HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-03 • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, January 3, 1979. in Room GiS, Town Office Building, Lexington. Present ~ were Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman; Georgia. H. Williams, Secre- tary; John L. Davies; S. Lawrence Whipple; and Associate Commissioners Linda J. McAuley. The Chairman appointed himself to serve as Secretary for the evening. Mr. Moe Morrissette, Planning Manager for Consumer Value Stores, came in at 8x00 P.M. to discuss plans in connection with the relocation of the Lexington center store to the space now occupied by Woolworth's. There were several subjects for discussion: I. Woalxorth's store has a marble base running the full length (68 feet) of the store front and it was asked whether this could be saved. The answer appears to be that it cannot. CVS desires a higher base - about $~t~" high in front of the checkout areas. Brick to match the existing brick will prob- ably be used and seemed acceptable to the members present. 2. CVS plans to close the two existing Woolworth front entrances ~ and replace them with one nex front entrance centrally located. There will also be a rear entrance. None of this seemed objectionable. 3. Doors and window trim are planned to be of bronze anodized aluminum. This met with full approval of the members. who commented on the attractive use of this material elsewhere, including the Hancock School. 4. The present CVS store in Lexington center has a red and white striped awning, apparently about 25 feet long. An awning seems to be desired for the nex store, too, and it is planned to use the same frame with a nex awning. It was suggested that a bolder, wider stripe be chosen and this seemed to meet with general approval. 5. Having disposed of the above matters at one time or another in the evening, we kept returning to the major concern - signs. CVS does not plan to have a sign covering the entire 68 foot front of the store. They are thinking of a 25 foot sign and will restore the brick beneath the present Woolworth's sign to the extent necessary in exposed areas. Mr. Morrissette seems to prefer an interior-lit sign reading CYS~PHARMACY, Stith a slash as indicated, CVS in red, and PHARMACY in black. We did not definitely ascertain the size of the letters, but they would probably all be of the same size, perhaps 16 inches, or 20 at the most. The sign on the rear of the store would be identical to the front sign. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 2 January 3. 1474 Less than complete enthusiasm was expressed for such a sign. Commis- sion members prefer letters that are (1) not too thick, (2) gold leaf, or perhaps red, in colr, without the slash indicated above, and (3) not in- terior lit. Mr. Morrissette mentioned a carved wooden sign presently being cre- ated for their New Canaan, Connecticut store, and the members expressed interest in seeing a photograph of this, although they were uncertain that it would be suitable for Lexington center. He mentioned other towns, North Andover for example, where CYS had made efforts to satisfy community aesthetic standards; and we showed him a photograph of a CYS sign in a Weymouth shopping center that was more attractive than most. Mr. Morrissette appeared to be receptive to many of our suggestions and the atmosphere xas friendly. He will return on January 24th for an- other informal meeting, at which time he will submit two or more plans incorporating our suggestions as well as CVS' own ideas. A formal hearing x111 be held on January 31, 1979. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it xas adjourned at 9x30 P.M. / ~ duo` hn R . Packard Secretary Pro Tem