HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-17 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, MaY 17, x978, in the Selectmen*s Meeting Room, Toxn Office Building, Lex~+ ington. Present xere Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman= Georgia H. Williams, Secretary= John L. Daviesi and Associate Commissioners Linda J. McAuley, Richard. S. Morehouse, and Howard C. Nason. Mr. Nason was welcomed as a new Associate Commissioner. Mrs. McAulay was appointed to serve for Commissioner Roland B. Greeley who was unable to be present. Mr. Morehouse was appointed to serve for Commissioner S. Lawrence Whipple who xas unable to be present. A hearing was held at 8sOs P.M. on the application of Lee Ann McGrath for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of signs for the restaurant at ig20 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Packard read the legal notice and made reference to the application. Mrs. McGrath submitted three scale drawings with specifications of the proposed sign which is to replace the previous Drummer Boy Restaurant sign. The sign is to be dark brown with gold lettering and will be the same size as the previous sign. She intends to use the same fluorescent lights for lighting the sign. Mrs. Williams commented that the other two signs on the building are black letters on a white background. Mrs. McGrath said that she would prefer a dark brown background but would accept a white back- ground if that is what the Commission preferred. Mrs. McAuley asked if the white shutters shown in the photographs submitted xould remain beside the entrance door and Mrs. McGrath said that they would. Mrs. McAuley said that the dark brown background distrubs her with the white blinds and other signs. Mrs. McGrath asked if the members of the Commission would object to brown or gold letters on a white background. Mrs. Williams asked if the awning over the entrance doorway is a dark brown and Mrs. McGrath said that it was with the words "Lee Ann's" in white letters. Mrs. McAuley asked if raised letters were Wore visible than incised and Mr. Packard Bald that they xere not. Mr. Morehouse asked if Mrs. McGrath planned to have dark brown background with gold leaf letters and she said that that was what she xas proposing. Mr. Morehouse commented that incised letters are good if gold leaf letters. Mr. Packard suggested that perhaps the Commission could approve a white back- board with letters of gold leaf, brown, or bla.ek at the discretion of the applicant. Mr. Morehouse asked if she planned to remove the end spindles and Mrs. McGrath said that she did. Mr. Packard asked if there was lighting there now and Mrs. McGrath said that there were two fluorescent lights. Mr. Packard asked if the awning was the same size and Mrs. McGrath said that it xas mounted on the same frame, xas of dark brown, and had the words "Lee Ann's" on three sides. Mr. Davies commented that the sign comes a little short of the awning. Mr. Nason suggested that the Commission specify that the sign be centered betxeen the inside edge of outside door shutters. The hearing xas adjourned at 8s30 P.M. It was moved. seconded, and VOTPD to issue a Certificate of Appropriate- ness to Lee Ann McGrath with respect to the erection and display of signs for the restaurant at 320 Massachusetts Avenue, which is xithin the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners John R. Packard, Georgia H. Williams, John L. Davies, and Associate Commissioners Linda J. McAuley and Richard S. Morehouse. Historic Districts Commission - 2 - May 17, 1978 A hearing was held at 8a35 P.M. on the application of Lanza Realty Trust for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection of fencing on the premises at 1994 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr, Packard read the legal notice and referred to the application and the background for said application. Mr. Lanza said that ir! mid-0ctober he obtained a building permit for an in-ground swimming pool and that shortly thereafter Mr. iihipple had looked at the pool. Mr. iThipple told Mr. Lanza that the pool was not visible from Massachusetts Avenue but that it was within the Battle Green District and suggested that Mr. Lanza call Mr. Packard. Mr. Lanza said that he received a letter from the Building Inspector stating that the permit had been issued in error and requested that Mr. Lanza stop the work and secure a Certificate of Appro- priateness from the Historic Districts