A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday,
November 8, 1978, in the Selectmen's. Meeting Room, Town Office Building,
Lexington. Present were Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman, Georgia
H. Williams, Secretary; John L. Davies; Roland B. Greeley; and Associate
Commissioners Linda J. McAuley and Howard C. Nason. Mrs. McAuley was ap-
pointed to serve for Commissioner S. Lawrence Whipple who was unable to
be present.
A hearing was held at 8s05 P.M. on the application of the Lexington
Savings Bank for a Certificate with respect to the installation of two
bronze plaques, one on each side of the doorway entrance, on the bank at
i776 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Packard read the legal notice and made
reference to the application and the fact that the Board of Appeals had
approved this application subject to approval by the Commission. Ronald
Seested, President of the Bank, and Harry Priest of Astro Sign represented
the applicant. Three copies of a scale drawing of the proposed plaque
were submitted. The plaques are to be of bronze, 10" high by i8" wide,
and will be located one on each side of the entrance doorway at eye level
from the sidexalk (5'6" to top of sign). The hearing was closed at 8si5 PM.
Upon motion duly made and seconded and following discussion, it was
unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to the Lexing-
ton Savings Bank for the installation of two bronze plaques. one each side
of the entrance doorway reading "Lexington Savings Bank" in three rows, on
the bank building at 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle
Green District. Participating in this decision xere Commissioners John R.
Packard, Georgia H. Williams, John L. Davies, Roland B. Greeley, and Asso-
ciate Commissioner Linda J. McAuley.
A hearing xas held at 8:35 P.M. on the application of Lexington Enter-
prises, Inc. d~b~a Peking Garden for a Certificate xith respect to the in-
stallation of three Chinese characters on the existing front sign and the
addition of lighting for the front and rear signs on the building at 27-31
Waltham Street. Mr. Packard read the legal notice and made reference to
the application. Richard S. Morehouse, Architect, represented the appli-
cant and submitted three scale drawings showing propesed letters and light-
ing. The three Chinese characters represent the words "Peking Garden",
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will be 8 hi 2 after the existin words Pekin Garden on the si
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on the front of the building and will be bronze color letters. The two
lights will be of warm glow fluorescent: the front light will be 20' long
and the rear light will be 36' long. The hearing was closed at 8:25 P.M.
Upon motion duly made and seconded and following discussion, it wa.s
unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Lexington
Enterprises, Inc. d~b~a Peking Garden with respect to the installation of
Chinese characters after the words "Peking Garden" on the front elevation
and installation of fluorescent lighting for the front and real signs on
the building at 27-31 Waltham Street, which is within the Battle Green
District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners John R.
Packard, Georgia H. Williams, John L. Davies, Roland B. Greeley, and Asso-
ciate Commissioner Linda J. McAuley.
A hearing xas held at 8:30 P.M. on the application of Lexington Fur-
niture, Inc. for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of
a sign for the store at 1726-30 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Packard read the
legal notice and made reference to the application. Lawrence Warrick,
President, and Carl Severn of Metal Letters Corporation represented the
applicant. Mr. Severn submitted three scale drawings of the proposed sign
and a snapshot of the store front. The sign letters will be of sugar pine
and of gold leaf. They x111 be mounted with 1~2" spacers. The letters
will be Roman style reading "Interiors by Lexington Furniture" and they
will be mounted on the brick store front. The sign will be 2'6" ~asz~g by
36" high. A fluorescent light x111 be installed above the sign, just
below the window. Mr. Davies stated that he would prefer to see the
shield with a bronze anodized finish and emphasized that warm fluorescent
lighting be used. Mr. Packard asked how long the lighting fixture would
be and Mr. Severo said it would be 40' long. The hearing xas closed at
8:40 P.M.
Upon motion duly made and seconded and following discussion, it xas
unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Lexington
Furniture, Inc. with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the
store at 1726-30 Massachusetts Avenue, xhich is xithin the Battle Green
District. Participating in this decision were Commissionere John R.
Packard, Georgia H. lilliams, John L. Davies, Roland B. Greeley, and Asso-
ciate Commissioner Linda J. McAuley.
A hearing xas held at 8s40 P.M. on the application of Alan D. and
Sharon M. Bedford for a Certificate with respect to a change in paint
colors for the dwelling at 11 Harrington Road. Mrs. Bedford stated that
the dwelling would be huge harvest gold color shingles with white trim and
dark gray blinds. Upon motion duly made and seconded and following discus-
sion, it was VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Alan D. and
Sharon M. Bedford with respect to a color change for the dwelling at 2i
Harrington. Road, xhich is xithin the Battle Green District. Participating
in this decision were Commissioners John R. Packard, Georgia H. Williams.
John L, Davies, Roland B. Greeley, and Associate Commissioner Linda J.
McAulay. Mrs. Bedford then stated that they were applying for two addi-
tional changes to the dxellinga on the south side they would like to move
the window 20" zest so as to center the window as they do not intend to
relocate the door and they would like to replace about 300 feet of wood
gutters with aluminum gutters. She stated that they have located aluminum
round downspouts. Following discussion, Mr. Packard stated that a hearing
would be scheduled on these requests. No one expressed opposition to them.
An adjourned hearing xas held at 9s00 P.M. on the application of Carol
A. Snyder for a Certificate with respect to exterior architectural and
paint changes on the dwelling at 1314 Massachusetts Avenue. A snapshot was
submitted showing the paint colors and the wood batten door. Upon motion
duly made and seconded and following discussion, it xas unanimously VOTED
to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Carol A. Snyder with respect
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to a change of paint colors to butternut for the dwelling with chocolate
brown doors, installation of a wood batten door with two hinges, and re-
moval of two "wings" from the front entrance porch on the dwelling at
2324 Massachusetts Avenue, also knoxn as the "Sanderson House' which is
within the Munroe Tavern District. Participating i.n this decision were
Commissioners John R. Packard, Georgia H. Williams, John L. Daviea,
Roland B. Greeley. and Associate Commissioner Linda J. McAuley.
Mr. Greeley moved that the Commission disapprove the proposed sign
for the Isaac Harris Cary Memorial Building unless an extension is received
prior to November 24th. Seconded and so VOTID.
Bills totalling $142.~5 were submitted as followss Minute Man Publi-
cations - $22.25, Ingalls Stationers - $15.00 and $22.50 - and Barbara
Gilson - $92.00. It was moved, seconded, and VOTED to approve payment of
these bills.
The meeting xas ad3ourned at 9s45 P.M.
Georg~a H. Williams