HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-14-CAC-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON COMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 14, 2018 Call to order. CAC Chair Kenneth Pogran called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM in the LexMedia Studio, Kline Hall, at 1001 Main Campus Drive. Members Present: Ken Pogran, Chair; Bob Avallone; Dave Becker; Dave Buckowski; Smita Desai; Dorinda Goodman; Steve Iverson; Ben Moroze; Ramin Taraz; Rita Vachani. Members Absent: Nicholas Lauriat Quorum: A quorum of members was present. Others Present: Florence DelSanto, Executive Director, LexMedia. Materials Referenced: (Draft) Minutes of the meeting of May 24, 2018; CAC contribution to Selectmen's Goal-Setting; LexMedia Q3 report, cover letter, and draft CAC response. 1. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of May 24, 2018 were unanimously approved with corrections. 2. Carrier Reports There were no service provider representatives present, and no carrier reports were submitted. 3. Selectman's Report Selectman Pato was not present, and there was no Selectman's Report. 4. Chairman's Report a. Committee member reappointments Steve Iverson had previously announced his intention to leave the committee at the end of his current one-year term, i.e., in September 2018. It would be good to continue to have a member closely associated with LexMedia operations. Smita Desai's and Dave Becker's terms will also expire this September. Ken requested that both let him know by mid-August whether they want another term. Members are reminded that the CAC, like all Town committees, needs ongoing new member recruiting. If someone you know might be interested,please let Ken know. b. Selectmen's Goal-Setting CAC members are encouraged to make any suggestions for improving the draft CAC contribution to Selectmen's Goal-Setting, and direct them to Ken as soon as possible. c. LexMedia Third Quarter Report Members should let Florence know of any additions to the draft response to LexMedia's third quarter report. d. Meeting Dates This is the last CAC meeting for the "academic year." Our next meeting will be on September 20, at the usual location. 5. LexMedia update: Florence DelSanto LexMedia staff showed Committee members the new Podcast Studio, and told us about its capabilities and plans for producing both audio and video programming LexMedia is producing a documentary on retiring State Representative Jay Kaufman. LexMedia is showing a Public Service Announcement on the Town's new trash & recycling contractor. The studio is being updated by replacing studio lighting and improving signage. The LexMedia Web site is being redesigned, with completion planned for end of Summer. LexMedia is also rethinking its backup processes, including validating their backup requirements, and answering questions such as: What do we have? What do we need? Would backup on the Cloud be useful? Dave Becker will check with Bedford's Cable Committee to see where they stand on continuing to contract with an Access Corporation. The LexMedia Q3 report and CAC draft response were discussed, but it was noted that the CAC draft response used the annual report criteria rather than the quarterly report criteria. Discussion was deferred until September to allow appropriate adjustments to be made. 6. RCN 2019 license renewal update: Dave Becker, Dave Buczkowski, Nick Lauriat A Public Hearing is scheduled for Monday, June 18 at 7:00 pm in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Comments from that meeting will be combined with requests from the Town Manager's and School Superintendent's staffs into a set of validated requirements for the next renewal. The Pelham Road property, recently purchased by the Town for the Lexington Children's Place, should be added to the list of Town locations to be served by the I-Net. A major concern is to ensure that costs to the Town do not increase because of RCN's re-engineering of their distribution system (using the Arlington Hub instead of that formerly in the Lexington Liberty Mutual building) not increase. We may have to insert language covering this in the renewal license. 7. "Net Neutrality" update: Bob Avallone Congress does not seem interested in tackling the issue nationally. In the Massachusetts legislature there is some activity in trying to assure fair treatment for all Internet users within the state. 8. Town IT update: Dorinda Goodman Nothing to report for Town services. A conduit is being planned for the new Minuteman High School I-Net connection. 9. Wireless applications: Nick Lauriat, Ben Moroze There are no current applications 10. Complaints: Steve Iverson (May), Ramin Taraz (June) No complaints were received in this period Upcoming: Ben Moroze(July), Nick Lauriat (August), Smita Desai(September) 11. New business: None was brought up Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM. Respectfully submitted, David Becker Recording Secretary