pronounced by those who knew them to be exeellant likenesses. P;Fatthew Brid�e was born at Lesington January 25 1753, married Alice Parker �lpril 29 1779, ,�emoved to Charlestoivn in 1784, � v�here he becarne prominent merchant, acquired a large property, and was • highly respected by all classese He served in various, mtinicipal of£ices and was a me.mber of both branches of tha Legislature oP PvTassachusetts. I ask th� acceptance of the portraits, and desire to have them iiung in the Town Hall for preserva- tion. ;jith kind regards to the people of the Town, and an earnest hope of its future progress, I am very resp;ectfully, 1880 P:Taria L. Baker." 533 The portraits were placed upon the platform �;ith - a veil over them and after the ab w e letter was read. the veil vvas removed and they were exhibit- ed to the audience, and after remarks b,y Hon Charles Hudson, Rev. E. G. Porter Johr_ J. RaTner and others it was Voted '�t�esolved, That the portraits of the late ivlatthesa Bridge and Alice Parker his wife , be accepted by the Town and hur� in the Towh Hall Building for preservation, Resolved, That the thanks of the Town, be presented io P,Trs P�Taria lane Baker, for the giPt of the portraits above mentioned, so valuable as meraorials oi its early histor3r and so grace- £ully given, Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions be transmitted to her. "� . On NIotion, of Hon Charles I3udson, S+Ir Samuel S. Bridge ovas introducted who vvith a fevJ prelim- inary remarks presented the £ollowing; "Bos�on November ls� 1880 To the Irillabitants of the Tovun of Lexington in the County of P.iiddlesex and State of TvTassachu- setts. I propose to establish a permanent fund for the benefit of the deserving poor oi the To��n of Lexington, to be called the '°Brid�e . Charitable Pund." The conditions and instructi�ns cahich I wrrish observed.; are fully set fortn i.n the in- strument of Trus� by me execute3, and I re- �pectfully ask the accep�ance of the Trus� Deed by the inhabitants of Lexington. � Very respect£ully . Samuel Jo Bridge." Deed of Trust. knova a11 men by these Presents, That I Samuel . 7. Bridge hereb� give to the inhabitants of the TovJn of Lexington, in the County of P:�id- dlesex, and State of ilassachusett5 , the sum of T�,vo `^housar_d Dollars ; a permanent Fund, to be called the �'Bridge Charitable llznd" to be held in �iust by said To�,rn, for the pur�oses, andin manner hereazter mentioned., to i�rit ;- Said sum of Two Thousand Dollars, is to be invested in a PToie oP said TovJn of Lexin�ton, or some otiier To�rn, in P�iassachu- setts, or . in some safe, �003 and reliable security, and ttivo thirds of the annual in- , come accruing i-rom said Trust Fund, s�ll 534 1880 Se� Reports be annually distribtttedor, expended at Christ- oP Committ- mas, or in Deceraoer or January, or other ees Page suitable time, at the descretion of the �e- 198 See m lectmen, or the Overseers �i' the Poor of said Meeting. of Totiun of Lexington, among tne deserving poor April 9, of said Town of Lexin�ton �Jithout distinction 1883 Page of ser or religion. . knd I wish no especial 49. �Tol- publiczty to be given 1� the names of the urle ��pril partios, receiving the benefit from said Fund. 1881 to - ^lhe resaining one third of the income shall See Art 21 be reserved annually, and placed at interest of Meeting in some safe security until the said one of T�4arch third reserved, sha11 with accumulated inter- 5 1883, est thereon arnount to Two Thousand Dollars; Page 40 ti7en the annual income of said l+our ^lhousand �rolume Dollars, may Ue distributed or expended on .�pril , the des�rving poor of said Town of Lexington 1�81 to - in the manner aforesaid, The Selectmen for the time bein� , shall have financial care of said Fund and shall be con- stitute Trustees thereof; And theST shall re- port the state of the �.ind whenever request- ed at an�T Toivn Dleeting of the Tov�n of Lexing- . ton aforesaid. annually. The Toi�-� !;lerk undar the direction of the Selectn�en shail annual]� Yeep a record of the distribution or expenditure of the income oP said Pund for the in2osmation and guidance of succeeding TovJn officers, which shall be accessable to the Qverseers oi the Poor at any time. �ind this Deed ot Trust shall be recor�ed by the Town C1erk in the records of