HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-02-23 • IiISTURIC DI^•TRICTS COTfI".1~~~ IOPT A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held. at 8:00 F.1~T. ozi's;ednesday, February 23, 1983, in the Selectmen`s TMeet.ing Room, Towr. Gffice 3uildin~;, Lexington. Present were Jommissior_ers John L. Lavies a_nd 3aland B. Greeley; and Associate Commissioners Linda J. I"1cAulay, Richard Morehouse, and PRolly Idye. Jommissioner Lawrence 'rlhipple, ~~ecretary, ;joined the meetin~* at 8:45 Y.M. In the absence of the Chairman and 'ecre- tary ?:r. Greeley served as .hairman rro `''em. `':'he First hearing was held at 8:15 ,iN,. with a representative of Oli~=er w Moore Clothiers, Ltd. The sigr. proposed for this store at T6?0 ~'(~.^Ca.('!hll^Pt"E'c AvPnlla WR.C dl,^.f^.?7.^S £;Pd. It- wl.~. T'P.A.d "~~17 Tn 1~P..~T' `T'OWri.S~'1f1pTJP. re and will match other signs on that. building. Fallowing discussion, it was VOTED to approve this sign, subject to receipt of scale drawings. Ar. informal meeting was held with Ali Iturdi regar~n~ his desire to erect a sign at 11 rlaltham ..^;t.reet, reading "The Grand Strand Hair Design". A formal hearing on this sign and a directory type sign: will be held a± the next meeting of the Commission. At 8:35 ~'.M. a hearing was held on the application of Adams-Russell Cablevision for a free standing sign on the premises at 1403 P~_assachusetts Avenue (P~unroe vchaol;. Following considerable discussion in which two abuttors, Joseph Atzl of 1415 .Massachusetts Avenue and David ',^tilliams of 1433 P'assachusett.s Avenue expressed their views, it was VOTED to approve a free standing; sign. 4'S" x 20" with 4" letters of 23 kt, gold carved and. filled or: a backboard. pained with a honey brown stain. The sign posts are to be painted 4lellington "rJhite to match the trim of the building. Revised drawings are to be submitted prior to issuance of the Certificate. It was also VGTE'D to approve erection of a directory on the building to replace the existing sign over the front entrance, if the Board of Appeals approves this free standing sign. The final hearing- of the evening; was held.. at 9:15 ~ .PM. on the appli- cation of Follen Community Church for a sign in the parkir.~ lot across the +reet, fmm +he Church. Linda lv~cAulay discussed the propn^a-1 ar_d, Follntr- ing^ discussion, PMrs. P'1cAulay was requested to return to the Church and request that the application be withdrawn and that irs+ead they use a tem- porary sign mounted on sawhorses each week. It was ':DYED to disapprove the applicatior_ of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter llay `'dints for a free standing sig~l for lack of prosecution. Roland Gubisch, a mem:oer of the Lexington Historical Commission, dis- tributed copies of the secretary of Interior's publication entitled. "c>tan- da.rds for Rehabilitation". The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 ~'.TM. ~t Gt~'~: I~~t+~'L..1.~.' v S. Lawrence 'rthipple ::!ecretary