HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-30• • MINUTES OF MEETING of the Lexington Historic Districts Commission Wednesday 30 May 1990 A meeting of the Lexington Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, May 30, 1990 in Room G-15 of the Town Office Building, Lexington, Massachusetts. Present at the meeting were Commissioners John L. Davies, Chairman; Linda J. McAulay, Secretary; Richard S. Morehouse; and Stephen M. Politi; Associate Commissioners Walter H. Bergler, Jr.; Elizabeth B. Cotten; Mary Harding Nye; and Walter S. Pierce; and Charles D. Grant, Clerk. At 8 :00 PM the Chairman declared the meeting open and read a notice on the application of Patricia Nelson concerning exterior architectural changes on the building at 15 Hancock Street, which is within the Hancock - Clarke District. The applicant submitted a mortgage survey plan of the property on which the existing patio and porch were sketched, and a plan of the proposed deck prepared by M. Sinesi, architect. The proposed structure consists of a fir deck, treated with stain, on pressure- treated timbers, lying one step (less than one foot) up from grade. A neighbor, Steve Chansky, the owner of 11 Hancock Street, said the proposed structure looked fine to him. The Chairman then advised the members of the Commission that the Commission could either decide that the deck is not visible from a public way and therefore no Certificate is required, or, approve the deck on its merits. There was then unanimously VOTED (Comissioners Davies, McAulay, Morehouse, Politi and Associate Commissioner Nye) a Determination that no Certificate is required by virtue of the fact that the proposed structure is not visible from a public way. At the second hearing, the Chairman read the notice on the application from Mark Langlais of Morgan Industries in Burlington, representing Ada Wong d/b /a Peking Gardens Restaurant concerning an exterior architectural change to the building at 27 Waltham Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The applicant submitted drawings and photographs of a proposed permanent awning to be installed over the rear entrance of the building from the parking lot, and a sample of awning material. It was unanimously VOTED that the proposed awning be approved, provided the existing lettering over the door and lighting be removed. The meeting then turned to some matters of business. A bill totaling $183.12 from Beacon Communications for the legal notices in the Minuteman was VOTED. A bill from C.D. Grant totaling $450.00 for services during April and May was VOTED. The Commission then discussed a proposed billing procedure, which had heretofore been regarded as "unsporting ", but which the Board of Appeals and other Town departments have come to use in order to stretch their services over straitened budgets. It was VOTED that the Minuteman be asked to send the bills for the legal notices directly to the applicants, according to the procedure outlined by the Clerk. At the third hearing, the Chairman read the notice on an application - z - from Takis Trobagis, sign maker, of Bedford, representing Danilo Konvalinka d/b /a Merry Music Box with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the building at 850 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. The applicant submitted a sketch of the front of the building and a drawing of the proposed sign to be made, on the urging of the Commission, of wood rather than of aluminum framed with square tubing. It was VOTED that the sign, made of medium density overlay plywood, with white lettering reading "The Merry Music Box / New and Antique Musical Boxes ", in the style shown, on a light navy blue background, in semi -gloss finish, and in the design and dimensions submitted, be approved, except that the line reading "Buying- Selling- Repairs - Restorations" be omitted. At the fourth hearing, the Chairman read the notice on an application from Sandra Ehrenberg- Rubinstein d/b /a Warm Hearts /Cold Noses with respect to the erection and display of signs on the building at #7 Depot Square, which is within the Battle Green District. The applicant and Alex Mitromaras, co -owner and contractor of the shop, submitted drawings of the proposed signs and described their proposed locations on the building. It was VOTED unanimously that the signs as described below be approved. - Two identical wall signs, of medium density overlay plywood with a wood frame painted white, with raised wood letters reading "Warm Hearts /Cold Noses - Essentials for Pets & Their Caretakers ", as submitted and described, except that the horizontal line separating the two lines listed above be obmitted, and that the words "Hearts" and "Cold" be more widely separated, and that the sign be on the same scale as that of the Bank of Boston. - One, fixed, projecting sign, of medium density overlay plywood with a wood frame painted white, as submitted and described, except that the letters be painted black lettering, that the words "Essentials for Pets and Their Caretakers" be omitted and the horizontal line under that phrase also be omitted. At the fifth hearing, the Chairman read the notice on the application of Alan Asetta concerning exterior architectural changes to the building at 960 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. The applicant submitted plans for a proposed two -story addition on the back of the building and a porch on the back of the addition. After a lengthy discussion of the extent to which the addition and its porch could be seen from Massachusetts Avenue and of the aesthetics of the proposed design, it was VOTED (Commissioners Davies, McAulay and Politi; and Associate Commissioner Nye voting Aye and Commissioner Morehouse voting Nay) that the design be approved in principle, except that the windows on the north side be restudied in relation to the roof line and to the size and elevation of the windows in the rest of the house, and that the proposed porch is not approved. At the sixth and last hearing, the Chairman read the notice on the application of John and Marianne Pearson concerning exterior architectural changes to the building at 16 Belfry Terrace, which is within the Battle Green District. They and their architect, Joseph W. Dick, submitted detailed plans for a proposed new addition to the back of their house. It was unanimously VOTED that the proposed new addition, to be built using materials and colors to match the existing structure, be approved. • • • In a continued hearing, Carter Scott submitted plans showing four elevations of the carriage house on the premises at 627 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District, showing proposed additional windows and the manufacturers specification for Marvin windows. It was unanimously VOTED that the proposed addition to the carriage house of eight new windows, and the replacement of existing windows to match the new ones, be approved. In a discussion about the heating of the building, the applicant withdrew a proposal for the installation of a metal chimney until he could study other approaches. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 PM. 7 - 3 - Linda 4'. McAulay Charles D. Grant Secretary Clerk