HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-07 Y7:J`1~EJ.RlIi iJl;"`PRII;`C~ 4l)i`II'tI.,,~ILIN A meeting of the. Historic Dist.ritt;; Commission was he_Ed a+~ 8:i?C~ '.h9. or. FdednE~sday, April 7, 19~:'-, in t.he. yelretm~:=r.'s 'fie~t-'~n,; ~o,~IE2, Town Office :esuilding, Lexington, E'resent were GommissionF.rs John G, i'atkard, f:Yrairmar!; laawr62ae 'rrhip~ale, ietretaY'y~ d0land~ [ireelE:V~ aT:Ct .~.i?Sr7f:i8.t.6; :,)C++LitIItiss10r1ers _ind.a J. McAulay, Richa.r~i Mor.+~house, a.rrd ~ic11v Nye, `Che f~i rat ~~rmrin_~, U`` thb l.Y r~?:if , ~~i)ry ~ o :)f l n].r_~~t6n, C~iP_menCF'd Witri the news fxom the: applicant, I~r.. Hobert Montague, that the nr+~jetting sip-2., whiter this Commission fa,vor~~d, had been disapproved b;; the t~oarrl of Appeals. It was i`cuird, how~vcr., that the same sign would do v~y:r.Y nicely over th,_~ front entrance, and after discussion it was VO'ii;':J to approve its erection at that location. At 8,p._5 i .r~. Mr, Harrington o? 'himmerings, 6 .~uzzay ;street, pras~~rted. plans for h!s sign to be erected over the left front wildow. Although the C1 r8 Wir:~. ~"S Wt?TE? I;O+ Llp t0 pti t' lI~UH1 St8.nd3.rC~E, tt'?f?rP wA.;~ F1~(. Ugh C'V Ica r'tl~f' visuali~c: the fir:al product, anti it wa..~ V[':'Pi~~ii to a.pprcve the same. I `ihe :outdoor Trading Company, llepot. ".r1uar_e, ^urprisingly failed to show for the hearing, and it was accordingly Ai7J0i_TR_Ni~L ~alt.ii April 2f?, a+ which time snow should no longer h~; an impediment tc their appear~r.nte. the commission then listened. t~~ ar7 informal presentation by Joel's candy store at :(altham ;.treet and iYassachasetts Avenue. 1'he> s;,ore needs awnir.;s to prol;ect its merchandise fror.~ the sun, and a Larger sign over thc- front entsar:ce. These will be the subjects of a formal hearing tr_ npr:i_1 a`, Ir. appeared that. the Corrm:ission favors the larger ;~izn r+~Iauested, as well as the green awnings, of which a sample was shown,. The merrioers favored a plain awning, with no stripes or letterint=. It wa.~ t.he~r, VO`i"D to approve payment of tY`ie usual bills for clerical service and publieatior_ of` legal no±ites. 'c'i.C. i~i~~t~i'tuuBr ~tieli .,.iSduS6eu Wi~li fii5 ~ell~w nteu;hf~t~:a ~ttc; Niril+_5 iiU:7- tors in the Clarke ',-treet Medical lfuilling tt~ add another story ter t'•~~: bul.ld.- ing, and to provide additional parking spaces by demolition of a home or two on one side: or the othex• of Rayrmnd Street. The= chairman expresscd stronp~ I i ogpcisit~itn to the whole concept, involving a~, it d.oas fl~rtrr~~~~ crowding; in are alrea.dy trowdc:d Lexington. Center.. It appeared that most of the merlbers 'i agreed, acrd '.+r, i+iorehoe.se w_ll report to tt:e doctors the negative reaction. he chairman then mention<:d- that '.dir_ Oaouette. had a.s"r.ed :air to observe three possible locations for the ~~exington Physical Therapy Associates sign ~ at 5 Raymond Street. The Commission previously.- approved a sign hanging between the porch columns. The Chairman ahr~F~r°' frith Nor. Cauuettr: thai a location ar, th.' stone wall. would be prE=.ferable, and it wau ~'0`I'ts~' to ai~provc this change. ~ • • HILTI,~'RI~C IjTS'I'iili:'I'S C~MMTS IDN - Thr~ Utiair^ean then expressed tis alarm about ru--ports tt7at rr:crr grass would 'be pave: cvar tin the ~rcands ~~f t:~e schocl administration building, and that ttie succ~~r field n~=xt to Muaz~:y J~mior Hzgt~ migP~t su*_'Fer thr~ same Ya*;e, hc~ Has also di.sturbc~cl about t.7e ,~roiiferatioai of par}~in~ sit;ris ir, '~e-tin~t~n. center, 'i'hP :remt~ers a~:re~d tt:at t,e snr,ulti adartss a letter to tY:=, ~:tla1...Li71l.t UJ. ~tt1C _itlaS`~'.. V2 ~~I.~;cL~nen, r~,illlritlin~ %hf? ~.iu£i"d Lhai, titC'.Sf; RiattErS ..r;:.. °..it.:.ir_ cur ,~srisd^~icn. Thy r~e~tin~; was ad„ourr~ed at `7:3j F.A1. _ S, Lawrence Whipple ~eeretary I,