HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-23 • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, January 23, 1985, in the ground floor conference room (G-15~, Town Office Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners John L. Davies, Chairman, and Linda J. McAulay, Secretary; and Associate Commissioners Stephen B. Cripps, Mary Harding Nye, Walter S. Pierce, and Albert T. Pitt. At 8:00 P.M. the application of the Halcyon Corporation was considered. Nobody appeared on behalf of the applicant, but the drawings had been pro- perly submitted earlier. The application was for a sign on the building at 1845 Massachusetts Avenue to read "SEBASTIAN'S", in 10" high gilded wood letters, rounded in profile, and in Roman style. It was noted that the sign conformed to the standards for the building which had been approved earlier, and the proposal was VOTED. While waiting for the next advertised hearing, there was discussion of the second floor front windows at the Battle Green Inn. The Building Com- missioner had contacted Mr. Davies by telephone to express his fear that the deteriorated windows were a hazard. Mr. Davies had advised him that a re- pair in wood could be made without any hearing, provided the design did not change. A repair in vinyl clad wood, if of the same general design., would still require a Certificate but, in Mr. Davies' opinion, if the Building Commissioner believed it to be a matter of public safety the repair could proceed immediately. Mr. Davies had suggested to the Building Commissioner that, if the design were changed, then drawings would be required but a telephone poll to receive consensus of the Commission might suffice to per- mit an immediate start to the work prior to an advertised hearing. At 8:20 P.M. Mr. Paul Tourigny appeared on behalf of Relationships Video Introductions and Productions, Inc. with respect to a sign to be erected at 1656 Massachusetts Avenue. The sign would read "Relationships Video Inc." on a 60" x 9" board, matching the style of the sign for the adjacent tenant. The drawings submitted were indefinite as to type style and letter size, and the Chairman suggested that the hearing be continued to February 20. The applicant felt that by that time he could have scale drawings available. The continuance was agreed to. At 8:30 P.M. Mr. Emanuele Ooscia and Mr. Charles Hagenah appeared on behalf of the Town of Lexington regarding the proposed handicap access ramp to the Ca Memorial Buildin at 160 Massachusetts Avenue. The ro osal Y'y g 5 P P includes addition of a granite step at the top of the existing steps to form a level platform at the building doors, and the construction of a ramp to access this platform from the southeasterly corner of the building. The ramp would be concrete construction, flanked by low granite-capped walls supporting steel handrails. The handrails would be black or brown, and the Commissioners expressed a preference for black. There was discussion of the ramp paving, which might be brick or, if funds permit, granite. The Com- missioners expressed a general preference for granite. There would be HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - 2 - January 23, 1985 shielded fluorescent lighting to light the ramp surface. The cheek walls of the ramp structure were also discussed, They may be brick sheathed, or alternatively they may be sand-blasted concrete. The Commissioners expressed a willingness to accept concrete, provided the color and finish were carefully controlled. There was consensus among the Commissioners present to accept the ramp design, but the hearing was continued to February 20 for the choices of materials and will have additional detailed information on the lighting. At 9:15 P.M. Mr. Coscia appeared again on behalf of the Town to dis- cuss the Meriam Street parking lot. He said that the white barrels were being removed, and the yellow markings would be painted over when weather permits. He submitted photographs of afree-standing sign giving parking regulations, and a group of three other signs attached to the building. The free-standing sign was VOTED, but the signs on the building were not approved. Mr. Coscia was asked to submit a coherent design that would con- vey the necessary information without appearing to be ready-made signs simply stuck onto the building. The hearing was continued to February 20. At 9:30 P.M. Mr. A. F. Moscato, Jr., Facilities Manager for the Shaw- mut County Bank, appeared on behalf of the bank in connection with the awnings it had installed on the building at 1822 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Davies pointed that three issues might be involved; the advertising logo of the "Indian" symbol, the bright blue color of the awnings, and their archi- tectural appropriateness to -the building. Mr. Cripps said that he felt repeating the logo on each awning was excessive. Mr. Pitt said that he felt the awnings cheapened the appearance of the building. Mr. Pierce observed that the building was one of the better modern Georgian buildings in the Center, and the awnings were not a part of the Georgian expression. He mentioned that they were in conflict with the wood shutters, since it was visually evident that the shutters couldn't shut with the awnings in place. It was also observed that the color scheme of the original building had been very carefully thought out, and the blue awnings were in conflict with it. Mr. Moscarto said that the bank management had felt the awnings offered some feeling of privacy for customers in conference situations inside the bank. Mrs. McAulay observed that the awnings were on the north, and there- fore had no sun control function, and for affording privacy they were not nearly as effective as interior curtains or blinds. It was unanimously VOTED to disapprove the installation of any awnings on the north facade of the 1822 Massachusetts Avenue building. At 9:50 P.M. Mr. Richard Stopfel, of Stopfel Pederson, Inc., architects and Mrs. Dorothy Stevens, librarian, appeared on behalf of the Christian Science Reading Room at 1'736 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Stopfel presented a rendering of a proposed reconstruction of the facade of the property and of a new sign. The design included the moving of the entrance door toward the right side of the facade to provide a single large display window. Mrs. Nye expressed a preference for the existing center entrance. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - 3 - January 23, 195 The design would also remove the white paint from the brick pier to the right of the entry. Mr. Stopfel said that this plan had the support of the building owner. The sill of the display window would be 1LY" above the sidewalk, to match the window of "Goodie's" next door. The dimensions of the sign, too, would match those of Goodies', and it would read "Christian Science READING ROOM" in Helvetica type face. The construction of the sign would be cut out letters in a metal plate, backed up with another plate, giving incised letters 3~8" to 1~2" deep. The design was generally approved by the Commissioners present, but there was not sufficient definite information on which to vote a Certifi- cate. Miss Gilson pointed out that the time period since the original application had expired, so it was agreed that the applicant will reapply for a further hearing in February or March, at which time he will have definite information as to color and material choices. At 10;25 P.M. Mr. Dennis Lowe appeared for an informal discussion of his proposed renovations at 52 Waltham Street. He presented sketches of the building and an original architect's rendering of the building in its original form. Mr. Lowe's efforts to restore the character of the building were generally approved. Certain details, however, such as a proposed bow window, were criticised as being out of character with the period of the structure. The issue of "roof window" type skylights was discussed, and several members felt they were acceptable on certain areas of the roof, but were competitive with the dormers on certain other roof slopes, Mr. Lowe will develop his designs further and return far a formal hearing at a later date. The meeting was adjourned at 11:1 Y.M. ~ I,ir2da J .L~P%icAulay l' Secretary