HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-27 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission xas held on Wednesday, April 27, 1977, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Toxn Office Building, Lexington. Present xere Commissioners Georgia H. Williams, Secretaryt Roland B. Greeley; John R. Packard; 5. Lawrence Whipple= and Associate Commissioner Ruth B. Adams. Also present xas the former Chairman of the Commission, Wilbur M. Jaquith. Mrs. Williams appointed Mrs. Adams to ; serve for Couissioner Amelia G. Samoylenko who xas not present. Hrs. Williams called the meeting to order at 7:50 P.M. and expressed the re- grets of all that Wilbur M. Jaquith xas not going to coatinue as amember of the Commission and expressed the thanks of all for his fifteen years of service as a Commissioner and particularly for his many years as Chair- man of the Commission. Upon motion made by Mr. Greeley and seconded by Mrs. Adams, it xa.s VOTED that Mr. Packard serve as Chairman Pro Tem. Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper arrived at 8s00 P.M. and left at 8s90 P.H. Commissioner Amelia G. Samoylenko arrived at 8:25 P.M. and Associate Commissioner Sarah P. Harkness arrived at 8s55 P.M. A hearing xas held at 7x55 P.M. on the application of Robert L. and Delores A. Lyon for a Certificate xith respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the building at 55 Waltham Street, xhich is within the Battle Green Distriot. Mr. Packard read the legal notice and application made by Donald Curran. Robert Lyon, Donald Curran, and Ben~a- min Nickerson (architect for Mark Moare) were present for the hearing. Mr. Curran stated that he xished to move the rear muntined xindox xhich measures 65" x 55" from the rear of the existing building to replace the double hung xiTtdox at the side of the door facing the Telephone .Company building., This xindox xould be located betxeen the door and the nex addi- tion at the rear of the building. Mr. Packard asked if the xindow top xould be even xith the: top of the door .and ![r. L'urzan said that it xould be and submitted a snapshot shoring the winder and another shoring the proposed nex location of the xindow. Mr. Packard asked if there xere any other changes. Mr. Nickerson submitted three sets of a draxing shoring three proposed donaers on the addition facing Massachusetts Avenue and also snapshots shoring this addition and the proposed dormers. Mr. Greeley said that he felt it xould be more logical to have the dormers over the xindoxs on the first floor of the addition and Mr. Hooper said that he agreed xith Mr. Greeley. Mr. Hooper stated that he had looked at the addi- tion that day. Mr. Greeley asked if the dormers had been installed and Mr. Hooper said that the framing xas installed. Mr. Nickerson stated that they had framed the dormers in although they xere asking for a Certificate for this change at this meeting. Mr. Hooper asked if the dormer xindoxs xould be b over 6 liter of glass and xas told that they xould be. The hearing xas closed at 8s10 P.M. Mr. Lyon left brick samples for the additions being erected at the rear of the buildings at 1762 and 17b8 Massachusetts Avenue so that the members of the Commission might decide which brick they preferred. { - HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 2 April 27. 1977 A hearing xas held at Se15 P.M. on the application of the Lexington United Methodist Church xith respect to the erection and display of a sign at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Bedford Street, xhich is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Packard read the legal notice and application. Representing the Church xere Iona Gering and Mary Fraser, the Church Secretary. Mrs. Gering submitted sketches of the proposed sign. Mrs. Caring said that Pastor Broyles and others who xere familiar xith the proposed sign xere away and that she xas present only as a member of the Church. Mrs. Gering said that they xant to reproduce the Creek Orthodox Church sign which is on the corner of Mariam Street. Mr. Jaquith commented that there had been a sign directing people to the Methodist Church in the location they propose xhich was removed xhen the Harrington House xas torn doxn. Mr. Whipple asked if it xould be a metal sign and Mra. Gering said that it xould be. Mr. Whipple a,shad. if the slgn xould be painted white end Mrs. Caring said that it xould be. Mr. Whipple asked if it xould be on the same standard as the Haaacom Fie].d-Concord sign and Mrs. Gering replied that this is where they propose to install the sign. Mr. Greeley asked Mr. Jaquith if .the Church xou],d have to apply. to the Board of Appeals for a Per- mit and Mr. Jaquith said that it xould be up to Donald Irxin. Mr. Hooper asked xhat assistance it xouid be to have a sign in Lexington Center for a Church that is a mile away ,from the sign.. ~16Irs. Gating said that she has ~ found it