A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 8100 P.M.
on Wednesday, October i, 1980, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office
Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman;
John L. Davies; Roland B. Greeley; Ann Wallace; S. Lawrence Whipple; and
Associate Commissioner Linda J. McAuley.
At 8100 P.M. Amelia G. Samoylenko presented a request for floraguard
fluorescent lights to replace the cylindrical lights over the signs on the
rear of the Lexington Mexs building at 10 Muzzey Street. Mr. Davies
requested "warm white" lamps, which was agreed to, and Mr. Whipple inquired
about the projection - 9" out from the wall. It was agreed that the new
lights would be an improvement, and approval of the application was so
VOTED unanimously.
At 8:15 P.M. Mr. Charles Cassell reviewed his plans for removing the
chimney in the ell of his home at 9 Independence Avenue and replacing it
xith another one on the east wall. The present chimney is too old and
dangerous to use and is set awkwardly in the middle of the room. It was
noted that the new chimney, 22 feet tall and projecting wall above the
roof line, would stand out more than one on the end of the all. But after
discussion it was agreed that no other location was feasible. The Com-
mission also discussed the relative merits of a chimney inside the wall
versus one outside. It was VOTED to approve the request and give the appli-
cant free choice on the inside or outside location. Final plans x111 later
be submitted.
At 9100 P.M. Lexington Center Realty Associates asked for a modifica-
tion in the plans for the addition to be constructed at 160-62 Massachu-
setts Avenue. In the plans previously approved the Waltham Street eleva-
tion had five windows and two doors. All but the left door are noK to be
eliminated, so that the wall will be solid and provide the tenant with
extra interior wall space. Approval was VOTED $-1, with Mr. Whipple voting
in the negative.
At 9110 P.M. Ms. Pat Brandes of the Waldorf School. now occupying the
Adams School building, presented the final plans for a sign we had requested
of her at the original hearing on September I0, 1980. A location to the
.right of, and parallel to, the driveway was selected for a double-faced
sign, complete details of which are on file with the Commission, which found
the sign nost attractive and VOTFsD unanimously to approve the same.
It was decided, xithout a formal vote, not to issue a Certificate of
Appropriateness to Mrs. Elizabeth Mooney, 1145 Massachusetts Avenue, for the
new shingles already installed on her roof, since neither she nor any member
of her family appeared.
After approval of bills for publication and clerical services, the
meeting was adjourned at 9s45 P.M.
John R. Packard