June 20, 1984
A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday,
June 20, 1984, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lex-
ington. Present were Commissioners John L. Davies, Chair; Roland B. Greeley,
Linda B. McAulay and Ann Wallace, and Associate Commissioners Stephen B. Cripps,
Walter 5. Pierce, and Albert T. Pitt.
At 8:00 PM, Mr. William Bickford of the Church of Our Redeemer appeared
to request approval of a fence at the church building in order to provide a
play yard for Lexington Playcare Center, Inc.. They explained that State law
requires a 4 ft. non-climbable fence. The fence would be set back approximately
150 ft. from Meriam Street, as shown on the submitted plan, and would enclose a
play yard of about b400 sq. ft. The construction would be post and rail backed
by a 2 in. square wire mesh, covered with green vinyl.
Mr. Pierce suggested that the mesh might be less obtrusive if it were
galvanized wire allowed to weather naturally. Mr. Davies agreed. The question
of wood treatment was raised, and Mr. Bickford replied that the posts and rails
would be left to weather naturally. Mr. Pierce requested that the wood be
treated with, at most, a clear preservative. Mr. Wilbur Jaquith suggested that
a proviso be added to the Certificate that would require that the fence be
maintained in good condition.
A spectator asked whether plantings were being considered, and Mr. Bickford
replied that they were not being included because they would be too much of a
financial burden on the nursery school. The proposal was then VOTED, with the
requirement that both the wood and the galvanized wire be allowed to weather,
and that the fence be maintained in good condition.
At 8:25 PM, Ms. Elizabeth Bryant appeared on behalf of Unicorn Books to
request approval for a sign at 1644 Massachusetts Avenue. It was shown that
the clear space between the first and second floor windows is 56 in. and the
"Lexington Cycle" sign is 24 in. high. The proposed "Unicorn Books" sign would
have 8 in. Roman style letters and a 16in. diameter logo. The sign board would
be 14 ft. long x 20 in. high. There was discussion of the possibility that this
sign installed parallel to the "Lexington Cycle" sign would be too crowded for
the available space.
Mr. Pierce suggested that the existing sign could be cut down in height if
Lexington Cycle would agree. Mr. Davies said he felt it was essential to cut
down their sign to at most 20 in. if both signs are of be installed. Ms. Bryant
said the landlord, too, would prefer two signs of 20 in, height.
Mr. Pitt suggested lowering the "Lexington Cycle"sign and placing a sign
like the existing hanging "Unicorn" sign between the second floor windows. Mr.
Pierce asked if it would fit between the first floor windows. Mr. Greeley ex-
pressed concern about forcing Unicorn Books to accept a smaller sign. It was
VOTED to allow Ms. Bryant to mount her existing sign, as an experiment, between
the two first floor windows. The hearing was continued to July 18, at which time
Ms. Bryant could pursue the request for the new sign if she still chose to.
Page 2 June 20, 1984
At about 9:00 PM, Ms. Marion Powell, Ms. Katherine Donahue and Ms. Fanette
Luhrs appeared on behalf of the Hancock School Condominium Association to dis-
cuss their proposed replacement windows. Ms. Powell asked whether the Commission
would approve the idea of replacing the windows at all. Mr. Pierce responded
there is probably no problem in finding an acceptable dark color. Mr. Davies
asked the Commissioners if they would accept red panning with grey or buff sash.
Mrs. McAulay said she would have to see it. Mr. Davies told the applicants that
there appeared to be a majority opinion among the Commissioners that the windows
should be a dark color in order to be architecturally appropriate to the build-
It was then unanimously VOTED to disapprove the application for white
replacement windows, as presented at the previous meeting.
At 9:35 PM, Mr. Stephen P. Baldwin appeared on behalf of Lexington Square
to request that the date "1942" be added to the previously approved "Oriental
Rug" sign. It was VOTED to modify the Certificate accordingly. Mr. William
Snow then appeared also on behalf of Lexington Square and presented a drawing
of the proposed "Directory" sign. The design appeared acceptable, approval was
VOTED, and Mr. Snow will submit the required three copies of the drawing at a
later date.
Approval of bills from Ingalls Stationers in the amount of $44.92 and from
Miss Barbara Gilson for the amount of $114.75 were VOTED and the meeting adjourned
at 10:00 PM.
John L. Davies