very YCelpfnl in other communities to have a sign directing her to a particulkr church. Mr. Greeley said that he feels that they must do more homexork and asked if the Commission xas being asked to approve another sign or one that xould be located on the Hanscom Field-Concord standard. Mary Fraser said that she had called the Torn Office Building that morning and xas told that it xould be better for them to appear for the hearing and tell xhat they could rather than be a "no-shox". Mr. Jaquith suggested that the Church give the Commission an extension and that they should find out if the Toxn or State oxns the standard on which they propose to erect their sign. The hearing xas adjourned at 8s30 P.M. An adjourned hearing was held at 8:30 P.M. on the application of Roxe Chevrolet, Inc. for a Certificate xith respect to the erection of fencing on the premises at 47-49 Bedford Street,. xhich is xithin the Battle Green District. George Roxe stated that the neighbors on Hancock Avenue xant a 7' fence. He stated that ha had planned to plant shrubs as required by the Board of AppgaAs. Mr. Foxe stated that the fence xould be only on the for- e4sr Graham property. He stated that the railroad tracks are about 4' belox the properly and that, in order to install a 7' fence, he xould have to re- move the dunes along the property. Mr. Greeley said that he xould rather see the dunes remain and the fence put along the existing trees. The fence xould then be between the trees-and the railroad tracks. The hearing xas adjourned at 8145 P.M. A hearing xas held at St50 P.M. on the application of L. H. York Asso- cSates and the Lexington Travel Bureau, Inc. for Certificates xith respect to the erection and display of signs on the building at 1?75A Massachusetts 1 • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 3 April 27, 1977 Avenue and for Permits for Removal of the existing signs on the building at 1775 Massachusetts Avenue and the building at 4 Hussey Street, both of xhich premises are xlthin the Battle Green District. Mr. Packard read the legal noticos and applications. Leslie York and Charles Cols represented the applicant. Joseph Trani, oxner of the building at 1775-1775A Massa- chusetts Avenues xas also present. Mr. Cols submitted three scale drax- ings of each proposed sign and three scale draxings of the front elevation of the building shoxing proposed location of each sign and the doorway which would have 1775A above the doonray. Ths sign on the left second ~ floor front elevation as you face the building xould have the legend "L.H. York Associates Realtor" and the sign on the right second floor elevation as you face the building xould have the legend "Lexington Travel Bureau". Mr. Cole stated that the signs xould be barn red and xhite. Rach sign xould be 32" in xidth and 36" in hsigt?t plus 4" for the tap corns. The signs would project out from the building about one and one-half to txo inches and xould bs flush on the clapboards. Mrs. Harkness said that she thought that the signs xere a good sirs and attractiwe. The sign to be re- moved from the building at 1775 Massachusetts Avenue bears the legend " L. H. York Associates" and the sign to be removed from the building at 4 Muzmsy Street bears the legend "Lexington Travel Bureau". The hearings xere ad- journed at 9aO0 P.M. ' A hearing xas held at 9eDO P.K. on the application of Joseph Trani Incorpoxated for a Certificate xitli respect to the erection and display of signs on the building at 1775 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Packard read the legal notice and application. Mr. Cole and Mr. Trani submitted three scale draxings shoxing the building and the proposed sign for Mr. Trani's store xhich had been submitted at the previous hearings. It xas suggested that "1775" remain above the doorway into the liquor store and Mr. Trani agreed that that might bs preferable to the xozd '''Beers". Then followed a brief discussion sa to xhether the new doorway number sign should be "177SA" or "1775". Mr. Trani stated that he thinks his tenant xould like "1775" rather than "1775A" and that he had no objection to using "1775" over the second entranaexay leading to the second floor offices. It xas stated that the nex legend xould read "Liquor Store". The hearing xas adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Mr. Trani than submitted a draxing of a possible txoratory addition for the rear of the building at 1775 Massachusetts Avenue. It xas stated that he had received a Gertificate in 1971 (#71 C-32) for a one-story addi- tion in that location. Mrs. Adana xas appointed to serve for Commissioner Amelia G. Samoylenko and Mrs. Harkness xas appointed to serve for Commissioner S. Laxrsnce Yhipple. An adjourned hearing xas held at 9s30 P.M. on the application of the L~ington Mexs Trust for a Certificate xith respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the building at 10 Mus~ey Street, xhich