A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission xas held on Wednesday,
September 7, 1977, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building,
Lexington. Present rare Gommissioners John R. Packard, Chairman; Georgia
H. Williams, Secretaryp Amalia G, Samoylenko; and Associate Commissioners
John L. Davies and Oliver F. Hooper. Mr. Davies xas appointed to sit for
Commissioner Roland. B. Greeley who was unable to be present. Mr. Hooper
was appointed to sit for Commissioner S. Laxrence Whipple rho xas unable
to be present.
A hearing xas held at 8:10 P.K. on the application of Minute Man Park
Realty Trust,~Ernest A. Giroux, Trustee, with respect to changes in the
exterior architectural features of the building at 1833-1853 Massachusetts
Avenue, Me~iam Street, Depot Square, and Depot Place, which is within the
Battle Green pistrict., Mr. Packard read the legal notice and made refer-
ence to the application. Mr. Giroux stated that John A. Docherty, III,
rho xould be opening a store at 27 Depot Square would like to make certain
changes in the exterior of that store and introduced Mr. Docherty and his
store designer. Mr. Docherty stated that he xould like to install an axn-
ing over the entrance doorxay and also over each of two windows either
side of the doorssay (five awnings in all) and showed a draxing of the axn-
ing which he was considering. Mrs. Samoylenko pointed out that the curve
of the proposed awning xould have to start in the fascia board of the
building. Mr. Docherty discussed the possibility of installing awnings
that were straight across the top and curved out like an umbrella since
his originaa suggestion would not be feasible. Mr. Packard asked what
color awning he proposed and Mr. Docherty shored a sample of tan awning
material. Mr. Davies asked if awnings were needed to shade the store and
Mr. Giroux stated that the Depot Square and Massachusetts Avenue elevations
of the building are very sunny. Mr. Davies commented that one of the nice
things about the building is the uniformity of the visible brick piers.
Mr. Docherty said that he would like to install carriage lamps on either
side of the doontay and that he would submit an illustration of the lamp
at a later date. He said that he xould also like to install flower boxes
iri front of the stor®. He and his designer left at 8s25 P.M. Mr. Giroux
stated that the owners of Lexington Camera Shop and Jonathan David would
like to have a different style door. He stated that occasionally people
bump into one another entering or leaving the stores. Mr. Giroux stated
that Mr. Raciii of the Camera Shop would like an all glass door, Mr. Packard
asked if it xould not look better to keep all the doors the same. Mr.
Giroux answered that he xas presenting the change for his tenants. Mrs.
Samoylenko said that it would be more economical to install a nex door
rather than to try to change the existing doors and Mr. Davies also said
that the best way to handle it xould be with installation of nex doors.
Mr. Giroux was requested to present illustrations of possible new doors.
Mr. Giroux stated that he had considered changing the windoxs as the exist-
ing ones are difficult for display purposes, but that he had changed his
mind because of the expense of trying to do this. The hearing xas adjourned
at 8s4s P.M.
f--' ~
A hearing was held at 8s50 P.M. on the application of Alfred B. and
Joann Gschwendtner with respect to the installation of baked white enamel
aluminum combination xindoxs on the dxelling at One Harrington Road, which
is xithin the Battle Green District. This is the Jonathan Harrington
House. Mr. Packard read the legal notice and made reference to the appli-
cation. Mr. Gschwendtner submitted three sets of photographs shoring the
elevations of the house. Robert Custance then discussed the triple track
xindoxs and shored a sample of and illustration of the proposed xindoxs.
Mrs. Williams asked hox many xindows rare involved and Mrs. Gschwendtner
said thirty-txo. Mr. Custance said that two single pane xindoxs rare pro-
posed for installation over the four pans diamond xindox on Bedford Street
and stated that these xindoxs xould have a narrox frame. Mr. Davies said
that he thinks this is going to add a lot of xhite and x111 make the xin-
dow openings smaller and the outside frames larger. Mrs. Gschwendtner
said that she and Mr. Custance had tried holding one up today and that the
blinds either side of the xindoxs extend over the frames. Mr. Packard
asked the members of the Commission what alternatives there might be. Mr.
Davies said that he likes the ones on the Buckman Tavern but assumed that
they would be more expensive. Mrs. Gschwendtner said that they xould be
four times more expensive per window for the storm xindow and then screens
xould also have to be purchased. Mr. Hooper said that he feels have to be
practical in this time of high fuel costs. Mr. Packard said that he does
not know xhat else can be done. Mr. Davies said that double track combina-
tion xindoxs would be preferable •Jlut that these are no longer made. He
added that he could not think of any other solution so he would vote in
favor of the proposed combination xindoxs. Mr. Packard, Mrs. Williams.
Mrs. Samoylenko, Mr. Davies, and Mr. Hooper all agreed that they xould ap-
prove the proposed combination xindows. The hearing xas closed at 9s30 P.M.