said To�vn of Lexington. . In v�itness �Rhereof I. Samuel J. Bridge have this first day of November eighteen hundred and eighty, ,signed and ssaled this instruaient. Saml. 7. Bridge (Sea1 ) Ler.ir�ton County of P,4iddlesex and State of S��assachusetts. I tYie undersigned Treasurer of the '�ev�n oFLaxing- ton a£oresaid hereby acknowledge. the receipt of Two Thousand dollars contributed by Samuel J. Brid�e �squire , �to the establishment of the Bridge Charit'able Fund in said Lexington, on the conditions set forth in his Trust lleed. Ler>ington IJovember 8th 1880 Edwzn 5. Spaulding. Town Treasurer. kfter � brief history of �ne Bridge fatn'11y from their settlement in this country to the present time, by P,�Lr Samuel J. Bridge and after various remarks on the subject of the above donation 01' the Trust' b'und, by diiferent persons the fol- lowing was offered and adopted� by the Town, � � 1880 535 "At a P4eeting of the� Inhabitants of I,er,ington in the County of Middlesex and State of P:Zassa- chusotts legally notified on tlze 2nd da�r of Plovember 1880. The second article in the o�arrant for said meetin� beir� under consideration it was Voted: That the said Inhabitants of Lexington in Town meeting assembled, hereby accept the Trust Deed of Samuel S. Bridge Esq �herein he proposes to establish a Trust P'und to be ca11- ed the Brid�e Charitable Fund, for the benePit of the deserving poor of the TovJn of Lexington. i�nd the Treasurer of the TouJn is hereby author- zzed to` receipt on the part of the To�vn for the Two Thousand Dollars giTren by said Trust Deed for the purpose aforesaid, whenever said sum is tendered by said Samuel J, Brid�;e. �7oted: - That the thanks of the Town are here- by presented to said Samuel J. Briclge , for his generous and thougntPul considesation, and that the doings oi the Town �n relation i,o his acceptable gift be inscribed in the TouJn Records. � Voted: - That a copy of the �.bove votes be transmitted to P�� Bridge . Voted: That a Conmittee of three be appointed to �onsidcr and and report at the next Tovan NIeeting, as to the manner oi invesi,ir� the fund presented to the To�Jn by Samuel JoBridge. ??oted. "That said Committee be chosen by norn- ination" and Hon Charles Hudson, Sohn J.R�ner and George 0. Davis were so nominated anfi chosen. Art 3. P7o Committee be'ir� ready to report tne rneetin� for Town business tivas dee3ared dissolved. � true record: Attest. Leonard A. Saville, ToUm Clerk. The meeting £or the election of Na'tional State, County and District officers , v�as extended to half past four, as the time of ciosing the polls, and at the expiration of the time the ballots t�rere counted and the fo1lo�Ring result declared by the Chairman of the Selectmen> 536 1880 ---- For Presidential �.lectors. ---- ---- At , L�:rge. ---- Paul ls. Chadbourne oP Guilliamstown. Two Hundred and seventy eight. 278. John M. Forbes, of SdIilto�, Tcvo Hundred and seven- ty eight , 278. 7osiah C=. :ibba�tt oi Boston, One Hundred and fifty five. 155. Jonas H, rrench. oP Gloucester, One Hundred and fi£ty five. 155. ---- District I�To. 1. ---- Pdarshall �. IInderwood of Denais. Two Hundred and seventy eight. 278, Philander Cobb of Yingston, One Hundred and fifty five.l55. � ---- Dist�ict No. 2. ---- Vdilliam C. Lovering of Taunton, Two Hundred and seventy ei�ht. 278, Peter Butler oP Quincy, One I:undred and fiPty five,l55. ---- District DTe. 3. ---- P:Toody P�Terrill of Boston, Two Hundred and seventy eight . 278. �sdward B. Rankin, of Boston One Hundred and fifty five, i55. ---- District i?o. �4. ---- Ru�s S. I'ros�, of Chelsea, TvJo IIundred and seven- ° ty eight. 278. Charles Levi �doodbury of Boston, One Hundred and fifty five, 155. ---� District No. 5. ---- tlmos F. Breed, of Iynn, Two Hundred and seventy ei�ht. 278. Christopher Z. Rymes. of Somerville, One Hundred and Pifty fiv�. --- District No. 6. ---- Augustus N. C1� k of Begerly, TrJo Hundred and seventy ei�ht. 278. � Sames I3. Carleton, of Iiaverhill„ One Hundred ,and fifty five . 155. ---- IJistrict T7o. 7. ---- Prancis Sewett, of Lowell, mvJo vundred and seventy eight. 278. Jonn G . Sanborn, of Lawrence, One I3undred and £ifty � �ive . 155. ---- District DTo. 8. =--- James ::. �J. Hall, of Cambriclge, Two Hundred and seventy eight. 