A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 8x00 Y.M.
on Wednesday, October 27, 1982, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town
Office Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners John R. Packard,
Chairman; S, Lawrence Whipple, Secretary; Roi.and B. Greeley; and Associate
Commissioners Linda J. McAulay and Richard S. Morehouse.
Jan Meades of Exquisites, 1833 Massachusetts Avenue, appeared to
request signs for her corner store in the Giroux buildang. She had pre-
viously discussed them informally xith the Commission. The final plans,
as shown in scale drawings, were consistent with other signs nn the build-
ing, and i.t was, after brief discussion, VOTED to approve the same.
The only other scheduled hearing for the evening was to take up the
construction of another home on the Cataldo property at 669 Massachusetts
Avenue. However, the Building Commissioner, backed up by Town Counsel,
determined that the structure as joined to the existing brick house would
not constitute a legal txo-family dwelling. The Commission therefore~VO'I"ED
for the record to disapprove the same, for lack of jurisdiction. The
Chairman later decided that no notice of determination would be required,
because Mr. Cata:l.do withdrew his application in a letter critical of this
:o,rmi.ssion as wHll as other town boards.
David Jenkins then discussed a new flat roof fo:r the rear of the
Baptist ':hurch at 1580 Massachusetts Avenue. The Commission determined
that. this roof would not be visible from a public way or place, and that
it therefore had no jurisdiction over the matter, which was not objection-
able anyway. i
A rather brief meeting xas adjourned at 9s10 P.M.
S. Laxrence Whipple