HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-26-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chair, Ginna Johnson with members Charles Hornig, Richard Canale, and Bob Creech, Michael Leon, and planning staff David Kucharsky and Lori Kaufman present. Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti joined the meeting in progress. *******************************STAFF REPORTS******************************** General Updates: th The Bikeway 25 celebration is this Saturday. Mr. Kucharsky gave updates for the dates of the Tri-Town transit study, with Bedford and Burlington and the meetings are as follows:  nd Monday, October 22, 11:00 a.m. in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building 2 Stakeholder meeting;  nd Monday, October 22, 7:00 p.m. in Battin Hall, Cary Memorial Building, 2 Community meeting; and There is also a survey posted on line that can be taken that will provide more information at www.lexingtonma.gov./transit-survey There will be a Cotton Farm Revitalization Public Forum #1, October 2, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in Estabrook Hall. There will be another public forum at future date in October/November. Comprehensive Plan Update: The first World Café was last night and staff got positive feedback on the event. CPAC Meeting October 3, 2018, Parker Room (7:15 p.m.) World Café- October 23, 2018, Estabrook Elementary (7:00 p.m.) World Café- November 27, 2018, Community Center (7:00 p.m.) At the request of the League of Woman Voters there will be a presentation made by Mr. Kucharsky, Planning Director at their next Friday meeting in October. Hartwell Avenue Zoning Initiative Update: Will not be brought to the 2019 Annual Town Meeting. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of September 26, 2018 *********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION************************ 8 Diana Lane, Approval Not Required: On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Canale, it was voted, 4-0, to endorse the ANR plan for 8 Diana Lane as it is not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law. 15-17 Fairland Street, sketch Balanced Housing Development (BHD): Ms. Johnson recused herself from this special permit and Mr. Leon, Associate Planning Board Member will sit in her place for this special permit. Vice Chair, Mr. Creech, opened the public meeting. John Farrington, attorney, Peter Flinker, landscape architect, from Dodson and Flinker Associates, Mr. James Burke, engineer of Decelle-Burke-Sala & Associates, and Mark Barons, applicant were present. Mr. Farrington presented the plan overview. Mr. Flinker, presented the site analysis, existing trees, drainage, test pits were done regarding recharge and collection of the storm water area, and said there were no wetlands. The proof plan shows nine lots and the proposed BHD would have 14 smaller houses in a village style setup so they could keep more of the open space. Ms. Corocran-Ronchetti joined the meeting in progress. More than two acres would be protected and would try to provide a path for wildlife. Mr. Decelle said the easement area has changed and some homes will be repositioned the Town would be given an easement so they can construct a pump station. The pavement would be 22 feet wide and crowned and bring the runoff water onto our site to the drainage system that would be created. There would be 2 car garages for each home and parking off the main street. Mr. Burke said the proposed stormwater management system would comply with the local and state requirements. Detailed information was given about the infiltration/ detention system to address a Board Member’s question for the drainage system. Mr. Barons said he with public safety and there would be a program designed and presented it at the next meeting. Blasting would be worked out with the Fire Department. Audience Comments:  Mr. Yanushpolsky presented comments/response from residents that formed a group of volunteers that are the Neighborhood Core Team to protect the neighborhood and minimize the environmental impacts. The presentation can be found on file on the Planning Board’s meeting packet. The BHD seems to meet the concerns of the core neighborhood group. Individual Board Comments:  Would this be a condominium? Yes. Minutes for the Meeting of September 26, 2018 Page 3  Did you discuss the width of the drive for 18 feet with the Fire Department? Mr. Barons said they were fine since it would be a one way street.  Were they comfortable with Fairland 22 feet? No not yet.  Are you proposing a sidewalk on the interior drive? Yes. Not on Fairland.  Appreciate the amount of public outreach for this project and this should serve as a model for the future developments.  There would be blasting and taking material off the site; how many truckloads would be brought off and how much on for cut and fill?  How many trees would be cut; how many would remain; how many would be replaced and include caliper?  The public space is it open to the public at large? There is private space around the houses and public that is open to the public at large. There should be provisions that this is not a gated community.  Design the one way street to make sure people don’t go the wrong way.  The wildlife path what do you mean by that; would the buffered area look very different. We do not know right now at this point until we get to a more detailed plan. The animals would have space to roam and deer would create their own path. The retaining wall would separate the private from the wild life area.  The part on Fairland Street needs to have space for a sidewalk and must have a provision for that.  Do you know what the density is for the surrounding area? Staff will look into it.  Want to look more carefully at the storm water plans. A condo association needs to have mandated established performance requirements.  There was concern about the 10% grade for public safety on a full time basis.  Would there be as many trees cut down as in a conventional plan? No. Audience Comments:  Concerned about the density.  Worried about the disturbances with building the number houses and how did they determine that number?  Like the wildlife preservation.  Like the pathway to Lincoln Park and Hastings school  We see deer, turkey, and squirrels want to make sure that there will be enough trees to not look more like city life and keep wildlife safe. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of September 26, 2018  How many children would be included in the area?  