A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday,
November 9, 19'77,. in Room Gis, Town Office Building, Lexington. Present
were Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman; Georgia H. Williams, Secre-
tary; Roland Greeley; Amalia G. Samoylenko; S. Lawrence Whipple; and
Associate Commissioners Oliver F. Hooper and Linda J. McAuley. The mem-
bers present welcomed Mrs. McAuley who had recently been appointed to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation of Ruth B. Adams.
A hearing was held at 8s15 Y.M. on the application of the Lexington
Historical Society for a Cert'~ficate with respect to the erection and dis-
play oi'a fibergla~a flagpole on the premises of the Hancock-Clarke House at
36 Hancock Street, which is within the Hancock-Clarke District. Mr. Packard
read the legal notice and referred to the application. Martin Gilman,
President of the Society, and Helen Davis, Chairman of the Hancock-Clarke
House Committee, represented the applicant. Mr. Gilman stated that the
Stanley Hill Post of the American Legion had offered to present a 20 foot
high fiberglas flagpole to the Society for installation at the Hancock-
Clarke House. The flagpole would be located four feet in from each wall
at the northeast corner of the premises. Mr. Gilman shoxed a brochure
illustrating the flagpole. Mr. Whipple asked how noisy the halyards would
be and Mr. Gilman said that he assumed they would be noisy but probably
could wrap halyard around pole twice before fastening. Mr. Greeley sug-
gested that they ask for plastic covered clips with nylon rope. Mr. Whipple
asked how wide the flagpole would be and Mr. Gilman said that it would be
1'6" in diameter at the base. Mr. Packard asked if a flag would be floxn
all year and Mr. Gilman stated that it has been the practice to fly the
flag only when the Houses are open. Then followed a discussion on xood
versus fiberglas flagpoles. Mr. Whipple asked hox the top would be finished
off and Mr. Gilman said ~i.$h a 4" ball. Mr. Greeley suggested that they
try and have the pole painted the same color as the House. Mr. Packard
suggested that the Certificate could be written that the flagpole be painted
to match the House and, if not possible, the flagpole would then be painted
white. Helen Davis asked if the Commission would like to see a sketch of
the plaque which the American Legion proposes. to install at the base of the
flagpole. It xas stated that the plaque xould be the standard bronze 6" x
plaque. Mr. Packard stated that an application should be submitted by
the Legion and that a hearing would be necessary. Mr. Whipple asked if the
Legion would cover the entire cost of the flagpole and plaque and it was
stated that they would. Mr. Packard asked when they proposed to install
the flagpole and Mr. Gilman said probably in the spring. Mr. Packard asked
how many ai-e not willing to accept a fiberglas flagpole and Helen Davis
said that the Directors of the Society had raised this question but that
the Legion is not willing to pay for a wood flagpole. Mr. Packard stated
that it does not seem as if the Commission has much choice other than to
accept the use of fiberglas, for the flagpole. The hearing was closed at
8:45 P.M. '
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate
of Appropriateness to the Lexington Historical Society with respect to the
erection and display of a fiberglas flagpole on the premises of the
Hancock-Clarke House at 3b Hancock Street, which is within the Hancock-
Clarke District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners John
R. Packard, Georgia H. Williams, Roland B. Greeley, Amalia G. Samoylenko,
and S. Lawrence Whipple.
.Marion :Hunt, owner ofatk~e building at 3i+ Hancock Street, arrived at
9s00 P.M. and asked what type of flagpole and where the Historical Society
proposed to install the flagpole. Mr. Packard stated that the Society pro-
poses to install a 20' fiberglas flagpole with a 4" ball on top four feet
in from each xall at the northeast corner of the premises. Mrs. Hunt said
that she had no objections and thanked Mr. Packard for the information.
A hearing was held at 8s4~ P.M, on the application of Hamadi Gabsi
d~b~a Le Marche for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display
of a sign on the building at 1837 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within
the Battle Green District. Mr. Packard read the legal notice, referred to
the application, and submitted three scale drawings of the proposed sign.
Folloxing inspection of the scale drawings, the hearing was closed at 8s50
Upon motion made by Mr. Greeley and seconded by Mrs. Samoylenko, it
xas unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Hamadi
Gabsi d~b~a Le Marche with respect to the erection and display of a sign
on the building at 1837 Massachusetts Avenue, xhich is within the Battle
Green District. Participating in this decision xere Commissioners John
R. Packard, Georgia H. Williams, Roland B. Greeley, Amalia G. Samoylenko,
and S. Lawrence Whipple.
Then followed a discussion on the report prepared for the Annual Toxn
Report by Mr. Packard. Mr. Greeley suggested that a sentence be added
stating the approximate number of hearings that the Commission would hold
in 1977 and such a sentence was inserted. A picture of the Commission
was taken by a member of the Police Department.
The meeting was adjourned at 9~1g P.M.
Georgia H. Williams