A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held
on Wednesday April 2, 1980 at 8:00 P.M. in Room G-15, Town
Office Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioner John R.
Packard, Chairman, S.Lawrence Whipple, John L. Davies, Roland
• B. Greeley, Ann Wallace; and Associate Commissioners Howard
Neson and Richard Morehouse.
At 8s00 P.M. the United States Postal Service presented
plans for the installation of a lead-coated copper cable over
the front entrance of the Post Office at 1661 Massachusetts
Avenue. The cable is designed to protect the public from
sliding snow and ice, and other hazards of nature. Mach of
the work has already been done, in a fashion acceptable to the
Commission. It was accordingly VOTED to approve the plans for
the cable as submitted.
At 8:1~ P.M. Jerry Slack of the Cycle and Ski Loft at
1644 Massachusetts Avenue came in to discuss repainting of his
premises and a sign which will be the subject of a formal
hearing on April 16. Mr. Slack showed the Commission several
samples of yellow paint, and the members favored yellow, of
some shade, for the body of the building. Mr. Davies suggested
that the shingled areas on the 3rd floor be p~,lnted a lighter
yellow that the clapboards. White trim was the choice for
the windows, and it was left open whether the cornerboards
would be painted white or yellow. Mr. Slack was advised to try
out several combinations with his architect and to return with
his final selection on A ril 16.
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Mr. David ~elland of 271 Marrett Road then reported that
he is purchasing an old home at 884-886 Nla.ssachusetts Avenue
which he intends to restore. This met with the approval of
the Commission, which will look forward to seeing Mr. ~[elland
at a future date.
After approval of routine bills the meeting was adjourned
at about 9:00 P.M.
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