A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 8:00 P.M.
on Wednesday, April 29, 1981, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office
Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman;
S. Lawrence Whipple, Secretary; John L. Davies; Roland B. Greeley; Ann
Wallace; and Associate Commissioners Linda. J. McAuley, Richard S. Morehouse,
and Molly Nye.
The 8:00 P.M. hearing for Lexington Mews Trust was cancelled because
Amy Samoylenko, Trustee, withdrew her application.
At 8:1$ P.M, the Commission considered the application of June M.
Kidney for an addition to the two-family house at 924-926 Massachusetts Ave-
nue. Mr. Frank Yeomans, her builder, presented the request. The addition
involved an extension of the existing ell on the rear, with an enclosed
porch for #924 and the same for #926 plus a second floor. After extensive
discussion, the Commission concluded that the design as presented xas
unsatisfatory. Perhaps the main problem was the pitch of the proposed shed
roof, if not the shed roof itself. It was agreed that the applicant would
return to the next hearing with new plans to be more in harmony with the
design of the house as it now stands.
At 8s$$ P.M. the Commission listened to the request of John P. and
Dwina A. Arvanitis for permission to install vinyl siding on the two-family
house at 8i2-8i4 Massachusetts Avenue. It appeared that the Commission xas
not opposed to vinyl siding for this house but was concerned about its
installation over both existing wood clapboards and asphalt siding. Sub-
sequent examination of the premises led to the conclusion that the asphalt
siding must in any event be removed. If the applicants then choose to
restore the wooden clapboards, they are free to do so. Otherwise they may
install plain xhite vinyl siding, giving doe consideration to the corner-
boards and trim channels at window casings. The matter shall accordingly
be considered as so YOTED.
The Commission then VOTID to approve the payment of $12$ to Barbara
Gilson for clerical services.
Finally Mrs. McAuley initiated a discussion about adding the Adams
School to the East Village District. This would give the Commission some
control over exterior changes, no matter what the eventual use of the
school and would enable us to afford some measure of protection to the
adjacent buildings, including Follen Church and the Library. Mrs. McAuley
will try to find out how the Selectment might react to this.
The meeting was adjourned at i0s00 P.M.
~ S. Lawrence Whipple