278. • Leverett Saltonstall, of DTe��aton,� One Hundred and £ifty �ive. 155. � ---- District P;o. 9. ---- Cha�les �. u�rhitin, of Northbridge, 1^vao Hundred and seventy eight. 27E3. � Ld�vin Conant , of :Ior. cester , One Hundred and Pifty five. 155. � ---- District P�o. 10. ---- 6Villiam B. C. Pearsons , of Holgoke , Two Hundred and seventy eight . . 278. T�ahum Harwood of Leomittster , One Hundred and Sifty five, 155. ---- District PTo. I1. ---- 'dJiiliam �. Plunkett of b3ams . Two Hundred and seventy �ight .278. Samuel af. Bov�erman of Pittsfield, One Hundred and fifty five. 155. I880. 537 ---- ror Gover�or. =--- John ll. Long of ningham, Two Hun�red and seventy nine: , ` � Charles P. Thompsori of Gloucester, One Hundred and fifty-four. 154. ---- For Lieuten�nt C=overaior. ---- " Byron uJeston, of Dalton, TvJo Hundred and seventy nine.` 279. Alpha E. Thompson of ';doburn, One Hundred and fiPty f our`. 154. ---- For` Secretary of the Coramonwealth.--- Henry B. Peirce oP Abington, Tv�o Hundred and ei,�ty 280. Llichael T. llonohoe, " oi Sornerville, One Hundred and fbrty eight`. 148. � ---- For Treasurer and Receiver General. ---- Daniel A, Gleuson, of I�Tedford, TcJo Hundred and seventy nine. 2,79. ' �'rancis S. Parker of N'eyvt�n, One Hundred and fifty four.' 154. � ---- For iiuditor. ---- Charles R. Ladd,of Springfield, TvJo Hunc.red and _ se�enty nine. 279. CharTes R. �' iel.d, of C,reenfield, One Hundred and £iftg four. 15�i. < ---- For rlttorney General. ---- Coor;�:e PrT�rston, ot I1ew Bedford, Two Hundrecl and eighty. 280. � � Patrick 1�. Collins of Boston. One :iundred and ' forty nine. 149 . ---- For Representaiive to Concress �iFth District ,---- Selivyn 'Z. Bowman of Somerville, TiJo :�undred and ' sixty, 260. Lucius B�ebee of �dakefield, One Hundred and seventg five. 175. ---- Por Sheriff. ---- Lben `ii`. P'iske, of ':Valtham, Two Hundred and. eighty, 280a � Go3frey ^lyder of P,Iedford� One Hundred and Pift;� three . 153. ---- For District :lttorne;� DTorthern Disi:rict.---- udilliam B. Stevens, of Stonehar,i, Tvao Hundred and seventy nine. 279. 3ames J`. P.�ScCaf£erty, of Loyvell, One Hundred and , , fifty two. 152. , � ---- For County Commissioner. ---- fIarrison Harvaood, of NaticK, Two Hundred and seventy nine. 279. Thomas H. Hill, of `;'Joburn, One Hundred and fi£ty four. 154. ---- I'or Special County Co:nmissioilers. ---- ' Samuel Staples, af Coneord� Two Hundred and sevent;� ` ninz. 279. Edward L+'. Thornpson of ;Joburn, Two Hundred anci seventy nine. 2790 , ` Letvis P. True of r�'verett, One Hundred and fiPty four. 154. Clement Meserve� oP Hopkinton, One Hundred and fifty four. 154a ---- For Councillor - Third District. ---- �ustace C. Fitz. of CheZsea, Tv�o Hundred and eighty, 280' Iinowlton S. Chafiee of Cambridge', One Hundred and fifty three. 153. " 538 1�80 ' ' ---= I`or Commissioner of Insolvency. ---- Frederic T. Greerllalge. of Lov�e11, Two Hundred and sevent5r nine. 279. John Haskell Butler, of Somerville, Two Hundred and seventy nine. 279. ' ' Clark :L. Batchelder, of ayer, Two Hundred and " se��enty nine, 279. James 'ud. I!�ic�onald, of P.,�arlboro, , One Hundred and fi£t5r four. 15�. John �d. Bra�don, of �fiedford, One Hundred and fz£ty four. 7_54. ° " Jopn H. P�-Iorrison, of LorUell, One E3undred and fifi;y four. 154. - ---- F�or Senator, Second I1liddiesex District. ---- Robert R. Bishop . of l�ecuton, Ttiao Hundred and sevent5r nine, 279. � � '�Jilliara �.. Plurr�er, of T�ietiJ�on, One Hundred and fifty four ,° 154. � . ---- For RepresentatiVe to° Gener�l Court, - E2ghteenth b2iddlesex Diatrict. ---- Charles �. Corey, of Bedford° Tcvo Hundred and se�enty three 273. Frederio ti. Cutler of Bedford, One Hundred and fifty four. 154. &fter the declaration of the foregoing ballots, the votes cast and the check� list cJ�re sealed as provided by law after vJhich the meeting was • declared dissolved. � A true record. bttes�t : Leonard h. Saville, �'own Clerk. Dedford 1liass 2dov 3d 1880. A P�Ieetin�- o�' the Tovrn Clerk's of the town of Lexington, Billerica, Bedford; and Burlington, comprising the eighteenth NTiddlesex� Represent- ative District�, was holden at the Town Hall in Bedford at noon tnis day, and on comparing the returns from the several towns, it was found ° that ballots had been cast as follows. � ington. Lexington,Billerica,Bedford,Burl. Charles A.Corey, of Bedford. 