A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 8x00 P.M.
on Wednesday. July 15, 1981, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office
Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners John R. Packard, Chair-
man; S. Laxrence Whipple, Secretary; John L. Davies; Roland B. Greeley;
Ann. Wallace; and Associate Commissioners Linda J. McAulay and Richard S.
At 8s00 P.M. Joseph Casell, Jr. presented sketches for an awning on
his Village Cobbler's store at i6 Waltham Street. Inclused in the presen-
tation was a sample of the awning - Boyle's Terracotta #68. Dimensions
are similar to those recently approved for Wayside Florists' awning next
door. They, too, appeared and requested a change of awning color from
royal blue to color named above. The new landlord insists that all axn-
ings be the same color. Accordingly, it xas VOTED to approve the awning
for The Village Cobbler and VOTED to amend Certificate of Appropriateness
No 81 C-25 issued to Wayside Florists to change the color of the awning
At 8s20 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Connell presented scale drawings
for a deck on the rear of their house at 55 Forest Street. Very little
will be visible from the street. The Commission found the plans satis-
factory and VOTED to approve them, after a brief discussion.
The Chairman then voiced his concerns about letters in the Minute
Man suggesting that the Garrity house and barn ought to be torn down. He
mentioned that the Commission has poxer to prevent the demolition of
buildings xithin the districts and asked for Commission approval of a let-
ter to the Minute Man reminding all concerned of this fact and stating
that demolition is not acceptable. It xas so VOTED and the letter sub-
mitted to the newspaper.
The meeting adjourned at 9 s 00 P.M. ~ //////J~ ~ ~.r~ ~
1??S. Laxrence Whipple