HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-02• • A meeting of the Lexington Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, May 2, 1990 in Room G-15 of the Town Office Building, Lexington, Massachusetts. Present at the meeting were Commissioners Stephen M. Politi and John E. Ryan; Associate Commissioners Walter H. Bergler, Jr.; Elizabeth B. Cotten; Mary Harding Nye; and Walter S. Pierce; and Charles D. Grant, Clerk. In the absence of Chairman John L. Davies, Stephen M. Politi was elected Chairman of the Meeting pro tem. At 8:00 PM the Chairman declared the meeting open and read an application from Frans Berkhout d/b /a LeBellecour Restaurant with respect to exterior architectural changes to the building at 10 Muzzey Street, which is within the Battle Green District. It was VOTED unanimously that the awnings proposed by the applicant be approved, that they be of the same material, color and manufacture as those currently in place and conform to the referenced drawings submitted. Concerning the proposed exterior storm windows, there was discussion about the thickness of the mullions as seen in the sample window shown at the meeting and it was decided to defer a decision until the applicant could look for other manufacturers. At the second hearing, the Chairman read an application from Roger Gaudet, Contractor, on behalf of St Brigid's Convent with respect to exterior architectural changes to the building at 1989 -1991 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. It was VOTED unanimously that the work, consisting of the application of black asphalt fiber glass roll roofing on a tarred galvanized metal underlayer on the roof of the front porches of the building, as described at the hearing, be approved. At the third hearing, the Chairman read an application from The Dana Home of Lexington with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the premises and color changes on the building at 2027 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The Dana Home was represented by Pam Carvy, Norma D. Perry and David Williams who submitted a drawing of the proposed sign and samples of the proposed colors at the hearing. It was VOTED unanimously that the sign be approved as presented and that the color scheme be approved as described below: Siding Window casings & trim Exterior doors & detailing While waiting for the MINUTES OF MEETING of the Lexington Historic Districts Commission Wednesday 2 May 1990 Benjamin Moore #1587 blue -grey, oil base, eggshell finish Benjamin Moore #HC -174 cream oil base, eggshell finish Benjamin Moore #HC -66 terracotta, "garrison red ", oil base, eggshell finish. appearance of the applicant for the fourth - 2 - hearing, the Commission then considered the informal presentation of Laurel J. Hudson with respect to exterior architectural changes to the building at 8 • Parker Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The applicant first presented a sketch of a roofed porch to replace the existing front porch which must be taken down; the Commission expressed a favorable reaction in lieu of a accurate drawing of the proposed porch. A proposal to attach vinyl shutters met some opposition from the Commission and it was suggested that the applicant bring an example. The Commission also noted that the attachment of wooden shutters, which were originally on the building, needs no approval, whereas their replacement with vinyl ones does. Concerning the insertion of skylights into an unfinished attic, the Commission had no objections provided detailed drawings were provided. Similarly, the proposal for building an enlarged back porch has to be accompanied by a complete set of plans. • At the fourth hearing, the Chairman read an application from Roger and Mary Hill with respect to the installation of a children's play structure and a brick walk on the premises at 9 Hancock Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The applicants submitted a revised plan for locating the play structure in the area presently occupied by the vegetable garden and a plan for a proposed 30' brick walk. At the close of the discussion, the Chairman read letters of support for the revised proposal for the location of the play structure from Commissioners John L. Davies and Richard S. Morehouse. It was VOTED (Commissioner Politi and Associate Commissioners Bergler and Nye voting Aye and Commissioner Ryan and Associate Comissioner Pierce voting Nay) that the proposed installations be approved. At the fifth hearing, the Chairman read an application from Carla Fortmann and Dottie Simpson d/b /a The Crafty Yankee with respect to exterior architectural changes to the building at 1838 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Their landscape architect, Robert Ossman, submitted detailed plans of the proposed changes. It was VOTED unanimously that the following changes be approved: - that the sign over the new door shall be made in the same style and kind as the main sign of the Boston Federal Savings Bank, except that the lettering shall be 8" high, instead of 12" high, and read "THE CRAFTY YANKEE ". - that the hanging sign at the margin of the courtyard shall be made of bass wood measuring 30" high X 20" wide, painted white; with the words "THE CRAFTY YANKEE" painted black in solid block letters and surrounding a carved fox painted red -brown and cran- berry colors; and underneath the words "NEW ENGLAND HAND CRAFTS" (instead of NEW ENGLAND HANDICRAFTS as submitted) painted black in solid black letters; and hanging from a post so that the center of the sign is no more than 7' -0" above ground level. - that the architectural changes shall consist of a new entrance door with lights on each side; a courtyard with concrete pavers of sizes 4" X 8" and 8" X 8 ", and bordered by planters contain- ing rhododendrons and evergreens. At the sixth and last hearing of the meeting, Arthur S. Ryan presented an application with respect to exterior architectural changes to the building, and the erection of an outbuilding and a fence on the premises of • the building at 529 -531 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. It was VOTED unanimously that the proposed shed, • - 3 - Grossman's Package No. 3, a 12' X 8' saltbox, having black asphalt shingles on the roof, and placed at the back of the lot at the end of the driveway be approved, except that the siding shall be of shingles stained grey with white trim. It was VOTED (Commissioners Politi and Ryan; Associate Commissioners Bergler and Pierce voting Aye and Associate Commissioner Nye voting Nay) that the proposed new front entrance, consisting of a panel door #2130 made by Nord Company of Everett and side panels #1705 made by Nord Company of Everett, be approved. At this point in the meeting Associate Commissioner Bergler had to leave the meeting and his place in the quorum was taken by Associate Commissioner Cotten. In the third part of the sixth hearing, which concerned an application to erect a fence along the front of the house, the Commission noted the attractiveness of open properties running into each other which is a characteristic of towns in North America, and expressed disapproval of fences in the context of Massachusetts Avenue. The Commission VOTED (Commissioner Politi and Associate Comuissioners Nye and Pierce voting Aye and Commissioner Ryan and Associate Commissioner Cotten voting Nay) to reject the application as submitted. The Commission then considered the informal presentation of Alan Asetta for exterior architectural changes to the building at 960 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. The proposed change consists of a two -story addition to the rear of the house with an elevated deck built on the back of it. Commissioner Pierce noted that the applicant should have more details from the manufacturer of the vinyl -clad windows proposed for the addition and that the windows in the back of the house with their horizontal mullions, are, in fact, more suited to ranch -style houses. The application will be considered in detail at a later formal hearing. The Commission then considered the informal presentation of John and Marianne Pearson and their architect, Joseph W. Dick, for exterior architectural changes to the building at 16 Belfry Terrace, which is within the Battle Green District. The Commission forsaw no problems at a later formal hearing on their application. In the absence of a letter extending its application before the Commission, it was unanimously VOTED to disapprove without prejudice the application of Muzzey High Condominium to make an exterior architectural change to the concrete steps on the building at 1475 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. A bill of $101.37 from Beacon Communications was VOTED unanimously. In the absence of Chairman Davies, it was decided to postpone discussion of the proposed changes in the system of billing for legal notice until the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM. et ^r ,. ac. Linda McAulay, Secretary otattes ). Cox Charles D. Grant, Clerk