273•. 292. 108. 63:736 Frederic A.Cutler of Bed#'ord154. 1. 61. 58-274 ',Ji11i2:m R.Ha�Tden,of Bedi'ord 3. - 3 Benjamin Heald, of Billerica 1- 3 and a cer�ificate o£ election �atas aceordingly issued to Charles r�. Corey� of Bedford, and a like certificate returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, signed by ° � Leonard. i�. Saville, Town Clerk oP Lexington, � lludley Foster, " " " Billerica. Charles A. Corey, " 14 " Bedford, Samuel Sewall, " � " • �� Burlington. �1 true record Attest : � Leonard A. Sa4ille, � Town Clerk of Lexington. 1880. 539 Bequest of Abigail Buttrick. TQun Treasurer' s Office �exington Nov lst 1880. Pursuant to a vote of the Inhabitants of the Touan o£ L�xington in Touan Pleeting assemble d on the 2nd day oi' November I875. The Tcsvrn '�reasurer herehy ackriom�ledges the receipt of Ttvo fIundred (200 ) dollars from flbigail Buttrick of Lexin�ton the interest of which is to be annually e�;pended in accorance with said vote and �hap.225 of the acts of 1L70 upon Lot numbered 105 in Town Cemetery near to the High School House, � in said Lexin�ton in dressing and care of said Iot, monuraents, vJalks, and the avenues adjacent thereto. E. S. 3paulding, Toutn Treasurer. ' Lexington Dec 9 1880 Received £or Record. A true copy Attes�. Leonard �A. Saville, To�vn Clerk. Hequest of Caira Robbins, Town Treasurer 's Office Lexington P,iass. Sany 20th �881. Pursuant to a vote of the inhabitants oz the Town of Lexington in Town Nleeting assembled on the 2nd day of November 1875. The TovJn Treasurer hereby acYnowledges the roceipt of'Three Hundred Dollars from bTiss Caira Robbins of Lerington, the interest of �vhich is to be annually expended in accoadance with said vote and ChaP. 225 of the llcts of 1870, upon a certain lot or lots in the RobUins Cemeter;r in East Lexington near the East Lexi�ton Dopot in dressing and care of said lot o�r loi,s, monuments, w�11�s and 1;he avenue adjacen� theretoe E. S. Spaulding, Totivn Treasurer, Lexin�ton Jany 20th 188I. Received fo'r Record. A true copy, kttest : Izona:d 1_, Saville, Town Clerk. 540 I881. 6Varrant f.or a To�yn S;�eecing �P,'Ionday IvI2.?'ch 7th 1881. To 'c�Jalter ��Iellington, il Cnnstable oP i,exington Greetin�: In tne narne oP the Co�monwealth of ➢�fassachusetts you are here- by required te notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town oP Le,.ington, qualified by 1av�� vo vote in Town ai'fairs , to ass�mnle at the Town Ha11 or_ NTonday the seventh day of P,Zarch �l�. ]5. Z883 at , nine oclock k.PiI. to act on the iollowing articles, � Y1Z.- Art . l. io choose a 1�Ioderator. �rt 2. To choose Town OfSicers for the ensuing year, including one Schoal ConLmittee man for the term of three fears, and one School" Committee �an for the teru� of ttitio year. Art. 3. To choose one cor,isittee man for three years, to fill a vacancy on the committee havin� charge of the Cemeteries. krt.4. To see` �hether the Town will Ib its vote � Y or otlzer�vise ask the Zegislature to extend to women who are citizens the right to hold Town of- Yices and to vote in Town affairs on the same terms as male citizens. Art. 5. To see if the Town will choose a Committee to examine the roads and report at the hpril L4eet- in�, tivhat permanent improvements and changes, if an;r, our hi�hways require. I�rt. 6. To see i£ the Town ��ill authorise their Treasurer, under the direction of t,he Selcetmen , to borrow money in anticipation of taxes ; the � same to be paid directly irom the proceeds thereof. � ° tirt. 7. To see what aetion tMe Town wi11 take in regard to furnishir� a suptly of water ior Pire ' purposes and appropriate money for the same. �irt.8. �To see if the Town �uill taye the cauinet case and its contents, procured by Hon. Charl2s ` Hudson,and place the 1F381. 541 same in the Ilall of the Cary Librar;�, prouided the case and contents c�n be had at actual cost; or act in ar�,v manner in reiation to said cabinet. �rt. 9. To hear and act upon the rePort of the corn�aittee chcvsen to take into consideration and report as to the manner of investin� the rund left to the Town by Samuel J. Bridge. Ljrt . 