HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-28-REPSC-min Residential Exemption Policy Study Committee(Ad hoc)
Friday,September 28,2018
Hudson Room,Cary Memorial Building
Mark Andersen (chair),Vicki Blier, Howard Cloth,Thomas Whelan,John Zhao, Katie Cutler
(joined meeting in progress),Joe Pato Selectman Liaison, (joined meeting in progress).
Absent: Sara Bothwell Allen
Resident Observer, Bob Pressman
Mr. Andersen called the meeting to order at 8:05 am
Public Comments: Bob Pressman commented on higher priced condominiums.
Approval of minutes: The minutes of the 9/7/18 meeting were approved with the following edits:the
date of the meeting was added,the starting time of the meeting was corrected to 8:05 am and the
spelling of Meriam Hill was corrected.
Resident Survey Proposal: Mr. Andersen raised the subject of the "Town Services and Housing Costs
Survey'. He noted that Sarah Bothwell Allen has modified the survey to make it less Lexington oriented
for testing with Belmont residents. Mr. Andersen indicated that the date of the survey completion needs
to be changed and he suggested 10/25/18. Mr. Andersen indicated that feedback he received re the
survey gave him pause. Mr. Pressman indicated that Question#16 is very important and it was
suggested that the wording be changed to Market Value.The consensus of committee members is that
respondents won't check the Town's data base for assessed property values. Question#7 should it be
completed by the owner or renter. Mr. Cloth asked "what is the purpose of the survey? It was observed
that it is to gather data to advise the Board of Selectman. Mr. Zhao suggested that we change the
wording to "owner/renter." Mr. Pressman indicated that the issue is high taxes and the steady increases
that cause difficulties for some individuals. He also noted that no change in policy can occur until
November, 2019,which could be when the Board of Selectman will be considering a debt override for
the police station and the high school .Mr. Andersen indicated that Question#5 should be more specific.
Emphasis should be on the monthly mortgage payment. We don't need the balance of the mortgage.
The suggested format is:
Question#10-Relocation. Mr. Whelan suggested the wording, "Are you considering relocation in the
next ten years?" Ms. Cutler-we need to capture the reason for relocation.
Mr. Cloth suggested that Question#1 be retitled to: "Town Provided Services." Question#5 will be
further discussed at the Committee's next meeting. Mr. Pato indicated that the Committee's delivery
date for its final report will be revised to 3/15/19 at the Board of Selectman's Meeting on 10/15/18 and
the charge will include a discussion of the Real Estate Exemption and the Means Tested Program.
Mr. Andersen suggested that the Committee try to complete its work by 12/31/18. Mr. Zhao pointed out
that the public hearing can't be held until 12/18 which would make a 12/31/18 deadline very difficult.
The Senior Means Tested exemption group discussion (agenda item#5)will be discussed at a future
Ms. Blier discussed the planning for the Economist and Housing Policy Analyst Roundtable Meeting to be
held on 10/5/18 at Sam.There will be four panelists participating and the panel will have the full length
of the meeting if needed. Ms. Blier discussed the documents that have been sent to the panelists. Ms.
Cutler pointed out that it will be a roundtable format and Committee members may ask questions as
needed. Mr. Andersen asked Committee members to send suggested questions to Ms. Blier and himself.
Ms. Blier reviewed three questions that will be used to start the discussion.
Agenda item#7, Final Report Outline was tabled until the Committee's next meeting.
Ms. Cutler volunteered to be the primary organizer of the Public Hearing Meeting (Agenda Item#8). Mr.
Andersen asked for feedback on what needs to be accomplished at the public hearing. Mr. Zhao stated
that the Committee needs to compare the Residential Exemption to the Means Tested Plan at the Public
Hearing. Ms. Blier stated that we need to provide feedback from the brokers and economists. Mr. Zhao
stated "we need to stay away from our personal preference for a Real Estate Exemption and/or Means
Tested Program."
The Committee scheduled a meeting for Friday, 10/12/18 at Sam.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35am
Respectfully submitted by: Thomas Whelan, acting secretary