HomeMy WebLinkAbout1872-1873 Expenditures AUDITOR'S REPORT OF THE EXPENDITURES OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON , FROM MARCH 4TH, 1872, TO FEB. 1ST, 1873. ` . At a meeting of the Town, regularly called, and 'holden Nov. 5, 1872, the Town voted "That a Board of Auditors, to be limited to two, be cho- sen by nomination at large, .to audit the accounts of the cur- rent year." Charles Nunn'and Leonard !A. Saville were chosen Audit- ors in accordance with' the foregoing- vote. Mr. Nunn de- clined to act as Auditor, and no subsequent meeting was had at which the vacancy so caused could be filled. Early in December application was made to the Chairman, of the Board of Selectmen for the necessary documents, or a portion of them, to commence preparing an Auditor's Re- port similar to those presented to the Town in former,years, when the attention of the Auditor was cared to the follow- ing vote of the Town, passed Aug. 14, 1872, when the Town voted That the financial year of the Town be closed on the first of February, and that the reports of the several officers of the Town be made to that date and be circulated with the the warrant for the March meeting." ys " 2 i 3 Under the instructions contained in the above vote the REPAIRS OF SCHOOL HOUSES. Selectmen declined to part with any of the papers and ac- Appropriation, $1,000 00 counts in their possession until after they had prepared their 4 Expended, 1,248 01 report, which would be a detailed report, similar to those presented to the Town by the Auditors in former years, and ON Overdrawn, $248 01 as the larger portion of the accounts would be kept open until the last day of January, it was obvious there would not be time for two boards of officers to prepare reports from the same accounts and put them in print for circulation HIGHWAYS. by the middle of February. And in view of the detailed Appropriation, $5,000 00 report proposed by the Selectmen, your Auditor did not feel Expended, 5,091 20 warranted—unless further instructed-in subjecting the Town to the expense of presenting a report which would in Overdrawn, $91 20 a great measure be a duplicate of the Selectmen's report. Your Auditor therefore has presented in the following report the amount of each grant, and the expenditure under the grant in gross, referring to the Selectmen's report for. the SUPPORT OF POOR. items of expenditure under each grant, the correctness of Appropriation, $2,200 00 which is vouched for in the following certificate. A few, of Expended, 3,120 85 the vouchers are missing from the files, which fact is satis- factorily explained to the Auditor by the Chairman of the Overdrawn, $920 85 Board of Selectmen. LExING}TON, FEB. 25, 1873. i� I hereby certify that I have examined the original papers INTEREST. and accounts from which the Selectmen's report is made, and $4 20U 00 find them to be correctly cast and accompanied by the proper Appropriation, , vouchers. Expended, 3,422 01 LEONARD A.. SAVILLE, Auditor. Balance unexpended, $777 99 SCHOOLS. DISCOUNT ON TAXES. Appropriation., $7,500 00 Appropriation, $3,000 00 Expended, 6,838 59 Expended, 3,408 13 Balance unexpended, $661 41 Overdrawn, $408 13 t ' w �L v, 4 5 REDUCTION OF TOWN DEBT. IMPROVING COMMON. Appropriation, $2,000 00 Appropriation, $430 00 No expenditure. Expended, 380 58 Balance unexpended, $49 42 ABATEMENTS. Appropriation, $500 00 IMPROVING HIGH SCHOOL LOT. Expended, 253 65 Appropriation, $400 00 Expended, 421 00 Balance unexpended, $246 35 — Overdrawn, $21 00 IMPROVEMENT ON LINCOLN STREET. STATE AID. Appropriation, $2,500 00 Appropriation, $450 00 Expended, 297 44 Expended, 456 50 Balance unexpended, $2,202' 56 Overdrawn, $6 50 FIRE DEPARTMENT. SIDEWALKS. Appropriation, $800 00 Appropriation, $1,000 00 Expended, 797 91 Expended, 931 '98 — Balance unexpended, $2 09 Balance unexpended, $68 02 One bill of $169.41 omitted by the printer in Selectmen's account. Amount of Poll Tax refunded to Hancock Engine Company, omitted in the Selectmen's account, $46.00. DRAINAGE. Amount authorized by loan, $1,000 00 I REPAIRS OF HANCOCK ENGINE ROUSE. Expended, 1,244 73 Appropriation, $200 00 Expended, 91 98 Overdrawn, $244 73 Balance unexpended, $108 02 CONSTABLF,. ASSESSORS. Appropriation, $75 00 Appropriation, $300 00 Expended, 118 98 Expended, 319 75 Overdrawn, $43 98 Overdrawn, $19 7.5 r RINGING CHURCH BELLS. TREASURER AND COLLECTOR. Appropriation, $70 00 Appropriation, $300 00 6 Expended, 35 00 No-bill rendered. Balance unexpended. $35 00 It SCHOOL COMMITTEE. IMPROVEMENT ON WALTHAM STREET, Appropriation, $280 00 d near house of John McCarty. No bill rendered. Appropriation, $25 00 This amount should be transferred to the Highway, grant, as the work has been done by the Surveyors and charged for in their account. SEXTON. Appropriation, $80 00 — 1 Expended, 55 50 CONTINGENCIES. Balance unexpended, $24 50 Appropriation, $3,000 00 a Expended, 5,225 42 Overdrawn, $2,225 42 TOWN CLERK. Including Small-Pox expenses, cost of(duo Warranto suits, Appropriation, $80 00 care of Town Hall and Library,cost of Street Lamps, pay of No bill rendered. Auditor for 1871, Sealer of Weights and Measures, and Se- lectmen. rr 1 ' �Wd 8k SUMMARY. Whole amount of appropriations, including loan for draigage, $36,390 00 Whole amount expended, 33,759 21 Balance unexpended, $2,630 79 Amount of rents from Town Hall Building, $234 00 Net amount of Dog Licenses for 1872, as re- turned to County Treasurer. 244 80 Whole amount of Taxes for 1872-3 committed to the Collector including supplementary list and sidewalk Tax. $42,576 75 It is recommended that the financial year be closed at an earlier period than the first of February in order that the reports may be prepared with more care; and also that the different boards of officers have more frequent settlements with the Selectmen as advised in their report. Respectfully submitted, LEONARD A. SAVILLE, Auditor for 1872. LEXINGTON, Feb. 25, 1873. ,Parker,Printer,Woburn. n