HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-10 . xl:>T~c~Rrc D1sT>~,rcTS ~~oMMlssraN P. meetinE; of thca Historic Districts C,ommissicn. was held at 8:00 r.M, an W~=dnosday, rebruary t0, Sg82 in th€~ Selectmen's Nteeting Room, Town Cffice Buildin*, :f>exington. Present were Commi.ss:iorers John 3, Packard, .Jha.tr~aa*;; S. Lawrence ;r'hi.Fpl=, Secretary; JoY~~; L. Ira•.~ies; =tolarvi ti, Grf~eley; Anr_ Wallace; and i:sscciate= ommissicners A:'_nda J, i"IcAulay and Hi.cYiard. 5, t~SoraY:cusc. ^'he ~~ecting c•pc~ned with a continuation of th€~ Mere He^:e~s, 1;nc. h~arr.g adjc~urn~d from January 2'~, 1y82. Sir_ce the hearing was attended. by approxi- raatel.y 5O people, most of them neighbors, T~?r. Nickerson, the archit~:ct, reviewed th€; puns a~;a.in ir. detail, Mr. iwioore was not present. Many of the neighbors spoke in opposition to the plans. None spoke in favor, It wouL3 be difficult to discuss the comments of each iii aetdii. Some objected to the plan for the parking and traffic congestion it would entail. Others were concerned about drainage problems, and the usefulness of office condominiums which they thought would not serve the residents of the town, The density of land use was noted -aver 80,000 square feet of office space on a parcel a little over two acres in sizE. The discussion cantinuad for some -limo, ar,d hkr. Niokerson did his best to answer the ~bt!ertivnS. None of the Commissioners chose to comment, except the chairman. It was his opinion that the proposal could not be rejected cn grounds he felt were beyond the Commission`s jurisdiction, hike parking and drainage prah- lec~~-. But he statod t?:at he would appose it. br~eause it was simply t:~o much for a parcel of this size. He than asked fear a ~=ate, and it. was unanimously to reject the plan for reasons to be spelled out fully ir_ a Notice of Determination. At 9:30 P,1~i, Ler~nard Colxall made a formal presentati.nn of his plans :for an addition t€a his office at 4 Vine ilrouk Read, The plans wera some- what scaled down from those shown the Commission infurmallp on January 27, But tho Chairman, stated he would oppose tY~e new plans for t;he same r~>aso:xs hn nplw~c€~:~ +hP N(<?n,^.~, ~r!mas, T1'nC, nla,ras - }~~i mi~r~h ~nll.~~.ipcr fn2- ±.hn 3,V:3.i.13Y,ila land in ara area abutting residential properly. I 'w'hen put to a votes, it was V~T~;:, 4 to i, to reject the proposal far ~ reasons to be fully spelled out in a Notice of Det~:rmination. Comr.isslon.r I Davies voted, in favor of the plan. i Mrs.. Anne Grady then introduced 1~:r, Hobart Lind, wh€3 plans to rehabili- fate the Garrity Hausa for his p~~rsonai resid.er;c~. Hey wo€;ld fix. up the: barn, ` too, keeping it as a barn.. The Commission! was phased with his proposal, f whirh involves vr:ry little change in the Axisting desii;~lX and save P;r, bind I its blessin; as tie proeaeds t~> tha next steps for "'own approval of his pla>; . E[k E • - 2 - Mr. '~harles Hagedorn then discussed in~ocr.-.ally tha proposal of Ccdman Company for converting Mu7zey Junior Hi;;h "drool to condominium use. The plan involved construction of some garages similar to those in thre adjacent lussell Square condominiums, construction of a senior_ center on the nlayinr f~.eLcl *:o the right. of the school, and removal of 'the gymnasium area, 'i'?':e Ccammission found the F.roposa.l acceptable in general, but t}~e consensus seemed. oe ±hat nothing should. be rreYted or. the plying field. a very lor.rC ar_d intense r~:~~et:inr was then adjourned at 2C:5o I'.r.. . , S. Lawrer_ce ~~}hipple Secretary ICI I Iii I