A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission xa.s held at 8s00 P.M.
on Wednesday, October 14, 1981, in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building,
Lexington. Present xere Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman= S.
Laxrence Whipple, Secretary= Roland B. Greeley; Ann Wallace; and Associate
Commissioner Richazd S. Morehouse.
At 8s00 P.M. Barbara Doherty discussed her sign for the "Candy Castle"
at ~A Meriam Street. Although she had no adequate draxings xith her, the
sign rill be consistent xith others on the Giroux Building and accordingly
it was VOTED to approve it.
At 8s15 P.M. xe continued the Fotomat hearing, began on September 30.
Most of the discussion concerned the sire of the letters, not only for
Fotomat, but also for its subtenant, Joel's candy store. After an on-sight
inspection, and a later measurement by Mr. Greeley, it xas agreed that the
Fotomat letters xould be 16" on Massachusetts Avenue and the "J" in Joel's
20" on Waltham Street xith everything else falling into line proportionately.
With this amendment to the origixtal draxings it xas VOTED to approve the
signs. Although no action xas taken on the matter, the applicants and the
landlord xere urged to remove the xhite paint from the brick columns.
The Commission then discussed, informally, ideas of Emmanuel Frangos
for a projecting sign on a nex store, School's Inn, at 5 Wallis Court. He
rill come in again with a formal presentation, perhaps for a projecting
sign over the entrance as suggested by the Commission.
Ms. Marie T. Boucher of 2016 Massachusetts Avenue then presented paint
colors for her Victorian home. After discussion it xas VOTED to approve
certain Heritage Colors by Sher~sin Williams: "Renxick Yellox" for the body
of the house, "Colonial Revival Ivory" for the trim, and "Rockxood Dark
Green" for the blinds.
Folloxix?g a short reviex of the chairman's meeting xith Donald Wilson
to discuss his plans for the old colonial home at 556 Massachusetts Avenue,
and a rundoxn of plans for delivering letters to all residents of the dis-
tricts and maps to the realtors to advertise our existence, the meeting
xas adjourned at 50:00 P.M.
~ ~j~~G~
r, ~
S. Laxrence Whipple