10. To s2e if the Ton�n - the school cocrmittee consenting - tivill �rant the free use oP the un- occupied room in the 8dams Sehool I3ouse Por a free public reading room; also as a depository for books particularly for tne benefit a�zd further ad- � vancement of the �,raduating classes of the grammer school, who do not or cannot , continue tne advan- tages to be derived °fro� the H; gh Sc'rioole ° Art. 11. To see if the Town will instruct the Selectr.Zen to �etition the County Comsnzssioners to estsblish the bounds and mak e such alterations as in their judgment raay be expedient on T��Iain Street from :irlington� line to the entranee of the estate of '�dilliam i�. Totiver. l�rt . 12. To provide for tne suppart of the Poor the ensuing year, and to grant money for the same. Art. 13. To provide for t.he repairs oi the High- ways the ensuing year, and grant money Por the same. Art. 14. To provide for the support of the Public Schools the ensuing year, inc�uding their several grades, and to grant mor�ey for the same. Art. 15. To provide for the su�port of the Fire Depart�ent the ensuing year, and� to grant money for the sa�e: krt. 16 . To provide for the support of the Street Larnps the ensuing year, and to grant money for the saane. ' a.rt 17. To see vrhat measures tha iov,ar tioill adopt in relation to the Collection of Taxes the ensuing year, or act ih any manner in relation to the subject. 542 1881. � P.rt. 18. To see i£ the Town vvill make an appTopri- ation to repair the plastering in the i.:asonie Ha11, Art. 19. To hear the report oi any Comraittee that may be read.y to report, and act thereon. Hereof fail not and make due return of this Wariant, �Ritn your doings thereon to the Totrt�n Clerk on or before the time of said meetinE. Given under our hands at Lexington this seventeenth day of February :�. D�. 188I. B. C. VJhitcher. )Selectmen Albert vJ, Bryant. ) of Joseph F. Simonds. )Lexington. The Selectmen irtrill Ue in session at their room in the Town FI�Yl on Thursday March 3d 1881 from three to six oclock P.TvT. ' and on Saturday T,4arch 5th i881 from sevent to ten oclock P.D�7. to reaise th� �rot- ing Zist , and no name can be added after the last nameddate. Lexington T��arch 3d 1881, Pursuant to the instructions containea in the fore- going �Jarrant I have notiiied the innabitants of the Tovan as therein directed by leavin� a duly attested copy thereof with each family in the Toi�Jn seven daJs before the time of tne meetin� and by posting a duly attested cop�r tnereoP in the Pos� oifices and other public plaaes in eacYi village. Attest : VJalter u7ellington, Constable oi Lex- inoton. _A true copy of the ;Jarrant and return of the Con- stable. Attest : Leonard A. Saville, Town G1erk. Lexington PdIarch 3d 1881. _ This certifies that i have this da�; destroyed by burnin�, the ballots Cast at the e3ection for State County and District oPficers on DTovember 2d 1880. Leonard, �1. Saville, To,�rn Clerk_. 1881. , 543. Lexin,�,ton IVtarch 7th 1881. The meeting called for in the prooeeding iPar- rant was called to order by 'the To�vn C1erk as soon after nine Oclock !�. Tv1. as a quorum. �vas �resent, the GJarrant and return of the Constable read and the business proceeci�fl as follows. i'.rt. 1. �Io'te@ "That the polls remain open five minutes ior the choice of_.a Moderator. rlugustus E. Scott �vas chosen� as TvToderator and was sworn bJ the Clerk to the iaithful diseharge of his dut�r. tsrts 2 & 3. Voted� That krticles 2 and 3 be taken up together, and that under those iirticles voe proceed to choose all on one ballot, the fol- , louaing Officers viz :- Three Selectmen, v�ho shall also be Overseers of the Poor, and Sur�re�rors of Highwsys, - One Town Clerk, - Three l�ssessors, - One Treasurer mfho shall �ls� be Collector of Taxes, - Two Constables, - One School Co�mittee man for the term of three years,-One School Couimittee man for the term of t�rro years, - One Cemetery Comrnittee mah _for the term oz three years, and Two �udito�s, and t�at the polls be k�pt open until 5,15 oclock P.I�i. " Voted, "That the reports oP the several Town officers as printed be considered be£ore the Town for action during the day." • � 'Toted, "�"hat the speakers on the various questions that may arise be lir�ited to ten minutes each." The polls �Rers then declared open for tne cl7oice oP officers� Voted "That the officers chose� by nomination be now chosen." ° Field Drivers • - � (Sworn) (Sworn) E. Bigelow l�inship , Lyman �J. Estabrook, and Herbert L. lJellington, �ver. e nominated and chosen as Field Drivers, for the year ensuing. Fence Viewers. (Swarn) (sworn ) � (Sworn ) ° B. T. Batcheller, Hon�land Holmes and Hammon Reed, were nominated and chosen as Fence T7`ieti�ers for the year ensuing. Surveyors of I.umber. (S�rorn ) (Sworn) A11 Sworn Leonard ASaville David A Tuttle, �.