Alan D. and Sharon M. Bedford xho had been present for the above hear-
ings stated that they had just purchased the dxelling at 11 Harrington Road
(the broxn shingled house to the left of the Unitarian-Universalist Church
as you face the Church and that they xondered what the requirements and
jurisdictions of the Historic Districts Commission ware. They stated that
the flat roof sections of the dwelling need replacement immediately and
that there are a number of other changes that they xauld like to make. A
copy of the Historic Districts Act xas given to them and the Chairman
briefly discussed the jurisdiction of the Commission.
An adjourned hearing xas held at 10x00 P.M. on the application of
Heritage Homes -Realty World xith respect to a change in the sign on the
side of the building at 703 Massachusetts Avenue, xhich is xithin the East
Village District. Mrs. Eliades submitted a sample metal sign xith gold
color letters on black. Mr. Davies said that it seemed to be a very busy
sign and that there xas too much on the sign. Mr. Davies suggested that j
"Realty World", "Real Estate", and "Insurance" on the bottom line be lined
up and that larger letters, equal in height to the logo, be used for
"Heritage Homes". Mr. Packard suggested that the logo sides be thinned
dorm and that larger letters be used for "Heritage Homes". Mr. Packard
requested that Mrs. Eliades submit three scale draxings of a nex sign. The
hearing xas adjourned at 10s20 P.M.
- - _ _
A hearing was held at 8:50 P.M. on the application oI' Alfred B. and
Joann Gschwendtner with respect to the installation of baked white enamel
aluminum combination windows on the dwelling at One Harrington Road, which
is within the Battle Green District. This is the Jonathan Harrington
House. Mx. Packard read the legal notice and made reference to the appli-
cation. Mr. Gschwendtner submitted three sets of photographs showing the
elevations of the house. Robert Custance then discussed the triple track
windows and showed a sample of and illustration of the proposed windows.
Mrs. Williams asked. how many windows were involved and Mrs. Gschwendtner
said thirty-two. Mr. Custance said that two single parse windows were pro-
posed for installation over the four pane diamond window on Bedford Street
and stated that these windows would have a narrow frame. Mr. Davies said
that he thinks this is going to add a lot of white and will make the win-
dow openings smaller and the outside frames larger. Mrs. Gschwendtner
said that she and Mr. Custance had tried holding one up today and that the
blinds either side of the windows extend over the frames. Mr. Packard
asked the members of the Commission what alternatives there might be. Mr.
Davies said that he likes the ones on the Buckman Tavern but assumed that
they would be more expensive. Mrs. Gschwendtner said that they would be
four times Wore expensive per window for the storm window and then screens
would also have to be purchased. Mr. Hooper said that he feels have to be
practical in this time of high fuel costs. Mr. Packard said that he does
not know what else can be done. Mr. Davies said that double track combina-
tion Windows would be preferable -~tu~ that these are no longer made. He
added that he could not think of any other solution so he would vote in
favor of the proposed combination windows. Mr. Packard, Mrs. Williams,
Mrs. Samoylenko, Mr. Davies, and Mr. Hooper all agreed that. they would ap-
prove the proposed combination windows. The hearing was closed at 9:30 P.M.
Alan D. and Sharon M. Bedford who had been present for the above hear-
ings stated that they .had just purchased the dwelling at 11 Harrington Road
(the brown shingled house to the left of the Unitarian-Universalist Church
as you face the Church) and that they wondered what the requirements and
jurisdictions of the Historic Districts Commission were. They stated that
the flat roof sections of the dwelling need replacement immediately and
that there are a nwnber of other changes that they would like to make. A
copy of the Historic Districts Act was given to them and the Chairman
briefly discussed the jurisdiction of the Commission.
An adjourned hearing was held at 10t00 P.M. on the application of
Heritage Homes -Realty World with respect to a change in the sign on the
side of the building at 703 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East
Pillage District. Mrs. Eludes submitted a sample metal sign with gold
color letters on black. Mr. Davies said that it seemed to be a very busy
sign and that there was too much on the sign. Mr. Davies suggested that
"Realty World", "Real Estate", and "Insurance" on the bottom line be lined
up and that larger letters, equal in height to the logo, be used for
"Heritage Homes". Mr. Packard suggested that the logo sides be thinrsed
down and that larger letters be used for "Heritage Homes". Mr. Packard
requested that Mrs. Eludes submit three scale drawings of a new sign. The
hearing was adjourned at I0:20 P.M.
+ ~ .
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously YOTPD to issue a Certificate
of Appropriateness to Alfred B, and Joann Gschxendtner with respect to the
installation of baked white enamel aluminum combination windows on the
dwelling at One Harrington Road, which is within the Battle Green District.
Participating in this decision were Commissioners John R. Packard, Georgia
H. Williams, Amalia G. Samoylenko, and Associate Commissioners John L.
Davies and Oliver F. Hooper.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ~-~J
eor~ H. Williams