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318 List of persons liable to enrollment in the militia in the Town of Lexington, 1865 and undated
..4�01241asza f COMMONWEALTH _ OIL MASSACH_U ETTS. [CtrerTt?r. 238 S:CTrt)-4 3 or TnE LAWS or 1864. Arrnovicn, 11tAv 14, 1804. It shall be the duty of the assessors,in the several cities and towns,to prepare a list of all Persons who may he living within their respective limits,and liable to enrollment; giving the name,age,and occupation of each of such Persons,and all facts which may determine Ilia exemption from military duty.and place a certified copy of such list in the hands of the clerks of their respective cities©r towns,on or before the first clay-of July next; and the said clerks sliall return copies of such lists to the Adjatant-General,on or before the tenth clay of July nest.] LIST of Persons liable to enrollment in the Town of......... ..c......� 9..r No. NAME.. AGE. OCCIIPATION. Here state facts which may determine-Exemption Q- J /9 _ "- r � • I, NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION. Here state facts which may determine Exemption from military duty. Ad nw �3R� -- - ' a. .. .2—s- 3 1 le w — l�tan ---- -- —— --- - _ --- e -- - r - Here state facts �" may determine Exemption .� NBIlQE; AGE: L3-:_.r'O�CCUP kTPi6lT. ... y ' from military duty. Al 9 1. i r —MAKE. ( OCCUPATION. Here state facts which may determine Exemption' from military duty. ZY r w VFW- AL , ��1-�flf-J,L �G` /'//1tiC�eL�✓`-' �� �7�Lr r�-b s `— �r-- _✓"�.�r�f�-�-- �� _'_ ,��.�ems...-- L�'�.7-w.-rc� �✓ Gw�I.GD ___#_ '.� .S / - fir: r ff-��yu�li- fY t j n /Y - - 2-ht- / f G G i I COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACRUSETTS. It shall he the duty of the assessors,in the several cities and towns,to prepare a list of all persons who may be lir ing within their respecttFe limits and liable to enrollment; having the name,ale,and occupation of each of such persons,and all facts which may determine his exemption from uulitary duty,and place a certified copy of such list in tho hands of the clerks of their respective cities or towns,on or before the first day of July next; and the said clurks shall return copies of such lists to the Aclj utant-(;eneral,on or Uefore the tenth clay of July nest.] LIST of Persons liable to enrollment in the T®wn. of........._....a4,..... . Here state facts which may determine Exemption No. NAME. ACHE. OCCUPATION. from military duty. ZI �r3 Z7 a-�.- 21 2 --�7` - -- - 4-0 Y !� / — - _. � __ �f ' r �i s r 1Q Here state facts which may determine Exemption o, t�fJPAt, from military duty. AU 20 vu I r ' c i i r , p � =;vim Here state facts which may determine Exemption from military duty. Ila 45, 41 � s --- -- I Zism- — - r I � i b 3 s .- � 29 Mq— I / AGE. OCCUPATION. Here state facts which may determine Fxemption from military duty. i i I I i a I j COMMONWEALTH OF AIASSACH-USETTS. [CHAP En 218 SEcxtov 8 otr xnE LA t r 1864. APPROVED, MA-1 14, 1864. It shall be the duty of the assessors,in the several cities and towns,to prepare a list of all persons wbo may Ue living within their respective limits,and IaUle to enrollment; ivinn the name,ape,and occupation of each of such Persons,and all facts which ma. determine his exemption from mlitar; duty.and place a certified copy of such list in the hands of the clerks of their respective cities or town%,on or before the first day of July next; and the said clerks shall return copies of such lists to the Adjutant-Ueneral,on or before the tenth day of July Rext.J LIST of Persons liable to enrollment in the Town of...................(.....:..1 .......... .. :� .: ----. .. ...----- Here state facts which may determine Exemption No. NAME. ACHE. OCCUPATION. from military duty. -- — �i4/-1 — - — — - — -- ------ — I 4,0 i ,✓ p d r j a0 / C V 17 011 /71 -- �' - - — t I Here state facts which may determine Exemption NAME. AGIJL. 00CUPATION. from military duty. r)I Nil Pff( f,)Il, Its I'PILI AM Ain _ _ --- a Z- 17 — � - � - 2 _ -- I ' I . I - 1 ,r y I _ J dye_-_.�-��- -- - �-�►_ _ --- _ - - ---- _.--- —_ -- 4ILI.� nodl wexZ arimialab WU dvidw elesFt . o-tATf � � Here state facts Avh ch may determine Esempti?A .Yjj b TV0,it from military duty. sz \ r" _ — ..O IV } IJ - i t' -OCCUPATION. Mere state facts which may determine Exemption ' _e from military duty. Al AAA � -� • 7 ` r J Z_ I � l i TTSETTS. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACH It shall be the duty of the assessors,in the several cities and towns,to prepare a list of all persons who may be living.within their respective limits,and liable to enrollment; giving the name,age,and occupation of each of such persons,and all facts which may determine his exemption from military duty.and place a certified copy of such list in the hands of the clerks of their respective cities or towns,on or before the first day of July next; and the said clerks shall return copies of such lists to the Adjutant-General,on or before the tenth day of July next.] LIST of Persons liable to enrollment in the Town of............ �.� :..�..�.r,. . .0 �._..... .. ..._.... ... ........ Here state facts which may determine Exemption lTo: NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION. from military duty. or - L ao —I C7, z ] o. .- d?��"UPAT�A�T� Here state f4ets w-b oh x y determine Exemption from military duty. A,//��j.y � '.i'. .,., r: L .!'fT•i a•..'l, Al— Al e 40 jv ` _ Here state facts which may determine Egemptiou -OCCUPATION. from military duty. d lZ� _ate— Z - n .3 -- - --- Here state facts which may determine Exemption.,,-.- NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION. a from military duty, SQL _ . �' • i