�rere nominated � and chosen as Surveyors of Lumber for the year < ensuing. Lroted. That i;he Selectmen be authorized to appoint � the other 544 1d81. � � Town ofiicers not elected by ba3lot. The A,Soderat�r appointed a Committee oF tnree con- � sisting of Sohn N. P.Rorse George E. PJ_`uzze;� and PJil- liam H. P..ulliken, ta assist in sorting and count- ing the ballots cast for Town o�ficers and at the eonclusion of their labors the T�Ioderator announced � �he follovaing result . � � � To.Jn �lerk. Leonard A.Saville (286) T��;o Aundred. and eighty six cotes ° Otis Harririgton (Z) one vote a.nd Sworr,. Leonard r�. Sa�ille �.�ras declared elected as Town Clerk for tne year ensuing. Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors ef • Hzgh�;ays. Bradle�r C. 4'fhitcher, (184 ) ; One Hundred and eigY�ty four vctes. Albert �°T. Br�rant, (178 ) One Hundred and seventtr eight votes . Joseph F. Sirnonds, (152 ) One Kundred ar_d Pifty ttivo votes� Gdebstes• Smith (146 ) One Hundred and Sorty six votes. Francis L+'. Ballard. (112 } One Hundred and t�velve votes. rranklin Alderman ( 98 ) Set�enty aignt votes. Franklin Hllderman (2 ) TvJo votes. < �lbert T�. Briant , (1 ) One vote: Joseph F� . Sirnonds, (1 ) one vote. Peter Daley - . (1) one vote. . and (sworn) (S�Frorn) (sworn) all s�vorn Br�dlay: C. Sdhitcher, Albert rd. Bryant and Joeeph F. Simonds, were declared elected Selectmen ior the year . ensuing. ° Assessors. Josoph F. Simcnds ( 282 ) Tc�o Hundrecl and eighty two votes. " ' ° Horace t�. Davis (242 ) Tvua Hundred and forty t�o sotes. �dalter �;Jellin;ton, (19E3) One Hundrad and ninety eight votes. " Geor�,e Stearns, (82 ) Ei�h`ty tuJo votese ' Abram B. Sm�th. (42 ) FortJ t��o votes. A.B.Smith, (2 ) Ttivo votes. Hillman B. Saspson (2 ) Two votes.' , Prancis �. Ballard' (1 ) One �rote , and (Sworn) (Sworn) (S�rornj all Stiaorn' Tosepki F. Simonds Horace B. Davia anP� 'iValter '�Telling- ton vJere declared elected Assessors for the year er_- suing. Treasurer and Collector of Taltes. Charles T. uJest (166 ) One Hundred and sixty si�> votes . Ed�rin S. Spaulding (118 ) One Hunda�ed znd e.ighteenvotes. Ldovard S. Spaulding and Ee Spaulding (I ) one vote eacn C. T. uJest � (1 ) vote and 1881. � 545 Sworn Charles T. Vlest was �ieclared e?ecte� Treasurer and Collector of T�r,es for the year ensuing. ° SchooZ Committee for �erm o£ three years . Sanies 1�. Reed (201 ) Tvao Hundred and one votes. James Russell Reed (82 ) Eighty tti�o votes. Ellen A Stone Tr . (8 ) L+ight voies. A.E. Scatt. E. �. Locke. S3rlvester Puffer and Jerry Callahan (1 ) one vote each and Jariies R.Reed evas doclared elected School Committee man £or the terms oP three years. ' School Committee for the term of t�ro years. Albert Vi�. Bryant . (194 ) one Hvndred and ninety four votes. E11en A. Stone Sr. (69 ) sixty nine vetes. Helen !i. Stone , Henry o�estcott , Ellen 3 Dana, Chas P. Nunn, Geo. H. Reed, 7Jilliara Ivturphy, Timothy Shea, OUren PdIcDonald, �atrick Keileher, Robert J Elliott, Jeremiah Callafian, neter T3irra- ingham, and Black Tdiicheal OBrien (1 ) one vote and Albert VJ. Bryant ivas declared elected School Corumittee P:Zan for the term oi t�ao years. Constables. ` 'd�altcr UJellington (203 ) Two Hundred and 'three votes. Hilman B. Sampson, (161 ) One Hundred and sixt�T rone votes. James A. Mitchell„ (80 ) ei�ht3T vates , Hora.ce B. Davis. ( 79 ) Sevent;� nine votes . Hillman B: Sampson (46 ) Porty six vctes. VJ �dellin�ton 3oseph F. Simonds, Oliver ;!�. Kendail, i�Tichael OBrien'one vote each and `�dalter ude?ling�on Svvorn and Hilman B. Sampson were ' 3eclared eleci;ed Con- stables for the year ensuing. . .�uditors. Gershom Svuan, (236 ) T��vo Hundred ' and "thirty six votes. ° Hilrnan B. Sampson, (157 ) One Hundred and fiity seven votes. " Dayid li. 2`uttle, (82 � �ighty two votes, Gershr�m Swan (46 } Forty six vo�es. Hillm�in B. Sampson (46 ) Forty'-six Potes, Charles T. 