HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-09-19 i • HISTRIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION September 19, 1984 A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, September 19, 1984. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners John L. Davies, Chair; Linda J. McAulay, Secretary; Roland B. Greeley, Ann B. Cripps, and Albert T. Pitt. At 8:00 PM, Jewel S. Douglass appeared with respect to the re-shingling of the roof on the house at 2045 Massachussetts Avenue. The shingles would be white cedar, as installed by the same contractor who had done the Garrity House roof. They would be laid 4" to the weather, with the wood trim at the gambrel break to be stained the color of the naturally weathered cedar. The proposal was VOTED. At 8:15 PM, Carolyn Creelman appeared on behalf of the Lexington Square building at 1666 Massachusetts Avenue with regard to the installation of new signs. The first, reading "HANNAH Shoe Boutique" would be 8' x 22 5/8" in "~gorristown Red" with incised gold leaf letters 10" high for the large caps, and 2#" for the lower case. Approval of this sign was VOTED. The second sign, a free standing double faced sign adjacent to the side- walk and the driveway, would have a cream background to match the building color. ?r would he 4'-6" wide x 3' high attached to two 6' posts. The post caps shall be gold leaf balls. The posts, the logo, and the words "pedestrian access to" shall be Tarrytown or Lafayette green. The sign will have two panels reading "PUTNAM PANTRY CANDIES - ICE CREAMS" and "SUNDIAL BOOKSTORE". There would be two buried lighting fixtures with shielded 100w. mercury vapor lamps illuminating the signs, which would serve as a street front identification for the businesses located in the rear of the property. The letters on these panels would be 3" to 3$" high. Approval of this sign was VOTED. At 8:45 PM, Henry Patterson of Damon Enterprises, Inc. appeared in regard to exterior architectural changes at 1715-1717 Massachusetts Avenue. The pro- posal included two awnings to replace the existing signs and awnings, which would be removed. The awnings would have a curved profile to prevent them from retaining lit cigarettes and other materials which had been thrown on the existing awnings. They would have a scalloped edge, would project about 3', and would carry white script letters reading "Bel Canto". Approval was VOTED. At the rear of the building, Mr Patterson proposed to replace the existing awning with a short awning over each door, in matching color but without the logo. He also proposed a refrigeration box at the rear of the building but did not have detailed information on it. In view of the similarities between this proposal and that of Castiello Bakery, the Commission agreed to suspend the Damon Enterprise hearing until it could be heard together with the Castiello proposal later in the evening. At 9:15 PM, Tony Platt representing Sidney Noyes AndersoYB, Inc. appeared with regard to architectural changes at the Muzzey High Condominiums at 1475 Massachusetts Avenue. He showed paint color samples of a pale yellow or cream to be used on certain trim, and a light gray tone for use on those areas which are symbolically "structural", such as pilasters. Miss Barbara Gilson, acting in the capacity of an interested abutter, spoke against the gray color. That portion of the hearing relating to colors was then adjourned until 8:00 AM, Saturday, September 22, at the site, at which time larger samples could be seen by day light. • • page 2 September 19, 1984 Mr. Platt continued his presentation by showing a design for typical entrance doors to the various ground floor units. These would be painted metal, with five rows of three glass lights. The doors would typically be hung in a recessed posi- tion, about 3~' from the face of the building. Two such doors would be at the easterly end of the building and four or five in the rear. Approval of these doors was VOTED, but no information was presented or approved regarding storm or screen doors. He next presented a design for the pergola at the rear entrance. It would have manufactured Tuscan wood columns and a roof of either copper or green painted metal. The pergola would have a pavilion at its inner and outer ends. Mrs. McAulay expressed a strong preference for copper roofs on the pavilions. Approval of the design was VOTED, subject to the roof, the gravel stops, and other visible metal flashing being copper. At 9:55 PM, Grace A. Ciccolo appeared on behalf of "Color me Beautiful" at 1628 Massachusetts Avenue to request preliminary informal approval of a hanging sign prior to her advertised hearing. The design was reviewed and the Commission consensus was favorable, provided the workmanship on the sign matched the topography on the advertising logo. At 10:00 PM, Mr. Platt returned to present a plan for the addition of two more fixed skylights and two more "Roto" roof windows on the Muzzey building. Approval of this request was VOTED. He also showed a proposed location of a pad mounted transformer 80" high and 59" x 54" in plan. This transformer must be outside the building, and for practical reasons it must be near the electrical switchgear. The location proposed is about 10' in front of the building and about 10' from the right hand entrance stairway, and it will be screened by new and relocated yews. This proposal was VOTED, subject to the screen being of existing, relocated or new yews, as required, and at least as tall as the trans- former. At 10:15 PM, the continued hearings for Bel Canto and for Castiello Bakery were reopened together so that the related development at the rear of the building could be discussed. Each of the businesses proposed an exterior walk in refriger- ator or freezer, to be entered from inside the respective stores. Mr. Castiello described his as being sided with brown enameled galvanized steel panels, 7' deep and and 14' long with a flat roof at 8'-6". It would sit on the existing planter structure, which would be capped with a concrete slab. The color would closely match the brown of the bronze anodized aluminum entrance door. Approval of this structure was VOTED, subject to the requirement that it be maintained in good condition. It was noted that this structure would obviate the need for the handrail previously proposed for the concrete platform. The refrigerator for Bel Canto would be substantially identical in color, material, and detail to the one for Castiello Bakery. It would be 11'-7" long, 7'-9" deep, and the same 8'-6" height. It would sit on an existing concrete platform. Approval was VOTED, subject to the same maintenance requirement. The rear awning at Bel Canto was discussed, and it was agreed it would be the same red material as at the front, without the logo, and installed over a cut-down existing frame. Approval was VOTED. i • • page 3 September 19, 1984 The rear customer entrance at Castiello Bakery was then shown, and Mr. Castiello requested that the wall flanking the stair be extended to the door head height in order to block the view of the neighboring dumpster. The handrail would match the other existing handrail on the building. Approval was VOTED. Wilbur H. Jaquith then appeared to discuss the structures which had been erected by the Town in the Meriam Street Parking lot. No HDC approval for these structures had been requested or obtained. Mr. Jaquith recommended that the Commission contact the Board of Selectman to state its view that the Town itself should be a leader in following its own regulations. It was agreed that the Chairman would write such a letter, addressing it to the Town Manager with a copy to the Board of Selectmen. Bills were then voted in the amounts of $37.40 to Beacon Communications Corp. and $75.20 to Miss Barbara Gilson. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 PM. Linda J. McAulay Secretary