HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-06 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, April 6, 1977, in Room G15, Town Office Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners Georgia H. Williams, Secretary; Amalia G. Samoylenko; S. Lawrence Whipple; Acting Commissioner John R. Packard; and Associate Com- missioner Oliver F. Hooper. Mrs. Williams appointed M~tiHooper to serve for Commissioner Wilbur M. Jaquith who was unable to be present. Upon motion made by Mrs. Williams and seconded by Mrs. Samoylenko, it was VOTED that Mr. Whipple serve as Chairman Pro Tem. A hearing was held at 8:10 I'.M, on the application of Kenneth I. Goodman for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the building at 1620 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Whipple read the legal notice and application. Mr. Goodman submitted three copies of a scale drawing of the proposed sign and a photograph showing proposed location. He stated that the letters would be three inch gold leaf letters and the backboard would have a bevel edge and be a matte black finish. Mr. Whipple asked Mr. Goodman if he had considered upper and lower case letters. Mr. Goodman said that he had. Mr. Goodman stated that he xanted to stay within the requirements of the Certificate of Appropriateness issued to G. Ruth McCormack and Maryelene R. Dailey (No. 75 C-32) and, in order to get the legend on a 68" signboard, three inch letters were necessary as four inch letters are too wide. Mrs. Williams suggested substituting the word "Lawyer" for the word "Attorney" as that would open up space between letters and particularly between each word, The hearing was adjourned at 8x30 P.M. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Kenneth I. Goodman with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the building at 1620 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple, Georgia H. Williams, Amalia G. Samoylenko, Acting Commissioner John R. Packard, and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper. A hearing was held at 8s3S P.M. on the application of the Planning Council for Urban Affairs for a Certificate with respect to amending Cer- tificate of Appxbpriatness No. 74 C-43 dated October 30, 1974 with respect to changes in the yard lights on the premises at 56-60 Worthen Road, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Whipple read the legal notice and application. Miss Dorte Kaufmann of The Architects Collaborative submitted a Plot Plan showing. location of the yard lights and an illustration of the proposed opal lexan globe. Mr. Whipple asked how far these opal lights cast the light and Aiiss Kaufmann said that she did not know, Mr. Whipple asked if they had checked with their electrical man about getting clear lexan globes and Miss Kaufmann said that they had. He prefers to stick to the manufacturer approved by the architects who does not carry a clear lexan globe large enough for a 150 watt light bulb. Mrs. Williams stated that she does not like the opal globes and that these standards are stark appearing. Mr. Whipple commented that one opal globe at VyneBrook Village HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 2 April 6, 1977 is discolored. Mr. Whipple asked how near to installation of the globes they are and Miss Kaufmann said that she was not sure but that they wanted to get them ordered. Mrs. Samoylenko stated that the opal globes are very stark and that there are colonial houses in the area. She said that clear globes diffuse the light. Mr. Whipple then polled the members with the following decision: Mr. Whipple - yes; Mrs. Williams - no; Mrs. Samoylenko - no; Mr. Packard - yes; and Mr. Hooper - yes. The vote was three in favor of the opal globes and two against. The hearing was closed at 9:00 P.M. It uas moved, seconded, and VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appro- priateness to the Planning Council for Urban Affairs with respect to amending Certificate of Appropriateness No. 74 C-43 dated October 30, 1974 with respect to changes in the yard lights on the premises at $6-60 Worthen Road, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Commissioner S. Lawrence Whipple, Acting Commis- sinner John R. raekard, and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper voting in favor of issuance of a Certificate and Commissioners Georgia H. Williams and Amalia G. Samoylenko voting against issuance of a Certificate. A hearing was held at 9:00 F.M. on the application of 30 Hancock i Street Trust, Mary M. Jones, Trustee, for a Certificate with respect to cheges in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling at 30 Hancock Street, which is within the Hancock-Clarke District. Mr. Whipple read the legal notice and application. Mr. Jones submitted three sets of scale drawings of the dwelling showing the proposed changes. On the Hancock Avenue elevation they propose to install a new Andersen bay window consist- ing of double hung, movable wooden sash, with fixed wooden muntins and 8 over 8 panes of glass in the larger window and 4 over 4 panes of glass in the two side bays in place of the first floor window at the very rear of the dwelling. On the south elevation in place of the 6 over 6 doubj,g hung window to the left of the rear door will be installed a new Andersen bay window, identical in all details with the new bay window described above. On the soarth elevation the existing steps and platform will be extended westward a ma~zimum of eight feet and the new porch extension will match as nearly as possible the existing porch. On the south elevation of the dwelling will be installed a new Andersen casement window, with movable sash, projecting approximately 20 inches from the exterior wall in place of the first floor double hung window immediately adjacent to the main portion of the dwelling. The roofs of the new bay windows will be covered xith a Bird asphalt shingle, of a brown color, to match the existing asphalt shingles of the dwelling. The hearing was closed at 9:40 P.M. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to changes in the exterior arc2itectural features of the dwelling at 30 Hancock Street, which is within the Hancock- Clarke District, to 30 Hancock Street Trust, Mary M. Jones, Trustee. Par- ticipating in this decision were Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple, Georgia H, Williams, Amalia G. Samoylenko, Acting Commissioner John R. Packard, and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 3 April 6, 1977 Then followed a brief discussion of the "mustard" color proposed for the doors and panels and the cream color proposed for the units under construction by the Pi~.nning Office for Urban Affairs at 56-60 Worthen Road, which is within the Battle Green District. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to approve the two colors submitted. Participating in this decision were Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple, Georgia H. Williams, Amalia G. Samoylenko, Acting Commissioner John R. Packard, and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper. Mr. Whipple read a letter he had received from the architect for the Cambridgeport Savings Bank which stated that the air-cooling condensor units for the air conditioning will not fit under the platform. The archi- tect stated that they would have to go on the roof and that they will not shox. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. 6 ~ f ! ~(~LGCi+~'t J' Georg~a H. Williams Secretary