A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday,
October 5, 1977, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building,
Lexington. Present were Commissioners John R. Packaxd, Chairman; Georgia
H. Williams, Secretary; Amalia G. Samoylenko; S. Lawrence Whipple; and
Associate Commissioner Sarah P. Harkness. Mrs, Harkness was appointed to
sit for Commissioner Roland B. Greeley who was unable to be present.
An adjourned hearing was held at 8s00 P.M. on the application of
Heritage Homes -Realty World for a Certificate with respect to the erection
and display of a sign on the side of the building at 703 Massachusetts
Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Mrs. Eliades submitted
a sample sign of gold color letters on a black background with the words
"Realty World", "Real Estate", and "Insurance" all on one line at the bot-
tom of the sign and with the logo narrowed as discussed at the hearing on
September 7, 1977. Mr. Whipple stated that this was not a scale drawing
and that the Commission needs the size of the letters and sign to scale.
Mr. Packard requested that the applicant have Urso-Sign man call him and
give him the size of the letters, logo, and sign. The hearing was ad-
journed at 8:15 P.M.
A hearing was held at 8:15 P.M. on the application of John A. Docherty,
III, d~b~a John Alton Ltd. for a Certificate with respect to the erection
and display of a sign for the store at 27 Depot Square, xhich is within the
Battle Green District. Mr. Packard read the legal notice and referred to
the application. Three copies of a scale drawing of the proposed sign were
submitted and discussed. The hearing was closed at 8s20 Y.M.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate
of Appropriateness to John A. Docherty, III, d~b~a John Alton Ltd. with
respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store at 27 Depot
Square, which is xithin the Battle Green District. Participating in this
decision were Commissioners John R. Packan~i, Georgia H. Williams, Amalia
G. Samoylenko, S. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioner Sarah P.
Harkness. ii
A hearing was held at 8:20 P.M. on the application of Pine Grove Vil- III
lage (Lexington Homes, Inc.) for a Certificate with respect to installation
of combination doors on the dwellings, erection and display of a road sign,
and erection of a tool shed on the premises at 56-60 Worthen Road, which is
within the Battle Green District. Mr. Packard read the legal notice and
made reference to the application. Jennifer Lee, representing The Corms
Corporation, and Barbara Cardullo, representing the Board of Directors of
Pine Grove Village, were present. Ms. Lee submitted a brochure showing
the combination door preferred by the tenants. This door is a Colonial
door with the crossbar in the lower section of the door. Mrs. Samoylenko
asked why they had chosen a colonial type door for a modern architectural
complex. Ms. Lee said that their second choice was an aluminum door xith
upper section-and one-half of the lower section in glass manufactured by
Harvey Industries and known as "Traditional". The members of the Commis-
sion agreed that the second choice was acceptable. It was stated that the
doors were painted a gold color. Mr. Whipple said that, if the trim on
the units is white, then the combination doors should be baked white enamel
aluminum doors. Mr. Packard said that, if the Directors do not want the
"Traditional" style door, then he should be advised of this and an adjourned
hearing could be held with one or more different illustrations submitted.
Mr. Packard stated that he had been advised that the tool shed would not
be erected until spring and therefore this part of the application would
be disapproved for lack of prosecution without prejudice for another ap-
plication at a later time. Ms. Lee submitted three copies of a scale
drawing of the proposed street sign with the legend as follows: "Judges
Road" on the top line and "Private Way" on the second line. It was stated
that it would be a free standing sign and that the 10' pole would be sunk
2' into the ground. Mr. Packard asked if it was the same height as the
Town street signs and Ms. Lee said that it was supposed to be the same
height. Mrs. Williams said that, if it conforms to other .street signs in
the Town, then it was all right with her. The other members agreed, Mr.
Packard requested that the applicant check with the Board of Appeals as to
whether or not that Board would have to approve this sign. The hearing
was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
It was moved,. seconded, and unanimous7.y VOTED to issue a Certificate
of Appropriateness to Pine Grove Village (Lexington Homes, Inc.) with re-
spect to the installation of "Traditional" style baked white enamel alumi-
num combination doors for the sixteen units and for the erection and dis-
play of a street sign on the premises at 56-60 Worthen Road, which premises
are within the Battle Green District. It was moved, seconded, and unani-
mously VOTED to issue a Notice of Determination to Pine Grove Village (Lew-
ington Homes, Inc.) disapproving the erection of a tool shed as the appli-
cant is not yet ready to act upon its request for one, such disapproval to
be without prejudice to a new application at a future date, on the pre-
mises at 56-60 Worthen Road, which premises are within the Battle Green
District. Participating in both decisions were Commissioners John R.