This development would totally change my neighborhood and be doubling the number of houses. Individual Board Comments:  The conventional plan would be worse than this. PUBLIC HEARINGS Marijuana Zoning Bylaw Amendment: Chair, Ms. Johnson, opened the public hearing at 8:41 p.m. with approximately 50 people in the audience. Mr. Hornig presented the zoning amendment for marijuana to include to the changes that have been made. Individual Board Comments:  Sounds like the exact solution we need. On a motion of Mr. Canale seconded by Ms. Corcoran-Ronhetti, it was voted, 5-0, to close the public hearing at 8:44 p.m. On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Canale, it was voted, 5-0, to recommend approval of this amendment to Town Meeting. 7 Hartwell Avenue, Proposed Rezoning: Chair, Ms. Johnson, opened the public hearing at 8:46 p.m. with no people in the audience. The applicant has requested to continue the public hearing to the next meeting October 10, 2018 without discussion at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room. On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Ms. Corcoran-Ronhetti, it was voted, 5-0, to continue the public hearing without discussion to October 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 331 Concord Avenue, Planned Development 4(PD 4): Chair, Ms. Johnson, opened the continued public hearing at 8:48 p.m. with approximately 75 people in the audience. Present were Bob Buckley, attorney, from Reimer and Braunstein, Lee Bloom, from LCB Senior Living, Brian Jones, civil engineer, of Allen and Major Associates, Anthony Vivirito, landscape architect of TAT Design, Erin Fredette, of McMahon Associates for the traffic impact study. Mr. Jones discussed the changes to the plan submitted 9/20/18. Mr. Viverito showed the view corridors. Lee Bloom of LCD said it was not feasible to reduce the size of the project and the Minutes for the Meeting of September 26, 2018 Page 5 number of trees cut down is 365. Ms. Fredette explained the changes for the impact study for the bicycle count on weekdays and then Saturdays and presented the information to the Board. Another count on Concord Avenue was done this past September and the count was lower and shows the data from 2017 as acceptable and perhaps even conservative. Mr. Buckley said the comments to the PSDUP were addressed in the updated PSDUP. The applicant would make a $250,000 contribution to the Town to use in the area. The applicant expects to start negotiations on the MOU with the Town soon. Individual Board Comments:  Was there intent for single family uses? No we will make the language clearer.  This would be too much bulk and density for the site and neighborhood. Not sure of the solution if not economically feasible to reduce the size.  What is the temporary off-site parking? What is it for? It is about construction. Where do you think construction vehicles would be staged? It was about coordination? Take it off.  This project is just too much for the site. Every area is being used and this is being shoehorned in.  365 Caliper is a great loss and there was no other offset.  $250,000 is not even enough for a design. Do not see this as a sustainable project.  The impacts are severe and the project is too big.  Dimensional standards that can be waived by the Planning Board should be stricken.  The depth of the buffer is insufficient.  The building and services are great, but need to find the right place for it. This is all about the site being the wrong location.  Dimensional standards in the PSDUP don’t agree. Public Comment:  The photographs are schematics and misleading since the leaves on the trees they showed will be gone for half the year.  Concerned about the quality of life during the construction, noise, lights and activity after the project is built.  The written submissions have shown various submissions the Town of Medfield denied with much less units.  South Lexington Civic Association (SCLA) is against this south Lexington is being unfairly burdened with commercial enterprise. Concern about property values going Page 6 Minutes for the Meeting of September 26, 2018 down. 110 units is far too dense for a six acre site. We ask that the Planning Board to recommend to Town Meeting to not approve this rezoning.  Why are they not providing nursing home services?  Disappointed they did not reduce the size of the building, did the recount on Thursday afternoon since there is a half day of school so the numbers would be lower.  331 Concord is zoned residential and should remain as such for building of homes. Individual Board Comments:  Concerned about the future of that property?  What does the applicant wish to do? Mr. Buckly will make the changes to the PSDUP, will probably not change the density. Want to continue the meeting to October 10, 2018. On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Ms. Corocran-Ronchetti, it was voted, 5-0, to continue the public hearing to October 10, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room. *************************BOARD ADMINISTRATION**************************** Board Member Updates: The developer of 9 Bushnell Drive staked out the property and wants the Board to come to the property. Staff will create a doodle poll and send it to the Board Members. SPRD Bylaw the Selectmen approved the charge to the committee and Mr. Canale will keep the Board updated. NCD both commissions have volunteers and are waiting for three members to be assigned by the Town Manager and plans have to be submitted to the registry. BRSB got grants for signage and website and are ready to bring to public October 15. They will have an open house for the presentation. Upcoming Meetings and Anticipated Schedule : Meeting dates October 10, 24, 31 (tentative) November 13, 14 & 15 tentative before Fall Special Town Meeting. November 28, 2018. Minutes: On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Canale, it was voted, 5-0, to approve the minutes of August 30, 2018 as submitted. On a motion, duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 p.m. The meeting was recorded by LexMedia. Minutes for the Meeting of September 26, 2018 Page 7 The following documents used at the meeting can be found on the Planning Board website in Planning Board packets.  8 Diana Street ANR application (5 pages).  8 Diana Street plan of land (1 page).  15-17 Fairland Street sketch plan, dated 9/4/18 (4 pages).  Neighborhood core group presentation regarding the 15-17 Fairland Street (7 pages).  Staff memo regarding 15-17 Fairland Street, dated 9/21/18 (2 pages).  Medical and Recreational Marijuana Draft proposed amendment (1 page).  7 Hartwell Avenue Warrant Article petition to rezone (1 page).  7 Hartwell Avenue Proposed warrant Article to rezone (7 pages). Documents for (PD 4) 331 Concord Avenue (PSDUP)  Petition to change zoning  Zoning petition  Corporate overview  PSDUP (proposed zone)  Table of Development Data  Site plans  Environmental impact analysis  Fiscal report  Architectural renderings  Foundation Engineering Report  Drainage report  LCB Support letters  Traffic Impact study and study Appendix Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti, Clerk