HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-20-HC-min HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES December 201h, 2017 Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Parker Room of Lexington Town Hall located at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting convened at 7:30PM. Historical Commission Members in Attendance: David Kelland, Chair, Marilyn Fenollosa, Diane Pursley, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:30 PM) Public hearing on the roofline change located at 26 Downing Road (Applicant, Kevin Thibodeau) APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Bill Winder, Architect Kevin Thibodeau, Contractor ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Photos of the existing house Photos of the houses in the neighborhood Plans of proposed addition SUMMARY: Mr. Winter explained to the board that the homeowners at 26 Downing Road would like to make the home that is currently a one and a half story home to two and a half stories. Mr. Winter went over what he wants to do to the existing house: Go up an additional story and take off the current brick siding. Mr. Winter was also unsure why the house was considered historically significant. There are houses in the neighborhood that have been torn down. Mr. Winter then went over the plans with the commission. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Doran explained why the area the home in is considered historic. It is part of the Fairoaks development. One of the characteristics of the neighborhood is the unique style of all the homes. Mr. Doran expressed his concerns over the plans and how the historic home will change completely. The plans of the new home will change the style of the current house. Mr. Kalsow suggested we continue to next month to conduct further research. The commission would also like to go and take a look at the neighborhood. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Mr. Winder made a motion to the commission continue to the meeting next month. VOTE: 5-0 in favor to continue: Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Doran AGENDA ITEM #2 (7:53PM) Public hearing on the full building demolition located at 6 Eliot Road (Applicant, Richard Perry) APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Rick Perry, Homeowner Dick Perry, Homeowner ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Peggy Harris, 5A Eliot Road Ruth Dowling, Bill Young 10 Eliot Road Kenneth Kevarian, 4 Bennington Road Charlotte Coleman, 29 Eliot Road DOCUMENT(S): Structural Report Lead Paint Removal Inspection Asbestos Report SUMMARY: Mr. Perry explained the structure at 6 Eliot Road is located on three acres of land. He went over the history of the house. It was originally a single family home. Since then, it was purchased for the nuns (Armenian Sisters) convent. The structure measures 110 feet wide and 30 feet deep totaling 12,000 square feet. The structural report showed issues on one side of the foundation and excessive water damage. Mr. Perry believes in historic preservation but in this case he believes the home it is beyond rehabilitation. Mr. Perry said to demolish the house cost about $60,000. Mr. Perry plans to build a subdivision in its place. HC COMMENTS: Ms. Pursley and Mr. Kelland visited the house. The house is in poor shape. Mr. Kelland said if the demolition of the house were to be delayed for one year to preserve the home to see if it could be re-used, he could not imagine what the reuse could be. Ms. Pursley said the home has a very grand entrance but clearly has been neglected by the prior owners. Ms. Fenollosa mentioned some of the issues mentioned in the report could be fixed, for example, the windows, and the holes in the roof. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Peggy Harris would rather not have the structure rushed being knocked down. It's a unique building. Ruth Dowling expressed concerns over what will happen with this historic property. She wants time to hear what is going to happen. There was no effort to sell the house. There are more questions than answers at this point. Kenneth Kevarian agreed and said the structure is a hallmark of the neighborhood. He does not want to see it rushed into getting torn down. Charlotte Coleman really wants to see 6 Eliot restored. