HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-13 Y HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on February 13, 1980 in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, Lexington, having been first adjourned from Room G-15, the announced location. Present were John R. Packard, G~~e~orqq.~a H. Chairman, G~e~aa Williams, Secretary, Commissioners John L. Davies, Roland B. Greeley, S. Lawrence Whipple and Associate Commissioner Linda J. McAule~,y. At 8c10 P. M. the Commission heard a request from Pine Grove Village, presented by Douglas Knight of the Board of Directors, for installation of six signs reading either "Visitor s Parking" or "Residents Parking On~.y" both combined with "Unauthorized Vehicles Will Be Towed at Owner's Expense". Sign posts would have two signs, which the Commission thought would be inappropriate. Clarif ication was needed on the height of the posts. It was pointed out that a sign reading "Visitors' Parking" was not specific enough where the appli- cants parking area abutted that of St. Brigid's Church, and hope was expressed that perhaps fewer than six posts would suffice. For these reasons, no vote was taken and the applicant was asked to re-think the problem and return at a later date. At 825 P.M. Mr. Richard S. Morehouse presented the re- quest of Lexington Medical Center Building and Clinic Associates Inc. for porch enclosures on the main entrance at Clarke Street, and also for the rear entrance. The plans were approved, sub- ject to submission of revised plane showing details for the rear entrance, and the matter was so VOTED at 8:55 P.M. Mr. Christos Kentos then continued the discussion of a -2- . ~ sign for "anack Time" at 1734 Massachusetts Avenue, a store formerly occupied by Cheryl's Bakery. The Commission reit- erated its position that it would not approve a sign where no plans were included for removal of the red panels on the facade.. Mr. Kantos had not been able to discuss this with the landlord, who is away on vacation, apparently until March. Time for acting on this application was accordingly extended until the end of March, before which time both Mr. Ke.ntos and the Commission would make efforts to contact the landlard and ask him to discuss the matter with us. At 9:15 P. M. the Grey Nuns spoke about their need for a free standing sign at the corner of Pelham Road and Massachusetts Avenue listing the tenants occupying their premises up the hill on Pelham Road. It was pointed out that afree-standing sign would need the approval of the Board of Appeals. The Commission, however, had no objection to such a sign, and would be glad to review scale drawings for one, either before or after the Board of Appeals acted on it. Bills for stationary, legal notices and services of the clerk were VOTED in the total of $159.28, after which the meeting was adjourned at 10e15 P.M.