HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-15-HC-min HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 15th 2017 Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Parker Room of Lexington Town Hall located at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting convened at 7:30PM. Historical Commission Members in Attendance: David Kelland, Chair, Frank Kern, Sally Zimmerman, Marilyn Fenollosa This is Mr. Kern and Ms. Zimmerman's last official meeting AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:31 PM) Public hearing regarding full building demolition at 7 Crosby Road. (Hastings Elementary School) APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Pat Goddard, Director of Public Facilities Vivien Low, Architect, Dinsco Design ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Mary Donohue, 3 Crosby Road DOCUMENT(S): Large site plans of proposed school, dated March 15'h 2017 SUMMARY: Mr. Goddard came forward to discuss the plans and timeline of the new school. The MSBA has approved the schematic which is a new building, 110,000 square feet on the same site should they receive funding at each step of the process including the town meeting in September/October. If all votes are favorable they will break ground Spring/early summer 2018. The projected completion of the school would be February 2020. Mr. Goddard wanted to bring the plans in front of the local commission and get their feedback. HC COMMENTS: Ms. Fenollosa asked if there were any defining features of the existing school that would be kept for the new school, to be put in the permanent archives. Ms. Fenollosa suggested a photo montage. Mr. Kelland discussed approval of this commission is to weigh in on architectural value or school and whether or not this is a loss to the town if it's demolished. The board also discussed waving the demo delay for this project because it's part of a three year planning process. PUBLIC COMMENTS: A resident of Lexington Mary Donohue spoke in front of the board. Ms. Donohue thinks the proposed plans for the school is too large for the lot. She expressed her concerns for the new school. Ms. Donohue was an alum and would like to see the project postponed. Mr. Goddard explained the process this project will have to go to in order to get approval. The first permit application will be next April/May then the process would be that it goes to the HC that they agree to the demolition. They will file the first phase next spring. MOTION: The commission voted 3-0 to permit the full building demolition conditioned on the satisfaction of the MSBA, the finance being available from the town, the building being documented photographically as discussed during the meeting. The completion of the building according to the schematic plans proposed on March 15th 2017 and under those conditions, waive the one year time policy. VOTE: Ms. Fenollosa Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kern, Ms. Zimmerman in favor 3-0 AGENDA ITEM #2 (7:51 PM) Public discussion on 67 Valley Road removal from the Comprehensive Cultural Resource Survey. APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Paul Scott Hutton, Home owner ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Copy of deed Drawing of home showing new addition Sheet indicating the history of the home SUMMARY: Mr. Hutton is looking to have the home on 67 Valley Road be removed from the Comprehensive Cultural Resources Survey list. He went over the history of the home and how the home has changed over the years. The original 67 Valley Road house, apparently a one-story house constructed over a basement for the McCullough family on three failed Meagherville lots on Valley road purchased from the town of Lexington. There were significant changes made of the house prior to Mr. Hutton purchasing the home. Mr. Hutton purchased the home in 1994. HC COMMENTS: The board asked Mr. Hutton what he plans to do with the house. Mr. Hutton would like to eventually sell the home. The board thinks the dates may be incorrect in the inventory form. The home does not appear to be the same style as the other homes in the area. The home does not contribute to the architectural or historical recourses of the town. The dates are incorrect in the form online for this home. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Moved by Ms. Fenollosa that the home located at 67 Valley Road be removed from the Comprehensive Cultural Resource Survey, seconded by Mr. Kelland. VOTE: Ms. Fenollosa Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kern, Ms. Zimmerman in favor 3-0 AGENDA ITEM #5 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (8:07) None AGENDA ITEM #4 UPDATES (8:08PM) Diane Pursley would like to join the Historical Commission, she is unable to attend the April meeting. She will be attending the May meeting once the paperwork is complete. There is still one spot open. Mr. Kelland wrote a letter to Mr. Kern expressing the commissions' appreciation of his time on the board. Motion moved by Mr. Kelland that the commission approve the letter, seconded my Ms. Fenollosa. AGENDA ITEM #5 VOTE TO ACCEPT MEETING MINUTES (8:18PM) Minutes accepted with minor changes AGENDA ITEM #6 ADJOURN (8:19PM) Meeting adjourned 8:18PM