HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-08-16-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 2018 A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chair Ginna Johnson with members Charles Hornig, Nancy Corcoran- Ronchetti, Richard Canale, and Bob Creech, and planning staff David Kucharsky and Lori Kaufman present. *******************************STAFF REPORTS******************************** General Updates: There will be a Transportation Open House Saturday, September 22 in the Community Center. Comprehensive Plan Update: August 28 there is a CPAC meeting. The World Cafés are scheduled for September 25 in Battin Hall, October 23 at Estabrook Elementary School and November 27 at the Community Center. Hartwell Avenue Zoning Initiative Update: A zoning consultant was hired and the contract was awarded and the work will start. Engineering reviewed the traffic study, sent back to consultant with comments, and are waiting for feedback. The Spring Annual Town meeting is the new target date to bring this initiative forward. *********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION************************ 8 Adams Street, Definitive Site Sensitive Development Special Permit Discuss decision: The last meeting the public hearing was closed and the applicant has nothing further to present. Individual Board Comments:  Just wanted to hear about driveway.  The overhang was not included in numbers for site coverage so the site coverage was not reduced by 50%.  Concerned that the architecture of the house and the landscape was not updated.  Happy with the draft decision but want an added condition that there will be compliance with the architectural style and reference to the architectural style in the plans.  The style of the new house is not subservient in character to the mansion and the plans do not read like a carriage house and therefore will not support the project. On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Canale, it was voted, 4-1, (Ms. Johnson opposed) to approve the draft decision for the 8 Adams Street with conditions as discussed. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of August 16, 2018 On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Canale, it was voted, 5-0, to authorize the Planning Director to sign on behalf of the Board. PUBLIC HEARING 331 Concord Avenue, Planned Development 4 (PD 4): Chair Ms. Johnson, opened the public hearing at 7:18 p.m. with approximately 50 people in the audience. Present were Bob Buckley, attorney, from Reimer and Braunstein, Ted Doyle VP of marketing for LCB Senior Living, Lee Bloom, LCB Senior Living, Brian Jones, civil engineer, of Allen and Major Associates, Anthony Vivirito, landscape architect of TAT Design, Erin Fredette, of McMahon Associates for traffic impact. Mr. Buckley said they have been doing a tremendous amount of outreach with abutters. There is a demand for senior housing in Lexington. Mr. Doyle presented the current and future demand for senior living. Lee Bloom addressed density and massing which were issues at the last meeting. The independent living residence was eliminated and reduced the project by 31% and reduced the parking, height, traffic, and the entrance is now in the back of the site. Brian Jones said there was 2.3 acres of impervious surface and presented the existing conditions and conceptual site layout, drainage, utilities, lighting, and pedestrian walks. Anthony Vivirito, landscape architect said they changed the building to make it more a traditional New England low scale community look with an interior courtyard. Erin Fredette said the traffic study was peer reviewed on behalf of the Town and there was agreement with the study analysis presented that there will be a minimal impact. There is a 35% decrease in traffic during peak hours with this new proposal without the independent living removed. Individual Board member Comments:  The presentation is troublesome by comparing this update to what you proposed originally. You should stick with what you are currently proposing.  The PSDUP needs a lot of work and needs to be straightened out.  The residents need more outdoor space; how will they use the proposed space? There is seating for six shown; how is that enough? Mr. Bloom said there is seating for more than six and they are planning to create exterior areas to allow residents to walk and interior areas to walk and keep residents engaged.  Why did you use the Middlesex 3 rather than the 128 Business Counsel? We will include both.  Setbacks in PSDUP need work. The project is comparable in scale to a CRO District for setbacks. Minutes for the Meeting of August 16, 2018 Page 3  The PSDUP said units could go up by 10% which is not acceptable.  The effective height should be the highest point on the structures.  There are too many light fixtures.  The development is still too big and is being shoehorned onto the site. There are two retaining walls and am concerned about them failing.  The eight foot wall would not be attractive and reduce the width of the project.  The elaborate drainage shows that this is project is over developed.  The plantings should avoid invasive species.  Want to see affordable units.  Worried about the walking trails which is very important so residents are not walking through the parking lot which is not a pleasant walk.  Where is the ledge on the Kitson Park Drive? They are by the 5 foot wall and will be maintained.  Will the generator be tested often? Once a week and will make sure the neighbors do not hear it. Possibly change the location.  