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kalsow to find the house at 6 Eliot Road preferably preserved and impose a 12 month delay seconded by Ms. Fenollosa. VOTE: 5-0 Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Pursley and Mr. Doran in favor to impose demolition delay. AGENDA ITEM #3 (8:21PM) Joint Meeting (With Planning Board) to vote for proposed Neighborhood Conservation Districts • Turning Mill • Pierce Lockwood Planning Members in Attendance: Richard Canale, Chair, Charles Hornig, Ginna Johnson, Nancy Corcoran Historical Commission Members in Attendance: David Kelland, Chair, Marilyn Fenollosa, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran Diane Pursley recused herself Richard Canale, Planning Board Chair called the meeting to order at 8:21PM. Mr. Canale wanted to clarify a few items including changes to the bylaw and how it reads. We need to make sure people understand what the bylaw actually says. For an NCD to be forwarded it needs to have at least 75% of the properties be in a NCD area. Mr. Hornig said the bylaw as written permits us to adapt the entire study area as the NCD area and forward to town meeting a district that would include all the parcels in that area other than the ones that are opted out. That is what the study committee seems to want. This is also the staff's recommendation and do not redraw the NCD area and forward it to town meeting. Mr. Canale said if there is an NCD approved to town meeting 100% of the properties in the NCD will have the NCD regulations. None of the opted out properties would be in NCD. According to bylaw we cannot eliminate more than 40 properties from the NCD area to begin with. So we cannot reduce the area by more than 40 units. The other part is in some ways the only issue in terms of NCD area that makes any sense is trying to figure out what's not opted out, does that still have a cohesive area. Mr. Canale then went over options with both the Planning Board and Historical Commission. Mr. Kalsow commented on the bylaw change thinks it's consistent with the interpretation. Next item discussed was how many properties need to be remove. Redrawn NCD areas should contain at least 75%if the properties to be non-opted out properties. Do we include some or all of the people who did not get formal notice? Do we include or not include late or opt outs. In favor of removing opt outs. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Hornig that the Planning Board and Historical Commission redefine the proposed Turning Mill Neighborhood Conservation District to include (1) all the properties colored light blue shown on the map referred to as "Proposed Turning Mill NCD Regulated Lots - Staff (including opt-outs & failed notice)", (2) 22 and 37 Turning Mill Road, which are colored black on the map, and (3) the two open space parcels at 197 Grove Street, in white on the map. Seconded by Mr. Kelland. VOTE: Richard Canale, Chair, Charles Hornig, Ginna Johnson, Nancy Corcoran, David Kelland, Marilyn Fenollosa, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran in favor. Ms. Pursley recused herself on this and all subsequent votes due to her conflict of interest (resident of the Turning Mill neighborhood). MOTION: Motion moved by Mr. Kelland to redraw the Turning Mill NCD area to eliminate 14 parcels indicated by hand-drawn number on the map captioned "Proposed Turning Mill NCD Regulated Lots - Staff'. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. VOTE: Richard Canale, Chair, Charles Hornig, Ginna Johnson, Nancy Corcoran, David Kelland, Marilyn Fenollosa, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran in favor. MOTION: Moved by Ms. Fenollosa that the revised area and proposed Turning Mill NCD be found to be cohesive and that it maintains its integrity. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. VOTE: Richard Canale, Chair, Charles Hornig, Ginna Johnson, Nancy Corcoran, David Kelland, Marilyn Fenollosa, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran in favor. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kalsow that 78A-4A of the proposed Turning Mill Neighborhood Conservation District Bylaw be amended to read: "Members of the commission appointed by the Town Manager shall be selected from a pool of candidates nominated by property owners in the NCD." Seconded by Mr. Doran. VOTE: Richard Canale, Chair, Charles Hornig, Ginna Johnson, Nancy Corcoran, David Kelland, Marilyn Fenollosa, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran in favor. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Hornig that the Historical Commission and Planning Board request that the Board of Selectmen insert a warrant article to the 2018 annual town meeting creating a Neighborhood Conservation District in the Turning Mill area with the list of parcels and a proposed bylaw as amended at this meeting. Seconded by Ginna Johnson. VOTE: Richard Canale, Chair, Charles Hornig, Ginna Johnson, Nancy Corcoran, David Kelland, Marilyn Fenollosa, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran in favor. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kalsow that the Historical Commission remove Historical Commission jurisdiction over the Turning Mill Neighborhood Conservation District under the Lexington demolition delay bylaw. Seconded by Mr. Doran. VOTE: 4-0 In favor Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Doran, Mr. Kelland and Ms. Fenollosa. AGENDA ITEM #4 (8:34PM) Vote to accept meeting minutes dated November 15th 2017 AGENDA ITEM #5 (8:37PM) Updates AGENDA ITEM #6 (10:08PM) Adjourn