'vlest end Daniel T. Desmond one vote each all stiJorn and Qsworn) (S�aorn) Gershom Swan and Hilman B Sampson v;ere delcared elected �:uditors for the year ensuing. Coramittee on Cemeteries for three Srears. Timothy H Bo�ver, (280 ) Tti�ro Hundred and eighty votes. K. �'. Seott , L.A.Saville, 1�lbe�t Fessenden, Ase�h u�f. Phillips Patrick Daeey onc vot� each, 546. 1881. and Timothy H. Bowen �Rus declared` elected Conimittee m�r� or_ Cemeteries for �he term of three years. Art 4, Voted "That when the vote b� 'talcen it be by pollin� the house. " On pollln� the house sixteen `(16 ) voted in favor of askin� the Legislatuse and �v✓o (2 ) a�ainst . Roted. "That" the Tovvn Clerk be' instructed to report to the Legislature the result of the vote ; i,he num- Uer ai those vaho voted in �:avor and the niunber of those who �oted aga�nst the proposition; a3so the ' number of voters in the Town;" uJhole nwuber of voters on the check list 511„ a3though but about 100 were present v�rhen the abotre action naas taken. Art. 5. �rotea. "That the article be indefin�tely postponed." Art. 6. Voted "That .the Town Treasurer be author- ized, under the direction of the Selectmen, to ° borrow money in antricipation of taxes, the same to be paid directly from the proceeds thereof. " ' Art. 7. Voted "That tlie artiel� be laid on the ° table." It r�ras su.bs2quentl�T taYten from the table and �Toted. "That the article be indefinitely postponed. " Art. 8. P,1r Chas Hudson made a statem2nt oi the contents of tF�e Collection vzhieh he propo�ed to convey to the To�^rn and hauing use@ up the ten " minutes allotted to hin the Town voted to allotK him to continue his de�cription, a�ter which on P�otion Qf T�1r James Gould the' Tov�; ' Voted. "That the Selectmen are flareby directed to take and place in a suitable po'sition in the li- ° brary hall, the cabinet case and" its contents novJ in the possession of Gharles Hudson; ;and that he be directed by them to inaY,e such trifling addition to the sl-ielving in the case , as vrill give the best vie�r! oF the articles; and that they direct P�'Ir Hud- " son to prenare and cause to be pri.nted a suitat�le nuruber of copies of such a brie£ description of the articles �1� ir native' location, character, and use, as will best aid the cause oi Historj and Scienee , and create z �aste in the rising generation Por the study oF history and natural scieiice, providefl th�t the whole cost to the Touan ' shall not exceed the stli-n oP Zight�r (80 ) dollars:" , ' 1881. 547 Art 9. Voted. "That the report be accegied and its recommendations be adoptede " (See Reports oi rommit- teeTs pa�e "198) �:rt. 10. VBted. "That the article be indefinitely postponed." Ari. 11. �Toted. "ihat the article be indefinitely postponed. " At. 12 oclock on motiion it �,«as, voted "That this meeting adjourn till I oclock P.P,I, " APter calling the meetin� "togethe.r after the adjoiu n- ment the follovaing corru2itnication was sead, "To a11 nersons whain it may concern; You are hereby notified that the Legis3ayive Jom- mittee on Puplie Healtn ��till giae a hEarinE to aiI parties �.nterested in the pezition oi the P�tayor of Cambridge for leave for the Ciiy of Cambrid�e to tal_e �Jate� irom the Shati2�sheen Rive_r for don:estic an� o�her purposes, on 'rJednesda.3* I.larch 9th at 1C o,'.c�oc?: A.P:�. at tne Green Room zr_ tho Stiate IIouse . � This notice �s �iven by the City o£ Carnbrid�Te by tlze order of the Convmit`�ee. Cii�y Of CcP¢brid�..2 b;y J. ';J. fiam�ond its Solicitor. Apurovect • John C. Rand Clerk of Committee oii Public Healtho �1 true cony xttest , Ira Taylor, Depu�3* Sher�ff." on u�hich coremunication the Touir., �l`oted, "That a . Committee of 1'ive to �e�resent the ToUvn be chos�n by noriination to appear e.nd prote�t the i.nterests oi the To�vn�" and �iJebster Smith, r,eo. uJ. Robinson, B.T: Batcheller, James R.R2ed and John �. Reed vrere so no�ainated and chosen, and duly notified by the Tovvn C1erk. lirt. 12. �Toted, "That tne swu oP Tvro Thous�nl ( 2000 ) dollars 'oe appropriated for the sup�ort oP tne Poor the ensuin� year." �r't . 13. Voted. "That the sum of Thirty £ive hun- dred (3500 ) dollars be apporpriated for the repairs of the Hightiva�rs the ensuing year." . 