Is it possible to move the location for service vehicles to come and go? Audience comments:  Will there be a lot of blasting? Yes there will be some, but once we know the final project we will let you know how much.  The traffic study have you considered the Goddard School? Yes, we worked with the Planning office and incorporated them into the study.  Currently at the entrance of the property the children from the Minuteman Village play there will you be able to retain some space for recreational activities? Yes.  Has the Fire Department approved the turnaround? Yes.  Are there pictures showing all the tiers of the building for the way they will look? Will detailed ones will be provided? Yes they will.  We have been searching for assisted living and would like to stay here and not outside Lexington.  Concerned about the trend for rezoning of our neighborhood, with Artis, the Brookhaven expansion, and the Goddard School now this is being nestled in the middle of this residential area. Concerned about traffic created by staff, transportation vans, specialists, and emergency vehicles going around the building with lights. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of August 16, 2018  There is concern that the traffic study was done at a quiet time and traffic backs up to Pleasant Street. Hold off on the traffic study until real numbers can be done. We are being surrounded by these large densely populated institutional buildings. The exhaust from the kitchen that prepares the meals for 120 residents is also a concern.  There is a concern about the construction and excavation of this building.  When was the traffic study done? In September and the information was updated with information provided by the Planning Department.  This is a commercial island that will be placed in the middle of our neighborhood. This is a residential development.  There is constant traffic between 6:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.  LCB should give more advanced notice of the changes to the plans.  What will happen if the business goes up and fails? Individual Board Comments:  The Town does need more assisted living and will provide to staff more detailed comments who will pass it on to the applicant.  Want to be advised in a timely manner about the meetings.  With respect to traffic we acknowledge it and it is not going to get better right away. There is nothing the Planning Board can do about it and it is the way it is for the time being.  This might be a site for this type of housing but the intensity proposed is too much.  If this goes to Town Meeting how much money would this contribute to the Town?  What is the amount of ledge and how many truckloads of fill would you bring onto the site and take off the site?  Uses proposed was assisted living and memory care; why would you want family and child care do they need to be in there?  The dimensional controls are not good and the setbacks and building height is a concern especially with nothing that can go on top of the building.  Where can we find the policies for the traffic study? This is for the MOU.  Standards need to be set for things in the PSDUP.  Do scale sections at the property lines.  Perspective views should be done in winter. Minutes for the Meeting of August 16, 2018 Page 5  How long is the memory care building? It is 150 feet long. The architecture needs to be addressed and this project is not there yet. It is too long and linear. Reduce the size of the project. The applicant will address perspectives, traffic, the PSDUP language, and follow up with other issues. On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Mr. Canale, it was voted, 5-0, to continue the public hearing to August 30, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room. *************************BOARD ADMINISTRATION**************************** Board Member Updates: The Board needs to address the Liaisons to Boards and Committees and will discuss at the next meeting. For the NCD, the Town Manager will appoint 3 members of the NCD and the Board has a little time to make that choice and should be complimentary to those that are appointed by the other groups making appointments. Ideally it should be a member of the Planning Board and we should discuss this after we discuss current assignments. Upcoming Meetings & Anticipated Meetings: August 30 LCB and National Development will be on agenda to continue to September 12 without discussion. Minutes: On a motion of Charles Hornig, seconded by Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti it was voted, 5-0, to approve the minutes of July 19 as submitted. On a motion, duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. The meeting was recorded by LexMedia. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on the Planning Board website in Planning Board packets.  8 Adams Definitive Site Sensitive subdivision plan set dated 7/12/18 (10 pages).  Letter from attorney Patricia Nelson regarding 8 Adams Street dated 7/12/18 (8 pages).  Stormwater Analysis and calculations for 8 Adams Street dated 5/24/18 (79 pages).  Presentation from 7/17/18 for 8 Adams Street.  Planning Board Representatives/Liaisons to Boards & Committees. Page 6 Minutes for the Meeting of August 16, 2018 Documents for (PD 4) 331 Concord Avenue (PSDUP)  Petition to change zoning  Zoning petition  Corporate overview  PSDUP (proposed zone)  Table of Development Data  Site plans  Environmental impact analysis  Fiscal report  Architectural renderings  Foundation Engineering Report  Drainage report  LCB Support letters  Traffic Impact Study and Study Appendix Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti, Clerk