September 20th 2017
Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Parker Room of
Lexington Town Hall located at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting convened at
Historical Commission Members in Attendance:
David Kelland, Chair, Marilyn Fenollosa, Diane Pursley, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran
AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:30 PM)
Public hearing on the full building demolition located at 70 Ward Street
Louise Barbic and Bill Ward, homeowners
Photographs of existing home
Proposed plans dated 9/7/2017
Louise Barbic and Bill Ward came forward to discuss with the commission their desire to take
down the house at 70 Ward Street. The house they want to put in its place would be a more
energy efficient structure and would fit in with the neighborhood. The house has carpenter ants,
which has raised concern. All the windows had lead paint and have been replaced. Mr. Ward
mentioned he wanted to build a house with a more reasonable carbon footprint. The stairs are
hard to get up and down right now and they want to add space for their parents when they visit
which they are unable to do now. The exterior of the house has been completely replaced. Mr.
Ward said he is open to any style on the outside of the house, and open to the Commission's
The commission expressed their concerns over having the home demolished. Mr. Doran asked if
Ms. Barbic and Mr. Ward explored any other options. Mr. Ward and Ms. Barbic said they met
with a contractor and their concern is the carpenter ants. They also had Energy Star come in and
evaluate the home and told Mr. Ward and Ms. Barbic they could not put in blown in insulation.
Mr. Doran mentioned the home is part of the Meagherville Neighborhood which is part of the
historically and architecturally cohesive neighborhood and therefore a piece of a larger picture.
If they replaced the house it changes the picture of what was determined to be a particular vista
of Lexington. The commission said the bones of the house are still there and contribute to the
neighborhood. The commission suggested Mr. Ward and Ms. Barbic be continued to the
meeting next month and do some additional research to see if anything can be done first to
preserve the house. Mr. Ward and Ms. Barbic agreed to request a continuation to next month
after conducting further research.
AGENDA ITEM #2 (8:15 PM)
Town Report for the Historical Commission.
-Moved by Ms. Fenollosa that we approve the Town report for the Historical Commission.
Seconded by Mr. Doran. 5-0 Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa and Mr. Doran, Ms.
Pursley in favor.
AGENDA ITEM #3 (8:31 PM)
Proposed joint public hearing for the Turning Mill &Pierce/Lockwood NCDs
-There will be a joint public hearing (Planning Board and Historical Commission) on November
1st at 7:OOPM in Estabrook Hall (Cary Hall). The notice will be coming from both the Historical
Commission and the Planning Board. Ms. Pursley went over updates on the Turning Mill NCD.
Ms. Pursley wanted to make sure the members of the Historical Commission can attend. Ms.
Fenollosa will be away but all other members of the Commission will plan to attend. The board
discussed the pitch of roofs for mid-century modern-style homes.
AGENDA ITEM #4 (8:35 PM)
-The house adjacent to the fire station in East Lexington
Mr. Kelland went over the house adjacent to the Fire Station in East Lexington. Discussed a
house by the fire station (Locust Ave and Massachusetts Ave) is having some work done. They
are going to add a piece on the back which is at least as large as the original house. The
foundation has already been poured and will extend close to the barn. It's going to be a big
AGENDA ITEM #5 (8:37 PM)
-Chiesa Farm House
Mr. Doran was approached by phone regarding the Chiesa house in front of Chiesa meadow that
was on Adams Street. The cellar form of the house that's there now and a new foundation has
not been poured yet. Mr. Doran expressed concerns on how this is going to change one of the
last agrarian vistas in town. The current status is that there are plans drawn up for the new house,
they have not been implemented yet because the town is investigating purchasing that lot to add
to the conservation land. Mr. Doran asked if the Historical Commission would be interested in
conducting a write-up about this and if they want to pursue this further. The commission was in
agreement it's within their prevue to comment on the historic fabric of the town. Mr. Doran said
he would draft a letter.
Vote to accept meeting minutes dated August 18th 2017
Moved by Mr. Kalsow that we approve the minutes dated August 18th. Seconded by Ms.
Fenollosa. 5-0 Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa and Mr. Doran, Ms. Pursley in favor.
AGENDA ITEM #7 (8:45 PM)