HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-05
A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission xas held on Wednesday.
April 5, i978, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lex-
ington. Present xere Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman; Georgia. H.
Williams, Secretary; and Associate Commissioners John L. Davies, Sarah P.
Harkness, and Linda J. McAuley. Mr. Davies xas appointed to serve for
Commissioner S. Lawrence Whipple xho xas unable to be present. Mrs.
Harkness was appointed to serve for Commissioner Roland B. Greeley xho was
unable to be present. Mrs. McAuley xes appointed to fill the vacancy.
A hearing xas held at 8:45 P.M. on the application of Standish C.
Hartman of 1415 Massachusetts Avenue {The Burbank-Tufts House), which is
xithin the Munroe Tavern District. Mr. Hartman said that he xould like to
paint the house xhite and that he understood that he could do so without
approval from the Commission. He said that he xould like to paint the
blinds and doors black, that he would like to add blinds on the east ele-
vation of the house, install storm windows on the front, and install wood
triangular louvred vents painted to match the house on the ends of the
gable roof for ventilation in the attic. Mr. Hartman said that he did not
rant aluminum triple track storm windows as he xants to conform to the his-
torical aspect of the house. A hearing on the installation of the blinds,
vents, and storm xindoxs was scheduled for May 3rd. It xas moved., seconded,
and unanimously VOTED to approve the application of Standish C. Hartman
xith respect to the color changes referred to above for a Certificate of
Appropriateness for the dwelling at 1415 Massachusetts Avenue, xhich is
xithin the Munroe Tavern District. Participating in this decision were
Commissioners John R. Packard and Georgia H. Williams and Associate Com-
missioners John,°~L. Davies, Sarah P. Harkness and Linda J. McAuley. The
hearing xas adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
Hearings xere heard at 9:00 P.M. on the application of William H. and
Rita Wilder (Unit No. 3) and Peter and Marlene G. Wessel (Unit Ho. 4) for
Certificates of Appropriateness xith respect to enclosing the decks for
the txo units et Russell Square Condominiums, said premises at 3505 Massa-
chusetts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Mr. Packard
read the legal notices and referred to the application. Present were
William H. 8: Rita A. Wilder (Unit #3), P,etaer°and Marlene G. Wessel (Unit
#4), and Richard S. Morehouse, architect. Also present xere William ~
Mildred Freeman (Unit #2), Edith D. Cardwell (Unit #6), Barbara Gilson
(Unit # 7), Joanne K. Rudd (Unit #8), Anthony & Theresa Colalucca (Unit #
IO), and John Sherff of 1387 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Morehouse sub-
mitted six sets of scale drawings of the proposed additions to the txo
units. Mr. Morehouse stated that there are two adjecent flat roofed decks
xith three foot balustrades and that the oxners of the txo units propose
to enclose xith a joint addition with sloping roof, sheathed xith clap-
boards painted t4 match existing clapboards and trim, txo 9' casement xin-
dows on the rear elevation, double hung windows on the txo end elevations,
a skylight on the roof of Unit No. 3 near the rear of the dwelling, and a
firexa.ll between the additions. Mrs. Harkness said that she thought this
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xould improve the appearance of the rear of the txo dxellings. Mr. Davies
said that he thought it xould be a great improvement. Mr. Freeman asked
Mr. Morehouse xhat xould be the disposition of the doxnspout from Unit #3
and Mr. Morehouse said that they xould bring it doxn and out the nex roof
to the drivexay. Mr. Freeman asked if there xould be a firexall where
unit #3 abutted unit #2 and Mr. Morehouse said that they xould include a
block firexall covered xith clapboard betxeen the txo units. Mrs. Williams
and Mrs. McAuley agreed that this xould be an improvement. It was moved,
seconded, and unanimously VOTED to approve the applications of William H.
and Rita A. Wildea and Peter and Marlene G. Wessell for Certificates of
Appropriateness xith respect to exterior changes in the dxellinga (Units
No. 3 and 4) at 2,505 Massachusetts Avenue (Russell Square Condominiums),
said premises xithin the Munroe Tavern District. Participating in this
decision xere Commissioners John R. Packard and Georgia H. Williams, and
Associate Commissioners John L. Davies, Sarah P. Harkness, and Linda J.
McAuley. The hearing xas adjourned at 9c20 P.m.
John Sherff of 1387 Massachusetts Avenue said that he xould like to
enclose a txo-story porch in the rear of the dxelling at that address and
add a small porch at the rear of the dxelling. A hearing xas scheduled
for May 3rd.
Bills from Minute-Man Publications, Inc. ($5.25 and $7.00 totaling
$_22.25) and from Barbara Gilson, Clerk ($204.00) xere presented. It xas
moved, seconded and VOTED to approve payment of these bills.
II, The meeting xas adjourned at 1Oc00 P.M.
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Geo~a H. Williams