Monday, August 6, 2018
PRESENT': Mr. Kelley, Chair; Mr. Lucente, Ms. Hai, s. 'Thompson, Ms. Colburn, Mr. Creech,
Ms. Vine, Ms. Kumar, Mr. DeAngelis, Mr. Michelson, Mr. Lamb, Ms. Lin and Mr. Colatosti
(remote via phone). Mr. Kelley informed the Committee that Mr. Colatosti would be
participating the executive session meeting via conference call.
ALSO PRESENT': Mr. Gould, Mr. Stapczynski and Mr. Mercier, Municipal Resources Inc.
Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the'Town Manager Search Screening
committee voted 11.-0 to enter into Executive Session at 4:25 p.m. under Exemption 8 with
respect to the consideration of applicants for'Town Manager and to reconvene in Open Session
only to adjourn. It was declared that an open meeting discussion may have a detrimental effect
on obtaining qualified candidates.
er Position
Mr. Gould polled the Committee for their interest in each of the 15 applicants. The Committee
identified their top six candidates for invitation to interview with screening committee.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, and by roll call, the 'Town Manager Search Screening
Committee voted I 1-0 to invite: Stephen Crane REDACTED, REDACTED, Peter Lombardi
REDACTED, and James Malloy to interview with the'Town Manager Search Screening
Committee on August 15, 201&
MRI provided further overview of these six candidates.
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, and by roll call the 'Town Manager Search Screening
Committee voted 11.-0 to adjourn the Executive Session at 5:23 p.m. and to reconvene in Open
Session, only to adjourn.
A to record; Attest:
Kim Kat7enback
Executive Clerk