Packard, Georgia H. Williams, Amalia G. Samoylenko, S. Lawrence Whipple,
and Associate Commissioner Sarah P. Harkness.
A hearing was held at 8:45 P.M. on the application of Alan D. and
Sharon M. Bedford for a Certificate with respect to exterior architectural
changes to and installation of combination windows on the dwelling at 11
Harrington Road, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Packard
read the legal notice and made reference to the application. N,r. and Mrs.
Bedford and Robert Custance were present to represent the applicants and ~
also present was Wilbur M. Jaquith. Mrs. Bedford submitted photographs
of the dwelling and drawing showing the proposed changes. The following
changes were discussed;
i. Removal of first floor window on the southwesterly corner and shingl-
ing of space occupied by this window.
2. Relocation of French doors on the Massachusetts Avenue elevation about
two feet to the west and addition of one column of eight lights on
each side of the doors with reshingling as needed. It was stated that
they wish to move this door so that both sides could be opened. It
abuts an angled fireplace and the door adjacent to the fireplace can-
not be opened.
3. Addition of eight-over-one muntin windows for three front windows
presently single pane, to restore to original design.
4. Removal of window opening on front porch at right angles to existing
front door and shingling of space occupied by this window.
5. Relocation of front door to east, to center same on front steps, and
shingling of space occupied by existing door.
6. Relocation of stained-glass windows now on each side of rear entrance
to each side of front door.
7. Removal of porch roof and columns on easterly elevation and reconstruc-
tion of railing to extent necessary to match railing of porch on Massa-
chusetts Avenue elevation. A letter from Morehouse & Chesley, archi-
tects, regarding need to remove these xas read and submitted. Mrs.
Bedford stated that this will make the door to Dr. Tilton's office
more apparent.
8. Removal of 2' x 3' xindow closest to Massachusetts Avenue on the one
story easterly elevation and shingling of space occupied by the window.
Then followed a lengthy discussion about painting the house. Mr.
Bedford stated that they want to get the house a uniform color and plan to
paint the cedar shingles a gold color and all trim white. Mrs. Harkness
asked if they had considered using stain and said that she does not feel
that paint and shingles go xell together. Mr. Bedford said that he had
heard that stain was not satisfactory. Mrs. Samoylenko asked how many coats
of paint would be necessary and Mrs. Bedford said a seal coat plus two coats
of paint and that the painter felt paint better than stain. Mr. Jaquith
asked if the paint would cover better than stain and Mr. Custance said that
could cover dark spots better xith paint. Mr. Whipple stated that a lighter
color would accentuate angularity and size of this house. Mr. Bedford. said
that they do not mind looking at a large house but prefer a lighter color
than the existing broxn shingles. Following further discussion, it was de-
cided that a small section of the house should be painted so that the mem-
bers of the Commission could see the paint and color of the paint on the
shingles. The Bedfords agreed to do this. Next item discussed xas the
installation of baked xhite aluminum combination xindoxs. Mr. Custance
stated that they xould be the same xindox as installed on the house at One
Harrington Road. It was stated that there are 64 windows on which it is
proposed to install xindows. Mrs. Bedford stated that they wish to extend
the blacktop next to the detached garage north towards the Old Cemetery to
give additional parking. The hearing was adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate ~I
of Appropriateness to Alan D. and Sharon M. Bedford for the eight exterior
architectural changes discussed above, the installation of combination win-
doors, and the hot-topping of driveway on the north side of the garage for
the premises at it Harrington Road, which is within the Battle Green Dis-
trict. Participating in this decision were Commissioners John R. Packard,
Georgia H. Williams, Amalia G. Samoylenko, S. Laxrence Whipple; and Asso-
ciate Commissioner Sarah P. Harkness.
Then followed a discussion on the application of Heritage Homes-Realty
World for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of a sign
on the side of the building at 703 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within
the East Village District. Discussion centered on the size of the letters.
It xas moved, seconded, and VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness
to Heritage Homes -Realty World, provided that the size of the letters xas
submitted to the Chairman, with respect to the erection and display of a
sign on the side of the building at 703 rassachusetts Avenue, which is
xithin the East Village District. Participating in this decision were
Commissioners John R. Packard, Georgia H. Williams, Amalia G. Samoylenko,
S. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioner Sarah P. Harkness.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Lam- ~G6.GG-~-~S'
Geo~a H. Williams