Commission. Mr. Lanza then sub- mitted a series of snapshots that he had taken that day. Mr. Packard asked if he was installing a fence. Mr. Lanza said that most of the property already was fenced with chain link fence but that they will have to add fencing from the pool to porch through bushes (about 8-10 feet of chain link fence) and wood stockade fence from the garage to the house which will be painted to match the house. The wind screen fencing being installed is six feet high and is of wood. Mr. Davies commented that stain will weather better than paint. Mr. Packard asked if it would be gray and Mr. Lanza said it would weather to a gray color. Mr. Davies asked if they intended to fence in the play area and Mr. Lana said that they did not. Mr. Morehouse commented that Host of the play area was outside the district. Mr. Morehouse asked if they planned to light the pool and Mrs. Lanza said that the only lighting planned now is that from the porch light. Mr. Davies asked if the play area had been installed and Mr. Lanza said that the area was muddy so had dug up and installed gravel. The hearing was adjourned at 8a55 P.M. It was moved, seconded, and VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriates Hess to Lanza Realty Trust, Mariantonia Lanza, Trustee, with respect to the installation of fencing on the premises at 1994 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners John R. Packard, Georgia H. Williams, John L. Davies, and Associate Commissioners Linda J. McAuley and Richard S. Morehouse. An adjourned hearing was held at 9s00 P.M. on the application of Carol A. Snyder for a Certificate with respect to exterior architectural changes on the dwelling at 2314 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Mr. Snyder submitted drawings showing a proposed landing with steps leading to the side yard facing the Munroe Tavern. Mr. Davies commented that there was a safety factor involved with stairs shorter than the landing. Mr. Morehouse drew up a sketch of a possible landing and two sets of stairs which all preferred. Mr. Snyder commented that it looked better than what he had presented. Mr. Snyder said that they had installed wood roof shingles instead of asphalt shingles as approved. The hearing was adjourned at 9s25 P.M. It was moved, seconded, and VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriate- ness to Carol A. Snyder with respect to exterior architectural changes on the dwelling at 1314 Massachusetts Avenue (the Sanderson House), which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners John R. Packard, Georgia H. Williams, John L. Davies, and Associate Commissioners Linda J. McAuley and Richard S. Morehouse. • • Historic Districts Commission - 3 - May 17. 1978 A meeting xas held at 9:15 P.M. xith respresentatives of Norton, Kleven and Company of 3 Fletcher Avenue, xhich is xithin the Battle Green District. Mrs. Webster submitted draxings shoxing proposed changes in the pavement in front of the building. A i1+ foot xrought iron rail is proposed tc go doxn the center xalkxay xith brick courtyards on either side of the xalkxay. A hearing is scheduled for June 7th. The meeting xas adjourned at 9:30 P.M. A hearing xas held at 9:30 P.M. on the application of Ralph F., Jr. and Jean M. Pynn for a Certificate of Appropriateness xith respect to color change of the roof shingles and the dxelling at 88i-883 Massachusetts Avenue, which is xithin the Ra.st Pillage District. It xas stated that the asphalt roof shingles are nox a light green and that they rant either a black or charcoal blend. The roof shingles must be replaced as they are leaking badly. They propose painting the house xhite xith black doors and blinds. They have found some blinds in the garage and rill replace others matching as closely as possible the original blinds. The definitions in the fan light over the doorway are to be painted black. Mrs. Williams com- mented that she xould prefer the fan light painted all xhite. Mr. Pynn stated that there xas xrought~iaon in the fanlight. Mrs. Pynn said that the house xas known as the "Lucy Gemmel" house and xas probably built in 1830. The hearing xas adjourned at IOs05 P.M. It xas moved, seconded, and VOTID to issue a Certificate of Appro- priateness to Ralph F., Jr. and Jean M. Pynn xith respect to color changes for the dxelling at 881-•883 Massachusetts Avenue, xhich is xithin the Rast Village District. The meeting xas adjourned at 10:30 P.M. eorgi~ H. Yilliams Secretary