548 188� Voted. "That �he annual report oF the Iii�hway Sur- veyors for the t�rork done bq thern on tne several stre�ts in Tov�n, shall contain the PdaMes o£ tlie streets upon wYiich ti+torl: is done , the nwnbFr of day's vJorlt done by rnen and horses , also the dates of sai_d work and the ar�lount e�ended upan eacn s�reet. " �1r't. 14. T'oted "That the sum of iJine 1^housand (9000 ) dollars be appropriated io-� the support of the Public Schools includin� tI1E:3T several �rades the ensuing year, as folloUr For .instruction f'ue1 and care of r ooms Ei�ht Thousand four hundred (8400 ) dollars For incidentals and repairs six hundred. (600 ) dollars. " �1rt. I5. Voted. "Th�t the sum of fifteen hundred _ (1500 ) dollars be appropirated ior the s�pport of the Fire Department the ensuin� year." Art. . lo . Voted "That the sum oi ts�el�re hundred (1200 ) dollars be ap,propriated for the suPport o£ the Street LamPs the ensuin� year." . � Art: 17. Voted "That the taxes be collected in the , same manner as last gear." as Followse"That all ° taxes be made payaUle on or before Decercber Pirst 1881, and that a discount at the rate of one hali of one p'er, c�nti . for each fullrnonth prior to said da�a shall be deducted; and on all taxes remaining unp.aid aL said date, incerest at the rate o£ seven per cent per annum shall he added, and that the Colleetor be •instructed to colleet all tayes before Feby lst 1�B2." f1rt. 18. Voted. "That a Co:iunittee or three includ- ing one plasterer be appointed to examine the room and report to this Meeting cJhat is needed; and that this article be laid on the table until the Coi;Lmittee are r. eady to report. " and the Chair «ppointed as such ComLnittee Samuel ':d. Hendley , Gerhsom Swan and John D.Bacon, wno `subsequently. repori;ed anc� the TovJn Voted. "That the sum of t�hrenty five (?5) dollars, be appropxiated to be expended unuer the direction of the Selectmen, to repair the plasterin� in the TvTasonic Hall." �roted. '°That the Tovrn Treasurer Ue instrueted to re- port at the next r.leeting the amount of D�oney receivea ior the rant oe the Tdasonie Fiall. " 1881. 549 LLrt 19. The committee appointed 14Tay 31st 1881 con- sistingof Franklin Patc'r�, i�rerett S. Locke and Ger- shori S�xan made a report as to the cost of building , two reservoirs, one in each village , of the ca�acity of 14,000 gallons each, and after considerable dis- cussion on the subject it vaas - ` Voted, "That „ tne �vhole suUject be indeiinitely post- poned. " After announcing the result of the balloting the Moderator called u�on those present wllo had been elected to come forvl�ard and be sworn, a£ter which he decalred the meetir� ,dissolved. , A true record; , Attest : Leonard k.Saville, Town CleT_ic . ---- Bequest oi llTary �;lells �SZerriil. ---- Town Treastu•er 's Office, I,exing�ton I�Zareh I2th I881. Pursusnt to a voi,e. of the Inhabitants of the Town of Lexington in Town UIeeting assembled on the 2nd day of November 1875. The To�rrn Treasurer herebg acknawledges the re- ceipt of .one hundred (100J dollars trom Jonn P. Treadwell of Boston, executor of the vaill oi P.lary Gdelis �+�errill late of Boston, tne interest of which is to be expended in accordance with said vote and Chap 225 oi the Acts of 1870 upon the GoQ odilliam Eustis lot in the old cemetery near to the First Parish P�Ieeting House, in Le�d ngton, PlIass. in dressing and care oi said Tot, monumeni.s, �valks and the avenues adjacent thereto. Charles T. ;dest. ' Tou�rn Treasu-rer. k true copy, � 3ttest : Leonard A. Saville, Town Cleras. Lexington T�4arch 17 1881. To L A. Saville Esq Town Clerk, ` The iollowi�,a- appointments ti�ere this day made by the Selectmen. Everett S. Locke, Henry 4. NJillinoton end Henry A. Turnerfor Lngineers of the I'ire Department for tne year ending Jany 3lst 1882. Geor.�e 0. Davis for 6 years, Prancis L. Ballard for 4 years and George E. Iviuzzey for 2 �rears as ^rustees of the "Brid�e i'und" as re2uired by a ?rote of the town passed TvIarch 7th 1881. L. A. Saville„Town 'sJei�her, R. 'tV. Holbrook, Publie ude;�her, B. C. i�'thitcher , '�feigher of Grain. Aubust'us Childs, ) L. A. Saville, ) S<Ieasurers of '�dood and Ba'rk. Frank 17. Butters. ) H. B. Davis ) Oliver 'uJ. Kendall. Sexton. JJalter �iJellington Police Ofiicer. Oliver �N. Kend�11 P�Ieasurer oP Lumber. `£our s �. VJ. 3ryant Clerk for Board oz Seleetmen. A tr� copyo Attest : Leonard A. Saville, To��vn Clerk.