August 16th 2017
Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Parker Room of
Lexington Town Hall located at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting convened at
Historical Commission Members in Attendance:
David Kelland, Chair, Marilyn Fenollosa, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran
AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:30 PM)
Public hearing on the partial building roofline change located at 7 Theresa Avenue.
Tama Evron and Elon Evron, Homeowners
Amy Semmes, Architect
Plans dated 8/5/17
The Architect Ms. Semmes went over plans for the small third floor addition with the
Commission. This project came in front of the board in June 2017 but was denied. Since then
Ms. Evron and Ms. Semmes reached out to the commission to understand their concerns and try
and revise the asymmetrical third floor dormer. The purpose of the addition is to make enough
space for a bathroom and closet. Ms. Semmes was happy to come back with revised plans. She
feels the new plans are more in character with the home and make the roofline more
Mr. Kalsow was pleased to see the applicants come back and see their redesign effort. Having
the addition be set back more works well. Ms. Fenollosa agreed and feels the homeowners will
be happier with this version and also be preserving the character of the home.
Moved by Mr. Kalsow to find 7 Theresa Avenue preferably preserved. The proposed dormer
modifications dated August 5th, 2017 are sensitive and compatible with the historical building.
Voted its approval based on the drawing submitted tonight. Seconded by Ms. Fenollosa.
4-0 Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Doran in favor
AGENDA ITEM #2 (7:49 PM)
Public hearing on the full building demolition located at 36 Hayes Avenue
Fabian Flori, Homeowner
Christine Wilkinson 34 Hayes Avenue
Plans (not dated)
Plot Plan
Photos of existing home
Mr. Flori discussed the history of the house and shared photos with the commission. It's a
beautiful colonial. An addition was added in 1974 which distorted the house. He wants to
remove the addition and add a new addition and a deck. Mr. Flori originally was going to come
forward for a full building demolition but he wants to preserve the character of the home and
The commission went over the plans for the addition at 36 Hayes Avenue. The commission
expressed some concerns over moving the windows and doors on the front of the house to be
more symmetrical. The commission feels moving the windows and door would not preserve the
home. They suggested working with the existing envelope to accommodate the existing
structure. The commission also mentioned maybe having thel974 addition be set back about
twelve inches and have the ridge line will be lowered. Mr. Flori has no problem with these
Ms. Wilkinson lives at 34 Hayes Avenue. She expressed concerns regarding the digging during
the foundation portion of the building process. She wanted to know if her house would be safe.
Mr. Flori mentioned he will be doing a lot of the work by hand which will help.
Moved by Mr. Kalsow to permit the partial building demolition of the 1974 box addition house
subject to the design modifications which were agreed to by the applicant: Larger 6 over 1
windows in the garage, retention of original center entrance with two flanking First Floor
windows and original Second Floor windows. A new corner board on the right corner of the
original building to match the original left corner board. The 1974 addition will be set back
approximately twelve inches and the ridge line will be lowered. The roof pitch of the 1972
addition will be the same as the original house but lower. Seconded by Mr. Doran.
4-0 Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Doran in favor
AGENDA ITEM #3 (8:05 PM)
Bedford Street crosswalk Project
The commission went over the proposal for the crosswalk. Ms. Fenollosa mentioned she does
not believe there are any significant resources that are being effected. The commission
suggested that this be reviewed with the Tree Warden and Conservation Commission. The
commission's main concerns were the trees that may be affected with the project. Ms. DiLando
will check to see if there are any updates on their end.
Turning Mill
NCD —Ms. Fenollosa discussed whether or not the update on the NCD being subject to demo
delay by law. The Planning Board did not send it to town meeting last spring so it's coming to
town meeting this fall. The language is an addition to the NCD Bylaw that states if you're
subject to the NCD bylaw you're not subject to demo delay.
AGENDA ITEM #6 (9:04 PM)
Vote to accept meeting minutes dated May 17th 2017 and June 21st 2017
Moved by Ms. Fenollosa that we approve the minutes dated July 19th as amended with minor
changes from Mr. Doran. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. 4-0 Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa and Mr.
Doran, Mr. Kalsow in favor.
AGENDA ITEM #6 (9:06 PM)