is xithin the Battle Green District. Amelia G. Samoylenko. Trustee, sub- mitted three sets of seals draxings of the proposed plans for enclosing the courtyard on the Raymond Street side elevation. She stated that the trees . • • r HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 4 April 27, 19?7 on the property line are not doing xell. Mrs. Samoylenko said that they had problems xith the courtyazd area wlth snow, 'water, ice, etc. The Han- sard roof currently existing x111 be moved out to the end of the building. The addition would be 21' deep x 48' aide. The end wall would be a solid brick xall xith no windows as it has to be treated as a fire wall. Asphalt shingles to match the existing shingles and brick to match the existing brick of the building xould be used. Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Harkness both said that they had no objections to the proposed change. The hearing xas adjourned at 9:40 P.M. A hearing xas held at 955 P•M• on the application of Monument Realty Trust fora Certificate xith respect. to changes in the color of the asphalt shingles on the building at 18 Mussey Street. which is xithin the Battle Green District.. Mr. Packard read the application requesting a Certificate for replacement of the existing green shingles with grey shingles. All agreed that the grey shingles xould be preferable. The hearing was closed at 1Ot00 P.H. Mr. Packard submitted a bill for February 1977 for $103.13 and one fcr March 19?7 for $105.00 from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for clerical services. It was moved, seconded, and VOTED that these bills be approved for payment. Mr. Jaquith stated that a monthly statement is put out by the Comptroller and that the Commission had a balance of $1,050 at the end of March. Then followed a brief discussion of the hearings held this evening. The application of Robert Lyon for moving of the large muntined xindow from the rear to the side of the existing building and the installation of three dormer windoxs on the second floor of the addition xere approved. The ap- plications of L. H. York Associates and the Lexington Travel Bureau, Inc. for the erection and display of signs and for removal of existing signs. were approved. The applica.tioa of the Lexington Mews Trust for enclosure of the courtyard xas approved. The application of Monument Realty Trust fora change in color of roof shingles was approved. Mr. Whipple then read drafts of txo Certificates which he had prepared with respect to Cambridgeport Savings Bank; one xas for the erection and display of txo signs on the building at i?51 Massachusetts Avenue and the other was to amend Certificate of Appropriateness No. ?7 c-?, dated February 26, 19??, to change the location of the outside air-cooled condensing unit on the building at 1751 Massachusetts Avenue. Upon motion made by Mrs. Williams and seconded by Mr. Whipple, it xas VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Cambridgeport Savings Bank xith respect to amending Certificate of Appropriateness No. 7? C-?, dated February 26, 19??, to change the location of the outside air-cooled condensing unit on the build- 1ng at 1751 Massachusetts Avenue. which is xithin the Battle Green District. Upon motion made by Mr. Whipple and seconded by Mrs. Samoylenko, it xas un- animously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Cambridgeport Savings Bank with respect to the erection and display of two signs for the building at i?51 Massachusetts Avenue, xhich to within the Battle Green District. Participating in the above txo decisions xere Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman Pro Tem; Georgia H. Williams, Secretary; Amalie G. 3amoylenko; S. Laxrence Whipple; and Associate Commissioner Ruth B. Adams. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 5 April 27. i977 Mr. Jaquith briefly discussed the Pleasant Street traffic signal situ- ation and cited correspondence held xith the Deparfiaeent of Public Works of the Commonxealth of Massachusetts. He stated that hs has read the Historic Districts Act and feels that it is broad enough to cover traffic lights. Mr. Jaquith xithdrex at 10e20 P.M. Mr. Whipple cored that John R. Packard be elected Chairman of the His- toric Districta Commission. Mrs. Samoylenko seconded tho motion. Mr. Packard stated that he xas not seeking the office. Mr. Packsrd asked Mrs. Williams 1f she xould continue as Secretary and .she agreed to do so. Mr. Packard coved that Mr. Whipple be elected Chairman and Mr. Whipple said that he xseald not, accept the nomination xhich Mr. Packard then xithdrex. Mr. Greeley moved that nominations be closed and that the Secretary be instructed to cast one ballot for John R. Packard as Chairman of the His- toric Districts Commission. Motion xas seconded by Mrs. Samoylenko and so VOTED xith Mr. Packard abstaining. The meeting xas adjourned. at IIe00 P.M. ,G..~~~ Geor H. Williams Secretary