HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-15 ~ • w HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission xas held on Wednesday, March 15, 1978, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Toxn Office Building, Lex- ington. Present were Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman= Georgia H. Williams, Secretary= Roland B. Greeleyi S. Lawrence Whipplei and Associate Commissioners John L. Davies and Linda J. McAuley. Mr. Davies xas appointed to serve for Commissioner Greeley who xithdrew from sitting on this ad- 3ourned hearing. Mrs. McAuley was appointed to fill the vacancy. An ad3ourned hearing xas held at 8:10 P.M. on the application of Alan D. and Sharon M. Bedford for a Certificate xith respect to an addition to the rear and exterior architectural changes on the dxelling at 11 Harrington Road, which is xithin the Battle Green District. Present with Mr. and Mrs. Bedford was Richard Morehouse, architect. Mrs. Bedford stated that they had discussed with a number of town officials the status of whether or not the house xas a one or txo family house. She stated that they had hired Stephen Russian and had applied to the Board of Appeals for a permit to allox them to have an apartment on the third floor. She said that it xas the consensus of those xith whom they had discussed the matter that the third floor had been rented as an apartment from 1929 to 197' but that apparently no permit had ever been issued to make this a txo family house. Mr. Packard stated that he did not feel that the Commission should make any determination as to xhether it xas a one or txo family house and that he was still not in favor of txo doors side-by-side. Mrs. Bedford presented the folloxing information with respect to the changes they wish to makes i. No change (4'6" x 13'3" long addition to enclose stairway with new oval xindox to be added in stairway addition - includes 3'6" addition to roof 2. No change except that windox on west has been moved txo feet from cor- ner and is not centered over first floor xindox - 13' x 11'11" addition for nex bedroom xith one xindox on west, txo on north, and txo on east - flat roof 3. Delete solid parapet on roof of first story and install railings 4. Triple size dormer matching others to run zest and north j. On north elevation add first floor xindox identical to other xindoxs 6. Replace window with nex door identical to one already there on the north elevation -Mrs. Bedford shoxed possible plans for trying to camouflage the doors. Mr. Davies asked if the Commission was con- cerned xith appearance of two doors or of txo family house and Mr. Packard. said that he felt two doors gave appearance of txo family house. Mr. Davies said that ha felt the porch should be left open as both plans shown make it appear more massive. Folloxing further discussion on the two doors, it was felt by the members sitting that two doors would be preferable to the suggested "camouflage". 7. Cement sidewalk to door 8. Railings on stairs - these were not shown or discussed at the March ist hearing. • ! HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 2 Mr. Davies asked if there xould be blinds on the xindows and Mrs. Bedford said that they do not knox yet. Mr. Whipple stated that the Com- mission xould like to knox if blinds are to be added as that would require approval from the Commission. Mr. Packard said that he feels these dimen- sional drawings might have been better. He added that there xas no other flat roof on the second floor but that this addition was in the rear so perhaps it was not too important. Mr. Whipple asked if the flat roof would be of gravel and Mr. Morehouse said that he thinks so. Mr. Whipple said that he had some reservations about the flat roof but did not Imox hox else it could be solved. Mr. Whipple said that he did not feel the lattice xork "camouflage" xas appropriate as it draxs attention to fact that they are trying to conceal something. Mr. Morehouse said that he xould not suggest that the roof be "dead flat" but should have a very slight pitch. Mr. Whipple asked if there xould be downspouts and Mr. Morehouse said that there xould be. Mr. Davies said that he feels the "massiveness" of the house should be preserved. Mr. Greeley stated that he xould like to have the massiveness kept as small as possible and also he would like to mini- mize the txo family use of the house. Mr. Morehouse asked Mrs. Bedford if Jack Chesley had investigated the possibility of one entrance with txo in- terior doors and Mrs. Bedford said that he had and that it xas not satis- factory. Mr. Packard asked if a good kitchen was a factor and Mrs. Bedford said that it definitely was a factor. Mr. Whipple asked if the third floor dormer sash would be custom made and Mrs. Bedford said that they xould be. Mr. Davies commented that the curve from the existing roof into the nex flat roof was well done. Mr. Whipple asked if there were gutters and doxn- spouts on the house and Mr. Bedford said that there were all over the house. Mr. Whipple asked, if the two doors are approved, if they xould leave the txo end steps and Mrs. Bedford said that they xould. He then asked if they xould add nex set to the doors and Mr. Morehouse said that he would not recommend adding another set of stairs. Mrs. Williams asked if the basement xindoxs are to remain and Mrs. Bedford said that they would remain. Mr. Whipple asked if the nex dormer windox sash xould be at the same level as the sash of existing dormers and Mrs. Bedford said that they would. It was stated that the triple xindoxs are about 8" higher than the double windows. Mr. Whipple asked if the blind decision should be made tonight. Mr. Davies said that he feels blinds should remain on the west windows. Mrs. Bedford said that they xere considering them on the east elevation. Mr. Whipple said that he feels should have blinds on all eleva- tions. Mrs. McAuley said that she had some reservations on txo doors. Mr. Davies said that, if the corners can be xorked out in same massive man- ner, he would have no reservations about txo doors. Mrs. Williams said that she did not feel the suggested lattice xork would help and added that she did not particularly like the second floor flat roof but xould prefer the flat roof to a gable roof. Mrs. Bedford said that she likes the lat- tice for privacy as this is a very public house. She added that they xould like to enclose the bacIq/ard and the lattice xould help somexhat. Upon motion made and seeonded~ it was VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Alan D. and Sharon M. Bedford with respect to the above exterior architectural changes in the dxelling at li Harrington Road, which HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 3 ' is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Comadssioners John R. PacIcaard, Georgia H. Williams, S. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioners John L. Davies and Linda J. McAuley. The meeting was ad3ourned at 9s45 P.M. J /w ~4• ~c-GL~an.r Geo is H. Williams Secretaxq ~I