A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 8s00 P.M.
on Wednesday, January 14, 1981, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office
Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman;
John L. Davies; Ann Wallace; and Associate Commissioners Sarah P. Harkness
and Howard C. Nason.
At 8x10 P.M. Leonard W. Perry, Vice President of the Shawmut County
Bank, presented the bank's request for a sign on the office at 44 Bedford
Street~20 Worthen Road. The bank already has a sign on the Worthen Road
elevation and now requests one for the Bedford Street space formerly occu-
pied by the Couette real estate office. Scale drawings were presented
showing a conventional "Shawmut Count Bank" sign with Indian logo used at
many bank locations. After a brief discussion it was VOTED to approve the
It was then VOTED to approve recent bills for publication and clerical
services in the total amount of $87.00.
At 8:20 P.M. Grace Bellino presented her request for an awning for
Gracie's Restaurant at 1 Meriam Street. The Commission had some difficulty
visualizing the awning from the drawings presented and decided to visit the
site. It then VOTED to approve a black awning with white lettering, 7'6"
aide and 3 1~2' high, projecting out 4' from the wall at the base. Further
details will be incorporated in a certificate to be released when scale
drawings of the lettering are submitted.
The meeting was adjourned, on the site at 1 Me(r~iam Street, at 8:45 P.M.
JohE~ R. Packard